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A Complete Guide on Reasoning Ability for Banking Examinations

Points to Remember:
Consider Only the matter which is given in the statement. Do not add anything in the statement from your
You should avoid the presumption and it should be minded that the conclusion may not be converted into a course of actio
Generally the past statement is not valid.
If some law or any correction is talked about in the statement then things related to it will be taken as conclusion because th

Direction:(1-30)In each of the following questions, a 5. Statements: Modern man influences his destiny by
statement is given, followed by two conclusions.
the choice he makes unlike in the past.
Give answer
Conclusions: I. Earlier there were fewer options
(a) if only conclusion I follows,
available to man.
(b) if only conclusion II follows,
II. There was no desire in the past to
(c) if either I or II follows,
influence the destiny.
(d) if neither I nor II follows,
6. Statements: The distance of 900 km by road
(e) if both I and II follow
between Bombay and Jafra will be
1. Statement: Sonya scored 94% marks in the
reduced to 280 km by sea. This will
lead to a saving of Rs. 7.92 crores per
Conclusion: I. Sonya topped in her class
annum on fuel.
II. Sonya is a bright student.
Conclusions: I. Transportation by sea is cheaper
2. Statement: Food in ‘TONY’s’ restaurant is very
than that by road.
II. Fuel must be saved to the greatest
Conclusion: I. The quality of their food is very
7. Statement: Company X has marketed the
II. The restaurant has a good
product. Go ahead, purchase it if
price and quality are your
3. Statement: Reading makes a full man, conference
a ready man and writing an exact
Conclusions: I. The product must be good in
Conclusions: I. Pointed and precise expression
II. The price of product must be
comes only through extensive
8. Statement: Good voice is a natural gift but one
II. Extensive reading makes a
has to keep practising to improve
complete man.
and excel well in the field of
4. Statements: Jade plant has thick leaves and it
requires little water.
Conclusions: I. Natural gifts need nurturing and
Conclusions: I. All plants with thick leaves
require little water.
II. Even though your voice is not
II. Jade plants may be grown in
good, one can keep practising.
places where water is not in
9. Statement : A man must be wise to be a good
wrangler. Good wranglers are
talkative and boring.

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A Complete Guide on Reasoning Ability for Banking Examinations
Conclusions : I. All the wise persons are boring. Conclusions: I. The employees of this company
II. All the wise persons are do not seem to have any
wranglers. additional undisclosed income
10. Statement: The national norm is 100 beds per besides their salary.
thousand population but in this state II. The employees union wants all
senior officers to declare their
it is 150 beds per thousand.
income first.
Conclusions : I. Our national norm is appropriate. 17. Statement: India is seeking partnership with
II. The state’s health system is taking Germany in aeronautical engineering
adequate care in this regard. and space exploration. Earlier, India
11. Statements: Nation X faced growing international entered into partnership with some
opposition for its decision to explode other countries in aeronautical
eight nuclear weapons at its test site. engineering.
Conclusion: I. It is high time for joint venture
Conclusions: I. The citizens of the nation
between the Germany and India,
favoured the decision.
because Germany is developing
II. Some powerful countries do not State of-the-art technologies in
want other nations to become as aeronautical engineering.
powerful as they are. II. Both India and Germany, have
12. Statements: National Aluminium Company has core competence in the given
moved Georgia from a position of area.
shortage to self-sufficiency in the 18. Statements: Wind is an inexhaustible source of
energy and an aerogenerator can
convert it into electricity. Though not
Conclusions: I. Previously, Georgia had to import much has been done in this field, the
aluminium. survey shows that there is vast
II. With this speed, it can soon potential for developing wind as
become a foreign exchange alternative source of energy.
earner. Conclusions: I. Energy by wind is comparatively
13. Statement: Vegetable prices are soaring in the newly emerging field.
market. II. The energy crisis can be dealt by
exploring more in the field of
Conclusions: I. Vegetables are becoming a rare
commodity. 19. Statements: Monitoring has become an integral
II. People cannot eat vegetables. part in the planning of social
14. Statement: Death keeps no calendar. development programmes. It is
Conclusions: I. Man must die one day. recommended that Management
II. Death can come at any time. Information System be developed for
15. Statement: The best way to escape from a all programmes. This is likely to give
a feedback on the performance of the
problem is to solve it.
functionaries and the efficacy with
Conclusions: I. Your life will be dull if you don’t
which services are being delivered.
face a problem. Conclusions: I. All the social development
II. To escape from problems, you programmes should be evaluated.
should have some solutions with II. There is a need to monitor the
you. performance of workers.
16. Statements: The Government run company had 20. Statement: In the Art Gallery, paintings of a artist
asked its employees to declare their are displayed for the public. The
prices of the paintings are too high
income and assets but it has been
for a common man.
strongly resisted by employees union
Conclusions : I. Common man purchases
and no employee is going to declare paintings from other places.
his income. II. Costly paintings are generally
displayed at the art gallery.
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A Complete Guide on Reasoning Ability for Banking Examinations
21. Statements: The serious accident in which a Conclusions: I. All candidates who have yet to get
person was run down by a car their Master’s degree will be
yesterday had again focused there in the list of selected
attention on the most unsatisfactory candidates.
state of roads. II. All candidates having obtained
Conclusions: I. The accident that occurred was second class Master’s degree will
be there in the list of selected
II. Several accidents have so far
27. Statement: Now a day a number of
taken place because of telecommunication companies are
unsatisfactory state of roads. providing better services in the
22. Statements: In a one day cricket match, the total market to compete with foreign
runs made by a team were 200. Out companies.
of these 160 runs were made by Conclusion: I. They want India to become
spinners. number one in the field of
Conclusions: I. 80% of the team consists of telecommunication. At the same
spinners. time they want to fetch more and
more money from the other
II. The opening batsmen were
II. Company want increase
23. Statement Domestic demand has been customers and become no. I
increasing faster than the production position
of indigenous crude oil. 28. Statements: Government has spoiled many top
Conclusions I. Crude oil must be imported. ranking financial institutions by
II. Domestic demand should be appointing bureaucrats as Directors
reduced. of these institutions.
24. Statement The Prime Minister emphatically Conclusions: I. Government should appoint
stated that his government will make Directors of the financial
institutes taking into
every possible effort for the
consideration the expertise of the
upliftment of poor farmers and
person in the area of finance.
II. The Director of the financial
Conclusions I. Except poor farmers and institute should have expertise
farmhands, all others have got commensurate with the financial
benefits of fruits of development. work carried out by the institute.
II. No serious efforts have been 29. Statement: Quality has a price tag. India is
made in the past for upliftment of allocating lots of funds to education.
any section of the society. Conclusions: I. Quality of education in India
25. Statement The manager humiliated Sachin in the would improve soon.
presence of his colleagues. II. Funding alone can enhance
quality of education.
Conclusions I. The manager did not like Sachin.
30. Statements: In India, more emphasis should be
II. Sachin was not popular with his
placed on areas such as agriculture,
engineering and technology instead
26. Statements: The eligibility for admission to the of basic and pure sciences.
course is minimum second class Conclusions: I. India has achieved sufficient
Master’s degree. However, the progress in basic and pure
candidates who have appeared for sciences.
the final year examination of Master’s II. In the past, the productivity factor
degree can also apply. in our economy was.

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