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That Girl

by aimeekiwi93

Category: Pitch Perfect

Language: English
Status: In-Progress
Published: 2013-11-26
Updated: 2013-12-23
Packaged: 2014-01-23 03:35:33
Rating: K+
Chapters: 3
Words: 3,985
Story URL:
Author URL:
Summary: After ICCA's, the group think its time to rub it in Beca's face that she
has fallen in love. Yes. The alt girl has fallen. But not for Jesse...

1. Chapter 1

**AN: Disclaimer – I don't own this. I don't own the characters blah blah blah.**

**Right. So this is my first time writing fanfic in a LONG time...and I mean a

really really long time. So any reviews you give me would be TOTALLY
appreciated. :D**

**THANKS GUYS! I hope you enjoy.**

"_Lets do it tonight!_" The 10-woman group sang out in unison, their chests
heaving. Their routine was physical; more so than their old sets. The group sang a
capella and they'd just spent months working their way back to the finals. Albeit,
it wasn't without a few hiccups along the way.

As the crowd rose to their feet, the group ran off stage; the biggest smiles across
their faces. They knew that they had blown the judges away. No other group had ever
dared mashing songs up the way they had. Their leader, a senior by the name of
Aubrey, hadn't liked the idea. Aubrey was trying to follow the tradition; she had
to uphold the legacy of the Barden Bellas. Not like they'd ever really gotten very
far, and the one time they did get far, Aubrey had projectile vomited all over the

It was a big decision for Aubrey to let the 'alt girl', Beca, mash up a completely
new set. Beca had ended up leading the group to the Barden University pool. The
acoustics were almost as good as in a bathroom, but Beca wasn't going to risk the
bathroom given the incident she had, had when she first started at the university.
This involved the co leader of the Bellas, Chloe. A talented and gorgeous red
headed girl who also had an amazing personality and befriended nearly anyone. She
and Aubrey had been friends since their freshmen year and both had been part of the
a capella group for the entirety of their college life.
Chloe had warmed to Beca almost instantly and constantly put up with Aubrey
bitching about how she wasn't a Bella and that she was too alternative. But when
Beca mashed those songs at the pool, Aubrey began to admire what Beca could do.

As the Barden Bellas ran through the aisles to their reserved seating, Beca caught
sight of her friend Jesse. He was part of the rival Barden group, the Treble
Makers. He looked at Beca, amazed at what she had put together and happy that she
had used a song from a movie she had refused to watched until Jesse and her had a
falling out. She had given in and watched Breakfast Club. She had missed Jesse's
company and his persistence to watch this particular movie.

"Told you." he yelled, as the crowed continued to cheer. "Endings are the best

She had a giggle to herself, "You're such a weirdo!"

She leaned over and grabbed him, pulling him into a tight embrace. When the hug
ended, he looked back at the short brunette, his eyes giving him away. She saw that
he wanted more than just a hug, but she couldn't bring herself to kiss him. He had
grown on her like a brother.

Jesse sighed and sat back in his seat as the theater settled and returned to their
seats. Beca sat next to him and playfully punched his shoulder.

"I think we won," she teased.

He made a hmph noise and engaged in the chatter amongst his team.

Beca looked to her left to see who had occupied the seat, and she was pleasantly
surprised when she saw Chloe next to her. She noticed the ginger hair had since
been pulled back into a high bun, her eyes piercing straight through Beca. Beca
could feel heat rising to her cheeks, but was thankful for the amount of make up
she was wearing.

"We did good, Beca!" the ginger told her, and the rest of the Bellas must have
heard her because they gave a cheer of approval, which gained them a few stares
from the audience. The ladies giggled amongst themselves. Chloe leaned over the arm
rest and gave Beca a congratulatory hug.

"We did," Beca responded, still laughing about how the rest of the team reacted.

Only minutes passed before the hosts of the ICCA's took centre stage to announce
the winners for 2012. Third place went to the Trebles. Second place to the
University of Virgina's Hullabahoo's. A dramatic pause ensued before the hosts
revealed who the winners were.

"And the first place winners for this years International Championship of
Collegiate A Capella are..."

The Bellas were holding each others hands now. They were almost sure that they
could have won this competition.

"...the Barden Bellas!" the host announced.

The girls looked to each other, all of them screaming with excitement. Beca and
Chloe immediately looked to Aubrey, who's mouth was open wide with shock.

"We won?" she questioned before the reality dawning on her. "We WON!"
The team stood and ran to take the stage once more. Gail Abernathy, the female
host, handed the trophy to Aubrey and Chloe and the crowds once again erupted with
cheers and applause.

Fat Amy, the large, blonde Australian girl stepped forward, snatching the
microphone out of the male hosts hands. The Bellas watched, knowing full well she
was going to crack a ridiculous joke.

"Well, I didn't really have a speech prepared for winning this bad boy," Amy told
the crowd, gesturing towards the trophy. "But I guess, I have to tell you, that
winning this was all me!"

Some of the Bellas started laughing at this, and the crowd followed suit.

"No, this isn't a joke," she clarified. "I'm only _the_ best singer in
Tasmania...with teeth. So naturally, this win was due to my raw talent. But I do
want to thank my mum, my dad, the kangaroo's I wrestled..."

John Smith, the male host, attempted to take back the microphone off Fat Amy, and
she laughed, letting him struggle for a bit before she gave it up.

John straightened himself out, giving a scowl in Amy's direction. "Let's give it up
for the Bellas!" he exclaimed as the girls exited the stage to head to their hotel.

The girls arrived back at the hotel earlier than expected, they had expected some
of their other team mates to get distracted on their walk back. That was not the
case, and when they arrived, each departed to their own rooms to get ready for that
nights activities.

It was pre planned that the group of 10 would attempt to hit the town. Only Chloe
and Aubrey were legal, but their quiet friend, Lilly, had hooked the rest of the
girls up with fake ID.

As the girls met in the lobby of the hotel, Lilly discretely handed out the fakes,
the seven underage girls checking them out.

"Hey," piped up Cynthia Rose, the outed lesbian. "These are pretty good, dude,"

Lilly smiled towards the girl, "I sold my friend's kidney to get those," she
whispered, the Bellas looking amongst themselves, barely understanding what she had

The tallest in their group, and the nympho, Stacie looked at the group, "Well what
are we waiting for bitches!"

The group laughed and headed out to the New York nightlife.

Chloe and Aubrey wandered off, talking amongst themselves, whilst the younger girls
stayed in their click. Beca didn't realise she was staring at the red head until
Fat Amy mentioned something to her.

"Yo, shawty,"

Beca giggled. Amy had a tendency to mock Beca about her height, after all, she was
the shortest in the group.

"Why you staring at red?" she teased.

"I'm not," Beca responded, averting her eyes to look at the road.

"You totes are," Amy retorted, giving the smaller girl a nudge. "Look, there is
only room for one lesbian in this group,"

Cynthia Rose's ears picked up at the term lesbian. "What you talking about?"

"Just Beca's _obvious_ crush on Chloe," Amy practically yelled.

"You guys are unbelievable!" Beca replied with a sarcastic roll of her eyes. She
decided to screw it and leave the younger girls behind, running to catch up to
Chloe and Aubrey. As she did, she heard Amy and Cynthia Rose wolf whistle.

Chloe and Aubrey both looked as the young brunette caught up to them. Aubrey rolled
her eyes and looked back to where she was walking while Chloe beamed at the girl,
looking over her shoulder to see Stacie pretending to slap someone arse.

"What's that all about?" Chloe questioned.

"Oh, nothing. Just them being all hyped up about going out on the town, I 'spose,"
Beca responded, turning to the group and mouthing '_cut it out_' to them.
"Oh, I would have thought they were making out sexual innuendos about you and
someone," Aubrey piped up, knowing it would throw Beca off.

Beca glared at the blonde, cursing at her friends. They really weren't helping the
situation. Fact of the matter was, yes Beca did like Chloe. A lot. Since the day
she intruded on her shower, there had been some kind of attraction.
It had started out as lust, then as she began to know the ginger, feelings deepened
and before she knew it she had fallen completely for this older woman. Beca had
tried to keep whatever she felt down, but it was hard, when Chloe was a space
invader. Literally. The girl would have no care for boundaries, coming to her dorm
at random times, helping her physically with routines, even going out to frat
parties, only to have Chloe grinding against Beca.

Beca never knew if this was just the way Chloe expressed her friendship, or whether
the red head felt something too. She hoped tonight would be the night she would
find out.

2. Chapter 2

**A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the wait! Just been on a week long holiday back to my
home city. Very muchly needed. Including this week off, I've only had a week and a
half time off this year. I think I work too much. Anyway, it's 1:30am...should
probably get writing! :D As always, read, review, favourite and follow me on
twitter and tumblr! (Links are on my profile!)**

_That Girl : Chapter 2_

The night had only just begun and the girls of the Barden Bellas were already
picking on the young Beca Mitchell for her apparent lady crush on their red headed
team mate, Chloe Beale. Beca had attempted to ignore the girls and act slightly
more mature, but when they hit their first club for the night, things changed

The bouncer at the night club had carded all the girls, falling for the fake ID's
of the under aged girls. The club was dark and muggy. Lights flashing and beats
filling the room creating the most interesting atmosphere for those who hadn't lost
their 'clubbing virginity'.
Cynthia Rose, Fat Amy and Stacie immediately hit up the bar, ordering tequila shots
for their group. The young bartender quickly poured out eleven shots and waited as
the group crowded around. Aubrey questioned the motives of the girls.

"Eleven shots?" one of the quieter girls, Jessica, mentioned.

"Yea," her friend Ashley agreed. "There are only ten of us?"

Stacie grinned as she glanced towards Aubrey. "Miss tight arse over here needs to
loosen up." she giggled as Aubrey's eyes glared towards the brunette. Stacie picked
up two of the glasses "Two for you miss Posen,"

This was greeted by a roar of approval from the group and a howl from Amy as she
down her shot.

"I am not a tight arse," Aubrey denied, snatching the shots from Stacie. "I can let

She flung back the first shot, the firey alcohol burning down the back of her
throat. Eventually the sensation went away and she prepared to throw back the
second. The same firey sensation hit her and subsided just as easy. She handed back
the glasses to Stacie, who was staring at her in awe.

"We tried to figure out each other before the finals," Chloe mentioned as the rest
of the girls followed suit in downing their drinks. "Aubrey never mentioned her
party girl side,"

Beca scoffed. "Aubrey? A party girl?"

"Oh definitely," Chloe replied. "Get enough drinks in her and she'll be strippin'
on a table,"

"Chloe!" Aubrey yelled.

Fat Amy looked towards the bar. "We'll have another round,"

A couple of shots, a mixer, a beer and a few club changes later, the girls were
sufficiently drunk. Laughing at anything and attempting to hold one another for
support, they headed back to their hotel. Their drunken plan was to sing karaoke in
Denise, Ashley and Jessica's shared room. It was the biggest out of the group
because the girls had become such close friends.

The group crowded in the elevator, Fat Amy being the last to get in, practically
running at the door screaming "cannon ball". The bellhop shot the girls a look to
know that their behavior wasn't welcome. They didn't care.

Upon arriving at the room, Stacie ran straight over to the sound system that was
positioned beside the television. She whipped out her iPhone and plugged it in,
setting it to shuffle. The room was quickly engulfed in some fast beats and Aubrey
and Chloe found themselves raiding the mini bar in search for any kind of alcohol.
There was only a handful of small liquor bottles.

"Sorry guys!" Chloe yelled. "No more booze!"

From in the corner, Lilly piped up"I have some," she told them. But the music was
too loud. She quetly made her way over to the sound system, unplugging the AUX cord
and placing her thumb to it. The feedback ricocheted about the room.
"What the hell!?"Aubrey exclaimed.

"I said," Lilly replied. "I have some more alcohol,"

"Oh," Aubrey blushed, realizing that the party girl she was trying to keep hidden
had emerged and made her look like a bit of a fool.

Lilly plugged the phone back in and hit play, leaving the room to get the drinks.

Beca had been quiet most of the time, she'd always been a bit socially awkward and
not a heavy drinker. The few drinks that she had, had out had nearly done her head
in. She walked over to the red head and grabbed her arm. Smiling up at Chloe she
opened her mouth to speak, however nothing came out. Instead Stacie had loudly wolf
whistled again and yelled at her to kiss.

"Oh god," Beca muttered under her breath, her face, already flushed from the
alcohol flowing through her system, darkened.

"What's up?" Chloe questioned, giggling.

"The lovely ladies in the corner there have thought that I liked you," she told
her, pointing over her shoulder.

Chloe straightened slightly. The words '_thought I liked you_' shot through her

"Do you like me?"

Aubrey's gaze narrowed in on the short brunette, awaiting her reply.

"Well yeah," Beca defended.

"Then what's the problem with having a bit of fun?" Chloe said, getting a small
bottle of tequila from the minibar and downing half the bottle. "The rest is for
"Uh, no thank you," Beca politely declined.

"Do it," Aubrey told her, glaring at her.

Beca sighed, taking the tiny bottle from the redhead and sculling it.

Lilly walked back just in time, holding a black bag of spirits. Aubrey claimed them
and entered the kitchen, mixing up different drinks and bringing them back out to
the main room. One by one the girls took their drinks and danced to the music.

As the night went on, and the girls forced Beca to drink, some of them had retired
to their own rooms, all that remained, dancing and grinding on each other in close
proximity was Stacie, Cynthia Rose, Aubrey, Chloe and Beca. They were having the
greatest time, the music up at full volume. They celebrated the win the way they
should have.

Stacie tapped her phone, revealing the time. She paused the music and unplugged her

"Guys," she started. "Its nearly five. Maybe we should crash?"

Upon the sudden realization of the time, the girls yawned.

"Maybe you're right," Chloe agreed, grabbing Aubrey and Beca's arms. "Let's go
"Waaaait," Aubrey and Beca both complained. "Jinx!" they giggled, but a yawn
cutting the laugh short.

"Yea, c'mon guys," Chloe giggled too as the girls nearly stumbled out the door.
"Beca, you're staying with us."


"Yes. You're not staying in an alone room," Chloe giggled again. She muddled up her
words, but she was trying to stay mature. She did this often when Aubrey went out
partying. "Come with us, we have a double and a single bed,"

"Ewwww," Beca complained. "I'm not gayyy,"

This sparked a giggle out of Cynthia Rose. "Sure, sure,"

About ten minutes later, the redhead had managed to drag their three drunk arses to
Aubrey and Chloe's shared room. Aubrey had automatically flopped into her bed. Only
removing her shoes, jeans and shirt. Her snores filled the room almost instantly/
Chloe and Beca giggled. Aubrey was cute when she was asleep, Beca thought to

"C'mon," the redhead said, patting the double bed. Beca looked a little nervous. "I
don't bite, Beca"

Beca scoffed, taking off her shoes and slipping into bed.

"You aren't seriously going to sleep fully clothed, are you?"

"Um, yea?"
"C'mon Beca, I'm not turning this light off till you at least strip to a tank top,"
Beca sighed. She knew that Chloe would live up to her word, she was better off
stripping. Besides, she thought about the time Chloe walked in on her in the
shower. She smirked at the thought. That was when Beca had started lusting the
older woman, but now, as the lights went out and they slipped into the same bed,
she felt like she had fallen in love.

Without thinking, Beca leaned over the redhead and pressed a kiss to her cheek.

"Goodnight, Chloe,"

"Goodnight, Beca," Chloe replied, a small smile spread across he lips as they both
fell asleep.

3. Chapter 3

**A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the wait...again! Just moved into an apartment. Very
exciting. And it has taken me a while to get my internet set up D: and have been
working VERY LONG hours at work...I work in a shopping centre and being only one of
two managers, some shifts I've been working 12+ hours...But's chapter
3 :D As always, read, review, favourite and follow me on twitter and tumblr! (Links
are on my profile!)**

_That Girl : Chapter 3_

The blinds in the room had been rolled the wrong way, so that when the light
cracked through them and shone light straight into the face of the red headed
beauty at 9am, she groaned and clutched her head. It throbbed and the light just
made it worse. She ran her hand along the far side of the bed, trying to find a
pillow that she could cover her face with, instead, she collided with what felt
like a person. She cursed to herself when she opened her eyes a tiny bit to see who
she had brought home.

_'Of course,' _she thought to herself, smiling a bit. She had completely forgotten
that Aubrey and Beca had gotten so drunk last night, that it would have been unsafe
to leave Beca alone.
Chloe rubbed her eyes, letting them become attuned to the light that was in the
room before turning her head around and looking at the single bed. Aubrey was
there, her back turned to Chloe and she was lightly snoring. Aubrey was safe and
hadn't die of alcohol poisoning overnight, but Chloe knew she wouldn't. She was a
heavyweight, her concern laid mainly with Beca. She cared about her as a friend,
but the way she found herself caring felt more than just a friend would.

She shook her head, pushing those thoughts aside and cast her gaze to look at Beca.
She was cute when she slept. Her messy hair even messier, covering half her face.
Chloe gently brushed a little strand away so she could see the brunette.

Beca felt Chloe stir next to her, the light must have woken her too. Beca felt sick
to her stomach, but didn't want to get up in case she had assumed incorrectly about
Chloe being awake. She thought that she had never drank so much in her life. But
smiled to herself, it was probably true. As much as the girl hated the world and
the people, she had never gone as far as drinking herself to black out. Chloe moved
behind her again. She must have been checking on Aubrey, Beca thought to herself.
This meant Chloe really was awake, but from what the rest of the girls had been
saying that night, she wasn't ready to face the ginger alone. Feeling Chloe move a
strand of hair off her face, she smiled slightly but as she remembered, she wasn't
keen on facing Chloe alone. Beca relaxed and feigned being asleep, the smile
slipping off her face.

Chloe watched as Beca's face relaxed.

"I know you're awake, Beca," Chloe stated in a light voice, trying not to disturb
Aubrey. Beca ignored her, cursing to herself. "Seriously?"

"What," Beca replied grumpily.

"See," Chloe smirked. "You are awake, you give in too easily,"

"What do you want?" the brunette asked a little more assertively.

"You're cute when you're drunk,"

"Sorry?" Beca was confused.

"I said you're cute when you're drunk," Chloe giggled a little.

"Why do you say that?"

"Well you and Aubrey didn't want the night to end,"

"I remember no such thing," Beca looked over her shoulder and glared at Chloe.

Chloe rolled on to her back but as she did, her arm slid down and brushed Beca's
bare thigh. She had forgotten that she had told Beca to strip before getting into
bed last night. Beca's stomach jumped into her throat and her heart fluttered, but
she quickly brushed the feelings away. There was no way in hell Chloe felt for her
like that.

Hours passed, Chloe had fallen back to sleep, her light snores tying in with
Aubrey's. Beca had lost herself in thought, humming a tune in her head and tapping
her fingers on the mattress in time, but eventually her need to go to the bathroom
took over. Trying as best as she could, she slid out of the bed. Her movements made
her stomach drop and Beca once again felt sick to her stomach, however, she didn't
think her stomach could hold it down and she attempted to run across the room and
into the bathroom. The brunette's feet failed her as dizziness took over and she
went sliding along the carpet, her head smacking the side of the coffee table.

The noise awoke the senior girls and they sat bolt up right, looking across the
hotel room at the girl on the floor. Chloe was the first to race to her side,
whilst Aubrey tried to find her footing, not wanting to make the same mistake as
the younger girl. Chloe looked over Beca, checking she was alright.

"I'm fine," Beca told her grumpily, sitting up and putting her hand to her head
where she had smacked it.

Chloe looked at the blood that rubbed off on Beca's fingers, "You call that fine?"
she questioned.

"What's going on?" Aubrey asked as she took her place beside the redhead.

"Beca's hangover, is what,"

"I said I'm fine," the redhead glared at the younger woman as these words escaped
her lips.

"Really?" by now the blood was starting to trickle down Beca's face. "C'mon, to the
hospital we go,"

**A/N: **Sorry it's so short guys. I had planned out everything and obviously it
didn't save! Silly meeeee D: Next update should be just before New Years (if I have
the time!). Anyway! Read, review and follow my twitter and tumblr!


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