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How the U.S.

Census changed Using lasers and ultrasound to The stunning diversity of



American Scientist

November–December 2023

Charge of
Volume 111 Number 6

Shape Positively
charged zones
can help predict
November–December 2023

reactions and

2023-11Cover.indd 3 9/25/2023 11:17:29 AM

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Departments Feature Articles
Volume 111 • Number 6 • November–December 2023

322 From the Editors

323 Letters
328 Spotlight
Engineering for heat waves •
Dandelions: diuretics and rubber
• Poverty and neuroscience •

338 Sightings
Uncovering ancient corrections

340 Perspective
(Don’t) shut your π-hole
Dean J. Tantillo
352 “Seeing” into Opaque Materials 368 Beautiful Armor
346 Technologue
with Light and Sound The rich variety of mollusk shells
How Herman Hollerith counted
Lasers can generate and detect reflects the diversity of the phylum,
America and the world
ultrasonic waves that can image the which has fascinated humans for
Ainissa Ramirez interiors of solid objects. millennia.
David M. Pepper and Andreia Salvador
Scientists’ Todd W. Murray
376 Books
A quantum history of space-time •
To fix the brain, look to other nerves
• The power of data literacy

From Sigma Xi
381 Sigma Xi Today
From the president: Of mice and
mental health • 2023 Gold Key
Award winner Shirley M. Tilghman
• IFoRE session spotlight • Faces of
GIAR: Abhinav Sur • 2023 Sigma
Xi Fellows 360 Memories Within Myth
The stories of oral societies, passed
from generation to generation, are also
scientific records.
Patrick Nunn

The Cover
Collagen is the body’s most abundant protein, strengthening bone, teeth, tendons, skin, and the support sheets of the internal organs. Its
ropelike structure comes from winding three stands of amino acids into a triple helix. The amino acids are linked together with amide bonds
that include carbonyl groups (carbon–oxygen double bonds), and the strands wind into helices because of charge interactions between dif-
ferent amides along the chain. The positively charged regions around the carbon atoms in carbonyls are called π-holes, and they’ve sparked
spirited discussions among chemists about their origins. In “(Don’t) Shut Your π-hole” (pages 340–344), Dean J. Tantillo argues that the
debates are productive if they help chemists design experiments to build better drugs, materials, and more. (Illustration by David Goodsell.)

2023-11TOC.indd 321 9/25/2023 11:03:40 AM

From the Editors AMERICAN

Talk It Out Scientist
portant practical outcomes, such as the EDITORIAL
development of a new cancer drug. Editor-in-Chief Fenella Saunders
Research into communication itself Special Issue Editor Corey S. Powell
was behind the imaging development Managing Editor Stacey Lutkoski
Digital Features Editor Katie L. Burke
that David M. Pepper and Todd W.
Acting Book Review Editor Jaime Herndon
Murray discuss in their article “’See- Senior Contributing Editors Efraín E. Rivera-
ing’ into Opaque Materials with Light Serrano, Sarah Webb
and Sound” (pages 352–359). Pepper Contributing Editors Sandra J. Ackerman, Emily
and Murray discuss an early invention Buehler, Christa Evans, Jeremy Hawkins, Flora Taylor
Editorial Associate Mia Evans
of Alexander Graham Bell, the photo-
phone, which used sunlight to transmit ART
voices. Bell observed what later came Art Director Barbara J. Aulicino
to be known as the photoacoustic effect, DIGITAL
the formation of sound waves by the Digital Managing Editor Nwabata Nnani
rapid thermal expansion and contrac-
tion of the air over a periodically heated ADMINISTRATION
surface. This effect underlies a current

American Scientist
ach discipline of science has its technique, laser-based ultrasound, which P.O. Box 13975
own debates in which evidence uses lasers to generate ultrasonic waves Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
for one side or the other may within opaque materials, the echoes of 919-549-4691 •
not be particularly clear, be- which are detectable at the material’s CIRCULATION AND MARKETING
cause evidence can often be interpreted surface and can be used to create im- NPS Media Group • Jamie Fallon, account director
from different perspectives to support ages of what’s inside. ADVERTISING SALES
diverging conclusions. Sometimes there In “How Herman Hollerith Counted • 800-243-6534
is more than one answer and both sides America and the World” (pages 346–351), SUBSCRIPTION CUSTOMER SERVICE
are right. And sometimes neither side is Ainissa Ramirez recounts how a chance American Scientist
correct; the answer may lie at a point in conversation played an important role P.O. Box 193
Congers, NY 10920
between—or somewhere else entirely. in events that contributed to modern 800-282-0444 •
The best approach that scientists can computing. At a cocktail party, Hollerith,
take is to give space to all theories that an inventor with an interest in tabulating PUBLISHER
have sufficient evidence to merit serious machines, connected with a prominent
consideration, and to expect that future member of the U.S. Census Office, and President Marija Strojnik
work will continue to build the cases for they ended up discussing the technol- Treasurer David Baker
and against those theories. At times, the ogy needed for counting the population. President-Elect Kathy Lu
debate itself can lead to advances. Eventually, after years of experimenta- Immediate Past President Nicholas A. Peppas
Executive Director & Publisher Jamie L. Vernon
In this issue’s Perspective column, tion and a number of setbacks, Hollerith
“(Don’t) Shut Your π-Hole” (pages 340– realized his dream of creating a tabulat- EDITORIAL ADVISORY PANEL
344), Dean J. Tantillo informs us about ing machine that would modernize the Richard Boudreault, University of Waterloo
René Fuanta, East Stroudsburg University
one such debate within the world of processes of the Census. His system, Simson Garfinkel, AI2050, Schmidt Futures
chemistry. Molecules that have a neu- which used punch cards, tabulated the Sonya T. Smith, Howard University
tral charge overall are nonetheless made results of the 1890 census, and drastically Caroline VanSickle, A. T. Still University of
up of elements and electrical bonds that shortened the amount of time it took to Health Sciences
create regions with more or less positive come up with a rough count of the cen- American Scientist gratefully acknowledges support
charge. Areas that are lacking electrons sus, from seven years to six weeks. Hol- for engineering content through the Leroy Record Fund.
are termed either π-holes or σ-holes, lerith’s company later became part of
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society is
depending on their shapes. But what IBM and the computer revolution. a society of scientists and engineers, founded in 1886 to
causes “passion-filled debates,” as Tan- The history of science is full of sto- recognize scientific achievement. A diverse organization
tillo says, is defining what areas of the ries in which a random encounter or of members and chapters, the Society fosters interaction
among science, technology, and society; encourages
molecule really constitute a π-hole or a new perspective kicked off a ma- appreciation and support of original work in science and
a σ-hole, and determining how much jor innovation or resolved a long-­ technology; and promotes ethics and excellence in
these areas really mediate interactions standing enigma. Have you ever had scientific and engineering research.

between molecules. Tantillo believes a serendipitous experience or an un- Printed in the USA
that these debates are not only accept- expected result that changed the di-
able, but also fruitful, because they lead rection of your research? Join us on
researchers to create new predictions social media or write us a message
that are then testable and can lead to new through our website to tell us about it.
experiments, which in turn can have im- —Fenella Saunders (@FenellaSaunders)

322 American Scientist, Volume 111

2023-11Masthead.indd 322 9/25/2023 10:25:56 AM

Letters to the Editors

Readers Remember Henry Petroski

joked that at the time American Scientist June 2022). Henry was kind enough
had two columnists from Manhattan to credit me by name with the germ of
College. I miss him. that idea, which derives from the only
joke my late Uncle Roy knew: Why is
Peter Denning
an old maid like a frozen tomato? Be-
Salinas, CA
cause it’s hard ter-mate-er.
I had last emailed him a question
To the Editors: about friction prompted by his col-
Thanks for your extensive and insight- umn, “The Push and Pull of Friction”
ful essay about Henry Petroski. It is to (­November–December 2022). My ques-
Courtesy of Catherine Petroski

his essay that I turned when I got a new tion went unanswered, as did my final
edition of American Scientist. His prose suggestion for a column on “Bridges in
was so clear and declarative. Henry’s Song and Story”—the well-­designed
subjects were varied and always engag- (The Bridge on the River Kwai) and poor-
ing. I and many readers will miss him. ly designed (“London Bridge Is Falling
Down”); the judgmental (The Bridge of
Bob Chianese
San Luis Rey) and the nonjudgmental
Ventura, CA
(“Bridge over Troubled Water”). I sup-
To the Editors: pose I shall have to write that one my-
I was the editor-in-chief of American Sci- To the Editors: self some day!
entist when Henry Petroski wrote his I am one of Sigma Xi’s oldest members
Virginia Trimble
first Engineering column in the ­January– (since 1961, and I recently turned 91—
Irvine, CA
February 1991 issue. I had read and been and still working), and I’ve known Hen-
impressed by his book To Engineer Is Hu- ry since 1985. He was hugely important
man (St. Martin’s Press, 1985). I really in my professional life, right up there To the Editors:
wanted to get more coverage of technol- with my meeting with Albert Einstein. I was so sorry to hear that Henry
ogy into the magazine, so I approached On two occasions in the 1990s, I in- Petroski passed away. I always read
him about becoming a regular colum- vited Henry to keynote a conference I and enjoyed his excellent articles on
nist. Henry was a little bit of a hard sell; was running—one on computer system various engineering projects. I con-
he worried that having his work in the trustworthiness and one on software tacted him a number of times—most
magazine would reduce sales of his engineering. In each case, his keynote recently last year to share my expe-
books. But obviously he came around. made an enormous contribution to the riences. He always responded to my
Henry was such a reliable ­columnist— entire conference. We had various on- emails. I will greatly miss him.
he always turned in clean copy on time. going communications, including dis-
Joseph A. Castellano
One day in the 1990s, we met for cussions relating to his American Scien-
San Jose, CA
lunch. He had just published yet an- tist columns. I submitted the following
other book. I was grumbling about the cover encomium for his last book, Force
slow pace of progress on my own first (Yale University Press, 2022): To the Editors:
book. Henry observed: “When I first I am so sorry to read that Henry
Henry Petroski is a true polymath
thought about writing a book, it seemed Petroski has passed. I was an avid
with a superbly holistic perspective.
intimidating. But then I sat down and reader of his American Scientist col-
This book is a unified field theory
did the math. If you just get up every umns, as well as his books.
of almost everything, exploring the
morning and write a thousand words, The two of us corresponded fre-
interdependencies among every­
books get finished quickly enough.” quently on a wide range of subjects.
day forces and their effects. Albert
Clearly, he was a man who took his We were like minds—curious and
Einstein would have loved it.
own advice. I’ve always wished that I interested in virtually everything we
could have followed his example. saw around us. We had other things in
Peter G. Neumann
common—we were both Manhattan
Brian Hayes Palo Alto, CA
College graduates, and we reminisced
Chapel Hill, NC
about our times there.
To the Editors: I am chemically- and mechanically-
To the Editors: Indeed, we shall all miss Henry minded and he was soundly structural,
I was delighted to see Henry Petroski’s Petroski and his Engineering columns but as soon as I heard about the Florida
final column in the July–­August issue very much! My favorite (not surpris- condo collapse (June 24, 2021), I thought
(“Building Knowledge”), and so sorry ingly) dealt with bridges made of un- of the salt air corrosion of rebar, and the
to learn he had passed on. He and I conventional materials, including fro- expansion cracking of concrete on the
were classmates at Manhattan College. zen tomatoes (“Frozen Tomatoes and columns. Henry bravely wrote a piece
I saw him once at a reunion and we Other Construction Materials,” May– on the subject before studies were com- 2023 November–December 323

2023-11Letters.indd 323 9/25/2023 5:01:31 AM

As you mentioned in your In Me-
moriam article, he will be sorely
missed, and you have made the right
decision in retiring the Engineering
column in his honor.
Henry C. Brenner
New York, NY

To the Editors:
Henry Petroski’s columns were always
the highlight of my reading in each is-
sue of American Scientist. You are right
to retire the Engineering column in his
honor. His remarkable contributions will
be sorely missed by many, including me.
Forman Williams
La Jolla, CA

To the Editors:
I was quite saddened to read today
Tom Dunne that Henry Petroski had passed away.
Henry Petroski’s Engineering columns sometimes gave a peek into his personal life, such His column was the one I immediately
as the challenge of replacing the chimney cap on his house (“Occasional Design,” January–­ turned to when I received the latest is-
February 2010). The breadth of his interests appealed to readers of all backgrounds, and those sue of American Scientist. As a native of
personal touches added warmth and developed a sense of kinship with his readers. Brooklyn, his article on the Brooklyn
Bridge was particularly exciting (“Al-
pleted (“What Lessons Will Be Learned To the Editors: tering an Icon,” January–­February).
from the Florida Condo Collapse?” I am a retired university professor I’m very sad to see him go.
­September–October 2021), and those fac- and a physician. My undergraduate
Paul Goldberg
tors were high on his list of likely causes. degree was in chemistry, not engineer-
Boston, MA
He also wrote a more lighthearted ing. But I earned a PhD in engineering
piece on pesky light switches (“Solving (industrial, not mechanical) at age 60
Failures Around the House,” J­anuary– and taught it (as well as medicine) for To the Editors:
February 2020). I wrote him a follow-up 10 years prior to retiring. One of my Thank you for remembering Henry
email to that article, sharing a clue to the combined passions in engineering and Petroski in the September–October
issues he faced—switches that do not medicine was quality and safety, and issue of American Scientist. I always
have “off” and “on” written on them that was my connection with Henry looked forward to Henry’s columns,
are the three-way type. And so on as we Petroski. I read all of his books and all and I have read and enjoyed many of
wrote back and forth over the years. of his columns in American Scientist. his books. I corresponded with him
Although I never met him, I always twice: once about his article on news-
Thomas F. McGowan
felt that we were “kin.” I will look paper folding (“Industrial Origami,”
Atlanta, GA
forward to future articles in American January–February 2005) and once con-
Scientist, but it will most certainly be cerning his article on the history and
To the Editors: different without him. I join the many design of can openers (“Bottle and
Like many readers of Henry Petroski’s who will deeply miss him. Can Openers as Levers,” March–April
column, especially those of us profes- 2017). In both instances, I received a
Peter J. Fabri
sional engineers, I was deeply sad- personal and pertinent written reply.
Tampa, FL
dened to hear about his passing.
Joe S. Herring
As an American Scientist subscriber
Rockport, TX
and reader of his books, I have greatly To the Editors:
enjoyed and learned a lot from Henry’s I was very sorry to learn of the passing
insights. I wrote him an email once of Henry Petroski. His column was my
about my views on the philosophical favorite in your magazine, and whenev- How to Write to American Scientist
aspects of practicing engineering. He er I received a new issue I would quickly Brief letters commenting on articles
wrote back within 24 hours with a very turn to Engineering and read it first. In appearing in the magazine are wel-
positive response. That was most ap- 2017, I wrote a letter to the magazine comed. The editors reserve the right
preciated as I’m sure he received many in response to his article about the slide to edit submissions. Please include
emails on engineering topics. rule (“Slide Rules: Gone but Not Forgot- an email address if possible. Address:
ten,” May–June 2017), relating my own Letters to the Editors, P.O. Box 13975,
David Shteinman experiences with slide rules, electronic Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 or
Castlecrag, NSW, Australia calculators, and pocket calculators.

324 American Scientist, Volume 111

2023-11Letters.indd 324 9/25/2023 5:01:32 AM


Grow Young with HGH

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man. Human growth hormone was first There is a receptor site in almost every cell in self-injectable and is very affordable.
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Recent studies, however, have overturned this under the Reagan Orphan drug act, to treat known drug interactions. Progressive doctors
notion completely, discovering instead that the dwarfism, was quickly recognized to stop admit that this is the direction medicine is
natural decline of Human Growth Hormone aging in its tracks and reverse it to a remark- seeking to go, to get the body to heal itself
(HGH), from ages 21 to 61 (the average age at able degree. Since then, only the lucky and instead of employing drugs. GHR is truly a
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2023-11Letters.indd 325 9/25/2023 5:01:33 AM

Online |

Connecting Memory and Imagination the companion podcast for a Canyon, but their adventure down
Felipe De Brigard, a cognitive deeper dive into the evolution of the Colorado River has largely gone
neuroscientist at Duke University, COVID-19 responses. The Virginia unnoticed. Melissa L. Sevigny’s
discusses the connection Tech engineer spoke with American book Brave the Wild River adds their
between false memory, which is Scientist digital features editor Katie contributions to the narrative.
the psychological experience of L. Burke about how research into
remembering something that did not the airborne spread of SARS-CoV-2
happen, and episodic counterfactual helped shape U.S. and international
thinking, which is imagining policy during the epidemic.
alternative ways that past personal Check out AmSci Blogs
events could have occurred.
Fall STEM Reads of 2023
Find new releases for your
Change Is the Only Constant #ScienceSeptember book stack Find American Scientist
Kristin Poinar reviews Elizabeth and beyond. on Facebook
Rush’s book The Quickening:
Creation and Community at the Ends
A Broader Look at Modeling
of the Earth, which documents an Follow us on X
Antarctic expedition to Thwaites The AmSci editors curated a
Glacier alongside questions of what collection of past content related to
it means to decide to have a child in the July–August special issue on
the face of climate change. scientific models. Join us on LinkedIn
Trailblazing Women Botanists in the
An Inside Look at COVID-19 Policies
Grand Canyon
If the Q&A with Linsey Marr in Find us on Instagram
the September–October issue Elzada Clover and Lois Jotter
piqued your interest, check out mapped the botany of the Grand

American Scientist (ISSN 0003-0996) is published bimonthly by Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society, P.O. Box 13975, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 (919-549-0097). Newsstand single
copy $5.95. Back issues $7.95 per copy for 1st class mailing. U.S. subscriptions: one year print or digital $30, print and digital $36. Canadian subscriptions: one year print $38, digital $30; other foreign
subscriptions: one year print $46, digital $30. Print institutional rate: $75; Canadian $83; other foreign $91. Digital site license $200, print and digital institutional rate $275. Copyright © 2023 by Sigma
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ditional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send change of address form 3579 to American Scientist, P.O. Box 193, Congers, NY 10920. Canadian publications mail agreement no. 40040263.

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326 American Scientist, Volume 111

2023-11Letters.indd 326 9/25/2023 5:01:36 AM

The Bracelets That Italy
Can’t Get Enough Of
Own the jewelry that’s the toast of Italy

“The renown of Italy’s jewelry, with

le Price its sensual beauty and extraordinary
Impossib acelet craftsmanship, is founded on the
Each Br

goldsmithing skills passed down through
generations.” – The New York Times



I guess I was a little bored. For the past hour, I’d been on
the phone with Daniele, the head of my office in Italy,
reviewing our latest purchases of Italian gold, Murano glass and
The best part about these bracelets? The price. Because of
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2023-11Letters.indd 327 9/25/2023 5:01:39 AM

Spotlight | Climate change affects crucial technologies and materials.

ing flight, which can cause significant

Engineering for Heat Waves travel delays or flight cancellations.

Battery Degradation
In general, the electronics contained in
Higher temperatures cause machines to overheat, batteries to lose devices such as cell phones, personal
power, and roads to buckle, crippling infrastructure systems. computers, and data centers consist
of many kinds of materials that all
respond differently to temperature
Humans weren’t the only ones who vibrating. The hotter the temperature, changes. These materials are all locat-
needed to stay cool during 2023’s the more the molecules that make up ed next to one another in tight spaces.
record-­breaking heat waves. Many ma- everything from the air to the ground to So as the temperature increases, the
chines, including cell phones, data cen- materials in machinery vibrate. types of materials deform differently,
ters, cars, and airplanes, become less As the temperature increases and potentially leading to premature wear
efficient and degrade more quickly in the molecules vibrate more, the aver- and failure.
extreme heat. Machines generate their age space between them grows, caus- Lithium-ion batteries in cars and
own heat, too, which can make hot ing most materials to expand. Roads electronic devices degrade faster at
temperatures around them even hotter. are one place to see this happen—hot higher operating temperatures. Heat
No machine is perfectly efficient— concrete expands, gets constricted, and increases the rate of reactions within
all machines face some internal friction eventually cracks. This phenomenon the battery, including corrosion reac-
during operation. This friction causes can happen to machinery, too, and tions that deplete the lithium levels,
machines to dissipate some heat. That thermal stresses are just the beginning which in turn reduces the battery’s
dispelled heat mixes with the external of the problem. storage capacity. Tests conducted by
temperature, so the hotter it is outside, Recurrent (a company that provides
the hotter the machine will be. car and battery information for the sec-
Cell phones and similar devices with ondary electric vehicle market) found
lithium-ion batteries experience de-
creased performance when operating
Waste heat from that electric vehicles can lose about
20 percent of their range when ex-
in climates above 35 degrees Celsius
(95 degrees F ­ ahrenheit). This throttling
power plants could posed to sustained 32-degree-Celsius
(90-­degree-Fahrenheit) weather.
is by design to avoid overheating and
increased stress on the electronics.
support 27 percent Data centers full of computer serv-
ers dissipate significant amounts of
Designs that use innovative phase-
changing fluids can help keep ma-
of residential air- heat to keep their components cool.
On very hot days, fans must work
chines cool, but in most cases heat is
still dissipated into the air. So, the hot-
conditioning needs. harder to ensure chips do not over-
heat, and in some cases, powerful fans
ter the air, the harder it is to keep a are not enough to cool the electronics.
machine cool enough to function ef- Travel Delays and Safety Risks When the data centers need a stron-
ficiently. Plus, the closer together ma- High temperatures can also change the ger cooling system, they often turn to
chines are, the more dissipated heat way oil in your car’s engine behaves, evaporative cooling. This method sends
there will be in the surrounding area. leading to potential engine failures. incoming dry air from the outside
We are engineering researchers who For example, if a heat wave makes it through a moist pad. The water from
study how machines manage heat, as 16.7 degrees Celsius hotter than nor- the pad evaporates into the air and
well as ways to effectively recover and mal, the viscosity of typical car engine absorbs heat, which cools the air. This
reuse heat that is otherwise wasted. oil can change by a factor of three. technique is usually an effective and
Technologies for reducing, capturing, Fluids such as engine oils become economical way to keep chips at a rea-
and reusing heat could help prevent thinner as they heat up, so if it gets too sonable operating temperature. How-
mechanical failures and weakened in- hot, the oil may not be thick enough to ever, evaporative cooling can require
frastructure systems during an era of properly lubricate and protect engine a significant amount of water, which
rising temperatures. parts from increased wear and tear. is problematic in regions where water
Additionally, a hot day will cause is scarce. Water for cooling can add to
Deforming Materials the air inside your tires to expand and the already intense resource footprint
Higher temperatures, either from the raise the tire pressure, which could in- associated with data centers.
weather or from the excess heat radiat- crease wear and the risk of skidding. Air conditioners struggle to perform
ed from machinery, can cause materi- Airplanes are also not designed to effectively as it gets hotter outside—
als in machinery to deform. To under- take off at extreme temperatures. As it just when they’re needed the most. On
stand why, consider what temperature gets hotter outside, air expands, mak- hot days, air conditioner compressors
means at the molecular level. ing it thinner or less dense. This reduc- have to work harder to send the heat
At the molecular scale, temperature is tion in air density decreases the amount from homes outside, which in turn
a measure of how much molecules are of weight the plane can support dur- disproportionately increases electricity

328 American Scientist, Volume 111

2023-11Spotlight.indd 328 9/25/2023 10:57:41 AM

Paul Smyth/Alamy Stock Photo
A heat wave in July 2022 caused major cracks in a roadway in Kingston upon Thames, a town on lithium-ion battery ageing mechanisms
in Greater London. Concrete expands in high heat, as do many other materials crucial to in- and estimations for automotive applica-
frastructure and technology. Engineers and materials scientists are studying ways to manage tions. Journal of Power Sources 241:680–689.
increasing temperatures, including how to capture and reuse expended heat from machines Calama-González, C., et al. 2023. Thermal in-
and other devices. sulation impact on overheating vulnerabil-
ity reduction in Mediterranean dwellings.
Heliyon 9:e16102.
consumption and overall electricity de- vast amounts of heat dissipated from Hough, B. 2023. Summer survival guide for elec-
tric cars: What A/C does to your range. Re-
mand. For example, in Texas, every in- machines. One simple example is us- current (July 13).
crease of 1 degree Celsius creates a rise ing the waste heat from data centers /what-a-c-does-to-your-range
of about 4 percent in electricity demand. to heat water. Waste heat could also Ndukaife, T. A., and A. G. Agwu Nnanna.
Heat leads to a staggering 50 percent drive other kinds of air-conditioning 2018. Optimization of water consumption
increase in electricity demand during systems such as absorption chillers, in hybrid evaporative cooling air condition-
the summer in hotter countries, posing which use heat as energy to support ing systems for data center cooling applica-
tions. Heat Transfer Engineering 40:559–573.
serious threats of electricity shortages coolers through a series of chemical-
Obringer, R., et al. 2021. Implications of in-
or blackouts, as well as higher green- and heat-­transferring processes. creasing household air conditioning use
house gas emissions. In both of these examples, the en- across the United States under a warming
ergy needed to heat or cool something climate. Earth’s Future 10:e2021EF002434.
Reusing Heat comes from heat that is otherwise Rattner, A. S., and S. Garimella. 2011. Energy
Heat waves and warming temperatures wasted. Indeed, one of us (Garimel- harvesting, reuse, and upgrade to reduce
primary energy usage in the U.S.A. Energy
around the globe pose significant short- la) collaborated on a 2011 study that 36:6172–6183.
and long-term problems for people and found that waste heat from power Siddik, M. A. B., A. Shehabi, and L. Marston.
machines alike. Fortunately, there are plants could support 27 percent of resi- 2021. The environmental footprint of data
ways to minimize the damage. dential air-conditioning needs, which centers in the United States. Environmental
One is to ensure that machines are would result in a dramatic reduction Research Letters 16:064017.
kept in air-conditioned, well-insulated of overall energy consumption and
spaces out of direct sunlight. Another carbon emissions.
is for consumers to use high-energy Extreme heat can affect every aspect Srinivas Garimella is the Hightower Chair in
devices, such air conditioners and elec- of modern life, and heat waves aren’t Engineering, a professor in the Woodruff School of
Mechanical Engineering, and director of the Sus-
tric vehicle charging stations, during going away in the coming years. How-
tainable Thermal Systems Laboratory at the Geor-
off-peak hours when fewer people are ever, there are opportunities to harness
gia Institute of Technology. Matthew T. Hughes is
using electricity. extreme heat and make it work for us. a postdoctoral associate at the Massachusetts Insti-
Individual changes at the consumer tute of Technology. This article was adapted from
level will not solve the problem alone, References a version previously published on The Conversa-
so scientists and engineers are devel- Barré, A., B. Deguilhem, S. Grolleau, M. Gé- tion ( Email for Garimella:
oping ways to use and recycle the rard, F. Suard, and D. Riu. 2013. A review 2023 November–December 329

2023-11Spotlight.indd 329 9/25/2023 10:57:46 AM

It’s Not
Late To NOVEMBER 10–12, 2023 | LONG BEACH, CA

Featured Speakers
• Student Research EL LAUREATE
Competition and

• Symposia

• Panel Discussions

• Workshops
California Institute of Technology
• Networking Events

• Career Mentoring

• STEM Art & Film

Competition and
Worcester Polytechnic Institute Northern Arizona University

Sigma Xi’s Annual Meeting

and Student Research
Conference is now IFoRE
JAMES M. SULLIVAN RICHARD BOUDREAULT Florida Atlantic University McGill University

330 American Scientist, Volume 111

2023-11IFoRE-Ad.indd 330 9/25/2023 9:49:34 AM

IFoRE Nov-Dec AD.indd 2 8/31/2023 12:38:35 PM

Featured Sessions
Developing a culture of STEM Academic
civic science through Research and
state-level policy Training (START)
engagement Ambassadorship:
Adriana Banktson Empowering future
researchers through
common grounds
Kevin Reza-Villa

Excellence in networking:
Showcase yourself Vital Communication
and your work with Skills
confidence Brian Palermo
Allison Coffin

How to Create Artificial Utilizing the Anatomage

General Intelligence Digital Technology to
(AGI) and Not Die Address Challenging
Craig Kaplan Concepts in Health
Science Education
Rima Khankan

Considerations of
AI in Healthcare: Teaching Ethics in AI: A
Clinical, Coordination, Practical Workshop for
Management, and Educators
Research Perspectives Richard Whittington
Zihan (Ellis) Gao

See the complete agenda at 2023 November–December 331

2023-11IFoRE-Ad.indd 331 9/25/2023 9:49:35 AM

2:38:35 PM
Infographic | Andy Brunning



The French name for dandelion is pissenlit The sticky white liquid that seeps from
(“wet the bed”), which refers to the plant’s dandelion stems when they’re picked
use in traditional medicine as a diuretic. contains natural latex, which can be turned
Dandelions do contain several diuretic into rubber. The roots of Russian dandelions
compounds, and limited studies in humans (Taraxacum kok-saghyz) contain a
have confirmed their therapeutic efficacy. particularly high percentage of latex, making
The plant’s high potassium content also helps them ideal for rubber production.
replace potassium lost through urination.

potassium content of dandelion leaves versus bananas

1941 30%
During World War II, nearly
dandelion leaves bananas one-third of the USSR’s rubber
397 milligrams 358 milligrams was derived from the Russian
per 100 grams per 100 grams dandelion to compensate for a
shortage of natural rubber.
Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture FoodData Central

Dandelion extracts and compounds have

anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic, and
antioxidative properties. These effects n
are mostly due to polyphenols and
sesquiterpenes, phytochemicals that are cis-1,4-polyisoprene (main constituent of rubber)
also responsible for the leaves’ bitter flavor.
In the past decade, tire manufacturers have
OH developed dandelion-rubber tires. Bike tires
O taraxinic acid made from this rubber are now commercially
O O β-D-glucopyranoside
O available, and manufacturers estimate that
sesquiterpene lactone in
H dandelion-rubber tires will be available for
OH dandelions, also thought
to be a contact allergen cars and trucks within the next 10 years.

© Andy Brunning/Compound Interest 2023 - | @compoundchem

Ci Shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 license. BY NC ND

332 American Scientist, Volume 111

2023-11Infographic.indd 332 9/25/2023 4:58:03 AM

First Person | Gabriel Reyes

Poverty and Neuroscience

In the past few years, there have been major initiatives to increase diversity, equity, and in-
clusion (DEI) in science and in the workforce. Yet the root causes of inequities are still being
revealed. Neuroscience researchers are suggesting that poverty is a major player—noting
that poverty is contributing to decreases in academic success, education level completed,
and even brain mass. Gabriel Reyes, a PhD student in developmental and psychological
sciences at Stanford University, is working at the heart of this subject. Reyes grew up in a
low-income, underserved section of Albuquerque, New Mexico, where opportunities were

Courtesy of Gabriel Reyes

limited. Nevertheless, his passion for neuroscience led him to attend Brown University, Co-
lumbia University, and now Stanford. He is the first in his family to graduate from college
and is working at the intersection of DEI and neuroscience research. Reyes is also the founder
of FLi Sci, a program that provides research opportunities to first-generation and low-income
science students. Reyes attended Sigma Xi’s 2022 International Forum on Research Ethics
(IFoRE), which focused on science convergence in an inclusive and diverse world, and spoke
with Jordan Anderson, producer of American Scientist’s DEAIComSci podcast, about I want to start first by thinking about
debunking poverty and educational inequity myths, and what current neuroscience research poverty as a construct. At Stanford,
reveals about a path toward more equitable educational outcomes for students nationwide. many of my projects interrogate how the
(This interview has been edited for length and clarity.) field has measured poverty and whether
we’re measuring it correctly. The most
common index that I see these days is
What pressing issues in neuroscience rent on time? Are they in a lot of debt? an income-to-needs ratio. And that is a
does your research explore? Are they experiencing a lot of stress? federal poverty index, where officials
My research has two buckets. The first This discrepancy is a conflict, because define poverty by household income.
bucket is neuroscience and under- both definitions are related but are dif- However, for example, many neuro­
standing how experiences and the en- ferent constructs and therefore have science studies need to consider that in
vironment affect our behavior. I had different conclusions. New York City and the San Francisco
planned to understand how specific The second issue was that we still Bay Area, rent is much higher on aver-
experiences influence decision-making. need to fully understand fundamen- age than in rural Alabama. In rural plac-
Two scientists who inspired me were tal learning mechanisms. How can es, $30,000 can take you much farther,
Kim Noble and Bruce McCandliss, but won’t get you very far in vast urban
who are examining whether there is a areas. That’s a massive issue for data
correlation between poverty and aca- analysis. Part of what I am now working
demic achievement from a neuroscien- “We are looking at on with Philip Fisher at Stanford is look-
tific standpoint. Dr. Noble, at Columbia ing at large datasets with a myriad of
University, has written a lot of papers large datasets with income analyses and thinking through
on poverty and brain development. Dr. how the story changes if you alter how
McCandliss teaches at Stanford Uni- a myriad of income you define poverty. We want to explore
versity and runs the Educational Neu- the general theory of poverty in a way
roscience Initiative, using neuroscience analyses and thinking that speaks more to the environments
to improve learning. Their work cre- that people experience. So that’s the sec-
ated a path for me to explore the asso- through how the ond bucket of my research.
ciations between socioeconomic status
and brain development and to theorize story changes if you You were exploring how poverty affects
how that might translate into academic cognitive development with Dr. Noble.
performance. But I didn’t get anywhere alter how you define Can you give an example of how you
with that topic, because I was finding are applying your previous neuroscience
more research questions than insights. poverty.” work to your current PhD research with
As I was learning more about the Dr. Fisher, and how you are examining
field, I began to realize that there are we speak to how people from low- the definition of poverty?
two problems. One is that how neuro- income versus high-income back- Researchers such as Dr. Noble have
scientists theorize and conceptualize grounds learn, when we’re still figur- found a particular association between
poverty needs to be more consistent. ing out how people generally learn? looking at one’s socioeconomic status
For some people, poverty is defined by We are exploring how to bridge the and the amount of cortical volume in
how much income your family makes. two without problematizing the work. particular individuals. Often, what
For another person, poverty might be We want to avoid jumping to conclu- they see is that there is a positive as-
defined by specific experiences com- sions that have yet to be reached in sociation between cortical volume and
munities endure. Are they able to pay neuroscience. income. However, it is a nuanced ques- 2023 November–December 333

2023-11Q&AReyes.indd 333 9/25/2023 5:06:51 AM

tion, because cortical loss in higher- like: Can you pay your rent on time? sures a behavioral outcome such as
income communities does not mean Did you make enough money to pay the test scores. Based on prior studies, we
equal or more significant cortical loss in electricity bill? Are you able to go to the might theorize that low-income peo-
people with lower socioeconomic status. hospital? Or did you not go to the hospi- ple will have lower test scores than
Some studies don’t find that association. tal because you couldn’t afford the med- higher-income people. The problem
There are a lot of other variables, such ical bill? We add up the number of those is that this does not provide the root
as the research participant’s school and experiences and see that maybe some- cause of what is happening. It also im-
how socioeconomic status is measured. one who’s making $10,000 only had two plies that low-income people are less
Researchers in this field are pushing moments of material deprivation for the capable than high-income people at
toward different ways of understanding questions we asked, but the person mak- standardized testing. This logic is not
brain development, looking at nuanced ing $90,000 had nine of those moments accurate. Even if those associations are
ways of thinking through socioeconomic out of 10. We want to see if there was an occurring, income is not causing test
status. One of the ways is looking at ex- association between that sort of interac- performance. Instead, income might
perience with material deprivation or tion effect with income and experiences produce specific experiences in which
other factors beyond just the income-to- of scarcity. My initial research found that higher-income people can score higher.
needs ratio to understand what happens income as a single variable is insufficient Rather than asking people what their
with brain development. People who to understand how poverty affects cog- income is and dividing them by those
experience certain forms of economic groups, we can add a second variable
adversities, such as food insecurity, are that asks questions such as: Did you get
often more likely to have differences in access to private tutoring on the SAT or
cognitive function, cognitive behavior, “Instead of just ACT? Did you attend a rigorous high
and neural development. Some people school that provided resources to learn
don’t experience food insecurity but looking at the how to perform well on standardized
might be in the same income bracket. testing? Now we have questions that
effect of income on might get to experiences contributing to
What sort of data are you exploring in test performance. If you add this dimen-
your current research, and how is it af- performance, I wanted sion on top of income, we might find
fecting the field of neuroscience? that, for example, low-income students
In my research, I analyzed data from to see how people who scored highly on the test had access
the Fragile Families and Child Well- to private tutoring or went to top-tier
being Study. I was looking at various who experience more high schools. We may also find that low-
outcomes, one of which is working income students who performed poorly
memory. That is an aspect of executive aspects of material had none of these resources. This pattern
function—mental processes that enable also exists in middle-income groups and
us to plan, focus attention, remember, deprivation behave high-income groups.
and juggle multiple tasks. It measures Neuroscience researchers are cur-
how much information people can hold throughout different rently working on these insights, and
at any given moment and is a typical we are building off of them. Applying
topic in cognitive studies. It is also one income barriers.” that to the brain, we can see that there
where people often find things such as might be differences in cognitive per-
the association that people with lower nitive development. Higher levels of formance and neural signatures when
income generally have lower working material deprivation can affect perfor- you only look at income, but we have
memory capacity than someone with mance and working memory tasks for started adding all these other measure-
higher income. And I used a friend’s people across different income groups. ments, such as: Are you experiencing
framework for how we think about that We would not have found that associa- high levels of threat? Are you experi-
to look at it through a different lens. So tion if it was just income alone. encing high levels of food insecurity?
instead of just looking at the effect of One of the things that we want to do Are you experiencing high levels of
income on performance, I wanted to is to see if we can measure qualitative monetary scarcity? These new insights
see how people who experience more rather than quantitative responses by have created a differentiation between
aspects of material deprivation behave creating written response questions on our knowledge of which part of the
throughout different income barriers. a massive survey database. By doing brain has specific patterns, which tells
For example, someone who makes so, we can extract specific factors of us that it’s not just income but rather
$10,000 and someone who makes the poverty experience that we can use experiences that income is either al-
$90,000 represent people in two separate to uncover a different way of catego- lowing or preventing some groups to
income groups. But let’s say the person rizing family and community poverty have more often than others that are
who earns $90,000 lives in a costly part without looking at income. contributing to brain mass.
of San Francisco and supports a family
of eight. $90,000 may seem like a lot, but How has the research in your field How have your personal experiences
it doesn’t go that far when you think changed over time? influenced your choice of research?
about how they’re using that money ver- Many studies have divided tasks or I often had to turn down research oppor-
sus someone who is making $10,000 but groups of people by low income, high tunities that I knew would help me be a
is a single adult living somewhere like income, or middle income. It could better scientist. I was poor, and I could
New Mexico. You can then ask questions be a quick correlation task that mea- not afford the opportunities. I would be

334 American Scientist, Volume 111

2023-11Q&AReyes.indd 334 9/25/2023 5:06:51 AM

pushed away if I tried to advocate for es for us to exist. So, on the one hand, sity and inclusion in science. Implement-
financial assistance. In my undergradu- I focused on poverty and development ing graduate mentorship programs was
ate years, I had the chance to work on in psychology. On the other hand, I their number-one solution to provide
my thesis with a researcher I love, but I also do a lot of work in science educa- more diversity efforts. Although these
needed a lot of money to help my par- tion and diversity in science. One of programs are important, scientists of-
ents hire an immigration attorney. So in- ten pose them as the only solution. The
stead, I worked for Google because they root cause starts a lot sooner than college
offered a larger salary. Two months as a programs. I wanted to target high school
full-time research assistant would bare- “We want to find students who went to lower-income
ly pay rent. In my master’s program, a schools, like I had, to prepare them ear-
similar situation occurred where I could the common factors lier for college and graduate school. The
not afford to take the research assistant goal was not to let lower-income stu-
salary. So, I needed to figure out how that help people dents become college seniors lacking the
to find a way to continue training as a research experience they needed to be
researcher while managing my family’s transition from competitive for PhD programs.
financial circumstances. And the thing Many students do not have enough
that galvanized me to create a program an undergraduate experience to get postbaccalaureate
during my PhD that would allow me to opportunities, because it’s so competi-
support other students born into low- experience to a tenure- tive nowadays for people to get op-
income situations like myself was know- portunities without a research back-
ing that I could more easily have become track profession.” ground. So, I created FLi Sci because
a scientist if I only had had a little more I was looking for other nonprofits
financial support. the projects I am involved in is figur- targeting low-income or non–high-
ing out the antecedent to academic ca- achieving high school students. Often,
Much of your neuroscience research is reer success. We want to find the com- these programs accepted previously
geared toward DEI. Are there other DEI mon factors that help people transition accomplished students. They were stu-
spaces that you are involved in? from an undergraduate experience to a dents who did well on the PSAT or
For many people who try to do scien- tenure-track profession, especially for went to a magnet school. I struggled
tific research, it is often hard to avoid minoritized scientists. to find a program trying to recruit
diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts, Another major project I am involved students without those opportunities.
because we often have to point out sci- in is called FLi Sci. In the summer of So, I decided to create it and see what
entific injustices or champion for spac- 2020, every scientist talked about diver- would happen. 

Student Research
Present your research and have
the opportunity to win awards!

Abstract deadline:
September 15, 2023
Student Awards SO and ND Ad.indd 1 2023 November–December 335
9/6/2023 9:10:19 AM

2023-11Q&AReyes.indd 335 9/25/2023 5:06:52 AM

pandemic now has the backing of data. rently has environmental conditions in

n this roundup, managing editor Researchers led by economist Christina which the ants would thrive; however,
Stacey Lutkoski summarizes Felfe of the University of Konstanz in global climate change could extend the
notable recent developments Germany used the German school system habitable area to 25 percent of the con-
in scientific research, selected from as a natural experiment to study the ef- tinent by 2050. Red imported fire ants
reports compiled in the free electronic fects of school closures on children aged are native to South America but have
newsletter Sigma Xi SmartBrief: 11 to 17. They found that longer school spread to Mexico, the United States, the
www​ closures correlated with worsening men- Caribbean, Australia, and parts of Asia.
tal health measures, especially among They hitch rides on boats and plants and
boys, younger adolescents, and those liv- are also dispersed by the wind, which can
Neptune’s Cloudy Weather ing in close quarters. Each of the 16 Ger- carry queens on their flights to establish
For the first time, Earth-bound astrono- man federal states manages their public new colonies.
mers have peeked beneath the surface schools independently, so although all of
atmosphere of the Solar System’s most- the states closed their schools between Menchetti, M., et al. The invasive ant Sole-
distant planet to understand the roots March 16 and March 18 of 2020, the re- nopsis invicta is established in Europe. Cur-
of its extreme and surprisingly dynamic opening dates ranged from April 20 to rent Biology 33:R879–R897 (September 11).
weather. A team led by physicist Patrick June 15 of that year, and return-to-school
G. J. Irwin of the University of Oxford strategies varied. The researchers merged Uncovering Pompeii’s Slaves
used the European Southern Observato- information on school closures with An addendum to the saying “History is
ry’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) to capture mental health data collected by German written by the winners” might be “and
images of a 10,000-kilometer-wide dark national health surveys of 11- to 17-year- by the elite,” because those groups have
spot on Neptune’s northern hemisphere. olds. They first compared responses from historically had the education to record
They paired the VLT with a tool called students at different grade levels in the their affairs and the money to buy ob-
the Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer, or same state to isolate any state-specific jects that survive as artifacts. So the 2021
MUSE, which takes images at multiple variables and then looked at students at discovery of Roman slave quarters in the
wavelengths. Each wavelength probes the same grade level in different states villa of Civita Giuliana outside Pompeii
at a different depth, and together they to assess age-specific variations. The was a coup for historians, and new find-
team found that each additional week ings from the excavation add nuance
of school closure was associated with a to our understanding of slavery in the
decrease in measures of the students’ Roman Empire. Two rooms, preserved
health-related quality of life, and longer in ash from Mount Vesuvius’s eruption
ESO/P. Irwin et al.

closures correlated to prolonged mental in 79 CE, provide a glimpse into the lives
health disorders. These findings support of their enslaved inhabitants. One room
the need for ongoing mental health had three beds, one of which was short,
services for school-age children and may perhaps for a child. The inhabitants slept
create a composite 3D image. MUSE re- help shape education policies in the case on ropes tied into loose netting, similar
vealed that the dark spot is composed of of a future pandemic. to the design of many modern ham-
icy, hazy air particles in a layer beneath mocks. The other room had a similar rope
the outer atmosphere. This finding rules Felfe, C., et al. The youth mental health bed and also another, more comfortable
out a previous theory that the dark spot crisis: Quasi-experimental evidence on the bed that would have had a mattress. The
is caused by clearing clouds. MUSE also role of school closures. Science Advances archaeologists theorize that this bed may
uncovered something unexpected: a 9:eadh4030 (August 18). have belonged to a higher-status servant.
bright spot next to the dark spot. The Neither of the bedrooms nor the nearby
bright spot is at the same depth as the Fire Ants Cross the Atlantic stable had bars on the windows or locks
dark spot but had not previously been The invasive species Solenopsis invicta, on the doors to keep the slaves impris-
identified, even by space-based tele- commonly known as the red imported oned, which suggests that the villa’s own-
scopes, and appears to be a new type of fire ant, has established a colony in Sicily, ers used other methods of control—the
cloud. The team’s discoveries using MUSE marking the first mature population in researchers suggest that the close quar-
show new ways to use remote sensing Europe. These insects threaten the lo- ters and the presence of the higher-status
from Earth to study the intense and com- cal agriculture and ecosystems—a 2021 servant may have encouraged the slaves
plex weather systems on distant planets. study in Nature ranked them as the fifth to police each other. Slavery was an
most costly invasive species—and their important aspect of Roman society, but
Irwin, P. G. J., et al. Spectral determination painful bites can cause severe allergic re- most accounts come from the perspec-
of the colour and vertical structure of dark actions in some people. A team of Span- tive of the ruling class. These bedrooms
spots in Neptune’s atmosphere. Nature As- ish and Italian biologists documented 88 inform historians’ understanding of how
tronomy doi:10.1038/s41550-023-02047-0 nests over 4.7 hectares in eastern Sicily. Roman slaves lived and the mechanisms
(August 24). The species has reached Europe at least for control slave­owners employed.
three other times but was intercepted
Mental Toll of School Closures before it could spread; however, the size Zuchtriegel, G., and C. A. Corbino. Of mice
Parents’ and educators’ anecdotal evi- and range of the Sicilian colonies mean and men: New discoveries in the servants’
dence of the psychological toll of school that eradication is not likely to succeed. quarters of the Roman villa of Civita Giuliana
closures on children during the COVID-19 Approximately 7 percent of Europe cur- near Pompeii. Scavi di Pompei 5 (August 20).

336 American Scientist, Volume 111

2023-11Briefings.indd 336 9/25/2023 4:52:41 AM

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2023-11Briefings.indd 337 9/25/2023 4:52:42 AM


Uncovering Ancient Corrections

Pigment fluorescence reveals artistic revisions beneath Egyptian tomb murals.

he intricate and extensive murals that adorn the different compositions, with the first version high in arsenic
walls of ancient Egyptian tombs are no doubt mas- (common in realgar, a red pigment) and the revised version
terful works of art, but their method of creation has containing more iron (common in red ochre). That difference
long been thought of as having been a regimented could mean that the correction was made by another artist at
production line rather than a free-flowing artistic process. the same time using a separate batch of pigment, or that the
Various levels of artisans were relegated to adding only change happened later. The purpose of the rather small posi-
their assigned layers to each of the illustrations, leaving little tion adjustment remains unclear, however.
room for rethinking the approach. The style used to depict The second tomb chapel the team examined belonged to
the poses, colors, and decorative elements of deities or oth- Nakhtamun, chief of the altar in the Ramesseum temple,
ers was also highly formalized, not left to the imagination of in about 1100 BCE. Because this tomb features a portrait of
any particular artist. However, advances in imaging technol- Ramesses II, it has usually been dated to his reign. However,
ogy have now uncovered corrections and revisions to the some inconsistencies with standard Egyptian iconography,
tomb figures, bringing into question the accepted view of including beard stubble and an Adam’s apple, inspired Mar-
the process of these Egyptian artists millennia ago. tinez and his team to take a closer look. Their pXRF showed
Archaeologist Philippe Martinez of Sorbonne University in signatures of copper, characteristic of the pigments Egyptian
France and a large team of his colleagues describe how they blue and green, even though these colors are barely visible
revealed these alterations in the July 12 issue of the journal now. Another hidden detail they revealed was that the origi-
PLOS ONE. The researchers were examining the tomb cha- nal scepter (called a heka) appears to have been wider and to

Top and bottom from P. Martinez et al., PLOS ONE 18(7):e0287647. Middle: M. Alfeld et al., Comptes Redus Physique 19:625.
pels of high-ranking officials near the ancient city of Thebes have obscured part of the chin. Indeed, the portrait seems to
(now Luxor) from what’s called the New Kingdom, which have had all its pharaonic insignia retouched: The crown (or
lasted from about 1549 to 1069 BCE, encompassing the 18th khepresh) and necklace (or wesekh) originally had quite differ-
to 20th dynasties. “The walls of these shrines were often deco- ent shapes. Martinez and his colleagues note that the original
rated, representing the dead in his dutiful life on Earth as well depiction more closely resembles a necklace style called a
as his expectations for a bright future in the netherworld,” shebyu, which was common in royal portraits from the 20th
Martinez and his colleagues explain in their paper. dynasty, after the death of Ramesses II. The team speculates
Previously, the pigments used in these tomb scenes had that this change could indicate that the tomb dates later than
been analyzed mostly by taking tiny samples back to labo- originally thought, after Ramesses II had become deified,
ratories. But the team of researchers had created a portable and that the original depiction had been recognized to be
version of an imaging device that uses x-ray fluorescence to anachronistic and was thus repainted. “A lot of this modern
look at pigments, without contact or damage, while still in and theoretical reconstruction is, however, based on the usual
place in the tombs. The pigments used by ancient Egyptian archaeological guessing game that aims at filling the remain-
artists are suitable for this type of imaging, because the dif- ing blanks,” Martinez and the team say. “We remain clearly
ferent elements fluoresce at distinct wavelengths when they ignorant of what was really important and significant for the
are bombarded with x-rays, and the rays can penetrate the ancient Egyptian eye and mind.”
top surface of paint to reveal other elements underneath. This As was the case with the team’s imaging of the trace rem-
portable x-ray fluorescence (pXRF) device is small enough to nants of Egyptian blue and green, this pXRF method could
be checked luggage on an airplane, the team notes. also have the potential to help with reconstructing areas of
The researchers became interested in focusing their these ancient tombs that have been damaged or weathered
work on artistic corrections when they were examining a to the point that their murals are no longer visible, but which
known revision that had become slightly visible through the might retain pigment residues that could still be detectable.
millennia-old wear and chemical reaction of paint, in the The researchers also hope to undertake a more systematic
tomb chapel of Menna, an overseer under Amenhotep III, inspection of other tomb murals to try to characterize how
1391–1353 BCE. The revision was made to the position of common corrections were. “Due to the fact that most of the
Menna’s arm, shown in a ritualized pose of adoring Osiris (see scientific inspections of these works of art have been carried
figures on opposite page). One surprise the team found was that out only through direct visual observation,” they say, “this
the pigments used in the original and the corrected arms have may very well be but the tip of the iceberg.” —Fenella Saunders

338 American Scientist, Volume 111

2023-11Sightings-04.indd 338 9/25/2023 10:31:10 AM

A portable x-ray fluorescence (pXRF) device set
up in an ancient Egyptian tomb chapel (right) is
able to reveal pigments beneath a mural’s sur-
face layer, because different pigments fluoresce
at distinct wavelengths when bombarded with
x-rays. In this mural, the arm of the official
Menna was altered from its original pose. The
correction is slightly visible now (A, below) be-
cause of paint wear and chemical reactions over
millennia. The change shows up more clearly
under ultraviolet light (B). Details of the correc-
tion (C and D) show pigment interactions. The
original arm pigment contained more arsenic
(As, in E), and the correction was higher in iron
(Fe); the two also show differences in calcium
(Ca), sulfur (S), titanium (Ti), and strontium
(Sr). In another tomb (above), a depiction of
Ramesses II shows changes in the shape of the
necklace, crown, and staff, as is made visible
by pXRF imaging of copper (Cu), arsenic, and
iron (green lines show earlier version, red lines
show correction, and blue lines show original
shape of this style of crown, called a khepresh). 2023 November–December 339

2023-11Sightings-04.indd 339 9/25/2023 10:31:11 AM


(Don’t) Shut Your π-Hole

Like charges repel and opposite charges attract. That law of physics dominates
organic chemistry and our everyday lives—and causes feuds among chemists.

Dean J. Tantillo

ttractions and repulsions so such reactions are key to life. These describe the electron-deficient prop-
form the basis of chemis- reactions help amino acids assemble erty of carbonyls and other similar
try, including the biochem- to form proteins, such as collagen, and bonds: the π-hole.
istry that allows our cells allow cells to digest proteins when Organic molecules are held togeth-
to function and the organic chemis- they are no longer needed. er by bonds that share electrons, but
try that enables much of the modern Chemists have discussed carbonyl chemists don’t think of electrons sim-
chemical industry. If you want to chemistry for approximately a century, ply as particles or points. Instead, they
know how a new drug will interact but a relatively new term has arisen to describe them as smears of charge
with a disease-causing protein, or if between atoms, a concept known as
you want to investigate the ways that electron density. There are two primary
cells build their internal structures, types of these electron-sharing bonds:
you ultimately need to examine the σ and π (sigma and pi). In a σ-bond,
pushes and pulls between electrical most of the electron density associated
charges. That sounds simple, but like with the bond is distributed around a
everything in nature, simple concepts direct line between the two neighbor-
turn really hairy when you dig down ing nuclei. In π-bonding, the electron
into the details. density resides either above or below
Even though most molecules are the atoms but not in the sandwich re-
not charged overall, they have re- gion connecting them.
gions that are more negatively or Different types of atoms in a
positively charged—places that bond don’t share electron den-
naturally want to balance their sity evenly. And when one of
situation by interacting with an the atoms in a π-bond draws a
oppositely charged part of another disproportionate share of the
molecule. That hunger for balance electron density toward it, such
is the basis of most chemical interac- Dean Tantillo as oxygen in a carbonyl group,
tions, leading molecules to point their When covalent bonds form, electrons are the carbon atom sports a π-hole—a
electron-rich parts at the electron- shared, often unequally, across multiple at- region of positive charge found in
deficient parts of other molecules. For oms, resulting in regions of positive and nega- the clouds that make up the bread of
example, organic chemists commonly tive charge even in molecules that are neutral the electron-density sandwich of the
talk about an electron-rich group, or overall. Chemists create electron density maps π-bond. For example, the structure of
nucleophile, approaching an electron- to visualize these patterns known as σ-holes collagen—the most abundant protein
and π-holes. In the example above, blue re-
poor carbon atom within a carbonyl in mammals, found in skin, cartilage,
gions have greater negative charge, red areas
(carbon double-bonded to oxygen) have more positive charge, and green and yel-
tendons, and ligaments—contains
group and “attacking” it to form a low areas have intermediate charge. Selenium many carbonyl groups and therefore
new bond. Carbonyl groups are pres- fluorobromide (lower left) has a σ-hole. Sulfur many π-holes. If you want to under-
ent in many important biomolecules trioxide (top) and chlorofluorotetrazole (bot- stand collagen, you need to know
such as sugars, lipids, and peptides, tom right) both have π-holes. what those π-holes are doing.

Differing molecules have varying amounts σ-holes and π-holes both present an area Debate among chemists studying these
of positive and negative charge across their of positive charge on a molecule’s surface, interactions can lead to advances that fuel the
surfaces, and that variation affects their shapes which can help researchers predict the par- design of new drugs and materials based on
and reactions. ticle’s behavior. these patterns.

340 American Scientist, Volume 111

2023-11Perspective.indd 340 9/25/2023 10:02:21 AM

Steve Gschmeissner/Science Source

Chemists visualize the positively Intertwined bundles of collagen provide structure to connective tissues that surround indi-
and negatively charged regions that a vidual nerve fibers, as seen in this micrograph (above). π-holes help determine the structure of
molecule presents along its exterior by collagen and many other proteins. Collagen is formed from protein helices (below) that wrap
computing electrostatic potential surfac- around one another like analog telephone cords. Each helix is stabilized by π-hole interactions.
es, wrapping the molecule in a bright-

MOLEKUUL/Science Source
ly colored sleeve that shows regions shown—corresponding to positive for molecular shape. In collagen’s 3D
of positive (blue) and negative (red) charge—near the carbon of the car- structure, for instance, three peptide
charge, including π-holes. In the fig- bonyl group in each unit of collagen. strands coil around one another like
ure at the bottom of page 342, blue is This charge variation has implications analog telephone cords, with each 2023 November–December 341

2023-11Perspective.indd 341 9/25/2023 10:02:23 AM

σ and π Bonding ing that many regions of the molecule
could be attracted to an electron-rich
Charged surfaces are one way that chemists rationalize how a molecule’s partner. Some argue that the region
electrons shape its behavior. But chemists also think about orbitals, which of positive electrostatic potential near
are mathematical functions related to the probability of finding electrons in a carbonyl shouldn’t be considered a
particular locations. In this concept, when two orbitals interact, they form two localized hole. And in some molecules,
new orbitals that distribute the electrons more, resulting
Lorem ipsum in one orbital that unambiguous holes in the electron
is lower in energy than the energy of either starting atomic orbital, and one density aren’t actually attracted to
that is higher. For all molecules discussed in this article, only two electrons electron-rich groups.
are involved in these interactions, and these electrons both get to “reside” in Getting to the bottom of these de-
the lower energy orbital, or bonding orbital, that results from the interaction. tails might sound esoteric, but it is
The higher-energy, more-delocalized orbital that results from the interaction important for understanding how
is called the antibonding orbital, and because it is “empty”—no electrons reside molecules are put together. It also
in it—it does not hurt the energy of the molecule. has practical implications: If chemists
understand how π-holes work, they
б-bonding π-bonding
Collagen, the most
abundant protein in
mammals, contains
many π-holes. If you
want to understand

collagen, you need

to know what those
π-holes are doing.

bonding can do a better job of predicting the

outcomes of chemical reactions and
designing new ones in areas from biol-
Dean Tantillo ogy to industry.

Digging into π-Holes

These unusual patterns of charge have
individual strand forming a helix be- should interact, but chemists argue inspired chemists to look deeply into
cause the electron-rich carbonyl oxy- about the nature of π-hole binding. The the origins of the stabilization asso-
gen from one amide (N – C = O) is at- nature of intermolecular interactions ciated with π-hole interactions. Not
tracted to the π-hole of another amide is a long-standing issue in physical surprisingly, deep dives have led to
carbonyl further down the strand. chemistry, but the focus on holes is a passion-filled debates. What are the
With such maps, it sounds straight- modern one. The plots of many π-hole bases of the arguments? First and
forward to predict how molecules surfaces show a lot of blue, suggest- foremost, electron density in a mol-
ecule is inherently spread out, albeit
unequally, across the whole molecule,
but chemists tend to want to carve it
favorable into chunks, in part because we have
interaction been trained to think of molecules as
assemblies of functional parts. But
electron density doesn’t come in parts,
so fragmenting it, while potentially
useful, cannot be done in a single
correct way. There is no consensus,
and arguments, sometimes ferocious,
about which fragments make the most
sense, ensue.
π-hole Second, chemists frequently dis-
Dean Tantillo agree about which physical factors
This atomic-scale view of a peptide chain shows how an electron-rich oxygen from one amide contributing to attraction are most
group interacts with an electron-poor carbon from another further down the strand. These important. So far, we’ve talked about
types of π-hole interactions stabilize protein helices, such as those within collagen. charge–charge attraction as being im-

342 American Scientist, Volume 111

2023-11Perspective.indd 342 9/25/2023 10:02:24 AM

portant for holding collagen together.
But another way to look at this ques-
tion is through molecular orbital inter-
actions. Molecular orbitals are another
way to describe the electron smears cobimetinib
within bonds—instead of defining
them simply as volumes of charge,
orbitals are wavelike mathematical
functions describing the probability
that an electron resides in a particular
area. Electrons can act like waves as
well as particles, which means that
they can interfere with each other as
they interact, both constructively and б-hole
destructively. Constructive interfer-
ence equals favorable molecular or- F
bital interactions.
Sometimes, the chemists involved
only have eyes for their favorite con- F
tributors to bonding and binding. As
one leader in the theoretical character-
ization of such interactions, the Uni-
versity of Richmond’s Kelling Donald, HO O
says, they are feeling different parts of F Dean Tantillo
the same proverbial elephant without
Cobimetinib—an anticancer drug—includes a bond (circled) between a benzene ring and an io-
taking in the whole beast. Still, some- dine atom. This bonding arrangement creates a σ-hole, an area of positive charge (blue bull’s-eye)
times being focused can be useful. in this electron density map.
Ron Raines’s group at the Massa-
chusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
has demonstrated through elegant lab- ting their orbital analysis of π-holes to This type of σ-hole interaction has its
oratory and theoretical experiments use to tweak the structures of antican- own name: halogen bonding.
that the interactions between amide cer drugs so that they are more likely In the context of medicinal chemis-
groups described previously stabilize to remain stable in the body without try, electrostatic potential surfaces can
losing their effectiveness. be thought of as what a protein bind-
ing site “sees” when confronted with
Even if chemists Studying σ-holes a drug. If the drug is a good match for
Like their π-hole cousins, σ-holes spark the binding site, the binding site will
arrive at different both arguments and opportunities for look like a negative of this surface—a
models of how chemical innovation. Within a σ-hole,
a region of positive charge is found
cavity of approximately the same size
and shape whose surface charge distri-
π-hole and σ-hole along the line connecting two cova- bution is opposite to that in the drug
lently bonded atoms, but not between molecule. Cobimetinib offers a classic
interactions work, the atoms, as in another anticancer example of how a σ-hole within a drug
these models can drug called cobimetinib, used to treat
certain types of melanoma.
molecule can facilitate that beneficial
interaction, allowing it to bind to its
lead to testable Chemists have recognized the po- target, a protein involved in the rapid
tential role of σ-holes in a range of
predictions and drive binding patterns. They can deter-
proliferation of malignant cells.
The same arguments that arise over
new experiments. mine the local preferred shapes of the origins of π-hole interactions also
single molecules. They can help small surface for σ-hole interactions, and for
molecules bind to large ones. They the same reasons: As much as we un-
the 3D structure of collagen. Their de- can hold molecules together in re- derstand about the basic attractions
scription of π-hole binding is mostly peating patterns in crystals and liq- and repulsions that drive chemistry,
based on favorable molecular orbital uid crystals. The poster children of we still have much to learn about the
interactions, rather than on the charge- σ-hole–­containing molecules are the subtle ways that electrons and charg-
based model. Which is correct? Based so-called aryl halides like cobimetinib—­ es control the shapes and reactivity
on my experience, I would say that molecules in which halogen atoms, of complex molecules. Even if differ-
both effects contribute. And focusing such as chlorine, bromine, and iodine, ent chemists arrive at different models
on either aspect can be useful. For ex- are attached to benzene (or related) of how π-hole and σ-hole interactions
ample, the Raines group and Moham- rings. In x-ray crystal structures, such work, these models can be useful if
mad Movassaghi’s group, also at MIT, molecules often interact by point- they lead to testable predictions and
have applied what they’ve learned ing their carbon–halogen bonds at drive new experiments that shape mo-
about π-holes to aid drug design, put- ­electron-rich atoms in other molecules. lecular and materials design. 2023 November–December 343

2023-11Perspective.indd 343 9/25/2023 10:02:24 AM

complex that assembles into a liquid crystal

halogen bond

electron-rich б-hole

cationic intermediate x:
in an organocatalyzed

Dean Tantillo

Interactions that include σ-holes can stabilize both long-lasting and transient chemical struc- discussion c­ontinues—let’s keep
tures. An electron-rich pyridine group (that includes the N above) interacts with the σ-hole of those pie holes open.
an aryl halide in a complex that assembles into a liquid crystal. Electron-rich groups (lower
image) can interact with σ-holes in a reactive intermediate, a short-lived structure within a References
chemical reaction that determines a product’s composition, connectivity, and shape.
Andrés, J., et al. 2019. Nine questions on ener-
gy decomposition analysis. Journal of Com-
putational Chemistry 40:2248–2283.
Berger, G., P. Frangville, and F. Meyer. 2020.
As Bernard Silvi from Sorbonne interactions such as π-hole and σ-hole
Halogen bonding for molecular recogni-
University in France wrote in a 2019 interactions through x-ray crystal tion: New developments in materials and
paper, “The origin of this dispersion structures of small molecules bind- biological sciences. Chemical Communica-
of opinions is not a crisis of our dis- ing to proteins, they can predict the tions 56:4970–4981.
cipline announcing the advent of a best orientations of the two partners Kilgore, H. R., C. R. Olsson, K. A. D’Angelo,
new paradigm but rather a conse- participating in those interactions and M. Movassaghi, and R. T. Raines. 2020.
n→π* interactions modulate the disulfide
quence of its good health. . . . These attempt to understand the origins of reduction potential of epidithiodiketopi-
systems of explanation . . . address their attraction using quantum me- perazines. Journal of the American Chemical
different meanings of a given question chanics calculations. But using what Society 142:15107–15115.
and are intended for different scien- they learn from those quantum me- Naaz, S., et al. 2022. Halogen···halogen and
tific (sub)communities. Each system chanics calculations (whether they π-Hole interactions in supramolecular aggre-
gates and electrical conductivity properties
corresponds to its own representation reach a consensus or not), chemists
of Cu(II)-based 1D coordination polymers.
of the microscopic matter, adopts its can then derive simple mathemati- Crystal Growth & Design 22:5189–5197.
own point of view, and uses its own cal equations that they can employ Newberry, R. W., and R. T. Raines. 2017. The
vocabulary.” to rapidly predict how new, small- n→π* interaction. Accounts of Chemical Re-
Luckily, multiple viewpoints tend molecule drugs might bind to a target search 50:1838–1846.
to spark future experiments, which protein’s binding site. Wilcken, R., M. O. Zimmermann, A. Lange,­A.
should fuel better predictions about These strategies now propel molec- C. Joerger, and F. M. Boeckler. 2013. Princi-
ples and applications of halogen bonding in
how changing molecules’ electronic ular design of new drugs for diseases medicinal chemistry and chemical biology.
structure will affect the strengths of ranging from HIV to cancer that bind Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 56:1363–1388.
their interactions. via σ-hole interactions, new polymers
For example, both π-hole and σ-hole that hold themselves together using
interactions have become part of the π-hole interactions, and more. Re- Dean Tantillo loves to study the complexity as-
medicinal chemist’s toolbox for ratio- garding this problem from multiple sociated with his young children and with the
nal drug design: the process of build- viewpoints, learning from each, and mechanisms of chemical reactions. He does both
ing new molecules that can counteract applying those lessons has helped in Northern California, where he is a professor of
the effects of disease-causing proteins. chemists design new molecules and chemistry at the University of California, Davis.
As chemists catalog the geometries of new experiments. So let’s hope the Email:

344 American Scientist, Volume 111

2023-11Perspective.indd 344 9/25/2023 10:02:24 AM

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How Herman Hollerith Counted

America and the World
In the late 1800s, the inventor designed a revolutionary punch-card tabulating
system, a key moment in the development of modern computing.
Ainissa Ramirez

n 1879, 19-year-old Herman Hol- With a knowledge of metallurgy idea about the granular makeup of its
lerith aimed to make a name for from his engineering degree, Holler- citizens. Additionally, Hollerith real-
himself and wash off the stain of ith landed a job as a Special Agent at ized that the way the Census clerks
New York City poverty. His father the U.S. Census Office in Washington, scribbled numbers on paper seemed
had died when he was about 10. The D.C., writing reports on the use of barely more advanced than Babylo-
tragedy not only shook his family to nian hatch marks in clay. He also
the core, but it also forced them to leave watched as mountains of census forms
the comfort of their tight-knit enclave of were tallied by hand, taking up most
German relatives in Buffalo, New York. of the decade and threatening to over-
It was there that his mother began mak- lap with the following count.
ing one-of-a-kind bonnets for sophis- One evening at a party, Holler-
ticated ladies. But after she was wid- ith connected with one of the most
owed, she became a full-time milliner. prominent men working on the 1880
She moved her family to New York City, Census—John Shaw Billings, an es-
where she could reach more customers. teemed physician and Army surgeon,
Herman was a sensitive boy, and the who had created an unrivaled medical
transition to New York City seemed to library and was in charge of the 5th
impact him deeply. When a spelling bee Division of the Census on Vital Statis-
was announced at school, he jumped tics. Hollerith admired Billings greatly,
out of his classroom’s second story doing extra work for him by compil-
window, choosing bodily harm over ing life tables and graphs, in addition
revealing his weakness in spelling. For- to the reports Hollerith already had
tunately, his astute mother recognized to write. Sometime around 1879, Bill-
her youngest child’s acrobatics as a call ings invited Hollerith over for tea. On
for help and hired a Lutheran minister that Sunday evening, the older man
to provide private tutoring. Under the Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division waxed poetic about the technology the
clergy member’s instruction, Herman’s In 1879, 19-year-old Herman Hollerith gradu-
Census needed. Billings had long been
genius soared. He entered the Columbia ated from the Columbia University School of dissatisfied with how the Census was
University School of Mines at the age of Mines. He soon landed a job writing reports conducted and had been collecting in-
16, studying metals and mining. When at the U.S. Census Office, unaware of how it formation about individuals by storing
he graduated with his Engineer of Mines would influence the rest of his career. key details on cards with well-placed
degree in 1879, he posed for a photo- small holes to mark information.
graph (see figure at right), donning an ex- water and steam power for iron- and Looking at the young and motivated
travagant top hat and coat on his thin, steel-making. While at the Census Of- Hollerith, Billings said, “There ought
barely six-foot-tall frame. His task now fice, he also discovered that the United to be a machine to help tally all this in-
was to find work to match his ambition. States government did not have a full formation.” Such an invention would

The 1880 U.S. Census took seven years to Hollerith’s tabulating system used punch Hollerith’s tabulators were used to compile
complete. Seeing this glacial pace, a young, cards run through an electrical machine that all sorts of data around the world for sev-
ambitious Herman Hollerith working at the compiled the data. A rough count for the eral decades. His company eventually merged
Census Office began brainstorming solutions. 1890 Census was completed in six weeks. with others to form IBM.

346 American Scientist, Volume 111

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Division of Medicine and Science, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution
Hollerith invented a set of machines for compiling data for the U.S. Census. The system in- in Washington soaking up as much as
cluded a punch machine (left) for entering data about each person onto a blank card, a tabulator he could from Seaton. But soon Hol-
(center) for reading the cards, and a file box for sorting the cards (right). When a punched card lerith’s appointment at the Census Of-
was inserted into the metal contraption on the right side of the tabulator and the crank was fice came to an end. He tried to find
pulled, it would complete a circuit and count the data points on the dials above the tabulator. another job nearby. The best position
This concept of punch-card tabulating would make its way later into modern computing.
he could find that gave him the free-
dom to tinker was a teaching position
undoubtedly change how quickly the to count the entire U.S. population at the Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
Census was counted, as well as save with a machine of his own design. nology (MIT). Most young men would
the government millions of dollars. In Hollerith learned all he could about be thrilled to be affiliated with such an
that moment, Billings planted a seed in one machine that had been used in the institution, but Hollerith wasn’t entirely
the fertile soil of Hollerith’s mind. previous Census. Prior to that Census, convinced. He was reluctant to accept
clerks had tabulated by hand on tal- a pay cut. But after a former teacher
Getting to the Punch lying sheets. In 1872, Charles Seaton from Columbia reminded him that
Hollerith feverishly investigated how created a machine that looks like a one’s salary was no measure of one’s
a tabulating machine might function, modern-day pasta maker. Each ribbon value, Hollerith took the job. Although
learning more about the Census’s op- of paper that was spit out was a tally his body was located in Boston (MIT’s
eration by taking on additional work sheet that pertained to a specific col- home before Cambridge), his mind
in another part of the organization. umn of demographic data. The paper never left Washington, D.C.
After becoming knowledgeable about could then be advanced to a blank re- While teaching mechanical engi-
the current processes, Hollerith started gion, ready to receive new data. This neering at MIT, 24-year-old Hollerith
to hatch an idea that he was excited to invention was a step in the right di- spent all his free time working on his
share with Billings. However, when rection, but it had many limitations, “Census Machine.” His first attempt in
Hollerith explained his new scheme, because it was essentially a compact 1882 used a strip of paper, like Seaton’s
Billings wasn’t interested in working tally sheet. Hollerith understood that device, with a hand punch and a read-
with him to develop a machine. Bill- a new machine was needed that not er. Holes were punched into the paper.
ings just wanted the ready-made so- only collected data but also counted it. A hole was registered in the reader by
lution. Disappointed but not discour- To better understand this earlier in- a pin hovering over its metal roller.
aged, Hollerith set off to explore how vention, Hollerith spent all his free time When electronic contact was made, the 2023 November–December 347

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hole would be counted. But model, but the machine wasn’t
soon the shortcoming of this quite ready for full-scale use.
approach became obvious. To get the invention where he
With information stored this needed it to be, Hollerith re-
way, it was difficult to get quired money to build a robust
to a specific file without un- version as well as funds for the
raveling the whole roll. Plus, patent filing fee. This plan felt
Hollerith found that it took foolproof to him, which is why
what felt like miles of contin- he pleaded for additional fund-
uous paper to store informa- ing from Meyer, imploring to
tion about just a few people. his brother-­in-law in a letter
He began to think there had that he was no longer work-
to be another way to store in- ing on a “crude machine.” But
formation compactly and ac- Meyer wasn’t convinced, and
cess it readily. Soon, his ideas the money never came. When
moved away from using long Hollerith asked other family
strips of paper with holes to members for funding, legend

The Art Institute of Chicago, Art Resource, NY

using cards with punched has it that they laughed. Des-
holes—a concept that dated perate, Hollerith attempted
back to his days at university. to find other ways to come
When Hollerith had at- up with the money. He soon
tended Columbia, he lived looked toward the railroads.
with his older sister Bertha Since the end of the Civil
Meyer and her husband Al- War in 1865, the amount of
bert. Albert worked in the railroad track in the United
silk industry and tried his States had been growing rap-
best to convince his young idly, and the railroads were
ward to join him in textiles. becoming America’s biggest
Hollerith had a strong me- Hollerith came up with the idea of using punch cards to tally cen- industry, guaranteeing a pot
chanical sense, and the textile sus data after becoming familiar with their use in textile looms. of gold for any inventor who
industry had many opportu- The miniature model above includes a Jacquard attachment at the could create a useful technolo-
nities that might have suited top, which used a series of punch cards to program each thread in- gy for trains. Hollerith combed
him. But he also loved the dividually. This system could replicate complex weaving patterns. through railroad journals seek-
practical uses of science, such ing opportunities to build
as the chemistry of beer, about which writing a successful patent, so he de- something, and he found that there
he presented for the Chemical Society cided to get a position at the U.S. Pat- was a competition in Iowa hosted by
while still a student at Columbia in ent Office. Then, after about two years, the Master Car Builders, scheduled for
1878. Textiles did not fully align with he quit and worked for himself as an 1887. The contest involved designing
Hollerith’s temperament, so he didn’t “Expert and Solicitor of Patents,” as- a better braking system. At that time,
take up his brother-in-law on the offer. sisting other inventors with writing brakes were crude, and many passen-
But Hollerith saw something in the these legal documents for a fee. gers feared bodily harm even riding
textile factory that never left him. trains. With nothing to lose, Hollerith
One day, Meyer showed young Hol- tossed his hat in the ring.
lerith a special loom that created com- Hollerith designed Five brake systems were tested in
plex pictures and lace designs, getting
directions from punch cards. Decades an electricity-based the competition: three using com-
pressed air, one using vacuum, and
earlier in the 1800s, Joseph Marie Jac- brake system at a Hollerith’s using electric brakes. Hol-
quard had invented this loom in France. lerith designed this electricity-based
The holes in the cards allowed long time when Thomas brake system at a time when Thomas
weaving hooks to pass, creating an
image line by line. Where holes were
Edison was bringing Edison was bringing incandescent
bulbs to the world. Hollerith won in
absent, stitches were not made. These incandescent bulbs the competition but he also lost. His
Jacquard looms were all over France train stopped three seconds faster and
and had migrated to Europe and later to to the world. 128 feet (39 meters) sooner than the
the United States. Years later, Hollerith air brakes. Also, his system didn’t jolt
would realize that the way these cards From Concept to Prototype passengers. But in the end, the judg-
stored information for weaving might Hollerith continued to tinker on his in- es were uncertain about how electric
also store information for the Census. vention and ended up spending all of brakes would operate during a thun-
In 1883, Hollerith left MIT and re- his income on his creation. When he derstorm, not to mention that many
turned to Washington, D.C., to find wasn’t working on it, he was meeting superstitions still existed about electric-
work. As he continued work on his officials at the Census Office, reporting ity. So the judges gave the prize to the
“Census Machine,” he realized he on his progress to them. One day, these air brake system made by a popular
needed to know everything about officials invited him to demonstrate his inventor named George Westinghouse,

348 American Scientist, Volume 111

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Google Books
who already had a number of inven- Hollerith’s tabulating system came to be used in censuses around the world. For example, this
tions in service in the railroad industry. punch card was used in the Philippine Census of 1903.
This loss stung Hollerith deeply,
and, according to his biographer Geof- The health departments of New Jersey tion of the time that the task took by
frey Austrian, he barred people around and New York City sought his services hand, which was a great achievement.
him from mentioning the name “West- and had both adopted his system by But his eyes were still set on the Everest
inghouse.” But Hollerith’s luck would 1889. Hollerith’s system was able to tab- of data he wanted to conquer—the next
soon turn around. The City of Balti- ulate health-related statistics in a frac- U.S. Census, happening in 1890.
more was desperate to efficiently col-
lect their mortality statistics (such as
causes of death) and contacted Hol-
lerith, probably after hearing about his
work from Billings. In 1887, this city
that birthed America’s national an-
them also ushered in a new age of data
by using Hollerith’s punch-card tabu-
lating machine to acquire information
about its citizens—both the quick and
the dead. When collecting such infor-
mation, Hollerith used cards inspired
by train tickets, where a conductor
punched holes describing the rider,
such as light hair, dark eyes, or long
nose. These “punch photographs”
helped identify and verify passengers.
Hollerith initially used a conductor’s
punch, too, but after perforating 1,000
cards in one day, each with multiple
holes, his arm was too sore for a repeat
performance. These aches and pains
inspired him to devise a machine with
a lever inside to punch the cards; like a
seesaw with a well-placed fulcrum, it
required much less force on the hand. NARA/Science Source
Hollerith succeeded in Baltimore, and An operator reads census forms and punches holes into dollar-bill-sized cards in a pattern that
soon other opportunities materialized. represents the data. 2023 November–December 349

2023-11Technologue.indd 349 9/25/2023 12:24:56 PM

10,491 people living in four districts
of St. Louis, Missouri. One system
made by William C. Hunt recorded
information about each person on slips
[i:ntered at the Post Oftlce of New York, N. Y.. as Second Class Matter. Copyrl,ghted, IHIO. by Munn & Co.)
of paper that were counted by hand;
another system by Charles F. Pidgin
Vo'. LXIII.-:-; ...
9'J .N�W YORK, AUGU�'l' �O, 1890. [Ia.oo A YEAR•
was a modification of the first, using
different colored paper, called chips,
that were also sorted and counted by
hand. This time, Hollerith was the
competition’s clear winner. Neither of
these manual methods of slips or chips
could keep up with Hollerith’s ma-
chine, which worked in nearly half the
time to translate the data onto cards,
and one-tenth of the time to tabulate
the information.

The 1890 Census and Beyond

When the U.S. Census of 1890 began,
Hollerith’s moment had finally come.
Now 30 years old, Hollerith saw his
automated tabulating punch-card
system fully actualized. First, Census
employees traveled door-to-door, tak-
ing down details about members of a
household. Armed with forms contain-
ing nearly 30 questions, they scribbled
down the information or in some cases
directly punched that information onto
a card. If a mistake was made on a
card, the hole was patched with a small
adhesive cover. Literal tons of paper
forms were then returned to the Cen-
sus Office, where the data were trans-
lated into holes punched into cards,
with a keyboard that neatly pierced
them, readying the card to be counted.
Next, the information on the card
was tallied by a clerk sitting at the tab-
ulation machine, which resembled an
upright piano with counters distributed
in rows and columns on its upper pan-
el. At the location of the piano keys sat a
small press, which looked like a square
waffle iron with a medieval bed of nails
TING Archive; coming from the top. If the nail passed
Scientific American Computer History Museum

Hollerith’s invention was featured on ©the of Scientific

1890 SCIENTIFIC INC. American on August 30, 1890. Il-
through a hole in the card when the
lustrations show various steps in the census tallying process. The previous year, Hollerith’s clerk pressed down, the nail completed
tabulator had won a gold medal at the World’s Fair in Paris. an electrical circuit, sending current to
a specific electronic counter. The coun-
Speeding Up the Census tire punch-card system that allowed ters looked like clocks, but instead of 60
Until 1880, counting the number of cit- the Census to not only count the total minutes, they had 100 divisions. A long
izens in the United States happened at population, but also to separate them hand, like the minute hand, moved one
a glacial pace. There were 26 questions into smaller demographic groups, division to count “one.” The shorter
on the 1880 Census, which captured providing the nation with a mirror to hand, like the hour hand, moved one
information such as gender, place of know itself. division to count “hundreds.” If the
birth, race, marital status, occupation, At the time that Hollerith was work- nail did not pass through a hole in the
ability to read or write, and disability ing on his system, other inventors card, the counter didn’t move. After
status. But there was no way to sift or were coming up with their own solu- each card, the clerk lifted up the press,
sort all that data to know the number tions. The Census Office had a compe- ready to count the next. Stacks of cards
of persons in any combination of the tition of statistical machines, in which as high as the Washington Monument
categories. Hollerith designed an en- three competitors compiled data of were tabulated every day.

350 American Scientist, Volume 111

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U. S. National Archives Records Administration
The 1880 Census, conducted before Hollerith’s tabulating machine changed the way populations were counted. The census was
Hollerith’s invention, had taken nearly not only a way for the country to know itself, it also reflected the times. Employment in the
seven and a half years to complete. In federal government was segregated until 1947. This photograph from the 1940s shows African
1890, a rough count of the entire U.S. American punch-card operators from the Census Office. They were part of the workforce of
population was performed twice in six 2,400 punch-card operators that entered 328,341,293 cards for the census.
weeks. According to the current Census
historian, it took approximately two to the Tabulating Machine Company and eventually folded into a newly formed
three years to fully process and tabulate would go on to secure a contract for company, called International Business
all the various Census subjects. the 1900 Census. The Census of 1910 Machines (IBM), bringing Hollerith’s
Soon, other countries came clamor- also seemed like a sure deal, but the punch cards—and a new way to store
ing for this technology. Hollerith ap- Census Office didn’t want to pay Hol- data—to every corner of the world.
plied his automated census machines lerith’s fees. One of Hollerith’s former
to counting populations in Austria, employees quickly seized this op- Bibliography
Canada, Russia, Cuba, Puerto Rico, portunity by using Hollerith’s plans Austrian, G. D. 1982. Herman Hollerith: For-
to make his own machines. Hollerith gotten Giant of Information Processing. New
knew this employee well, having giv- York: Columbia University Press.
The 1880 Census, en him loans to buy a home and to Blodgett, J. H., and C. K. Schultz. 1969. Her-
man Hollerith: Data processing pioneer.
help him with the care of a sick child.
before Hollerith’s The betrayal cut deeply, but it forced American Documentation 20:221–226.

invention, had Hollerith to look into new markets and

provide new services for businesses
Hollerith, V., and H. Hollerith. 1971. Bio-
graphical sketch of Herman Hollerith. Isis
taken nearly seven and industry, such as accounting, re-
Reid-Green, K. S. 1989. The history of census
cordkeeping, and statistical analysis.
and a half years Soon, Hollerith had other custom-
tabulation. Scientific American 260:98–103.

to complete. ers, such as George Westinghouse (a

name he had once vowed never to
utter) and the Marshall Field’s de- Ainissa Ramirez is a materials scientist who began
her career as a Member of Technical Staff at Bell Labo-
and Norway. The results allowed these partment store, as well as electric
ratories and was later an associate professor of me-
countries to get a clearer picture of companies, insurance companies, chanical engineering at Yale University. She is the au-
themselves, too. steel manufacturers, and railroads. thor of the award-winning book The Alchemy of Us
In 1890, the same year as his Cen- Later, Hollerith’s business would (MIT Press, 2020). Currently, she is a Kluge Scholar
sus triumph, Hollerith received a doc- merge to form a new entity called the at the Library of Congress and is working on her next
torate from Columbia for his electric Computing-­Tabulating-Recording book about material science innovations throughout
tabulating system. By 1896, he formed Company (C-T-R). That company was history. Website: 2023 November–December 351

2023-11Technologue.indd 351 9/25/2023 12:24:58 PM

“Seeing” into Opaque Materials
with Light and Sound
Lasers generate and detect ultrasonic waves that can image the interiors of
solid objects.

David M. Pepper and Todd W. Murray

eople have always been fasci- cal connections were necessary. What surface of a solid, the result is the gen-
nated by things that are hid- Bell heard was the result of the forma- eration of heat-induced surface tem-
den from view, and by what tion of sound waves by the rapid ther- perature changes, leading to pressure-
might be found inside opaque mal expansion and contraction of the density waves, or acoustic waves, in
objects. We see objects because some of air over the periodically heated sur- both the air and the solid. (The prin-
the light that strikes them is reflected face, which is now referred to as the ciple is approximately the same as
and eventually enters our eyes. How- photoacoustic effect. His observation what causes the vanes to spin in a small
ever, not all of the light is reflected from was the basis for a novel technology whirligig device often used in school
the surface; part of it is absorbed. Is using lasers that now enables us to science classes, called a light mill or a
there anything useful that can be done see into the interiors of opaque objects Crookes radiometer.) Periodic vibra-
with this absorbed light to see within without ever ­touching them. tions that propagate within the mate-
the object? The answer lies in rial create compressional sound
a serendipitous observation waves. But in the solid, an
made more than 140 years additional kind of sound
ago by Alexander Graham wave, called a shear wave, in-
Bell when he heard sounds volves motion of the atoms
produced by light falling on in a direction transverse to
an opaque object. the direction of propagation,
Bell was working on one but without any associated
of his more intriguing inven- temperature change. All are
tions, the photophone. It used potentially useful for sub­
sunlight, instead of wires, to surface imaging because they
carry voice information be- can scatter and reflect from
tween two individuals. The internal elastic features, pro-
sunlight was modulated by ducing “echoes” that return
the voice of the speaker and to the surface with informa-
was converted to electrical Science History Images/Alamy Stock Photo
tion about those features. By
signals at the other end with measuring the tiny vibrations
a detector made from selenium. This The photophone, a less well-known invention on the object’s exterior caused by these
invention was similar in principle to of Alexander Graham Bell, used sunlight to effects, one can locate the back wall of
today’s fiber-optic communication, ex- carry voice information. Bell observed what is the object or see an otherwise hidden
now called the photoacoustic effect, the gener-
cept that Bell did not confine the light defect inside it, such as corrosion in an
ation of sound waves by the rapid expansion
to a fiber. In the process of his experi- and contraction of air over a heated surface.
airplane, cracks in a weld, defects in
mentation with the photophone, Bell red-hot steel coming out of a mill, or
discovered that it was possible to hear The physical phenomena involved voids in 3D printing, as well as visualize
the sound by simply placing his ear in Bell’s experiment are considerably microstructure evolution in uranium-
in the air close to an object that was more complicated than he realized at zirconium nuclear fuel alloys, blood
illuminated by the light—no electri- the time. When light is absorbed at the vessels in the eye, or tumors in the body.

Opaque objects that are illuminated do Lasers can both create and detect ultra- Peering inside opaque materials without
not reflect all of the light that hits their sur- sonic wave signals, which are modified by touching or damaging them is useful in manu-
faces; some of the light is absorbed and can defects or other structures inside the opaque facturing inspection, infrastructure monitoring,
create vibrations within the material. material and produce a measurable signal. landmine detection, and medical imaging.

352 American Scientist, Volume 111

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Courtesy of Tecnar
A red-hot stainless steel tube passes under a laser ultrasound inspection system directly after spected, such as composite sections of
leaving a furnace. A pulsed laser generates ultrasound in the pipe, which reflects within its automobiles or jet aircraft components.
walls and then is measured by a second laser setup. This noncontact system provides immedi- Moreover, these probes can be config-
ate feedback for quality control. Laser-based ultrasound can be used to image the interiors of ured to inspect parts in vacuums (such
a variety of opaque materials, from aircraft components to human eye tissue.
as outer space), in radioactive environ-
ments, or in other adverse conditions
Optical Detection feedback control, can result in a higher where one cannot easily reach the part
Because the effects of subsurface elas- yield of products that are within speci- or when it is impossible to contact the
tic features show up as vibrations of fications. The noncontact, light-based part during manufacture. For instance,
the surface, they can be detected opti- method can be used, for example, to in- laser ultrasound is used to measure the
cally. Thus, light can indeed be used spect aircraft for subsurface corrosion, thickness of rapidly moving red-hot
to see the interior of an otherwise microcracks near rivets, or degradation seamless steel tubes as they exit the
opaque object, without making any to the coatings of turbine engine blades. furnaces of steel mills (see figure above).
physical contact. The process is called Light-based inspection systems can
laser-based ultrasound. Pulsed laser be applied on size scales ranging from Light into Sound
beams “ping” the object to generate aging infrastructure (bridges, build- When pulsed laser light is absorbed by
high-frequency sound waves, which ings, railways, aircraft, and naval ves- an opaque object, a pulse of sound is
are detected by low-power lasers that sels) to semiconductor microchips, wa- generated. To create frequencies in the
remotely sense the mechanical vibra- fers, or objects produced by 3D printing ultrasonic range (hundreds of thou-
tions on its surface. One can view this (also called additive manufacturing). For sands to trillions of cycles per second),
process as being a form of sonar. many applications, it is crucial that the short laser pulses are required: Pulse
The subtle vibration patterns detect- measurement be entirely optical, either times range from tens of microseconds
ed by these optical methods can reveal because the objects are otherwise inac- to less than picoseconds. The energy
features buried beneath the surface of cessible, or because there is a need for in the optical pulse is in the range of
the object. These features include the extreme cleanliness. For example, by tens of millijoules, which is equivalent
thickness of the sample, hidden cracks, using the remote capability of optical to the energy of a U.S. penny dropped
delaminations, voids, disbonding, and probes, one can inspect parts moving from a height of 40 centimeters. Thus,
material inhomogeneities. along an assembly line without inter- the opaque object is “pinged” by the
The ability to use echo ranging al- rupting their progress along the line. optical pulse.
lows, for example, for in-process moni- Also, because light probes do not re- Laser-based ultrasound can be gen-
toring of the dimensions of manu- quire fitting a transducer to the surface, erated using either of two optically in-
factured parts, which, with real-time objects with irregular shapes can be in- duced mechanisms: the thermoelastic 2023 November–December 353

2023-11Pepper.indd 353 9/25/2023 11:31:05 AM

effect or ablation. In the ultrasound create two optical beams
former case, the opaque generation workpiece that combine (or interfere)
material is rapidly heat- at the detector. When one
ed at laser intensities in beam is shifted in space or
the range of hundreds pulsed laser frequency relative to the
of kilowatts or more per other beam, it produces
square centimeter. The defect an output change at the
resulting high-frequency detector. In this case, the
thermoelastic expansion laser ultrasonic signal wave
launches the ultrasonic ultrasonic gives rise to this minute
waves, as was first dem- receiver change, which can be one
onstrated in 1963 by Rich- part in 10 thousandths of
ard M. White, an electrical an optical wavelength (or
engineer at the University Adapted from Y. Cheng, et al., Sensors 13:16146. equivalently, 10 billionths
of California, Berkeley. In a basic laser-based ultrasound system, the short-pulse laser generates of a centimeter).
In this case, the material bulk and surface acoustic waves. These ultrasonic waves (red) scatter from The mirrors used in
is not modified or dam- internal defects, and also reflect from the back side of the opaque work- laboratory interferometers
aged; it returns to its ini- piece, resulting in surface vibrations that can be probed and detected by typically have a surface
tial state, unaltered. a laser ultrasonic receiver located on the surface. The signal output (blue roughness that is no more
The second mecha- waves) will be affected by the scattering from defects within the material, than a fraction of an opti-
nism, laser ablation, in- providing a means of detecting flaws or other subsurface characteristics. cal wavelength. How-
volves applying intensi- ever, the surface of the
ties of tens of millions of watts or more Signal Received reflecting object, such as an airplane
per square centimeter over a small area A second, low-power continuous oper- fuselage or a welded part, can have a
of the surface. This results in surface ating laser, or a long-pulse laser, probes surface roughness that is thousands of
temperatures of thousands of degrees the surface of the vibrating object and, times greater than that. A probe laser
over time periods of 10 billionths of a like what happens in radar, can sense beam that reflects from such an un-
second. The intense heating causes a the Doppler-shifted light as it reflects polished surface will scatter over large
small amount of material to be blown from the surface into the detector. The angles into a pattern of laser spots,
away from the surface, with the recoil frequency of the probe beam is modu- called speckle, which is deleterious to
of the surface generating an intense lated by the surface vibrations, and it sensitive detectors.
compressional sound wave. is these minute vibrations that contain Furthermore, low-frequency me-
The patterns of the ultrasonic beams the desired ultrasonic information. The chanical vibrations in a hangar or fac-
that propagate into the object depend speed of the vibrating surface is only tory setting can have amplitudes in the
range of a millimeter or so, one million
times greater than the ultrasonic sur-
face displacements to be detected. This
The optical pulse “pings” the opaque combination of surface roughness and
vibrations would render most interfer-
object with an energy equivalent to that ometers useless as sensors.
To overcome surface roughness
of a U.S. penny dropped from a height of and vibration difficulties, in the 1980s
physicist Jean-Pierre Monchalin of the
40 centimeters. National Research Council of Canada
developed a novel scheme, based on
an interferometer invented by French
physicists Charles Fabry and Alfred
on what excitation mode is used, which about 10 centimeters per second during Pérot at the outset of the 20th century.
in turn depends on the geometry of the a typical ultrasonic pulse. Taking this The probe laser light reflected from
part and the type of inspection needed. measurement is very challenging: It’s the vibrating sample enters this inter-
In both cases, sound waves reflect akin to measuring the speed of a crawl- ferometer and bounces back and forth
from internal features within the object, ing infant over a time period of only between a pair of partially silvered,
whose elastic properties are different 100 millionths of a second. fixed mirrors that face each other.
from those of the surrounding material. Such detection sensitivity usually This device acts as an optical resona-
Ultrasonic echoes from these features requires laboratory conditions, but tor, with sharp peaks in the frequency
can be reflected back to the surface this technique has to function in ad- of the transmitted light (analogous to
(the mechanism is analogous to sonar). verse environments such as a factory. resonant acoustic modes in a hollow
These reflected waves cause surface dis- To achieve this sensitivity, an optical tube). Adjusting the frequency of the
placements that are exceedingly small, interferometer is added into the pro- laser to remain on the maximum slope
usually in the range of one-tenth of a cess, between the vibrating surface and of one of these resonance peaks makes
nanometer to 10 nanometers. By com- the optical detector. A typical optical the device sensitive to the small shifts
parison, a single atomic layer is about a interferometer comprises several high- in the frequency of the light reflected
third of a nanometer thick. quality mirrors and beam splitters to from the vibrating surface. This detec-

354 American Scientist, Volume 111

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– 40

– 80

Top: From I. Papa, et al., International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 4:37. Bottom: From T.-W. Shyr, et al., Composite Structures 62:193.

impact location
delamination surface buckling Impact damage can result when a blunt object strikes the exposed surface
of a fiber-reinforced polymer composite material. Sometimes the ex-
posed surface shows no signs of damage (above left), but the impact may
nevertheless have caused internal delamination, matrix cracking, fiber
breakage, or perforation (lower left). Such impact to aircraft, for instance,
can result from hail, bird strikes, runway debris, or tools dropped during
maintenance. Laser-based ultrasound generation can reveal the hidden
subsurface impact damage via ultrasound spurious reflections (above
matrix cracks
matrix cracks right; color scale indicates the strength of the returned signal). In this case,
due to bending fiber breakage due to shear detection was aided with squirter sensing, in which a water-jet coupler
contacts the test part and guides the ultrasound along the stream.

tion technique is similar to tuning in because it tracks the signal beam in basic concept of this type of optical in-
to FM signals on a car radio, which time to account for workplace vibra- terferometer was developed and dem-
use the resonance peak of an electronic tions. The pair of matched beams then onstrated in the late 2010s by physicists
circuit to demodulate that signal. The hit an optical detector, with its elec- Balthasar Fischer at the Vienna Universi-
concept is also similar to that underly- trical output revealing the ultrasound ty of Technology and Wolfgang Rohring-
ing gravitational-wave optical detec- signal. This technique functions in the er and his colleagues at XARION
tors, except in that case, the mirrors same way as laser communication sys- Laser Acoustics in Vienna, Austria.
move in response to a gravity wave tems, which, by using adaptive optics,
instead of a surface vibration. can detect low-level signals that have Checking for Flaws
Another class of laser ultrasound passed through turbulent atmospheres. Once the difficulties with detection sen-
receiver is referred to as an adaptive in- A third class of optical interferometer sitivity were resolved, laser ultrasound
terferometer, which is sensitive to the is sensitive to the medium itself between began to be used in a variety of applica-
minute vibrations of a mirror—in this the mirrors: air. When sound waves tions. Using an adaptive interferometer,
case, the part undergoing inspection.
This interferometer, called a two-wave
mixer, was also invented at the Na-
tional Research Council of Canada by Measuring the speed of the vibrating
Alain Blouin, Monchalin, and their col-
leagues, in the 1990s. It uses a photo­ surface is akin to measuring the speed of
refractive crystal to optically process
two input laser beams. One beam is a crawling infant over a time period of
a reference wave, called a local oscilla-
tor. The second beam is the light that
scatters from the unpolished, vibrating
only 100 millionths of a second.
part undergoing testing, called a sig-
nal beam. This latter beam contains the
ultra­sound information to be detected. travel across the interferometer, they cre- laser-based ultrasonic signals, sensed
Both beams combine (or interfere) to ate minute pressure/density waves in at a distance of about 1 meter, have
form a real-time, or dynamic, hologram the air within the interferometer. The been used to provide real-time, in-
in the crystal. The hologram matches changes in density result in changes to factory determinations of the wall
the wavefronts of the reference beam the refractive index of the air, which in thicknesses of rough-cut, unpolished,
to those of the signal beam to compen- turn affects the optical output of the in- red-hot hollow steel tubes (with 10-
sate for surface irregularities. It is also terferometer. One can view this system micron precision out of 10-millimeter
referred to as an adaptive photodetector as a very sensitive microphone. The wall thicknesses), moving at speeds 2023 November–December 355

2023-11Pepper.indd 355 9/25/2023 11:31:06 AM

Lamb waves, a type of guided wave in a grated circuits in semiconductor chips
plate, are generated by laser pulse (at A0), have electrical connections that are
and can be used to inspect carbon fiber re-
made via solder bumps about 500 mi-
A0 inforced polymer laminates for damage (at
S0). An area of damage (top) is encountered
crons in diameter, and the area around
30 by a Lamb wave front, which causes a phase them is filled with epoxy. Intelligent
delay (at 40 microseconds) and reflections (at Optical Systems and one of us (Murray)
50 microseconds) that result in the scattering have shown that laser-based ultrasound
of the incident wave (bottom). can be used to perform nondestructive,
S0 noncontact testing to determine that all
echo signals with a probe beam. High- solder bumps are properly bonded. In
ly attenuated echoes are indicative of another demonstration by HRL Labo-
ultra­sound waves that have been exten- ratories, a laser ultrasound system was
sively scattered by relatively large grain used to ensure that there were no ep-
sizes or detrimental microstructure. oxy underfill voids or gaps. In much
In-situ inspection is also important the same way, these systems have been
40 to detect defects in real time during 3D used to detect epoxy voids or debond-
printing, such as one type called laser ing in nuclear radiation shielding.
delay sintering, which uses a high-power laser The silicon wafers used in microelec-
to solidify material on the top of a pow- tronics can themselves be inspected

der bed in a zig-zag pattern, after which with a type of laser-based ultrasound
a new layer of powder is deposited. called picosecond metrology, whereby
Cliff J. Lissenden of Pennsylvania State ultrashort laser pulses (lasting about
University and his colleagues devel- 100 femtoseconds, or one-tenth of a tril-
oped a technique using an ultrasound lionth of a second) give rise to ultra-
short-pulsed excitation laser, the out- short sound waves when absorbed by a
50 put beam of which is formed into a line semiconductor chip. The sound waves
reflection source that generates ultrasonic surface reflect from the chip’s thin layers, and
waves that probe the processed region. a delayed laser probe beam measures
A low-power, long-pulsed probe laser these time-dependent changes in reflec-
beam senses the resultant vibrations on tivity, thereby revealing the thickness of
the same or opposite side of the printed the chip’s thin films down to angstroms
area. Spurious reflections or transmis- in resolution, as pioneered by Hum-
sion “gaps” are signs of a defect. phrey Maris of Brown University.
Imaging subsurface impact damage Recently, Stefan Edwards and his
in composite structures is also a criti- colleagues at the Advanced Research
From N. Toyama, et al., Applied Sciences 9:46.

cal inspection need. Impact damage is Center for Nanolithography in Am-

particularly insidious in composites sterdam used this technique to reveal
because most often no visible signs ap-
pear on the surface. Thus, when a tool
is dropped on a composite surface, a
mechanic may conclude that no dam- laser
age occurred, when in fact the impact array
80 millimeters may have caused extensive subsurface
delamination (cracks, fiber breakage,
–1 0 1 and the like). Laser-based ultrasound
has been used by Nobuyuki Toyama
in excess of 4 meters per second along and his colleagues at the National Me-
an assembly line, and at temperatures trology Institute of Japan to detect evi- test
in excess of 1,000 degrees Celsius. The dence of impact damage by stimulating landmine
wall thickness is determined by mea- ultrasonic waves that are guided along
suring the time it takes for the ultra- a composite plate, called Lamb waves, to
sound and its echoes to reflect within interrogate an area in the region of the
Courtesy of V. Aranchuk, University of Mississippi
the thin walls of the tubes. suspected damage. The Lamb waves
In a related application, it is impor- propagate along the plate like small A buried unarmed test landmine (circle) is
tant to monitor the strength of a mate- water waves, where they are detected scanned from a moving vehicle by an array
rial as it is processed or cast (such as by a laser ultrasonic receiver. The pres- of laser beams (red dots, moving in direction
of arrow). An audio source induces vibrations
nuclear fuel rods) in a vacuum cham- ence of impact damage disturbs the
that are altered by the buried object, and the
ber. Internal granularities and micro- Lamb waves just as a stationary rock vibration pattern difference is detected by the
structure, which affect the integrity of would interfere with water waves. laser system (inset at top right). The system has
a material, can be ascertained by mea- the potential to find plastic landmines, which
suring the absorption of ultrasound as Hidden Patterns are difficult to detect with other methods, such
it reflects between two surfaces of the Another application of laser-based as ground-penetrating radar. The noncontact
part and measuring the strength of the ultra­sound is in microelectronics. Inte- method can be performed at a safe distance.

356 American Scientist, Volume 111

2023-11Pepper.indd 356 9/25/2023 11:31:07 AM

hidden patterns beneath opaque thin
layers. The hidden structure imprints
a pattern onto the sound wave, which
diffracts the delayed probe beam. This
technique can be useful in the micro-
electronics industry, in which it is criti-
cal to align various buried patterns
(such as those that form circuits) with
subsequent thin layers of material. time of flight

Under the Surface

Inspecting below an opaque bound-
ary can at times be dangerous, such as
in looking for landmines. The best ap-
proach is to use long standoff distances.
In a recent demonstration of landmine
detection, performed by Vyacheslav
From J.-F. Vandenrijt, et al., Proceedings ICEM18 2(8):455.
Aranchuk and his colleagues at the
University of Mississippi, an array of Laser ultrasound can be combined with robotic scanning (bottom left) to image composite
structures (top left) such as ones found in aircraft parts. Irregularly shaped parts can be in-
loudspeakers insonified a distant area
spected by a laser beam because the spot where the excitation light is absorbed by the part
in a field. Sound waves penetrated the generates a compressional wave perpendicular to the surface, independent of the angle of in-
ground and reflected from underground cidence. Test flaws marked on the sample are revealed by changes in the amplitude (top right)
objects—including unarmed test plas- and the time of flight (bottom right) of the returned scan signal, shown here in false color.
tic explosives that ground-penetrating

A Tight Connection weld joint, resulting in a decreased signal, or even no sig-

nal at all (see figure below). Such a diagnostic was installed
Welding is ubiquitous across most sectors of manufactur- directly downstream of a laser welder, with the ultrasound
ing, from microelectronics to the medical sector, the au- generation and probe beams straddling the weld seam,
tomotive industry, aerospace, and infrastructure. A pre- yielding information in real time, with the ultimate goal of
ferred goal is to inspect weld joints during manufacturing providing immediate feedback to the welder system.
in a nondestructive manner, although in some cases, it A key area of ongoing research is the use of laser ultra-
is practical to perform the inspection post-processing sound to perform nondestructive testing of spot welds. The
or offline. Laser-based ultrasound has the capability to average car contains about 5,000 spot welds. Traditionally,
perform both in adverse environments.
As an example, a weld joint of an automo- fused flux fused flux
bile automatic transmission reverse clutch generation generation
housing can be inspected offline, as dem- detection detection
onstrated by Gilmore J. Dunning, Phillip V.
Mitchell, and one of us (Pepper) at HRL Lab-
oratories in Malibu, California, by “pitching
and catching” the laser beams on opposite
sides of the workpiece. Two laser beams (the
ultrasound exciter and probe beams) were normal weld: full penetration lack of penetration
scanned across the weld seam. In the case wave diffracts from bottom of weld
of a good weld, a high transmission of the
ultrasound signal is expected when both beams are on testing is done with intermittent destructive inspection, but
weld-center, and the signal is expected to decrease sym- obviously not all welds can be inspected in this manner,
metrically on either side of the weld bead. In current so the quality of the welds becomes a matter of statistics.
manufacturing, welds are inspected destructively, at ran- In some cases, overwelding is a means of attaining some
dom, by sectioning selected workpieces to view the weld form of reliability, but it increases production costs. By
bead. The ultimate goal is to implement nondestructive using pulsed lasers to generate ultrasound on one surface
in-line inspection. of a metal sheet, the ultrasound wave will travel through
Courtesy of Intelligent Optical Systems

In a later demonstration, performed by Marvin B. Klein the spot-weld unabated, and through the second sheet in
and Bradley L. Bobbs at Intelligent Optical Systems in the case of a good weld. In the case of a bad weld (either
Torrance, California, an in-line laser-based ultrasound a poor-quality weld bead or a small-diameter weld spot),
inspection system was designed and demonstrated to spurious acoustic reflections will occur that will be detected
inspect a weld seam during the actual welding process. by the probe laser of the receiver. The optical microphone
A good quality weld will not interfere with the passage of detection system developed by Wolfgang Rohringer and
the ultrasonic wave; a weld defect will result in spurious his colleagues at XARION Laser Acoustics detects laser
reflections of the ultrasound signal in the vicinity of the ultrasonic waves to image spot-welds nondestructively. 2023 November–December 357

2023-11Pepper.indd 357 9/25/2023 11:31:07 AM

For example, in a recent demonstration
by Zohreh Hosseinaee and her col-
leagues at the University of Waterloo,
pressure waves modified the reflectiv-
ity of a probe beam to realize in-vivo
functional and structural retinal imaging
using remote photoacoustic microscopy,
revealing not only the vasculature of the
retina but also its oxygen saturation.
Recently, investigators have ex-
plored techniques to further enhance
the photoacoustic response of blood.
In one case, in vitro experiments were
performed by one of us (Murray) and
our colleagues using samples of bo-
vine blood, into which were injected
5-micrometer microbubbles, compris-
ing thin spherical membranes hous-
ing a molecular species that absorbs
light at a much greater rate than blood.
Hence, more intense photoacoustic
signals would emanate from much
smaller volumes than from blood cells
within vessels or tumors. The goal is to
prepare the surface of these microbub-
bles with a compound that attaches to,
for example, cancerous cells within a
blood vessel or tumor, enabling photo­
acoustic mapping of the cancerous spe-
cies with high precision.
In another advance, researchers at
MIT Lincoln Laboratory and their col-
From Z. Hosseinaee, et al., Scientific Reports 12:4562. laborators at the Massachusetts General
Photoacoustic remote sensing is used to image the vasculature of a mouse retina (top left). Hospital Center for Ultrasound Re-
Smaller vessels are visible (top right) and arteries (red arrows) and veins (blue arrows) can be search and Translation have developed
distinguished (bottom left). The method can measure levels of oxygen saturation (abbreviated a new medical imaging device: the Non-
SO2) in hemoglobin in retinal blood (bottom right). Poor retinal oxygen saturation is indica- contact Laser Ultrasound (NCLUS) sys-
tive of diseases such as diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration. tem. Developed by Robert Haupt and
his colleagues, the goal of the technology
radar cannot easily detect—which cre- ate heat pulses but also generates ultra- is to replace conventional, direct-contact
ated minute surface vibrations. An ar- sound in hemoglobin-rich features via ultrasound imaging of patients with
ray of laser beams scanned and probed the thermoelastic effect. These features the use of noncontact lasers to gener-
the surface to detect these vibrations. thus function as subsurface “sources” ate and receive the ultrasound. This ad-
A challenge here is to collect sufficient of ultrasound, as reported in 2016 by vance would enable the imaging of in-
laser light from the ground to result in a Keerthi S. Valluru and Jürgen K. Will- terior body features such as organs, fat,
reasonable signal. Speckle compensation mann who were then at Stanford Uni- muscle, tendons, and blood vessels—all
may provide a viable solution. versity. A fraction of the ultrasound without touching the patient. The sys-
An exciting application of laser-based disturbance propagates to the surface, tem can also measure bone strength and
ultrasound is in the field of medical im- where minute vibrations occur, as in may have the potential to track disease
aging. This novel technique involves the conventional laser-based ultrasound. By stages over time. The laser-based system
detection of subsurface features in tis- scanning the ultrasound generation and has the potential to diagnose patients
sue, such as blood vessels and tumors, detection beams across the surface of the who have painful or sensitive body ar-
and its name heralds back to Alexander tissue, a “photoacoustic image” can be eas, are in fragile states, or are at risk
Graham Bell’s original discovery. The obtained, revealing the presence of sub- of infection, as well as to image burn
technique, called photoacoustic imaging, surface blood vessels or tumors against or trauma victims, patients with open
employs pulsed or modulated lasers little background. Lihong Wang and his deep-tissue regions during surgery, pre-
that harmlessly penetrate centimeters colleagues at the California Institute of mature infants requiring intensive medi-
into the skin. The modulated light is Technology have also performed pio- cal care, patients with neck and spine in-
preferentially temporally absorbed by neering work in this area. juries, and contagious individuals, all of
hemoglobin in the blood. The laser- All-optical imaging approaches such whom require long standoff distances.
beam modulation is sufficiently short in as these may be most suitable for oph- The system uses a pulsed near-
duration (lasting tens of microseconds to thalmology procedures, wound assess- infrared laser—operating safely in the
nanoseconds) that it doesn’t just gener- ment, brain surgery, and laser surgery. thermoelastic (photoacoustic) mode—to

358 American Scientist, Volume 111

2023-11Pepper.indd 358 9/25/2023 11:31:08 AM

generate ultrasound waves at a specific into a preferential direction of propaga- be equipped with noninvasive sensors
location on the patient, not unlike those tion, are being tested. These techniques to inspect and certify parts remotely
of a handheld ultrasound transducer, use multiple light beams that are either without removing them from an assem-
but without contact. A laser Doppler properly delayed in time, or strategically bly line. But as these techniques show,
vibrometer, also operating in the near- distributed along the surface of the spec- as long as one can see the outside of an
infrared spectrum and at safe power imen, to produce constructive reinforce- opaque object, one can also view and in-
levels, is used to remotely sense the re- ment (or in other words, focusing) at the spect its interior using light and sound.
sultant surface ultrasound vibrations. desired depth and direction within the
Both lasers are housed in a robotically sample. This technique is akin to throw- Bibliography
articulated arm to precisely locate the ing a cluster of small pebbles into a still Blouin, A., and J.-P. Monchalin. 1994. Detection
pair of laser beams on the surface of the pond: By carefully tossing the pebbles of ultrasonic motion of a scattering surface by
two‐wave mixing in a photorefractive GaAs
patient. A 2D lidar is used to map the at specific locations and in a predeter-
crystal. Applied Physics Letters 65:932–934.
surface topography of the patient’s skin; mined time sequence, a desired water
Blouin, A., et al. 1998. Optical detection of ultra-
a high–frame-rate, short-wave–infrared wave can be generated that can be fo- sound using two-wave mixing in semicon-
camera records the laser source and the cused and directed into a given region ductor photorefractive crystals and compari-
projected locations on the skin for the of the pond. The technique also has been son with the Fabry-Perot. In Nondestructive
Characterization of Materials VIII, ed. R. E.
Green, pp. 13–19. Boston, MA: Springer.
Dewhurst, R. J., D. A. Hutchins, S. B. Palm-
The laser-based system has the potential er, and C. B. Scruby. 1982. Quantitative
measurements of laser‐generated acous-
tic waveforms. Journal of Applied Physics
to diagnose patients who have painful or 53:4064–4071.
Hutchins, D. A. 1998. Ultrasonic generation by
sensitive body areas, are in fragile states, pulsed lasers. In Physical Acoustics, volume
28, eds. W. P. Mason and R. N. Thurston, pp.
21–123. New York, NY: Academic Press.
or are at risk of infection, all of whom Ing, R. K., and J.-P. Monchalin. 1991. Broad-
band optical detection of ultrasound by
require long standoff distances. two-wave mixing in a photorefractive crys-
tal. Applied Physics Letters 59:3233.
Monchalin, J.-P., and R. He’on. 1986. Laser
generation and optical detection with a con-
focal Fabry-Perot interferometer. Materials
receiver, providing the array parameters applied in reverse, on the receiving side, Evaluation 44:1231–1237.
necessary for constructing ultrasound by one of us (Murray): Multiple laser ul- Monchalin, J.-P. 1991. Optical generation and
images. This noncontact ultrasonic sys- trasound receiving beams, strategically detection of ultrasound. In Physical Acous-
tem is in the development stage and located on the workpiece, can emulate a tics, eds. O. Leroy and M. A. Breazeale, pp.
65–76. Boston, MA: Springer.
promises to be a key diagnostic tool in synthetic array to detect and analyze the
Monchalin, J.-P. 2020. Laser-ultrasonics: Prin-
the medical arena. sample with higher resolution sensing
ciples and industrial applications. e-Journal
of buried flaws and defects at a given of Nondestructive Testing 25:1–43.
Maximum Resolution location in the workpiece (akin to an im- Murray, T. W., and J. W. Wagner. 1999. Laser gen-
How small a feature could one “see,” or aging microscope). eration of acoustic waves in the ablative re-
resolve, using laser-based ultrasound? gime. Journal of Applied Physics 85:2031–2040.
The answer depends on how short a Seeing the Future Noroy, M.-H., D. Royer, and M. Fink. 1993.
laser “ping” is, a geometrical factor, and The use of light and sound to see the Transient elastic wave generation by an ar-
ray of thermoelastic sources. Applied Physics
the wavelength. As an example, con- interiors of metals, semiconductors, Letters 63:3276–3278.
sider aluminum, in which the speed of composites, ceramics, and other opaque Scruby, C. B., and L. E. Drain. 1990. Laser Ultra-
sound is approximately 6,420 meters objects, including human tissue, is no sonics. Bristol, UK: Adam Hilger.
per second. For a typical laser pulse of longer just a scientific curiosity but is Wagner, J. W., and J. B. Spicer. 1987. Theo-
10 nanoseconds (or 10 billionths of a critical to ensuring the integrity and retical noise-limited sensitivity of classical
second), the smallest feature that can quality of many manufactured parts interferometry. Journal of the Optical Society
of America B 4:1316–1326.
be resolved is about 78 microns (a hu- and improving medical diagnostics. In
man hair is about 50 microns in diam- the latter case, because light is nonion-
eter). Using an ultrashort pulsed laser izing, patients can avoid exposure to David M. Pepper earned a PhD in applied phys-
with picosecond lengths (trillionths of potentially harmful x-rays. In the case ics from the California Institute of Technology, and
a second), the smallest feature that can of airplane components, the safety of earned a BS in Physics from the University of Cali-
be resolved is about 78 angstroms (an passengers can be at stake. Moreover, fornia Los Angeles, Summa Cum Laude. He was
atom is about 3 angstroms in length). the safety, lifetime, and performance of senior research scientist at HRL Laboratories in Mal-
ibu, California, for 31 years and is currently owner
Processing techniques that remove satellites, automobiles, nuclear power
of Malibu Scientific. He is an inventor on 68 U.S.
speckle can improve this limitation sig- plants, and the like, which are depen- patents. Todd W. Murray is a professor of mechani-
nificantly, by factors of five or greater. dent on the quality and integrity of cal engineering and director of the Laser Acoustics
To improve laser ultrasound further, welds and bonds, can be significantly Laboratory at the University of Colorado Boulder. He
on the generation side, more efficient enhanced through the use of these rapid received a PhD in materials science and engineering
ways of channeling acoustic energy into and contactless inspection techniques. from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Email
a preferential band of frequencies, or Next-generation factories will need to for Pepper: 2023 November–December 359

2023-11Pepper.indd 359 9/25/2023 11:31:09 AM

Memories Within
The stories of oral societies, passed from generation to
generation, are also scientific records.
Patrick Nunn

n the 1880s, the American journal- named Crater Lake. “In all of my life,” Klamath peoples, who had occupied
ist William Gladstone Steel made Steel would later recall, “I never read the area for countless generations.
several visits to a freshwater lake an article that took the intense hold on During their work together, Steel not-
that filled the caldera of an extinct me that that one did.” When he finally ed that the guides never once looked
volcano in Oregon. For Steel, these made it to the lake in 1885, he was so at the lake itself, instead “making all
visits were the fulfilment of a dream captivated that he determined to have sorts of mysterious signs and staring
that began while he was just a school- the area designated as a national park. directly at the ground”—a sign that
boy in Kansas. It was one day in 1870, But designation was not easily gained the Klamath regarded Crater Lake as
while reading the newspaper wrapped and required extensive documentation a powerful place where a great cat-
around his school lunch, that he no- of the region. aclysm once happened and might
ticed an article about the “discovery” To help with the reconnaissance, happen again. According to Klamath
of a spectacular body of freshwater Steel engaged guides from the local stories, buried deep beneath the lake

The abilities of preliterate societies to store, Multiple examples from around the world The survival of our ancestors’ stories is
organize, and share useful information across demonstrate that oral histories can be thou- a testament to humans’ capacity to endure
generations are often not appreciated by mod- sands of years old, passed down through through profound, even catastrophic, change,
ern literate societies. hundreds of generations. no less important today than millennia ago.

360 American Scientist, Volume 111

2023-11NunnExcerpt.indd 360 9/25/2023 10:46:04 AM

Michael Whyte; USGS

The eruption and collapse 7,700 years ago of the volcano that formed Crater Lake in Oregon is included in the Klamath peo-
ples’ oral traditions. Such oral histories demonstrate the longevity of stories passed down through hundreds of generations.
The inset shows the geologic formations above and below the lake’s surface today, including Wizard Island (foreground, in
white) and the Merriam Cone behind it (green).

waters is the spirit of Llao, a demon Llao was confronted by the benevolent to collapse and form a giant caldera
who lived within the volcano that once spirit Skell, who pulled the volcano that, as many do, filled with fresh-
towered above Crater Lake. In a past down on the demon and created Cra- water. The eruption occurred 7,700
age, Llao terrorized the Klamath by ter Lake above. years ago, but the Klamath had pre-
showering them with hot rocks and What sounded to Steel like myth is served its story and even sustained
shaking the ground on which they more than just a story. It is a memory associated traditions, such as not
lived. These attacks continued until of an eruption that caused a volcano looking directly at the lake. Although 2023 November–December 361

2023-11NunnExcerpt.indd 361 9/25/2023 10:46:08 AM

Wikimedia Commons

Time since last remembered activity (years ago) Estimated minimum age ranges of formation
stories of maars (a type of volcanic crater)
20,000 10,000 0
around the world highlight their remarkable
longevity. Some of the best-documented of
these stories are from Lago Albano maar in It-
Lake Pupuke (New Zealand) aly, shown in the above painting from 1800 by
Jacob Philipp Hackert. Stories of the Albano
maar, which formed at least 8,000 years ago,
Maar stories Mt. Gambier (Australia) were first transcribed about 2,000 years ago.

Lago Albano (Italy) they did not read nor write when Steel
worked with them in the late 19th cen-
Mt. Schank (Australia) tury, the Klamath people knew a sto-
ry about an event that had occurred
more than seven millennia earlier, a
Laguna de Aljojuca (Mexico)
story carried across perhaps 300 gen-
erations by word of mouth.
Lake Eacham (Australia) Many literate people today believe
this kind of thing is impossible or, at
Lake Euramoo (Australia) ?? best, an anomaly, because they evalu-
ate the abilities of oral (or “preliter-
ate”) societies by the yardsticks of lit-
Lake Barrine (Australia) ??
Nunn, et al. 2019.

erate ones, where information seems

far more readily accessible to anyone
20,000 10,000 0 who seeks it. In doing so, they under-
Time since last eruption (years ago) value the ability of these oral societies

362 American Scientist, Volume 111

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to store, organize, and com- people have stories about
municate equivalent amounts this event, about how the
of information. In my 2018 river courses filled with fire—
book The Edge of Memory, I memories of lava flows—and
called this misperception “the how people were engulfed by
tyranny of literacy”: the idea “dust” and asphyxiated, de-
that literacy encourages its tails of a kind that retrodictive
exponents to subordinate the science is powerless to deduce.
understandings of others who More widespread in Aus-
appear less “fortunate.” But tralia are Aboriginal sto-
accounts like Steel’s are begin- ries of coastal submergence,
ning to help break apart this now known from more than
idea: Oral traditions, rather 30 locations all around the
than being subordinate, are continent, that are plausi-
capable of transmitting just bly interpreted as memories
as much useful information from more than seven mil-
as the technologies of reading lennia ago when the ocean
and writing. surface was much lower than
today, when shorelines were
The Longevity of Oral kilometers—sometimes tens of
Histories kilometers—further seaward
In the early 20th century, the than today, and when today’s
French ethnographer Arnold islands were contiguous with
van Gennep spent consider- the mainland.
able time familiarizing himself People arrived in Australia
with Indigenous Australian (Aborigi- The Lardil storyteller and artist Dick Rough- around 70,000 years ago, long before
nal) oral stories, concluding that these sey (Goobalathaldin) recounted how his the coldest time of the last great ice
include “fragments of a catechism, a ancestors arrived on his home islands, now age when the ocean surface was more
liturgical manual, a history of civilisa- called the North Wellesleys in Australia, via than 120 meters lower than it is now,
tion, a geography textbook, and to a a peninsula from the mainland. The author’s a result of the storage of ocean water
work estimates these islands formed from
lesser extent a manual of cosmogra- within thick ice sheets that once blan-
this peninsula more than 7,000 years ago.
phy.” While later research has docu- keted many continents. When the ice
mented the nature of this information age ended, ice started melting, causing
more fully than Gennep realized, es- tried to run from side to side but the sea level to rise. This rise continued
pecially in the fields of star knowledge were swallowed by a crack which for 10,000 years or more and caused
and land management, the focus has opened in the ground. [Transla- massive and ongoing disruption to
shifted recently to those types of Ab- tion by Robert Dixon of Central people living in these places. We now
original knowledge for which an ex- Queensland University.] know of “submergence stories” from
traordinary longevity can be unequiv- northwest Europe and elsewhere, in-
ocally demonstrated. My team’s best estimate for the for- cluding Scottish “myths” about post-
Some of the most compelling ex- mation of this volcano—and therefore glacial coastal change—but it is the
amples are of volcanic eruptions that the narrative describing this event—is Australian Aboriginal stories that gen-
can now be dated with high preci- a little more than 9,000 years ago, as erally contain the greatest detail.
sion, such as the one that formed Cra- we explain in our 2019 paper in the Consider the account of the Lardil
ter Lake in Oregon. These eruptions Annals of the American Association of storyteller and artist Dick Roughsey
then become proxies for the age of as-
sociated oral traditions. Take the ex-
ample of the eruption that caused the
formation of Australia’s maar crater Ancient myths represent knowledge
in which Lake Eacham (in northern
Queensland) now lies, an event that from times far earlier than those in the
local Dyirbal-speaking residents de-
scribed as follows: world’s oldest books.
The camping-place began to
change, the earth under the camp
roaring like thunder. The wind Geographers. A few hours’ drive south- (whose tribal name was Goobalathal-
started to blow down, as if a cy- west from Lake Eacham brings you din), who explained how “in the be-
clone were coming. The camping- to the volcano of Kinrara, estimated ginning, our home islands, now called
place began to twist and crack. by geographer Benjamin J. Cohen of the North Wellesleys [Gulf of Carpen-
While this was happening there the University of Glasgow and his taria], were not islands at all; but were
was in the sky a red cloud, of a team to have last erupted around 7,000 part of a peninsula running out from
hue never seen before. The people years ago. The local Gugu Badhun the mainland. . . . The Balumbanda 2023 November–December 363

2023-11NunnExcerpt.indd 363 9/25/2023 10:46:09 AM

former land extent
modern land St. Martin’s

circa 7,500 years Tresco
ago (sea level
was 18.3
meters lower) Samson

St. Mary’s

St. Agnes

2 kilometers

Steve Taylor ARPS/Alamy Stock Photo; map courtesy of Patrick Nunn

The Scilly Isles off the coast of England were inhabited 8,000 years ago when the land was The Importance of Collective Memory
one single island (inset). Those people must have told stories about the rapid rise in sea levels These tales of rising oceans are not
that they witnessed, which may have been preserved in Arthurian legends about the lost land mere stories. Despite occasional embel-
of Lyonesse. Today, archaeologists continue to study village ruins and field boundaries there, lishment, their empirical skeletons are
some submerged or in the intertidal zone, such as this one at Samson Flats.
easy to recognize. Is it likely that our
ancestors across the world sat around
[Lardil ancestors] people came along The best estimate for the existence inventing stories about times when two
that peninsula long before it was cut of an isthmus connecting the Mo- landmasses were joined, and insisted
up into islands.” Geographer Nicholas nach Islands to North Uist is also on communicating these improbable
J. Reid of the University of New Eng- around 7,000 years ago. So we have fictions downstream along the river
land and I estimated that this event solid evidence from two contrasting of history? Or is it more probable that
occurred more than 7,000 years ago. A geographical and cultural contexts these stories were passed along because
remarkable parallel from the other side of memories recalling land-bridge people remembered an event so foun-
of the world comes from the Monach submergence events seven millen- dational to local history that it was con-
Islands in the Outer Hebrides of Scot- nia ago—memories that were, until sidered hugely important to communi-
land. Here, oral traditions collected in recently, remembered solely through cate to each new generation?
the 1860s included stories about times oral traditions. Though referring to Of course, in contexts where there
when these islands were connected to events from millennia ago, these has been considerable mixing of cul-
the neighboring island of North Uist: memories were not difficult to re- tures, some of these stories have be-
call: In the 1970s and 1980s, Rough- come mythologized—populated by
Owing to the gradual dislodg- sey (Goobalathaldin) filled books supernatural beings capable of feats
ment of the friable sand forming with his people’s oral traditions; no human could match. Take the ex-
the isthmus, the isthmus by de- Mary Mackay, the chief informant ample of the giants who feature in
grees gave way to fords, and the for the Hebridean stories, was clear- myths and legends in every part of the
fords broadened into a strait. . . . ly also loquacious, rendering her world. Imagine you are trying to tell
Tradition still mentions the names “vivid” tales in “felicitous Gaelic” your ancestral story about how Ireland
of those who crossed these fords according to Alexander Carmichael, was once connected to Scotland and
last, and the names of persons the folklorist who collected them Wales, or how Tasmania was formerly
drowned in crossing. during the 1860s. contiguous with mainland Australia.

364 American Scientist, Volume 111

2023-11NunnExcerpt.indd 364 9/25/2023 10:46:11 AM

Your audience looks skepti- tance to believing such sto-
cal, so you rationalize your ries survived through mil-
tale, stating that in the old lennia of oral tradition? The
days people were giants, “tyranny of literacy” makes
which is how they were able us skeptical of knowledge
to stride across the expanses being retained in oral societ-
of water that people could ies for such a long time. Yet,
see. Your audience is satis- as awareness of the empiri-
fied and interest in your sto- cal foundations of “myths”
ry has been recharged, en- and “legends” grows, such
suring that it will be retold. skepticism seems fated to
But your story has also been disappear.
transformed, from narrative Many of us assume that
to myth, meaning it could people in oral societies were
be regarded as a fanciful or unable to access and utilize
puerile invention dismissed the amounts of information
millennia later by literate that we do. But few literate
people as having no value peoples have considered the
beyond entertainment. implications of this assump-
These “myths” are not tion: If people who do not
fiction. Most of the ancient read or write cannot store
myths of long-established or utilize the knowledge
cultures have an empirical of their ancestors, then we
core. They are not inventions must conclude that we are
but observations, filtered here today by luck—luck
through worldviews from that would have needed to
potentially thousands of last around 250,000 years, as
years ago and clothed with Courtesy Patrick Nunn long as modern humans
layers of narrative embel- When they met in 2004, Maikeli Rasese told the author the history have stridden across Earth.
lishment before they reach of Yadua Island in Fiji, including the people who had lived along its You may think my views
us today. Framed within the coast over the past few generations and a past tidal wave and ship- here are extreme. Stories
science of their day, they wreck. He demonstrated to the author the sheer breadth of memory carried across centuries and
represent knowledge often necessary to keep these oral histories alive. millennia are one thing, but
from times far earlier than can these memories really
those in the world’s oldest books. to 5,000 years ago when the rapid rise pass to us from much deeper in time?
Victorian-era archaeologist O. G. S. of the ocean turned a single large is-
Crawford, an irascible, unconventional, land into a series of smaller islands (see My Oral History Education
yet hugely influential figure, pondered map on page 364), much to the alarm, Many of the longest-­enduring human
the veracity of these “myths” with we can infer, of its inhabitants. The cultures have ancestral knowledge
characteristic forthrightness. His focus land is unlikely to have been called that in some cases is several hundred
was on the stories of the “lost land”
of Lyonesse off the southwest tip of
England. In the inaugural issue of the
journal Antiquity (which he founded Many literate people undervalue the
in 1927), Crawford asked whether “the
famous legend of Lyonesse . . . had . . . ability of oral societies to store, organize,
any real basis in fact, or is it merely an
invention of the ‘dreamy Celt’?” Craw- and communicate information.
ford found “good reasons for believ-
ing that the substance of the legend is
true,” but it is hard to find many peo-
ple since who have agreed with him. Lyonesse—­that name seems to have years old and has undoubtedly been
Most commentators conclude Lyonesse been introduced during the Arthu- key to their survival. Countless an-
to be an “imaginary territory,” a place rian era around the sixth century— thropologists and archaeologists have
to accommodate historical romance but there is robust evidence that the shown that human societies can retain
and the birth of nationalist identity— Scillies were inhabited 8,000 years ago knowledge for centuries, pointing to
ultimately, it’s seen as a lure for tour- when the archipelago was largely a the reciting of genealogies as a com-
ists. Few scientists dare admit it to the single island. There is also evidence mon example. But survival requires
realm of rationalist thought. that people witnessed the gradual more than lists. It requires people to
Yet the core of the Lyonesse stories fragmentation of that island during understand their deep geographical
is almost certainly true. They plau- the following millennia. It is easy to and historical context, their place in
sibly represent the observations of believe those people told stories about the world and how to sustain it. I sug-
people living on the Scilly Isles 4,000 what happened, so why is there resis- gest that our distant ancestors and 2023 November–December 365

2023-11NunnExcerpt.indd 365 9/25/2023 10:46:12 AM

ern Fiji. We wanted to learn something
about the human history of Yadua, of
which Rasese was the foremost au-
thority. He described to us each coastal
embayment in turn, relating the stories
of the people who had occupied it over
the past few generations, along with
eventful moments in its history, such
as a shipwreck, a tidal wave, even the
heroic repulsing of invading forces.
None of these details were written
down. All of it was in his head. And
all of it came from his lips in perfect
order, fluently, as though he had been
reading from a text in front of him.
After a few hours, as we neared the
end of our narrative circumnavigation
of Yadua—not, by any measure, a large
island—I assumed we would shortly
conclude our evening. But Rasese was
Wikimedia Commons/Charbel Zakhour not finished. Having exhausted his
Oral traditions can only be preserved if people are able to learn them. These stories require historical knowledge of the island, he
comfortable, relaxed environments, such as sitting around a fire at night. Anthropologist Polly proceeded to explain where its people
Wiessner of the University of Utah has emphasized that group interactions around a fire are had come from originally, how they
foundational to the creation and communication of oral traditions. had abandoned their previous homes
on other islands because of growing
their societies were no less risk-aware educated literate people—that oral- aggression from new arrivals, and
or risk-averse than we are today. Their ity is inferior to literacy. As carefully how others of their clan had dispersed
underlying goal was for their blood- explained by Walter Ong in his clas- but remained in touch, periodically re-
line to endure, which is essentially sic 1982 book Orality and Literacy: The newing their ties, sometimes through
why today we educate young people, Technologizing of the Word, not only intermarriage, sometimes through the
teaching them reason, giving them an has literacy transformed human con- ritualized exchange of traditional valu-
understanding of the world they in- sciousness, shifting it from sound- ables. It was 2 a.m. when, seeing his
habit so they might survive. Reason focused to sight-focused, but it has audience drooping with fatigue, Ras-
does not depend on books but on ac- also “weaken[ed] the mind.” As Ong ese finally ended his storytelling.
quiring and processing knowledge wrote: “Those who use writing will be- The next day, while contemplat-
from whatever sources are available come forgetful, relying on an external ing the voluminous notes I had made
that evening, I realized that I had been
privileged to witness the expounding
I realized I had been privileged of oral traditions at their best. Such
exposition is how it had once been
for every group of humans on Earth.
to witness the expounding of oral Telling these stories was how we op-
timized our chances of survival, a suc-
traditions at their best. cessful strategy for making sure every
new generation was aware of what the
previous generation had known.
and are best aligned with what we resource for what they lack in inter- Under optimal conditions, oral so-
need to know in order to survive. nal resources.” Plato’s Socrates noted cieties were able to pass on knowl-
My earliest encounters with people the same thing, arguing that writing edge in a coherent form across hun-
who could neither read nor write (nor, “destroys memory,” something that dreds of generations to reach us
in this case, speak English) were in sustained oral societies in every part today. We know that oral memories
the Pacific Islands, where I lived and of the inhabited world for tens of thou- of volcanic eruptions go back more
worked for more than two decades. sands of years. than 7,000 years in several instanc-
As a geologist, I conducted research If there was a pivotal moment in my es; numerous stories of coastal sub-
in some of the remotest corners of the journey toward an awareness of the mergence (attributable to postglacial
Pacific region, where my self-belief depth and breadth of oral knowledges, ocean rise) are likely to be of a similar
as a conventional scientist gradually it was late one afternoon in 2004 when, age, some perhaps more than 10,000
eroded and was replaced with an ap- with some colleagues from the Fiji Mu- years old. The edge of memory is in-
preciation of other worldviews equally seum, I started a conversation with deed a time horizon of extraordinary
as valid as that with which I had been a man named Maikeli Rasese at his antiquity, one that gives us renewed
inculcated. I also became disabused home in Denimanu Village, the only respect for our preliterate ancestors in
of the belief—held by most Western- settlement on Yadua Island in north- every part of the world.

366 American Scientist, Volume 111

2023-11NunnExcerpt.indd 366 9/25/2023 10:46:12 AM

Half a century ago, people might opportunities for “singing, dancing, Kelly, L. 2017. The Memory Code: Unlocking the
Secrets of the Lives of Ancients and the Power
remember 10 or 20 telephone numbers, religious ceremonies, and enthralling of the Human Mind. London: Atlantic Books.
but today how many? Smartphones stories” that laid the foundations for
Nunn, P. D. 2018. The Edge of Memory: Ancient
have almost removed any need to re- the creation and communication of oral Knowledge, Oral Tradition and the Post-Glacial
member phone numbers, birthdays, traditions. Most of us have felt this phe- World. Sydney: Bloomsbury.
addresses, or even names. These de- nomenon: There is something primeval Nunn, P. D. 2020. In anticipation of extirpa-
velopments can make life easier, no about staring into the night-shaded face tion: How ancient peoples rationalized and
question, but they also encourage us to of a tamed fire, aglow and crackling. It responded to postglacial sea level rise. En-
undervalue what we have lost. opens a conduit to the past. vironmental Humanities 12:113–131.
Humans have a deep-rooted af- Perhaps the greatest lesson we can Nunn, P. D. 2021. O cei na vulavula? Insights
fection for narrative that, I suggest, learn from the nature of ancient sto- and regrets of a foreign geoscientist in the
was born long ago in oral societies. ries is that we have been here before, Pacific Islands. Geosciences 11:182.
In those times, listening to the sto- confronting an enduring and pro- Nunn, P. D. 2021. Worlds in Shadow: Submerged
ries of your elders was mandatory, found challenge from climate change Lands in Science, Memory and Myth. Sydney:
not optional. If you didn’t listen, you that is likely to force major changes
couldn’t learn. And if you didn’t to the ways most of us live. But we Nunn, P. D., et al. 2022. Human observations
of late Quaternary coastal change: Exam-
learn, you wouldn’t likely survive. can take some comfort from the fact ples from Australia, Europe, and the Pa-
So strong was the communal will to that our ancestors survived some- cific Islands. Quaternary International 638–
survive that everyone learned—there thing comparable: 10,000 years of ris- 639:212–224.
was no choice. People in oral societies ing temperatures and sea levels that Ong, W. J. 1982. Orality and Literacy: The Tech-
learned to be attentive listeners and, followed the end of the last great ice nologizing of the World. New York: Routledge.
later in life, habitual storytellers. age, forcing changes in coastal geogra- Roughsey, D. (Goobalathaldin). 1971. Moon
But good storytellers don’t just tell phies to which people had no option and Rainbow: The Autobiography of an Ab-
stories. They do whatever they can but to adapt. Our ancestors survived, original. Sydney: Reed.
to engage their listeners, something as did some of their stories, which re- Whiteley, P. M. 2002. Archaeology and oral
that applied as much thousands of cord their experiences of adaptation as tradition: The scientific importance of dia-
logue. American Antiquity 67:405–415.
years ago as it does today. Storytell- familiar places were submerged and
ers perform, they sing and dance, they as landmasses broke into islands. We
mimic and entertain. And therein lies too shall survive, nurturing stories that
the deep roots of what has been ring- will one day, thousands of years from Patrick Nunn is professor of geography at the
fenced in today’s literate societies as now, help our descendants survive. University of the Sunshine Coast in Australia.
theater, poetry, dance, and even art. It That is the way of this world. His latest books are The Edge of Memory: An-
seems clear that ancient rock art, for cient Stories, Oral Tradition and the Post-
instance, had little to do with beau- Bibliography Glacial World (2018) and Worlds in Shadow:
ty (although today we often laud its Barber, E. W., and P. T. Barber. 2005. When They Submerged Lands in Science, Memory and
aesthetic qualities) but everything to Severed Earth from Sky: How the Human Mind Myth (2021). He lives in Bokarina, Queensland.
do with practical wisdom. Such art, Shapes Myth. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Uni- This article is adapted from one that appeared in
versity Press. Aeon, Email:
it seems, provided memory aids for
knowledge-holders, perhaps to popu-
late particularly difficult-to-remember
details of important stories. Literate
people inherited these things from
their preliterate ancestors but repur-
posed them as cultural creations, not
Announcing a call for entries for the
knowing what else to do with them.

In Community with Ancestors

George Bugliarello Prize
Where does that leave us, today? In
contemplating the extraordinary lon-
gevity of oral traditions, I think it is key
to consider the importance of context. It
seems obvious to suppose that people
learn better when they are relaxed, in an
environment where they feel comfort-
able, where they and their peers are ea-
ger to learn. One of the scholarly works
that influenced my thinking on this
subject was anthropologist Polly Wiess- The George Bugliarello Prize is awarded to a superior interdisciplinary essay, review of
ner’s insightful research at the Univer- research, or analytical article published in American Scientist magazine.
sity of Utah about the cultural impact See for more information at
of gathering around a fire at night. She
suggests that firelight extended group
interactions into the night, creating new
Bugliarello Prize half page.indd 1 1/17/2023 9:17:22 AM 2023 November–December 367

2023-11NunnExcerpt.indd 367 9/25/2023 10:46:12 AM

Beautiful Armor
The rich variety of mollusk shells reflects the diversity of the
phylum, which has fascinated humans for millennia.
Andreia Salvador

Fascinating Shells
The beautiful shells pictured here be-
long to one of the most diverse groups
of animals on the planet: mollusks.
These invertebrates include snails,
oysters, cuttlefish, and chitons, each
with their own characteristic type of
shell. Most snails have a spirally coiled
shell, oysters have a pair of shells
called valves, cuttlefish have an inter-
nal shell, and chitons have an armor-
like shell made up of eight separate
pieces. And some mollusks, such as
slugs, do not have a shell at all.
For those mollusks that have one,
their external shell provides protection
for the soft body. The shell is made of
calcium carbonate and a tough protein
called conchiolin, which forms the shell
matrix into which the calcium carbon-
ate is deposited. Both components are
Money cowry
secreted by the mantle, a thin layer of Monetaria moneta
tissue that covers the soft parts of the
mollusk’s body. As the animal grows,
more shell is secreted by the mantle,
enlarging the shell. Size
15 millimeters
All of the shells featured here come
from collections held by the Natural
History Museum, London. The size Money Cowry
given for each shell refers to its largest
dimension (including any spines or In many parts of the world, until the end of the Ro-
other ornaments). The accompanying man Empire circa 500 CE, this little shell was used
geographic distribution information as currency. It continued to be used as small change
gives the known range of the species. in the markets of Benin, Ghana, Ivory Coast, and
Burkina Faso into the 20th century. Many factors
contributed to the shells’ success as money, but
Andreia Salvador is a senior curator of marine mol- probably the most significant were that they could
lusca at the Natural History Museum, London.
not easily be counterfeited (though imitations were
Photos and text are excerpted and adapted from
Fascinating Shells: An Introduction to 121 of
produced from bones, ivory, stones, and bronze),
the World’s Most Wonderful Mollusks by An- they were a convenient and constant size, and they
dreia Salvador, published by Natural History Mu- were durable and could be transported easily, like
seum, London, and the University of Chicago Press. coins. In 18th-century Uganda, one could purchase
© 2022 by The Trustees of the Natural History a cow for 2,500 of these shells, a goat for 500, and a
Museum, London. Email: chicken for 25.

368 American Scientist, Volume 111

2023-11Salvador.indd 368 9/25/2023 10:39:29 AM

Haliotis iris
New Zealand
125 millimeters

The shell of a mollusk is made almost entirely of calcium In some mollusks, the aragonite crystals cement together in
carbonate, which the animal extracts from food and seawater. overlapping layers to form mother-of-pearl, or nacre. The iri-
The three layers of the shell are formed simultaneously by descent colors of nacre are not produced by pigments in the
the mantle. The outer layer, or periostracum, is usually brown shell but instead are derived from the physical properties of
or black in color, or is absent in some groups. The second the crystals. Shells that have nacre are polished and carved
layer, or ostracum, is formed of calcite crystals, and the third to make jewelry, buttons, or decorative objects. The paˉua,
layer, or hypostracum, is formed from aragonite (both calcite a species of abalone that is only found in New Zealand, is
and aragonite being different forms of calcium carbonate). renowned for its blue and green iridescent mother-of-pearl. 2023
2023 November–December
September– October 369

2023-11Salvador.indd 369 9/25/2023 10:39:31 AM

Purple Dye Murex
For thousands of years, people have known how to extract dye
from mollusks. The Phoenicians of Tyre in southern Lebanon per-
fected the process for making a dark reddish-purple dye known
as Tyrian purple. This long-lasting dye was taken from several spe-
cies of whelks, including the purple dye murex, Bolinus brandaris,
and the banded dye murex, Hexaplex trunculus, which are found
on the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts. When a murex is dis-
turbed, it retreats into its shell and ejects a fluid, which initially
is colorless but, once exposed to sunlight, gradually turns from
yellow to green to blue and finally to a purplish red. The dye was
­expensive—for one gram of dye, more than 10,000 snails were
needed. For this reason, the dye was reserved for the garments of
individuals of the highest rank. Today, synthetic versions of such
pigments are manufactured.
Purple dye murex
Bolinus brandaris Windowpane oyster
Distribution Placuna placenta
Portugal, Spain, Morocco, Distribution
Mediterranean Sea Tropical Indo-West Pacific
Size Size
70 millimeters 150 millimeters

Annam Amphidromus
The direction in which a mollusk shell’s whorls are coiled
is an important characteristic. The majority of shells are
coiled clockwise (dextral), but a few species coil counter-
clockwise (sinistral). However, amphidromus tree snails
are unusual; they are chirally dimorphic, meaning that in the
same population one can find both dextral and sinistral
individuals. One reason for this variation could be related
to their natural predators, snakes. Most snail-eating snakes
of the genus Pareas have elongated teeth on the right man-
dible, and for that reason specialize in predation on the Windowpane Oyster
dextral shells. These snails have evolved by coiling the
other way, which makes it difficult for the snake to grasp The windowpane oyster is one of the most flat-
and eat them. tened bivalve mollusks. Its greatly compressed
valves hardly leave room for the animal, which
lies on the right valve. This oyster is abundant
Annam on the muddy bottoms of quiet lagoons, bays,
amphidromus and mangroves in the tropical Indo-West Pacific.
Amphidromus It feeds mostly on plankton and organic detritus.
inversus Its shell is thin, brittle, and translucent, with a
Distribution pearlescent appearance, and its outline is nearly
Southeast Asia circular. This species’ common name is derived
Size from its long-standing use in windowpanes in
45 millimeters place of glass in various Asian countries. The
shells can still be found in the windows of old
homes in the Philippines, where they are fished
in large numbers and are also manufactured into
screens, lampshades, and ornaments.

370 American Scientist, Volume 111

2023-11Salvador.indd 370 9/25/2023 10:39:40 AM

Horned helmet
Cassis cornuta
Red Sea, Indo-Pacific
270 millimeters

Horned Helmet
Coral reefs are one of the richest and most diverse environments on
Earth, providing complex and varied marine habitats that support a
wide range of organisms. They cover less than 1 percent of the global
marine ecosystem, yet they provide a home for 25 percent of all marine
species, including thousands of mollusk species. But coral reefs are
under threat worldwide. In addition to anthropogenic challenges, one
major concern is the crown-of-thorns starfish. These starfish can grow
as large as 1 meter in diameter, and they feed on coral. The horned
helmet is one of the few species of mollusk that predate on the crown-
of-thorns starfish. For this reason, the horned helmet has been put
under strict protection in Queensland, Australia, in a bid to prevent the
starfish spreading and consuming the Great Barrier Reef. 2023 November–December 371

2023-11Salvador.indd 371 9/25/2023 10:39:43 AM

Zigzag nerite
Vittina waigiensis
Southwest Pacific
15 millimeters

Zigzag Nerite
These colorful freshwater snail shells are a wonderful
West Indian worm shell
example of the diversity in molluscan shell color, and,
Vermicularia spirata
although the pattern on each is different, they are all
Distribution representatives of the same species. Such variable ap-
Northwestern Atlantic
pearance within a species is known as polymorphism.
Ocean, Caribbean Sea,
Gulf of Mexico
The advantage of looking different is possibly very
easy to explain: If they all looked the same, predators
would only have one pattern to recognize when hunt-
100 millimeters
ing. With many different patterns, the zigzag nerite
confuses predators by making it difficult to establish a
consistent search image of their prey.

West Indian Worm Shell

Most gastropods have regular, neatly coiled shells, but
the West Indian worm shell is an exception. Its shell is
thin, twisted, and tubelike. The first whorls curl regu-
larly, but as the animal grows, the later whorls become
progressively more uncoiled and distorted, so that no
two specimens are identical. These marine snails are
sequential ­hermaphrodites—they start their adult lives as
free-living males, but later change sex and become ses-
sile females, attaching themselves to various substrates
such as sponges or other colonial animals.

372 American Scientist, Volume 111

2023-11Salvador.indd 372 9/25/2023 10:39:51 AM

Angelwing Clam
Many marine mollusks burrow into the sand or mud of the seabed
to hide from predators. Others, like all members of this family of bi-
valves, the piddocks, are borers. They excavate permanent tunnels in
mud, clay, limestone, wood, or even rock. They bore by a slow twist-
ing movement of the valves, controlled by their muscular foot. The
thin and usually elongate shell has a very rough surface on the front
end that rasps into the substrate. Angelwing clams have strikingly
beautifully white shells. They live in shallow, subtidal waters, boring
in soft mud to depths of up to 1 meter. They are suspension feeders,
feeding solely on plankton, and are usually found in scattered colo-
nies of several dozen individuals.

Angelwing clam
Cyrtopleura costata
to Brazil
120 millimeters 2023
2023 November–December
September– October 373

2023-11Salvador.indd 373 9/25/2023 10:39:52 AM

Pyramid clio
Clio pyramidata
Worldwide, open seas
10 millimeters

Pyramid Clio
This small, fragile, and translucent shell belongs to a group of pelagic gastropods called
pteropods. The world’s oceans are heavily populated with these small snails, which form
part of the plankton. Pyramid clio provide a vital source of food for many small and
large aquatic organisms. They are also named sea butterflies because the animal has two
large, winglike extensions on its foot, which can be flapped like the wings of a butter­fly.
Because their shells are exceptionally vulnerable to rising levels of carbon dioxide, these
organisms have been proposed as bioindicators to monitor the effects of ocean acidifica-
tion. Acidification occurs when oceanic waters absorb the atmospheric carbon dioxide
released mainly from the burning of fossil fuels. At a certain threshold, the acidity
dissolves the snails’ shells, and they, like many other mollusk species, cannot survive
without their shell to protect them.

374 American Scientist, Volume 111

2023-11Salvador.indd 374 9/25/2023 10:39:59 AM

Chambered Nautilus Chambered nautilus
Nautilus pompilius
Nautiloids are the only group of living cephalo- Distribution
pods with true external shells. The nautilus has a Indo-Pacific
shell made up of chambers, which are connected
by a tube called the siphuncle. The animal occupies 160 millimeters
only the last chamber of the shell, into which it
can withdraw completely. As it grows, it
creates a new larger chamber, using its
90 or so tentacles to move its body
into the new space and sealing
off the vacated one. Nauti-
lus shells had been carved,
etched, and engraved for
many centuries. They rose
to prominence in Europe
during the 17th century
when European crafts-
manship reached new
heights, particularly in
the Netherlands. The
carved shells were pop-
ular items in cabinets
of curiosities and were
among the most coveted
natural history objects.

Fly-specked moon snail

Naticarius stercusmuscarum
Northwest Africa
30 millimeters

Fly-Specked Moon Snail

Moon snails, or necklace shells, belong to a large their disproportionately large foot, the snails drill
family comprising several hundred species distrib- a very neat circular hole through their victim’s
uted throughout the world. They are an extremely shell in order to eat the animal inside. They use
diverse group that spans all marine habitats, from their radula to drill the hole and scrape away shell
pole to pole, from the intertidal to the abyssal material, which is softened by a chemical secreted
depths. These gastropods are active predators, by an accessory organ. This method does not work
feeding mostly on bivalves that live below the sur- every time, so the shells of prey species may be
face of the sand. After enveloping their prey with found with unsuccessful drill holes. 2023 November–December 375

2023-11Salvador.indd 375 9/25/2023 10:40:05 AM

S c i e n t i s t s’

tions that Hawking spent his entire

The Scientists’ Nightstand,
American Scientist’s books
A Quantum career chasing: How did space-time
begin, and what is a correct narrative
section, offers reviews, review es- History of Space- of its evolution? Ultimately Hawk-
ing, in collaboration with Hertog and
says, brief excerpts, and more. For
additional books coverage, please Time other scientists, came to the conclusion
that in order to understand the past,
see our Science Culture ­blog we must begin with the present and
channel online, which explores Chanda Prescod-Weinstein understand that quantum mechanics
how science intersects with other means there is no such thing as a clas-
areas of knowledge, entertain- ON THE ORIGIN OF TIME: Stephen sical, linear past unfolding behind us.
ment, and society. Hawking’s Final Theory. Thomas Her- This top-down approach, as Hertog
tog. 352 pp. Bantam, 2023. $28.99. terms it, is antithetical to our typically
taught and learned understanding

ALSO IN THIS ISSUE ast year, I had the opportu- about time.
PERIPHERY: How Your Nervous nity to give a TED Talk on the But for physicists, especially cos-
System Predicts and Protects main stage. A few days before mologists, this perspective is nothing
Against Disease. By Moses V. the event, I had dinner with other new. Our early training as relativists
Chao. people who would also be giving involves reconfiguring our conception
page 378 talks about science. As we settled in, of time as both relative and, under
a nuclear energy influencer (that’s a many circumstances of interest, mix-
thing, I learned) asked me what I did. ing with space, to form space-time.
ONLINE I explained that I’m a theoretical par- Our training in quantum theory also
ticle cosmologist, who mostly tries to teaches us that even the simplest
On our Science Culture blog:
understand what dark matter is. She physical systems do not necessar-
looked at me with sincere confusion ily have a deterministic evolution
and asked, “How is that useful?” With like the one that Newtonian physics
On the Origin of Time: Stephen Hawking’s promises us. In other words, we can
Trailblazing Women Botanists in Final Theory, Belgian physicist Thomas calculate probabilities about the final
the Grand Canyon Hertog offers a passionate rebuttal to state of a system, but we cannot guar-
Book review editor Jaime those who think the only science that antee it. What happens when you ap-
Herndon reviews Melissa L. matters is that which has obvious and ply this idea to the whole universe at
Sevigny’s Brave the Wild River: near-term material value. once? Hertog claims that, necessarily,
The Untold Story of Two Women The answer to that influencer’s ques- one must land at a theory of quan-
Who Mapped the Botany of the tion? As Hertog writes, “Stephen’s fi- tum cosmology that he calls Hawk-
Grand Canyon. nal theory offers a powerful kernel of ing’s final theory. This means that we
hope.” Braiding together the history of must let go of fixed notions of his-
cosmology and the story of his work- tory where there is only one pathway
ing partnership with Hawking, Hertog to the past. In other words, we must
contributes to the extensive literature shift away from deterministic notions
for general audiences on the origins of of physical history.
the universe by offering, at heart, an In trying to summarize the top-
homage to a beloved mentor. Hertog down model for this review, I faced
completed his doctoral work under a challenge that Hertog also had to
the supervision of Hawking, which confront head-on in his more than 300-
is explored in On the Origin of Time, page text. A decent amount of back-
From Brave the Wild River: The Untold and this led to an enduring research ground material is necessary in order
Story of Two Women Who Mapped the partnership that was still productive to fully appreciate the ideas from
Botany of the Grand Canyon. until nearly the end of Hawking’s life. which Hertog and Hawking drew to
The “final theory” mentioned in develop their no-boundary model of
the book’s title addresses the ques- how the universe began. For exam-

376 American Scientist, Volume 111

2023-11Nightstand.indd 376 9/25/2023 11:00:52 AM

ple, readers must understand that if
we run our cosmological models—as
described by Einstein’s gravitational
equation—in reverse, we land at a
mathematical singularity at time equal
to zero. The jury is still out on whether
this is a physical singularity—a phe-
nomenon where space-time is no lon-
ger well-defined. At base, this is the
problem that Hawking (who was also
responsible for identifying it) spent
the rest of his career investigating.
We are not hopeless in this pursuit:
The space-time singularities that arise
in what we term classical cosmology
potentially go away, or at least shift in
nature, when we bring quantum me-
chanics into the picture. Hertog choos-
es to narrate these scientific questions
largely through the frame of history,
first by giving a chronological narra-
tive of classical cosmology, then offer-
ing an introduction to how quantum
gravity string theory provides fresh
insights, before finally returning to
the fundamental ways in which basic
ideas and results from quantum me-
chanics encourage us to rethink abso-
lutely everything.
Before arriving at these historically
infused (and almost exclusively men-
only) introductions to the quantum
and cosmological questions at hand,
Hertog offers an extensive chapter on
how Darwinian evolutionary theory
reconfigured biology, providing in-
sights from which Hertog and Hawk-
ing would later borrow. In my view,
that promise is unfulfilled before the
book is over, but it wasn’t overly both-
ersome to me. The question of how
to interpret the history of our cos- Photo credit: Thomas Hertog and Jonathan Woods.
mos without the guarantee of deter- Thomas Hertog and Stephen Hawking worked together for nearly 20 years, exploring a new
minism is a fundamentally profound theory of physics and cosmology. After Hawking lost the ability to use his clicker, the two had
question that will bother physicists in a system of nonspeaking communication that included facial expressions.
the best possible way, but will also be
interesting and exciting to any curi- Hertog was leading the reader. In addi- have done without Hertog’s historical
ous person who has the right condi- tion, Hawking’s genius and reputation approach to narrating scientific ideas,
tions to sit and wonder. are so imposing on the text that Hertog On the Origin of Time works hard to
Due to the way the book is set up himself disappears, to a certain extent. I capture some of the awe-inspiring
and the order in which Hertog pres- find that unfortunate, because he is an spirit of Hawking’s A Brief History of
ents events and ideas, we don’t get to accomplished scientist in his own right Time, complete with extensive expla-
the cool ideas soon enough. The early who has coauthored nearly 100 scien- nations and helpful figures. At the age
excursion into evolution and biology tific papers—mostly with people who of 10, I chose theoretical cosmology
could have been cut short, if not en- are not Stephen Hawking—on a range because I saw a documentary based
tirely. When I’ve asked colleagues about of topics that tackle major questions in on that bestseller; this book might do
the ideas that Hertog advances at the theoretical cosmology. the same for someone else.
very end of the book, some of them feel Overall the book is hagiographic in
that the final theory is more vibes than nature, but I struggle to impugn this. Chanda Prescod-Weinstein is an associate profes-
substance, but I’m alright with that. I also have scientific mentors, at least sor of physics at University of New Hampshire and
I wish I had spent more of the book one of whom is mentioned in this book, author of The Disordered Cosmos: A Journey
knowing what vibes we were going to about whom I would write only the into Dark Matter, Spacetime, and Dreams De-
land in, with a stronger sense of where most glowing words. While I could ferred (Bold Type Books, 2021). 2023 November–December 377

2023-11Nightstand.indd 377 9/25/2023 11:00:56 AM

To Fix the Brain,
Look to Other
Sara Manning Peskin

PERIPHERY: How Your Nervous System

Predicts and Protects Against Disease.
Moses V. Chao. 192 pp. Harvard University
Press, 2023. $29.95.

n 2015, thousands of researchers
descended on a Chicago conven-
tion center for a gathering of the
Society for Neuroscience. On the
event’s second-to-last afternoon,
Francis Collins, then-director of the
National Institutes of Health, rose to
the podium amid a standing-room-
only audience. The brochure prom-
ised a lecture about brain research.
By the time the talk ended, though,
Collins was advocating for his listen-
ers to explore something entirely dif-

Wikimedia Commons
ferent than what had been billed. The
community of neuroscientists, he ar-
gued, should train its eye on the many
neurons and networks that sit outside
the brain and spinal cord. There, in the
peripheral nervous system, lay some
of the body’s most important, undis-
covered clues to certain illnesses. The peripheral nervous system relays messages between the brain and the spinal cord to the
Moses V. Chao, a professor at New rest of the body. Because it doesn’t have the protections that the brain and spinal cord have,
such as the skull or vertebral column and the blood-brain barrier, the potential for exposure
York University and a former presi-
to various toxins is increased.
dent of the Society for Neuroscience,
was in the audience that day. In his
debut book, Periphery: How Your misleading in its simplicity; in part he begins by explaining how the
Nervous System Predicts and Protects because those nerves take on such peripheral nervous system evolved
against Disease, Chao heeds the call varied assignments. They carry sen- long before the brain, in a tiny worm
from the Chicago convention. His book sory information to the brain, convey that roamed the deepest seas 600 mil-
lion years ago. After touching on the
gut-brain connection and the role of
In the midst of peripheral nervous system pain-sensing neurons, the bulk of
Chao’s discussion focuses on the pe-
ripheral nervous system’s possible
dysfunction, we just might find a cure for role in Parkinson’s disease and three
other diseases.
diseases that, on the surface, appear to Although we think of Parkin-
son’s disease as being a problem in
simply be problems of the brain. the brain—particularly in the deep
cerebral regions that modulate
­m ovement—Chao writes convinc-
is a celebration of the peripheral ner- motor commands from the brain, and ingly that the condition may actually
vous system, a 192-page biography of direct the automated functions of the begin in the nerves of the gut. One
an underappreciated, overshadowed heart, gut, and other organ systems. of the earliest symptoms of Parkin-
body part. In Periphery, Chao argues that son’s disease is constipation, which
The peripheral nervous system in- these nerves are under-recognized often starts years before the stereo-
cludes all nerves outside the brain sensors and controllers of human typical trembling and stiffness. Lewy
and spinal cord. This definition is health and disease. To make his case, bodies, the microscopic hallmark of

378 American Scientist, Volume 111

2023-11Nightstand.indd 378 9/25/2023 11:00:57 AM

Parkinson’s disease in the brain, can
also be found dotting the nerves that The Power of Data Literacy
run along the gastrointestinal tract. Back-to-school season is well under- in the community? Can an algo-
Patients who have undergone an way, and with the recent focus on rithm be racist? That’s what a di-
appendectomy are less likely to de- increasing students’ ability to utilize verse group of friends decides to
velop Parkinson’s disease, suggest- evidence-based decision-making, find out in this timely story. Grow-
ing that the vestigial appendage may one core curriculum standard that is ing up around tech, they’ve always
be an early pathologic hideout. The emphasized by high school teachers felt pretty tech-savvy—but after the
vagus nerve even serves as a likely is data literacy. That’s a key theme in AI incident, suddenly they’re not so
suspect when it comes to explaining the graphic novel Power On! written sure. The friends decide they want
how a brain disease could start out- by Jean J. Ryoo and Jane Margolis to learn more about computers by
side the head. This beefy structure, and illustrated by Charis JB. taking some computer science class-
which runs from the abdomen into What happens when a suppos- es at their various high schools, but
the skull, may serve as an anatomi- edly objective AI system is actually with mixed results. Although some
cal highway for pathologic proteins racially biased, and causes real harm of the friends have teachers who
to make their way from gut to brain.
Chao eventually asserts that the
peripheral nervous system has been
taken for granted because its work is
done subconsciously. When we pet
a dog, we don’t have to tell the cells
in our fingertips to communicate the
feeling of fluffiness to our brain. But
when these processes go awry, pro-
ducing chronic pain or opening the
gates for neurodegeneration, we
should pay attention. Chao claims
that, in the midst of peripheral ner-
vous system dysfunction, we just
might find a cure for diseases that,
on the surface, appear to simply be
problems of the brain.
Periphery moves at a rapid clip,
touching on many topics, perhaps at
the expense of extended discussion,
but it still stops along the way for
brief portraits of some of the greatest
researchers in the history of neuro-
science. Jean-Martin Charcot coined
names for at least 12 neurologic dis-
orders, including multiple sclerosis,
Tourette syndrome, and amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis (ALS). A talented
sketch artist, Charcot discerned dis-
ease patterns by seeing commonalities
in his patients’ postures and expres-
sions. Rita Levi-Montalcini, another
scientist portrayed in the book, con-
ducted research in a bare-bones labo-
ratory in her bedroom during World
War II, when she was prohibited from
working in Italian universities because
she was Jewish. She went on to win a
Nobel Prize for discovering a protein
that helps nerves grow. Although the
subtitle of Periphery makes clear that
science is the main focus, rather than
the scientists, the recurring cast of
characters enriches the text and con-
veys how interconnected the world of
neuro­science really is.
Chao’s book is a sweeping tour
that caters primarily to those with a
Reprinted with permission from The MIT Press. Copyright 2023 2023 November–December 379

2023-11Nightstand.indd 379 9/25/2023 11:00:58 AM

discuss issues of equity in technol-
ogy and take them on field trips to
local companies, others have instruc-
tors who only teach typing and basic
website setup. Some of the kids are
even shut out of classes entirely and
told they’d be “better off” learning
other subjects. After-school comput-
ing clubs fill in some of those gaps,
teaching the students about pro-
gramming wearable tech.
In the excerpt shown here, the
friends have determined they need
to take a more active role in access-
ing computer science education.
They have taken a teacher’s sugges-
tion to present at their local school
board meeting, and in order to pre-
pare, they have decided to call all
the schools in their district to see
which even offer computer science.
The students need to effectively
present their data, as well as sup-
port their point with statistics about
the demographics of students who
enroll in these classes. Ryoo and
Margolis hope that this story will
inspire students to investigate their
own districts’ offerings, and encour-
age them to take an active role in
increasing access to classes. Teach-
ers could take this story and create
a project in which students decide
on a local problem about which
they have to gather, analyze, and
­present data.
Ryoo and Margolis have created
a fun and engaging story that ex-
plores the importance of computing
and data education, biases in edu-
cation, issues in equity and ethics in
tech, and much more. Braiding to-
gether the stories of these friends
with explainers on computer science
and profiles of people of color and
women in tech, this book is highly
informative for young people want-
ing an accessible intro to computer
Excerpted from Power On! By Jean J. Ryoo and Jane Margolis. Reprinted with permission from The MIT Press. Copyright 2023. science and tech. —Fenella Saunders

background in neuroscience. The text The final note in Periphery feels answers for regeneration,” he states
moves quickly from one topic to the almost futuristic. Efforts to induce passionately, adding later that he
next, often delving into arcane medi- neurons in the brain to regenerate sees the peripheral nervous system
cal details, so lay readers may find have proven slow-moving despite as the key to extending lifespan. Let’s
themselves adrift amid the terminol- significant funding, in part because hope he’s right.
ogy and the nonlinear narrative. Nev- these nerves produce proteins that
ertheless, Chao proves to be a capable impede regrowth. For the solution, Sara Manning Peskin is an assistant professor of
guide, and at many points it feels as if Chao proposes we look to the pe- clinical neurology at the University of Pennsylvania.
he is a personal mentor sitting at the ripheral nervous system, where dam- She is the author of A Molecule Away From Mad-
front of a small classroom, expound- aged neurons regrow successfully all ness: Tales of the Hijacked Brain (W.W. Norton
ing on his years of experience. the time. “The periphery holds the & Co, 2022), a New York Times Editors’ Choice.

380 American Scientist, Volume 111

2023-11Nightstand.indd 380 9/25/2023 11:00:58 AM

November–December 2023 Volume 32 Number 06


Sigma Xi Elections From the President

Begin November 13 Of Mice and Mental Health
Active Sigma Xi members will receive
a ballot from In the world of mice, with whom humans share a
to begin voting in the 2023 Sigma Xi common ancestor according to one theory of evo-
elections. All members who receive a lution, an interesting experiment was performed
ballot can vote for the president-elect, more than 15 years ago. In the experiment, a mouse
as well as for other open positions in is confronted with two paths: one leading directly
their chapter’s region and constituency. to chocolate, the other leading to a second mouse
Members who aren’t affiliated with a whose access to the chocolate can only be facilitated
chapter can vote for candidates in the by the first mouse. After some hesitation (that we
Membership-at-Large Constituency still refuse to call moral thinking), the first mouse
Group. Ballots will be personalized invariably chooses the second door to help the fel-
with the candidates who pertain to low mouse, and they go to eat the chocolate together.
each member. The liberator mouse displays empathy. It also shares its own assured
President-Elect — Three-year term food supply. Subsequently, the mouse acquires an ally, so this decision is
beginning July 1, 2024: the first year also profitable.
as president-elect, the second year I also recall the story of John Jay O’Connor, late husband of Sandra Day
as president, and the third year as O’Connor, the first female associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. While
immediate past president. living in a care facility due to his progressing Alzheimer’s disease, he devel-
Directors — Three-year term beginning oped a relationship with another woman at the facility. Surprisingly, it was
July 1, 2024. Director positions up reported that his wife was happy with the comfort he had found, an empa-
for election serve the Baccalaureate thetic acknowledgment that patients with Alzheimer’s disease sometimes
Colleges Constituency Group, develop new romantic relationships as their old ones fade from memory. It
Canadian/International Constituency warms my heart that this couple enjoyed mutual emotional support, along-
Group, Northwest Region, and side a rare level of compassion and understanding from the former justice.
Southeast Region. I reference these stories to reflect on some of our current moral com-
Associate Directors — Three-year passes: humanity, empathy, and support of mental health. This fall, the
term beginning July 1, 2024. Associate campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill experienced
director positions up for election serve multiple traumatic events, including the fatal shooting of a faculty advi-
the Membership-at-Large Constituency sor in the department of applied physical sciences. With Sigma Xi’s
Group, Research & Doctoral headquarters right down the road in Research Triangle Park, the safety
Universities Constituency Group, North and well-being of our local members became one of our top concerns.
Central Region, and Southwest Region. That month, Sigma Xi scheduled a special emotional health workshop
Representatives on the Committee with our wellness partner, Happy. These recurring support sessions have
on Nominations — Three-year term been offered as a benefit to all members since 2021, when stress and lone-
beginning immediately after the liness were skyrocketing for many during the COVID-19 pandemic. We
election. Representative positions up continue our dedication to supporting our members across the country—
for election serve the Comprehensive not just through grants, awards, and career development, but also
Colleges & Universities Constituency through investing in their emotional well-being.
Group; Mid-Atlantic Region; Northeast As scientists, we know we can learn a great deal from lab mice. However,
Region; and Area Groups, Industries, all too often we only look at scientific data and experimental results. But if
State & Federal Labs. we look a little closer, a seemingly empathetic mouse may have something
Visit to learn more about more to teach us (or remind us) about companionship and humanity.
the 2023 election candidates and
position responsibilities.

Sigma Xi Today is managed by Marija Strojnik

Jason Papagan and designed by
Chao Hui Tu. 2023 November–December 381

SXToday-NovDec2023.indd 381 9/25/2023 10:09:28 AM


Shirley M. Tilghman Receives 2023 Sigma Xi Gold Key Award

accomplishments as an institutional ident in 2001. Tilghman’s exceptional
leader, paired with her commitment to contributions to science have earned
advancing STEM education and early her many awards, including the 2002
career science, make her an exceptional L’Oréal-UNESCO for Women in Science
recipient of Sigma Xi’s highest honor.” Award, the 2003 Lifetime Achievement
A prominent molecular biologist, Award from the Society for Develop-
innovator, and educational leader, Dr. mental Biology, and the 2007 Genetics
Tilghman is president emerita and pro- Society of America Medal.
fessor of molecular biology and public In addition to her reputation as a
affairs at Princeton University. A pioneer distinguished scientist and researcher,
in research on genetics and genomics, Tilghman has been a nationally recog-
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Tilghman was a leading adviser to the nized leader and advocate throughout
Society is honored to announce that National Institutes of Health (NIH) for her career on behalf of women and
Shirley M. Tilghman, PhD, is the 2023 the Human Genome Project. In addition young scientists. She has chaired
recipient of the Gold Key Award. As the to serving as Princeton’s president from organizations and authored recent pub-
Society’s highest and most prestigious 2001 to 2013, she was named to Harvard lications focused on educational reform,
honor, the Gold Key Award is presented University’s principal fiduciary govern- the importance of diversity, equity,
to a member who has made extraordi- ing board, the Harvard Corporation, in and inclusion in science, and promot-
nary contributions to their profession 2015, where she still serves today. ing efforts to make the early careers of
and has fostered critical innovations to A native of Toronto, Dr. Tilghman young scientists as meaningful and pro-
enhance the health of the research enter- received her bachelor of science degree ductive as possible.
prise, to cultivate integrity in research, from Queen’s University in Kingston, The symbolism of the Gold Key
or to promote the public understanding Ontario, in 1968. After two years of sec- Award pays homage to the early days
of science for the purpose of improving ondary school teaching in Sierra Leone, of Sigma Xi (late 1800s to early 1900s),
the human condition. she earned her PhD in biochemistry from when induction into the Society was
Dr. Tilghman will be recognized on Temple University in Philadelphia. She often accompanied by the presenta-
November 11, 2023, in Long Beach, did postdoctoral work at the NIH and tion of a small gold key. The key was
California, during the awards ban- contributed to many scientific break- routinely attached as a charm to a
quet at Sigma Xi’s annual conference, throughs as an independent investigator bracelet or chain that held a pocket
the International Forum on Research at the Institute for Cancer Research in watch, which was the style of the day,
Excellence (IFoRE). Philadelphia. In 1986, she began her and represented pride in the science
“In addition to being a generational career at Princeton as the Howard A. or engineering accomplishments of
molecular biologist, Shirley Tilghman Prior Professor of the Life Sciences. Over the holder. Previous recipients of the
has forged one of the most respected the next 15 years, she held many addi- award include Bruce Alberts, Shirley
careers in higher education,” said Marija tional council and leadership positions M. Malcom, Walter E. Massey, Gordon
Strojnik, president of Sigma Xi. “Her at Princeton before being named pres- E. Moore, and Norman R. Augustine.

Session Spotlights: IFoRE ‘23

IFoRE ’23 will include a packed agenda with scientific thought leaders, award winners, and compelling session themes including
research ethics, science policy, climate change, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, genome editing, science communication,
grant writing for students, and more! Visit to view the full conference agenda.

Florida’s Ecological Crises and How They Teaching Ethics in AI: A Practical Workshop
May Inform Our Future for Educators
James Sullivan Richard Whittington
Florida Atlantic University Tuskegee University

Our Future in Science: A STEM Education Shifting Demographics in STEM Fields

Model from Young People at the Intersection Through Community College Research
of Science and Social Justice Programs
Jylana Sheats Jackie Swanik
Aspen Institute Wake Technical Community College

382 Sigma Xi Today

SXToday-NovDec2023.indd 382 9/25/2023 10:09:29 AM


of GIAR: Abhinav Sur

Grant: $1,000 in Spring 2018
Education level at time of the grant: PhD student

Project Description: The main goal of my project was to understand the potential genetic regulatory
modules and differentiation trajectories underlying the diversification of cell types during embryo-
genesis in the annelid Capitella teleta. For that purpose, I captured single cells from Capitella larval
stages and sequenced them to generate a single cell atlas of all genes expressed per cell in the whole
larval body plan at two developmental stages. Our whole-organism scRNA-seq analysis generated
comprehensive insights into metazoan cell-type evolution and tissue-specific genome-wide regula-
tory networks. This was one of the first attempts using such a systems-biology approach to answer
developmental biology questions in the light of evolution.
The Sigma Xi grant was highly instrumental in enabling me to perform such high-throughput
experiments, which are generally quite expensive. I used the grant money to perform the actual
microfluidic capture of single cells and to sequence the single-cell transcriptomes.
How did the grant process or the project itself influence you as a scientist/researcher?
The grant process and this project in particular greatly enhanced my motivation to become a scientist. For a long time, I’d had
ambitions of using single-cell omics to answer evolutionary developmental biology questions; however, I was discouraged by
the lack of funding and facilities at my university. The Sigma Xi grant was a huge push for me to accumulate funding from vari-
ous sources to make this project possible.
Where are you now?
Right now, I am a postdoctoral research scholar at the National Institutes of Health, where I am using single-cell omics approaches
to uncover cell-fate specification and to differentiate on during zebrafish development.

Congratulations to Sigma Xi’s 2023 Award Winners

Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research John P. McGovern Science and Young Investigator Award
Honor Society is proud to announce its Society Award
2023 Award Winners. Presented annu-
ally by the Society’s Prizes and Awards
program, the awards recognize exem-
plary achievement in science and
engineering. Recipients are presented
with the awards at the Interna-
tional Forum on Research Excellence
(IFoRE), where most will be plenary
speakers. This year’s conference will
be held November 10–12, 2023, in
Long Beach, California. More informa-
tion on each recipient can be found at Ken Miller, PhD Maryam Naghibolhosseini, PhD Brown University Michigan State University

William Procter Prize for Scientific Walston Chubb Award for Evan Ferguson Award for Service to
Achievement Innovation the Society

John A. Rogers, PhD Xin Zhang, PhD Malgosia Wilk, PhD

Northwestern University Boston University University of Texas at Arlington 2023 November–December 383

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Announcing the 2023 Cohort of Sigma Xi Fellows

Sigma Xi is proud to announce the 2023 cohort of Sigma Xi Fellows. They will be recognized
during the second annual International Forum on Research Excellence (IFoRE) taking place
November 10–12, 2023, in Long Beach, California.
The Fellow of Sigma Xi distinction is awarded on a competitive basis to members who have
been recognized by their peers. Fellows must be an active (dues-paying) full member for the
past 10 years continuously, or a life member, with distinguished service to Sigma Xi and out-
standing contributions to the scientific enterprise. Learn more about the 2023 Fellows and how
to nominate members for future cohorts by visiting

David Flannigan Philip Wyatt

David Allison University of University of Califor-
Indiana University Minnesota nia, Santa Barbara

Digvir Jayas Charles Rice

Diane Birt University of Kansas State
Iowa State University Manitoba University

Gary Shueng Han

Hong Kong Univer- Robert Youker
Norman Augustine sity of Science and Western Carolina
Princeton University Technology University

Kimberly Carlson Robert Horton Akhlesh Lakhtakia

University of University of Pennsylvania State
Nebraska at Kearney California, Berkeley University

Liovando Marciano
Frank Abrams da Costa Stan White
North Carolina State Membership-at- Orange County,
University Large California

Michael Madden
Shekhar Bhansali Jonathan Clark University of
Florida International Weber State North Carolina at
University University Chapel Hill

384 Sigma Xi Today

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Call for Nominations
William Procter Prize SIGMA XI
Sigma Xi’s highest honor is awarded to a
scientist who has made an outstanding
contribution to scientific research and has
Deadline for nominations is January 31
demonstrated the ability to communicate
this research to scientists in other
Do you know a scientist or engineer who should be recognized for their
commitment to scientific research excellence? Sigma Xi invites nominations
John P. McGovern Science for the following awards that recognize achievements in science or
engineering research and communication. Nomination guidelines and
and Society Award eligibility can be found at Submissions should be sent
The McGovern award recognizes a by email to
scientist or an engineer who has made an
outstanding contribution to science and

Walston Chubb
Innovation Award
The Walston Chubb Award honors and pro-
motes creativity in science and

Xin Zhang John A. Rogers

Young Investigator Award Walston Chubb Innovation William Procter Prize, 2023
Award, 2023
Honors outstanding early career
researchers across life, physical, and
social sciences. Nominees must be within
ten years of their highest earned degree at
the time of nomination.

Nomin Maryam Naghibolhosseini Kenneth R. Miller
Young Investigator Award, 2023 John P. McGovern Science and Society Award, 2023

Prizes and Awards 2023 3full page ad.indd 1

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