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Name : ELNAR, HYUBS CHEVY Date: August 28,

Year/Course : 2 Year – BS Accountancy
Professor : DR. NIKKO T. EDERIO, LPT


Engaging Activity 2: "Brainstorm to Brain-store" (30 minutes)

(Outcome 2: Explain the varied Globalizations dimensions and concepts)

How do you define GLOBALIZATION in the aspects of:

1. Politics?
2. Culture?
3. Socio-Economic or Economic aspects?
4. Technology?

...can you cite more? You may use print and online scholarly resources to add up to your
discussion outcomes.

Students will be rated through the following criteria:

• 10 points max (per item)- factual, complete, accurate, concise, comprehensive, and
efficient relay of ideas.
 Politics: Globalization in politics refers to the increased interaction and cooperation
among nations in matters of diplomacy, governance, and international relations. This
o International Organizations: The rise of organizations like the United Nations,
World Trade Organization (WTO), and International Monetary Fund (IMF) that
facilitate cooperation and negotiation on global issues.
o Diplomatic Relations: Countries are more interconnected in terms of diplomatic
ties, negotiations, and treaties that address shared challenges such as climate
change and security.
o Soft Power: Nations often use cultural exchange, media, and educational
initiatives to influence and build positive perceptions abroad.
 Culture: Globalization's impact on culture involves the exchange, diffusion, and
mixing of cultural elements across borders, leading to a more interconnected global
culture. This includes:
o Cultural Homogenization: The spread of Western culture and media around the
world can lead to a reduction in cultural diversity as local traditions are influenced
by global norms. Cultural Hybridization: The blending of different cultural
elements to create new, unique forms of expression.
o Cultural Imperialism: Concerns that dominant cultures can overshadow or
suppress local cultures, leading to loss of cultural identity.
 Socio-Economic or Economic Aspects: In the economic realm,
globalization encompasses the integration of economies and markets on a global scale.
This includes:
o Trade Liberalization: Removal of trade barriers like tariffs and quotas,
promoting the flow of goods and services between countries.
o Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): Companies invest in other countries, creating
cross-border business operations and economic interdependencies.
o Global Supply Chains: Components of products are produced in different
countries, leading to intricate supply chains.
o Income Inequality: Globalization can exacerbate income disparities between
nations and within nations.
o Labor Migration: Movement of people for work across borders due to economic
 Technology: Globalization in technology refers to the rapid dissemination of
technological innovations and their impact on various aspects of society. This includes:
o Digital Connectivity: The internet and digital communication tools have enabled
global information sharing, remote work, and virtual collaboration.
o E-commerce: Online platforms allow businesses to reach a global customer base,
transforming traditional retail models.
o Technological Divide: Globalization can accentuate the gap between
technologically advanced and less developed regions.
o Cybersecurity: The interconnectedness of technology systems presents
challenges related to data security and privacy.
o Cultural Exchange: social media and digital platforms facilitate cultural
exchange, allowing people to connect and learn about different cultures.

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