Analysis and Practice On The Training of Key Ability of Students

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Procedia Computer Science 183 (2021) 791–793

10th International
International Conference
Conference of
of Information
Information and
and Communication
Communication Technology
Technology (ICICT-2020)

Analysis and
and practice
practice on
on the
the training
training of
of key
key ability
ability of
of students
majoring in
in electronic
electronic information
information in
in higher
higher vocational
vocational education
Qianling Li*
Urban Vocational
Vocational College
College of
of Sichuan,
Sichuan, No.
No. 351,
351, middle
middle Honghe
Honghe Road,
Road, Chengdu
Chengdu 610010,
610010, China


In recent
recent years,
years, higher
higher vocational
vocational colleges
colleges have
have developed
developed rapidly
rapidly and and have
have nurtured
nurtured aa large
large number
number of of electronic
electronic and
information technology
technology talents,
talents, however
however thethe professional
professional counterparts
counterparts rate rate of
of higher
higher vocational
vocational colleges
colleges is
is low.
low. There
There are
"unemployed" and "Jobs-in-Wrong-Position" among
and "Jobs-in-Wrong-Position" among higher
higher vocational
vocational and and technical
technical colleges'
colleges' students,
students, and
and enterprises
enterprises cannot
recruit suitable
recruit suitable position
position talents
talents in
in the
the present
present job
job market.
market. In
In addition
addition to to higher
higher vocational college students'
vocational college students' professional
professional quality
cannot meet the needs of enterprises, one of the main reasons for this kind of conflict is that key capabilities have
meet the needs of enterprises, one of the main reasons for this kind of conflict is that key capabilities have not
not been
explored. Therefore,
Therefore, vocational
vocational colleges
colleges must
must realize
realize that
that the
the develospment
develospment of of students'
students' key
key abilities is important
abilities is important for
for student
growth and
growth and school
school development.
development. Vocational
Vocational colleges
colleges need
need to to take
take the
the development
development ofof students'
students' key
key abilities
abilities as
as one
one of
of the
important teaching tasks to improve the comprehensive quality
important teaching tasks to improve the comprehensive quality of students.of students.
© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
The Authors.
Authors. Published
Published by by Elsevier
Elsevier B.V.
Peer-review under
under responsibility
responsibility of
of organizing
organizing committee of
of the
committeelicense 10th International
10 th
International Conference
Conference of of Information
Information and
the ( and
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
Peer-review under Technology
Technology (ICICT-2020).
responsibility of the scientific committee of the 10th International Conference of Information and Communication
Keywords: key
key ability,
ability, electronic
electronic information;

The goal
goal of
of talents
talents training
training inin vocational
vocational education
education isis shifted
shifted from
from knowledge-oriented
knowledge-oriented to to ability
ability and
and literacy
oriented as continuous development and progress of science and technology. Therefore, the
oriented as continuous development and progress of science and technology. Therefore, the "key ability" that "key ability" that
demonstrates ability and literacy has become the core requirement of vocational skills training.
demonstrates ability and literacy has become the core requirement of vocational skills training. What is the key What is the key
ability for higher vocational education? Where do students' key abilities come from? How to train the
ability for higher vocational education? Where do students' key abilities come from? How to train the key abilities key abilities
of vocational
of vocational students?
students? These
These areare questions
questions about
about key
key capabilities
capabilities that
that are
are constantly
constantly being
being asked
asked inin the
the field
field of
vocational education. The article mainly discusses the teaching reform for the development
vocational education. The article mainly discusses the teaching reform for the development of key abilities of of key abilities of
vocational and technical students.
vocational and technical students.

** Corresponding
Corresponding author.
author. Tel.:
Tel.: +86-181-1662-3239
E-mail address:
E-mail address:
1877-0509 2020 2020 The
The Authors.
Authors. Published
Published by
by Elsevier
Elsevier B.V.
This is
is an
an open
open access
access article
article under
under the
the CC
BY-NC-ND license
license (
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee
and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee ofof the
the 10th
10th International
International Conference
Conference of
of Information
Information and
Communication Technology, ICICT2020
Communication Technology, ICICT2020

1877-0509 © 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 10th International Conference of Information and Communication
792 Qianling Li et al. / Procedia Computer Science 183 (2021) 791–793
2 Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2020) 000–000

1. Concept of key capabilities

Human abilities can generally be divided into three types: basic abilities, special abilities and key abilities. Basic
ability refers to the application ability of simple knowledge; special ability is the ability composed of high-level
knowledge and skills; and the key ability is a comprehensive ability that has nothing to do with the profession and
plays a key role in the career. The key ability includes professional key ability, method key ability and social key
ability. It highlights that when the occupation or labor organization changes, the ability of the worker still exists. At
present, the development of key abilities of students has become the most important educational thought and
educational model in vocational education.

2. The source of key capabilities

When you get the answer that what is the key ability, at the same time you can answer that where the key ability
comes from. Although the key ability has some of abstraction, as a key ability that needs to be cultivated in
vocational education, it must have descriptiveness, certainty and maneuverability. Otherwise, in the process of
teaching implementation, the syllabus will be formulated. The design of teaching objectives and the compilation of
teaching plans cannot really execute.
Based on the needs of my country’s vocational skills development, the Vocational Skills Appraisal Center of the
Ministry of Labor and Social Security has proposed China’s own core skills standard system which includes eight
kinds of ability: information processing, communication and expression, cooperation with others, solving
communication, digital computing, innovation and innovation, and self-improvement. Foreign language application.
Different colleges and different majors have different methods and models for cultivating key abilities for it is a
general and guiding standard. In addition, key capabilities still have dynamic variability with the development of
society and technology.

3. Development of key capabilities

It is without any question that the classroom is the main position for the development of key abilities of students.
It is worth emphasizing that the classroom mentioned here is no longer a traditional classroom, but a new type of
classroom with ability development as the core and quality development as the goal.

3.1. Project-based teaching, focusing on comprehensive ability training

Project-based courses and teaching focus on a complete work process performed by students in a real work
situation. Students engage in dialogues and reflections with people and situations during the implementation of the
project, and they also get Key abilities such as communication skills, organization and planning skills, and skills of
problem solving while improving their own technical ability.
Taking "Java language programming" as an example, teachers divide the required skills and knowledge into task
modules according to the "Software Technology Professional Talent Training Program" and "Java Language
Programming Course Standard". The teacher breaks down the learning tasks of each task module according to the
requirements of the curriculum standards, and gives the corresponding project modules according to the learning
tasks. Classroom teaching is divided into two parts. The first part is to learn the basic knowledge corresponding to
the task module, and the second part is to complete the code implementation and functional testing of the project
module in a group with the classroom learning knowledge.

3.2. Flipping the classroom, combining the application of knowledge with the development of comprehensive quality

Teaching is a dynamic, constantly adjusting system that evolves over time. First, the teacher designs principles
and steps of teaching according to the teaching content. Second, the teacher formulates content of the pre-class and
in-class by combining teachers, students, teaching materials and teaching media. Pre-class module: Teachers analyze
teaching objectives, formulate unit teaching objectives, and provide students with learning resources (including
Qianling Li et al. / Procedia Computer Science 183 (2021) 791–793 793
Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2020) 000–000 3

courseware, online course resources, etc.). In-class module: organize classes with the process of "clear goals,
identify problems, solve problems, and summarize experience"
At the same time, it is important to make full use of the evaluation of teaching in the flipped classroom teaching,
feedback on the students' learning situation, and provide a basis for the improvement of teaching quality. The
teacher should adjust and correct the teaching with appropriate method which can be slow down the progress, repeat,
change the angle according to the actual situation after each task, and even temporarily change the teaching content
and plan to achieve the expected teaching goal

3.3. Use information-based teaching methods to cultivate students' autonomous learning ability

The purpose of students mastering the actual work process is not to become "labor", but to become "human." At
present, the application of information technology has developed into the era of network processing. In this era, it
cannot meet the learning needs of students that only limited classroom teaching. New changes have taken place in
students’ learning environment, learning models, learning methods, and learning methods. It is the basic requirement
of learning in this era that being able to use various network resources proficiently. Students must also use online
learning tools, such as mastering information skills such as finding online courses, finding application software,
using search engines, searching online library catalogs, and using common tools and apps on the basis of proficiency
in computer operations.

4. The conclusion

The company’s demand for talents is a dynamic process with the advancement of science and technology and the
upgrading of the industry. The connotation of key capabilities is not static but also needs to keep pace with the times.
It may need to be updated and adjusted every once in a while. Colleges must understand the dynamics of corporate
needs, be able to timely and effectively grasp the corporate effect feedback of professional talents' key ability
training, and make rectification plans for corresponding courses. It is also good references for curriculum adjustment,
talent training plan formulation, professional connotation construction, etc.


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