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NAMA : ........................ NO.PESERTA : ..............................

Read the text to answer number 1 – 3.

My name is Afrina. I am a student. I live at Jl. Keren No. 55. My house paint color is
brown. My family have an antique clock in our living room. My brother and I usually play
games with Playstation. My father also give me a computer for my birthday last month.

1. Where is Afriana live?

a. Jl. Manggis No.15 c. Jl. Keren No. 45
b. Jl. Keren No. 55 d. Jl. Kerten No. 55
2. What is the paint color of her house?
a. Blue b. Red c. White d. Brown
3. What the present from her father in her birthday?
a. Computer b. Playstation c. Books d. Unique clock
4. We touch things using with our ...
a. Mouth b. Cheeks c. Hands d. Foot
5. going -- are -- we -- picnic – to
Which is the correct sentences?
a. Are we going to picnic.
b. We are picnic to going
c. To going we are picninc
d. We are going to picnic
6. Joko Widodo ... the seventh president of Indonesia.
a. Is b. Am c. Are d. Was
7. Twenty five minus fourteen is equal to ...
a. Six b. Eleven c. Twelve d. Ten
8. The baby is so cute, he has a chubby ...
a. Stomach b. Hands c. Eyes d. Cheeks
9. Apples, Mangoes, Oranges, Watermelon are ...
a. Vegetable b. Animals c. Fruit d. Transportation
10. My father should keep the border safe. He protects the country from threats. He works
as ...
a. Security b. Architect c. Engineer d. Soldier
11. They are insects who produce honey. What are they?
a. Bee b. Butterfly c. Owl d. Bugs
12. Change the negative;
She speaks Chinese fluently.
a. Is she speak Chinese?
b. She is Chinese.
c. She doesn’t speak Chinese fluently.
d. Is She not speak Chinese fluently?
13. …., the sun is so hot.
a. In the morning c. Im the evening
b. In the afternoon d. In the midnight
14. My sister’s son is my ...
a. Son b. Niece c. Nephew d. Cousin
15. Rudy : “ .....”
Rani : “There are nine apples.”
a. Is that an apples?
b. What colour of those apples?
c. Which do you prefer?
d. How many apples are these?
16. The owl usually gets out from its nest in the ..
a. Morning b. Afternoon c. Evening c. Night
17. Kevin and Julio .... playing football in the yard.
a. Are b. Is c. Am d. Was
18. My mom’s brother’s daughter is my ...
a. Grandmother b. Cousin c. Sister d. Niece
19. Which job involves working with food and drinks?
a. Chef b. Doctor c. Bartender d. Actor
20. An animal that eats grass is a ...
a. Dog b. Chicken c. Goat d. Crocodile


1. Arrange the word into a good sentences!

candles -- are -- there -- ten -- birthday -- my --- cake – on.

2. Write 5 parts of your body!

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