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Title: Your area was badly flooded last week.

As you witnessed the flood, you are asked by your

teacher to write an account of it.


After raining ___________ continuously for one whole day and night Taman Anggerik
and __________________________________, ________,
Alor Star became
__________________________. water level rose so high
flooded last Friday The ___________________________ reached
that it __________
windows of the houses
the __________________________. It was _____________________________________________.
believed to be the worst flood ever to hit my area

leading to and out of my area were badly flooded residents could not
The roads ______________________________________. Many ______________________
leave their homes to go to
work had to skip school too. The water level continue
______________________. Their children ___________________ __________

_________________________. including
too high for safety the residents, ___________
rise in the afternoon When it was ___________________,

evacuate 疏散 to higher ground.

my family had to ____________________________.

________________________ transport us
Rescue boats were sent to _______________. were
We higher
sent to a school on ________

__________. On our way there we saw many cars ____________________.

ground _________________, stalled in the water stayed in
We ________

the whole night waiting for the water to subside下降

the school for ___________________________________________.

flood crisis
During a time like a ___________, the ______________
charity spirit of people in nearby
areas was
明显 提供
areas came to offer us help Theydonated
___________. People from other ___________________________.
food and other


flood water subsided the next morning 很欣慰

____________, the __________________________________. It was such
a relief to

see the sun again. We _______________________,

________________ clean up the place
began to move back hometo ______________________ as well as

assess 评估 the damage损害

to ____________________________. access 读取, 进⼊入
assess 评估

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