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Zozy Vimosh
 More than anything, your character wants to create a safe world for
her people.
 Your character desperately wants to educate others
 Theft. Their goal is to become part of something larger.

Diplomat Adviser Jasmine

 Your character desperately wants to eliminate corruption.
 Most of all, your character wants to bring her country back to its
former glory.
 Your character's fondest wish is to become the leader of the planet.

Smuggler Leena Nal

 Your character desperately wants to create a safe world for her
(People - Kids).
 Your character's fondest wish is to help those in need.
 Your character's greatest desire is to find a new home.

Drogar the Bounty Hunter

The character is driven by:
Their need to prove themselves. Their goal is to rescue someone.
Their goal is to discover a true identity.

The laws of the land stand in their way.

Their goal is to try and make the world a better place.
Driving forces:
Obsessive fantasies, and extremism
Disillusionment, and mischief
Poverty, and their desire for love

General Nittario Taluius

This character is motivated by confused honor, faith, loyalty and
overwhelming boredom.

They are not being honest with themselves about their primary motive

NRA Zenon Highguard

This character is motivated by pride. They are being manipulated by
someone else (The Imperial General).

This character is motivated by anger, overwhelming compassion, idealism

and perverse suspicion.
This character is motivated by mild stubbornness, honor, very strong anger
and twisted zealotry.

Secretary Resa Naashem

She is motivated by position and Money

She is attracted to Bad Boys

She is a waverer, confused, unstable and quick to act unreasonably.

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