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Title: The Most Embarrassing Day of My Life

will never forget it

most embarrasing day of my life I ____________________.
Last Monday was the ___________________________________.
just like any ordinary普通的
It started _________________________. My day needed some things so she __________
mother _____________________ asked
set off 出发
get them from the shops nearby We __________________
my brother, John, and me to _________________________________.
joked along the way沿途 happily
and __________________________.

surprised to find that there were very

few people
When we reached the shops, we were ___________________________________________
around The roads were ________________.
_____________. Suddenly we saw a manbreaking
rather empty ____________, the
window of the shop selling
grabbed some watches from the shop window and
__________________________________. He _________
then fled逃⾛走

started to chase the

were too shocked to move
At first John and I _________________________. Then we _______________________.
shouted for help but no one came to 赶上
We __________________________________________.
help us. At last
___________, we caught up with the
jumped on him The man struggled
man and _________________. desperately
____________________ and shouted something
拼命地挣扎 to us
but we did not listen

Just then, a policeman appearedWe ______

___________________. toldthe policeman ________________
about the thief and
how we caught
him mind wethought
In our _______, that we were real heroes.
______________________________. To our
astonishment让我们惊讶的是 pointed to some cameras
laughing He ______________________ andexplained
___________, the policeman started ____________. _________
was not really a thief He was actually
that the man ______________________. an actor who was shooting 拍
摄 a film
had disturbed 打扰 their
film was angry with us because we _______________________
director of the _______
The __________
apologized profuselyand __________________________________
____________. Johan and I ____________________ quickly ran off home without
When we told our parents about what
buying the things my mother wanted. _____________________________________________,
had happened they
laughed heartily尽情地 for the entire day ⼀一整天

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