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Materials challenges in hydrogen-fuelled gas


Elena Stefan, Belma Talic, Yngve Larring, Andrea Gruber & Thijs A. Peters

To cite this article: Elena Stefan, Belma Talic, Yngve Larring, Andrea Gruber & Thijs A. Peters
(2022) Materials challenges in hydrogen-fuelled gas turbines, International Materials Reviews,
67:5, 461-486, DOI: 10.1080/09506608.2021.1981706

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Published online: 29 Sep 2021.

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2022, VOL. 67, NO. 5, 461–486


Materials challenges in hydrogen-fuelled gas turbines

a# a# a b a
Elena Stefan , Belma Talic , Yngve Larring , Andrea Gruber and Thijs A. Peters
SINTEF Industry, Department of Sustainable Energy Technology, Oslo, Norway; bSINTEF Energy Research, Thermal Energy Department,
Trondheim, Norway


With the increased pressure to decarbonise the power generation sector several gas turbine Received 23 April 2021
manufacturers are working towards increasing the hydrogen-firing capabilities of their Accepted 6 September 2021
engines towards 100%. In this review, we discuss the potential materials challenges of gas
turbines fuelled with hydrogen, provide an updated overview of the most promising alloys Gas turbines; hydrogen;
and coatings for this application, and highlight topics requiring further research and high-temperature oxidation;
development. Particular focus is given to the high-temperature oxidation of gas turbine corrosion; additive
materials exposed to hydrogen and steam at elevated temperatures and to the corrosion manufacturing; hydrogen
challenges of parts fabricated by additive manufacturing. Other degradation mechanisms embrittlement; thermal
such as hot corrosion, the dual atmosphere effect and hydrogen diffusion in the base alloys barrier coating; degradation
are also discussed.

Introduction However, practical considerations and the historically

lower price of natural gas compared to hydrogen
Gas turbines are among the most widely used power- favoured the development of gas turbines highly
generation technologies today. Their theoretical basic tuned for operation with natural gas. With the
principle, the Brayton thermodynamic cycle, relies on increased pressure to decarbonise the power gener-
thermal energy conversion of a chemically reactive ation sector in order to limit global warming, the
fuel and leverages on an abundantly available gas industry is re-considering hydrogen as a viable fuel.
(air) as working fluid to generate electric power or In a few countries such as the Netherlands, small
to mechanically drive rotating equipment (e.g. in com- amounts (<20 vol.-%) of hydrogen are being mixed
pressor stations). State-of-the-art combined cycle gas into the natural gas grid and used to fuel conventional
turbines offer the advantages of a high total efficiency gas turbines [7]. While this is an important step in the
(>60% [1]), low NOx and SOx emissions, and high fuel right direction, adding hydrogen to natural gas has
flexibility. However, despite being considered the only a minor effect on the CO2 emissions because of
cleanest of the conventional fossil-fuel power gener- the low volumetric energy density of hydrogen relative
ation technologies, gas turbines fuelled with hydro- to methane. For example, adding 10 vol.-% hydrogen
carbon-based fuels inevitably lead to considerable to methane will only reduce CO2 emissions by 2.7%
CO2 emissions (ca. 440 gCO2/kWh for natural gas [8]. For a completely CO2-emission free operation,
[2]). These CO2 emissions could be greatly reduced gas turbines capable of operating on 100% hydrogen
or even eliminated if the gas turbine instead is fuelled are hence required.
with hydrogen produced using either renewable As illustrated in Figure 1, several commercially-
energy [3] or natural gas reforming combined with available gas turbines based on diffusion-flame com-
carbon capture and storage (CCS) schemes [4]. Gas bustion systems can already be operated with 100%
turbines are complementary to other hydrogen-con- hydrogen [9]. However, these systems require the
version technologies such as fuel cells as they currently addition of large quantities of treated water (or nitro-
are more cost-efficient at large scale and can utilise gen) in order to adequately decrease the flame temp-
lower-purity hydrogen, for example, produced during erature and NOx emissions in wet low emission
the synthesis of aromatics and olefins or hydrogen (WLE) combustors, which results in a more complex,
from chlor-alkali plants. The hydrogen available bulkier, and expensive system with a lower overall
from these sources amounts to >10,000 metric tons efficiency. Therefore, recent research and develop-
per year in the US alone [5]. ment efforts have focused on hydrogen-firing of
A jet engine powered by hydrogen was demon- state-of-the-art dry low-emission (DLE) combustion
strated already in 1937, which shows that the hydro- systems that have greater potential to simultaneously
gen-fuelling of gas turbines is not novel [6]. ensure high efficiencies and emissions-compliant

CONTACT Thijs A. Peters SINTEF Industry, P.O. Box 124 Blindern, N-0314, Oslo, Norway
These authors contributed equally to this work.
© 2021 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining and ASM International Published by Taylor & Francis on behalf of the Institute and ASM International

Figure 1. Types of gas turbine burners fuelled with hydrogen-fuel mixtures, adapted freely after [8,9,154]. DLE = dry low emission,
WLE = wet low emission.

operation. In DLE combustors the flame temperature that differentiate hydrogen from conventional hydro-
is typically moderated by ensuring that fuel-lean con- carbon fuels (e.g. natural gas) is the combustion burn-
ditions are achieved before combustion occurs, ing rate, i.e. the rate at which the flame is able to
thereby avoiding any significant production of NOx. consume the combustible mixture, increasing the
This is achieved through an highly-optimised injec- working fluid’s temperature to accelerate it towards
tion and mixing of the fuel with the oxidant (air) the turbine stage. The burning rate (flame speed) in
before the resulting burnable mixture enters the com- laminar hydrogen flames is nominally three to seven
bustion chamber. times higher compared to methane (the main com-
None of the commercially available DLE combus- ponent of natural gas) at equal flame temperature
tion systems today, however, can be operated with because of hydrogen’s fast reaction and diffusion
more than 30–70 vol.-% of hydrogen [10]. Very rates [8,14]. Even larger differences are observed in
recently Ansaldo updated there GT36 fuel the highly turbulent flames found in the combustion
specification to 70 vol.% of hydrogen [11]. While the system of modern gas turbines [15]. The augmented
Japanese company Kawasaki reported in July 2020 burning rate can lead to flame instability issues,
the world’s first demonstration of a 100% hydrogen- increasing the risk of unwanted flame displacement
fuelled gas turbine using a DLE combustion system into the upstream mixing section of the burner (flash-
[12], this achievement was obtained in the context of back) and resulting in early combustion of a sub-opti-
a small combined heat and power (CHP) application mal (still fuel-rich) mixture of fuel and oxidant. In
featuring relatively low electrical efficiency (∼28%) turn, this causes very high local flame temperatures
and, therefore, requiring a relatively low firing temp- that promote pollutants formation (NOx) and
erature. Significant outstanding issues remain if exposure above the melting point of the stainless-
100% hydrogen DLE operation has to be implemented steel alloy construction materials.
in gas turbines capable of state-of-the-art electrical An additional important challenge introduced by
efficiencies that reach ∼43% in open cycles configur- hydrogen combustion that is of specific relevance to
ations (∼63% in combined cycles) and require high the material-science aspect of the technology develop-
firing temperatures [13]. The gas turbine industry in ment is related to the flame characteristic quenching
Europe is targeting to achieve this by 2030 [10]. distance (δq). This quantity defines the minimal dis-
The main challenges encountered in the operation tance between a hot flame and a (relatively) cold
of DLE systems with 100% hydrogen are related to solid surface at which quenching nominally occurs.
the combustion characteristics of hydrogen [9,14] Both fundamental modelling and experimental inves-
that become increasingly difficult to handle, from the tigations have indicated that δq is significantly smaller
combustion system’s design point of view, for higher (by a factor of 1/2) for hydrogen flames compared to
flame temperatures. This is a significant issue since hydrocarbon flames [16], implying the possibility of
the flame temperature is the single most important a greatly enhanced heat-flux to the solid surfaces
quantity controlling the turbine inlet temperature, that are in vicinity of the hydrogen flame stabilisation
the power output and the efficiency of the gas turbine, location. The quenching heat-flux from the flame to
i.e. its ability to produce work (electricity or mechan- the combustor walls is further amplified in the pres-
ical drive). Among the most important characteristics ence of characteristic near-wall turbulence structures

[17], establishing an unsteady spatial pattern with state-of-the art materials and their suitability for appli-
peaks exceeding 1 MW m−2 that, when opportunely cation in hydrogen-fuelled gas turbines.
modulated by the controlling time and length scale In this review, we aim to present an overview of the
of the turbulent flow, can result in severe thermal materials challenges in gas turbines fuelled with 100%
stress of the solid material. hydrogen, provide an updated overview of the most
While many of the above-mentioned challenges promising alloys and coatings for this application,
related to the combustion of hydrogen can be and highlight topics requiring further research and
handled through modifications to the design of the development. Particular focus is given to the high-
burner, factors such as an increased temperature temperature oxidation of gas turbine materials
and steam content may also require the development exposed to hydrogen and steam at elevated tempera-
of new materials. One potential challenge from the tures and the potential corrosion issues for gas turbine
materials’ perspective is that hydrogen combustion components made by additive manufacturing.
results in a higher steam concentration in the exhaust
gas relative to natural gas combustion. The exhaust
Materials used in gas turbines
from natural gas fired land-based turbines typically
contains 10 vol.-% steam and 5 vol.-% CO2. State- The materials used in the different parts of a gas tur-
of-the-art DLE operation with pure hydrogen (yet bine must meet a demanding set of requirements in
to be achieved) would theoretically increase the terms of mechanical and thermal properties, manufac-
steam fraction in the combustion products to turability into complex geometries, and stability under
16 vol.-%, while legacy technologies utilising steam working conditions. Figure 3 illustrates the range of
dilution or water injection result in exhaust steam exposure conditions for different parts of the gas tur-
content up to 85 vol.-% [18,19]. One of the impacts bine and highlights commonly employed materials.
of increased water content in the combustion pro- Since a single material in most cases cannot provide
ducts is that the heat transfer coefficient between the necessary combination of mechanical robustness/
the hot gas and all solid surfaces exposed to it is strength and sufficient oxidisation resistance, some
increased, resulting in higher temperatures of the of the gas turbine components are coated and/or
metal blades in the first, critical turbine stages that internally cooled.
are subjected to the largest heat load [14]. This The following sections contain a description of the
effect can be compensated by decreasing the flame exposure conditions in the different parts of the gas
and the turbine inlet temperatures, but at the expense turbine and how these may be influenced when the
of a lower efficiency [20]. gas turbine is fuelled with hydrogen instead of natu-
There are several reviews available that provide an ral gas. An overview of the most commonly used tur-
overview of the latest developments in materials for bine materials and the most promising new
gas turbines [21–28]. Most of these discuss the poss- developments is presented. In the previous two dec-
ible challenges with using natural gas as the fuel, ades, several companies and research programmes
while less literature is available regarding the possible focused on developing syngas (i.e. CO + H2) fuelled
materials challenges with using hydrogen. To our own gas turbines, which has given some experience with
knowledge, only the 2007 review by Wright and Gib- the use of hydrogen-containing fuels [14]. Much of
bons [21] considered the suitability of applying state- the more general materials development has other-
of-the-art materials developed for ‘conventional’ gas wise been driven by the development of aeroturbines,
turbines in gas turbines burning coal-derived syngas as these operate at harsher conditions and have stric-
or hydrogen. They concluded that the combustion ter requirements for high efficiency and low weight.
environment with coal-derived hydrogen or syngas Industrial-scale land-based turbines have tougher
was possibly more corrosive than natural gas, because requirements of low cost that, alongside challenges
of the greater level of impurities such as sulphur, water with upscaling certain manufacturing methods,
vapour, and particulates that affect the durability of imposes restrictions on which materials can be
some components. The development of materials for adopted. For example, single-crystal alloys are attrac-
gas turbines has significantly progressed since Wright tive because of their high-temperature tolerance, but
and Gibbons [21] published their review. The most difficult to manufacture without defects in the large
important trend is the development of new materials size required for industrial-scale gas turbines
enabling a higher operating temperature, and thus [13,20,22].
higher turbine efficiency, as shown in Figure 2.
Another trend is the increased application of additive
Materials for the compressor section
manufacturing or 3D printing to fabricate complex gas
turbine combustor designs, such as those currently The temperature in the air compressor part of the
being developed for hydrogen-fuelled gas turbines. turbine is typically limited to 400–500°C, making it
The time is therefore mature to review the current possible to use relatively inexpensive alloys such as

Figure 2. Material improvements with firing temperature capability of industrial gas turbines (TBC – thermal barrier coatings, CMC
– ceramic matrix composites), after [20].

martensitic stainless steels, e.g. AISI 403 or AISI 403 Hydrogen fuelling does not have any intrinsic
Nb [24]. In small and intermediate scale gas turbines requirements for higher or lower compressor output
operated with relatively clean air, these alloys do not compared to natural gas fuelling of gas turbines.
suffer from any significant materials challenges [22]. Thus, no changes are expected for this part of the
The materials requirements are harsher for gas tur- gas turbine when switching to hydrogen.
bines installed in industrial settings where the air is
contaminated by acids and/or salts. In these situ-
ations, alloys such as the precipitation hardened Materials for combustor parts
martensitic stainless steel GTD-450 is a good State-of-art DLE combustion systems for stationary
alternative [24]. This alloy has a higher Cr and Mo gas turbines are based on a lean premixed combustion
content compared to AISI 403, which provides cor- approach and typically consist of a mixing section
rosion resistance to moisture-containing acids and where fuel is injected and mixed into the oxidant
salts [24,25]. stream and a combustion chamber. In stationary

Figure 3. Main parts of an Alstom gas turbine, exposure conditions and materials used in different sections, after [128,155].

applications, longitudinal or radial (co-axial) fuel sta- (and the resulting increase in water vapour) may
ging designs are often adopted in order to optimise the actually prove to be beneficial.
combustion process and limit pollutants formation. The desire to operate gas turbines at higher efficien-
However, footprint and weight constraints severely cies and with hydrogen as the fuel puts even stronger
limit the adoption of staged combustion systems in requirements on the combustor materials due to the
aero-applications which, because of flame stability increase in temperature and steam content. Alterna-
and high-altitude relight requirements, traditionally tive alloys such as oxide-dispersion-strengthened
employ a non-premixed combustion approach with (ODS) superalloys, ferritic alloys (e.g. PM2000 and
important consequences on emissions from the diffu- Incoloy MA956) and ceramic matrix composites
sion-type flame. The combustion chamber is the hot- (CMC) such as SiC/SiC-based composites are there-
test part of the gas turbine where temperatures can fore being considered [21,22,33]. ODS superalloys
reach 1600°C or even higher [21]. The materials are advanced high-temperature materials able to
used for some specific parts of the combustion system retain strength up a high fraction of their melting
must therefore meet a series of strong requirements point and are therefore attractive to use for the hot
including high temperature creep rupture strength, gas path components [34]. However, high costs and
good oxidation resistance, and endurance against a brittle nature limiting how large the ODS com-
thermal and cycle fatigue. The materials should also ponents can be made, restricts the use of ODS super-
have good formability and weldability to enable fabri- alloys mostly to aircraft turbine vanes.
cation of complex shapes [21,22]. SiC/SiC CMC have been used as an alternative to
Commonly applied materials able to meet the Ni-based superalloys in the hot section of commercial
mechanical requirements are wrought Ni base super- aircraft turbine engines for the last few years. Com-
alloys such as Hastelloy X, IN617, Nimonic 263, pared to Ni-based superalloys, the CMCs offer a
Haynes 188, or Haynes 230 and SS309 [22,24,25,29]. lower weight and better resistance to higher operating
In order to keep the surface of these alloys sufficiently temperatures. This reduces some of the need for
below their melting point, internal air cooling and internal cooling, which improves the turbine
thermal barrier coatings (TBC) (see Section 2.4) or efficiency. During service, the SiC will form a slow-
ceramic tiles are applied as the combustor lining. growing, dense layer of SiO2 on the surface, which
Land-based gas turbines are striving to reduce greatly slows down further oxidation. Because of the
costs by exchanging the low-Re (Rhenium) second- high volatility of SiO2 in humid conditions (see Sec-
generation superalloys to Re-free first-generation tion 3.1.4) the CMCs have to be coated with environ-
alloys such as 1483, or to directionally solidified mental barrier coatings (EBC) such as rare earth (Yb,
superalloys such as 247. Other research, motivated Y, Mo – Yb2SiO5 and MoSiO2) disilicates. As will be
by cost reductions, is to replace the relatively expens- further discussed in Section 3.1.4, hydrogen-fuelling
ive Ni-based superalloys in parts of the gas turbine of the gas turbine will likely strengthen the need for
with cheaper Cr-based alloys. Cr-based alloys have coatings with a low Si-volatility due to the higher
other advantages besides a low cost, such as a 400– steam content in the combustion gas.
500°C higher melting temperature and 2–4 times
higher thermal conductivity. However, challenges
Turbine components
such as decreased high-temperature strength and
ductility, and lower oxidation and corrosion resist- In the turbine expansion stage, the hot exhaust gasses
ance compared to Ni-based superalloys need to be from the combustor are passed through a series of
overcome before the Cr-based alloys can be applied discs and vanes connected to a drive shaft that trans-
in gas turbines. Dorcheh and Galetz [30] have mits the generated power. The temperature of the tur-
reviewed the challenges with using Cr-based alloys bine inlet can be up to 1300–1600°C and decreases
with a focus on their oxidation resistance and towards the outlet. The turbine discs have to tolerate
reported volatilisation and nitridation to be the the axial loadings from the blades attached to it and
major obstacles for the use of these alloys in air the thermal, vibrational, and centrifugal stresses
above 900°C. Gu et al. [31] also pointed out during operation. This requires the turbine discs
embrittlement resulting from nitridation during materials to have superior tensile strength, creep,
high-temperature air exposure as a major problem and high fatigue strength, as well as resistance to oxi-
for Cr-based alloys and reviewed various strategies dation and corrosion attack. For turbine discs operat-
for improving the high-temperature strength and ing at the highest temperatures, Ni-based superalloys
other mechanical properties. It is worth noting that are preferred [22]. Cast and wrought processing is
the addition of water vapour to a N2-1%O2 atmos- commonly applied for Ni-based alloys like IN718,
phere has been found to decrease and even comple- IN706, Waspaloy, and U720Li [22]. To mitigate
tely suppress the nitridation of high purity chromia some of the challenges with obtaining large forgings
[32]. Thus, in this respect, fuelling with hydrogen of segregation-free Ni-based superalloys by forging,

machining and welding, the alloy Udimet 720Li has Thermal barrier coating systems
been developed specifically for land-based gas turbines
TBC, together with improved cooling technology,
enable the operating temperature of gas turbines to
Turbine blades and vanes are exposed to elevated
be increased beyond the melting temperature of the
temperatures, rotational and gas bending stress and
structural alloy, with significant gains in the gas tur-
thermo-mechanical loading cycles during start-up
bine efficiency. The TBC system comprises a ceramic
and shut down. The gas temperature at the turbine
top coat, a thermally grown oxide (TGO) layer and a
entry can exceed 1350°C. The elevated temperatures
metallic bond coat, as illustrated in Figure 4. The cer-
and stress may lead to creep, requiring alloys with
amic top coat is based on low thermal conductivity
excellent creep strength, tensile strength, and tough-
materials and is usually quite thick (>500 µm) to maxi-
ness. In the colder end of the turbine (<800°C), bare
mise the thermal resistance. The most common com-
Ni-based superalloys can be used, while air cooling
mercially used TBC material is ZrO2 stabilised with 7
and TBC are used in the hotter end to avoid severe
wt.% Y2O3 (7YSZ) [41]. This composition has a high
corrosion and erosion (see Section 2.4).
melting point of 2700°C and a low thermal conduc-
The alloys and processing methods for this appli-
tivity of 2.3–4.2 W mK−1 (for a dense, sintered sample
cation have evolved from conventionally cast Ni-
[42]). The thermal conductivity can be further
base superalloys, to directionally solidified alloys, fol-
reduced to 0.8–1.3 W mK−1 by tailoring the micro-
lowed by the single-crystal technology development.
structure and porosity [43,44].
The single-crystal alloys are categorised into gener-
The metastable, non-transformable tetragonal
ations based on the Re and Ru content. Re-free
phase (t′ ) of YSZ is the desired state as this has a
(CMSX-7) and low Re (CMSX-8) content alloys have
high bend strength, fracture toughness, and thermal
been developed as 6th generation of single crystal
shock resistance. When aged at temperatures above
alloys, but 2nd generation alloys, such as CMSX-4,
ca. 1200°C, the t′ phase undergoes a phase transform-
René N5, and PWA 1484 with 3% Re are still com-
ation into the cubic (c) and equilibrium, transform-
monly used [26]. The alloy development has enabled
able tetragonal (t) phases [45,46]. Upon cooling, the
an increased temperature tolerance, from around
t phase is transformed to a monoclinic phase, which
800°C for the first generation of polycrystalline super-
is associated with a volume change that causes high
alloys up to ca. 1100°C for the newest single-crystal
stresses and thereby the risk of coating spallation.
superalloys. In parallel, the creep strength has been
Much of the development work on improving YSZ
improved by higher levels of alloying (Al, Ti, Ta, Re,
has focused on increasing the stability of the non-
W, Ru) to increase the content of the γ′ strengthening
transformable tetragonal phase at higher temperatures
phase [36]. Higher levels of alloying by addition of
by adding alternative stabilisers such as CeO2, Sc2O3,
refractory elements such as Mo, W, Re, and Ru also
and TiO2 [47,48].
increase the thermal stability [37]. However, while
The TBC ceramic top coat is commercially fabri-
this approach provides an excellent creep resistance,
cated using atmospheric plasma spraying (APS) or
it reduces the corrosion resistance, thereby putting
electron-beam physical vapour deposition (EB-PVD)
stronger requirements on the TBC [21,22,24,25].
while alternative deposition methods such as suspen-
Like the combustion parts, the components in the tur-
sion plasma spraying (SPS) or plasma-spray physical
bine expansion stage will be exposed to higher temp-
vapour deposition (PS-PVD) are under development
erature and a greater steam content with the switch
[48]. The different deposition techniques result in
from natural gas to hydrogen fuelling. The impact
different coating microstructures (Figure 4), which
this may have on the durability of these components
can have a significant effect on the coating properties
is discussed in Section 3.
such as fracture toughness and thermal conductivity.
Material development for turbine blades and
Coatings fabricated by APS have horizontal splats
vanes is lately directed towards additive manufac-
that result in a lower thermal conductivity compared
turing (AM), which is a cost-effective processing
to the columnar structure formed by EB-PVD. On
route for superalloys. This manufacturing approach
the other hand, coatings produced by EB-PVD have
necessitates the development of new alloy compo-
a higher strain tolerance and a smoother surface, pro-
sitions, optimised for the rapid and repeated ther-
viding better aerodynamics [49]. APS is cheaper and
mal cycles specific to 3D printing and for
better suited for coating large components – it is
reducing the influence of metallurgical defects
therefore the preferred method for coating parts for
such as porosity and cracking [37–40]. Section 5
large-scale land-based turbine parts while EB-PVD is
is focused on additive manufacturing and its appli-
usually reserved for the more demanding components,
cability to hydrogen gas turbines and material
e.g. the leading edge of an air foil [20].
aspects, such as corrosion resistance, hydrogen
The adhesion between the sprayed YSZ layer and
embrittlement, and dynamic embrittlement due to
the alloy substrate is typically weak and the YSZ
the particularities of AM parts.

Figure 4. (a) Thermal barrier coating system (TBC); (b) Schematic general structures of TBC produced by (b) EB-PVD method, (c)
APS method. Reprinted with permission from [156].

layer does not provide much protection against oxi- reduce the stress due to thermal expansion mismatch
dation as the coating is porous and YSZ is a good is to intentionally introduce cracks and/or pores in the
oxide ion conductor. A bond coat, having high coating that can aid stopping a crack from propagating
affinity for both the ceramic YSZ layer and the metallic [48]. Ensuring a high roughness of the bond coat/top
substrate is therefore applied to improve the adhesion coat interface is another way to improve the top-coat
and oxidation resistance. The bond coat used with Ni- adherence and the thermal fatigue resistance of the
based superalloys is usually a thin metallic layer (e.g. TBC [57]. The proposed explanation for this is that
NiAl) that forms an aluminide by interdiffusion with the compressive out-of-plane stress in the concave
the alloy, or an overlay type coating based on NiCrAlY regions of the interface hinder crack propagation [58].
[50]. For both systems, Al is an essential component The temperature gradient across a coated and air-
that forms a TGO of alpha-alumina during operation. cooled gas turbine component can be as much as
The TGO is slow-growing and thereby protects the 200–300°C. As mentioned in the introduction, a
underlying alloy against high-temperature oxidation. higher water vapour content resulting from fuelling
The YSZ top coat, the bond coat, and TGO are com- with hydrogen will increase the heat transfer coeffi-
monly referred to as the TBC system (Figure 4). cient of the gas. If this is compensated by increasing
The main challenges with current TBC systems are the mass flow rate of the blade air cooling, the thermal
failure due to cracking, spallation, or growth of unde- gradient across the TBC will become even higher. The
sired oxides between the top coat and the bond coat increased temperature gradient may accelerate some
[51]. In the temperature range of RT-900°C, the ther- modes of cracking and degradation of the coating
mal expansion coefficient (TEC) of Ni-based superal- [59]. Dong et al. [60] showed experimentally and by
loys (14–16 × 10−6 K−1 [52]) is similar to the TEC of modelling that an increasing temperature gradient
NiCrAlY-type bond coats (13–14 × 10−6 K−1[53]), decreases the cyclic lifetime of TBCs following a
while the TECs of the YSZ top coat (10 × 10−6 K−1 power function. These challenges necessitate the
[54]) and the alpha-alumina TGO (9.6 × 10−6 K−1 development of new TBCs with even lower thermal
[55]) are much lower. The mismatch in TEC between conductivity and/or higher fracture toughness, and
the alloy and different layers of the coating can lead to alloys that retain the desired mechanical properties
cracking and spallation during thermal cycling [51]. at a higher temperature.
Martena et al. [56] used a finite element method to Among the materials that have been researched as
analyse the stress distribution in a TBC system due alternatives to replace the YSZ top coat are hexa-alu-
to growth of the TGO and thermal expansion misfits minates (e.g. LaMgAl11O19 [61]), perovskite oxides
and showed that delamination of the TBC could be (e.g. doped SrZrO3 [62]), Yttrium aluminium garnets
attributed to stresses normal to the top coat/TGO (YAG) [63], and pyrochlores (e.g. Gd2Zr2O7 [48,64]).
interface, which grew with increasing TGO thickness. The pyrochlores are considered to be one of the most
Even with relatively thin TGO layers, a tensile stress promising candidates because of their high melting
nearly equal to the tensile strength was imposed on point, low thermal conductivity, and greater resistance
the TGO during cooling and subsequent heating to against calcium magnesium aluminosilicate (CMAS)
the maximum peak temperature. One approach to attack compared to YSZ (see Section 4.1) [48].

Figure 5. Double layer structure for TBCs working at higher temperatures, after [157].

However, the poor chemical compatibility between enabled 100°C increase in operating temperature com-
pyrochlores and the alumina TGO layer requires the pared to the baseline composition, evaluated based on
use of YSZ as an intermediate diffusion-barrier layer the time before depletion of the alumina-rich phase.
[28], as illustrated in Figure 5. Alternative bond The lifetime of the TBC system can in some cases be
coats under consideration are Al2O3 forming MAX limited by the bond coat, either because of growth of
phases such as Cr2AlC [65] and Ti2AlC [66]. The the protective TGO layer beyond a critical thickness
MAX phases are polycrystalline nanolaminates of for spallation, or because of Al depletion from the
ternary carbides and nitrides, named from their gen- bond coat below the level necessary to sustain the
eral formula of Mn + 1AXn (where M is a transition TGO formation [67]. Such depletion will allow
metal, A is an A group (mostly IIIA and IVA) element, other, less protective and faster-growing oxides of Cr
X is C and/or N, and n = 1–3). These compounds are and Ni to form. A sufficient reservoir of Al in the
very oxidation resistant at temperatures up to 1300°C, bond coat is thus essential for a long component life-
however, they are susceptible to volatilisation in high time. Evans and Taylor [68] introduced the concept of
pressure and high gas velocity environments [66], diffusion cells to explain the bond coat failure in
making them perhaps less suitable for the conditions plasma-sprayed TBC systems. The diffusion cells
of a hydrogen-fuelled gas turbine. were described as internal planes of alumina within
Marra [35] reported on the development of various the bond coat that are formed at splat boundaries
gas turbine coatings and alloys and their performance within the bond coat due to faster oxidation in this
in natural gas and syngas with high hydrogen content, relatively porous region. The diffusion cells block the
in a high heat flux rig. Bond coats derived from the state supply of Al across the coating, thereby causing
of the art (SoA) Siemens bond coat (Sicoat® 2464) with enhanced depletion of aluminium.
the addition of 1.5wt.% of Nd, Ce, and Hf and with
increased roughness for improving the TBC adhesion
Environmental barrier coatings
were investigated. The Hf and Ce containing bond
coats demonstrated increased oxidation and poor Hot-section components made out of SiC-based CMC
oxide scale adhesion of the TBC during isothermal fur- require a different coating system than the Ni-based
nace cycling at 1010, 1080, and 1121°C in air. The Nd superalloy as the coating in this case needs to prevent
containing bond coat showed 30% longer life when volatilisation of Si-containing compounds (see Section
compared to the baseline Re containing bond coat 3.1.4). The coating systems applied onto CMC are
and improved the adhesion of the TBC but demon- typically dubbed EBC. The selection of materials is
strated poor strain-to-crack mechanical properties. limited by the requirements of a close TEC match to
Other bond coats based on MCrAlY, i.e. NiCrAlY SiC (3–5 × 10−6 K−1 in the temperature range RT–
(NI-1154) and NiCoCrAlY (Ni-1155) demonstrated 1000°C [69]). The most promising EBC candidates
superior oxidation resistance and similar or better are celsian-phase silicates such as (Ba,Sr)O-SiO2-
mechanical properties. The NiCrAlY based bond coat Al2O3 (BSAS) and rare-earth (RE) mono- or disilicates

Figure 6. (a) EBC system fabricated by plasma spraying, after 20 h anneal at 1300°C, from [158]. (b) schematic of the EBC system,
from [71]. Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.

(RE2SiO4 and RE2Si2O4), which sometimes are com- dynamic embrittlement of components for hydrogen
bined with a Si bond coat layer to ensure better adher- gas turbine is discussed in Section 5.2.
ence to and compatibility with the SiC substrate The working conditions of a gas turbine are
(Figure 6) [49,70,71]. For the EBC system, SiO2 is difficult to replicate in a laboratory setting; both in
formed as the TGO instead of Al2O3. terms of the high temperatures, gas velocities, and
Increasing the operating temperature of turbines steam content, and in terms of the thermal gradient
with CMC components requires the addition of a across a component resulting from the cooling
low thermal conductivity TBC on top of the EBC. applied on one side. There are only a few labora-
The current solution is to use conventional TBCs tories that have the capability of accurately replicat-
such as zirconate or hafnate to provide the extra ther- ing such conditions ex-situ, and different set-ups
mal insulation, but the high TEC of these materials have been constructed to simulate as accurately as
makes the solution sensitive to failure during thermal possible the gas turbine conditions. For example,
cycling, especially after long periods of operation some researchers have employed capillary tubes to
when the strain tolerance of the TBC has been reduced impinge H2O jets on the surface of a sample, achiev-
due to sintering. Rare-earth pyrosilicate solid-solution ing gas velocities up to 300 m s−1 [73,74]. However,
ceramics (e.g. YxYb(2-x)Si2O7) have been proposed as a most studies concerning the oxidation resistance of
promising ‘single-layer’ alternative to replace both the Ni-based superalloys and TBC employ even more
EBC and the TBC [72]. But more work is needed to simplified set-ups with modest gas velocities and
improve the APS of these coatings in order to achieve no thermal gradients. It is important to interpret
the desired microstructure and crystallinity. Further these results with care, as the ‘milder’ conditions
increase of operating temperatures may also require during an ex-situ test may give a false picture of
the replacement of the Si bond coat, which has a melt- how the components will perform during actual
ing point of 1414°C. operation in a gas turbine.
One potential pitfall is to neglect the difference in
gas velocity and how this influences the evaporation
High-temperature oxidation of gas turbine rate of volatile oxides. For example, Mumm et al.
components [75] pointed out that a volatilisation-redeposition
As already mentioned in the introduction, even assum- mechanism observed in a lab test utilising modest
ing similar target flame temperatures in the transition gas flow rates of 40 mL min−1 is less likely to be pre-
from hydrocarbon fuels to hydrogen (in order to con- sent in an actual gas turbine where the much higher
serve cycle efficiency), hydrogen-firing of gas turbines gas flow rate likely will carry away the volatilised
can result in a significantly higher heat flux to the com- species (preventing redeposition). Furthermore, the
bustor’s walls (due to lower quenching distance), in a volatilisation observed when studying the alloy,
higher flow velocity (to mitigate flashback), and in a bond coat or TGO isolated may not be transferable
higher steam content. The following sections will to the volatilisation from this component in an actual
focus on how these changes to the operating conditions system where these components are overlayed by a
influence oxidation and other degradation mechanisms YSZ top coat. The volatilisation of elements from
of the gas turbine components. The influence of addi- gas turbine materials will be discussed further in
tive manufacturing on the corrosion resistance and Section 3.1.

Figure 7. Temperature gradient profiles of the TBC layer: top surface (■), interface bond coat – top coat (●) and at the substrate
surface (▲) for (a) 100 µm and (b) 200 µm TBC layer, Reprinted from [76] with permission from Elsevier.

Another important difference between component the oxidation and volatilisation of various materials
tests and real operation in a gas turbine is the thermal used in gas turbines.
gradient across a gas turbine component resulting
from the internal air cooling. As illustrated in Figure 7 Chromia-forming alloys
for aeroturbines, the temperature difference between Many Fe-based alloys that under dry conditions form
the surface of the substrate and the top surface of a slow-growing chromia scale exhibit rapid break-
the coating can be as much as 450°C. This gradient away oxidation when water vapour is present. This
results in a higher stress level and a different stress dis- has been linked to the volatilisation of the Cr2O3
tribution in the gas turbine compared to an ex-situ test scale by the formation of CrO2(OH)2, for which the
under isothermal conditions [76]. Thus, a component rate of volatilisation increases with increasing pH2O
that survives several ex-situ thermal cycles without and increasing gas velocity [81,82]. Break-away oxi-
spallation may potentially fail when extra stress is dation can take place either because the volatilisation
imposed on it by the thermal gradient. The geometry of the Cr2O3 proceeds faster than the re-growth by
of the component is also an important factor when oxidation, or because of the alloy with time becomes
evaluating the stresses experienced by the gas turbine depleted of Cr below the limit required to sustain re-
blade, as pointed out in refs [77,78]. Even the more growth of the chromia scale [82–84]. In extreme
sophisticated set-ups such as the above-mentioned cases of a thin component and conditions promoting
capillary tube has potential pitfalls, e.g. the very high evaporation rates, the Cr vaporisation may lead
small area of the sample that is corroded relative to to void formation within the alloy bulk, which severely
the large inhomogeneities in the microstructure of a degrades the mechanical properties of the component
TBC. Nevertheless, the simplified studies are impor- [84].
tant to increase the fundamental understanding of Since the volatilisation of Cr2O3 requires oxygen to
the oxidation process and how this is influenced by be present (cf. reaction above) it is usually insignifi-
singular factors such as the temperature, gas velocity, cant in wet H2-containing atmospheres. However,
and gas composition. water vapour has been shown to influence the oxi-
dation rate of chromia-forming Fe-based alloys
under these conditions. For example, Hooshyar et al.
Effect of increased steam content [85] reported that the stainless steel 304L forms a
It is well established that the presence of water vapour duplex scale of inward-growing (Fe,Cr)3O4 and out-
can increase the oxidation rate of alloys and the vol- ward-growing Fe3O4 in a range of Ar-H2-H2O mix-
atilisation of many oxides [79,80]. The mechanism tures at 600°C, whereas a thin Cr2O3 scale is formed
for the influence on the oxidation rate depends on in 5%O2-N2. The rate of oxidation increased with
the alloy, while the increased evaporation rate is increasing pH2O, also when the activity of O2 was
related to the fact that many oxides volatilise in oxidis- kept constant. Based on oxidation studies of pure
ing and humid conditions according to the following chromium, Henry et al. [86] proposed that an
reaction: increased oxidation rate in steam is because of the fas-
ter diffusion of the smaller hydroxide ion compared to
Ma Ob (s) + yH2 O(g) + zO2 (g) = MO(b)+y+2z H2y (g) the oxygen ion, while Hultquist et al. attributed it to
a the uptake of hydrogen leading to faster cation diffu-
The following sections will discuss the role of steam in sion through the scale [87].

The effect of water vapour on the oxidation of Ni- scale spallation, particularly during thermal cycling
based chromia forming alloys is more complicated. [79,92,96]. Often, the spallation occurs at room temp-
Some authors report that a wet H2-containing atmos- erature after the sample has been exposed to H2O at
phere is more corrosive than oxygen [88], while others higher temperatures. This so-called moisture-induced
report slower growth of the oxide scale in wet oxygen/ delayed spallation (MIDS) of alumina-forming alloys
air compared to dry conditions [89]. This apparent has been attributed to hydrogen embrittlement of
discrepancy may be explained by the Cr evaporation the alloy-scale interface [97]. MIDS takes place even
kinetics of Ni-based alloys. Sand et al. [90] showed at ambient levels of humidity in the atmosphere and
that the Cr vaporisation rate from the alloy 690 there are no studies known to us that have investigated
decreases with time during exposure to humidified whether the mechanism is promoted by higher con-
air, as the initial chromia-rich scale gradually is centrations of water vapour.
replaced by a Ni-rich and Cr-poor scale that mitigates Volatilisation of alumina may take place according
further evaporation of Cr. It should be noted that the to the following reaction:
time needed to transition from a chromia-rich to a Ni- 1/2Al
2 O3 (s) + 3/2H2 O(g) = Al(OH)3 (g)
rich scale greatly varies with the exposure conditions,
and that in the meantime the alloy may become There are reported observations of Al evaporation
depleted with Cr to a point where it has an influence at 1100°C [83], but the vapour pressure of Al(OH)3
on the mechanical properties [91]. For Ni-based alloys is so low below 1300°C that the vaporisation of
applied at very high temperatures, the volatilisation of alumina has been considered as negligible under
Ni should be considered. The evaporation rate of Ni most conditions [92]. However, given the strong
from a NiAl2O4 spinel at 1125°C and 200 sccm (stan- dependency of the Al(OH)3 vapour pressure on the
dard cubic centimetres per minute) is in the range of pH2O, this reaction may become significant in hydro-
10−11–10−10 kg m−2 s, depending on the pH2O [75], gen-fuelled gas turbines where both the water vapour
which is of the same order of magnitude as the evap- content and temperature are higher compared to
oration rate of Cr from ferritic stainless steel at 850°C. natural gas-fuelled turbines. According to thermodyn-
amics, the vapour pressure of Al(OH)3 in 0.5 atm of
Alumina-forming alloys and bond coats water vapour and 0.5 atm of oxygen will increase by
Water vapour is reported to have an adverse effect on more than four orders of magnitude from 1000 to
the ability to form protective α-alumina scales on both 1400°C [98].
Ni-based and Fe-based alumina-forming alloys [92].
An oxidation study of Ni-Cr-Al model alloys found
that a higher concentration of Al was required to Thermal barrier coatings
form α-alumina when the alloy was oxidised in air Since the components exposed to the highest tempera-
with 30 vol.-% H2O compared to when it was oxidised ture will be coated with a TBC system, the stability of
in dry air [93]. The inability to form a protective α- YSZ and the bond coat material at higher temperature
alumina scale was linked to a change in the scaling and steam contents should be considered. There have
morphology – fewer, but larger internal precipitates been several studies to determine the durability of
were formed in humid air compared to in dry air, TBC and bond coats under various levels of water
making it more difficult to form a continuous α- vapour content:
alumina scale by lateral growth. In studies of Fe- Sumner et al. [99] tested gas turbine blades in a
based alumina formers, it was suggested that the simulated H2-rich syngas composition with 20 vol%
adverse effect of water vapour is caused by a stabilis- H2O over 1000 h. The combustion temperature was
ation of the γ-alumina phase that is normally formed up to 1440°C, but air cooling was used to limit the
during the transient stage of oxidation [59,94]. In dry blade surface temperature to 950–1050°C. The blades
conditions, γ-alumina is converted to the slower grow- were made of the Ni-based superalloy Rene 80 and
ing α-phase, but in wet conditions this transition is coated with either a high velocity oxy fuel (HVOF)
hindered, likely due to hydroxylation of the γ-alumina metallic coating (Sicoat® 2464, NiCoCrReYAl) or
surface. This theory is supported by fundamental different combinations of a thermal barrier coating
investigations into the effect of water vapour on the (YSZ-based) and a bond coat. After exposure, the
formation and stability of alumina by Sohlberg et al. TBC surface appeared with a red/brown colouration,
[95]. The authors described γ-alumina as a ‘reactive suggesting the formation of Fe-rich oxide deposits,
sponge’ that can store and release water in the form deriving from gaseous iron oxides/hydroxides present
of hydrogen, which is compensated by the expansion at higher gas temperatures in the hot gas flow, that
of the alumina spinel lattice and the formation of Al condensed below ∼1100–1200°C. The TBC had dela-
vacancies. minated at the leading edge of the blade, possibly
Another observed negative effect of water vapour is due to erosion or imperfections in coating
decreased scale adhesion, or increased tendency for manufacturing.

Zhou et al. [100] studied the oxidation kinetics of 5 h) of oxidation. The surface coverage by a (Ni,
nickel-based superalloys in O2 and O2-5%H2O at Co)(Al,Cr)2O4 spinel was increased with increasing
1050°C. The alloys were coated with a plasma-sprayed pH2O up to ca. 15 vol.-%, whereafter the coverage
NiCrAlY (Ni-28Cr-6Al-0.4Y wt.%) bond coat and a plateaued and slightly decreased. Interestingly, spinel
7.5 wt.%Y2O3-ZrO2 TBC. In dry O2, parabolic oxi- formation was promoted at low pO2 when water
dation kinetics were followed with a very low oxi- vapour was present. Sullivan and Mumm postulated
dation rate and the oxide formed on the bond coat that water vapour elongates the γ and δ alumina
layer was Al2O3. In O2-5%H2O, the oxidation kinetics stages, which enables the diffusion of spinel forming
were almost linear after long exposure times and the cations across the normally protective TGO layer.
interfacial scale between the bond coat and the TBC From the above results, it is clear that water vapour
was in this case composed of Ni(Al,Cr)2O4, NiO, has an adverse effect on the TBC lifetime. Whether the
Cr2O3, and Al2O3. An increase in Ni and Cr cation rate of degradation is increased by increasing the
transport in the presence of water vapour was water vapour content beyond 10-20 vol.-% is however
suggested as a possible explanation for the increased less clear, as will be seen from the following summary
degradation rate. of literature.
Cernuschi et al. [101] evaluated the sintering kin- Haynes et al. [98] investigated the effect of water
etics and phase stability of 7YSZ, YSZ-GZO, and vapour on the oxidation behaviour of a TBC system
YAG coatings prepared by APS after aging as free- comprising an APS YSZ top coat and a HVOF-depos-
standing samples for 500 h in the temperature range ited NiCoCrAlY bond coat deposited on a single crys-
of 1000–1250°C. The authors found no clear evidence tal Ni-based superalloy. The average TBC lifetime
that the thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity or (defined by onset of spallation) during thermal cycling
phase composition of the coatings was different was reduced by at least 20% in air with 10 vol.-% H2O
when aged in air with 20 vol.-% H2O compared to compared to when cycling in dry O2. Increasing the
dry air. The morphology and density of the coatings water vapour content to 50 vol.-% did not lead to
were concluded as being more important for the any further decrease in the lifetime compared to
thermo-physical properties than the aging 10 vol.-%.
environment. Pint et al. [103,104] reported that the lifetime of Pt
Results from testing MCrAlY bond coats in indus- diffusion coatings (γ + γ′ bond coats) was hardly
trial gas turbines show that fuelling with syngas (CO affected by water vapour, while the lifetime of a Pt
+ H2) instead of natural gas results in the formation β-aluminide coating (β coating) was almost halved
of a thick (30 μm) non-protective spinel-alumina in 10% water vapour. This effect may be associated
layer between the bond coat and a YSZ top coat with the orientation of the β aluminide, leading to
instead of a thin (ca. 1 μm) protective α-alumina the formation of non-uniform, epitaxially oriented,
layer, see Figure 8 [102]. The spinel layer is suscep- cubic metastable alumina scales before the nucleation
tible to cracking and weakens the TGO/YSZ inter- of an α-Al2O3 phase. Interestingly, the lifetime was
face. Sullivan and Mumm [102] attributed the seemingly less affected when the steam content
formation of the spinel phase to the higher water increased further to 50% and 90%. For both types
vapour content in the combustion gas when fuelling of coatings, a thicker TGO layer was formed in
with syngas compared to natural gas. They per- humid conditions than in dry. Pint et al. [81] also
formed a comprehensive series of tests with different evaluated the lifetime of NiCoCrAlYHfSi-coated X4
bond coat materials in varying pH2O and pO2 and 1483 substrates with an APS YSZ top coat in
environments, focusing on the transient stage (0– dry and humidified O2 and air at 1100°C. The

Figure 8. Cross sectional images of a TBC tested in an industrial gas turbine operated with syngas (a) and with natural gas (b).
Reprinted from [102] with permission from Elsevier.

lifetime, defined as the number of 1 h cycles before proceeds by forming SiO2 as an intermediate. The pre-
spallation of the YSZ top coat, decreased with the dominant reactions are:
addition of water vapour. A shorter lifetime was
1)SiC + 3H2 O(g)  SiO2 + 2H2 (g) + CO(g)
obtained for the 1483 substrate compared to X4,
2)SiO2 + 2H2 O(g)  Si(OH)4 (g)
which was attributed to the lower Al content in the
former. Also in this case there was no increase in As suggested by the above reactions, the volatility
the adverse effect with increasing water vapour of SiO2 increases strongly with increasing partial
content. pressure of water vapour (∝p2H2O) [65]. The loss of
Lance et al. [96] studied thermal cycling of the SiC is rapid, causing materials recession at order of
single-crystal nickel-based superalloy PWA 1483 6–9 μm h−1 in high-velocity steam jet [66]. The evap-
and X4 with HVOF processed NiCoCrAlYHfSi oration reaction has a weak temperature dependence,
bond coatings and an air plasma sprayed YSZ top making evaporation of SiO2 a challenge also at mod-
coat. Alloy 1483 does not contain Re like many est gas turbine operating temperatures [65]. For this
other single crystal superalloys, and is therefore less reason, the SiC CMC applied in gas turbines are com-
expensive, while alloy X4 is a second-generation bined with EBC, as described in Section 2.5. Volatil-
alloy containing 3% Re. The oxidation and cycling isation is not completely avoided as these coating
resistance were studied in dry air, and air with 10 materials also comprise Si, but it is greatly reduced
or 50 vol% H2O at 1100°C with cycles of either 1 h compared to a non-coated SiC/SiO2 surface. The
(simulating air jet) or 100 h (simulating land-based evaporation rate from the coated material is pro-
turbine). With 1 h cycles, the increased water content portional to the surface activity of Si, and for this
was reported to decrease the lifetime of the com- reason RE2SiO4 is preferred over RE2Si2O4, despite
ponents, while for the 100 h cycles the behaviour the latter having a better TEC match with the sub-
was inconsistent with the pH2O. Degradation during strate [66,72].
1 h cycles was attributed to stresses in the YSZ top
coat while the degradation during 100 h cycles was
more dominated by diffusion processes. Samples Other types of degradation
based on X4 had an overall longer (30–40%) lifetime
Hot corrosion and CMAS attack
than samples based on 1483, which was attributed to
the higher Al content and possibly the higher Ti con- When low purity fuels containing sulphur and/or
tent in the former. alkali metal contaminants are used, the hot gas com-
Nowak [105] studied the oxidation behaviour of ponents of the gas turbine are susceptible to a degra-
polycrystalline super-alloy Rene 80 at temperatures dation form known as hot corrosion. This can for
up to 1120°C in Ar-O2 and air with various water example be the formation of alkali sulphates (sulphi-
vapour contents up to 20 vol.-%. No major effects of dation) that degrade the TBC coating [48]. Due to
H2O were observed with a MCrAlY coating and the lower calorific value per mole of hydrogen com-
with slow heating rates (10 K min−1), while for higher pared to natural gas, the fuel/air ratio will be greater
heating rates (90 K min−1), water vapour promoted in a H2 fuelled gas turbine. This implies that hot cor-
the formation of meta-stable alumina during initial rosion may become a challenge at lower levels of fuel
exposure. With an APS-TBC coating on top, the impurities [21]. Hydrogen produced by electrolysis
addition of water vapour shortened the lifetime due has typically a very high purity and is therefore less
to decreased TGO adherence. At temperatures below likely to cause hot corrosion, while byproduct hydro-
400°C, water vapour enhanced the transformation gen may contain critical amounts of sulphur and other
from tetragonal to monoclinic zirconia, which was impurities.
suggested to be the cause of the observed increase in Another ‘external’ source of degradation is impuri-
degradation. The results suggest that the degradation ties such as sand, ash, and dust in the combustion air,
caused by water vapour is more relevant for gas tur- which can lead to so-called calcium-magnesium-alu-
bines operated with heavy cycling, such as aerotur- mino-silicate (CMAS) attack [106]. The CMAS depos-
bines. This is consistent with the results from Pint, its have an unfavourable microstructure and high TEC
Haynes, and others showing that the degradation and thereby cause failure of the TBC or EBC. The
due to water vapour is more pronounced with shorter CMAS degradation mechanism involves a number of
thermal cycles. For stationary, more continuous oper- thermally activated processes, making this degra-
ations, this degradation mechanism should be less dation more critical for turbines operating at higher
relevant. temperatures. On the other hand, as hydrogen tur-
bines are operated with a relatively lower flow rate
CMCs and EBCs of air, impurities in the air are potentially less critical
CMC are prone to Si volatilisation when exposed to for hydrogen-fuelled gas turbines compared to natural
steam containing atmospheres. The loss of SiC gas turbines.

Figure 9 Surface SEM images of samples tested under single (air) or dual (air + H2) atmosphere exposure, showing Cr2O3 oxide
formation in air only and Fe-oxide formation under dual atmosphere conditions. Reprinted from [110] with permission under Crea-
tive Commons CC BY-NC-ND.

Dual atmosphere effect

side and air on the other at temperatures between
High-temperature corrosion of steel is typically 600 and 900°C [107–111]. In all cases, the anomalous
studied in a single atmosphere replicating the service oxidation behaviour is on the air side where formation
conditions. However, in some applications, the steel of Fe-oxides is observed in dual atmosphere con-
is simultaneously exposed to different atmospheres ditions on ferritic stainless steels that normally form
on each side of the specimen. An example is the gas stable Cr2O3 oxides under single air atmosphere con-
turbine fuel injector, where the inner surface of the ditions, see Figure 9. It has been suggested that steels
injector will be exposed to hydrogen, while the outer having a lower Cr content are more susceptible to
surface will be exposed to air. Such exposure to dual the dual atmosphere effect [107,111] and that the
atmosphere can cause anomalous oxidation behaviour effect becomes more pronounced with decreasing
not observed when exposing the same steel specimen temperature from 900 to 600°C [110,112].
separately to the two atmospheres. The so-called Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain
dual atmosphere effect has been widely studied in the dual atmosphere effect. Hydrogen at the fuel side is
the field of solid oxide fuel cells, where the steel inter- believed to adsorb into the ferritic stainless steel (FSS)
connect is exposed to (humidified) hydrogen on one and migrate towards the air side. The presence of

hydrogen defects is suggested to alter the defect struc- suggested that the Fe-rich nodules are formed due to
ture near the alloy surface by the formation of metal the surface on the air side having been made more

vacancies, VM′′ [109,113]: acidic by the presence of hydrogen [116,117]. The
′ higher acidity is believed to favour the formation of
3[VM′′ ] = p + [(OH).O ] Fe2O3 relative to Cr2O3.
where the hydrogen defects have been written in the
form of OH-complexes on oxygen sites, p is the con-
centration of electron holes, and the metal is assumed
H-diffusion in alloys relevant for gas turbine
to be 3-valent. The increased concentration of metal
vacancies is expected to increase the diffusion of
cations through the scale, thus increasing the likeli- Hydrogen embrittlement causes the loss of ductility,
hood of forming Fe-rich oxides on the surface [13]. deterioration of material strength, and mechanical
This could explain why the Fe-rich nodules sometimes properties upon exposure to hydrogen. Hydrogen
are reported to form along the grain boundaries of the attack may occur by atomic hydrogen diffusing into
alloy, seeing as these are typical high-diffusivity paths the steel lattice. Inside the steel, the atomic hydrogen
[114]. Another proposed explanation is that the pres- may accumulate at stress concentration regions such
ence of hydrogen depresses the pO2 locally, thus pro- as vacancies, grain boundaries, and other lattice
moting the formation of isolated Fe-rich nodules defects and form molecular hydrogen resulting in a
[115]. The presence of hydrogen could also lead to pressure built-up. The pressure may lead to voids
the formation of steam, resulting in porosity near and/or degradation of the ductility to a degree where
the surface of the alloy [109,111]. The pores enhance the steel becomes brittle and cracks. Hydrogen may
inward oxygen transport, which typically leads to a also react with dissolved carbon or oxygen in the
faster oxidation rate and could even result in localised steel to form methane or steam, respectively. In gen-
metal loss, which sometimes is observed in connection eral, an increasing Cr-content in austenitic steels
with the Fe-rich oxide nodules. Finally, it has also been increases the maximum temperature and hydrogen

Figure 10. Maximum temperature and hydrogen partial pressure for safe operation of steels in hydrogen service, reproduced from

partial pressure tolerated by the steel (Figure 10) of functionally integrated parts [124]. The technique
[118,119]. can be used both for building new parts and for repair-
Ni-based alloys are susceptible to hydrogen attack ing damaged parts at worn areas, directly on the orig-
in a large temperature interval from −103 to 327°C inal parts [125]. Additive manufacturing is also used
and Ti-based alloys are susceptible to attach in the to address the challenges of fuelling gas turbines
range of 0–93°C [120]. An early work by Gray [121] with hydrogen by the development of novel combus-
reports on the embrittlement of several Ni-based tion technology with complex cooling profiles and
superalloys such as Inconel 718, Udimet 700, Rene fuel routing paths [126]. AM or 3D printing allows
41, Hastelloy X, and TD-NiCr after exposure to for the burner design to be adjusted on the inside
0.1 MPa gaseous hydrogen from 430 to 980°C for without changing the exterior, which makes it easier
1000 h. All of the tested alloys absorbed substantial to retrofit existing turbines to enable hydrogen oper-
concentrations of hydrogen during the exposure, ation. The method is currently limited by the available
which was suggested to be interstitially dissolved and printing size [127].
diffusible. The hydrogen could be removed and the Nickel-based superalloys are of particular interest
ductility of the alloy regained by degassing at elevated for producing gas turbine parts by AM because of
temperatures. In more recent work, Balyts’kyi et al. their excellent properties at elevated temperatures.
[122] has studied the hydrogen embrittlement of gas However, the microstructure and grain structure are
turbine blade single crystal cast alloys such as SM- strongly influenced by the directional building, fast
104-VI, SM-90-VI, and SM-88U-VI at 30 MPa hydro- cooling, and complex thermal cycles (reheating). The
gen pressure, at temperatures between 20 and 900°C. production of complex parts by additive manufactur-
The negative effect of hydrogen decreased with ing results in a non-equilibrium state of the processed
increasing temperature, but the authors reported a material. An illustration of the physical phenomena
measurable decrease in strength and plasticity of the describing the AM fabrication of metals by powder
alloys even at 900°C. The alloy SM-90-VI was reported bed fusion is shown in Figure 11 [37]. The interaction
as the least sensitive to hydrogen embrittlement. of the laser with the metal powder generates the coex-
Hydrogen embrittlement of AM parts is discussed in istence and interaction of solid, liquid, gas vapour, and
Section 5.3. plasma. The rapid heating and cooling thermal cycles
generate thermal gradients and determine the meta-
stable nature of the chemical, structural, and mechan-
Additive manufacturing ical state of the system. Modelling of the physical
phenomena is scarce, yet necessary to address the
Additive manufacturing of materials relevant
complexity of the system.
for gas turbine parts
Nickel-based superalloys rely on precipitation
Additive manufacturing is suitable for the fabrication hardening and/or solid-solution-hardening while
of gas turbine parts (blades, vanes, fuel injectors, the precipitation of the γ′ phase occurs upon cool-
impellers, swirlers, burners, combustion chambers, ing and is dependent on the cooling rate
cladding, seals, housings) [123] and for the production [128,129]. Ni-based superalloys like IN939, IN718,

Figure 11. Physical effects that describe the AM of metals powders via the powder bed fusion (or SLM) fabrication method,
Reprinted from [37] with permission under Creative Commons CC BY licence.

Figure 12. Surface micrographs of a 3D printed IN625 showing the formation of δ phase precipitates, initially at interdendritic
regions, at 870°C after 0.5, 1, 4, and 8 h, Reprinted from [130] with permission from Elsevier.

IN625, and Hastelloy X are commercially available Zhang et al. [130] reported the formation of
for AM and have been studied to facilitate the unwanted platelet-shaped δ phase precipitates (orthor-
understanding of processing, microstructure, and hombic Nb and Mo rich phases, with a wide range of
properties. Fu et al. [126] described the microstruc- local compositions, e.g. Ni-20.20Nb-11.00Mo-8.70Nb-
ture resulting from selective laser melting (SLM) 0.05C) upon stress relief thermal treatment of AM pro-
processing as characterised by fine, elongated grains cessed (by laser-sintering powder-bed fusion) Inconel
that can recrystallise during heat treatment to form 625 much faster than in wrought materials, in a matter
equiaxed and isotropic structures. In case recrystalli- of minutes instead of tens to hundreds of hours, as
sation does not occur, the material remains anisotro- shown in Figure 12. Elemental segregation in AM
pic. Deng [129] studied microstructures and materials was identified as the root cause for the δ
mechanical properties of electron beam melting phase precipitation. A subsequent homogenisation
(EBM) and SLM processed IN718. It was found that heat treatment was effective in removing the δ phase.
the EBM microstructure is characterised by columnar It was concluded that alloy-specific strategies should
grains, elongated in the building direction while SLM be developed to mitigate the effects of AM processing.
resulted in a fine, dendritic microstructure. The as- Shaikh [128] studied the effect of thermal treatments
built EBM microstructure was location-dependent of IN939 Ni-based superalloy parts obtained by laser-
with an irregular frame part having a weak texture. powder bed fusion. Other Ni-based superalloys were
The strengthening phases γ′ /γ′′ precipitated during as well reviewed. The results demonstrated notable
the AM processing and intermetallic phases with the differences in the fractions and morphologies of the γ′
AB2 (laves phases) composition were observed. The strengthening phases, in comparison with the conven-
mechanical properties of the fabricated samples were tional materials. The author specified that superalloys
anisotropic, with higher tensile strength and lower processed by laser-powder bed fusion are susceptible
elongation along the building direction. The strength to cracking, with solidification cracking as the primary
was somewhat increased by heat treatment. The as- responsible mechanism. It was mentioned that post
built SLM microstructure showed a weak texture, processing thermal treatments affect grain structure,
with fine laves phase in the interdendrites and no pre- morphology, distribution, and size of strengthening
cipitation of the γ′ /γ′′ strengthening phases. The ten- precipitates. IN939 could be produced free from defects
sile properties and elongation showed anisotropy and the thermal treatments applied resulted in excellent
depending on the building direction. Homogenisation room temperature tensile properties.
heat treatments demonstrated positive results in the Andersson et al. [131] applied this approach for a
segregation of the γ′ /γ′′ strengthening phases and for burner repair in a specifically designed gas turbine via
decreasing the anisotropy. SLM indicating no defects on the surface of the 3D

printed part. The porosity and inclusions levels were resistance are the particularities of the AM manufac-
low in all examined parts with an average porosity of turing, such as the effects of porosity and defects, com-
less than 0.09%. The presence of sulphur and some sur- positional differences generated by the evaporation of
face oxidation was observed up to 50 µm in the material alloying elements due to the high-temperature laser,
after testing the 3D printed burner parts. Non-destruc- inclusions, and interdendritic chemical segregation.
tive and destructive tests showed that printed burners The residual stress and non-homogeneous micro-
were in functional condition [131]. structure determine a more complex corrosion behav-
iour than for the conventionally processed steels.
Corrosion resistance of steel manufactured by
Hydrogen embrittlement of steel manufactured
The effect of microstructure of alloys produced by AM
by AM
on corrosion resistance is discussed by Örnek [132]
and Kong et al. [133]. Örnek characterised the micro- The susceptibility to hydrogen attack and other prop-
structural features of additive manufactured metallic erties of metal parts obtained by additive manufactur-
parts, such as porosity, structural gradients, chemical ing is the cumulated result of several factors like alloy
inhomogeneities, microstructural heterogeneities, tex- design, microstructure, properties, and AM processing
ture, the formation of surface oxides, grain size, strain conditions, describing the structure–property–proces-
and stress, surface roughness, and their influence on sing–performance relationship. Several studies con-
corrosion resistance. The author concludes that con- ducted on the hydrogen exposure effects on 3D
trolled microstructure has a significant importance printed specimens indicate optimised 3D printing
for obtaining reproducible properties and that more manufacturing methods as suitable for producing
systematic development of AM-materials should be metallic parts for hydrogen service and hydrogen
made in parallel with corrosion studies to optimise infrastructure. The published literature in AM of aus-
corrosion properties. Kong et al. [133] also reviewed tenitic stainless steels is focused mostly on 316L and
the influence of the internal microstructure, such as 304L [135–139]. However, Seifi et al. [140] and Gorsse
porosity, surface roughness, phase segregations, et al. [141] report on the technology readiness levels
oxides, inclusions, and corrosion properties. The (TRL) in additive manufacturing for Ni-based superal-
authors point out the necessity of focusing on the loys (Hastelloy X, Inconel 625 and Inconel 718), Co-
optimisation of fabrication parameters and establish- Cr alloys (Co28Cr6Mo), and Ti-based alloys (Ti-6Al-
ing a correspondence between key structural features 4V, Ti-6Al-4V ELI), with TRL 7-9. Other alloys are
and corrosion resistance. Laleh et al. [134] reviewed included such as tool steels (H13 and Maraging 300)
the corrosion behaviour of austenitic, precipitation- with TRL 9, stainless steels (316L and 17–4PH) with
hardened, and duplex stainless steels processed by TRL 7–8, Al-based alloys with TRL 4–8, Cu-based
AM in comparison with the conventionally produced alloys, intermetallic (titanium aluminide), and low
counterparts. The review addressed the corrosion alloy steels (AISI 4140) with TRL 4–5 [142–145].
resistance in acidic and NaCl solutions at room temp- Another type of alloy used for advanced gas turbine
erature. Important aspects that influence the corrosion engines is Ti-6Al-4V. Silverstein et al. [146] reported

Figure 13. Thermal desorption of hydrogen for: (a) sample 1, with inset plot of activation energies for two fitted hydrogen des-
orption peaks and (b) sample 2, with inset plot of the activation energies for two fitted hydrogen desorption peaks. Reprinted from
[146] with permission from Elsevier.

on the hydrogen embrittlement, trapping, and deso- dynamic embrittlement of Ni-based superalloys at
rption behaviour in 3D printed-Ti-6Al-4V by SLM intermediate temperatures. Ni-based superalloys
method. Titanium alloys have reasonable resistance show ductility loss and intergranular cracking at inter-
to chemical attack, but hydrogen attack causes severe mediate temperatures. The embrittling behaviour is
problems, such as loss of ductility and decreased reported between 500 and 900°C, with maximum of
material strength. The processing of complex shaped embrittlement around 600°C [148]. The intergranular
alloy parts by additive manufacturing results in a com- cracking of Ni-based superalloys, caused by the diffu-
plex, non-equilibrium state of the material. The sion of atomic oxygen at the grain boundaries (GB), is
hydrogen trapping characteristics were studied to known as Oxidation Assisted Intergranular Cracking
determine the efficiency of hydrogen traps to bind (OAIC) [149] or dynamic embrittlement [150]. A
hydrogen and preventing it from reaching cracking similar process of time-dependent decohesion at GB
sites. Hydrogen embrittlement was studied by expos- may occur under sustained or cyclic loading, deter-
ing samples to hydrogen atmosphere of 0.5 MPa mined by interactions with oxygen at the crack tip
hydrogen pressure at 500°C for 10 h. Hydrogen evol- for Ni-based superalloys [151]. Embrittling elements
ution and hydrogen trapping interactions were evalu- may be present in the alloy or oxygen from surround-
ated via thermal desorption spectrometry (TDS), as ing atmosphere may diffuse into the steel lattice and
illustrated in Figure 13. Samples 1 and 2, printed in induce cracking along GB in the alloy. Ni-based super-
directions X-Z and X-Y, were compared and it was alloy IN718 was designed for high temperature, but its
shown that susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement application is limited to 650°C due to the embrittle-
is influenced significantly by the printing direction. ment occurring at higher temperatures [149]. For
Sample 1 showed an increased susceptibility to hydro- the Ni-based superalloy U720Li no embrittlement
gen embrittlement, due to a higher content of Ti- was reported below 600°C, with trans-granular failure
hydrides and lower trapping energy of TiH compared observed. At temperatures of 600–850°C, the ductility
to sample 2. The hydrogen desorption was considered decreased significantly with quasibrittle intergranular
as diffusion controlled for sample 1 and de-trapping failure, while above 850°C the tensile ductility was
controlled desorption for sample 2. The increased recovered [152].
resistance to hydrogen embrittlement observed for Chan [151] applied the grain boundary fracture
sample 2 was associated with the increased stress of model for Ni-based superalloys, like IN718, to predict
the material in the printing direction [146]. the onset of dynamic embrittlement and oxidation-
Hydrogen embrittlement of AM parts produced for induced crack growth and concluded that the model
gas turbine applications is reported at low tempera- predicts correctly the decrease of tensile ductility of
tures, from RT and up to 300°C. The 3D printed Ni-based superalloys with increasing oxygen content
parts are generally reported with high resistance to and temperatures. It was also concluded that dynamic
hydrogen attack, correlated with the internal micro- embrittlement may occur before oxide formation,
structure of the specimens [136,147]. Baek et al. caused by the oxygen segregated GB, while oxide for-
[135] evaluated the effect of hydrogen attack for 3D mation in the crack may have a strengthening effect on
printed metallic parts for 304L at 150°C to be used the crack-tip. It is mentioned that the heat of oxygen
for manufacturing and repair of specialised parts solution in Ni seems to be the activation energy for
such as blades and fuel nozzles for gas turbines dynamic embrittlement. Deng et al. [153] studied the
[135]. The results indicated high resistance to hydro- dwell-fatigue cracking at 550 °C of IN718 prepared
gen attack of the AM parts when compared with rolled by EBM AM technique, with a focus on the anisotro-
plate specimens. Smith et al. [136] studied the effect of pic cracking resistance of the AM processed alloy. It
hydrogen corrosion on tensile fracture and fatigue was concluded that the loading parallel to the colum-
crack growth for 304L printed specimens at 300°C in nar GB demonstrated better dwell-fatigue cracking
comparison with wrought steel specimens. AM may resistance than the loading perpendicular to the
induce defects such as microcracks, leading to columnar GB. The AM processed specimens had
reduction of ductility in hydrogen environment. The superior dwell-fatigue cracking resistance in compari-
study concluded that 3D printed specimens can exhi- son with conventionally processed IN718 specimens
bit similar tensile and fatigue properties with wrought both in parallel and perpendicular loaded specimens,
specimens in air and extreme hydrogen environment resulted from the structure of the GB, grain size, low
when manufacturing defects are avoided or effectively angle grain boundaries, and the formation of the δ
attenuated [136]. precipitate phase at GB.

Dynamic embrittlement Conclusions

The increased steam content in hydrogen-fuelled gas Materials development for gas turbines has been
turbines may act as an oxygen source to cause focused on improving the gas turbine efficiency and

profitability by increasing the maximum allowable ser- repeated thermal cycles specific to 3D printing. In
vice temperature and long-term stability. Much of the cases where the printed parts contain pores,
advancement has been made in the area of thermal inclusions, and similar defects, a greater susceptibility
and EBC that can be utilised at higher operating temp- to hydrogen embrittlement and a lower high-tempera-
eratures and provide greater protection against oxi- ture corrosion resistance has been reported. On the
dation. Alongside this, additive manufacturing is other hand, parts fabricated with a more optimised
being explored and continuously improved as a prom- microstructure are reported to be less susceptible to
ising method for fabricating new and complex com- hydrogen embrittlement than conventionally pro-
bustor designs, intricate air cooling channels, and cessed parts.
other complex structures. The advancements made
in these developments cover to some extent the new
requirements arising from utilising H2 as fuel. How- List of abbreviations
ever, this review has found that there are some poten- AM Additive manufacturing
APS Atmospheric plasma spraying
tial challenges that require more attention.
CCS Carbon capture and storage
Among the most critical challenges are the larger CHP Combined heat and power
temperature gradients that emerge across air-cooled CMAS Calcium magnesium aluminosilicate
components in hydrogen-fired gas turbines, arising CMC Ceramic matrix composites
CO2 Carbon dioxide
from the smaller flame-wall quenching distance, the DLE Dry low emission
potentially higher flame temperature, and the larger EB-PVDElectron-beam physical vapour deposition
heat transfer coefficient of the combustion products. EBC Environmental barrier coatings
EBM Electron beam melting
This necessitates the development of TBC with even GB Grain boundary
lower thermal conductivities and fracture toughness HVOF High velocity oxy fuel
to withstand thermal stress induced cracking and spal- kWh kilowatt hour
MAX Mn + 1AXn
lation. Another potential challenge of hydrogen-fired
NOx Nitrogen oxide
gas turbines is the increased steam content in the com- OAIC Oxidation assisted intergranular cracking
bustion products, which may have a significant nega- ODS oxide-dispersion-strengthened
tive effect on the corrosion resistance and lifetime of PS-PVD Plasma-spray physical vapour deposition
RT Room temperature
the barrier coatings and of the underlying metal com- Sccm Standard cubic centimetres per minute
ponent. Review of the available literature suggests that SLM Selective laser melting
especially the combination of water vapour and heavy/ SoA State of the art
SPS Suspension plasma spraying
fast cycling may be detrimental, meaning it will be TBC Thermal barrier coatings
more critical for aero applications than for stationary TDS Thermal desorption spectrometry
ones. There are few studies available that have investi- TEC Thermal expansion coefficient
TGO Thermally grown oxide
gated the degradation and lifetime as a function of the
US United States
water vapour content. This is an area that should YAG Yttrium aluminium garnets
receive more attention in the development of materials YSZ Yttria stabilised zirconia
specifically for hydrogen-fired gas turbines. Other
degradation phenomena such as the dual atmosphere Acknowledgements
effect and hydrogen embrittlement require also more Financial support from the Research Council of Norway,
research in the context of gas turbines. through the CLIMIT program (Contract No. 280578) for
Additive manufacturing has excellent applicability the project ‘Distributed Hydrogen Injection and Combus-
for producing metallic parts with complex designs, tion Technology for Next Generation Pre-Combustion
CCS Schemes’ is greatly appreciated.
for on-site building of new parts, and on-site repair
of damaged/worn parts. Current development is
focused on controlling the microstructure of the Disclosure statement
printed parts by optimising printing parameters such
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
as the laser scanning speed, intensity, layer thickness,
etc. in order to melt the metal sufficiently to avoid por-
osity, while at the same time controlling evaporation Funding
of elements and segregation of secondary phases.
This work was supported by Norges Forskningsråd [grant
The structure of the GB, the grain size, and low number 280578].
angle grain boundaries are also of high importance.
Control of microstructure is currently still a challenge
with the conventional Ni-based alloys used in gas tur- ORCID
bines, and progress in additive manufacturing may Elena Stefan
lead to the development of new gas turbine alloy com- Belma Talic
positions that are more optimised for the rapid and Yngve Larring

Andrea Gruber conditions. Proc Combust Inst. 2011;33:2937–2944.

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