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Unit 3: Planet Earth and the Energy Crisis


In this unit, you will practise the genre of description, while learning about the planet Earth. The topic
focus is the energy crisis and you will research and analyse different sources of energy before presenting
your group’s decisions about the best solutions to the crisis. You will also think about, discuss and
research your own discipline area, as part of your research project.

Key Learning Objectives

The key learning objectives for this unit are to:

▪ Understand and use the genre and language of description

▪ improve your academic reading and note taking skills

▪ Think about, discuss and research your discipline area

▪ Practise constructing diagrams to show the main concepts and problems in a discipline area

▪ Work in a group to investigate and analyse the advantages and disadvantages of different sources
of energy

▪ Practise listening skills using authentic listening materials

▪ identify multigeneric organisational patterns

▪ Listen and note-take to recall details and general factual information

▪ Identify main ideas and distinguish between essential and non-essential information to prepare for
a presentation

▪ Assess the usefulness of a text for a particular purpose


The tasks you will complete in this unit are:

Participate in a group presentation on solutions to the energy crisis

Give a short presentation to describe your discipline area

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In this lesson, you will learn the genre of description by reading about the planet Earth.

Describing the Earth - The Genre of Describing

This lesson highlights one of the most important academic genres, description, which forms a part of
many other genres. This is because it is often necessary to describe things before they can be compared,
explained or argued. There are many different ways to describe things, therefore this lesson also aims
to improve your academic reading and note-taking skills and to expand your vocabulary for descriptive

Match the descriptions from Wikipedia in the right column with the words in the left column.

a. Location 1. The Earth’s shape is very close to an oblate spheroid, although the
precise shape (the geoid) varies from this by up to 100 meters (327 ft).

b. Composition 2. The Earth’s terrain varies greatly from place to place. About 70% of the
surface is covered by water, with much of the continental shelf below
sea level. If all of the land on Earth were spread evenly, water would
rise to an altitude of more than 2500 metres (approximately 8000 ft.).
The remaining 30% not covered by water consists of mountains,
deserts, plains, plateaus, etc.

c. Shape 3. Earth is the third planet in the solar system in terms of distance from the
Sun, and the fifth largest.

d. Structure 4. The mass of the Earth is approximately 5980 yottagrams (5.98 ×1024 kg).
It is composed mostly of iron (35.0%), oxygen (28.0%), silicon (17.0%),
magnesium (15.7%), nickel (1.5%), calcium (1.4%) and aluminium

e. Surface 5. The interior of the Earth, like that of the other terrestrial planets, is
chemically divided into layers. The Earth has an outer silicate solid
crust, a highly viscous mantle, a liquid outer core that is much less
viscous than the mantle, and a solid inner core.

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Read the following description of the four spheres of the earth and write notes (key words and phrases
– from the text or your own) on the diagram that follows:

Earth’s Spheres
Everything in Earth’s system can be placed into one of four major subsystems: land, water, living
things, or air. These four subsystems are called “spheres.” Specifically, they are the “lithosphere”
(land), “hydrosphere” (water), “biosphere” (living things), and “atmosphere” (air). Each of these
four spheres can be further divided into sub-spheres. To keep things simple in this module, there
will be no distinction among the sub-spheres of any of the four major spheres.

The lithosphere contains all of the cold, hard solid land of the planet’s crust (surface), the semi-
solid land underneath the crust, and the liquid land near the center of the planet. *The surface of
the lithosphere is very uneven. There are high mountain ranges like the Rockies and Andes, huge
plains or flat areas like those in Texas, Iowa, and Brazil, and deep valleys along the ocean floor.

The solid, semi-solid, and liquid land of the lithosphere form layers that are physically and
chemically different. If someone were to cut through Earth to its center, these layers would be
revealed like the layers of an onion. The outermost layer of the lithosphere consists of loose soil
rich in nutrients, oxygen, and silicon. Beneath that layer lies a very thin, solid crust of oxygen and
silicon. Next is a thick, semi-solid mantle of oxygen, silicon, iron, and magnesium. Below that is a
liquid outer core of nickel and iron. At the center of Earth is a solid inner core of nickel and iron.

*Note: The word “lithosphere” can take on different meanings depending on the speaker and the
audience. For example, many geologists—scientists who study the geologic formations of Earth—
reserve the word “lithosphere” to mean only the cold, hard surface of Earth, not the entire inside of
the planet. For the purpose of this module, however, there will be no distinction among the various
layers of land. The word “lithosphere” will be used in reference to all land in Earth’s system.

The hydrosphere contains all the solid, liquid, and gaseous water of the planet.**It ranges from
10 to 20 kilometers in thickness. The hydrosphere extends from Earth’s surface downward several
kilometers into the lithosphere and upward about 12 kilometers into the atmosphere.

A small portion of the water in the hydrosphere is fresh (non-salty). This water flows as
precipitation from the atmosphere down to Earth’s surface, as rivers and streams along Earth’s
surface, and as groundwater beneath Earth’s surface. Most of Earth’s fresh water, however, is

Ninety-seven percent of Earth’s water is salty. The salty water collects in deep valleys along
Earth’s surface. These large collections of salty water are referred to as oceans. Water near the
poles is very cold, while water near the equator is very warm. The differences in temperature
cause water to change physical states. Extremely low temperatures like those found at the poles
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cause water to freeze into a solid such as a polar icecap, a glacier, or an iceberg. Extremely high
temperatures like those found at the equator cause water to evaporate into a gas.

**Note: Some scientists place frozen water—glaciers, icecaps, and icebergs—in its own sphere called
the “cryosphere.” For the purpose of this module, however, frozen water will be included as part of
the hydrosphere. The word “hydrosphere” will be used in reference to all water in Earth’s system.

The biosphere contains all the planet’s living things. ***This sphere includes all of the
microorganisms, plants, and animals of Earth.

Within the biosphere, living things form ecological communities based on the physical
surroundings of an area. These communities are referred to as biomes. Deserts, grasslands, and
tropical rainforests are three of the many types of biomes that exist within the biosphere.

It is impossible to detect from space each individual organism within the biosphere. However,
biomes can be seen from space. For example lands covered with plants and those that are not
have a different appearance.

***Note: Some scientists place humans in their own sphere called the “anthrosphere.” For the purpose of
this module, however, humans will be included as part of the biosphere. The word “biosphere” will be used
in reference to all living things in Earth’s system.


The atmosphere contains all the air in Earth’s system. ****It extends from less than 1m below the
planet’s surface to more than 10,000km above the planet’s surface. The upper portion of the
atmosphere protects the organisms of the biosphere from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. It also absorbs
and emits heat. When air temperature in the lower portion of this sphere changes, weather occurs. As
air in the lower atmosphere is heated or cooled, it moves around the planet. The result can be as simple
as a breeze or as complex as a tornado.

****Note: The atmosphere is made up of many layers that differ in chemical composition and
temperature. For the purpose of this module, however, we will not differentiate among the layers of the
atmosphere. The word “atmosphere” will be used in reference to all of the layers.

Wheeling Jesuit University, 2004

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Lithosphere Hydrosphere

Biosphere Atmosphere


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Descriptive Vocabulary
Descriptions usually contain three main kinds of words, they are nouns, adjectives and verbs.

In a small group, divide the four spheres among your group and write the words in the correct columns
in the table below:

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

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Objectives #Thursday (need upload)

There are two objectives for this lesson. The first is to provide practice in thinking, planning and research
processes. You will use these processes to generate ideas for descriptions and definitions. You will then
apply these processes to your discipline area. The second is to prepare for the following presentation:

Give a short presentation to explain your discipline area, or area of interest. For your presentation,
you should develop a diagram of your discipline area to use as a visual aid.
concept map
(Duration 3-5 minutes. One slide or page only)

Starting with your Own Ideas

Write some ideas to answer the following questions:

What is your understanding of environmental science?

How would you define the term ‘our environment’?

What are the different elements of the environment that you think might be studied in
environmental science?

Brainstorming in a Group
In a small group share your ideas about environmental science.

Consulting the Net

Read the following extract from Wikipedia and complete the diagram that follows:

Environmental science is the study of the interactions among the physical, chemical and
biological components of the environment; with a focus on pollution and degradation of the
environment related to human activities; and the impact on biodiversity and sustainability from
local and global development. Physics is used to understand the flux of material and energy
interaction and construct mathematical models of environmental phenomena. Chemistry is
applied to understanding the molecular interactions in natural systems. Biology is fundamental to
describing the effects within the plant and animal kingdoms. It is inherently an interdisciplinary
field that not only draws upon its core scientific areas, but also applies knowledge from other non-
scientific studies such as economics, law and social sciences.
Northeastern State University, n.d.

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Preparing your Presentation
Follow the same process to prepare a diagram for the presentation about your own discipline area. This
diagram can also be the basis for your concept map.

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The main objective of this lesson is to provide further practice for identifying specific problems in your
discipline area.

Brainstorming in a Group
In a small group, make a list of some of the problems that environmental scientists investigate.

Consulting the Net

The search terms “environmental problems” entered into Wikipedia, produced a list of results, including
the phrase “environmental technology”, defined below:

Environmental technology or “green technology” is the application of the environmental

sciences to conservation of the natural environment and resources, and by curbing of the negative
impacts of human involvement. Sustainable development is the core of environmental
technologies. When applying sustainable development as a solution for environmental issues, the
solutions need to be socially equitable, economically viable, and environmentally sound. Some
environmental technologies that contribute to sustainable development are; recycling, water
purification, sewage treatment, remediation, flue gas treatment, solid waste management,
renewable energy, and others.
Environmental technology, n.d.
not dated
Clicking on the “renewable energy” link produced the following description:

Renewable energy is energy which can be replenished at the same rate it is used. Renewable
energy sources contribute approximately 25% of human energy use worldwide. The prime
source of renewable energy is solar radiation, i.e. sunlight. The Earth-Atmosphere system
supports approximately 5.4 x 1024 joules per year in the solar radiation cycle (Sorensen, 2004).
Mankind’s traditional uses of wind, water, and solar power are widespread in developed and
developing countries; but the mass production of electricity using renewable energy sources has
become popular only recently, reflecting the major threats of climate change due to pollution,
concerns about the exhaustion of fossil fuels, and the environmental, social and political risks of
fossil fuels and nuclear power.
Renewable energy, n.d.

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One problem that can be investigated in environmental science is “What sources of energy provide the
best solution to the energy crisis?” Work in your group to add some other possible issues or problems to
the diagram. Remember that academic problems do not need to concern negative issues, but are often
concerned with finding the best solutions or methods to achieve particular results.

Doing Further Research

In a small group, read the section on ‘The Energy-Climate Crisis’ in Global Issues (pp.130 - 133) and
answer the following questions:

Are we running out of energy?

What is the energy crisis?

Why is there an energy crisis?

What caused the first, second and third oil shocks?

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The main objective of this lesson is to prepare for the following group presentation:

Work in a group of four to compare the advantages and disadvantages of various renewable energy
sources, and reach a decision as to the best energy source to be promoted on a global scale. Present
your decision to the class, first outlining the pros and cons of three sources and then presenting the
group’s final decision about the best source of the three you have chosen.

No visual aids required. 3 minutes each source, 3 minutes best source: Total 12 minutes.

This task is not an assessment.

Thinking about the Task

Discuss the following diagram, which shows the overall process that the task requires. Refer to
‘Renewable energy sources’ on pages 148-155 in Global Issues to identify the seven alternative
energy sources.

Now discuss the diagram below which shows the kind of analysis that can be carried out for different
renewable energy sources.

Conducting Research

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Work in your group to study the following text and complete the tables of pros (advantages) and
the cons (disadvantages) for three renewable energy sources being developed in Australia.


Pros Cons

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.


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Hydro Energy
Hydroelectricity is electrical energy generated when falling water from reservoirs or flowing water from
rivers, streams or waterfalls is channelled through water turbines. The pressure of the flowing water on
the turbine blades causes the shaft to rotate and the rotating shaft drives an electrical generator which
converts the motion of the shaft into electrical energy. Most commonly, water is dammed and the flow
of water out of the dam to drive the turbines is controlled by the opening or closing of sluices, gates or
pipes. This is commonly called penstock.

Hydropower is the most advanced and mature renewable energy technology and provides some level of
electricity generation in more than 160 countries worldwide. Hydro is a renewable energy source and
has the advantages of low greenhouse gas emissions, low operating costs, and a high ramp rate (quick
response to electricity demand), enabling it to be used for either base or peak load electricity
generation, or both.

Australia’s hydro energy resources

Australia is the driest inhabited continent on earth, with over 80 per cent of its landmass receiving an
annual average rainfall of less than 600 mm per year and 50 per cent less than 300 mm per year. There
is also high variability in rainfall, evaporation rates and temperatures between years, resulting in
Australia having very limited and variable surface water resources. Much of Australia’s economically
feasible hydro energy resource has already been harnessed.

Advantages of Hydroenergy Disadvantages of Hydroenergy


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Solar energy
Solar power is generated when energy from the sun (sunlight) is converted into electricity or used to
heat air, water, or other fluids. There are two main types of solar energy technologies:

Solar thermal is the conversion of solar radiation into thermal energy (heat). Thermal energy carried by
air, water, or other fluid is commonly used directly, for space heating, or to generate electricity using
steam and turbines. Solar thermal is commonly used for hot water systems. Solar thermal electricity,
also known as concentrating solar power, is typically designed for large scale power generation.

Solar photovoltaic (PV) converts sunlight directly into electricity using photovoltaic cells. PV systems can
be installed on rooftops, integrated into building designs and vehicles, or scaled up to megawatt scale
power plants. PV systems can also be used in conjunction with concentrating mirrors or lenses for large
scale centralised power.

Solar thermal and PV technology can also be combined into a single system that generates both heat
and electricity.

Australia’s solar energy resources and production

The Australian continent has the highest solar radiation per square metre of any continent and
consequently some of the best solar energy resource in the world. The regions with the highest solar
radiation are the desert regions in the northwest and centre of the continent. Maps of average solar
radiation provided by the Bureau of Meteorology are available on the Renewable Energy Atlas of

Australia’s energy resources, including solar energy resources, and the factors impacting on the
development and adoption of the various energy resources to 2030 are outlined in the Australian Energy
Resource Assessment.

Australia receives an average of 58 million PJ of solar radiation per year, approximately 10 000 times
larger than its total energy consumption. However, Australia’s current use of solar energy is low with
solar energy accounting for only about 0.1 per cent of Australia’s total primary energy consumption. The
most common use of solar energy is solar thermal water heating. Solar PV systems play an important
role in off-grid electricity generation in remote areas.

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Advantages of Solar Energy Disadvantages of Solar Energy


Ocean Energy
There are two broad types of ocean energy: mechanical energy from the tides and waves, and thermal
energy from the sun’s heat. Ocean energy is classified as tidal energy, wave energy and ocean thermal
energy. Potential energy resources associated with major ocean currents, such as the East Australia
Current or the Leeuwin Current, are not considered here.

Tidal energy

Tides result from the gravitational attraction of the Earth-Moon-Sun system acting on the Earth’s oceans.
Tides are long period waves that result in the cyclical rise and fall of the ocean’s surface together with
horizontal currents. The rotating tide waves result in different sea levels from one place on the
continental shelf to the next at any one time, and this causes the water column to flow horizontally back
and forth (tidal currents) over the shelf with the tidal oscillations in sea level.

Tidal energy is energy generated from tidal movements. Tides contain both potential energy, related to
the vertical fluctuations in sea level, and kinetic energy, related to the horizontal motion of the water
column. It can be harnessed using two main technologies:

• Tidal barrages (or lagoons) are based on the rise and fall of the tides – these generally consist of a
barrage that encloses a large tidal basin. Water enters the basin through sluice gates in the
barrage and is released through low-head turbines to generate electricity.

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• Tidal stream generators are based on tidal or marine currents – these are free- standing
structures built in channels, straits or on the shelf and are designed to harness the kinetic energy
of the tide. They are essentially turbines that generate electricity from horizontally flowing tidal
currents (analogous to wind turbines).

Wave energy

Waves (swell) are formed by the transfer of energy from atmospheric motion (wind) to the ocean surface.
Wave height is determined by wind speed, the length of time the wind has been blowing, the fetch
(distance over which the wind has been blowing), and the depth and topography of the sea floor. Large
storms generate local storm waves and more distant regular waves (swell) that can travel long distances
before reaching shore. Wave energy is generated by converting the energy of ocean waves (swells) into
other forms of energy (currently only electricity). It can be harnessed using a variety of different
technologies, several of which are currently being trialled to find the most efficient way to generate
electricity from wave energy.

Ocean thermal energy

Oceans cover more than 70 per cent of the Earth’s surface. The sun’s heat results in a temperature
difference between the surface water of the ocean and deep ocean water, and this temperature
difference creates ocean thermal energy.

Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) is a means of converting into useful energy the temperature
difference between surface water and water at depth. OTEC plants may be used for a range of
applications, including electricity generation. They may be land-based, floating or grazing.

World ocean energy market

There is only a small market at present for tidal, wave and ocean thermal energy. In 2009, commercial
applications were limited to electricity generation based on tidal energy resources in France and Canada
but significant investment in new tidal energy projects was taking place in the Republic of Korea.
Feasibility assessments and RD&D investments in ocean energy technologies are taking place in several

Australia’s ocean energy resources

There has been limited progress in assessing Australia’s ocean thermal energy resources, not least
because of the greater prospectivity of other renewable energy resources (WEC 2007).

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Advantages of Ocean Energy Disadvantages of Ocean Energy


Wind energy
Wind is a vast potential source of renewable energy. Winds are generated by complex mechanisms
involving the rotation of the Earth, the heat capacity of the Sun, the cooling effect of the oceans and
polar ice caps, temperature gradients between land and sea, and the physical effects of mountains and
other obstacles.

Wind energy is generated by converting wind currents into other forms of energy using wind turbines.
Turbines extract energy from the passing air by converting kinetic energy from rotational movement via
a rotor. The effectiveness of this conversion at any given site is commonly measured by its energy
density or, alternatively, as a capacity factor. Wind energy is primarily used for electricity generation,
both onsite and for transport to the grid. Wind energy is also used to pump bore water, particularly in
rural areas.

The wind energy industry is the fastest growing renewable energy source in many countries and is
expected to continue to grow rapidly over the period to 2030. Production of wind energy is largely
concentrated in Europe and the United States. However, there has also been rapid growth in the wind
energy industries in China and India.

World wind energy resources

The world’s wind energy resource is estimated to be about one million GW for total land coverage.
Assuming only 1 per cent of the area is utilised and allowance is made for the lower load factors of wind
plant, the wind energy potential would correspond to around the world total electricity generation
capacity (WEC 2007).

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The windiest areas are typically coastal regions of continents at mid-to high latitudes and in mountainous
regions. Locations with the highest wind energy potential include the westerly wind belts between
latitudes 35° and 50°. This includes the coastal regions of western and southern Australia, New Zealand,
southern South America, and South Africa in the southern hemisphere, and northern and western
Europe, and the north eastern and western coasts of Canada and the United States. These regions are
generally characterised by high, relatively constant wind conditions, with average wind speeds in excess
of 6 metres per second (m/s) and, in places, more than 9m/s.

• Regions with high wind energy potential are characterised by:

• High average wind speeds;
• Winds that are either constant or coinciding with peak energy consumption periods (during the
day or evening);
• Proximity to a major energy consumption region (i.e. urban/industrial areas); and
• Smooth landscape, which increases wind speeds, and reduces the mechanical stress on wind
turbine components that results from variable and turbulent wind conditions associated with
rough landscape.

Because of wind variability, the energy density at a potential site – commonly described as its capacity
factor – is generally in the range of 20–40 per cent. While the majority of areas in locations convenient for
electricity transfer to the grid are located onshore, offshore sites have also been identified as having
significant potential for wind energy, both to take advantage of increased wind speeds and to increase
the number of available sites. Offshore locations also help reduce turbulence and hence stress on
machine components. There have been wind turbines deployed in shallow seas off northern Europe for
more than a decade. Offshore sites are expected to make an increasingly significant contribution to
electricity generation in some countries, notably in Europe, where there are increasing difficulties in
gaining access to onshore sites.

Australia’s wind energy resources

Australia has some of the best wind resources in the world. Australia’s wind energy resources are located
mainly in the southern parts of the continent (which lie in the path of the westerly wind flow known as
the ‘roaring 40s’) and reach a maximum around Bass Strait. The largest wind resource is generated by
the passage of low pressure and associated frontal systems whose northerly extent and influence
depends on the size of the frontal system. Winds in northern Australia are predominantly generated by
the monsoon and trade wind systems. Large-scale topography such as the Great Dividing Range in
eastern Australia exert significant steering effects on the winds, channelling them through major valleys
or deflecting or blocking them from other areas (Coppin et al. 2003).

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Advantages of Wind Energy Disadvantages of Wind Energy


Bioenergy denotes the use of organic material (biomass) as a source of energy for power (or electricity)
generation and direct source heat applications in all energy sectors including domestic, commercial and
industrial purposes as well as the production of liquid fuels for transport.

Bioenergy is a form of renewable energy. Biomass releases carbon dioxide (CO2) and small amounts of
other greenhouse gases when it is converted into another form of energy. However CO2 is absorbed
during the regrowth of the restored vegetation (biomass) through photosynthesis process.

Biomass is vegetable and animal derived organic materials, which are grown, collected or harvested for
energy. Examples include wood waste, bagasse (sugar cane residues) and animal fats.

A conventional combustion process converts solid biomass through direct burning to release energy in
the form of heat which can be used to generate electricity and heat. Chemical conversion processes
breaks down the biomass into fuels, in the form of biogas or liquid biofuels, which are then used for
electricity generation and transport.

Biogas is composed principally of methane and CO2 produced by anaerobic digestion of biomass. It is
currently captured from landfill sites, sewage treatment plants, livestock feedlots and agricultural

Biofuels are liquid fuels, produced by chemical conversion processes that result in the production of
ethanol and biodiesel. Biofuels can be broadly grouped according to the conversion processes:

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• First generation biofuels are based on fermentation and distillation of ethanol from sugar and
starch crops or chemical conversion of vegetable oils and animal fats to produce biodiesel. First
generation technologies are proven and are currently used at a commercial scale.

• Second generation biofuels use biochemical or thermochemical processes to convert

lignocellulosic material (non-edible fibrous or woody portions of plants) and algae to biofuels.
Second generation technologies and biomass feedstocks are in the research, development and
demonstration (RD&D) stage.

• Third generation biofuels are in research and development (R&D) and comprise integrated
biorefineries for producing biofuels, electricity generation and bioproducts (such as
petrochemical replacements).

World bioenergy resources

Around 10 per cent of the world’s primary energy consumption comes from bioenergy. The share of
bioenergy in primary energy consumption is higher in non-OECD countries than in OECD countries. In
Australia, the bioenergy share is comparable to the OECD average, at around 4 per cent. The majority of
the world’s bioenergy is used directly for heat production through the burning of solid biomass; only 4
per cent is used for electricity generation and another 2.5 per cent is in the form of biofuels used in the
transport sector.

Advantages of Bioenergy Disadvantages of Bioenergy


Geoscience Australia, n.d.

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▪ Conduct a similar analysis for the energy sources discussed between pages 148 - 155 of Global

Preparing the Presentation

Prepare for the presentation, according to the task description at the beginning of this unit. Decide
as a group on the three energy sources you will present, choosing from the range of sources you
have researched.

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Reflection Questions
1. How confident do you feel about using the genre of description?

2. Do you have enough basic knowledge about your discipline area or do you need to do more

3. Do you understand the process of classification?

4. How well did you present your opinion in informal class discussions on renewable and non-
renewable energy sources?

5. How effectively did you participate in the group presentation on sustainable solutions to the
energy crisis?

6. How well did you describe your discipline area?

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