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1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box and the correct form of used to.
go like live play study work

1 Did you use to play tennis when you were young?

2 I didn’t use to like (not) cooking but now I love it.
3 Bob never use to study hard at school but now he’s a doctor!
4 Did your aunt use to live in that big house?
5 She use to work in an office, but she hated it. Now she works in a restaurant.
6 We never use to go anywhere hot on holiday.

2 Find and correct the mistakes. Tick (ü) the correct sentences.
1 I use used to enjoy learning French at school.
2 Did you used use to go abroad for your holidays?
3 They didn’t use to speak to us much. ü
4 We never use used to eat out at restaurants.
5 I’m sure Sally used to play the piano. ü
6 Jack use used to be overweight but now he’s slim.

3 Complete the sentences with so, because or to.

1 She left her job because she didn’t like it.
2 Kara is ill so Anna will play her role.
3 They need £10 million to make the film.
4 They spent four years abroad because Chen’s company sent him to Tokyo.
5 We’re working hard to save money to go travelling around the world.
6 He needed to get fit so he started jogging.
7 I broke my leg so Jo took me to hospital.
8 I’ll never forget him because he saved my life.
9 Juliet phoned me to ask for help.
10 I went for a walk so I was bored.


4 Underline the correct alternative.
1 I never get bored with/about my life.
2 I travelled to/around the world with a backpack.
3 She’s always wanted to move at/to Tuscany.
4 Thomas gave in/up his job when he was thirty-six and went back/for to university.
5 Annie has started looking for/at a new job.
6 She wanted to get away/off from everyone.

5 Match 1–7 with a)–g).
1 What crime was c a) famous after acting in the film Forrest Gump.
2 I love the role she f b) has he spent in
3 How much time b c) she arrested for?
4 They made a g d) life – he’s a hero!
5 Tom Hanks became a e) all illnesses.
6 We can’t cure d f) played in his last
7 He saved the boy’s e g) documentary about
his life.

6 Complete the places.

1 I went to the l i b r a r y to borrow a book.
2 She was late for class because she couldn’t find the lecture theatre.
3 I love buying pens and notebooks in
stationery shops.
4 This cafeteria is too small for thirty-five students. There’s not enough space for their desks.
5 You should go to the welfare office about your accommodation problem.
6 All new students must go to the
registration desk in the main
reception to enrol.
7 Where’s the photocopying room, please?
I need some copies of this.

7 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Then match 1–6 with answers a)–f).
time where do need when can

1 Excuse me. Could you tell me what time

the study centre closes? d
2 Where can I get a cup of coffee? a
3 Do you know when it opens? f
4 Do I have to register to use the library? b
5 can you tell me where the cinema is? e
6I need to speak to the welfare officer. c

a) In the cafeteria near the bookshop.

b) No, you just need your student card.
c) Can you tell me what the problem is?
d) I think it closes at 5.30.
e) Sorry, I don’t know where it is.
f) Yes, at nine o’clock.


Total: 50

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