EAM ECC Standard Dashboard

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:Assets Dashboard:

You can view asset metrics, asset charts, and an assets results table. The following is a partial display of the Assets Dashboard.

From the Maintenance Super User responsibility, navigate to the eAM Assets page:

Maintenance Super User > Home > Assets (tab) > Dashboard (sub tab)

Component Description

Assets (sum The Assets summary bar displays the following metrics:
mary bar)
 Organizations

This metric displays the number of organizations assigned to the current user. Select this metric to view a list of values (LOV ) for further


 Departments

This metric displays the number of owning departments for the assets listed in the dashboard.

 Assets

This metric displays the number of all active assets within the eAM application to which the current user has access.

 PM Compliance Percentage

This metric displays the percentage of Preventive Maintenance (PM) work orders completed on time.
This metric is displayed in different colors with the following conditions:

o PM Compliance percentage less than 50 percent displays red.

o PM Compliance percentage less than 75 percent displays amber.
o PM Compliance percentage greater than or equal to 75 percent displays green.

Statuses considered for PM Compliance include:

o Completed
o Released
o Complete No Charges

PM Compliance is derived from: (Work Orders Completed on time / work orders scheduled) * 100.

 Downtime Hours

This metric displays the asset downtime hours from work orders with shutdown duration (Shutdown Required = Yes) and includes work

orders with the system statuses of Complete, Complete - No Charges, and Closed. Click on this metric to navigate to the Asset Downtime tab.

 Assets Cost

This metric displays the actual maintenance cost of assets aggregated from the work orders created for the assets in the dashboard.

Assets (tab The Asset Group by Assets chart displays the number of active assets for which the organization's current user has access.
layout) You can select dimensions to view assets by asset group or asset category.

The Departments Assets by Criticality chart displays the number of active assets assigned to the organization's current user and the owning
asset department.
PM The PM Compliance by Asset Group chart displays the percentage of Preventive Maintenance (PM) work orders in compliance by asset group,
Compliance calculated from the percentage of total PM work orders completed in time from the total number of work orders with a status of released,
(tab layout) complete, complete no-charges, and closed.
The Schedule Delay by Activity chart displays the number of Preventive work orders by the number of hours of delay for each activity.
It includes work orders associated with a scheduled activity and with a status of released, complete, complete no-charges, and closed.

Asset The Actual Downtime by Asset Group chart displays actual downtime in hours by asset group. Data is taken from Preventive maintenance
Downtime (t work orders with statuses of complete, complete no-charges, and closed. The Others downtime category represents non-PM work orders.
ab layout)

Asset The Actual Cost by Asset Group chart displays the total asset cost by asset group.
Costs (tab The Assets Cost by Period chart displays total asset costs by period for all work orders and preventive maintenance work orders.
layout) You can select dimensions to view work order cost by year, or work order cost by month.

Assets (resu The Assets results table displays attributes pertaining to active assets. Click the action links to Update assets, Create Work Order,
lts table) Create Work Request, and view asset number.

Work The Work Orders results table displays attributes pertaining to work orders. Click the Update action link to navigate to the Update Work Order
Orders (resu page.
lts table)
:Open Work Orders Dashboard:

The Open Work Orders Dashboard displays open work order content for Oracle Maintenance.

 Review and act on work order exceptions such as cost overrun and scheduling delays.

 Expedite the completion of asset failure and downtime work orders.

 Resolve material shortage conditions.

 Analyze and update material and resource requirements for costly work orders.

Component Description

Open Work The Open Work Orders summary bar displays the following metrics:
Orders (summary
bar)  Approved Work Requests

This metric displays the number of work requests awaiting work orders. Select this metric to refine the work request results table with

the status Awaiting Work Order, and navigate to the Work Requests results table.
 Open

This metric displays the number of work orders that have a status of Draft, Unreleased, Released, and On Hold.

 Released

This metric displays the number of work orders that have been released. Click this metric to refine the dashboard data.

 With Alerts

This metric displays the number of work orders with alert conditions Schedule Delay, Cost Overrun, Failure Codes, Shutdown

Required, and Material Shortage Required. Click this metric to refine the dashboard data.

 Schedule Delay

This metric displays the number of delayed work orders.

 Cost Overrun

This metric displays the number of work orders with actual cost exceeding estimated cost.

 PM Work Orders

This metric displays the number of Preventive Maintenance (PM) work orders.

 Estimated Total Cost

This metric displays the total estimated costs for selected work orders.

Work Orders (tab The Work Orders by Type chart displays all open work orders grouped by work order type.
You can refine the dashboard data with the blank values.

The Work Orders by Status chart displays all work orders grouped by work order status. The chart defaults to the dimension
Work Order Status. Click the Options icon and select dimensions to view and sort this chart by:

 Work Order Status

 Work Order Priority
 Alerts

Note: The work order status is based on system work order statuses of Draft, Unreleased, On Hold, and Released. Your environment may have

different or additional statuses. Each status serves as a metric by which you can filter results. For example, if you click the Released metric,

then the application adds the metric to the Selected Refinements component and filters the results by released orders.

Note: Unassigned values for the Work Order by Priority attribute displays with the value 'Blank'.

You can refine the dashboard data with the blank values.

Click the Options icon to export both charts as an image, or in a Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file format.

Alerts (tab The Alert Type Distribution chart displays the number of work orders that have alerts and the associated alert types.
layout) For the total alert count, this chart shows the percentage contributed by each alert type with statuses Draft, Un-Released, On Hold,
and Released. Move your cursor over each type of work order in the chart to view the number of work orders associated with each type.
This chart displays work orders with the following predefined alerts:

 Material Shortage – Work orders with material shortage

 Schedule Delay – Work order scheduled completion date is prior to the current system date
 Cost Overrun – Work order count with actual cost greater than the estimated cost
 Failure – Work order count with failure code information
 Shutdown Required – Work order count containing shutdown required Yes at the work order level, or work orders containing at least
one operation shutdown required as Yes

The Alerts tag cloud displays alert values for the alert type. For example, Material Shortage is an alert type. In the tag cloud, it displays
the item and material name that have shortages. Tag clouds visually represent the number of occurrences of an item or action.
The larger the number of occurrences or actions, the larger the alert text and impact.
Click the Options icon to export both the chart and tag cloud as an image, or in a Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file format.

Assets (tab The Work Order (Count Distinct) by Asset Group, Work Order Status chart displays the open work orders data by Asset Group and
layout) Category combined. This bar chart includes open work orders with conditions and work order status. Click the Options icon and select
group dimensions to view and sort this chart by:

 Asset Group
 Asset Area
 Asset Category

Note: Unassigned values for the Asset Area and Asset Category attributes are displayed with the value "Blank".

You can refine the dashboard data with the blank values.

You can also click the Options icon to export the chart as an image, or in a Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file format.

Failures (tab The Work Order (Count Distinct) by Failure Code, Work Order Status chart displays open work orders data by Failure Code and
layout) Cause Code combined. This bar chart includes open work orders and work order status. Click the Options icon to export the chart as
an image, or in a Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file format.

Work The Work Orders results table displays all work orders that are in an open status. The open statuses include Draft, Unreleased,
Orders (results On Hold, and Released. Sort order of the table is based on the scheduled start date in ascending order.
table) This results table also displays the top ten records for material shortage (materials with top 10 shortage quantities are displayed in this
results table).
This results table also displays data based on attribute grouping. You can select the following attribute groups from the drop-down menu:

 Work Order (default) - displays work order information.

 Alerts - displays work order alerts detail.

Click the Update action link to navigate to the Work Order Details page to view additional information and update work orders.
Click the Quick Update action link to navigate to the Work Order Update dialog box. The Quick Update action link updates the
following key attributes in real time:

 Work Order Type

 Work Order Status
 Work Order Priority
 Work Order Scheduled Start Date
 Work Order Scheduled Completion Date

You can also click the Options icon to Compare work orders, Export work orders, Print a Work Order Report, and Export Schedule
from the Export Work Orders page.

Work Order Cost The Work Order Cost Estimate Details results table displays open work orders that have estimated costs. The Open statuses include Draft,
Estimate Unreleased, On Hold, and Released. Sort order of the table is based on the estimated total cost in descending order.
Details (results This results table also displays the top ten most expensive materials and resources from a selected work order. Select the Requirements
table) icon to navigate to the Top 10 Requirements by Estimated Costs window to view the top ten materials by Material Name, Quantity,
and Amount in descending order, followed by the top ten Resource Names, Usage, and Amount in descending order from the selected
work order.
Click the Update action link to navigate to the Work Order page to view information and update work orders. In the Update Work Order
page, you can review the alert condition and implement the necessary details to fix the alert condition.
You can also click the Options icon to Compare work orders, Export work orders, Print Work Order Report, and Export Schedule
from the Export Work Orders page.

Work The Work Requests results table displays work requests with statuses that include Awaiting Work Order and On Work Order.
Requests (results
table) Note: Unassigned values for the Asset Criticality attribute displays with the value 'Blank'. You can refine the dashboard data with the

blank values.

You can click action links to Create Work Order and Assign Work Order. You can also click the Options icon to Compare work orders
and Export a schedule from the Export Work Orders page.

:Materials Dashboard:
Use the Materials Dashboard from the Stores tab to search for items, item details, and activity. This dashboard provides improved and
responsive material management by considering maintenance criticality and usage patterns. You can use the Materials Dashboard to:

 Perform material allocation updates based on work order priority.

 Manage shortage conditions through inventory from other stock sources.

 Review unplanned material usage and update bills of material.

You can also view item metrics. subinventories, and an item results table.

From the Maintenance Super User responsibility, navigate to the Materials Dashboard:

(N) Maintenance Super User > Home > Stores (Tab) > Dashboard [Tab]

Component Description
Materials (summar The Materials summary bar displays the following metrics:
y bar)
 Organizations

This metric displays the number of inventory organizations. Click this metric to refine the dashboard data.

 With Alerts

This metric displays the number of materials with alerts for material shortage and unplanned material usage.

 Materials Shortage

This metric displays the number of materials and items with open quantity from work orders with statuses that include Draft,

Unreleased, On Hold, and Released. Click this metric to refine the dashboard data.

 Unplanned Materials Usage

This metric displays the number of work orders with materials issued quantity greater than the required quantity.

Click this metric to refine the dashboard data.

 Materials Allocated

This metric displays the number of materials allocated to work orders. Click this metric to refine the dashboard data.

Charts The Material with Alerts by Work Order Type chart displays the number of work orders with material shortage and excess material used.
Click the Options icon and select group dimensions to view and sort this chart by:

 Work Order Type

 Work Order Priority

Note: Unassigned values for the Work Order by Type and Work Order by Priority attributes are displayed with the value "Blank".
You can refine the dashboard data with the blank values.

The Material Availability by Organization chart displays material on-hand quantity and material names, sorted by organizations
owning the materials. This chart displays on-hand material by subinventory when you click on an organization that displays on the chart.
Click the Options icon and select group dimensions to view and sort this chart by:

 Organization
 Subinventory

You can also click the Options icon to export both charts as an image, or in a Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file format.

Materials (results The Materials results table displays attributes pertaining to item details. From the drop-down menu, you can select Miscellaneous
table) to view materials grouped by miscellaneous attributes.
Click the Options icon to:

 Compare and Export work orders

 Process the Work Order Component Pick Release concurrent program. After completing the EAM Work Orders Component Pick

Release concurrent program, Incremental or full load refresh updates the material level allocations.

Work Orders The Work Orders Materials results table displays attributes pertaining to work order details. This results table displays materials,
Materials (results materials allocation, and material shortage. From the drop-down menu, you can select Materials Details and Actions to view orders
table) grouped by material detail and action attributes. Navigate to Work Order Details and Actions from the drop-down menu to view
additional information.

Note: Material shortage in ECC displays based on the availability of material in subinventory entered in the work order.

Note: Unassigned values for the Work Order Type attribute displays with the value 'Blank'. You can refine the dashboard data with the

blank values.
Click the Options icon to Compare work orders, Export work orders, Print Work Order Report, and Export Schedule.

Note: This results table includes the following action-enabled attributes:

 Update - Click this action link to navigate to the E-Business Suite Update Work Order page.
 Organization - Click this value to refine the dashboard data with the selected organization ID.
 Work Order Number - Click this value to navigate to the E-Business Suite Work Order details page.
 Work Order Type - Click this value to refine the dashboard with the selected work order type.
 Work Order Status - click this value to refine the dashboard with the selected work order status.

Note: From the Work Order Details and Actions view, you can perform the following additional actions:

 Delete Material Allocation - Click this icon to navigate to the Material Issue page.
 Copy to Asset BOM - Click this icon to navigate to the Work Order page and Materials tab for the selected record to copy to asset BOM.
 Update Activity BOM - Click this icon to navigate to the Bills of Material form with the data from the selected work order to update the

BOM activity.

Material The Material Details results table displays attributes pertaining to on-hand quantity information at the locator and lot levels.
Details (results You can also search by locator or lot number. Click the column attributes to refine the dashboard data for the selected materials.
table) Click the Options icon to Compare and Export selected materials.

Note: The Materials Details results table and refinements are available only when Inventory Management Command Center is implemented.

Material Details results table displays details for all EAM enabled organizations irrespective of responsibility access.

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