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P&W R985 WASP JR. SERIES AN-I, -3, -4, -G, -GB, 10, -12, -12B, -14B, B3, B4, AND BS ENGINES | ILLUSTRATED PARTS | CATALOG Parts Catalog Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1 INTRODUCTION 1 GROUP ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST Front Case Main Crankease Chankshafe and Connecting Rods Cylinders, Pistons and Pistonrings Detectors Oit Sum Collector Case and tntake Pipes Reor Case Oil Pump and Pressure Relief Valve Searter Drive Generator Drive February 1962 Page Number Section ut Vv ae Tachometer and Gan Drive Magneto Drive Vacuum Pump Drive 4 Pump Drive Page Number Gun Synchronizer — (Optional Equipment) 48 Cylinder Priming Syscem jew and Attaching Pacts Carburetor and Attaching Parts ALPHABETICAL PARTS LIST. NUMERICAL PARTS LIST SERVICE TOOLS LIST Parts Catalog Section 1 Introduction SECTION I INTRODUCTION 1. GENERAL. a. This catalog lists and describes the parts for Wasp) Junior Models R.985-AN-1, 3, 4, 6, -6B, -10, 12, 12B, 14B, B3, BY & BS Fagines manufacwied by Pratt nd Whitey Aircraft, Division of United Aircrate Corporation, Fast Hartford 8, Connecticut, U.S.A., and is divided into five (5) sections as shown in the Table of Contents, 4. The Table of Contents at the frone of che catalog shows rhe method of grouping the parts and the sequence of the groups © The Group Assembly Parts List (Section 11) cons sists of the complete engine divided into 21 main groups as show in the Table of Concents, Each assembly Tised, is followed immediacely by its component parts properly indented, thereunder, co show their relationship co the assembly, Component parts of the complete engine, which re noe included in any assembly, but which are used in conjunetinn wich, attach, or attach to a certain assembly, re lived either preceding the firse detail or following the lase decail of that assembly, and in line with the major assembly ities listed in the “Units per Assy column of the Group Assembly Parts List are, ia the ease ‘of assemblies, the (oral quantity used per engine at che location indicated, while the component parts indenied under the assemblies are the quantity used per assembly. The quintities spevified therefore, ace noe necessatl the total used! per engine. Refer co the Numerical Parts Lise (Section IV) for the tocat quantities used pet engine. The qui ©. Pare numbers are used exclusively to identify parts, f. All dimensions showa herein ace nominal. They are inserted to facilitate identification for ordering and are nor co be consteued as restrictive in inspection, 2. REPLACEMENT STUDS. Where 004 inch OS seuds are listed in the Group Assembly or Alphanetical Parts Lise Sections, they re used as the first replacement of the standard size studs originally installed in the engine, February 1962 3, FRONT AND REAR The terms “front” and “rear” are determined by com: sidering the propeller end of the engine as th front, and the anti-propeller end as che rear. 4. RIGHT AND LEFT. The terms “right” and “left” in connection wich parts listed in ehis catalog refer to the viewpoint from the reat of the engine. 5. CYLINDER NUMBERS. Viewing the engine from the rear, eylinders are aum- bered consecutively in a clockwise direction around the engine starting with aumber one cylinder, which is the top eylinder. 6. ABBREVIATIONS. TThe abbreviations used throughout this cxtalog are as follows: Abbreviation Full Name & and dia diameter fe feet 1D Inside Diameter in. inch (es) Ib pound LH Left Hand mm millimeter No. Number (s) NPT National Pipe Thread op Outside Diameter PD Pitch Diameter pr pair PRW Pratt & Whitney Aircrate Division of United Aitcraft Corporation East Hartford 8, Connecticut, U.S.A, the thread 7. SYMBOLS. The symbols used throughout this catalog and cheie explanations are as fellows: * Indicates a pare nor to be stocked oF requisitioned asa detail part, # Indicates u part available in oversize and /or uader- Parts Catalog FOR USE OF PARTS CATALOG INSTRUCTIONS Section | Introduction NS URS TO this ARE “TURN TO ALPHABETICAL, TS NOM CATES. ) S-LOCATE PART ON | i | 2-TURN To PACE. s-ugeare ricure | RSTO ENS To secure past number wien name and location engine fe known orto secure the part tarse nd numisee bere oly the appearance of pare snd lection s hao ) Refer to Table of Contents o find axe number on whi the Major Assealy ‘rSpatem containing the pars shown, @) Turn wo he page where the Major ‘Assembly is shee, (@) Find pate and its pact umber on 4) Locate pare number on Group assem Si arte Lise page'whidh wll show pact February 1962 Figure 1 “To locate part name snd location ia engine vihen cals par numbee is kaon (3) Refer to Numerical Parts List to find pare number (©) Ture co page mumber in Group As sembly Parts ‘List shows, on Numeral ares List for hat parts (2) Find pact mumtas on Group Assem: Sip are it page Ek wl thom gre name and Saute Runber on which Patt is Taseated = (8) The illuscation will show the ocx thom of that part on the engine (©) eter to Aiphbetial Pars Lise find part ‘our (6) Tura wo pase sumber in, Group As. embly Bees Tine show on Alpnabeieal Bares List for that pare. 2 ee pes mms on anes List page, This number om whic partie pup Assembly shor figure ustase (8) The illusteation will show location of that part oa the engine 3 Section tt Parts Catalog Group Assembly Parts List SECTION II GROUP ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST FRONT CASE ai Fave Nomenclatu Pa Number Patt Number tae a son assy 2 048 Case w Studs Assembly — Front (for all engines excepe B4) 1 1097 Case & Studs Assembly — Front (For BA only) 1 39385 Case — Front vectioe (for all engines excepe B4) 1 109720 Case — Font sectioe (for BY only) 1 2 raa944 Stud — Plain 4624 thd 2s in. long Chrust sovers use (5) waits for Bi) Wet ie seats Stud same a8 42419 ely 008 in oxersve RIFE Sead same a8 249 0m 012 in. oversize 2 a Dowel —Suaight 250 dia x 625 in, long (dhrose cner locating) ' 2 +3966 Liner —Theust beating t 37966425 Liner same as 37966 snl 025 in, oversize 09454 Bushing — 750 1D w 1.1895 O1 ¥.965 in, tong (Feone case; for BY only) ' HGS 4 Sead — Drilled 375.16.24 thd S060 ia. tong Cheust cover: foe BE uals) 004 in 265-48 Sead stone 39 77765 cy 008 in verze pr6s-.12 Stud same a8 77765 enly 012 in, versice 2 Hoss Scud — Plain .3125:18-24 thi «1.875 in, long (oil sump fastening; for all engines except BA) 004 in, ovecsine 2 nr0ss48 Seat samie as 12055 ely 08 i. aversive 12055. Stud same ay 12055 ely 012 in aversive 9010644 Stud — Plain 3125-16-26 thd x 1.875 in, long Coil sump fastenings for BY only) 014 so.0s8 Stud same a5 90106 only 08 in. oversize 2 f12088-+4 Stud — Ficed %-20-28 thax se in. lang (propelte regelator valve: for all enines except BA) 004 in. oversize 2 oss 48 Stud same as 12085 cls 008 in oversize 12088-412 Seud same a5 12088 cay 012 in oversize Fss6334 Stud —Plain 3125-1824 thd x 1-42 an, lnag (psopeller regulator valves for BE only) {006 in. oversize 2 sn848 Stud same a6 S889 erly 008 in nersive 2 120894 Stud ~ Plain 250-2028 thd x [125 in, long (propeller cegulatoe valves for all engines except BA) .004 in, oversize 2 oo +8 Sod same as 12089 cy 0 in, wversice 1208-412 Stud same a5 1208) enly 012 in oversee trn2sse4 Stad—Plain 2502628 thd x LIBS in. long (propeller regulator valve covers for BY only) 004. oversize 4 2825348 Stud same a5 28255 anly 008 in. aversive 28285512 Sead same as 28255 oly 012 in. oversee 209153 Bushing — Flanged £25 ID x.752 OD x 870 in, long Coil transfer cubes for BY only) t 09461 Tube Assembly — Propeller shaft dhrust bearing oil transfer (For B& only) February 1962 5 Section Il Group Assembly Parts bist Fiawe umber 2 $0098 sous s pronto prreary pow soni soava10 S940 F158 9098 S455 sows410 son9s15 +9196 sH645 9496-410 sni964 05 soso 1270 39304 0986 0383 fom wu 36407 19209 96or 6576 gist 12156 od 235 20189 77106 33932 50353 13700 m s9i90 $9491 4598 esoi02 39784 5999 wii FRONT CASE Nomenclnure .2a ase? Parts Catalog Guide —Intake valve tapes upper Case (5) ures on all engines except BA) 9 Guide same ay 39193 ony 409, oversize Golde sme as 894935010 in oversize Guile sane as 9949S nis 015 in oversize Guide — Torake valve tappet Jewer (forall engines except BA) Guide same ny 22494 only 05 in weersize Guide same a6 19494 only IO ia oversize Guide same a6 92194 only 15 in osersice Guide —Fahaust valve vappet sper (ase (5) uoies on all engines except 4) > Gide sive 39 9495 only Gilde same as 3495 only O10 in oversize Guide sme a6 9595 omy 015 in oversize Guide — Exhanse valve tappet lower (for all engines excepe BA) Guile sume xe 81496 ony 05 in eversize ‘Guide samte as 39:96 only.010 fa oversize Guide ssmieas 89196 only 018 in, oversize Manifold Brsviag Assembly — Rocker oil Pipe — Versgal prpelier ot feed {forall engines excers D4) Pipe — 8) 1D x 312-314 OD xv Gasket — Propelier regulator valve cover (For BE only) Cover — Propeller cexulator valve (foe BA only) Valve Assembly Complete Propeller regulator (log AN engines o ‘Shaft—Oil cuntrol valve (For AN engines oa) Gasket Oil conteol valve cover (lor AN engives only) ives — Oil conical salve (or AN engines only) Packing —Hydeo valve (lor AN engines only) Nut—Hhdro propeller operating shalt packing (For AN engines only) Lever — Propeller regulator valve (supertedes No. 40098 for AN engines) in. kang Covopeller regulator valve ol feed) Pin Tapered 125 dia x.750 in. long (propeller regulator valve lever locking; for AN engines oly) Gasket Propelier govsinor oil pressure tube flange to front crankcase (Jor B3 & BS only) Flange Propeller governor oil pressure tube (for BS & BS only) Plug. ube Mange hole: nse No, AS (00029 wie; for BS & BS onhy) 438 Square head x.575-18 Pipex 796 sa. long (peupeler governor il pressure Washer — Plain "oy ID x "se OD! i. tick (propeller regulator valve cover; forall ‘engines except BA) Nut == Five insert 1-26 thd x yin. thick (propeller regulator valve cover) Gasket — 13825 ID.125 OD x. ia, thick (front crankease. renter plug) 1 Plug — 1.000 Hexagon head x F ‘engines except BA; wre No. AS 100029 wire) Pipe Assembly — Breather (for B4 only) Body — Breather conection (for BE only) Gasket — 1281 1D x 1.500 OD x 781 in. thick (bod breather connection; for BE only) Connection — Breather exhaust (oe BA only) for B& only) Washer — Plain BE only Screw — Rocker oil manifold (se No. AS 100029 wire) Sere: — Rocker oil manifold (use No. AS 100029 wire) Tappee Assembly — Valve “Tapper — Valve Socket — Pusheod ball Roller — Valve tappet Pin — Roller 3135 dia x.78 in, Tong (ealve tappet rolle.) thd x2 im. long (rea czankease breather: forall Hexagon bead drilled -28 thd x ssi. long (connection breather exhaust; Tin Wx '2 OD ey in. dick (connection breather exhaust screws for February 1962 Section It Parts Catalog Group Assembly Parts List ‘ 4381 Ms 0 eeaay 39489 39491 Ba i a ES HmNN Soave 37965 24967(317915449 0 ror 1020 \2a8944 Pf 38606 19209 ‘ - 9232 \ “| s7169 wer 15008 Figure 2. Front Case February 1962 7 Section It Group Assembly Parts List Figure Number 2 2 2 2 2 Number so710 38006 3 a1 26452 ais 208934 1020 019 307 57365 16028 3 26832 8 pista 11844 18109 35221 37100 136 79 14955 74945, sss ont Number e475 on06 Parts Catalog FRONT CASE site Nomencavure er tana eo? assy Sceow— Filler head dried 14-20 ehd x2 in. tong (for engines having craakease with Tapped holes in front of the valve appet guide hosses & opposing holes in the valve rapper guides) 18 Seal 16625 ID%.125 in, dia Roond (2ose housing co main crankease; spersedes No. 12584) Washer — Plain ig ID x Siig OD x ty in. dek nase section wo main crachcase suds) Nut-—Plain Sig Hexagon head S26 dhdx is i. dick (for use with Pact No. 38300 cowl stud) Nut Fibre insere 3024 thd.e hy jn, thick (nose section to main crankcase sta) Washer —Plaia “lie ID x%y OD x fig im thick (ose section to Part No, 42422 main crankcase std) 1 Nat Plain Yj Hexagon head x 7-24 thd « gio, thik (nose section 40 Past No, 2422 main crankcase stad) 1 Palau 500 in, Hexagon head x 312524 PD (nose section 10 Part No, 42422 oun crankcase stud) ‘ ‘Washer —Plain *K ID x Mig 9D) x ti im thick (enn crankease (0 nnse housing long, sad) 1 Nuc Casled Hexagon head x y-24 thd x iy sa, thick (main erankease to nose housing kong sds wre Na. AS 100029 wire) L Beating Option —- Propeliee thrust (procurement number consists a Part No. 117 Bearing — Ball 3.1496 1D x 5.518 OD x 10236 io, tong (optional v0 Part No. 284902): Part No. 288902 Bearing — Wall 3.1496 ID x 5.518 OD x 1.0286 in. wide Coptional vo Part No. 117) ‘ Slinger — Propeller theust beasing oil 1 Spanacenot—25(-12 PD x 340 x "jn, thick (propeller theust bearing) 1 Ring— Propeller dhrust hearing spacer ' Cover —Theust bearing 1 Spacer — 391 ID x G88 OD x 312 in. thick (@hrust cover) 7 Washer — Plain 2 BD x! OD x Yi in thick (propeller shruse cover nuts) 7 Nut Fibee insert e24 thd > 5 in. dick (propeller thrust cover) Nut—Castled 8 in, Hexagon head x %t6 thd (¢heust cover stud; for BA ony) Plug — Plain slowed 3jo-18 thdx "in, Tong (optional cowl aitaching holes in nose hous ing) 4 lug sate as 15445 only .004 in oversize Spacer 104 ID x 188 OD x 125 in thick (data plate) Plate — Engine daca (for AN engines only) 1 rate — Fogine data (lor B3 & BS oaly) 1 «Rivet — Round head .0937 dia x *4u in. long (plate data) 4 Washer — tse ID x Yh OD x Mis in dick (place data) 4 ipe Assembly — Front case to rear (for BY os) ' Gasket — Pipe front case 10 eete (foe BE only) ' [Nut Fibre insert erat thd x 2%, in. thick (Frome case to rear pipe flange: for BA only) 2 MAIN. CRANKCASE Nomendatore r dasa ser ay CCrankease Assembly — Main (lor all engines except BA) 1 Crankease Assembly — Main (lor BA only) 1 Crankcase Machining Assombly — Masa (forall engines except Ba) : Ceaakcase Machining Assembly) — Main (for B4 only) 1 CCrankease — Froat ausin forall engines except Bi) t Crankcase — Frome tin (for BA ols) 1 February 1962 Section It Group Assembly Parts List Parts Catalog v+sgoz1 \ je sezerisy, * B10 9795 | dopy B6oIte asgs L186 Figure 3. Main Crankcase February 1962 Section It Group Assembly Parts Reve Number Fart Momber s1s6ss 74943, 13589 559043 5359420 5 19209 9209-44 s20-+4 3 +5670 som043 so704 10 sic1046 3 ssasoue 630046 86300512 ere 1208148 oa 16 nao 208166 2081-70 aot 74 5 sonse4 ares ini 5 posré4 n0st48 120st12 057402 $3682 Ports Catalog MAIN CRANKCASE pa 4 ser Cranhcase — Rear main (jor all engines except BO Grankeate — Rese main (ar B4 only) Linee— Front maia bearing 5.500 in, OD Liner same as 9559 nly 095 in, oversize OD Liner sta at 9559 ly 695 in-aversize OD Liner same as 3559 only 0 139, oversize OD Liner saice as 3859 only 20h, oversize OD Kiner— lear ania bearing ner same as 920 uy 93 in. oversize Liner same a3 9269 ny 004 in. oversize Liner same as 9269 only 005 i, oversize Liner same as 9209 only 010 in. oversize Liner same a6 9260 oly in — Straight 1885-1896 dia x 500 in, bong (leoot & rear main bearing liners) Pig same a8 27 only 006 i. oversize Pin same ax 27 only O11 m-oversize Ferrule 594 1D x 6898 O1 x 1,000 sn. Fong (crankease oil hole) Bushing — Flanged 995 1D x 1,189 OD x 1.961 in, long (arn eedoction gene) Bushing same as S670 only Miia. oversize Bushing same 28 5670 only 008 in. oversize Bashing same as $670 only OW in, oversize Pin Swaight -1285 da x 486 in. long (cam ceduetion gear bushing) Pin same as 15 only 040 in, ovetsze in same as {5 only 020 i. oversee Pn same as 15 only 030 in, averse Sead — Plain 16-26 thd x 175 in, long (emai crankcase to nose housings mpersedes No. 15274) 004 in. oversize Stud same as S460 oaly 008 ia. oversize Sead same as 46100015 012 a. oversize Stud — Plain 0375-1626 thd 9 2.156 ia. long (ain crankcase co nove section special ‘com attaching) 0 in. oversize Saud same us 38800 ony 008 in, oversize Stud same a $8300 only 012 ie. oversize Sud — Plain 3754628 ad » L562 in, long Cepliadce flange) 004 in oversize Stud same ay 12081 oaly 008 i. oversize Stud same as 12081 only O12 ie. oversize Soud same ts 12081 only 1G a. oversize Sead same 2¢ 12081 only 062 in. oversize ‘Stud same a4 12081 ony 06 in. oversize Stod same a 12081 ony 070 in oversize ‘Stud stme a5 12081 aly 074 in. oversize Stud — Stepped 37516 & .5125.24 thd & 1.625 in. Jong (oil sump avtaching) 004 in. Stud same a5 12085 only 008 7 oversize Stud same as 12085 only 012 i. oversne Stud — Stepped .575-16 & 3 25-24 dhd x 1.594 fn, long (main crankcase 1 Rose see tion) 004 in. oversize Seud same a5 42422 ony 008 i. oversize Stud same a6 42422 only 012 i, oversize Stud— Plain 375-1624 thd x 1.938 in, Jong Coin crankcase (0 blower) 004 in Stud same as 12087 naly 008 in. oversize Stud same a5 12057 only 012 in. oversize Stud seme 2¢ 12057 nly 062 i oversize Fitting — Main crankcase oil pressure Screw —Fillister bead drilled *)-20 thd "w ia. long (main « Btcings wie No. AS 100029 wive) Unit any February 1962 Parts Catalog Number Past Number 3 408 3 465 3 3861 3 186 3 533 3 9401 4 “0 3 51098 e447 2987 3 4486 > won 3 AS 125788 85325 > 33091 186 3 13033 303343, 3 3036 3 145 sues 18600 : 18399) 18016 3 5658 502 7916 3 40337 ays 3710 3 10269 3 10x68 3 202 3 sez 3 9903 S90 i983 3 937 1189 10019 3 10266 3 433055 February 1962 Section It Group Assembly Parts List MAIN CRANKCASE Bolt — Shovidered % Hexagon hesd x halves; use (4) units for Bs) Bole —Shouldered % Hexzgon head x Fy020 thd x 3K. in. tong Cena erankease halves & lifing links; use (2) unis forall engines except BA) Link — Engine lifting (use (2) units for all engines excepe BA) Washer —Plain %y! ID x fy OD x in. thick (maia eeankense bolts; wse (12) units for BA) Nut — Castle 4375.20 ch « 454 in. thick (onain crankcase bolts) Washer— Plain 4551 ID x .802 OD x.093 in. thick (main crankcase stud) Stud — Double shoullered Tin-24 & Sie-24 thd x 9" in. long (main cranks sec tions attaching t note section) Gear Assembly — Cam reduction (supersedes No. 5965) Gear —Cam reduction small (use with Pare No 3968) Gear — Cam countershaft (use with Pact No. 3905) Rivet — Round head “din x % in long. (cam reduction gear; use (6) units for ‘seats with (6) holes) Nor— Cam reduction gear Corzerpin — 086.090 dia x 500 in. long (cam reduction gear aut; supersedes No. 7916 er 73127) Cotterpin — 100-105 dia x 4625 in. long (onan crankcase bole m0) Seal — 656 ID x .094 ia. thick (maia crankcase halves around Part No, 4447 stud) Gear _& Ring Assembly — Cam Drive Gear —Cam drive Gear same a5 3033 oly 003 in. oversize Ring —Cam drive gear Gasket — 409 1D Pipe fanged x .031 in, thick (blower oil pressure pipe bracket) Bracket & Pipe Assembly — Oil feed rear Bracket Assembly —Oil feed rear Bracket Assembl/— Oil feed Bracket — Cit feed Bole —Dailed 7y Hexagon head x 1-28 dhd x 1" i, long. Coil feed bracket) Washer — Fain Vay ID 14 OD x fig in. thick (oil feed bracket) Nut —Castied ia Hexagon head x 14-28 thd x Ys in, thick (oil Feed bracket bolts) Cowerpin —.072-076 dia x 500 in, long (oil feed bracket bolt aus) ing — Oil seal — Oil feed bracket Ring same at 6257 only 00S in, undessine Ring same 36 6257 only 010 in, ondersie Bracket — Blower of! pressure pipe Pipe— Oil feed upper Screw — Fillister head drilled 1-20 thd x Sie ia. long (oil pressure pipe bracket; we No. AS10U029 wire) Screw —Fillster head diled ‘45100029 wire) 20 thd x 482 io, tong (wai crankease 1 cha x ig im, long (oil feed brackets wre No, Rivet — Round head 157 dia x jx io. long (cam sesembly) Spacer Assembly — Crankshaft thrust bearing (forall engines except B4) Spacer Assembly — Cranks crust bearing (for BA only) Spacer —Crankshafe theust beating Ring — Oil seal 3.647 ID x 3.750 OD x 1845 ia. thick (crankshaft thrust bearing spacer; use (1) anit for BA) aay ‘ Section t Group Assembly Parts List Figure Number 2 4 Past Nonber sais 155-110 485520 333520 S552 si55R3 Sa55R4 +578 1578435 261280 28 260279 61278 30554 91 34467 spud sa091s set M402 3403 Stes Sto4 23902 eu 167 2 44078430 39570 aostt sorse MAIN CRANKCASE Nomendltare t2aes ee Ring same as 33455 only 05 in oversize Ring same a5 83455 only 010 in eversize Ring seas $3455 onfy 010 in eversize Wid Ring same a5 33455 only 020 in oversine Ring sere a8 33455 ly 020 im oversize Wid Ring same ss 33455 only 010i oversize on OD and 10 i, Ring same 25 83455 poly 10 in oversize on OD and 020, Ring ste as 33495 only (20 in aversize on OD and 40 in, Ring sme as 33455 only 20 in oversize om OD and 020 in Spacer — Crankahale adjusting Spacer same as 1578 only 035 in oversize CRANKSHAFT AND CONNECTING RODS Nomendavere t2aase? Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Parts Catalog Unit any sversize on Widkls oversize on Wi fersice on Width fering on Wide Unite sy CCeankshaft Belancing Assembly With Plugs—-For AN-14B, B5, & BS engines with 1% 1 N-5 in. erankshafe disibuior valve thread (ecplaces No, 42087 crankshaft assem: Bly with 1je 16 N-3 io. crackshate distributor valve theead; supersedes No. 39892) 1 Cceaalehatt Balancing Assembly With Plugs — For Bi only (supersedes No, 80986 oF 261296) Crankshaft — Front (lor ANMB, BS, & BS only: contained in Part No, $9892 crankshaft assembly: replaces No. 40850; supersedes No. 59581) 1 Ceackshaft Front (lor Ba enlys mpersedes No. 46553) ' Cap— No. 80 (propeller shatetheead: for AN-14B, B3, & BS only) 1 Cap — No. 40 (prapeller shaft dreads foe all engines excepe AN-1AB, BS & BS) 1 Gounterweight— From outer (supersedes No. 39917) t Gounterweight — Frabe inace (supersedes No. 39916) : Ret 7485 dia x 1210 de, loa (couneerweight) 1 Rivet — 7485 dia x 1.798 in long (ooumterweight loag) 5 Rivet — 9985 dia x 1.798 in, lng (coumcerweight large diameter) 2 Grenkshafe — Rear ' ounterweight — Rear 1 Liner — Flyweight 2 Flyweight — Outer ' Flyweight — Outer te Flyweight — Toner 1 Flyweight — Inver L Screw — Flyweight 2 Expadel — Flyweighe sere 2 River — 7485 dia x 1.805 in, long (coucereihe shoet) 5 Jec— Crankshaft oit ' Bolt 1's Hexagon head x %-16 thd 51M%y in. long (eranksha) 1 Screw — Flat Blister head Ni, 10.32 thd x %e in. log ¢spline locating) L Plug — Crankshaft (for all engines except AN-L4B, BY & BS) ' Plug same a5 44078 only 080 in. oversize Plug —Ceanksbatt (lor AN-U4B, BS & BS only; contained in Part No, 39892 crank shaft assembly) 1 Pin Straight 185 dia x 2804 in, long (crankshaft plug: for ANB, BS & 5 only ontained in Part No. 9392 crankshaft assembly) ' Pipe — Crankshaft (ior all engines except AN-14B, BS, Bi & B5) ' February 1962 Section Group Assembly Parts List Ports Catalog sseor ‘SSE0r idaiad tseoy | soLey ou —@$0@) a= -O —— — | / ; tbe | ozitt oT | 6 ! «stor Ue eel List, 82928 Ue i it sors |e oxsce —o8soe | vesee | oxsee\ i pans 66%, | BLS6E SLS6E bai } Svsoz—exoL ZLOL FLO areot—» ysecee caver Oe zose— Yee ' te cee a Figure 4. Crankshaft and Connecting Rods 3 February 1962 Section Il Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Group Assembly Parts List Parts Catalog CRANKSHAFT AND CONNECTING RODS Figure Nomendatare Number ort Number pasa seer 02a Pipe —Crankshaly (for BA ants: sopersedes No. 80985) 1 4 076 Seed == 69611) 125 dn, eck (front cranks plug, for all engines excepe AN-1B, B&BS) ‘ 4 264399 ug Socket head 625-18 thd 9 750 19. Hong Ceankshate play supersedes No, 14075: forall engines excepe AN-HAB, BS & Bs) ' 4 es? Plog —18iet2 thd x 2s dn. one No. € Dil (cranksafe inner) 1 “ Pin 291 dia x $00 in. leng—-No, 60 Deill (crankshaft ear) 1 * sare Pipe — Crankshaft : soso Pipe Assembly —Crankshae (for AN-IMB, BS & BS only: contained in Past Xo. sono? crankshaft assembs) : 4 40382 Pipe Assembly —Crenkshafe (for AN-LAB, BS & BS aly: coneained in Pave No. 42087 veaakshate seseably) 1 ‘ 40356 Support — Crankshatt il presse pipe cere (contained in Past No, 42087 crankshaft ‘ssembly) ' 40357 “Tube = Crankshaft oil presure (cowtained in Past No. 42087 ceanksaic assembly) 2 4 0558 Washer — Pluie Thy ID x 1's OD x ly it. thick (cankshaie oil pressure pipe rear faut: contained in Pare No (2087 ctankshafe asembly) 1 ‘ 1120 ‘Tabwaher 719 1D 988 OD x 058 fn thick (crankshaft oil pressore pipe rear faut contained im Part No, $2087 crankshaly avery) t ‘ nn106 Now Spanner Mig é PD x Fhe x ay a0. dick (Crankshaft il pressuce pipe se: contained in Part No, 42087 craakshaft asernhly) 1 4 wr Gasket 1409 HD 1.672 OD x 063 i hick (eranksbafe plo iomers for AN 13 & Bs only) 1 4 sos78 Gasket — Crankshaft plog outer (for ANB, BS & BS only) , 4 sys hug = CrankshafeFrove (for AN-14B, BS & DBS oly) 1 4 y379 Plug —-.250 Hexagon head 50020 NF thd x 688 is. lone Ceramkohfe fa ps for AN-14H, B3 & BS only) 1 4 oa Gasket — 516 TD 688 OD x 78 fa, thick (crankshalt front plugs for ANB, Bs & BS only) ' 4 sons Nov — Crankshaft front plug. (for AN-1B, BS 8 BS only: contained in Part No, ‘9192 craskshale assembly) L 4 038s Noe—Ceankshart font plug (for AN-LIB, BS & BS nets: camtained in Part No. 2087 crankshaft assembly) ' 4 39576 Washer — Cranksha froce plog Jor AN-ISB, BS & BS cay: contained in Part No. {0692 crankshaft assembly) 1 4 70s Washer —Cranksbatefrore plug (Foe AN-LAB, By a BS only. canned in Pare No, {12087 crankshaft assemb i228 Washer — Plain My ID xin, OD x Sri. ick Ceeankshale feont plug: for AN-14B, BS & BS only) 3 4 220 Screw —Fillister bead No, 832 thd x Un, jong (crankshaft front plu: ase No. “AS10020 wire: for AN-1AB, BE & BS only) : 207008 Plug —Grankshate front (for AN-LIB, BS & BS: for use in ple of Pat No. 39574 plug "shen any anserference is necunteeed at installation) ' 20346 Concepin — 948-099 da x 875 in. Tong (locks esankshafe bolts supersedes No. 8) ' ‘ aay Bearing Option —Crcekshait rear: main (supersedes No. 10742; procarement number consists of Pate No. 32835 Rearing — Roller 51488 ID x 4.818 OD x 1.0256 in, loos Coptioaal, fe Part No, 288914 01 359238) Part No. 288014 Rearing, — Roller 5.1488 1D x 5.518 OD x 1.0236 in Wide (opeionat to Pace No, 32855 of 359238) Part No. 359238 Bearing — Roller $1488 ID x 5.51 OD 1.0236 in Wide (optional to Part No, 32638 01 288914) 1 4 pis Geer — Crankshaft ret L 4 299 Screw — Flat head 8o-24 ahd x % in, long Crankshaft ear geas) 4 4 93 Band — Blower spring drive fico 1 4 5078 Plate — loner spring deive fosting t “ February 1962 Parts Catalog Member r Number noe 13950 9383 533 20sis 4 325683 sores 12502 sya sos 5786 228512 4 #39786 397802 307864 307866 rast 4 52088 329832 984 329836 ry 3298310 5208312 suas 32983—16 5208318 3298320 5298545 S083 452 32983454 S298345—6 s29n3+5—8 320034510 B98 H5—12 S98 }5—14 S20834 516 820834518 529834 5—20 a2e3410 320834102 820884 104 52983106 529884 10-8 B29 1010 February 1962 CRANKSHAFT AND CONNECTING RODS Nomencletre . aaa eae Burton —Blower spring drive Spring — Blower spring drive Plate — Blower spring ive fixed Bolt — Blower spring erive eo crankshafe ataching ‘Washer — Plain in Min ID x OD x! in, hick (blower spring drive bolt aut) Nut — Castle 4875-20 thd » 454 io. thick (Blower spring drive bolt) Section I Group Assembly Parts List si ee 4 Conterpin 100.205 dia x 250 in, long (blower spring drive bole aut: supersedes No, 11359) Bearing: Option — Frovt main (supersedes No. 10781; procurement number consists of Pare No. 71 to Pare No. 235682) Pare No, 52562 Braring — Rollee 29528 ID x 5.1181 OD x 9843 to Pare No, 71139) Rods Assembly Complere — Connecting (For all engines except 4) Rods Assembly Complete — Connecting (oe BA onl) "Masterod Assembly Complete — (Ior all engines except B4) 19 Beating. Roller 2.9528 ID x 5.1181 OD #9843 in. long (optional Wide (optional -Masterod Assembly Complete same as 39747 only 004 ia. undersize Masterod Astemblr Complete same as 39787 ooly 006 in. undersize Masterod Assembly Complete ~ (for B4 only) ‘Mastrod Beating Assembly — (for all engines except B0) 1 Masterod Bearing Assembly same as 39786 only 002 in. undersize Masterod Bearing Assembly same at 39786 only 004 in. undersine asterod Besring Assembly same as 39786 only 006 ia. undersize Masterod Assmmbly — (for BG only) Masterod Bushing — Plain 1.375 ID x 1.5848 OD ¥ 1.750 ie, long (pistonpin: super wede: No. 337) Dowel — Straight -168 din x 208 in, long (pistoapin bushing) 1 [Bearing — Mastered (For all engines except BA) Beating aime as 32983 only Bearing sime as 32983 oaly Besting sme a8 52983 only Beating me as 2985 only Bearing sme as 32988 only Bearing sie 2 32983 only Bearing sime 35 32983 only Bearing same as $2985 only Beating ame a6 32983 only Beating same as $2983 only Bearing sme as 32983 only Bearing em as 32983 only Beating sme as 32983 als Beacing same as $2985 only Beacing sme as 32983 onls Bearing same ay 32983 only Rearing same as 32983 only Bearing same as 32985 only Bearing ame as 32983 only Tearing same as 32983 only Bearing same as 32983 only Beating ame as 32983 only Bearing same as 32983 only Bearing ame a5 82985 only Beating same a5 2983 only Bearing same xs $298 only Bearing same 25 32985 aly ‘002 in {06 in 04 out in 16 in (008 in. ‘03 in 005 in 008 in 105 i, 008 ia. Ou in nin ‘undersize sindersice vdersize tundersine undersice undertize undecsize ondersize sondeesie ndersize foersice on OD & 02 i undersize oe 1D fversice an OD & 04 sa undersire se 1D fovetsizeon OD 8 06 in. undersize on 1D twersize on O1 & 008 in andersiz on TD bwersize on OD & 010 in. andersize on ID. ‘012 in undersive on 1D fersize on OD & O44 in. undersize on 1D fversize on OD & OIG in undersize os ID ‘oversize on OD & 18 in, undersize on ID oxetsice on OD & 020 in, undersize on ID ‘oversize on OD & 002 in undersize on ID fovetsizeoa OD & 004 ia. undersize oa ID ‘oversize on OD & 006 in. undersize on ID ‘oxetsire on OD & 00H in undersize om 1D ‘oversize on OD & 10 in. undersize on ID 15 ‘wroup Assembly Parts List Parts Catalog CRANKSHAFT AND CONNECTING RODS Figure Nomendetare Pet Mumber Pert Number tra aser sor se08s410-—12 Fearing sane as 32988 on 400i oversize 9 OD 042 40, undersize om 1D S298} 1014 Bearing same a5 32983 omby 1G in, oversize on OD 8-044 im unersire om 1D 32985-1016 Bearing sume ov 329880nly 00 in. versie on OD 8 04639. vodersize un 1D S205 10-18 Beating same ay 32986 ony 10 in. oversize on OD & O18 in. undersize 9 1D S295 1020) Bearing same av 829830 010 jn. oversize ct OD & 20 in. undersire on ID suai Beating — Masterad tanperveder No. 12983 for BA) 1 1264952 Bearing same a9 128155 ots 002 in uersize 1290954 Bearing sam ay 128165 oy 04 unersze 1281956 Bearing same 36 (2465 vals an i undersize Les Bearing sme 46 (28465 only COM in undessie 128005—10 Paring same as 128465 oaly 10 ia undeesice nwi9s—22 Bearing same a8 128865 only 012 fo, undersize ne essing same a 128%65 vals OL ia undersize Las 5-—16 Besring came 3 ORi85 only W6in.ondersice LaR9s—18 Bearing seas 28488 only 1B in, undersize 12889520 essing sme 46 128185 only H20 ia. undersize Basi9545 Beating vines 128188 only 0 in csercize sips 152 Bearing samens 128195 only 05 én oversize om OD & 902 ja undersize on HD Lawi95 $54 Bearing same ss 28198 only 05 in exersize om OD & RH 0. undersize on WD Lis 56 Bearing same as 12895 ony 5 i osersize on OD 8 006 in, undsize 9 1D 1955-8 Bearing same as 128095 only 05 in oversize OD S008 0, undersize on 1D 1280984510 Beating sime as 128195 only US in aversive no OD & 010 in, wndersize on 1D SOS 5-2 Beneing eames 124098 only 00 in, aersize on] OD & O12 a, wadessize no ID i2g95 4514 Beating sames 128195 only 408 i oversize on OD & 014 jo, undersize on 1D pastor 516 Bening sien ay 128895 oy 004 jp oversize on OD 4.016 in. undesize ow HD 128495 4518, Bevsing same 25 128095 wy 05 i oversize ot OD A IN sn. undeesie on 11D 284954 520 Bearing same a5 128105 ons 05 in verize ot OD & 1120 0, wadersize on 1D 28195 }10 essing sime a4 128175 ons 10 in. oersize Laas p10 Bearing sme 15 12805 only ia, wversize en OD & 002 a. wodersie on ID 28955 104 Beating same a5 12805 onl; Ut i, oseenize on OD & 004 jo. undersize 90 1D 1284954 10-6 Bearing wameas 128995 only 00 in. oversieun OD & 0UG i undersize nn 1D 128495 }10—8 Bearing same a5 12805 oat, .O10 in. oversize on OD 008 in. undersze on 1D rasi95+ 010 Bearing sime 26 128005 oy 010 in, owerize a OD & 010 it, undetsize o9 ID restos 1012 essing sie a8 L245 ony 010 im. wersize a OD & O12 in, dersie on ID Land9s-f 1014 Beating sume 25 [28095 only 610s, weeraive om OD & 01430. undersize on ID 2954 10-16 Bearing sume 4 UBDS only lit in, wersize on ODS 0160, undersize oa 1D BRIE 1018 Bearing same as 128095 only iin, eerszeon OD & 018 is ndersize vo ID Rearing same a5 128895 only OD is. nersize oa OD 8 020 i andersize on 1D) 4 Liokpin Assembly — 108141.0597 in. OD 8 07858 Tinkpin Assembly 0897-10000 in, OD sors Linkpin Avembls 106-4 0603 ia. OD owsDAL Linkpin Assembly 1940-1 446 im, OD S078 Linkpin Assembly 1 0c. 609 in, OD SO7HSELI Tinkpin Assembly 1.609-4,0612 ia, OD SO7RSATS Linkin Assembly 0610-10647 in, OD SorasBs Linkpia Assembly 10617-14660 ia, OD 39785C 5 Linkin Assembly 1680 10653 4m, OD s9785D 46 Tinkpin Aseembly 1.68 0686 in, OD SUIRSE LS Linkpin Assembly 1.065601 8659 in, OD BIRSELS Linkpin Assembly £:0639:1.0662 ia, OD STS HO Linkin Asyembly 1.909.069" in. OD sorssBe10 Linkpia Avcembly 1.0697 147009, OD 39745 40 Linkpin Assembly 14700 0703 in. OD soresb411 Tinka Assembly 10708 140706 in, OD Su28SEE LE Linkpi Asseinbly 1.0°06.0709 in, OD S78 Linkpin Assembly 10709-10712 ia. OD wy Linkin 1 16 February 1962 Parts Catalog Member Pest Number serio sores 974 3592 #09 4 326 4 sas. 4 6 93 399388 399384 5 se 539025 0317 s 73500 3500-45, 3500-410 38004420 5 20786 2078645 20786-4410 s $2108 as s 42943 200345 5 196 3496-43 Soot 96410 MOGHIS 3496-420 3496430 5 43929 $52943 sa945 3529410 3520-415, 3529-420, 3 f39ses 3952843 3952345 February 1962 Section I Group Assembly Parts List CRANKSHAFT AND CONNECTING RODS Nomendotare aaaser Plug—"% Hollow hexagon x ie16 thd x % i tong (akin) tock — Linkpin Screw — Fillisee head drilled *6-24 thd 3° io. Long linkin) Linkeod Assembly Linkrod Bushing — Plais 1.058 ID x 1.23 OD x 1.366 ia. long (linkpin) Bushing — Plain 1.375 ID x 1.5348 OD x 1.750 in, long (pistonpin: supersedes Na, 337) Dowel — Straight 163 dit 203 ia. long (pistonpin bushing) Key—Flat I) x 440 ¥ 1 in. Long (locks cam drive gear) CYLINDERS, ISTONS AND PISTONRINGS Momendatine 224567 Cylinder Assembly Complete — Cylinders No. 1, 2 3, 4, 7,8 & 9 (cylinders No. 4 & 7 for all engines: nders No. 1, 2, 5, 8 & 9 for BA only, supersedes No. 47595 or nol Cylinder Assembly Complete — Cylinders No. 1, 2, 3, #9 (aupersedes No. 70951 oF 126742 for all engines except B4) Cylinder Assembly Complete — Cylinders No. 5 & 6 (supersedes No, 47556 or 120854) (Cylinder Machining & Stods Astembly—For all cylinders Head — Cylinder Racrel — Cylinder Seat — Intake valve Seat same as 3500 only .005 in. oversize Seat same as 3590 only 010 in. oversize Seat same as 3590 only 020 in. oversize Seae— Exhaust valve Sent same a8 20786 cy 005 i, oversire Seat same an 20786 oly 010 in, oversize Bushing — Vahe tocker shaft ouside Bashing same a 2108 only.005 in. oversize Bushing — Flanged .6255 ID x -751 OD x 480 in, long (valve rocker shaft inside) Bashing same m 2943 only .005 in. oversize Bushing — 18 m/av1.5 m/m ID x 0611-10851 ODAG Pith left x 1 i. long Gparkplug) Bushing same a¢ 496 only 003 i. oversize Bushing same as 3496 oversize Bushing sume as $196 only 010 in. oversize Bushing same os 496 only 015 in. oversize Bushing same 26 $496 cely 020 in. oversize Bushing same a8 $496 only 080 in. oversee Guide — tarake valve Guide sme as $529 ely 003 in, oversize Guide same a5 3529 only 008 in. oversize Guide seme 35 $529 only 010 in. oversize Guide Same 36 §529 only 015 in. oversize Guide same 265529 only 020 in. oversize Guide — Exhaist valve Guide sane 35 9525 only 003 ia. oversize Guide same a5 39525 only 008 in. aversive 7 Section I Group Assombly Parts List Parts Cotalog 12973-—, 11477 -— 2% 289928 — iGars8 oo-—v7o18 ie 10782 aa SE pinnae 14096 455958 eee 11473 \ (27057) 9986 9 A (17097) ‘T 238221 | | — naosas (13681) 234223 aeee Figure 5. Cylinders, Pistons and Pistenrings 18 February 1962 Parts Catalog Figure Nember Pen Number 395323410 39523420 39823450 39523440 5 49264 926444 5 q05+4 2548 ost 34a 5 1205444 1205448 12054412 5 sore H4 07R+8 1012 5 aes 71166 sos a6 aio 2604 2603 10iK6 25410 0762 8760 1018 21385 12974 wnn47s 5 7 nary narr42 narra 5 n973 476 5 pur nares narre2 arr 5 127599 5 9204 5 258938 5 15937 5 13621 February 1962 Section Il Group Assembly Ports List CYLINDERS, PISTONS AND PISTONRINGS Nomendatare poesia? Guide same a5 39825 only 010 in, oversize Guide same 2459523 only 020 ia. oversize Guide same 2559525 only 030 in. oversize Guide same 1649523 only 040 in. oversize Gonnector — Push cod cover ‘Connector same a5 9264 only 004 in. oversize ‘Stud— Plain 3125-1824 thd x 1500 ia, long (exhaust & intake lange) 00$ in Stud came a8 25 only 008 in oversize Stad same a 625 only 012 ia. overs Swud same as 625 only 062 in, oversize Stud — Plain 3125.18.26 thd x Sod same a6 (2054 only 008 in. oversize Stud same as 12054 only 012 in. oversize ‘Stud — Plain 2$0-20-28 thd ¥ 1.125 in. long (rockesbox cover) ,004 in, oversize ‘Stud same a¢ -5072 only 008 in. oversize Stud same 25 5072 only 012 in. oversize Valve Intake Valve— Exhaust supersedes No. 14083) Washer —1.173 :D x 1082 OD x .420 in. thick (valve spring lower: supersedes Ne. 8759) ‘Spring — 1.600 OD x .154 in. dia Wire Cintake valve inside) Spring — 1.683 ID x 185 in. dia Wire (atake valve outside) Spring — 1.600 OD x -162 in. dia Wiee Cexhause valve inside) Spring — 1.683 ID x .192 ie. dia Wire (exhaust valve ouside) Circlet — Touake valve Lockring— 576 OD x 048 in, thick Cexhause valve) Washer —.658 1D x "ig OD x Me in. chick Gotake valve spring uppee) ‘Washer —685 ID x 1 OD x Ojo in. chick (exhaust valve spring upper) Lock — 616 in. dia x 15° (jatake valve) Valvelock — Exhaust Rocker Assembly —Inake valve Rocket — Ineke valve large beating ope Cup—Pusheed ball rocker (Gop same a8 16477 only 001 in, oversize (Cup same a5 :1477 only 002 i oversize Cup same as 1477 only 004 in, oversize Rocker Arsembly — Exhaust valve ‘Rocker — Exhaust valve large beating type Cup—Pashiod ball rocker (Cup same a8 11497 only 001 in. oversize Cup same as 1477 only 002 i. oversize Cup same a5 1477 only 004 in, oversize Screw Assembiy— Valve clearance adjusting (supersedes No. 9514) [Nut—Plain 3 Hexagon head x 1a-24 thd Sie in. thick (valve adjusting screw lock) : Bearing Option — Rocker arm (procurement number consis of ‘Past No. 9016 Beating — Ball 4724 1D x 1.8748 OD x 9449 in. long (optional tw Pare No, 288906 or 359234) Patt No, 288906 Bearing — Ball 4724 ID x 1.5748 OD x 9449 in. long (optional to Part No. 9016 oF 389234) Part No, 3592 Bearing — Ball 6724 1D x 1.5748 OD x.9949 in. long (optional to Part No, 9016 er 288906) ‘Shafe Assembly — Valve rocker (superredes No. 45987) Shaft-— Valve rocker in. tong (deflector fastening) 004 in, over- fer Assy 0 Section Il Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Group Assombly Parts List Parts Catalog CYLINDERS, PISTONS AND PISTONRINGS Unies Powe Nomendatere Per Number Fett Number ,aseser aey 5 088 Gasket = 625 1D. x 812 OD x .094 in. thick (valve rocker shaft; foe use with Part No. 126741, 126742 oF 126834) 2 3089 Seal—.500 ID x 635 OD x .047 in, thick (valve cocker shaft; for use with Patt No, 126741, 126742 of 126834) 2 5 ANIDS46 Packing —Pteformed .612 ID x 103 io, thick (valve rocker shaft; for use sith Part No. 399383, 399854 ar 399358) 2 1605 Nuc— Valve rocker shaft (lor use with Part No. 126741, 126742 ar 12684) 2 5 343986 Nuc— Valve rocker shaft Cor use with Part No. 399383, 399354 or 399335) 2 5 20346 Gotterpia — 066-090 dia = 875 in, long (valve rocker shaft nt) 2 5 siz Seal— 375 ID x .080 in, thick (valve rocker shaft) 2 5 186 ‘Washer — Plain 5 ID x % OD x 44o in, thick (valve rocker shaft) 2 5 32 Nut— Casiled % Hexagon head x Tie20 thd x "Ss in. thick (valve rocker shale) = 2 5 20845 ‘Couerpia ~ 100.108 dia 750 in tong (valve rocker shafe ant) 2 at Plog — Hexagon socket 375 in. ANPT (rockerbox cover: cylinders No. 2, 3.8 "8 9; for all engines encept BA) 2 5 M3535 Pipe Assembly — Inter ear oil drain Cose on cylinders No.4, 5, 6 & 7; forall engines ‘except BA) 2 4553546 Pipe same a8 45535 only 006 in, oversize 5 38109 Hose — later ear oil dain pipe (use on cylindess No, 4, 5, 6 & 7; for all engines ‘except BA) 1 395296 Clamp— Assembly of, inet ear oil drain pipe hose (supersedes No, 38093: use on inders No. 4, 5, 6 & 7; lor all engines except BA) 2 s 398297 Clamp Hose (inter ear oil desin pipe) 1 5 158189 [Nut Fibge 190-24 ahd 266 in, thick Special Ginter ear oil drain pipe hose lamp) 1 5 39188 Screw — Filler head 19024 1.000 i. long Special (iater ear oil dain pipe hose clamp) , aio Screw —Rouind head No, 152 thd x ie ia, long (thermocouple holes) 1 17346 Plug —_281 Square head x 125.27 Pipe -574 da, long (primer holes on space clin: ders) 1 5 427056 Piston —6:1 (elinders No. i 2.3 4.) 8&9) 1 27056-+10 Piston same as 27086 oaly.0-0 in, oversize 27086120, Piston same a8 27056 only 020 in. oversize s +0088 Piston—6:1 (cylinders No.5 & 6) 1 0008-410 Piston same as 40698 only 0.0 in. oversize $0698-420, Piston same a5 40658 only 020 ia. oversize 5 16538 Pistoaring — Compression chrome plate (oupersedes No. 53616) ' 188558420 Pistonring same as 188538 oal 002 ie, oversize on Width 188538-}10 Pistonring same as 534 ony 010 in oversize 1s8558-+ 10. Pistoaring same a6 188538 only 010 in oversize on Widdh 18853881 Pistonring seme as 188538 oaly 010 ia, oversize on OD & 002 in oversize 00 Width 1985582 Pistoaring seme #6 188538 only O10 in, oversize on OD & ,010 in oversize on Width 18853883 Pistoaring same as 188538 oaly 010 ia, oversize on OD & 020 in oversize on Width 198538420 Pistnring same ss 1R8S38 only 020 in oversize 189556-+ 20 Pistonring same as 198938 only 020 in, oversize on Wid 18853804 Pistoarng same a5 188538 oaly.020 in, oversize on OD & 002 in oversize on Width 188556R5 Pistonring same as 188538 only 020 in, oversize on OD & 010 in oversize on Width 188538R6 Pistoating sme a¢ 188538 only 020 in, oversize on OD & 020 in oversine on Width 5 ‘pesase ing — Compression (supersedes No, 27057) 2 18854142. ing same as 188541 oaly 002 in, oversize on Wick aB540-+ 10 Pistoaring same as 18541 only 010 in, oversize | 188541-F10W Pistonring same as 186841 osly 10 ia, oversize on Wich reaséi 210,29 Pistoatig seme a8 8541 only O10 i, oversize on OD & 002 in, oversize on Wid IeaSéi-F10-F10W —_Pistoneing sameas 188541 oaly O10 ia. oversize on OD & 010 in oversize om Wide Inss41-F10420W —_Pistonring same as 188541 oaly 010 in. oversize on OD 8.020 in. oversize on Width 188541-+20 Pistoaring same 25 188541 only 020 in, oversize 20 February 1962 Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Parts Catalog Fawre None Part Number 1885414200 541-120-4200 3541-+20-410W 1g8541--20-420W 5 isssé2 183542410 184542420 188542-+204.10W_ 5 188546 188546410 188546420 sort 5 2s221 80 s 234223 5 90860 5 39527 5 39314 5 40030 5 39528 5 40049 5 12856 5 14438 5 r0sid 5 7635 48902 5 39288 5 10942 5 1473 s 252992 39287 5 $7735 3735-10 302401 5 1839 5 14095 5 9205 p36 3 39526 5 34079 s sae 5 rsa 105106 5 woi2ée 58135 February 1962 Section Il Group Assembly Parts List CYLINDERS, PISTONS AND PISTONRINGS Nomencdetare tae esses Pistonriag sume a3 186541 only 020 in. oversize on Width Pistonrig sane a5 188541 only £020 in oversize on OD & 002 in, oversize ow Width Pistonsing same as 188541 only 020 in oversize on OD & 010 in. oversize on With Pistonring same as 188541 only 020 ia. oversize on OD & 020 in. overste on Width, Pistonsing.—~ Dual oi control (supersedes No. 17097) Pistonring same ax 186542 only 010 in. avecsze Pistonring same 2s 188542 only 010 ia, oversize on Width Pistonting same as 188542 only 010 in. oversize on OD 8.010 in. oversize on Wich Pistonring same as 188542 only 020 in. oversize Pistonring same as 188542 only 020 in. oversize on OD & 010 in. oversize on Width Piatoncing — Scraper (supersedes No. 13681) Pistonsing same as 186546 only 010 in. oversize Platoneing same ae 188546 only 020i oversce Decalcomania— Rubker assembly date Pistonpin Assembly — (supersedes No, 31795) Pisconpin Plog —Pistonpin (supersedes No. 9002) Gasket — Rockerbox cover (ampersedes No, 39315) Cover — Intake rockerbox (use on cylinders No. 3, 4, 6 & 7: forall engines except 0) Gover — Intake & exhaus: rocketbox (cylinders No.1, 2 & 9: for all engines excepe Bi; use (1) anit on cylinder No, 3 exhaust rockerbox & (1) anit on cylinder No. 8 intake rockerbox) ‘Cover — Intake valve rocker (cylinder No. 5: forall engines except BA) (Cover — Exhaust valve rcckerbox (cylinders No. 4,5, 7 # for all engines except BA) Gover — Exhause valve rockerbox (jlinder No. 6; forall engines except BA) [Nur— Fibre insert 1-28 thd x 39 io. hick (rockerhor cover) Seal —4.625 ID x .113 in dia Round (cylinder bartel) [Nut— Plain 556 Hexagon bead 3 3-24 thd x 375 in, thick (eylinder Bunge; supersedes No. 10449) Paloue—.562 in. Hexagon head x 375-24 PD (cylinder dange) Rod Assembly — Push Rod — Intake & exbsuat valve push Spacer Plain 14 ID x .551 OD x .040 in. ehick (pushrod; spares assemblies are shipped with (2) unis) Ball — End —Pushrat ‘Cover Assembly — Pushed (supersedes No, 39292) Cover — Pushrod Ferrole— 876 ID x_9380 OD x 844 ia. long (pushrod cover) Ferrule same a6 32734 only 040 in. undersize Decalcomania— Rubber sssembly date Packing — 1.005 11D x 1.285 OD x 400 in, thick (pw 8917) Packing — 1.015 ID x 1281 OD'x 125 in, thick (pushsnd wbe inners supersedes No, 9282) nie Nut Upper & lower pushrod tube pavking (use No, AS10029 wine) Plug —.281 Square head x 125.27 Pipe x 478 in. long (unused primer holes; eslindess 'No. 4, 5,6 & 7) Hose — Inter eplinder oil dain pipe connection (ase (4) units forall engines except BD Clamp Assembly 1.125 in. ID Hose (inter cylader oil drain hve; use (8) unis for all ‘engines except BA) Screw — later eylinder oil deain bose clamp Nut — Fibre 190-24 thd x 266 in. thick Special Cinter eyInder ot deaia hose clamp) ‘Thermocouple Assembly Complete — Sparkplug gasket type (optional equipment) ‘Thermocouple Asserbly Terminal Assembly —- Thermocouple wice lock type xd eabe 4 ‘supersedes No. Urine 8 ° on 9 6 Section Il Group Assembly Parts List Powe Fire amber 2 Part Number *e8136 98996 98997 58136 101209 7920 AN 101010 25993 303758 128095 137708 138365, 5633 Past Number 49610 41461 76309 39980 39979 39995 0328 7404 74026 58329 73996 5e328 58522 73998 58325 5795, 39982 #39961 24883 24884 013 23012 15163 73988 14016 Hous 012 Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Parts Catalog CYLINDERS, PISTONS AND PISTONRINGS Nomendatere Per raasser Assy “Terininal — Thermocouple wire ‘ Screw Round head No. 632 thd x 312 ia, long (cheemocouple site terminal) 1 Nat — Lock No. 632 thd (thetmocouple wire terminal screw) 1 ‘Terminal — Thermocouple ice 1 Clip— Thermocouple «pliner head 1 Tockwasher-— 194208 ID x 337 OD x 047.087 in. thick (thermocouple clip bole: mperredes No. 188) 1 Bole 369-376 Hexagon bead x 190.32 NF-3A thd X 625 fa, long. (chermocouple clips supersedes No. 41174) 1 Gasket —.718 ID 968 OD x 0608 in, dick (sparkplug) 18 Spaskplug— Rem 39N (optional wo Part No. 137705, 128095 or 158365) 1% ‘Spaskplag —- BG-RB485S (optional procurement) 18 Sparkplug— Champion RC-26S (optional procurem: 6 Sparkplug — BG-706SR (optional procurement) a Phig— Cylinder dehydrator 18 DEFLECTORS Nomendatre er pasa ser ey Deflector Assembly Complete — (for B3 & BS engines with magneto SBORN) ' Defector Assembly Complete — (For all AN engines excpe AN-2 & -8; for BS & BS cogines with magneto SBORN-4) Deflecoe Assembly Complete — (aupersedes Ne. 120670 for BA) Deflector Assembly — Inter ear (for all cylinders) Body — Deflector inter ea Brace Assembly — Inter ear deflector Clip — tater eae delecor be Tube — Inter ear deflector blast Support — Inter car defector tube River— Brazier head 095 dia x .281 in. long (deflector) Clip — Inter ear delleaor tube Rivet —Beavier head 095 dia x 218 ia. long (deflector) Rivet —Bravier head £26 dia x 310 in. long (deflector) Rivet — Bravier head 189 dia x S68 in. long (deflector) Rivet — Brazier head 126 dia x 562 in. long. (doctor) Rivet — Beasier head 095 dia x .250 in, long. (deflector) Delecioe Assembly — Inter cylinder (oylinders No. 12, 34, 45, 67, for B3 & BS with magaeio SHRN — ase (3) wnits for BY a BS engines with magneto SBORN-{ & for all AN engines except AN2 & 8 hewween cylinders No. 465, 67 & 91: use (4) units for BE between cylinders No. 12, 34, 67 & 94) Deflector — Inter cylinder Guide —Incer cylinder deflector Bolt —Latch—Ioter cylinder deflector Spring —~ Deflector Grommet — Siu ID x "ig OD xy in. thie inter ear deflector primes) Nut Anchor elastic stop 1-28 thd (detector) Tner cylinder detector beating (eft Strip — Inver cylinder detector bearing right Strip — Inver cylinder defector none blank Brace — Inver cylinder defector large Brace — Inter cylinder deflector sll February 1962 Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Section Il Parts Catalog Group Assembly Parts List Figure 6. Deflectors February 1962 23 Section It Group Assombly Parts Lis Five 24 Port Number 73981 9987 20883 daasi 01s 2012 23612 asia 73088 7928 2401 7399 e322 sa3s2 $8523, 5795 204446 0147 80156 24883 2484 M015 no ase 73988 rots ow Hous srs saat 204446 sex 9532 5x23 75089 aso ses 71538 sais sisired 2516 265149 92517 me 35409 Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Parts Catalog DEFLECTORS Unite Nomenclature Per paas eo? any lave — ner cylinder decor 1 River — Brazier head .126 dia x 510 in. long (deflecior) * Rivee— Brazier head 126 dia x 375 in. long (detector) 2 Rivet —Brasier head 095 dia x 250 ia, fong (detector) ‘ Rivet — Gouncersunk head oe dia Jn ong (efectos) 6 Rivet — Universal head 126 dia «209 in. lone (ellector: supersedes No, 58227) 5 Deflector Assembly — Enter :plinler (olindery No. 2-3 foe all engines except AN-2, 88 BD Deflector — Inver «vlinder Guide— Incer cylinder defector Bolt —Jach-—Iner cinder deflector Spring — Deflector Grommet — Ti ID x Fy OD se in. thick (inter ear deflector primer) Nut—Anchor elastic stop "28 tha (deflector) Strip — Inter cylinder elector beating left trip — Inver eslinder celecor bearing right Plate — lover evlinder Jefleccor reinforcing Bence — Inter cylinder dllector large Plate — Inver cylinder detector reinforcement Rivet —Bravier head 126 dia x S10 ia. long (detector) Rivet — 1o0" Countersunk head «126 dia x 303 in. long (deflector: supersedes No. 58322) Rivet — Brazier head ,126 dia x 575 in tong (detector) Rivet — Brazier head (95 dit x 250 in long (deflector) Rivet — Universal head 126 dia 2-219 in. long (deflector supernedex No, 58227) Deflecioe Assembly — Inter cylinder (cylinders No. 2-5; for BA only) Deflector — Inter cylinder Guide — Detector Bolt — Latch — Inter cilinder defector Spring — Deflector Gromer — Hy ID x ix OD x %o ia. tick (defector) Strip — Inver cylinder deflector bearing lett Sieip-— Inver evlinder defector bezring eight Brace —Inter «linger deflector Plate — Inter eylinder defector reinforcement Collar —Tover cylinder dellector Rivee—Braziee head 95 dia x 250 in, long (detector) Rivet —Bravier head 1126 x 261 in. long (defector) ‘Rivet — Universal head 126 dia x 249 in. long (cleflecor; supersedes No. 8227) Rivet — Beazer head 126 dia x 310 in, fong (deflector) Rivet — 100° Countersunk head 126 dia x 513 ia long (eflector; supersedes ‘No, 58322) Rivet — Bravier head 126 dis ¥ 375 in. long (detector) Plate — Inter ejlinder deflector attaching Nut — Anchor elastic sop 1-28 the (elector) Deflector Assembly Compkte — Tater S303 Deflector Assembly “liner (elinders No. #9 for BO, ' 40592 Deflector — over eslinder 1 24883 Gaide — Deflector 4 6 24 Bole—-Lath— Inger cel ader deflection 2 6 aos Spring — Deflector 1 p01 {Grommet =F ID x Pig OD x Hy in. thih deleceney 1 23082 Nut Anchwr elastic step 1628 dh GleBevtor) , 98d Collar — Inver cinder cefleccor 1 4013 Brace — Inter cylinder dtector large 1 70. Brace — Inter cylinder difector small 1 ssi87 Surin — Inter cylinder detector bearing lef ' 73988 Strip —Inver cylinder deflector beasiog sight 1 4016 Strip — forer cinder deflector nose blank 1 T0981 Plate — loves cylinder defector reinforcing: : sas Rivee—Bravier head 126 dia x 310 in. long (defecoe) * 58325 Rivet —Beavier hend 136 dia x 375 in fong (deflector) 2 ss Rivet — Bravier head 095 dia x 250 in, Jong (deflector) 4 3509 Rivet —Goumtersunk head “es dia x 4 in tong Gdelecoe) é 21486 Rivet—Uaiversl head 126 dia x.219 in, Jong (deflector: ampersedes No, 38227) 5 saat Rivet — Brovier head .136 dia x 261 in. long Cdelecion) 6 6 39992 Detector Assembly — Inter wlinder (elinders No. 7-8: for all AN engines except TAN. A: for BS & BS engines with magneto SBIRN-4) 1 39901 Deflecior — Inter cylinder 1 « 14015 Spring — Deflector 1 6 2a Bole Lach — oeeresfinder defleccor 2 aKa Guide — Inter cylinder detector ' 12012 (Grommet — "ie HD x iy OD x 4a in thick (Inter ear deflector primer) 1 2302 Rut Anchor elastic sop 1428 thd (deflector) 1 1si68a7 Sieip— oer sjlinder deletor bearing left 1 75088 Sirin — Inver cylinder defector beating ight 1 14016 Stip — Inter cslinder delctor nose blank. ' 4013 Brace —fnter cylinder deflector lege 1 24012 Brace — Inver evlinder deflector smelt 1 73981 Plate Inver cyinder dilecor reinforcement 3 sasne Rivet —Bravier head 126 dia x 310 in. fon (defector) 8 e325 Rivet — Bravier head 126 dia x 875 in. long (detector) 2 srs Rivet Brasier head (D5 dia x 250 #0, long Getlector) ‘ 3519) iver —Coungersunk heed 2 dia x 1y in. tong, (deleton) 6 201446 Rivet Universal head 126 dia x-219 in long lellectot: supersedes No. 38227) 5 26 February 1962 Parts Cotalog Figure Number Port Number 76330 76331 24883 6 4013 6 24a ancass r4013 383 151027 73988 sro 73981 23012 74016 3549 02 6 3990 59989 6 288i “ 101s 28s row ssi9 “ Sint 6 Mews 88 rns ein ss95 ai s96 20g si February 1962 Sot Group Assembly Parts List DEFLECTORS Nomendetare passer hoy Deflecior Assembly —Incercslinder (csiaders No, 7-8; for BA only) ‘ Deflector — Inver cylinder ‘ Guide — Inter eyinder deflector : ‘Spring — Deflecter ' Bole Lawch— Fer Bas da tick Crocker oif aim fitings enpersees No. 176 for atl engines except BA) 7 sas [Nat Fibre insere Shedd dh x Hin. thick (cosker oil drain iting: for all engines ex cept BY) 2 7 sar Gasket — Oil sump 10 nose housing 1 Says Gover — Soap pad front (foe BY only) 1 1 ans Gasket — Oi! sump wo Blower erankease 1 T4932 Gover — Somp pad rear (ruperseses No. 4912: for BA only) 1 7 139 Washer — Plaia fy 1D x", OD in, thick (oil sump cear attaching studs: for all ‘engines except B4) 2 me Washer — Phin #5, ID x % yu OD < No an. thick (oil sump ataching studs) 4 7 aes Nat — Fibee insere 4-24 hd xy in hick Co sump attaching studs) 4 7 58 Gasket — 531 ID Pipe flanged » 081 in, thick Crocker drain oil suction pipes use (0) wit for BA front case to ree pipe Range) 2 7 s1099 Pipe Assembly — Rocker drain oi sation (For all engines exsept BA) t 7 Sets Nae — Fibee insert 3-24 thd.) in. thik (encker dea oil suction pipe: use €2) wales or B4 rear oil scavenge pipe Mange) 4 7 er Gasket — 688 ID Pipe fanned x 081 in, thick (enti wil suction pipes; forall engines excent BA 2 7 asou Pipe Assembly — Main it suctioe (for all engines except B1) ' 7 345 Nut — Fibre insert ®jy24 thd = Sy ia dick (main i muetion pipes use (2) waite far Bi frou ease v9 rear pipe flanged 4 7 Ma Hose —.750 ID x £625 in. long (slinders No, 5 & 6: rocker box cavers wy eorkee oil “drain Biting forall engines except BS) 2 > Moro (Clamp Assembly — 1.125 ins ID Hose (oil deain hose, foe all engines except BA) 4 7 158188 Screw — Oil desin hose clam> 1 7 sano Not — Fibre 190-26 dhd x 266 in. thick Special (oil deain hose clamp screw) 1 COLLECTOR CASE AND INTAKE PIPES Nomenclature Pont Number taaatsar 5 26308 Case & Studs Assembly — Collector (supersedes No. 47972 for AN engines) ' ® nose? Gace & Studs Assembly — Callectve (rnpersedes No, 40987 fae B3 & BS) ' 16810 Case & Studs Assembly — Collecuir Ceeplaces No. 126409; for BA with ol seal) saan Case Machining Assemhis — Collector (eeplaces No. #63: for use with Part No. 126319 collector case) x9 Pipe —Joypeller aie bleed (Foe all engines except BY) 8 1805 Fitting — Collector sector vil presse coarnectin: * 49 Pin — Straight 96 dia x 1.081 dn, long Geil pressure Seting) 846 ‘Tube — tovcenal breather (fe all engines except BA) * 214986 Jet— Collectar setion ol 30 February 1962 Parts Catalog Number at Number soins sna 4508 018s ® 5028, 2 4 tw Iai Ee e948 isan ® 17346 torso meee oraz 9010544 omi0s +8 98044 sos pa mu10r44 aya ts tists ny nivispe ome 8 hoses pi2as+30 1220210 ioe t30 February 1962 Section Group Assembly Parts List COLLECTOR CASE AND INTAKE PIPES tras 56s any Hearing & Lines Assely — Impeller shaft (for BY only) 1 ince == Impeller shate (fr BA os) ' Bearing —Ingeller shaft frame (for BA only) 1 Pin —Siveln 1285 dia x 344 Ga. lng Cospellee shafe front bearings for BS enh) : Bearing Hanged 1.855 ID x 1.998 OP 946 J Lamy Cinpeller shaft wears for Bi only ‘ Pin —Seraighe 285 da «281 in, Tong Ganpeller shat ‘nly : Cage — Collector inceraveiateshafe bot bese, 1 Bin — Straight 098 dha +219 0, loo (collector Sneeemesiate sat ball eat 1 Plug — Plain sited "20 ats 11 in. Jang Caste fa esteader a, 3 doeabe poet) ‘ Phug-same as 19649 orl) 006 in, averse Plug same a8 19649 orl OM in oversize Plog — Hleeayon weber 125 40. ANPT (holes ea si Plug—28t Square nea v 12827 Pipe x8 it oanections) Sead —Phain 01251824 chil x 2080 in. hang Coil susp Lsceningy for all engines avept BO) bk im, wwersice 2 Sead sume a9 9252 nh OR i, eerie Stud same as 9252 on, O22 in exeesize Studle= Plain 125-1820 ed x 2.098 in, fog (ui yur Easceins fo 2 Sead same as 901 ‘af tinder Na 6 eae port) rng Comat peessuee gave Stud — Plain 1254424 thx 442 jn, dong (euler 49 Heae casey UH In oversize 4 Seu sting a5 705) oink Goin. ernie Stl Sime 7959 only 2 fa. osersive Stal — Plaia 3425-1H-24 thd x 1498 in, hing (collector ey vee oes rapersetes Nez 625; ne C) nie for BS & BS) . Stud game ay 89402 uly AH i oversize Sta stme a6 89102 cml ICR in on ersize Sto Plain 8125 18-24 thd x 1.562 fn, hing Gollecor we near eases use (2) uns for all engincy except BS & BS) 214 jn, wversize i Saud same a6 11845 way in, oversize ‘Stud same as USES any 12 i wee Stud — Plain s125-18-25 thd x 1475 in, long Gullo to seas Ne) ONE in overs I Stud sume as 9085 cls 8 in enersize Stud sare as ORS vals 012 in oeriee Sead — Plain 3126 18-26 thd x 2.261 i, lo (vollesto Seu same as 9987 ly im were Stud same 26385 tl O12 a. wverste Stud-— Plain s025-H28 dad x L258 in ete e856) OHI nen ve (oil dean pipe conned Srud some as {203 Fly 008 in. ve Std same a6 fons an in aver Pin — 09 ease in © 250 bm, bane jets fre BY nly) t ‘Tobe — Caller cane Wr re4e ease vil dain (eplavey No Wes, 0 . No 1210 aieese case) , Tube ames Olulan seesice Tube sane a0 12 ‘20 in, wversice Tube sume dy 1 (30 in. wersve Tube == Calfertin case tw re cane vil nin (replavey No. soem toa ie lB i collveor a3) 1 Tube ssane sn 21202 ve O10 in, ering Tube samme 19 42 Tobe sine 36 sgl 99 in oversize 31 Section Parts Catalog Group Assembly Parts List szos (89L2zT) Evesez seu a“ /,sWCUS ELE IBC a et fn EBLE ogg pe Oy | esbs ay |. , f ag 610s teose—t ‘} ~ } Paeeoe! sozar/ t108/) of men evegaz £105 ect ~~ /\—— poy SSZeL (a (aoe) evener’ 7°" ery ar eseoe szs6t Figure 8. Collector Case and Intoke Pipes February 1962 22 Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Parts Catalog Number Part Number ts 1410 iso 15430 5 ti urea 743 unas he pie reser no 172425, 8 roan ‘ AN 115808 ‘ 49036 8s 5 ute 5 sn AN 122705 sane sigs >a0192 AN 122705 158 “ 2s 5 033 5 357281 sis 5032 mss aos February 1962 Section I Gro COLLECTOR CASE AND INTAKE PIPES Nemendature aaa ser Pin —Stesnhe 1285 dia » 406 in. Jong Coil desires for Is Pia same as 15 only 010 8 oversize Pin same at 15 only 020 in ewersize Pin same as (Snly 030 ewersize Bushing — Magneto drive shale short Bushing ame m 1172 only O02 in oversize Bushing same se L172 only 003i ovetise Boshing ime 1172 oni. 008 in. aversive Boshing sme av 1172 only 010 oversize Bushing same ws 1172 only 15 in oveesice Bushing sane a 1172 ly 20, oversize Ising wae se 1172 only 025i. overie Bashing sme ws 1172 only 30 i. oversize Bushing same a 1172 only 40 i, oversize Plate Crankease ellecte section {For allenines except BO Screw — Flat hilt dried head 190 (No. 10)-32NE 3A thd » 688 io, long Cerarhaove Collec section plates ane No, 192 wires npersedce No. 282; tor al eines excep BO Cage —Calecoe shaft ball heacing (foe all engines except BA) Cage same us 36 only £05 in. oversee Gasket Cillesior bearing cover (oe all engines exiope BS) {Cover Asimly — Caller bearing (oe al engines except BO) Cover — Collect bearing (ior all engines except BA) Pin — Sught 165 cia x-7B1 in fongeolectoe bearing ever: fr al eigioes except Bi) Pin —Dowel, sel 1875 dia x 500 in. loog (elector Bearing cones: peed Xe. 7977s toe al engines except BO) Screw — Filler ead deed 1-20 thd x Yi, Long (colle bearing cover me Neb "AS 1029 wire: fe ll engines excep Ba Seal —750 10 125 hich Collec ase 0 Poet No12G310 collector cate) Seal 50 10 125 am thik (olletor cave 8 #e4F Case oil rain caber For se with Part No. 126810 allt cane) Cover Assemtly— aed er sae heacing (for BA ony) Gover Callectoe bearing. lor Bt ols) Seal Oil 1482 1D x 2404 OD x 750 in. chick Cpl sat vi for BX only) Pin — Dowel sce) 1875 dia x 500 i. long (collector beiving covers saperredes 0.7577; for Bi vol) Seal —4625 ID x 115 dia Round Gonplle shatt bearing cone fo Bd ony) Screw — Fla filiner heal 20 chd «io in og CGmpeller cover for BA only) Bearing Option ~ Collec imesmetia (Procurement number casi of Pare Now 12748 Bearing Ball 7874 ID x 20672 OD » 596 in. long (optional te Pase No, 288980 06 359236) Xin PROTO Bearing Hall ORT ID x 20872 OD x 5506 i, Wide (open Pee Na. 12708 999256) Part No. $59236 Bessng — Ball 7876 ID x 20672 OD x 04 Past No. 12% 9 288910) Spacer— Collect intenediate beating Bearing Option Calle iterate (aipersedes No. 1270): procurement umber ‘urs Pare No 20446 Beating —~ Ball 1.7717 HD x 24472 OD 5906 in, tong Copions 0 Past No 357270) Pave No. 997276 Bearing — Ball 1.9917 ID x 20872 OD x 5306 in, Wide (optional to Pact No. 20810) Gear— 10:1 (allcoe intermedia) Not Plain 8 Henagom head x 1520 th 3% i. thick (collect interenede peat) Conserpia 086-090 dia 1230 -hng (elleiorimternediae gest ut) Cage Assembly — Main allewoe dive for all engines except B4) ase ol drain tube: for se with e Wide (optional ov Assembly Parts Ui 33 Section It Group Assembly Parts List 80004 46816 ® an 8 sour 8 018 a 8197 8 aes ‘ 2B 19359) 1058 s ‘ ou 10 e087 0189 ‘ sis si 8 30 s oss 8 5019 0490 ® aK 8 srs 5 seri sre 8 0604 8 sso8t ® 1s 8 13802 Ki 8 x0 ‘ oz 34 Parte Catalog COLLECTOR CASE AND INTAKE PIPES Unies Nomendeture Per ,rss ser ase Cage Assembly —Collecior drive (for BH ealy) 1 ‘Cage Impeller intermediate gear Treat bearing (for all engines except BA) L ‘Cage — impeller shafe bearing (fur Bi only) 1 Pin —Steaighe 156 dia = 203 i, long (impeller cage; seperreder No. 47) : Screw = Fllster head deilled 1-20 thd x "4 i. tong, impeller cage; wie No. AS 100029 ire) Race — Inner soller bearing fing gear Sprior— Floating gear end theust Gese— Collector deive Hosting Pin — Roller 1181 dia v 7795 ia long (vollecor drive Aoating gear) x Spacer — Floating gear end shit Bearing Option — Collector imerradiate (procurement aumber voasists of Part No. 12764 Bearing ~- Bull 7874 1D x 20472 OD x 5906 in, long (optional to Page No, 288910 oe 389286) Pare No. 248910 Bearing — Ball ve Pare No. 1768 oF 99286) Pare No. 399236 Bearing — Ball 767( ID x 20172 OD x 5906 in, Wide (optional to Pare No, 12768 ar 283910) Impeller & Shaft Assembly — 10st (Koe all engines except BA) Impeller Shaft Assemply — (or BY only) Impetier Shalt — Impeller (forall engines except BA) Shale Assembly —lrspeller (or Bl only) ‘Shaft —Impetler (foe Be only) Jouenal — Impeller shaft (foe BY only) Nut Pian tie Hexigon head 816 thd s ' ' 9 “6 1D x 20472 OD x 906 in, Wide (optional in thick (frome impeller shaft, forall ‘engines except BO) 1 Nut — Front impeller shafe (lor Bf only) 1 Pla. — Straight .098 dia x 1.473 ig, long (cont impeller shafe mut; forall engines except Bay 1 Coxcerpin— 072.076 dia x 1.000 in, long Gimpetler shaft nut; for BA only) 1 Tock — Collector drive retaining fut ' Nut — Floating gear & blower sate reiainer : Spicer —Iovpeller shaft zeae (lor BA vals) 1 Bearing Option — Impeller shafe (for all engines except BA, procotemene number a. sss of Part No. 12768 Bearing — Ball 7474 1D x 20172 OD x 5906 in. tong (optional 0 Part No. 248910 or 5592360 Part No. 288910 Bearing —Eall 7874 1D x 2.0172 OD x 3906 in, Wide (optional to Part No. 12768 or 399256) Part Ni, $99286 Bearing — Fall 7474 1D x 20572 OD x s9U6 in. Wade (optional Part No, 12768 or 288910) 2 Bale —-Collecior drive oil (lor all engines except BAD 1 ‘Closure — Collector shaft all bearing (it all engioes except BO) 1 Spacet — Rear collector shalt oil {for all engines except BQ) 1 Spacer same as 8711 only 10 in-orerize Spacer same as 8711 only 020 in. oversize Nut— Impeller 1 Pin 140 dia x 1 in, long Cnpeler ut) 1 Gasket — 169 ID Pipe flanged x 081 ia. chick (collector oil peessure pipe bracket) ' ovale & Bracket Assembly — Cailecor wil pressure ' Pipe & Novrle Assembly — Collector wil pressure ' Bracke —Collectnr sit presaite pipe : Pin — Seraight 07 dia x 1.$° in. lg (oil pressure pipe co beacker) ' Screw — Filler head drilled 1,20 thd 9 jo. Tong (oil bracket eo collecwe housing use No, AS 10002) wire) 2 February 1962

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