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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Satuan Pendidikan : SMALB-TUNADAKSA
Hari /tanggal :
Jam :
1. Tulislah nomor ujian, nama peserta pada lembar jawaban yang telah tersedia.
2. Waktu yang tersedia 120 menit untuk mengerjakan paket tes tersebut.
3. Jumlah soal 35 butir, terdiri dari 30 soal Pilihan Ganda dengan 4 (empat) pilihan
jawaban dan 5 butir soal jawaban singkat.
4. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum anda menjawabnya.
5. Pilihah jawaban yang benar dengan memberi tanda silang pada huruf A, B, C, atau D
pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia.

Listening Section
In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand
spoken English. There are four parts to this section with special directions for each part.
Part I.
Questions 1 to 9
Directions: In this part of the test you will hear several dialogues and questions spoken
in English. They will be spoken twice but they will not be printed in your test book, so
you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. You have to choose
the best answer to each question.
Now listen to a sample question
You will hear
Girl : Would you like some ice cream?
Boy : Yes, of course. It’s really delicious. Did you make it yourself?
Girl : No, my mom made it.
Narrator : Who made the ice cream?
A. The boy
B. The girl
C. The boy’s mother
D. The girl’s mother
Choice (D) “The girl’s mother” is the best response to the question. Therefore, you should
mark (D) on your answer sheet.
1. What is the dialog about?
A. Cleaning the motorcycle
B. Going home together
C. Finding a wallet
D. Borrowing some money

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2. What does the girl give to the boy?
A. The red cover
B. The magazine
C. The blue book
D. The blue cover
3. What does the man want to find?
A. The bus stop
B. The public bus
C. The blue book
D. The railway station
4. What are they going to buy for Aunt Jenny’s baby?
A. Baby clothes
B. A pair of shoes
C. Baby dolls
D. Some toys
5. What activity will the boy do?
A. Extracurricular
B. School holiday
C. Scout camp
D. Scout competition
6. Who painted the painting?
A. The girl
B. The boy
C. The girl’s sister
D. The boy’s sister
7. What will the school commemorate?
A. National day
B. Wall Display Day
C. Students Organitation Day
D. National Educational Day
8. Where did the woman want to go?
A. Cendana road
B. First traffic light
C. Public place
D. Public library

9. What is the dialog about?

A. Complaining
B. Asking for a help
C. Giving information
D. Expressing admiration

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Part II.
Questions 10 to 15.
Direction : In this part of the test you will hear some monologues and some questions
about them. For each question, read the four possible answers and decide which one
would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
Question 10 is based on the following monolog
10. How should Ms. Donita repair the skirt?
A. By making it longer
B. By cutting it by 5 centimeter
C. By putting some ornaments on it
D. By sewing parts of it
Question 11 is based on the following monolog
11. How can you join the course to learn the subject you want?
A. By e-mail
B. By calling
C. By sending a message
D. By looking at the website
Question 12 - 13 are based on the following monolog
12. What is the monolog about?
A. Building sand castles
B. A vacation on the beach
C. Parking the car on the beach
D. Collecting sea shells
13. What did the writer do after parking the car?
A. Have a meal
B. Walk along the beach
C. Collect sea shells
D. Build sand castles
Question 14 - 15 are based on the following monolog
14. What is monolog about?
A. Trees
B. Forest
C. Tarzan
D. Orangutans
15. Where do orangutans spend most of their time?
A. In the zoo
B. On the bridge
C. In the tree
D. On the ground
This is the end of listening section

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Read the carefully to answer questions16-18
Danu : Hi, let me introduce my self, I am Danu.
Wahyu : Hi, Danu! …. ?
Danu : I am from Jakarta, and you?
Wahyu : I am from Surabaya. Nice to meet you.
Ikbal : Nice to meet you too.

16. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is…

A. Can I help you
B. How do you know
C. What are you doing
D. Where are you from

17. The underline word has the same meaning with….

A. Glad to know you
B. I am sorry for that
C. I am fine thank you
D. Better never meet you

Read the carefully to answer questions18-20

My New Cat
I have a new cat. It’s name is shorty. I call it shorty because it is short than the others cat.
It is a Persian with flat nose and fluffy fur. It has sharp, yellow eyes that glow in the dark.
Shorty likes to run around the house, chasing any moving things. I like to see shorty
sleeping because it looks cute. Shorty does not like to eat canned food, instead it prefers
fresh tuna.

18. The purpose of the text is to….

A. Describe something
B. Report something
C. Inform something
D. Invite something

19.What does the text tell us about ?

A. New Giraffe
B. New Rabbit
C. New Cat
D. New Ant

20. The antonym of underline word is….

A. smooth
B. rough
C. soft
D. mild

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21. The symbol tell us that we should not….
A. turn right
B. turn back
C. park here
D. be careful

22. Do – not – here – park

The good arrangement is….
A. Park do not here
B. Here park do not
C. Do not park here
D. Not park do here

23. For – can -what – I – do – you ?

The good arrangement of the expression above is….
A. What for I can you do
B. What can I do for you
C. Can I do for you what
D. Can for you what I do

24. Rudi : Good afternoon, sir. Do you have a novel by TereLiye ?

Shopkeeper : Of course, we have the book that you want.
… show you where it is ?
Rudi : Thank you, sir. You are very kind.
Shopkeeper : No problem.

The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is….

A. May I
B. Can you
C. Do not go
D. Can not you

25. Complete the dialogue !

Wira : I have problem with my Handphone, … ?
Sakti : No, I don’t. I think you should go to the service center.
Wira : That’s good idea. Thank you.

A. Can you help me

B. Is that you’re bussines
C. Do you know about it
D. Do you know how to repair it

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Read the carefully to answer question of number 26 - 28
My Holiday
Last week, I went to Mount Bromo. I stayed at my friend’s house in Probolinggo, East
Java. The house has a big garden with colorful flowers and a small pool.
In the morning, my friend and I could see Mount Bromo from my friend house. The
scenery was very beautiful. We rode on horseback. It was scary but it was fun. Then we
went to get a closer look at the mountain. We took pictures of the beautiful scenery there.
After that, we took a rest and had lunch under a big tree.
We were very tired. However, I think it was really fun to have a holiday like this. I
hope my next holiday will be more interesting.
26. When did the writer go to Mount Bromo ?
A. Last week
B. Last year
C. Last month
D. Last holiday

27. the synonim of underline word is….

A. Brave
B. Happy
C. Awesome
D. Frightened

28. The text above mainly talks about….

A. The writer and his family
B. Big garden with colorful flower
C. The writer trip to Mount Bromo
D. Took picture of the beautiful scenery

Read the following lyric and then answer the question of number 29 – 30 !
You’ve Got a Friend
By James Taylor
When you’re up down and okay
And you need a helping hand
And nothing, whoa, nothing is going wrong
Close you’re eyes and think of me
And in a long while I will be there
To darken down even you’redarkest night

29. What is theme of the song above ?

A. Hobby
B. Friend
C. Family
D. Holiday

30. The synonim of underline word is….

A. Mot beautiful
B. Happiest
C. Scarest
D. Saddest

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Complete the sentences of dialogue !
31. Lala : Hai, Din. I want to introduce my friend, Rita.
Dini : Hai, Rita. … do you live ?
Rita : Hai, I live in Jl. Kuningan I, Nice to meet you.
Dini : Nice to meet you too.

32. My sister bought a new dress. The dress is red and very pretty.
“Pretty” in Indonesia is….

Read the carefully to answer question of number 33 – 35 !

Suramadu Bridge
The Suramadu bridge, also known as the Surabaya Madura bridge, it is a bridge with
three cable stayed section constructed between Surabaya on the Island of Java and the
town of Bangkalan on the Island of Madura. It is opened for public on June 10, 2009. The
5,4 Km bridge is the longest bridge in Indonesia and the first bridge to cross the Madura

33. The Suramadu bridge also known as….

34. When wasthe Suramadu bridge opened for public ?

35. The Suramadu bridge is the longest bridge in….

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