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Betalactam anti taagent
aintramuscular intravenous n ismging a
n a amonth soas toma doseor
songsame ing
so to
oral co isman
given onsxweeklyvianowins
given z dailyinsingleordivideddoses sosongin
or x weekly

lowerrespiratorytractinfections extrapulmonarytuberculosis pulmonarytuberculosis

susceptible armnegativepositiveinfections alatenttuberculosisinfection

Hypersensitivity to men penem orothercarbapenems Hypersensitivity Historyofisoniazid associatedreparic

History ofanaphylacticreaction to lactam injury orseveradversereaction toisoniazid ang
hepatitisacuteliver diseaseof anyetiology

inhibitsbacteriacenway synthesis bybindingto d

reerapenicinin bindingproteins ingramnegative orbacteriacenwar it isbactericidal attherapeutic levels
positivebacteriaresulting incenway assembly against theactivegrowing extracenulan and intracellular
arrestandeventuallybacterialcen usis mtuberculosisorganisms

Diarrheavomiting nausea abdominalpain Peripheralneuropathy decreased

increasetransaminases Headache rash puritydeficiencyaplasticriderosiastia orhemolyticanemia
contusion states seizuresanaemia tomboy Vertigo tinnitusdearness opticneuritis or atrophy
Jaundice Hypersensitivity reactions seizure busuria

patientwith ons disorders renalandhepatic patientswithperipheral neuropathy history ofpsychosisepilepsy

impairment children pregnancy andlactation porphyriachronicliver
disease Blackand
anpanicwomen inpost
partumperiod nowacetycator Hepatic and severerenal
impairment children pregnancyand lactation
Anti to agent antinerminthics
ingon oran sdose
oral asmgin on x codaysthen isma z an sameas adultdose mom as asingle
masrepeat it thepatientis notarea
23 weeksafter

ancylostomiasis ascariasis necatoriasis

Hypersensitivity optic andretrobulbarneuritis Hypersensitivity Pregnancy concomitantusewith

inabilitytoreportvisual disturbances metronidazole

Bacteriostaticagainstrusieptiblebacteria inhibitscellulartubulinformation in thenemintsand

inhibitthesynthesisofbacterialmetabolites canres ultrastructural degenerativechangesinitsintestine
inhibitingcellularmetabolismandmultiplicationthisresultsintheblockage of glucose uptake anddisruption
leadingto immosilisation
inhibition ofeggproduction and death
of thehelminth
opticneuritisvisualdisturbances thrombocyte reversibleliver
function disturbances hepatitisneutropenia
penianausea vomiting gastrointestinalupset agranulocytosisabdominalpaindiarrhea flatulence nausea
jaundice acutegout Headache vomitinganorexiaDizzinessconvulsions
anmemo nephritis
confusion hepatotoxicity one'sran

patientwithoculardisease renal
impairment Patientwithcrohn ileitis or ulcerativecolitis
impairment children cactation
children pregnancy aan
nonsteroidal anti inflammatorydrugs Antifungals
intravenous a ayoweighing so sanszoom tin oral infants tooooo oooooo unite xx on children
maxcooma noman weighing so sans zoom andadolescent sameas aa itarose
00 it wasweaning swag no no topicalcutaneous infantsandchildren sameas aaunt
maxrooma more apply to theaffectedarea z z x daily
sora s smonth s sus tomato a amonthson
s timesdaily
pain oral candidiasis
fever intestinalcandidiasis
inflammation mica moderatepain valvovaginal candidiasis
m n
Hypersensitivity toibuprofen histons of Hypersensitivity
hypersensitivityreaction to aspirin or other
nrainsHistoryof gastrointestinalbleeding
perforation orulceration

inhibits aceo
oxygenase andz therebyreducing interfereswiththefungalcenwan permeability by
bindingtouteroisin thefungalcenmembranethereby
allowingtheleakage ofintracellular components

newonsethypertension orexacerbation of hypertension irritation nausea vomiting diarrhea gastro

plateletaggregation prolongbleedingtimeelevated
vision so tomatachangesin
brunnea ordiminished
colorvisionphotosensitivity renal
marksumistons of infection
patientwithhistoryof men ulcerativecolitis immunocompromisedpatients
orcrownsairease historyofbronchialasthma
chronicrhinitisanemicdisease cudisease
riskfactors or cudisease recentmi sue
mixedconnectivetissuedisorders behydrated
Acyclovir cetirizine
one a ayearsome insane x aaim craven to intravenous amontas tosure asmg xnoun a aarsisomg
kasameadult dosesoon exdailyat anouninterval athourly an un same as adultdose ions athourly
sintravenous smonths to izyears aomg overi r minutes
im shours oral a n yearssong air inyearssameas adultdose
viaslowwinfusionover nounfor tdans
arecurrentherpeslabialis acuteurticaria
macoetaneousheresimplex ocularitchingassociatedweallergicconjunctivitis


Hypersensitivity toacidovirandsimilaranti severe renal impairment


mm the andselectivelyinhibitsit receptors in

viralona polymerase and incorporatesintoviral thegastrointestinaltract bloodvessels and respiratory
DNAto soar onarunthemandumreplication

contactsensitisation nauseavomitingdiarrhea Decreasedvisualacuity ocularnyperaemiaabdomi

abdominalpain FatigueFever Headachedizziness
rain ansmonth nausea diarrhea vomiting
Pruritusrashesurticariadiseasedhair too Fatigue nocarpain headache somnolence pharyngitis
phlebitisrenalfailure rhinitis epistaxis bronchospasm

immunocompromised patients patient

receivingnigh patientwithepilepsyand patients at risk ofconvulsions
are penalimpairment children pregnancyand risk forurinaryretention Hepaticandmildto moderate
lactation renalimpairment childrenpregnancyandlactation
Loratidine salbutamol
antihistaminesantiallergics selectivemacarenoreceptor antagonist
oran a izansand ssoas omgoncedaily inhalation asmetereddose aerosol oranypowderinhaler
sora nomgoncedaily or years sameas t years cor ainhalations s ayearsameas adultdose
intravenous some
ima solution asomagviaslow in
oral a ans iang sa man am says same as aaunt

Allergicrhinitis ante bronchospasm

chronicidiopathicurticaria prophylaxisforexercise inducedsonarspasm
chronic onnano

none apreexistingor ri a
gestational factorforischemicheartdisease
age caweencondition inwhichpregnancyis
hazardous intrauterine
fetaldeath knownlethalcongenital
orchromosomalmalformation pulmonaryhypertension

exhibits a competitive and selective

peripheral it repton antagonisticactivity toalexannaniasmoothmuscleswithlessprominenteffect
ontheheart itactivatesadenylascease theenzymethat
stimulates theproductionofcamp

tachycardia palpitationsnauseaanymouth Hypersensitivity reactions hypokalemia teeny lardia

gastritisfatigue increasedweight increased palpitations chestpain nauseavomiting monteand
appetite Hadacne drowsiness convulsion tremor
mm headache

severehepatic andrenalimpairment patientwith cu disease diabetesmellitus glaucoma

hyperthyroidism hypokalemiaseizures rendimpairment
anilare andelderly pregnant andlactation
Finti a one carbamazepine
Antiasthmatic oral c aans no noaging is a s airanddoses a i yrs
inhalation a warssoroom loonssis n same asaanitaos is ismaxnooongdaily
in aeased upto soonce againmaybe
bio izyears isanimam aaim
some as adultdose retan airmen same as adultare maxatom anounupto
no at somasinto ear nostrils aan
Asthmaprophylaxis Generalizedtonic clonicseizurespartialseizures
nasalpolyps pm taxisofbipolardisorder
Allergicrhinitis neuralgia
Glossopharyngeal neuralgiatrigeminal

primarytreatment of statusasthmaticsor Histonof bonemarrowdepression hepaticporphyria

otheracuteasthmaepisoderequiringintensive atrioventricularblock concomitantuseofmaois a
measures treatment asthma current
of orrecent metabolised inhibitor
nasalseptalnicer surgeryinjuryortrauma that
is notanynearer
activity bydepressingtheformation neaseand reducesynapticpropagation
activity ofendogenousanemiamediators of
of excitatoryimpulses or
decrease summationof temporalstimulationleadingto
inflammationthroughthe induction ofphospholipase neraldischargebylimitingtheinflux of na ion across
a inhibitorcontainsand consequentinhibitionof thecellmembrane orsootherunanownmechanisms
arena suppression immunosuppression pneumonia leniopenia thrombocytopenia as depression ataxiaairiness
somnolence sedation hypotension increasedintraocular
noa oropharyngeal candidiasis nasalnasaleffects cardiac
c onductionabnormalities
visualdisturbancesdeceasedsomemineraldensity disturbance historyofcardiacconduction
growthretardation inchildren aypersly neriaor
glycosuria aelayedwoundhealing localisedratio

Patientswitecops diabetes mellitus or onion withmixedairorder increasedintraocularensure

diseasemaiorriskfactors deceasedbonemineral urinaryretention constipation preexistingcardiacdamage
countinfections psoriasistwo underlyingeco abnormalities history
historyof localhyperon
vitivity to omer corticosteroids Hepaticimpairment conductiondisturbance ofcardiac
Propranolol Glycerin
BetaBlocker restarta ans onepediatric suppositoryoncedaily asneeded
oral o as o main s xtimes aday a us oneadultsuppositions oncedailyasneeded
ing givenover i minutemaybe oral apply aoneinchstripdirectly tongueandoral
repeated in necessary every a min cavity asneeded

emergency treatmentof cardiacarrhythmias constipation

enacoonwmantoma throatimitation
myocardial infarction
prophylaxis of migrane
Bronchialasthma onnano spasm on ni obstructive no contraindications
airwaydisease bradycardia cardio genicshock
hypotension metabolicacidosissevereperipteral
arterycirculatory disturbances

nonselective a adrenergicblowerthat competitively

blocks eand in meptorsresulting in deceased
osmotic dehydratingagentwhichincreasesosmoticpressure
areasraid intocolon andthusstimulates eranation
heartratemyocardialcontractility meandmyocardial
oxygen amand

Bradycardia cardiac aublockvisual asaominalcramps reatairritation tenesmus
disturbances aneye conjunctivitis nauseavomiting
diarrhea constipation
anymouth cethang Fatigue
Hypersensitivity anaphylactic recitions

patientwiteraynaud disease orintermittentclaudicationelderly pregnancy andlactation

i targueheartblockdiabetesmenitusmyasthenia
gravis psoriasismaniadisease avoidabruptHeparin
andrenalimpairment even pregnancyandration
on o a aglass
toaidan Forchildren a a canescents an
to a miorallyin aireddoes adjustedto
endure a softstoolsperday


patientswhorequire a low galactose dietviz

Galactosemia and in gastrointestinal obstruction

in thecolon lacunose isbrokendownprimarily

tolacticacia astheactionof colonicbacteriawhich
resultsin anincreaseinosmoticpressureandslight
acidification ofthecoloniccontentsthis inturn
causesanincreasein too watercontents and
soften teestool
nauseavomiting flatulence andintestinalcramps
unionamusuallytransient excessive dosagecanlead
todiarrheawithpotential complicationssuchastenia
is hypokalemia and aypernatremia

reran a nm gastro rain runanma
undergoing electrocautery
in adune
cepuroxime cepoxitin
intramuscular is as asingledosedividedbetween intramuscular intravenous iz a s hourlyviaslowwin
s insites over s s minutes intermittent or continuousininfusion or
intravenousa reunximena sa snun deerimin
oral aso ortoong iz nounfor 710days

Gonorrhea pneumonia Boneandjointinfections amnesia infectionspyelone

ameningitis anti
o susceptible infections prophylaxisof surgicalinfections
infections skin andskinstructureinfections
urinarytractinfections urinarytractinfection

Hypersensitivity to ieranxime or to other to cetoxitin or other cephalosporins

cephalosporins or to anyothertype of a lactam antibacterial

inhibitsbacteriacenwallsynthesisbybindingto s a
noumore of tee penicillinbindingproteinswhich more of the penicillin windingproteinswhichblock
inturninhibitthefinaltransportationstep thefinaltranspeptidation stepof bacterial pen
of peptidoglycan synthesiscenwarbiosynthesis wall synthesisresulting in inhibition of bacteria
andarresing canwonassemblyresulting in cen wan synthesis
bacterial candeath
rashfeverpruritus erythemamultiforme toxic fungal or bacterialsuperinfection increasedrisk of
epidermal newlysisserum sickness likereactionsencephalopathy
orseizures eosinophilia and
vomiting acasing epigastricburning a

a m
Hypersensitivity topenicillinand a disease Historyof nonsever hypersensitivity to otherm lactam
agentshistory of gastrointestinaldisease or
seizure aiorders not recommendedfor thetreatment
Pipercainin coratan
penicillins angiotensin a antagonist
intramuscular a as asingledoseincombinationoral songoncedailymay in ease to loom oncedaily
wit a oraldose of prosenaciagivensominsbefore accordingtoclinicalresponse
tooinsmakeaaim n as a sanyou
as innayim sa s iznun
uuncomplicatedgonorrhea Hypertension
severeinfection Diabeticnephropathyin taom
mild or ancompiratnainfections
propylaxis ofinfectionduringsurgery aurer leftventricularHypertrophy

Hypersensitivity to piperacinin or other severehepaticimpairment pregnancy concomitant an

penicillin with an kiren containingproductsinpatient w om
or renalimpairment

mindsto 1 or more of the ppp which d

i therebyblockingthevaso
constrictingand aldosterone secreting
pertiaralyian synthesis in the bacterialcen effectsofangiotensina

Pain erythema induration at the in rite renalfailure symptomaticcapotesion electrolyteimbalance

diarrhea vomitingnausea increase in liver angioedema angina
enzymes hypersensitivity reactionselevation
m mm

Historyof Patient
slactamhypersensitivity moderate depiction tons ofangioedema volume a a on na
heartfailure bilateralrenalarterystenosis or
to severerenalimpairment pregnancyand stenosisof thearteryto asolitaryKinney aortic ormitral
lactation stenosisobstructivehypertrophiccardiomyopathy i anaemia
and cerebrovascular disease
metformin Diphenhydramine
oral soo stomy i x daily gradually oval at song sort timesdaily maxsoongdaily
increase at intervalsof at least iweek or parenteral nosomeup to room itneeded via win
alternatively co is aan aanrain to ex at a rate of armsmin ordeep imin
response topical say cream appliedto affectedarea apt
max bid for notmore than a days
Allergic conditionsmotion sicanes
snout turn management of insomnia
parkinson's disease
pruriti skindisorders

acute or annie metabolicacidosisincludingstenosingpepticulcer or pylonduodenal obstruction

diabeticketoacidosis diabeticprecoma prematureinfantsand neonates Lactation concomitant
acute conditionswhich may enter renal usewithother antihistaminecontainingmedicines
Function acute or acrocic conditions
whichmay causetissue hypoxia

Biquaniae antihyperglycemiaagentwhich competes with histamine for itsreceptorsites

improves glucosetolerance byloweringboth on effectorcentsin thebloodvessels gastro
basal andpostprandial plasma glucose intestinal tract ana respiratorytract

it Biz deficiency causea vomiting Drugtolerance eczematousreactions

abdominalpain or distressFlatulence
diarrhea dyspepsia taste disturbance

RiskFaitors For lacticacidosisstable 9 ancoma prostatichypertrophy

chronic heartfailure prevenalazotemia or genitourinary obstruction unionretention
mila to moderate renalimpairment ateme bronchitis cops a disease Elderly
children andelderly pregnancy and pregnancy
Bisccody onda atra
Laxatives Purgatives
oval long for a dose givenpins round oval smamio e r up to sor days
by tonsrectalsuppl
enema on tee tomoving parenteral ma via slowiv im in given as asingle
morning due at induction of anesthesia
rectal assupp or enema iom oncedaily rectal assupplameoncedailyto unto sdaysafter
a course of treatment
Bowel evacuation preventdelayedemesisfollowingchemotherapy
a prophylaxis of chemotherapy inducednauseaand
a postoperativenauseaandvomiting

ileus intestinal obstruction acute Hypersensitivity congenital long at syndrome

concomitant usewith apomorphine
surgicalabdominal condition severe
dehydration rectal Aralfissures
pro titis or ulceratedhemorrhoids

Directlyirritates thesmooth mus ie of relativelyantagonises s at mieptor on both

the intestine possibly the colonic peripherally on raga nerveterminals and centrany
intee chemoreceptortriggerzone
intramuralplexus therebystimulating

Fluid and electrolyteimbalance chestpain bradycardia hypotension arrhythmia

hypokalemia hypoxia transient elevation of liverenzymes
transient blurredvision

children pregnancy and lactation paswith hypokalemia hypomagnesemia cat

Avoid prolonged use cu conduction abnormalities bradyarraytemia
other conditions that maydevelop prolongation
of atinternalor electrolyte abnormalities
morphine co anoxia id
Analgesics co p iod
intrapinan songepiduralin it desired oral as my shrug or aasmg in any
painveriernot achieved incrementaldoses of
ring mayobez give
up to long isthour
axnouns ing as a singledose forup to
oran s o ng t county
moderate toseverepain acuteotitismedia
painassociatedwithmyocardialintonation sain ona ski structureinfections
medicationinsurgery urinarytractinfections
acutepulmonaryedema pre ageeonair infections
severepain septicemic
Hypersensitivity respiratorydepression obstructive Hypersensitivity topenicillin cross sensitivity wiother
airwaydisease paralyticileusacutehepaticdisease mactanantibioticsea cephalosporins previoushistory of
acuteanconaim headinjuries increasedintracranial
jaundiceliver impairmentassociated w penicillins Glandular
excessive secretionsacute orseverebronchial
µ fever or lymphatic lymphoma

actsmainlyonthe carandsmoothmuscles Bin as to

opiate receptorsinthecarsalteringthepainperceptionstructurethatbindsin an irreverisiefashion to beta
and response bymodulating thedescendingincibitons lactamasespreventingthemfrominactivatingcertain
pathwaysfromthebrain setalactamantibiotics withefficacy intreating
susceptible grampositive andgram negative infections

ansdepression orthostatichypotension severe Hypersensitivityreactions a disturbances reversible

m a
leucopenia thrombocytopenia thrombocytopenicpurpura
agran locytosis
anemia slightthrombocytosis eosinophilia abnormal
seableeding prothrombintime
plateletaggregation onion a

patientwitehypirolaemia cudisease
circulatory sur a aannalinsufficiency Addison
diseasebiliarytract anFunction acute
pancre titis
deliriumtremens anamentorneath
menpenen Peploe
carbapenems oral rooms a tab daily tooomg I tab daily
intravenous sa shourlyviainfusionover
approx is so minutes

Lowerrespiratorytractinfection avenouscirculation disorder and symptoms due

susceptible Gramnegativeinfections susceptible to acute hemorrhoidal attack
van positive infections

penem or other
Hypersensitivity to men Hypersensitivity
carbopenems History of anaphylacticreaction
to s lactams

inhibitsbacteria canwail synthesisbywinding Blocksthe action ofchemicalmessengersConsta

toseveral rap in gramnegativeandgrampositivegrains thromboxaneas thatcausesinflammation
bacteriaresulting incellwall assemblyarrest cowering of the veins
andeventually bacterialcanlysis

Diana anemia nausea vomiting

reactions fungal or bacterialsuper

patientwithonsdisorder renal andhepatic itemournoid disorder persists for s awks

impairment children pregnancy andlactation Administrationdoesnot precludetreatmentfor other
anasauditions performproctologicanexam it symptoms
donot subsidepromptly pregnancy and lactation
Alpha aarenoreceptorantagonists Hypnoti n and sedatives
oral toomasoncedaily intravenous a a s nggiven at a rate of a maimin
t.iominutesbeforeprocedure wiincrements of oachieved
atintervalor atleast aminuntiltheendpointis
oral a s isme atnight
parenteral o n o man via im ins givensonominutes
auction of anastasia

History of orthostatichypotension severe acutenarrowanglesianama severerespiratory

renalimpairment severehepaticimpairment depression
concomitant use with strong exp at inhibitors myastheniagravis sleepapneasyndrome
severehepaticimpairment concomitantuse with airsax
in anaba poormetabolisms inhibitors

smoothmuscletone intheprostate thisleads to erstsynopticGamaneuron atvarioussiteswithinthecars

the relaxation ofsmootemuscles in thebladderincluding limbicsystem andreticularformation
andreducingthesymptoms of benignprostatic

irissyndrome in cataractand glaucomasurgery paradoxicalreactions suicidalideation withdrawal


Pxwithmyocardialdysfunction or angina pxwithuncompensatedacute innesses a disease

pectorishistory ofsulphonamide anergy respiratory disease historyofalcoholorannaabuse
prostate cancer Discontinuetherapy s sweeks at risk offans obese debilitated Elderlyand
priorto cataract or glaucomasurgery not children pregnancy and lactation
Fentanyl Propofol
Analgesic carinearedovers smins
intramuscular so roona maybegiven socomin intravenous initially a amain
priorto induction ofanaesthesia orsurgery arternitaven o em as viaslowinjection over i smins
intravenous so zoomasson owed bysomognostril maintenance i s asmainsinnviainfusion
nasalasspray somasorcoom agespraysinto i
Forpain winsoveri amin
parenteral soroom viaim orslow
Breakthroughcancerpain sedation

significantrespiratory depressionacute orsevere sedation in icusetting in caravan ciayrs

bronchialasthma in unmonitoredsettingor in
absence ofresuscitativeequipment gastrointestinal
obstructionincludingparalyticileusmanagement or

interactswiteopioidmreceptors in thecars produce sedative anestheticeffectsannualpositive

itincreasespainthreshold alterpainveneption modulation ofinhibitoryfunction or the neurotransmitter
andinhibits theascendingpainpathwaysby cabitthroughthesanaareceptorsandpossiblyreducea
specificreceptors atseveralsites glutamatergic activityturnannmna reeptorblockade
withinthe ons

severe hypotension includingorthostatichypotensionEceeffects nypertrialyceridaemia hypotension injection

ana syncope secondaryhypogonadism bradycardia sitereaction perioperative myoclonus involuntarymove
onsdepression seizuresnonepilepticimausconicmove ment
rents constriction
intracranial ofsphincter of oaaielevated
pressure hyperalgesia increasedsleep

exwithriskfactor forsleep disorderedbreathing

diseaseacute mi brady orpancreatitis or risk or eatover
coaa cardiacimpairment
nupovolaemia hypotension a
arrhythmianonseverecord or pulmonatedecreased pulmonaryinsufficiency orrespiratorydepression increased
respiratoryreserve hypoxiahyper sarnia acute intr cranial
pressureorimpairedcerebralcirculation nypovoicemia
abdominalconditions adrenalinsufficiency Addison unstablename
diseaseacutepancreatitis childrenandeiders
Rocannium bromide
intravenous o amains byin Hanernosesor weanmuscular Blockingagents
intravenous soosoomean a row in as subsequent
im in maybeusedforintubationduringrapid sores
sequenceinductionofanesthesia oftoo zoonosingbyin even is asmin or s o
masingmin byinfusion in prolongedprocedures

FacilitateendotrachealintubationFacilitate endotracheal intubation Facilitate mechanical

mechanicalventilation in intensivecare masse


ii blockade by on
themotorendplate resulting to en muscularwiacetylcholine for rereptoo on ten motorend
nockade plat of the myo envas junction

changes in vitalsignsprolongedneuromuscular
a myopathy in increasedbrachialsecretionsanarcho
spasms cyanosis
angioedema cueffects wheat and erythema at
in site
patientabiliarytractdisease neuromusculardisease Pxwith a disease burninjury asthma condition which
previouspoliomyelitis burninjury severeelectrolyte mayantagoniseneuromuscular blockade conditionswhich
disturbances Eaton Lambertsyndromemyasthenia potentiateneuromuscularblockadeomg
gravis cudisease obesepatientsrenalandhepatic may lactation
nancy and
Epinephrine is of lurane
vasoconstrictors cardiacbrags
ainhalation respiratory initially o s r
intramuscular i nooosolution soo
negco smis oxygen nitrousoxidemixture increasedunwith
oxygen or
to us si ru
occurs dependingontheresponse
intravenous mitiansimacomtor acnoooomayrepeat
oftena s sminutestan uanoutheresuscitation
ophthalmic in in in ou ai ereans once
Acuteasthma d

preexistingcaper tension occlusivevascular known or suspected geneticsusceptibilityto malignant

disease angleclosureglaucomasaneanons hyperthermia history ofconfirmedhepatitisdueto
hypersensitivity cardiacarrhythmias ortachy hairaeratedinhalationanesthetic orunexplained

stimulates a andm adrenergicreceptorsresulting altersthe activity ofneuronal ion channels species

in relaxation ofsmotemusie ofthebronchialtree carrythe east synopticneantrasmittenreceptors
cardiacstimulationand anationofskeletalmuscle

disorders difficultyinmicturitionwithurinary decreasearenalhepaticandsplenicblood
now markedly
retentiondyspnea hyperglycemia sweating iewearea intracranialpressure
weaknesstremors coldness extremities
of onnanopara larynaoseasm hypersensitivityreactions

cudiseases hyperthyroidism om Parkinson patientwith hypovolaemia hypotension heartfailure

m coronaryarterydisease subendocardialischemia inanarea
intracranialpressure mitochondrial disordermyasthenia
gravis nearmusculardisease Debilitated patients elderly
pregnancy andlactation

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