Qof (3)

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Questions of the Fortnight 3

Scientists suggest that the COVID pandemic has an origin in bats. To

prove this statement, the tree shows 10 identical human samples in red
from a single branch containing 2019-nCoV which is called COVID. The
first clue is that the bat virus surrounds and is the closest virus to these
people on both sides. Also, the tree represents Clade 1, Clade 2, and
Clade 3 which are considered monophyletic taxons because they are
descended from a common ancestor. Moreover, 2019-nCoV (Covid) is
coming from a bat coronavirus which is descended from Clade 2. Other
human viruses such as SARA-CoV and MERS-CoV are related to Clade
1 and Clade 3 branches. These are less closely related to Clade 2
(covid-19 branch) which has its origin in bats. This displays that there is
an evolutionary relationship and more common ancestor between bat
virus and Covid through clade 2. However, it can still be argued that bat
viruses are still related to other human viruses because they are linked
under a single tree. In conclusion, there is a lot of evidence supporting
the above statement through common ancestry and lineage which
shows that the origin of the Covid pandemic is from bats.

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