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A Complete Guide on Reasoning Ability for Banking Examinations

Directions (1-30): In each question below is given a Conclusions: I. The milk production of State X is
statement followed by two conclusions numbered I and more than its need.
II. You have to assume everything in the statement to be II. The Government and co-
true, then consider the two conclusions together and operative dairies in State X are
decide which of them logically follows beyond a not equipped in terms of
reasonable doubt from the infromation given in the resources and technology to
statement. handle such excess milk.
Give answer 5. Statement : The manager humiliated Sachin in
(a) if only conclusion I follows; the presence of his colleagues.
(b) if only conclusion II follows; Conclusions : I. The manager did not like Sachin.
(c) if either I or II follows; II. Sachin was not popular with his
(d) if neither I nor II follows; and colleagues.
(e) if both I and II follow. 6. Statement : Double your money in five months-
1. Statement: The secret of success is constancy of An advertisement.
purpose. Conclusions : I. The assurance is not genuine.
II. People want their money to
Conclusions: I. Constant dripping wears the
7. Statement : Only good singers are invited in the
II. Single-minded devotion is
conference. No one without sweet
necessary for achieving success.
voice is a good singer.
2. Statement: The percentage of the national
Conclusions : I. All invited singers in the
income shared by the top 10 per cent conference have sweet voice.
of households in India is 35. II. Those singers who do not have
Conclusions: I. When an economy grows fast, sweet voice are not invited in the
concentration of wealth in conference.
certain pockets of population 8. Statement : Company X has a record of
takes place. manufacturing cameras of quality
II. The national income is unevenly and the latest design so that you do
distributed in India. not spoil even a single shot
3. Statement : The Prime Minister emphatically irrespective of the weather
stated that his government will conditions.
make every possible effort for the Conclusions : I. No other company except X is
upliftment of poor farmers and reputed in the camera industry.
farmlands. II. Anyone can take an acceptable
Conclusions : I. Except poor farmers and shot with camera X.
farmlands, all others have got 9. Statement : Recent trends also indicate that the
benefits of fruits of number of child migrants in large
development. cities is increasing. These children
leave their families to join the ranks
II. No serious efforts have been
of urban poor doing odd jobs in
made in the past for upliftment
markets, workshops, hotels or in
of any section of the society.
service sectors.
4. Statement: The Cabinet of State X took certain
Conclusions : I. Migration to big cities should be
steps to tackle the milk glut in the
state as the cooperatives and
II. The plight of poor children
government dairies failed to use the should be thoroughly studied.
available milk. - A news report.

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A Complete Guide on Reasoning Ability for Banking Examinations
10. Statement : No country is absolutely self- Conclusions : I. Our national norm is
dependent these days. appropriate.
Conclusions : I. It is impossible to grow and II. The state’s health system is
produce all that a country needs. taking adequate care in this
II. Countrymen in general have regard.
become lazy. 16. Statement : Fashion is a form of ugliness so
11. Statement : National Aluminium Company has intolerable that we have to alter it
moved India from a position of every six months.
shortage to self-sufficiency in the
Conclusions : I. Fashion designers do not
understand the public mind
Conclusions : I. Previously, India had to import
very well.
II. The public by and large is highly
II. With this speed, it can soon
susceptible to novelty.
become a foreign exchange
17. Statement : Money plays a vital role in politics.
Conclusions : I. The poor can never become
12. Statement : “The Government will review the
present policy of the diesel price in
II. All the rich men take part in
view of further spurt in the
international oil prices”. - A
spokesman of the Government. 18. Statement : Fortune favours the brave.
Conclusions : I. The Government will increase Conclusions : I. Risks are necessary for success.
the price of the diesel after the II. Cowards die many times before
imminent spurt in the their death.
international oil prices. 19. Statement : I know nothing except the fact of my
II. The Government will not ignorance.
increase the price of the diesel Conclusions : I. Writer’s knowledge is very poor.
even after the imminent spurt in II. The world of knowledge is too
the international oil prices. vast to be explored by a single
13. Statement : If all players play to their full person.
potential, we will win the match. We 20. Statement : A man must be wise to be a good
have won the match. wrangler. Good wranglers are
Conclusions : I. All players played to their full talkative and boring.
potential. Conclusions : I. All the wise persons are boring.
II. Some players did not play to II. All the wise persons are good
their full potential. wranglers.
14. Statement : The T.V. staff deserves an applaud 21. Statement : A Corporate General Manager asked
for showing booth capture. four managers to either submit their
Conclusions : I. T.V. aims at showing things in resignations by the next day or face
their true perspective. termination orders from service.
II. People involved in booth Three of them had submitted their
capturing have been recognised resignation by that evening.
and are being tried by law. Conclusions : I. The next day, the remaining
15. Statement : The national norm is 100 beds per manager would also resign.
thousand population but in this II. The General manager would
state, 150 beds per thousand are terminate his services the next
available in the hospitals. day.

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A Complete Guide on Reasoning Ability for Banking Examinations
22. Statement : In spite of the claim of the II. It is dedication that is more
Governmet, terrorism being under important than knowledge and
check, killing continues. expertise.
Conclusions : I. The terrorists have not come to 27. Statement : All those political prisoners were
an understanding with the released on bail who had gone to jail
government. for reasons other than political
II. The government has been prisoners were released on bail who
constantly telling a lie. had gone to jail for reasons other
23. Statement : Modern man influences his destiny than political dharnas. Bail was not
by the choice he makes unlike in the granted to persons involved in
Conclusions : I. No political prisoner had
Conclusions : I. Earlier there were less options
committed murder.
available to man. II. Some politicians were not
II. There was no desire in the past arrested.
to influence the destiny. 28. Statement : The best evidence of India's glorious
24. Statement : The serious accident in which a past is the growing popularity of
person was run down by a car Ayurvedic medicines in the West.
yesterday had again focused Conclusions : I. Ayurvedic medicines are not
attention on the most unsatisfactory popular in India.
state of roads. II. Allopathic medicines are more
popular in India.
Conclusions : I. The accident that occurred was
29. Statement : Players who break various records in
a fair way get special prizes. Player
II. Several accidents have so far
X broke the world record but was
taken place because of found to be under the influence of
unsatisfactory state of roads. prohibited durg.
25. Statement : In case of outstanding candidates, Conclusions : I. X will get the special prize
the condition of previous experience II. X will not get the special prize.
of social work may be waived by the 30. Statement : Although we have rating agencies
admission committee for M.A. like Crisil, ICRA, there is demand to
(Social work). have a spearate rating agency for IT
Conclusions : I. Some of the students for M.A. companies to protect investors.
Conclusions : I. Assessment of financial worth of
(Social work) will have previous
IT companies calls for separate
experience of social work.
set of skills, insight and
II. Some of the students for M.A. competencies.
(Social work) will not have II. Now the investors investing in IT
previous experience of social companies will get protection of
work. their investment.
26. Statement : For over three decades Company X
has been totally involved in energy
conservation, its efficient use and
Conclusions : I. The Company has yet to learn
and acquire basic things in this

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