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Motors, Generators, Controls and AC Drives


Lab 5

AC Motor Basics


Please watch three videos „LabVolt DAQ1’, „LabVolt DAQ2’ &
„LabVolt DAQ3‟ under LabVolt Resources Module.

MECH-10125 Lab #5 Page 1 of 10 Rev.A (Sep 2021)


1. Introduction

 Students are required to follow the rules specified below. Any questions arising from
items on the list must be addressed to your instructor before starting to work. The
instructor may add items to the list as necessary.
 Students who do not comply with the rules and procedures face a significant mark
reduction in the course assessment. The instructor will specify the details of the mark
penalties which will be deducted. The amount of reduction may depend on the
circumstances and nature of the incident.
 Any student who repeatedly fails to comply with rules and procedures, or is creating a
significant risk for himself or for others, will be required to leave the room until the
situation can be resolved.

2. Behaviour, Clothing, Hair, Jewellery, etc...

 Loose items of clothing such as scarves and neckties must be removed or restrained
so that they do not come near to rotating and/or energized equipment.
 Loose jewellery such as bracelets and pendants must be removed. Removal of finger
rings is recommended.
 Long hair should be restrained so that it does not hang near equipment.
 Students may be permitted to bring items of food or drink into the lab(s) but would
need to seek the Instructor‟s permission first.

3. Items which students are required to bring to the labs.

 Students are required to bring safety glasses and wear them at all times (Room C111
 When required, Students must bring a CATIII digital Multimeter with a proper set of
test probes. The probes should have a finger guard and be rated for 600 V RMS
CATIII, or higher. Show your probes to your instructor for confirmation.
 Each student may be required bring their own padlock to exercise LOTO procedures
(in C111 only)
 It is recommended that each student bring a USB storage dongle to C111 to store
data acquired from the LabVolt units.
 It is required that the student bring a USB storage dongle to G201/G203 as storing
PLC logic files on a station‟s local hard drive is not recommended.

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4. Workstation console layout, identification of voltage sources, On/Off switches and
circuit isolation procedures.

 Your instructor will indicate the voltage sources, switches and other features of the
console. If required, make notes and ask questions to reach a clear understanding.

If you are in doubt ask.

5. Grounding of equipment.

 If a piece of equipment has exposed metal parts, enclosure, or frame, it must have a
proper ground connection before power is applied.
 If the piece of equipment has a 120 V. supply, utilizing a standard three conductor
cord and plug, the ground connection will be included in the plug. In this case no
extra ground connection will be necessary.
 If the piece of equipment has no standard three conductor supply cord and plug, then
a grounding wire must be added. The piece of equipment will have a grounding
terminal which must be connected to the grounding terminal of the console.

6. Moving heavy components.

 Some pieces of equipment, such as the Motor Drive Unit, are quite heavy and need
careful moving.
 A second person should be considered if there is any doubt about being able to pick
up, carry, or place the item.
 Be sure to identify and clear a space to put the item down, before it is picked up.

7. Wiring the circuit.

 All parts of the circuit must be turned off before installing or changing any wiring.
 Proper layout and spacing of the equipment is important, and must be arranged
before wiring is started.
 Wires of adequate length must be used. It is bad practice for wires to be stretched
tight or passing across the top of other pieces of equipment.

All work must be checked and verified by the lab instructor before power is applied.
Only the instructor has authority to apply power to a piece of equipment.
During this project, the student will work around live circuits (120VAC/DC and 208VAC)
and rotating equipment. The student must exercise extreme caution, follow outlined
safety procedures, and be aware of his/her surroundings. Any circuit installations,
modifications, or disassembly must be done with the power disconnected.

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Motors, Generators, Controls and AC Drives
Lab 5 - AC Motor Basics

In this lab we will explore the basic characteristics of the 3-Phase Squirrel Cage Induction Motor
(SCIM). We will look at the No Load and Full Load electrical characteristics of this motor. Also,
we will be exploring how varying the applied shaft torque and applied motor voltage affects
these characteristics.

To save any of the data (Data Table, Charts, etc.) they must be “printed” as a
PDF, which will then be saved to your USB stick OR saved in the Station
Computer‟s documents and emailed to yourself.


Part I

1. Record the Motor Nameplate data found on the AC SCIM Motor unit and complete Table
5-1 with the calculated values.

Rated Output Power

Calculated Rated HP
Rated RPM
Rated Voltage
Rated Frequency
Calculated Rated Torque (Nm)
Calculated Number of Poles
Table 5-1

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2. Record the Electrical Data given for the individual windings of this SCIM (located on the
front of the SCIM unit above each winding schematic symbol.

Rated winding voltage

Rated winding current

3. Based on the data from Steps 1 and 2, determine how the motor windings must be
connected (WYE or DELTA). Draw a rough connection on the diagram below.

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4. According to the stator windings ratings, prove your configuration mathematically
calculating the phase voltage.

WYE connection DELTA connection

Line voltage Line voltage
Phase voltage Phase voltage

Part II
5. Connect your motor as follows:

6. Connect the T (Torque) and N (Motor speed rpm) test points on the Dynanometer unit to
the appropriate test points on the Data Acquisition Unit (DAQ unit).

7. Turn the Voltage Output Control dial on the LabVolt Power Supply Unit fully clockwise (full
208V output) and ensure that the Main Power Switch for the Power Supply unit is OFF and
the 24V supply toggle switch is ON.
⇒ Don‟t leave SCIM at less than Rated Voltage (208V). It is not like a DC Motor.

8.Ensure that the TORQUE adjustment dial on the DYNANOMETER unit is turned fully
counter-clockwise (0 N-m).
 Minimum Torque Value (0 N-m)

9. Have your instructor check and sign off your wiring.

10. Once your Instructor has enabled energization of the LabVolt unit, start the LabVolt
software application on your station‟s computer and open the METERING, DATA TABLE
and PHASOR ANALYZER applications.

11. Set up your metering application to record E1, I1, PQS1 (for Electrical Input Power), Torque
T (Non-Compensated), N (r/min or RPM) and Pm (for Mechanical Output Power).
⇒ Also setup meter A for PS (Phase Shift between E1 and I1)

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12. Setup meter B for PF (Power Factor between E1 and I1)

13. Setup meter C for Efficiency (Pm / P1).

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NOTE: You don‟t need to manually complete the tables below. Use the LabVolt Data Table
application instead.

14. Start your motor by energizing the Power Supply. Record the No Load (T= 0 Nm)
parameters of the SCIM using the Data Table application (1st line of Table 5-2).

15. Slowly increase the applied torque to the motor‟s shaft by 0.1 N-m increments until you
reach the motor‟s rated torque and record the SCIM‟s parameters at each of these Torque
levels using the DATA TABLE application.

E1 I1 PQS1 (W) T N Pm (T N) PS (°) PF Eff

(V) (A) (E1,I1) (N-m) (rpm) (W) (E1,I1) (%)
0 208V 0
1 208V 0.1
2 208V 0.2
3 208V 0.3
4 208V 0.4
5 208V 0.5
6 208V 0.6
7 208V 0.7
8 208V 0.8
9 208V 0.9
10 208V 1.0
Table 5-2

16. In the LabVolt GRAPH application, choose the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the
⇒ Output Power (Y-axis) x Line Current (X-axis)

Part III

17. Leaving the torque adjusted to the SCIM‟s Rated Torque (1N-m) turn the Output Control
dial on the LabVolt Power Supply Unit to decrease the applied voltage to the motor to 50%
of rated voltage (~104V) and record the SCIM‟s parameters using the DATA TABLE
application. (NOTE when performing this step it is important that the SCIM is not left
at this low voltage for an extended period of time so please be prompt when
executing this step).
 Motor almost stalls! (Warning: Please be prompt!)

E1 I1 PQS1 (W) T N Pm (T N) PS (°) PF Eff

(V) (A) (E1,I1) (N-m) (rpm) (W) (E1,I1) (%)
0 104V 1.0
Table 5-3

18. Power down the LabVolt unit and lockout your Electrical Disconnect.

19. Remove all of your wiring form the circuit and return to proper storage.

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20. Comment on the data recorded in steps 14-15 regarding the Motor‟s Speed N, Line Current
Draw I1, Mechanical Output Power Pm, and Efficiency, and the Output Power Pm x Line
Current I1 graph.

21. Comment on the data recorded in step 17 regarding the Motor‟s Speed N, Line Current
Draw I1 and Output Power Pm.

22. Clean your station as required and have your Instructor sign off before you leave the lab.

Part IV - Post Lab Activities

Lab Report due in one week. Please submit only: Tables, Graph, Explanations, and Approval

Part I: Table on page 4 (Table 5-1) completed

Part II: One Table (Table 5-2)

One Graph : Output Power Pm (W) x Line Current I1 (A)
One Explanation: Step 20

Part III: One Table (Table 5-3)

One Explanation: Step 21

Total: Three Tables, One Graph and Two Explanations.

Only students who attended and completed Lab 5 are going to be marked.
15% out of 60% - if all Table data is accurate
30% out of 60% - if just Tables + Graph are submitted
60% out of 60% - if Tables + Graph + Explanations are submitted
100% - Full Marks if all data is accurate

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Motors, Generators, Controls and AC Drives

Lab #5 Professor Approval Sheet

Student Name: __________________________ Student #: ____________________

Student Name: __________________________ Student #: ____________________

Class Day/Time/Date: __________________________________________________


i) Student was present and completed all required steps.

ii) Student was present but did not complete all required steps.

Notes and Comments






Professor Approval: _______________________ Date: ______________________

MECH-10125 Lab #5 Page 10 of 10 Rev.A (Sep 2021)

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