To What Extent Are Traditional Societies The Inevitable Product of Their Geography Presentation

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To what extent are

traditional societies the
inevitable product of
their geography?
Alina and Linh
Wh a t w e ' l l d i s c u s s
The c on ce p t o f
traditiona l s oci eti es

Cultural geography

ultur al g e og raphy on
The affe c t of c
traditional so c ietie s?
The concept of
traditional societies
A society characterized by an orientation
to the past, not the future
Culture is largely shaped by geography, by the
topographical features of the landscape, the climate,
and the natural resources.
Pattern of trade and commerce can
be including farm outputs.
Cultural geography
Geography plays a significant role in Geography influences traditional societies in
shaping the social, economic, and several ways.
cultural aspects of a society, but Firstly, the physical environment, including
other factors such as history, culture, factors such as climate, topography, and
technology, and human agency also available natural resources, affects the
contribute to the development of economic activities and subsistence patterns
traditional societies. of a society.
Isolated regions, such as islands or
However, while geography provides a mountainous terrains, can lead to the
foundation for traditional societies, development of unique cultural practices and
other factors come into play. traditions due to limited interactions with
other societies.
The affect of cultural geography on
traditional societies?

They adapt to the
available food Example
and climate
patterns Vietnam: Seafood
is a specialty
Korean: Kimchi is
a specialty
Japan: Tempura is
a specialty
“Traditional Society.” Wikipedia,
Wikimedia Foundation, 28 May 2023,
Name. “How Does Geography Affect
Culture: Discover the Cultural
Differences.” Spatial Post, 10 Sept.
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