Pitch Perfect - 50 Shades of Pitch Perfect - A Romantic Gesture

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A Romantic Gesture

by 50 Shades of Pitch Perfect

Category: Pitch Perfect

Genre: Humor, Romance
Language: English
Status: Completed
Published: 2014-08-17
Updated: 2014-08-17
Packaged: 2016-12-06 19:18:00
Rating: K+
Chapters: 1
Words: 510
Publisher: www.fanfiction.net
Story URL: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10626213/1/
Author URL: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5071115/50-Shades-of-Pitch-Perfect
Summary: Beca and Chloe have been dating awhile. The redhead gets to see the sweet
side to her little alt-girlfriend. A one-shot. Wish to thank waatp for Beta'ing
this story. Read and Review :) Disclaimer: Don't own Pitch Perfect or the
characters portrayed in this story.

A Romantic Gesture

**A Romantic Gesture**

Beca stood awkwardly outside Chloe's door. Gathering her wits, she knocked quickly
and took a half step backwards, grinding her boot into the wooden floor. Within a
few moment the door was thrust open, revealing Chloe with a smile as wide as the

"Hi." The redhead squealed, immediately reaching out her hands to pull Beca inside.

"Hey yourself." Beca said, stiffening slightly under Chloe's energetic arm

Holding the door open for the brunette, Chloe took a step back, gesturing with her
fingers for Beca to follow her.

"Come on in Becs, I'll just be a minute." She smiled evenly, displaying perfect
teeth. Beca feels the butterflies in her stomach and her sweaty palms. She shakes
her head at the enthusiasm of the redhead.

"Here Red, these are for you." Beca said awkwardly, her eyes darting to the floor
as she handed over two roses. A wide grin appears across Chloe's face.

"Thank you Beca, you're so sweet!" Chloe breathed out in surprise at she became
acutely of Beca's increased awkwardness. She bent down to give the brunette a quick
peck on the cheek. A light blush posted itself across Beca's face. A moment later,
the brunette looked up and caught a glimpse of Chloe's' furrowed brow.
"Um, Chlo, is there something wrong?" Beca asked in a questionably low tone.

"No." Chloe said, sighing softly.

Beca nodded slowly, not really sure what to say.

"Well, actually, I do have a question though." The redhead states in a soft tone.

"What's your question?" Beca asks curiously. The brunette couldn't help but wonder
if she had done something to offend Chloe.

The redhead simply looks at Beca lovingly before she replied.

"Do you realize that one of the roses are plastic?"

"Yes, I'm glad you noticed." Beca smirked. "You see, one rose smells and looks
beautiful; like you. And the other one is plastic which represents my love for you;
means it will never die."

The brunette looking for Chloe's reaction with a fast-beating heart.

Walking towards the brunette with a smile, Chloe grabbed hold of Beca's hand.

"Aww, Beca that is so romantic. I already know how this night is going to end." She
said, winking.

"Oh, do you now?" Beca retorts, raising an eyebrow in Chloe's direction. "That
crystal ball brain of yours can predict the future can it?"

"Totes!" Chloe exclaims with a grin.

Crossing her arms and tilting her head to the side, the brunette looks at Chloe
with some confusion.

"Oh for sure Mitchell, you're gonna end up on top!" Letting out a breath, she left
her words hanging in the air for a moment. She bit her bottom lip, grinning before
continuing. "Unless you wanna be under me?"

Beca's breath hitched as she raises her eyes wide. Waggling her eyebrows she
quickly retorts.

"Why wait till the night ends?"

Giving the brunette her best predatory smile, Chloe grabs both of Beca's hands and
drags her to the bedroom where she shows her just how romantic and then some the
night can be.

End file.

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