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Project Design Models

All of the calculation techniques that the researchers will use to carry out the

study will be covered in this section.

Researchers will be using the Percent Proportion formula. A percent is equal to

an equivalent ratio in this equation.

Part Percent
Whole 100

where; part = the part (weight) of soil to be replaced

whole = the total weight of sample

% = proposed proportion

It will be used in getting the weight of GGBS and RHA as additives for stabilizing

the soil sample. Then, laboratory tests will be performed to determine the effectiveness

of the additives and one of the parameters is the expansion index. The expansion index

test is calculated using the formula below.

EI =100 x ∆ h x F

where; ∆h = percent swell

F = fraction passing No. 4 sieve

This formula is important to determine if the soil sample is expansive or not.

Then, for them to define the limits of soil consistency, they need to determine its

Atterberg Limits and calculate is Plasticity Index.

PI =¿−PL
where; LL = liquid limit
PL = plastic limit

With the use of plasticity index formula, it will help the researchers determine the

moisture content levels that signal the change in soil consistency. Different moisture

content values and the resulting dry densities, acquired after compaction, will be plotted

to an arithmetic scale, with the former serving as the abscissa and the latter as the

ordinate. The resulting points will be linked to form a curve. The curve will be read to

determine the MDD and the matching OMC. The MDD and OMC are computed as


Weight of wet soil ∈mold (grams)

Wet density =
volume of mold (cc)

Moisture content (%)= ( Weight of water (grams)

Weight of dry soil (grams))x 100

Dry density ( ccg )=Wet density (1+ moisture100content )

This will show how the amount of moisture in soils and the densifying effect of

repeated mechanical effort interact. And for the Unconfined Compressive Strength. The

formulas below will be used.

For the sample cross-sectional area:

A0 =π (d ) /4
For the deformation (ΔL) corresponding to 15% strain (e):

Strain ( e ) =ΔL /L0

where; L0 = Original specimen length

For the corrected area:

A = A 0 /(1−e)

where; A0 = sample initial cross-sectional area

e = strain

For specimen stress:

sc =P / A '

The maximum axial stress that an unconfined cylindrical soil specimen can resist

is the unconfined compression strength of that particular soil specimen.

Also, researchers will use the one-way ANOVA to determine if there was

significant difference between the mixture proportions. There are formulas used for this

process. First is the sum formula.

x=∑ n

where; x = total of parameters

n = parameters in each mixture

Sum formula is used to get the total of parameters in mixture. The next formulas

will be used is the average formula.

x = mean x= n
∑x = sum of the parameters of replicates in each mixture
n = number of curing days in each mixture

Average formula is used to determine the average parameters in each mixture.

After getting it, the researchers will compute for the variance using the formula below.

S=2∑ ( x 1−x )


where; S
= variance
total or sum of the parameters of replicates in each
x1 = mixture
x = average parameters of replicates in each mixture
n = number of curing days in each mixture

Variance formula is used to determine the variance of Mixture A (Pure Soil),

Mixture B (15% GGBS + 10% RHA + 75% Soil), Mixture C (10% GGBS + 15% RHA +

75% Soil), and Mixture D (10% GGBS + 10% RHA + 80% Soil). For the continuation,

the researchers will determine the sum of squares for each mixture using the formula


(∑ x )

SS=∑ x −

SS = sum of squares for each mixture

where; 2
X = square of average parameters
total or sum of the parameters of replicates in each
∑x = mixture
N = number of curing days in each mixture
SS formula will be used by the researchers to determine the SSbetween, SSwithin and

the SSTotal. To complete the column for the sum of squares, the researchers will

determine the SS within groups, SS between groups and the total SS. For the SS within

groups, the researchers will use the formula below.

SSwithin =∑ SS

where; SSwithin = sum of squares within group

SS = Sum of squares for each mixture

This formula will be used by the researchers, to determine the SS between and the

SSwithin. Next formula will be used to determine the total sum of squares.

SSTotal =∑ X −

where; SSTotal = total sum of squares

X = square of every average mixture
G = total of average parameters
N = total number of parameters

This formula will be used by the researchers, to determine the SS Total. Then, for

the sum of squares between groups, the SSbetween will be determined it using SSTotal the

formula below.
SSbetween =SSTotal −SS within

SSbetw een = sum of squares between group

SSTotal = total sum of squares
SSwithin = Sum of squares within groups

This formula will be used to determine the MS between. Then, for the degree of

freedom, the researchers will use the formula below to solve for the df between group,

df within group and total df.

df between=k−1

df within=N−k

df Total =N −1

df between = degree of freedom between groups

df within = degree of freedom within groups
df Total = total degree of freedom
k = number of mixture
N = total number of parameters

The formula for getting the df will be used to determine the MS. After getting the

SS and df, the researchers will solve for the MS or the mean squares using the formula

SS between
MS between =
df between

MS between = mean squares between groups

SSbetween = sum of squares between groups
df between = degree of freedom between groups


MSbetween will be used to determine the F ratio of the data. Then, the researchers

will determine the mean squares within groups using the formula below.

MS within=
df within

MS within = mean squares within groups

SSwithin = sum of squares within groups
df within = degree of freedom within groups

After getting MSbetween and MSwithin, the F ratio will be solved using the formula

MS between
MS within

MS within = mean squares within groups

MS between = sum of squares within groups
F = F ratio

This formula will be used to determine the decision for the null hypothesis.

Statistical Treatment
To correctly interpret the findings, the data obtained through the course of the

study must be appropriately processed and analysed. The following statistical measure

will be used by the researchers to approximate the results of the study. In order to

identify the statistically significant difference between the mixture proportion, a one-way

analysis of variance (ANOVA) will be used. ANOVA is a statistical analysis technique

that separates the overall variability within a data set into two components.

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