Acca Code of Ethics (Notes)

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Chapter 2 : Professional Ethics

1 ACCA Code of Ethics & Conduct

An accountant serves public interest by adhering to an expected level of professional


This expectation is made clear in the ACCA Code of Ethics & Conduct.
(The ACCA Code in turn is based on the International Ethics Standards Board for
Accountants – The IESBA Code)

ACCA follows a principles-based approach. It is important to put principles into context.

− The professional accountant must follow the RULES in the ACCA Code.
− IF the ethical dilemma is not covered by ACCA’s rules, you must consider the
2 Fundamental Principles

Professional behaviour
The professional accountant to:
(i) Behave in a manner that is consistent with the profession’s responsibility act in the
public interest.
(ii) Avoid any conduct that the professional accountant knows or should know might
discredit the profession; and
(iii) Comply with relevant laws and regulations

The professional accountant to be straightforward & honest (no lies) in all professional &
business relationships.
Integrity also implies fair dealing and truthfulness. (making known the full truth of the matter)
Integrity also includes having the determination to act appropriately when confronting
dilemmas or difficult situations. This would involve, for example:
 Standing one’s ground when facing pressure to do otherwise during the course of
performing professional activities; or
 Challenging others as and when appropriate,
even when doing so creates potential adverse personal or organizational consequences

Professional Competence & due care

The professional accountant to ATTAIN & MAINTAIN professional knowledge and skill at a
level required to ensure that a client or employer receives competent professional service
based on current developments in practice, legislation & techniques AND act diligently & in
accordance with applicable technical & professional standards

The professional accountant to respect the confidentiality of information acquired as a
result of professional and business relationships &, therefore, NOT disclose any such
information to third parties without proper and specific authority.

The professional accountant to exercise professional or business judgments without being
compromised by:
(i) Bias
(ii) Conflict of interest; or
(iii) Undue influence of or undue reliance on, individuals, organizations, technology, or
other factors.
3 Threats
Familiarity threat
The threat that due to a long or close relationship with a client or employer,
a professional accountant:
− will be too sympathetic to their interests or
− willbe too accepting of their work ( resulting in a serious risk of loss
of professional skepticism )
The threat that after receiving a valuable gift / favor from client or client
staff, a professional accountant may feel under pressure to return the
favor by turning a blind eye to their wrongful actions.

Advocacy threat
The threat that a professional accountant will promote a client’s or
employer’s position to the point that his objectivity is compromised

Self-Review threat
The threat that a professional accountant is unlikely to be critical of
his own work or the work of a colleague.

Self-Interest threat
The threat that a financial or other interest will inappropriately influence
the professional accountant’s judgement or behavior to protect his own

Intimidation threat
The threat that a professional accountant will be deterred from acting
objectively because of actual or perceived pressures, including attempts
to exercise undue influence over the professional accountant.
4 The independence of the external auditor

INTEGRITY able to maintain integrity

able to make objective judgements
free from external influence or bias

Exercise appropriate

For an audit report to be of value, the auditor must…

BE INDEPENDENT Independence of mind

Means having a state of mind
that permits the auditor
to give an opinion without being affected by influences
that compromise professional judgement,
thereby allowing an individual to act with integrity and
exercise objectivity and professional skepticism

INDEPENDENT Independence in appearance

Avoiding circumstances
that are so significant
that may cause the public

to conclude that
the firm's integrity & objectivity
has been compromised

WHY is it necessary for the auditor to :

1. So that the auditor will be free to :

- Comply with ISAs & IFRSs users will be able to rely on the audited F/S
- Exercise professional skepticism
- Collect sufficient appropriate audit evidence

2. So that the auditor’s opinion will not be influenced by 3rd parties & will be objective
3. Because the Companies’ Act & the ACCA Code requires it so
4. So that the auditor does not collude with directors & cover up poor results
5. So that the credibility of the audited financial statements can be maintained

5 Safeguards
Safeguards created by the PROFESSION, LEGISLATION OR REGULATION include,
but are not restricted to:

- Educational, training & experience requirements for entry into the profession
- Continuing Professional Development requirements
- Professional standards ( such as the ISAs, IESBA Code )
- Professional or regulatory monitoring and disciplinary procedures
- Corporate governance regulations ( AC to oversee the independence & work
of external auditor)


- when the client’s management appoints the auditor,
people other than management ratifying or approving the appointment
- the client having competent employees to make managerial decisions;
- policies and procedures emphasizing the client’s commitment to fair
financial reporting;
- internal procedures ensuring objective choices in commissioning non-
audit work; and
- Strong corporate governance, including an effective Audit Committee
- Corporate governance regulations ( AC to oversee the independence &
work of external auditor)
FIRM-WIDE safeguards in the work environment include may include:

- Policies & procedures to comply with requirements of ISQM 1 [Quality

Management for Firms that
Perform Audits or Reviews of Financial Statements, or Other Assurance or
Related Services Engagements] & ISQM 2 [Engagement Quality Reviews]

- Operation of disciplinary mechanism to promote compliance with policies and


- Arrangements to ensure physical separation of staff when auditing clients

whose interests may be in conflict ( Chinese Walls)

- Using different departments (different partners & teams) for the provision of
Non Audit Services to an assurance client

- Open-door policy to enable staff able to communicate to partners any issue of

independence that concerns them.
ENGAGEMENT SPECIFIC safeguards in the work environment may include:
− Rotation of senior personnel in the assurance team.
− Removing an individual from the audit team,
when that individual’s financial interests or relationships create a threat to
− Members of the audit team prohibited from making management decisions for
the audit client.
− Discussing ethical issues with Those Charged With Governance of the client.
− Involving an additional accountant to review the work done or otherwise advise
as necessary.
Ethical questions
1)Threat (Identified + Explain)

6 Specific rules from ACCA Rulebook

Fees Threat Rule / Safeguard

Lowballing Potential SELF -INTEREST In order to ensure that future
Quoting low & insufficient fee threat relationship not affected, it is
in order to win the audit important that client is not
tender IN THAT the firm may be misled by the fees that might be
under pressure to reduce the charged in the future
work to minimise cost in order
Aim to get lucrative non- not to make losses Firm should maintain records to
audit work show that appropriate time and
Also a potential THREAT TO qualified staff were assigned and
AND DUE CARE procedures are complied with to
ensure the audit has been
IN THAT quality of the work carried out competently
may be compromised due to
low fee quoted PIE=Public Interest Entity
Total fees from client or group SELF INTEREST THREAT NON PIE
of client represent large IN THAT the auditor may not Reduce the dependency on the
proportion of firms total fees qualify the audit opinion client ( take more clients)
(should the need arise) in
order to continue to be PIE
reappointed and revenue Reduce the dependency on the
stream of the firm not client ( take more clients)
IF FEE > 15% of firm total fee for
Potential INTIMIDATION two consecutive years to inform
threat TCWG
Slightly >15%
IN THAT the auditor may be Agree with one of the safeguard
concern on losing the client with TCWG
REVIEW (bf 2nd year
REVIEW (bf 3rd year

Significantly >15%
Pre-issuance review

For the review – need to be done

by external reviewer ( not a
member of the firm)

Audit fee/ tax fee calculated on Potential SELF INTEREST Calculation of fees based on
contingent fees basis – ANY threat contingent fees basis is out
audit client rightly PROHIBITATED
10% X PBT IN THAT the auditor may The basis for the calculation of
ignore audit adjustment that the audit fee should be agreed
reduce the profits with the audit client each year
before significant audit work is
Significant fee relating to ANY Potential SELF INTEREST - Delay the
client long overdue threat commencement of the
current year audit till
• Long outstanding fees IN THAT the auditor may not fees are settled
are viewed as qualify the audit report in - Discuss with
equivalent to loan to order to receive the previous management of any
the client , especially yea and the current year fees instalment arrangement
when audit fees paid - Required
remain unpaid for a payment for overdue fee
long time before audit report is

Loan & Guarantees

Giving loans to ANY Client Potential Self Interest threat PROHIBITED:
IN THAT the auditor is unlikely Loan and Guarantees are
to qualify the audit opinion in material to the audit firm and
order for the loan to the client
Material in nature:
Giving guarantee to Bank for Potential Self Interest threat The client company is in
any client’s loan IN THAT the auditor is unlikely desperate need for the
to press client to put through additional finance
any adjustment that may
cause debt covenants to be
violated in case the bank
pursues the audit firm to
recovery of the bank loan

Audit firm receive loan from Potential Self Interest THREAT PROHIBITED:
any client IN THAT auditor is unlikely to - If client is not a
qualify the audit opinion in bank or financial
fear that client will demand institution and loan is
Audit team member immediate repayment material to the audit firm
ATM receive loan from any Potential SELF INTEREST - If the client is a
client threat bank or financial
IN THAT the ATM is unlikely to institution and the loan is
press the client on accounting not in normal terms
issues for fear that client will Exceptions
demand immediate -bank or financial institution
repayment of the loan given -normal term or rate
to him

Financial Interests
Financial Interest in ANY client If Audit firm is holding share: PROHIBITED :
- Audit firm
Potential Self Interest threat - ALL Partners and
IN THAT the audit firm unlikely their immediate family
to qualify the audit opinion in
order that the share value will Shares in client currently being
not fall audited - PROHIBITED
- ATM and their
The partner , ATM or their immediate family
immediate family or close
family potential SI threat
ATM knows that their close
IN THAT the audit team family member has financial
member unlikely to insist on interest in an audit client
any acc adjustments that
might cause profits to fall Safeguards:
Inadvertent Violation - Inform audit
- Not violation engagement partner
- Dispose of the - In the meantime,
share immediately remove the staff from
the team
- Inform the Audit
- Close family
member to dispose off
shares ASAP.

Business Relationship Potential Self – Interest threat OUTRIGHTLY PROHIBITED IF :
IN THAT that auditor is
The firm, ATM , or immediate unlikely to qualify the audit Financial interest is material and
family member have close opinion fear of ruining the the business relationship is
business relationship business relationship Significant to the firm, the ATM ,
the client and its management
Potential Self – Interest threat
IN THAT that ATM unlikely
press client on accounting
adjustment in fear of ruining
the business relationship

Family Relationship 1. Potential SI threat, If immediate family member

Between the client and ATM unlikely to expose the - The ATM should
wrongdoings of that be removed
relatives / friends for
fear of losing their If client staff is involved in
affections Financial / Accounting is a close
2. Potential Familiarity family member
threat, likely to be - ATM removed or
sympathetic or may - If not re-
accept their structure responsibilities
explanation without so that he does deal with
sufficient scepticism the family member
Long Association Potential Familiarity threat NON PIE
IN THAT sympathetic to the No requirement for rotation
( ATM auditing the same client friends or may accept their
for a number of years explanation without sufficient PIE
- Key audit
partner rotate after 7
year (calculated based on
cumulative basis and
need not be consecutive
- Cooling off
period 2 years

ATM – rotated every 2-3years

Ex -client join the firm for Potential Self – Review threat OUTRIGHTLY PROHIBITED for
employment IN THAT, the former client two years after resignation from
staff is unlikely to be critical former employer
when auditing own work

Potential Familiarity threat

IN THAT the former client staff
sympathetic to the friends or
may accept their explanation
without sufficient scepticism
Appointment with client
ATM is planning to join client Potential SELF INTEREST, PIE
as director or employment IN THAT the ATM is unlikely
significant influence in press the client on accounting 1. KAP OUTRIGHTLY
preparation of client F/S issues in fear of losing the PROHIBITED to join the
chances to join the company entity after the next 12
months F/S are

Other ATM
- Notify the firm
when entering the
negotiations with client
- ATM to be
immediately removed
from the team

ATM already join the client Potential FAMILIARITY - Modify the audit
- Remove his
IN THAT the audit staff friends from the audit
remaining on team are team
unlikely to exercise prof
Partner appointed as board Potential SI, partner may not Outrightly PROHIBITED :
member raise difficult accounting
/audit issues with the Board , Auditor only to attend board
in fear of not being meeting only to raise audit issues
recommended for with management /TCWG
reappointment as auditor
EP may not be part of any
management decision made at
the meeting

Partner appointed as company Potential SI – Partner may not Outrightly PROHIBITED:

secretary raise difficult accounting
/audit issues with the Board, Only allowed if the secretarial
in fear of not being work related to routine or
recommended for administrative in nature
reappointment as auditor

Gifts and Hospitality If it’s a promise Shall not accept unless is trivial
and inconsequential
Potential SI threat,
- Gift ATM unlikely to do anything
- Hospitality contrary to clients wishes in Gift or hospitality – improperly
- Entertainment order to continue to be able influence behaviour even if the
- Political or to receive the gift or amount is trivial or
Charitable donations hospitality inconsequential is PROHIBITED
- Employment
with other commercial After receiving Reject the gift – depend on the
- Preferential nature, value and intent behind
rights Potential FAMILIARITY, ATM the offer.
sympathetic to client staff
interest as a way of returning Receipt of gift not interfere with
the favour received the timing of audit procedure

Normal social courtesies – lunch

after meeting – Allowed

Received same discount as client

staff is allowed provided value of
discount is not excessive
Firm , ATM, Immediate family Allowed if :
purchase goods & services Is the transaction is normal
from client course of business
At arm’s length ( market rate)
Not huge magnitude

Huge magnitude
Potential Self Interest, the Reduce the magnitude of the
firm is unlikely to qualify the transactions
opinion the client for fear of Remove the individual from the
losing supplier audit team

Pressure from client to reduce Potential Intimidation Threat, Don’t give in to client
extend of work in order to the firm will be under - Communicate
reduce the fee pressure to cut corners and pressure from client to
not raise the issues – AC
comprise the objectivity
Threat of replacement ( over Potential Intimidation Threat, Don’t give in to client
disagreement with applicable THE FIRM may raise the issue Communicate pressure from
accounting principles of difficult accounting issue client to AC
with Board – fear of not being
Threat of legal action Potential Intimidation Threat, Best is to resign since the client
THE FIRM may raise the issue & firm management are
of difficult accounting issue adversarial positions
with Board – fear of legal
non audit services
NAS – Accounting
Providing technical assistance Services (eg application of X SAFEGUARD
during the audit accounting std, resolving
accounting reconciliation
problems) – NORMAL,
considered part of audit

ACCA – Allowed – promoting

fair presentation of Financial
Prepare accounting records ( Create SELF REVIEW , Non – PIE
payroll, item in the financial subsequently team will be May provide which are routine in
statement) critical when auditing these nature ( no professional
item judgement required) . But must
me non -ATM


Routine in nature, Services are
for immaterial item to the FS and
performed by NON-ATM

NAS – Tax
Filling up tax returns No threat – subject to review
by the tax authorities
Calculating current tax and Potential Self Review – may NON PIE
deferred tax for the purpose of not be critical in the audit Threat level
preparing accounting entries - Complexity of
the law
- Degree of
- The level
expertise required
- Materiality of
the amount to the F/S

PROHIBITED if material
Non material items – can only be
by non – ATM
Tax planning & other tax Potential advocacy threat - ALLOWED – BUT TO BE
advisory promoting the client interest – PERFORMED BY NON-ATM
objectivity will be impaired

Self review threat - may not

be critical in the audit
Assistance in resolution of tax Advocacy - promoting the Have a tax professional , who are
disputes ( seen to provide client interest – objectivity will not involved in proving the ta
advisory role) be impaired services and advise to audit team

Potential self review –

because of own advise , not so
critical subsequent auditing

Valuation – especially if there Self-review - may not be PROHIBITED
is merger and acquisition critical in the audit

Valuation – material to FS (>

1% of TA)
Valuation – especially if there Self-review - may not be Should be performed by non-
is merger and acquisition critical in the audit ATM

Valuation – NOT material to FS

(<1% of TA)
Temporary staff assignments ( Self-review - x critical because Allowed if
lending staff by firm to client ) review own work - Period is short
Familiarity threat – will be - Not
sympathetic , may accept management
their explanation responsibilities
- Client is in
charge for direction and
- Cannot be a
senior staff

If the staff seconded for long

period of time , then included in
audit team – PROHIBITED
Recruitment services Self-interest threat – unlikely Prohibited – especially for
highlight the shortcoming DIRECTOR , MEMBER OF SENIOR
Acting as advocate on behalf of Prohibited
client – litigation or resolving If material
If not material - use NON -ATM
NAS – Internal Audit Potential SELF REVIEW – IN NON PIE
THAT the audit team may use IC over the financial or non
the result of IA service ( financial controls
carried out by the audit firm - Allowed to
CLIENT IA department
- Service is
provided by non ATM

ICs over financial controls

ICs over non financial controls

- Allowed to
CLIENT IA department
- Service is
provided by non ATM


THAT the audit team may be IT system for financial or non
Design & implement IT System less sceptical in assessing the financial
(Design ICs) effectiveness IC - Allowed to
provided client is
Self -interest – unlikely to involved in the decision
adopt substantive procedure , making
may not highlight deficiencies - Service is
in the firm’s work provided by non ATM
IT System financial
Potential management Prohibited
decision making threat
IT System non financial controls
- Allowed to
provided client is
involved in the decision
- Service is
provided by non ATM

Corporate Finance Services Self review – less critical Non ATM

Financing Proper review who is not
Investment Advocacy – promoting the involved audit
Strategies client interest
( underwriting audit client shares
, promoting with client shares )

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