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This section measures the ability to recognize language that is appropriate for standard written English.
There are two types of questions in this section.

In the first type of question, there are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence, there are four words
or phrases. You will choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Clicking on a
choice darkens the oval. After you click on Next and Confirm Answer, the next question will be

The second type of question has four underlined words or phrases. You will choose the one underlined
word or phrase that must be changed for the sentence to be correct. Clicking on an underlined word or
phrase will darken it. After you click on Next and Confirm Answer, the next question will be presented.

1. In simple animals, reflex movement 6. According to the wave theory, popu-

or involuntary response to stimuli. lation of the Americas may have been the
result of a number of separate migrations.
@ behavior mostly
a most is behavior GD the
O most behavior is CD their
a the most behavior O that
a whose
2.Although the weather in Martha's Vineyard
isn't to have a year-round tourist 7. It is presumed that rules governing the shar-
season, it has become a favorite summer ing of food influenced that the
resort. earliest cultures evolved.
@ goodly enough GD that the way
a good enough a is the way
O good as enough O the way
CD enough good GD which way

3. A swarm of locusts is responsible the 8. The prices at chain stores are as reasonable,
a @ a
consumption of enough wlant material if not more reasonable, as those at discount
a 0 a
to feed a million 2nd a half people. stores.
0 a
9. _Historicallythere has been two major
4. Oyster farming has been practice in most a m o a
@ a 0 factions in the Republican Party-the
parts of the world for many years.
a liberals and the conservatives.

5. & was Shirley Temple Black which 10. Whitman wrote Leaves of Grass as a tribute
a a
rewresented her country in the United to the Civil War soldiers who had laid on the
0 m
Nations and later became an ambassador. battlefields and whom he had seen
a a 0
while serving as an army nurse.

11. Calculus, elegant and economical 17. The more the relative humidity reading a,
symbolic system, can reduce complex prob- GD
lems to simple terms. the worst the heat affects us.
GD it is an
a that an 18. Because correlations are not causes,
O an
is an
statistical data which are extremely easy
12. Canada does not require that U.S. citizens
a 0
to misuse.
obtajn passports to enter the country, and
GD Mexico does neither 19. As a general rule, the standard of living
Mexico doesn't either by the average output of each per-
O neither Mexico does son in society.
either does Mexico
GD is fixed
CD fixed
13. m e Chinese were the first and ethnic
@ GD O has fixed
group to work on the construction of the a fixes
0 a
transcontinental railroad system. 20. Despite of many attempts to introduce a
a a a
14. The range of plant life on a mountainside
universal language, notably Esperanto and

is a-
results of differences in temperature and Idiom Neutral, the effort has met with very
GD a 0
lit& success.
precipitation at varying altitudes.
a a
15. The poet just beginning to be 21. The Consumer Price Index lists
recognized as an important influence at the GD how much costs every car
time of his death. GD how much does every car cost
O how much every car costs
GD being Walt Whitman
CD who was Walt Whitman
a how much are every car cost
GD Walt Whitman
a Walt Whitman was 22. every other nation, the United States
a GD
used to define & unit of currency, the dollar,
16. the formation of the sun, the plan-
ets, and other stars began with the condensa-
0 a
tion of an interstellar cloud. in terms of the gold standard.

GD It accepted that 23. The Ford Theater where Lincoln was shot
CD Accepted that
O It is accepted that
That is accepted @ must restore
must be restoring
O must have been restored
must restored

24. John Dewey thought that children will learn 25. S-om methods to prevent soil erosion _ae
m GD a a
better through participating in experiences plowing parallel with the slopes of hills,
rather than through listening to lectures. to plant trees on unproductive land, and
0 a a
rotating crops.

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