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Introduction: Page 3
About the Campaign: Pg. 3
Story Outline: Pg. {}
❖ Backstory: Pg. 4
The Beginning of the End: Pg. 4
Scorched Earth: Pg. 4
Unforeseen Consequences: Pg. 4
Fire and Brimstone: Pg. 4
❖ Mechanics: Pg.
Pt 1. Humble Beginnings: Pg.7
New York: Pg.
Empire State Building: Pg.

Additions: Page {}
Weapons: Page {}
Enemies: Page {}

Introduction adapted to intensely hot climates. Humans
have also survived due to their tenacity. The
campaign, geographically, takes place in the
The roars of an engine cry out across
scorches of what was once called the United
an arid landscape as an armored humvee States of America, starting in a tiny town in
screeches to a stop. The party gazes out into New York City.
the scorches of what was once called the This book is primarily meant for the
United States. The metallic surface of their Dungeon Master, but it contains a lot of
beloved vehicle shimmers in the boiling air, backstory and information that would be
which only adds to the sweltering important to know for the average player.
discomfort. In the sky above there is no hint This assumes that you already have enough
of cloud cover that could relieve them from knowledge of DnD 5e to be able to run it
the blaring sun. Silence permeates the air, with only the bare essentials, so it’s
only occasionally interrupted by hints of life recommended you have already
that were able to adapt to such a climate. read/understood the Dungeon Master’s
The party silently surveys the vast Guide and the Player’s Handbook.
ruins that populate the valley. To some the All stat blocks, NPCs, weapons,
times of peace were nothing more than a towns, maps, etc. will be included in this
distant recollection, to others little more book, as it is a harsh departure from DnD’s
than a folktale. Once these were bustling usual venture into the fantasy realm. This
streets filled with traffic and lined with does not mean you should skip out on the
businesses. Where once laid homes now lay previously mentioned books, as those
debris, mere echoes of a civilization long contain many of the mechanics that will be
fallen to black, ash-filled turmoil. used.
Yet hope prevails among the remains
of society, as embers of civilization burn on.
At the far end of this destruction sits a small Story Outline
town, defended by a thin wall of broken This campaign primarily follows a
down cars and other relics of the old world. trip across the United States, beginning in
A temporary water supply can be seen on New York and ending in San Francisco. The
one end of the wall, contained in large semi party sets out in fear of oversea threats, as
trucks. Relief washes over the band of they receive a radio transmission from many
adventurers, as many of them believed that places in Europe about some force on their
they would never find respite from the harsh side of the world that is creating chaos. In
glare of the sun. Even out here, they think to fear of being annihilated the players are
themselves, there are those with the tenacity encouraged to move to the west coast to
to kindle hope in these desolate plains. hopefully escape from this force for a while
About the Campaign
Scorched Sands is a fanmade DnD 5e
campaign set in a post-apocalyptic earth
that has been ravaged by intense climate
change. The world has become a scorching
desert, and the only lifeforms that can exist
anymore are creatures that have already

Backstory eventually get their hands on Soviet robots
by buying them from the nation of
The Cold War is a series of events Yugoslavia. Tensions continued to rise
that lives in infamy within any history book. between two superpowers, and when
So, living up to its importance, the events of Project: Scorched Earth was finally finished
Scorched Sands are indirectly influenced by in 2017, it was deployed against the Soviet
the Cold War and the hostilities that took Union. However, it took time in order for
place then. After the timeline splits a series the effects to be seen. The population did
of events unfold that leads to the utter indeed notice, and with no way to keep their
destruction of human civilization, as well as concerns remedied, the Soviet Union
the setting that the party will be able to officially collapsed in 2024.
traverse across the campaign.
Unforeseen Consequences
The Beginning of the End Despite the relative payoff the US
This campaign follows normal gained with the collapse of the Soviet Union,
human history up until 1990, where the drawbacks previously undiscovered began
USA began an ambitious technological making themselves known after the firing of
undertaking with the top secret Project: Project: Scorched Earth. The heat dissipated
Scorched Earth. A project with the goal of throughout the globe, affecting the United
putting climate-altering satellites above the States as well as many other countries. This
atmosphere of Soviet Soil. Because of this eventually led into civil riots over the
event, the technology of the US and Soviet perceived end of the world. The Presidential
Union continued to rapidly escalate, administration at that time decided to take
allowing for more technologically advanced action, building many bunkers to withstand
weaponry that you will witness within the the inhospitable heat in 2029.
confines of Scorched Sands (This included Unfortunately, their efforts weren’t enough
the invention of the first railgun in 2000, to save a significant fraction of the
and the first plasma weapon in 2011). In population and, much like the Soviet Union,
addition to the technological advancements the United States of America collapsed in
differing in Scorched Sands, the Soviet the year 2038.
Union didn’t collapse until much later.
Fire and Brimstone
Scorched Earth With many countries collapsing,
In 2002, the Soviet Union produced factions arose around the globe. Among
the technology needed for advanced them includes the RUSS (Revived Union of
machinery to ease the burden of the Soviet States) in 2042, which stumbled
workers. It was called Project: Zakharov, upon the dormant Soviet technology meant
but, as they were producing these robots, to hack robots across the globe in 2045.
the Soviets knew they could use these for With this technology they began their
striking within the US by making every rampage across the Eastern Hemisphere,
robot into an effective sleeper agent, ready taking over much of the previous Soviet
to turn on their masters on the turn of a Union, and sweeping the barren wasteland
dime, and, so, they began implementing with incomprehensible speed. They easily
them into their robots in 2020. The USA did squashed what little bits of resistance

remained. Once they finished their assault
on the Eastern Hemisphere with the defeat
of what was left of Iceland, they then turned
their eyes west and hastily took over Alaska
in 2047. In the process they founded the
ASSR (American Soviet Socialist Republic),
however, they were met with much more
resistance than previously expected and are
licking their wounds before continuing their
assault. Which brings us into the time of
which Scorched Sands takes place, 2058.
The RUSS’s unstoppable armies are on the
horizon, as well as the drying of Atlantic and
Pacific Oceans, allowing for more mobility
and access to once immensely sought-after

Humble Beginnings

New York population is sparse, but lively. However, a
The starting point for Scorched nearby Bandit Emplacement in the Empire
Sands is the once metropolitan city of New State Building has kept the city wary and
York, a shining example of how the world weak
has been altered. Long Island, once Pastor Brown: A kind gentleman, young for
surrounded by ocean, is a practical desert, his occupation, but devout nonetheless. He
as the heat proved too unbearable for the expresses contempt with the current King,
population that once lived there. The and his drinking problem, commonly cites
players will could be here for a variety of bible verses in his conversation and
reasons; they are a bounty hunter looking promotes pacifism and cooperation with the
for a job, a straggler, hoping to tough out bandits
the apocalypse, or much more, whatever the King Samuel I: He is a bloated drunk old
reason, however, they are subject to the man who’s not really in charge of New York.
‘laws’ put in place by a cobbled together That crown the captain of the Royal Guard,
militia. While staying in New York, the Captain Duffin. King Samuel I can regularly
players receive an order from the militia, to be seen drunkenly stumbling around the
meet with the ‘King’ of New York, and they Saloon
are escorted to the Statue of Liberty, warped Bartender Al K. Hall: He introduces himself
through ages of unnatural heat. The King of by his full name. He seems overworked from
New York, called Samuel I, is quite the recent visits of the King. His opinion of
immature for his age, used to getting what how New York should be run is just as it is.
he wants. He demands the players go on an Trucker Bart: He runs the garage in New
expedition across the remains of the United York, and the players must talk to him to
States, specifically to San Francisco to receive the vehicle they will use to traverse
investigate a signal that has been overriding the United States.
their robots that has made New York Captain Duffin: Captain Duffin is a stoic and
bearable. They are given time and resources jaded soldier, yet he still has a strong grasp
to prepare for their trip, including a vehicle on the populace. He is calm and
and a guide, a robot called ‘Bolts.’ Bolts level-headed, and is quick to shoot down
recommends three paths to get to San any ideas he deems stupid, he has a
Francisco (see Appendix A) superiority complex.
Colonel Cook: He’s a flamboyant colonel,
and he’s ambitious, one might even say
The New Yorkers reckless, he’s somewhat angry that Captain
New York is a skeleton of it’s Duffin shot down his plan of an assault on
previous self, however, people still live here, the Empire State Building.
and have created a semi-stable society. The Granny Ann: Sweet old lady running the
streets are barren, but in the underground local inn. She offers free services and tries to
subways and hidden away in warped sky be as cordial and pamper her guests.
scrapers are the remains of the city. The
entire Upper Bay is completely dried, any
trace of natural rivers and the Atlantic are
gone, this makes it possible to walk from the
Empire State Building to the Statue of
Liberty to Brooklyn and to New Jersey. The

Empire State Building chosen driver turns the key. The players
The Empire State Building, being as drive off to the Empire State Building.
large and famous as it is, has given rise to a Rolling up to the building the players
very large bandit camp. This poses a serious find a towering monument of a once great
threat to New York. Not long after the people, though not nearly as tall nowadays.
campaign begins, after the party has become The fires have ravaged this building leaving
slightly acquainted with the denizens of only its wreckage, but inside up to 7 bandits
New York, the king requests an audience reside, including a much stronger one that
with anyone who may desire to fight off this leads them.
potential force. The players travel to the Every enemy, except for the boss,
Statue of Liberty to speak with him, and uses the Bandit statblock. Instead of the
appear in front of the king along with a crossbow they’ll be using regular firearms,
couple other nameless NPCs. The king asks but it’s the same mechanics. They also don’t
all that have appeared to travel to the bandit have scimitars, you can use whatever melee
camp located in the empire state building to weapon you think would fit. The only enemy
defeat the bandit leader, hoping that this that always appears no matter the party size
will scare off the potential threat to New is the bandit leader, who has a unique
York. statblock and will be the first enemy that
“This vermin has been a great players come across that uses plasma
burden on the people! Our food supply is weaponry.
running low, our numbers are thinning, this The players enter the lobby of the
problem must be addressed if New York is Empire state building, its golden interior
to survive. Now, friends, who will take up still somehow majestic even after its
this mantle of responsibility and purge the occupants are long gone. As the players
Empire State Building?” progress through the building the bandits
After the king’s speech is finished, seem to be caught off-guard, but they
every single NPC volunteer either remains progressively begin to expect the players.
silent, politely walks away or states their During the battles some bandits seem to run
concern and declines the offer, leaving to off further into the structure.
only volunteers being the player party When entering the boss room the
(hopefully, if a player defects then they players are greeted by a disgruntled woman
probably won’t partake in the adventure, so wielding a very strange weapon. The strange
don’t do it). purple pulsing of the gun’s interior
“Bah! That’s all? I expected more highlights her wrinkled face as she stares
from my loyal subjects. No matter, I shall down the party members, her expression
see to it that you few who have volunteered filled with anger.
will be rewarded handsomely, you shall find “Are you the morons who killed my
the escort vehicle in our garage.” crew?!” She shouts. “I’m gonna make sure
The escort vehicle is located in the you people pay for their deaths!”
communal garage, just next to the She raises her plasma weapon and
water-hauling semi-trucks. A weaponless, prepares to begin battling the players. If the
scrappy, and tiny run-down jeep that isn’t in players had instead chosen to enter through
nearly as good condition as the semi-trucks. one of the side routes, they would have
The engine sputters to life as the player’s caught her off-guard and they would gain a
surprise advantage.

After the players defeat the bandit
leader, they find that there’s a key around
her neck. This key actually connects to the
door at the back of the chamber, which
allows easy access to some scaffolding on
the backside of the building. The players are
able to use the key and exit the building, and
can return to New York for their reward
from the king.
The king of New York greets them on
their arrival. “Ah, esteemed subjects, I see
your escapade was successful! As promised,
your reward” He gestures to an open safe
next to them “Now, enjoy our safe kingdom,
mingle with the other subjects and such.”
Inside the safe is 🝮15,000, and the
king ushers the players out of his throne
room and into the rest of his kingdom. From
here the players have many options for
where to go.
As the players explore they find
hodge-podges of sheds constructed from
debris of the surrounding dead behemoth of
a city,

8. Maintenance Room
1. Impressive entrance 9. Lobby
2. Receptionist desk (cannot cross from 10. Bathroom
front) 11. Bathroom
3. Hallway 12. Electrician’s Office
4. Business room 13. Office Room
5. A room with a hole in the side of the 14. Closet (Bandit will attack with
wall to enter surprise round
6. Hallway 15. Closet
7. Storage Closet 16. Conference Room
17. Stairwell

1. Stairwell 6. Conference Room
2. Lobby 7. Cubicle
3. Bathroom 8. Conference room
4. Bathroom 9. Hallway
5. Hallway 10. Breakroom
11. Kitchen
12. Freezer 13. Office (boss room

Appendix A:
Route Maps

Appendix B: as they act essentially the same. Examples
for potential enhancements will be provided
below, but they are not required to be
In a system geared towards a high
Aside from modern weapons this
fantasy setting, it is hard to play without this
world is now equipped with plasma
aspect, as many of the parts that makes
weapons. These weapons do not use base
D&D unique is the easy to understand
futuristic weapons in 5e, but are completely
Magic system. However, in Scorched Sands,
different. Plasma weapons have a unique
magic is still a fantasy. What now takes its
style that is specifically made for this
place is cybernetic enhancements that give
setting. They have a much more geometric
hosts abilities similar to magic. For
and militaristic look, rather than a pristine
example, a wizard who has the Necromancy
shine like many sci-fi weapons. In addition
spells might rely on certain life-supporting
to this, They do not have magazines of any
technological systems to keep them alive in
kind, instead relying on a wind-up
tough situations. A Sorcerer who has
functionality, as these weapons have a
Charming spells might use tranquilizer
chamber where plasma is heated up. The
darts that contain mind and mood-altering
player can choose to either charge up this
drugs that can give them a social edge. The
shot over time, which results in a more
ways in which cybernetics are used as a
damaging hit, or to release quickly.
stand-in for magic in Scorched Sands is
Releasing quickly deals less damage but it is
ultimately up to the Dungeon Master, but it
much quicker to fire. It is possible for
allows Players to have greater creative
plasma weapons to have multiple chambers
freedom of how they use their abilities, and
in the form of revolvers and double-barreled
encourages unique thinking.
shotguns. It should be kept in mind that
multiple chambers need more space, so they
Weaponry: are smaller chambers that deal less damage.
The weapons in Scorched Sands These weapons cannot be enhanced at all, so
function slightly differently than in base as to keep them distinct from kinetic
DnD 5e. Simple kinetic weaponry functions weapons. The plasma weapons derive their
very basically, however all simple guns can uniqueness from their special mechanics,
now have slight enhancements based on the which will be listed below, along with stats.
player’s creativity and the DM’s limitations.
Most of these enhancements are changes to
the ammunition or how it fires, however
there are technically no limits to what kinds
of changes can be made to a gun. It is
advised that only one change be made to a
gun at a time, however there may be ways to
incorporate multiple enhancements within a
gun at a time. At most the number of
enhancements should be around 2, with 1
being the most recommended. Other than
the enhancements, please refer to base DnD
5e books for how modern weapons function,

Enhancement Examples:
“Elemental” Effects: This weapon fires multiple
Elemental is in quotes as this is not projectiles at once that connect to each
elemental in the traditional sense. This other. The bullets could connect in multiple
simply means that the bullets take on ways: Electricity, nylon rope, plasma, really
additional properties outside of their base anything could work. This would essentially
function. A good example of this is the turn the weapon into a cone weapon, so it
Borderlands series of games, in which some could hit multiple enemies at once if they
guns can fire incendiary, corrosive, are close to each other, and it could hit any
cryogenic, or explosive rounds. This is not to number of enemies.
say that the effect is bound to this game, but
that the bullets have added effects that make Literally explosive:
them more interesting. When firing this gun it creates an
explosion on top of the character who fired.
Tracking Rounds: It’s harmless to the user, but incredibly
Bullets that are able to adjust their dangerous to anyone nearby. Why is it not
trajectory In order to Almost guarantee a hit dangerous to the user? Because someone
against the enemy. This can be done as a still needs to be alive in order to fire it.
simple increase in accuracy, or a much Unscientific for sure, but very fun.
larger change where the bullet is nearly
guaranteed to hit, albeit at a reduction of Magnetic bullets:
other important things like damage or These bullets are very similar to the
fire-rate. tracking rounds, however they can only
track magnetic material. This is useful
Ricochet Bullets: because it can give a guaranteed hit on
Bullets or firing mechanisms that robotic enemies, while having almost none
specialize in ricocheting against objects, to zero of the drawbacks listed with the
walls, and enemies in unique ways. This tracking rounds.
could perhaps let a player select two
enemies to target with one bullet, or provide Illuminated Enemy Targeter:
unique ways to fire at enemies from behind An enhancement that, for once, does
cover. This way you don’t actually have to not affect the bullet. This one makes it so
see an enemy in order to target it, as long as you can see enemies in darkness and
you have a surface that can be ricocheted off through walls. Nothing will ever surprise
of. you with this attachment!

Speed Enhancer: Turret Mode:

Landing a hit on an enemy has a Throwing your gun allows the gun to
chance to give the user a temporary speed attach to whatever surface it lands on and
buff, increasing their speed by 15 ft for a become an autonomous turret. You cannot
short period of time. This would be very control it directly though, so you will need
useful for speedy classes that want to travel to use a different weapon until you can
fast and hit a lot of enemies. retrieve it. It occupies a 5 ft cube.

Secondary Fire Mode: Harmless propulsion:
The weapon in question has access Given your weapon fires rockets, you
to an entire separate weapon. This can use the rockets against yourself to send
secondary weapon cannot be the same type you a short distance. These rockets are
of weapon as the primary one. This will give designed to launch people instead of killing
the weapon more versatility as it has more them.
application to extra scenarios. This
secondary weapon is weaker than the Stabilizing Thrusters:
primary, but has different applications. The gun has built-in thrusters that
compensate for the player’s shaky hands.
Compact Rounds: This allows them to hit enemies much more
Allows tinier bullets that, while precisely. Natural 19+ attacks are now crits.
lacking in power, allow you to carry many
more of them before needing to reload. Rocket Linkers:
Double the magazine size with a reduction Landing a hit on the enemy attaches
in damage. a rocket to them, which pushes them in
random directions as they flail about. Also
Weapon Stabilizer: decreases their accuracy.
Your weapon has added stabilizers
on it that allows it to become much more Attached melee weapon:
stable at the cost of your movement speed. Your melee weapon is able to return
This makes you significantly more accurate, to you, be through rockets, wires, or
but you’re slow when the stabilizers are whatever feels appropriate. You can now use
active. it as a short-ranged option, instead of using
it up-close.
Tri-Fire Mechanism:
As it turns out, attaching more Prosthetically-attached pistol:
barrels to a gun really does make it better. Given it’s a smaller firearm, your
With this, your gun allows 2 new directions gun now attaches directly to your body,
of firing, practically making a makeshift allowing you to use it at the same time as
cone attack. Any enemy that’s unlucky other actions. This essentially allows you to
enough to be caught downrange one of the fire your gun as an extra action each turn,
other barrels will find themselves riddled but only firing your gun
with holes.
Extra Gunpowder:
Stunner: You now have the option to pack
It’s difficult to pull off, but this extra gunpowder into your rounds. Deciding
modification allows your gun to temporarily to shoot a round with extra gunpowder
stun a nearby enemy, preventing them from sends the bullet flying much further and
taking any actions for a short period of time. faster than ordinary bullets. It deals extra
Opponents must fail a constitution save damage, but has severe amounts of
equal to your spellcasting ability-3 to stun. kickback. There is a limited supply of these
bullets, but you can make more or have a
gunsmith make more.

Stats For Plasma Weapons:

The damage Of these weapons vary depending on how much you’ve charged them. It
does more damage by increasing the number of dice you roll. You can charge it for up to 3 turns.
Charging will follow this series of increases:

1. Charging to take up an entire turn doubles the number of dice you roll
2. Taking 2 turns to charge triples the number of dice you roll
3. Taking 3 turns to charge quadruples the number of dice you roll

Once you are done charging you can fire on the same turn in which you finish charging.
It should be mentioned that charging a plasma gun comes with its consequences. The longer you
charge, the better payoff, but they come with these disadvantages:

1. The first charge uses up 1.5 times the normal amount of ammunition it takes for a
regular shot. The player cannot fire a charged shot for 1 entire turn.
2. The second charge uses up 2 times the normal amount of ammunition. The player cannot
charge a shot for 2 turns.
3. The final charge uses 3 times the normal amount of ammunition. The player cannot
charge a shot for 2 turns.

No matter how long the cooldown is, you can still fire regular shots with the plasma pistol with
no penalty. The penalty only applies to ammunition and the charge shot itself. Loading and
reloading works identically to base DnD guns. You take either an action or bonus action
depending on the character in order to reload and continue firing.

Weapons Cost Damage Weight Properties

Plasma Revolver - 1d4 lightning 4 lb. Ammunition (range 40/120), reload (6


Plasma Revolver Rifle - 2d4 lightning 6 lb. Ammunition (range 80/240), reload (6

Plasma Shotgun - 2d6 lightning 9 lb. Ammunition (range 30/90), loading

Plasma - 1d8 lightning 8 lb. Ammunition (range/30/90), reload (2

Double-barreled shots)

Plasma Sawed-off - 2d6 lightning 5 lb. Ammunition (range 10/40), reload (2

Shotgun shots)

Plasma Rifle - 1d10 lightning 6 lb. Ammunition (range 80/240), loading

Plasma Pistol - 1d6 lightning 4 lb. Ammunition (Range 40/120), loading

Appendix C:
Scorched Sands introduces multiple new enemies and enemy types to DnD 5e. Of course,
you will often be using default enemy statblocks, but there are new ones to mention. There are a
few types of new humans, a brand new type of enemy that is robotic, some creature statblocks
for things like coyotes, and all boss statblocks will be held here.

Plasma Bandit
Medium Humanoid, any non-lawful alignment

Armor Class: 12 (studded leather)

Hit Points: 11 (2d8+2)
Speed: 30 ft.


11 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Senses: Passive perception 10

Languages: Any one language (most likely english, but can speak other languages like spanish)
Challenge: ⅛ (25 xp)

Random Melee Weapon: Melee weapon attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d6 +1)
slashing damage.
Charge Weapon: Charge the bandit’s plasma revolver for one turn. See how plasma weapons
work in Appendix B
Fire Plasma Revolver: Ranged weapon attack: +3 to hit, reach 40/120., one target. Hit: (1d4) +
(charge time)d4+ 1 lightning damage, reload (6 shots)

Empire State Bandit Leader

Medium Humanoid, neutral evil

Armor Class: 13 (studded leather)

Hit Points: 15 (3d10)
Speed: 30 ft.


11 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)

Senses: Passive perception 10
Languages: English
Challenge: ½ (100xp)

Machete: Melee weapon attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d10 + 1) slashing
Charge Weapon: Charge the bandit’s plasma revolver rifle for one turn. See how plasma
weapons work in Appendix B
Fire Plasma Revolver Rifle: Ranged weapon attack: +3 to hit, reach 80/240., one target. Hit:
(2d4) + (charge time * 2)d4+ 1 lightning damage, reload (6 shots)
Grenade: uses the fragmentation grenade in the DM’s Guide

Appendix D:


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