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2 Table Integration Export Function And Enable the EAM Asset Create and Asset Attributes buttons

Table Integration Export Function for EAM and CS Users

This profile is also required for EAM resps to allow access to the WebADI button to create Assets and Create Asset
Attributes. This would replace existing manual efforts during asset creation.

This should be handled by the system administrator as it will have more impact than the specific modules. The Excel file
created will encounter the same Windows and Excel security restrictions observed in Finance WebADI workbooks.
Similar steps are required by users who want to open and update files downloaded using this Export function, or, the
creation of the Asset or Attributes workbooks.
We do not have a dedicated System Administrator so this will be handled on a best-efforts basis by the Application
support team.
Note: While this is a User level profile, EAM and CS users are limited to responsibilities without access to the
User Profiles page/form. They would not be able to update their user level profile value to enable this

System Configurations applied;

System Administrator> Profiles: System
Query the first resp in the list below, for the Profile = FND: Enable BNE Table Integration
Update the Responsibility level value from NULL to TRUE.

Perform the above for the following three responsibilities;

TOH BIO Maintenance Super User
TOH NEP Maintenance Super User
TOH Safety Officer

Background and reference information;
Source of profile value details = Oracle Application Framework Profile Options, Release 12.2.12 (Doc ID 2889505.1)

Profile = FND: Enable BNE Table Integration

Introduced in Release 12.2.6, this profile allows you to enable the export of table data from OA Framework classic or
advanced tables without having to implement an Export button. When enabled, an export icon automatically renders in
the table control bar, indicating that the user can download the table data as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Valid values
True - Enables export of table data as an Excel spreadsheet
False - Disables export of table data as an Excel spreadsheet
Tested in IT1 and shared to FIN and SCM Leads from EAM lead.

Cleared the global cache and logged out, new session to test
Navigated to a page in the updated resp and a Table now displays an option to Export table results.

While exporting it displays a progress indicator

Once completed, the in-line message appears

The file appears in the browser (Edge). Note the file extension used. Xlsm

Attempted to open the file directly from the browser and it would not open. Renamed the file and opened from File

File opens with the expected file format warning.

Noticed the file is protected and confirmed Excel is preventing my from resizing the columns or other interactions with
the file.
This functionality appears to have some value beyond OAF page tables. I ran a Task Search and the result table included
the option to export the data.

While exporting to PDF, a prompt for font size is displayed after choosing PDF

A progress indicator window appears

The browser (Edge) displayed the file downloaded

The PDF opens in the browser, however, the column widths are not ideal

Performed a export to Excel, Opened the local Downloads location, renamed the file from xlsm to xlsx

File did not open

Renamed file to .xls and opened

Allowed the file to open in protected mode

Test 2 – Follow the SNOW KB to update Excel settings
KB only applies to xls
does not include settings in Excel to update

Will follow instructions on email from Praveen on 29-Mar-2023 “RE: Journal Entries”
How to work on journal upload excel macros using Citrix Excel 2016
In the recent Microsoft updates, added security features were implemented in the office 365 excel version,
which is preventing opening/updating macro enabled excel workbooks (.XSLM files).
Use below instructions to open and work on the macro files using the Citrix Excel 2016 app for uploading
journals to Oracle.
Note: There are no changes to the Oracle processes once the journal lines are uploaded. You can continue
using Oracle eBusiness desktop shortcut to login, view and approve journal batches.
1. Login to the Citrix computer with your network login credentials as follows.

On your computer taskbar, click on the arrow to show the hidden icons, then click on ‘Citrix Workspace’ icon

If it prompts you to login, enter your email as User name and your computer password.

2. Once the Citrix page is open, click on Apps and then ‘Excel 2016 for Finance’ app to launch the excel. Mark the
star icon to add this App as a favorite, it will appear in your favorites app list next time onwards.

Note: If you do not see “Excel 2016 for Finance” app, click on “Refresh Apps”
3. Excel will launch. If you see below popup, select “Ask me later” and press “Accept”

4. On the excel, click on “Open Other Workbooks” to browse, and open the desired journal upload excel macro

5. Go to Open -> Browse. Click OK if you see below popup message.

6. Click on “This PC” to expand, then select the location (example: Finance V drive or your desktop Downloads
location) where the Journal upload macro files reside and open the desired macro file.
 If you need to access the macro file saved on your computer’s Downloads location, copy and paste the
below link in the address bar.


 If you need to access your local computer files, under the “This PC”, “Local Disk (C: on TOHXXX...)” will give
you access to your local computer files.

7. Once the Macro file is open, you can update the data, upload the journals, and save the macro as different file
name to the target location. When you open the Macro file, you may receive below warning message. Check the
box “Do not ask me again for network files” and click on Yes to trust the Macro file.
8. If you do not want to see this popup, follow below steps to add your respective finance V drive folder to your
trusted location.

Note: Do not add entire V drive as trusted location. This should be the location where you store your respective
excel macro files.

a) On the Excel, File -> Options -> Trust Centre -> Trust Centre Settings -> Trusted Locations

b) Add a new trusted location by checking “Allow Trusted Locations on my network” and press “Add new
c) Check “Subfolders of this location are also trusted” and press on “Browse” button to select the respective V
drive folder where excel macro files reside.

d) Press OK buttons to go back to Excel.

Even after following the steps to trust the network location and directory, the file by default is protected.

Clicked the Unprotect link and I was able to interact with the file (e.g. resize column widths)

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