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The Nation of Christslam is a Omnism/Syncretism religion about two bodies of light (also
known as a Hueman and Wombman, The bodies of light, and Tbol for short). The study of the
bodies of light break down to religious descriptions and scientific explanations from the creator
of the religion Martin Cabello III. Also containing information about health and exercise that can
also pertain to the bodies of light and healing of many types of sicknesses and injuries. Many of
the explanations from Martin are given in forms of mnemonic phrases that have cryptography
within them, also known as Babel. Babel can be understood by knowing the different types of
linguistics known as Compound words, Double entendres, Syntax, and more. The main focus of
the religion is the understanding, gaining knowledge, research, sharing, and helping others
recognize that the light bodies are the Creators or Gods.

Throughout history with many different religions around the world, the light bodies (also known
as solar deities) are talked about and worshiped as Goddesses, Gods, or messengers of Gods.
They all can be seen in the same place and have the same kind of qualities rather it be
appearance, powers, symbols, and even names. Many of the worldwide religions also have
similar devices to view their God or Gods which are a Monstrance, Tabernacle, Sundisk, and
even a camera. All of these devices replicate what the human eye can see naturally in nature.
The locations where their Gods or God are observed are always associated with the
electromagnetic spectrum or simply light (also referred to as a rainbow, bow in the clouds, or
“all of the light”). When the devices are used, they are pointed at the sun, set and dialed
correctly with a aperture type mechanism and is usually used when the sun is at a sunrise or
sunset while also utilizing a 33° degree angle from the sun to the observer.

“Muad’Dib or M’s-Theory theory on particle physics, Quantum Entanglement, Tunneling with

the Hue Man standing in the center of Allah the light that makes us Hueman. Aperture camera
Torah = A pure picture came Ra When I Marry’d to a Monstrance or man’s entrance and pointed
Torah. (Yo Duh) it would be (A New Hope) if like George and (Luke yes) I could find the Skywalker
equal to Ezekiel and be handed the yellow scroll of (Light)saber or what others call the Spear Of
Destiny. Anikan find the Sky Walker, let me hold your (Han) so you don’t have to go (Solo) I got
(Chewbacca).” – by Martin Cabello III
We got here as Hue-Mans, like a hologram that rides the light utilizing digital compression from
a poortoll (portal) called the Sun and a DawnKey (morning dew) to combine with our mother of
earth, a hue in the shape of a Womb-man (woman). The Wombman, also known as the first
Goddess got here using a type of prism, like a birds nest in a tree (diffraction of light): At the
Atom and Eve of our creation a muon and other subatomic particles (star dust), lepton the first
Atom to exist on Earth needed to evolve into the first Adam and Eve or Humans in the image of
the first Hue Man’s. Over billions of years as that single celled organism grew a neutrino and
other subatomic particles (star dust) passed through the center seven Seals of the
Electromagnetic Magnetic Spectrum (Revelation) along with that single celled organism raining
down information. A great flood of electromagnetic radiation changing the genetic information
of that single celled organism until eventually it evolved to be created in the image of the
creator’s. The Body’s of light with a head, torso, two arms and two legs hiding in the center of
Allah the light of the heavens and the Earth that truly does sacrifice itself on a cross over from
energy into are biological matter. You Ever stare in the (mirror I call) and (Image in) or Wonder
Woman about the Hue in the Shape Of A WOMBMAN responsible for the other half of your
creation Iris Ra in bow Is Ra El O Hims wife: Sincerely She (Ra flecks son). Sincerely a cycle for
All major religions recognize Light as the source of all life and all things. When studied further,
the world is describing the same Gods. A body of light in the shape of a man and woman.

“Be a light unto yourself.” – Buddhaㅤ

“God is light.” – the Bible
“I am the light of the world.” – Jesus
“Allah is the light of heaven and earth.” – the Quran
“He who kindles the light of consciousness within himself obtains true light.” – Rig Veda

In theology, “divine light” is an aspect of the divine presence, specifically an unknown and
mysterious ability of human beings to express themselves communicatively through spiritual
means rather than through physical capabilities.The term light has been archetypically used in
spirituality around the globe. Plato in his allegory “The Myth of the Cave” sees the presence of
light as a metaphor for truth, good, knowledge, etc. — something that dozens of spiritual
doctrines also affirm. In the first chapter of the Bible, God generates light at the beginning of
creation. The Hindu Rig Veda includes numerous references to the sacredness of light. Buddhist
scriptures speak of various buddhas of light.

There are several religious concepts about light:ㅤ

Prakasa – Kashmiri Saiva’s Concept of the Light of Siva’s Divine Consciousness
Astral Light – in Magic is the Universal Agent
Ein Sof – in Rabbinic Judaism
A Noor – Islamic concept of Divine Light
Theoria – in Christian theology, enlightenment on the way to theosis

“Light is the symbolic equivalent of consciousness, and the nature of consciousness is expressed
by analogies with light.” – Carl Jung in the interpretation of the Taoist texts “The Secret of the
Golden Flower”.
Light is the central concept of mysticism in all major religions. Roots of this thought are also
found in the beliefs of Zoroastrianism, which define God as the source of light. This same
essential attribute is manifest in various schools of thought in Persian mysticism and philosophy.
The divine reverence for light originated in hundreds of cultures around the world, from the
indigenous of the Americas to the ancient Egyptians. It was also a focus of the Enlightenment
era, the Renaissance movement, and even the secret cults.

A Roar from The Lion of You Duh or Judah: A muon and other subatomic particles (star dust) If
you like lepton the first Atom to exist on Earth needed to evolve into the first Adam. And over
billions of years as that single celled organism grew a neutrino and other subatomic particles
(star dust) passed through the center seven Seals of the Electromagnetic Magnetic Spectrum
(Revelation) along with that single celled organism raining down information. A great flood of
electromagnetic radiation changing the genetic information of that single celled organism until
eventually it evolved to be created in the image of the creator. The BODY of light with a head,
torso, two arms and two legs hiding in the center of Allah the light of the heavens and the Earth
that truly does sacrifice itself on a cross over from energy into are biological matter. When the
subatomic particles from your father’s A[t]oms, (serpent or sperm) merges, collides and takes a
bite out of your mother’s Apple, (Egg the forbidden fruit) at the Eve of your creation their
independent Higgs fields destroy each other creating a spark of light that is real light. A halo
that falls down from the kingdom of Heaven that Israel light and not of this earth to trap
consciousness in a newly created Higgs field and hold it in a newly created biological 666 carbon
vessel, to grow on a branch (umbilical), on the tree of life (placenta), in the garden of Eden
(womb) until it becomes full term and is kicked out to toil the soil naked awaiting the time that
light that contains consciousness is summoned back home to the kingdom of heaven that Israel
light and not of this earth. The Apocalypse that unites all tribes of Judah and humanity as the
singular and one true tribe of light and God. By: Martin Cabello III.

In Christslam it is taught to follow a healthy diet and exercise, following this diet helps people
get into their best version of themselves and keeps them in top shape. The likeness of the diet is
somewhat similar to the Keto diet; without sugar, fruits, vegetables, carbohydrates, or starch
within your system, it puts your body into ketosis that creates ketones that oxidize into acetate
that combines with the lactic acid and all the other chemicals that your body creates when in a
fasted state. Also the diet consists of the consuming of raw foods such as meat, animal organs
and other beneficial parts of an animal, eggs, and dairy. Which can help create the production
of stem cells, heal from diseases and illnesses like Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and even cancer and
other types of sicknesses, helping with the repair of many injuries such as brain injuries, muscle
and ligament damage, nerve damage, inflammatory issues, and more. While utilizing the
metabolic switch and burning fat and ketones for fuel instead of carbohydrates it increases your
overall energy production by 400%. Also participating in HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)
work outs, these exercises while in ketosis can let your body eat the damage or cancerous parts
of your body to use them as fuel, purging out toxins. Following this diet and exercise can also
help create a stronger connection or a better signal for quantum entanglement with the light
bodies, a hue in the shape of a man and woman, the givers of life, as we purify (clean) our light
(soul) within our biological matter (body).


“Welcome to M’s-Theory and the Nation of CHRISTSLAM. Seaman I’ll go rhythm like a sea man’s
algorithm. Excalibur, = (Ex)ercise (Calli)sthenics (Bur) cold water is like quenching steel for your
(steel suit). Basically pounding your body to push impurities into your sweat glands, liver and
kidneys while simultaneously getting your cells and capillaries to violently constrict shaking
loose any plaque that would prevent the circulation needed to bring oxygen and fuel for cellular
regeneration. A stillsuit is a full body suit worn in the open desert of the planet Arrakis that was
designed to preserve the body’s moisture. It consisted of various layers that would absorb the
body’s moisture through sweating and urination, and then filter the impurities so that drinkable
water would be circulated to catch pockets. The right process under ketosis can cause a
metamorphosis that forges the human body into a stillsuit preserving precious water and
energy that is normally wasted digesting carbohydrates and feeding damaged cells along with
excess fat and muscle. Removing damaged cells and excess fat and muscle would allow more
drinkable water to be pushed into your catch pockets or organs and reduce the water intake
needed to sustain Peak biological operation. And the words become flesh…”

“There is a symbiotic relationship in evolutionary biology that creates the energy, frequencies
and vibrations needed to heal a disease or injury. It awaits the environmental triggers needed to
awaken that state dependent memory. Beta Defensin’s are antimicrobial peptides also known as
host defense peptides. They kill fungi, bacteria, viruses and even transformed or cancerous cells
while also strengthening your immune system. Basically they give you the ability to fight Covid
and cancer in a ketogenic state. If you add morning dew to a small piece of bread known as the
Eucharist a hour or two before consuming it You will have created the cultures responsible for
ancient cures and modern day prescription medication.”
“Bethlehem = bet on the ham. Exist the sims son with A vitamin to clean a clogged brains artery
or capillary. Magical oil for you to © and heal your biology when you go sugar free. A 0 day
exploit. A neurological key to direct the path of your psychology making a slave or truly setting
you free. (Amen’s troll cycle) has benefits hidden by Vampires or (Va)tican (m)oney making

“You can like Superman harness the yellow power of the sun while riding a egg combined with
microorganisms. As long as you avoid contaminated sugar in something green that will (creep in
at night) and steal your strength like Kryptonite. Want to learn to see in the Dark Of Knight like a
Batman then you need to cut sugar so can heighten the senses needed understand natures
sidekicks like a Robin Christ offer Robin resides.”

A sun disk, tabernacle, and monstrance are devices utilized by Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and
all other religions to reveal bodies of light with a head, torso, two arms and legs standing in the
center seven seals of all of the light of the heavens and the earth and that’s glory is to bright to
truly lay your naked eye upon. When calibrated correctly and held up to the bow of a cloud
where every religion tells you they can see their son of God, messenger of God, God or
Goddess. Two angels will appear to be marching towards each other on either end of a rainbow
and when their wings connect they make the sacred heart of Mary that catches on fire and
when that heart catches on fire, a body of light in the shape of a male or female has a virgin
birth in front of your eyes curing your blindness. Revealing the image of the creators. These
devices are all variations of the same, they all contain different names because of different
languages, cultures, and creators of the devices. They also allow someone to train their eyes to
see the 2 bodies of light inside a building or area so they may view them naturally in nature.

● Monstrance, also known as an ostensorium (or an ostensory), is a vessel used in

Roman Catholic, Old Catholic, High Church Lutheran and Anglican churches for the
display on an altar of some object of piety, such as the consecrated Eucharistic host
during Eucharistic adoration or Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. It is also used
as reliquary for the public display of relics of some saints. The word monstrance
comes from the Latin word monstrare, while the word ostensorium came from the
Latin word ostendere. Both terms, meaning “to show”, are used for vessels intended
for the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, but ostensorium has only this meaning.

● Tabernacle, according to the Hebrew Bible, the tabernacle (Hebrew: ‫מִ ְׁש ַּכן‬,
romanized: mīškān, lit. ’residence, dwelling place’), also known as the Tent of the
Congregation (Hebrew: ‫א ֹהֶ ל מֹועֵ ד‬, romanized: ’ōhel mō‘ēḏ, also Tent of Meeting,
etc.), was the portable earthly dwelling place of Yahweh (the God of Israel) used by
the Israelites from the Exodus until the conquest of Canaan. Moses was instructed at
Mount Sinai to construct and transport the tabernacle with the Israelites on their
journey through the wilderness and their subsequent conquest of the Promised
Land. After 440 years, Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem superseded it as the
dwelling-place of God.


● Sun disk, early civilizations recognized the importance of the sun. The chief deity in
many ancient cultures was a sun god or goddess. Ancient Egyptians worshipped Ra, a
falcon-headed god who carried the sun disk on his headdress. Every day, Ra would
cross the sky in “solar boats.” He’s often shown in human form with a hawk head, a
golden disk with a serpent on top of his head as a crown, a scepter in his left hand,
and an ankh in his right hand. Ra is also known to appear throughout the day with
relations to the sun while having different names at different set times like at sunrise
or sunset.

-Egyptian sun disk

-Other sun disks in different ancient religions

● Camera, A camera is an optical instrument that can capture an image. Most cameras
can capture 2D images, with some more advanced models being able to capture 3D
images. At a basic level, most cameras consist of sealed boxes (the camera body),
with a small hole (the aperture) that allows light to pass through in order to capture
an image on a light-sensitive surface (usually a digital sensor or photographic film).
Cameras have various mechanisms to control how the light falls onto the
light-sensitive surface. Lenses focus the light entering the camera, and the aperture
can be narrowed or widened. A shutter mechanism determines the amount of time
the photosensitive surface is exposed to the light. Aperture Camera = A pure picture
Came ra.
-Samsung Galaxy S7 (mobile phone camera)

-Cameras throughout the years

Images of the bodies of light

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