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. Reporting to the London Head on resourcing of instruction, finance, opportunities and business development actions. » Technical expertise in TTD buildings surveys, fund Project monitoring, contract administration! project management, Undertaking a full range of building surveying disciplines . Responsible for management of own workload on a day-to-day basis Clients and Business Development 1. . Managing existing client relationships on day to a day basis . Identifying new business opportunities both within and outside of your own Proactive in building relationship with both internal and external clients. discipline . Regularly meeting and maintaining links with existing and prospective clients . Engaging in department business development activities .. Responsible for managing own instructions of major or national projects - Working independently on most assignments, receiving guidance only on unusual issues . Have a broad knowledge of principles and practices of related disciplines ‘Systems and Process J. Working within clearly defined, well established process 2. Solving problems by following well defined process and precedents 3. Consulting more experienced colleagues on more difficult unfamiliar precedents 4, Mentoring and providing guidance to junior staff Company 1. Conscious of and taking steps to protect the interest of BNP Paribas Real Estate, its employees and reputation 2. Generating revenue to meet individual and team fee targets 3. Building own network of clients, consultants and supplier M1 [Page Job Description Position _: Project Manager The roles and responsibilities The project manager is the individual responsible for delivering the project. The individual leads and manages the project team, with authority and responsibility from the project board, to run the project on day-to-day basis. In the NI public sector, Project IN Controlled Environments is the standard project management method and is applicable to all project types. As well as the formal responsibilities set out in methods such as PRINCE2, the project manager has an important for communicating and encouraging the need for transformation and change within the business area in tandem with the delivery of new capabilities from the project. The readiness of the business the exploit the new capability is crucial to success. Without this state of readiness of the business to exploit the new capability is crucial to success. Without this state of readiness in the business, there are likely to be disruptions and delays in the plan for benefits realization. Specific responsibilities of the project manager The project manager, operating within agreed reporting structures, is responsible for: 1. designing and applying appropriate project management standards for incorporation in the NI Gateway Review Process 2, managing the production of the required deliverables 3. planning and monitoring the project adopting any delegation and use of project assurance roles within agreed reporting structures 42|Page 5. preparing and maintaining project, stage and exception plans as required 6. managing project risks, including the development of contingency plans 7. liaison with programmer management (ifthe project is part of a programs) and related projects to ensure that work is neither overlooked nor duplicated 8. monitoring overall progress and use resources, initiating corrective action where necessary 9. applying change control and configuration management process 10.Reporting through agreed lines on project progress through highlight reports and end stage assessments 41.Liaison with appointed project assurance representatives to assure the overall direction and integrity ofthe project 12.Maintaining an awareness of potential interdependencies with other project and their impact 13.Adopting and applying appropriate technical and quality strategies and standard 44.Identitying and obtaining support and advice required for the management, planning and control of the project 16. Managing project administration 16.Conducting a project evaluation review to assess how well the project was managed : 47. Preparing any follow — on action recommendations In construction projects the project manager also provides the interface between the project sponsor and the supply side of the project team. Skills and attributes needed to be a project manager The project manager should be able to: 1. Apply a PRINCE2 project management approach to the specific requirements of the project 2. Establish a good working relationship with the Senior Responsible Owner 43|Page 3. Direct, manage and motivate the project team 4, Develop and maintain and agreed project plan and detailed stage plans 5. Understand and apply business case and risk management processes 6. Tailor expert knowledge to meet specific circumstances 7. Plan and manage deployment of physical and financial resources to meet project milestones 8. Build and sustain effective communications with others roles involved in the project 9. Apply quality management principles and processes 44|Page Job Description Position : Production Manager The roles and responsibilities Production manager ensure that manufacturing processes run reliably and efficiently, Responsibilities of the project include: 1. Planning and organizing production schedules 2. Assessing project and resource requirements » Estimating, negotiating and agreeing budgets and timescales with clients and managers .. Ensuring that health and safety regulations are met Determining quality control standards . Overseeing production processes Re — negotiating timescales or schedules as necessary PNOan . Selecting, ordering and purchasing materials 8. Organizing the repair and routine maintenance of production equipment 10. Liaising with buyers and marketing and sales staff 11. Organizing relevant training sessions In larger companies, there may be close links between production management and general or strategic management and marketing o finance roles. 45|Page Job Description Position _: Estimator Manager Production The roles and responsibilities: 1. Provide functional support and responsibilty for multiple Projects and provide managerial responsibility for the Department Operations 2. Coordinating multiple estimates simultaneously as well as review responsibility for multiple estimates or large estimates 3. Establishing and maintaining an estimating department evaluation procedures 4. Establish and maintaining department resource library 5. Recruitment and development of all estimating personnel 6. Assisting operations to select projects to bid 7. Establishing and coordinating bidding schedules 8. Reviewing project to develop win strategy 8. Reviewing pricing and scheduling 10.Establishing and maintaining relationship with owners, consultants, subs and suppliers 11.Reviewing project cost reports * 12.Developing and maintaining estimating system procedures 13. Arranging and managing bid turnover to operations ™4.Establishing district rate files for labour, equipment and materials 15.Reviewing final cost report with project team and develop for historical information 16. Conducting post - bid review 17. Assisting and or leading in proposal Preparation, presentation and ‘securing new work 18. Assisting and or leading designed - build projects 19.Assisting and preparing fee and risk analysis3 20. Responsible for the management of all aspects of the estimating department 46 | Pace Job Description Position _: Finance Manager The roles and responsibilities: Financial managers perform data analysis and advise senior managers on profit — maximizing Ideas. Financial managers are responsible for the financial health of an organization. They produce financial reports, direct investment activities, and develop strategies and plans for the long ~ term financial goals of their organization. Financial Managers typically. Prepare financial statements, business activity reports, and forecasts Monitor financial details to ensure that legal requirements are met Supervise employees who do financial reporting and budgeting Review company financial reports and seek ways to reduce costs SR ONS Analyse market trends to find opportunities for expansion or for acquiring other companies 6. Help management make financial decisions The role of the financial manager, particularly in business, is changing in response to technological advances that have significantly reduced the amount of time it takes to Produce financial reports. Financial manager's main responsibility used to be Monitoring a company's finances, but they now do more data analysis and advise Senior managers on ideas to maximize profits. They offen work on teams, acting as business advisors to top executives. Type of Financial Managers There are distinct types of financial managers, each focusing on a particular area of management. 47 |Page Controllers direct the preparation of financial reports that summarize and forecast the organization's financial position, such as income statements, balance sheets, and analyses of future earnings or expenses. Controllers also are in charge of preparing special reports required by governmental agencies that regulate businesses. Often, controllers oversee the accounting, audit, and budget departments. Treasurers and finance officers direct their organization's budgets to meet its financial goals and oversee the investment of funds. They carry out strategies to raise capital and also develop financial plans for mergers and acquisitions. Credit Manager oversees the firm's credit business. They set credit — rating criteria, determine credit ceilings, and monitor the collections of past — due accounts. Cash managers monitor and control the flow of cash that comes in and goes out of the company to meet the company's business and investment needs. Risk managers control financial risk by using hedging and other strategies to limit of offset the probability of a financial loss or company’s exposure to financial uncertainty. Insurance managers decide how best to limit a company's losses by obtaining insurance against risks such as the need to make disability payments for an employee who gets hurt on the job or costs imposed by a lawsuit against the company. 48 | Page Job Description Position _: Sales Manager The roles and responsibilities: A sales manager plays a key role in the success and failure of an organization, He is {he one who plays a pivotal role in achieving the sales targets and eventually generates revenue for the organization. A sales manager must be very clear about his role in the organization. He should know what he is supposed to do at the workplace. Let us understand the roles and responsibilities of a sales manager: 1. A sales manager is responsible for meeting the sales targets of the organization through effective planning and budgeting 2. A sales manager can't work alone. He needs the support of his sales team where each one contributes in his best possible way and work towards the goal and objectives of the organization, He is the one who sets the target for the Sales executives and other sales representatives. A sales manager must ensure the targets are realistic and achievable 3. The duties must not be imposed on anyone, instead should be delegated as Per interests and specializations of the individuals. A sale manager must understand who can perform a particular task in the most effective way. Itis his role to extract the best out of each employee. 4. A sales manager devises strategies and techniques necessary for achieving the sales targets. He is the one who decides the future course of action for his team members. 49|Page 5. Itis the sales manager's duty to map potential customers and generate leads for the organization. He should look forward to generating new opportunities for the organization 6. A sales manager is also responsible for brand promotion. He must make the product popular amongst the consumers. A banner at a wrong place is of no use. Canopies must be placed at strategic locations, hoardings should be installed at important places for the best results 7. Motivating team members is one of the most important duties of a sales manager. He needs to make his team work as a single unit working towards a common objective. He must ensure team members don't fight amongst themselves and share cordial relationship with each other. Develop lucrative incentive schemes and introduce monetary benefits to encourage them to deliver their level best. Appreciate whenever they do good work. 8. Itis the sales manager's duty to ensure his team is delivering desired results, Supervision is essential, Track their performances. Make sure each one is living up to the expectations of the organization. Ask them to submit a report of What all they have done throughout the week or month. The performers must be encouraged while the nonperformers must be dealt with utmost patience and care. 9. He is the one who takes major decisions for his team. He should act as a pillar of support them and stand by their side at the hours of crisis 10. A sales manager should set an example for his team members. He should be a source of inspiration for his team members. 11.A sales manager is responsible for not only selling but also maintaining and improving relationships with the client. Client relationship management is also his KRA. 12.As a sales manager, one should maintain necessary data and records for future reference. 50| Page 3.2 Training For a training system to be successful, it should be readily available to your employees. A leaming management system is preferable, as employees can train whenever they have time. 24-7 Young workers are comfortable with technology, and when provided with fun, interactive, interesting online content, versus a written manually they can be quick to Pick up new skils. Millennia's are more likely to likely to take part in training when the Courses are interactive, interesting and empowering. But they're not going to read Your employee manual or sort through long, dull reports. Give them the training they need in a format that works for them. No matter the age of your employees, providing them with opportunities for increased training, including options for soft skils can make them feel more empowered and less likely to leave your company. A worker might come in with plenty of knowledge for the role they are hired for, but lack some additional skills to help them do their jobs better. Offering courses on Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, or other software they might not be highly familiar with can allow them to improve in areas that will help them complete their job more efficiently. + You can offer training on anything, from your phone system to sales, from product knowledge to more than 3,000 skills. Is an employee stepping into a management role? Offer courses on how to be a manager. The more self-training available to employees, the more successful workers will be, leading to promotions and great things for them and your company. '¥ you're wondering how to reduce employee tumover and want to start from the beginning, turn to the services you provide your new employee. instead of just Showing a new hire where his or her desk is and leaving it at that, make sure new workers are truly prepared to do their job. 51|Page It's important not to assume a new hire knows how to use the systems your company utilizes on a daily basis. You can increase a worker's success at your company by making sure he or she know exactly what they need to do. Training can provide those skills, and help you decrease tumover by providing employees with thé employees with the knowledge they need upfront. Job Description v Fixable time It's no surprise that employees today want flexible hour. What is surprising, though, is that so few employers offer a flexible work schedule. All the while, millions of Americans choose to work part — time jobs so they can have more control over their work and personal lives. If you don't offer flexible working hours and conditions, you're not only creating a un- ideal work environment for your employees. You should also be shutting out qualified candidates who won't settle working for a company with an antiquated working hour policy. They're not working fewer hours because they can't find a full-time position; rather, they're engaging in a deliberate, careful work-life balance. For most, working part time is a result of simply not being able to commit to 9-to-5 jobs. For example, they may be collage or graduate students who needs time to complete assignment. Some part-time employees juggle family obligations, and others are semi-retired However, one-one third of this demographic — roughly 6 million Americans - choose part-time work so they can follow their passions. These workers want to design their own careers. Many are young and college-educated, and they want work that will 52 Page cater to their lifestyle, which is largely in flux. Among this population, the common denominator is simple. They don’t want to work long hours in a job they don't like. Too — Strict Hours Are Bad for Business Even though more and more Americans choose part-time work, the percentage of employers offering flexible work has increased only minimally in the past decade: from about 4 to 5 percent. Inflexible hours, especially combined with low wages, place demands on employees that leave them starved for time, both for themselves and for their families. Simply put, strict hours are bad for business because they're bad for employees. According to research, it's hazardous to their health. Stress takes a toll on heart health, blood pressure and getting a good night's sleep. Spending more than 20 hours awake has the same impact on bodily and mental function as consuming five or six alcoholic drinks. The statistics also how a much more insidious problem: increased likelihood of alcohol abuse. People who work 50 or more hours a week are three times as likely to chronically abuse alcohol as those who don't. As a result, the economy suffers. Experts estimate that alcohol misuse costs the U.S economy $223.5 billion every year. Decreased workplace productivity accounts for a staggering 72 percent of the loss. Why Offer Flexible Hours Given the stats, it's clear that changing the way structure your startup's hours are well worth the effort. If you still need convincing, read on for some more reasons to switch to flextime. 53|Page SMALL COST SAVINGS ADD UP Consider the cost benefits of shutting down the entirely for one day every week. During that day, no one is draining utilities like electricity or water — and you're saving on smaller investments, too, like coffee, paper towels and hand soap. Employees also save money they would otherwise spend on gas, public transit or going out to lunch. If the work can still get done, what may seem like small cost savings ultimately make a huge difference. WHEN MENTAL HEALTH IMPROVES, SO DOES MORALE Giving people space and time away from the office allows them to catch up on truly necessary activities, such as spending time with their families and getting enough sleep. When employees feel refreshed, they're much happier to come work, RECRUITING CAPABLE EMPLOYEES IS EASIER When one of the perks you can offer is a flexible work schedule, you'll be able to find competent people to help your business be the best they can be — and you'll beat out your competitors in the process. MOST IMPORTANTLY, PRODUCTIVITY INCREASES When coming to work is about more than showing up, things get done. As an employer, one great way to offer flexibility is to allow your employees to work remotely when you don't need them at the office, or to work nontraditional hours. When the employer's focus on the work being done, the employees can focus on meeting deadlines and producing good work — not on watching the clock tick the seconds until it's time to go home. The luxury of the nontraditional schedule reduces stress — and when stress doesn’t get in the way, you're your startup will benefit. Allowing employees to work flexible hours doesn't mean they're allowed to stop showing up. Consider these ideas for restructuring the way you work your startup. The bottom line is that tangible results are the goal. Many employees find it helps tremendously when they can complete tasks efficiently, but in their own way. 54| Page Work conditional Adding comfort to the workplace is an easy way to improve employee engagement and make employees happy to be at their jobs. Employees need to have their basic needs met. Before you implement any other employee engagement program, it’s a Good idea to consider how comfortable your employees are at work. Safety should always be your first concern, but ensuring that your employees are comfortable in your environment will allow them to work to the best of their abilities. Here we'll discuss how comfort relates to employee engagement and some ideas for making the workplace more comfortable. The efforts you can make to improve comfort depend on your unique worn environment. In many cases there are limitations on what you can do and safety should always come first. With safety in mind, there are always creative solutions to improve employee comfort regardless of the environment. Here's what you should be considering when trying to improve your employee engagement: 1. Facility design: There may be aspects of your building or work area that can't change, but you can make efforts towards creating a homier feel. Simple additions like painting the walls a new colour or adding decorations can promote overall well- being. 2. Break areas: If your employees work while sitting, make they have comfortable seating and tables and that desks are the appropriate height. 3. Temperature: Are your employees working in a hot or cold environment? Can the temperature be changed, or is it necessary that it stays the same? Make sure your employees are able to wear clothing that keeps them as comfortable as possible regardless of the temperature. More than that we spend so much of our life at work and with today’s tough business climate there are more challenges and stresses than ever before. How can we create @ more positive work environment when we have no authority to make change? The reality is, the attitude we bring to work plays a big part. S5[Page The suggestions below are for influencing the people around us. Our colleagues and especially our boss have a huge impact on our work experience, and one of the best ways to improve their attitude is to model the behavior we want to see in them. If we show respect, trust, patience and encouragement, we are more likely to receive them in return, What else can we do in order to influence others to make a more positive work environment? Try these 12 tips for creating a more positive work environment. 1. Give positive reinforcement... Vv | appreciate the way you... > I'm impressed with... > I really enjoy working with you because... > Your team couldn't be successful without your... > ladmire the way you take the time to ... > You're really good at... 2. Show gratitude Thank someone for something they did but weren't expecting to get thanked for — be specific. About what it was and why it was helpful or important, 3. Spread happiness Smile and say “hi to twice as many people as you normally would — but be genuine in your smile 4. Motivate others Post a new upbeat poster, picture or quote at your desk where everyone can see it. Check out our (free) printable Career Happiness Manifesto! 5. Celebrate wins Start a meeting off by sharing something positive that is going on in your group, project, work etc. Pass around a card for people to sign or make sign. 56| Pane 6. Celebrate Find some occasion to celebrate with others, whether it is a project milestone, birthday, new house, etc. Pass around a card for people to sign or make a sign. 7. Encourage positive thinking Anonymously post a positive quote or picture by the copier, coffee machine or somewhere else that receives high foot traffic so that others can see. 8. Change the way you respond When someone disagrees with you about something at work, think “how interesting’ instead of immediately getting defensive 9. Get moving If you have a meeting with only one or two other people, make it a walking meeting; get outside and get your blood pumping. 40. Encourage fun Add some light fun by picking a day for a dress-up or desk-decorating theme — ex. hat day. Wild sock day, or decorating with flowers, pictures of tropical places, ete. 14. Share your gratitude Write down five things you are grateful for a work — then share at least one with a coworker. 12, Engage in random acts of kindness. Do something kind for someone else (especially someone who wouldn't expect if), Offer to help them with something, give them a snack or treat, or simply ask them how their evening or weekend was or about something going on in their life. 57| Page Other ways to create a more positive work environment: 1 Moods are very contagious! Here's a tip on how to boost your mood so that your good feelings can rub off on those around you. Spend a few minutes remembering and visualizing a time when you were really enjoying yourself. It could be because of something you were doing, some place you were visiting or someone you were with. Savor the memory. Try to keep that feeling at the top of your mind as often as possible throughout your day. Finding meaning and purpose in what we do is a great way to stay positive. Remind yourself and others why your jobs are important. Think about their purpose and how they add value to your organization, and to your customer/clients/students/patients, Sometime your ‘customer’ is not the end user of your organization's services or products, but could be an internal person who relies on what you do so that they can get their job done. The cost of providing childcare facilities to your employees can be a valuable tax write-of. As a way of retaining good employees and keeping them focused on their job, employers commonly offer attractive fringe benefit to their workforce. For employees who have young children, the most valuable benefit often comes in the form of subsidized childcare or free daycare facilities at the workplace. And although childcare canbe expensive, the costs are typically a deductible business expense or taken as a tax credit instead. 1g off Childcare The tax code is fairly liberal when it comes to business write-offs in that it only requires each expense to be" ordinary and necessary. ‘At first glance, this may seem like a strict standard, but it isn’t. For a business expense to be ordinary, it only needs to be the type of cost that other businesses commonly incur. And since many 58[Page employers offer some type of childcare assistance to employees, the expense can easily satisfy the ordinary requirement. To satisfy the necessary requirement, your business must be able to show that the provision of childcare is helpful to the organization, such as for the purpose of retaining the most talented workers. Amount to Write-Off The amount your business deducts will depend on the type of childcare benefits provided. If you provide on-side daycare facilities, you can include every cost you incur to operate the facility. This can include the cost of hiring qualified people to watch the children during the work day, utilities, additional insurance premiums, furnishings and supplies for the daycare facility and essentially any other cost incurred that relates to the childcare facility. When the childcare benefit is in the form of a monetary subsidy, the deduction is simply equal to the total subsidy provided to all employees during the tax year. Effect on Employees Under the tax law, the provision of childcare is considered a fringe benefit that may be excludable from your employees’ taxable earnings if certain requirements are met. The benefit must be provided pursuant to a dependent care assistance program that your business offers to all eligible employees — meaning the employee can claim her children as dependents and the children services are necessary so that she can spend more time at work. If eligible, your business can provide up to $5,000 in childcare assistance to each employee and exclude it from their taxable wages reported on FORM W - 2. When the value of the childcare isn't treated as taxable compensation, your business also stands to save additional money since Social Security, Medicare and federal unemployment taxes aren't owed on the benefit. Employer — Provided Childcare Credit Under the provisions of the general business credit, employers who spend money to construct, acquire or operate a childcare facility for the benefit of their employees may be eligible to take an annual tax credit up to $150,000 for a portion of the costs. A credit can save your business more in tax than a deduction since the credit amount 59) Page directly reduces your business tax bill. Therefore, you may want to evaluate your eligibility for the credit each year and only write — off the excess childcare costs that can't include in the tax credit. Company Transportation Employers who grant transportation benefits for members of their workforce gain several advantages for their company. Granting these benefits can help your company by: Attracting and retaining worker Minimizing payroll taxes Enhancing customer access to services and goods Expanding service hours Minimizing gas emissions and conserving energy Demonstrating company support of work — life balance Helping public transit SNe AaEna Developing your corporate reputation as an environmentally and worker — friendly company Save thousands of dollars in hiring ‘and training costs by providing a commuter benefit program for employees, many of whom may struggle with rising transportation costs. One study found that, on average, it costs a firm 25 percent of a position’s annual salary plus 25 percent of the costs of benefits to replace an employee. Furthermore, when considering the indirect expenses of advertising, recruitment, and new employee training, not to mention lost productivity, it can cost a company up to 150 percent of an employee's annual salary to replace him or her. 4. Increase employee productivity by promoting commuter habits that reduce employee commute times and late arrivals. 60| Page 2. Save on overhead costs related to maintaining on ~ site parking lots and garages and adding more parking spaces to keep up with a growing workforce by encouraging shared rides to work. 3. Lessen payroll taxes by allowing employees to use pre — tax dollars for transportation Providing a bus/car is a valuable benefit for employees Being able to use a company bus/car is a valuable benefit for employees, especially those with children. Access to a second car means that employees with families have more flexibility with their personal transportation and can easily reach the workplace. A company car is also a valuable benefit for staff members that don't have their own Vehicles. Providing company cars can mean your employees no longer rely on public transportation, which can often be late or unreliable. Company bus/cars can be used in a salary sacrifice scheme Providing a company car to an employee can be part of a salary sacrifice scheme a Compensation arrangement between your company and its employees that reduces your NIC obligations and limits your employee's income tax payments. Salary sacrifice arrangements are perfectly legal, although they can often result in additional expenses for your employees. A company car, for example, is subject to taxes that are unrelated to income tax, making it not always an economical choice. Company cars make transportation a non — issues for staff 'f your company’s office is located in an out of the way location that’s far away from Public transportation, providing company cars to employees can make it easier for your staff to travel to and from your office. 61[ Page Although this is less important in a dense city such as London, being able to access a second car can be a major benefit for companies located in less populated areas, as it allows families to split their morning journey into two separate vehicles. Employee can face extra taxes for driving a company car Providing company cars for your employees has numerous benefits, from making it easier to get to and from work to reducing their income tax obligations. It also has a range of downsides, one of the biggest of which is company car taxes Employees that use company cars need to pay taxes based on the total value of the car end its emissions. These taxes can make driving a company car uneconomical if most of your staff members already have their own vehicles Company cars are often an unnecessary extra expense Although most company cars are inexpensive — in 2011, the most popular company cars were the Vauxhall Astra and Ford Focus — the cost of buying multiple cars for a large workforce can quickly add up. If your company is located close to public transportation or most of its employees already have their own vehicles, investing in company cars could be an additional expense that doesn't provide as much value to your company as expected. Cars need to be maintained and eventually replaced It's easy to think of company cars that are driven frequently throughout the year — need to repaired, serviced and maintained. Over time, the cost of insuring an maintaining fleet of company cars can be quite significant, It's also important to keep in mind that company cars eventually need to be replaced — an additional expense for your business. 62| Page Should your company provide cars to its employees? In certain situations, company cars can offer serious benefits for your employees. If your company’s office is quite remote, providing cars can help your key members of staff get to work on time without depending on public transportation. The perks of having a company car can also be a source of motivation for employees, showing them that their employer truly cares about them and values the important role they fill within the business. The value of a company car system depends on your company’s circumstances. If you want to provide a great benefit to employees and don’t mind the cost of a car fleet, investing in company cars can be a great idea for your business. Staff increment (higher pay for staff) Connecting employee pay raises to performance reviews can encourage a more competitive workforce. This can result in a higher level of productivity as each employee strives to increase sales or client acquisitions to earn the highest marks on the next performance review. The performance - based pay scale should require effort to reach the next rung of pay increases. Having pay increases that employees can reach simply through seniority could reduce competition in your workplace and slow your small business level of overall produstivity. Employees respond with increased worth ethic and attention to the task when pay increases directly reflect their level of performance. Tying pay raise incentives to performance reviews can help the workforce in your small business better understand what it takes to earn higher pay and that your company values employees who choose to work hard and outperform other employees. This also helps new employees who can see your company doesn't simply reward employees for longevity, instead opting to reward workers who consistently improve on production and operational techniques. 63) Page Money is a quantifiable way to show employee praise for high performance or a job well done. Connecting pay raise incentives to performance evaluations provides you with a clear means to show employees that you value high productivity and are willing to reward employees for that effort. This increases the morale of your workforce and can even lead to an increase in productivity as employees feel a sense of loyalty to the company because you show loyalty to your workers Look for Other Places to Cut Costs to Free Up Money for Higher Salaries Get your employees together and brainstorm ways you could streamline processes or eliminate waste If they know that the savings will go into their pockets, they're likely to come up with quite @ few ideas they have not mentioned to you before. Focus on High Performers and Key Employees Frankly, you may have some employees on staff that you don't care if they look for another job. Focus your efforts and salary increases on the high performers you want to retain and the key employees you couldn't do without. It's easier to squeeze out a small amount to increase one or two people's salaries than do it for the whole team. Adjust Benefits Perhaps it's more cost — effective and motivationally effective to eliminate some of the employee benefits you currently offer and use the savings to give your staff salary increases. For instance, if you have 50 or fewer full ~ time employees, under Obama care you don't have to offer health insurance. Depending on where you live and your employee's age and health status, if you give them raises, they may be able to afford insurance more cheaply on their own and still enjoy a higher salary. Talk to your benefits provider and accountant to figure out the cost ~ benefit here. 64| Page Job Consolidation In some cases, you might want to consider consolidating job duties. While some might think this means lay off employees, that's not necessarily the case. If you do lay people off, make sure you give your remaining workers raises and that they understand the reasons behind the change. Be mindful of relationship among employees. No one’s going to be happy about a raise if it means their closest work buddy lost his or her job. And no one's going to be engaged if they're worried about the next round of layoffs. Attrition can be a far better recourse, when someone quits or retires, distribute his or her duties and salary among your employees. Sports/ Activities Adults spend a great deal of their time at work. Thus, the workplace can be an effective setting to integrate sports and other physical activities. Fitness programs at work can help employees who normally cannot find the time after office hours to do even a simple physical activity such as walking. Business owners must encourage health and wellness programs in the workplace because studies have shown that these kinds of programs benefit both the employees and the employers. Promoting physical activity in the workplace provides the following benefits to employees: Better fitness and health Enhanced productivity and morale Improved team spirit and job satisfaction Lower stress Improved communication and inter — personal relationship among employees Parr ena Improved concentration and mental sharpness 65|Page ‘A major component of an effective health and wellness program is sports. Sports have been known to contribute to healthy bones, muscles and joints; lower stress and aid in relaxation; reduce body fat and tone muscles; decrease the risk of contracting diseases such as cancer and diabetes; and improve co- ordination and’ balance. Promoting indoor sports will ensure that employees will continue to enjoy their favorite's sports throughout the year. Salisbury Super Sport offers indoor courts for cricket, netball, soccer, volleyball and handball. The graded competitions held regularly at the sport facility are designed to be enjoyed by all participants, from elite athletes to neophyte players. These courts are available for hire, including an umpire and all the required equipment. Salisbury Super Sport also hires the sports courts for birthday parties, team — building exercise and other fun events for friend and family. Different sports can be introduced into the workplace through tournaments or friendly games. The games can generally be held over several nights or weeks. It is vital to plan these games ahead of time by designating a group of people who will oversee the whole event. Instituting a health and wellness program in the workplace also pays off for the employer. The benefits of a healthy and fit workforce for employers include reduced absenteeism and employee turnover, lower stress among staff; enhanced productivity and efficiency in the company as a whole; an improved corporate image; and better relations between management and staff. It is important to enlist the support of management for any health and wellness initiative to be successful. All employees including management have to duty to establish a healthy work environment and promote healthy lifestyles. 66 | Pace No | Program Week Aetion by | Action January 1 | Meeting/ 1 week (Sdays) | MD 1. Introduction add up to worker Problem analysis slam turnover in 2018 2. Pick head in each division 3. Each office must picked 1 head by Venue: Sun sky representatives Meeting room 4. Analysis problem Floor 22 Y They motivated by higher pay Y They're not engaged Y They're bored Y They're poorly managed 2" week (5 days) | MD/COO/ 1. How to motivate employees | Venue: cEO Training | CEO Meeting room | DEPARTME ¥ Job description | Floor 22, NT ¥ Salary increment LEADERS Company sport/Activates | 3" week (5 days) | MD/LEADE ‘1. 17 Step Sports/Activities Venue: Sun sky | RS Y Every month got company Meeting room breakfast together Floor 22 Y month once company trip Y Once in week got game | Badminton, football, carom etc) Y Yoga class/gym February 2 | Meeting problem | 3° week (5 days) | LEADERS 1. 2° step — How to engorge analysis/ Meeting started employee Recommendation | 2pm Y By training Meeting finish 2. The leader should prepare trainin 4pm and best trainer (with Venue: Sun sky qualification ) Meeting room 3. Analysis recommendation Floor 22 ¥ Staff promotion ¥_Year bonus March 3. | Meeting/ 1 week (5 days) | LEADERS 1. Submit report ( Monthly report) Recommendation | Meeting started 2, 3" step -discuses about 9:30am Job description Meeting finish Y Fixable time 11:00am ¥ Work conditional Venue: ¥_ Daycenter Moon room floor 8 ¥ Company Transportation 3. The status of training providing fo 1" batch 4._Discuss about employee feedback 67| Page 4” week (Sdays) | CEO/COO/ 1. Next training discussion Meeting started | MD/ 2. Planning for renovation office 9:30am LEADERS Y Fell more comfortable Meeting finish Y The colour of office make dam employees happy Venue: Starbuck Y Open a day centre ( Baby cafe outside office care) ¥_with low cost April 4 ‘| Meeting/ ‘Ast Week (5 days) | CEO/COO/ 1. Discuss about company profit Recommendation | Meeting started | MD 2. Salary increment 9:30am Meeting finish Lam Venue: Sun Sky Meeting room Floor 22 Meeting 2st Week (5 days) | CEO/COO/ 1. Pay increase for changeless staff Meeting started | MD and the individuals who are 9:30am working for over 2 years and Meeting finish addition will be given by this end iam of the year ( Dec | countenance by Venue: Sun Sky CEO and COO ‘Meeting room Floor 22 May 5 | Meeting/ ‘Ist Week (5 days) | LEADERS i Analysis the reports submit by Problem analysis | Meeting started leaders ( 4 months reports ) 9:30am 2. Benefits training provide Meeting finish 3. Employee feed back Lam | Venue: Sun Sky Meeting room Floor 22 Meeting 3rd Week (5 days) | CEO/COO/ | 1. Examine about aggregate cos Meeting started | MD spend for remodel and traine 9:30am salary. Meeting finish 1:00pm Venue: Sun Sky Meeting room Floor 22 Meeting/ ‘rd Week (5 days) | CEO/COO/ 1. Next training discussion Problem analysis/ | Meeting started | MD/ 2. Employee feedback Recommendation | 9:30am LEADERS, 3. Staff promotion will be indicat | Meeting finish for those who are workin 1:00pm experience and good performance Venue: Sun Sky In they KPI Meeting room Floor 22 681 Page Meeting/ Problem analysis/ Recommendation 1 Week (5 days) ‘Meeting started 9:30am, Meeting finish 1:00pm Venue: Sun Sky Meeting room Floor 22 cé0/Ccoo/ MDs Talk about organization benefits (5 months of loss organizatio cash) The benefits for company i changes of in managemen system. 2st Week (5 days) Meeting started 9:30am Meeting finish 1:00pm Venue: Sun Sky ‘Meeting room Floor 22 LEADERS ‘Next training discussion Employee feedback Meeting/ Problem analysis/ Recommendation 2st Week (5 days) Meeting started 9:30am Meeting finish 1:00pm Venue: Sun Sky Meeting room Floor 22 cEO/COO/ mp Lots of employee request fo transport allowance for those whi are doing over time And company arrange for stal transport therefore they never wi be late for working and n transport problem. 3rd Week ( 5 days) Meeting started 9:30am, Meeting finish 1:00pm Venue: Sun Sky Meeting room Floor 22 MD/ FINANCIAL MANAGER uss about company financi year report. Meeting/ Problem analysis 4” Week ( 5 days) Meeting started 9:30am Meeting finish 1:00pm Venue: Sun Sky Meeting room Floor 22 ‘CEO/COO/ Job description results Next training discussion Employee feedback Meeting/ Problem analysis/ Recommendation 2nd Week (5 days) Meeting started 9:30am Meeting finish 1:00pm Venue: Sun Sky Meeting room Floor 22 ‘CEO/COO/ MD/ MANAGER LEADERS inal project submitted Send report to COO 69] Page TRAINER PROGRAM MR SARAVANAN & EN ARIF COMMUNICATION. INFLUENCING AND NETWORKING SKILLS MR CHOONG LI KON SELF MOTIVATION MR JACOB SUNDARAM START MAKING IT A LASTING EXPERIENCE (SMILE ) MR SHAM MAXIMIZING PIVOT TABLE MR JAMUNARANI HOW TO SELL A COMB TO A MONK MR LIEW LAW SUEW ESSENTIAL INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS — USING MBTI AND NLP ( E.COM ) Y Balch 1 —Finance department Y Batch 2— Sales department Y Batch 3 — Project department Y Batch 4 — Estimator department Y Batch 5 — Production department Y Batch 6 — Accounts department 70|Page Trai ing Benefits Influencing and Communication Skills Training On this one day course we explore how to fiex your individual communication style to influence and motivate people in different arenas and with different personality types. Communication can and often does go wrong, in so many ways. Fortunately, a little understanding of the communication dynamic can help you to have the impact you want. We all have patterns of behavior around communication and influencing that may or may not suit all people or circumstances. We can’t change other people, but we can change our own behavior to create a different impact. On our public course we aim to give participants an awareness of the communication dynamic and the influencing styles they already use, exploring how effective their current pattems are in different circumstances. We unpick emotional intelligence and provide practical tools and techniques to support different choices in communicating, motivating, influencing and persuading others. Building on current and time honored theory, we demonstrate how to improve your interpersonal skills and increase your ability to communicate effectively. On our Influencing and Communication Skills Training Course you will: 4. Gain an understanding and awareness of emotional intelligence 2. Explore the communication dynamic Learn how to : Y Bulld rapport < Deal with assumptions ¥ Handle different personality styles T|Page . Understand, and know how to apply, different theories of influencing . Understand how to get key messages across clearly and concisely . Learn how to change your attitude to change the impact you have . Learn what motivates you and others ARONA Gain strategies for mediating and handling conflict effectively Some of the exercise we may include on our influencing and communication skills training course are: . Emotional Intelligence The Communication Dynamic .. The Theory of Influencing . Influencing in Practice Your Personal Communication and Influencing Style . Tapping into Values . Changing your impact ._ Influencing Different Personality Styles 9. Motivating Individuals and Groups 10. Acknowledging their View of the World OPN OAAWN A 11.Creating Rapport and Empathy 12. The Language of Influencing 13. Managing conflict 14. Mediating 15.Key Messages Influencing is an important skill in itself or within the context of wider leadership development training. Taking the time and energy to be self — aware and to clearly understand the needs of others can enable us to motivate, influence, and persuade people to a new or different way of thinking both up and down the line. 72|Page Self- motivation One of the most commonly debated and researched field in the business world is motivation. If we understand how and why people are motivated, we can encourage them to be their best at work. The more motivated People are to be successful and achieve the goals set of them, the more their confidence in their own abilities will grow as well, which can, in turn, make them even more motivated, When people are motivated at work, there are many positive factors that result in the workplace. For example, the job satisfaction improves, everybody focus on the results, and everyone's full potential can be tapped Positive effects of motivation Among other positive effects, for ourselves being motivated means an improvement Of our self-confidence, that we enhance our self — discipline, that we reward ourselves for reaching goals, and challenge ourselves to stretch beyond our perceived limits. 'f you are responsible for motivating others, your own personal motivation matters in wo ways. First, you need to be motivated to continue applying techniques until you have found what works best for the individuals on your team, But Second, you need to make sure that your motivation is grounded in the right intentions. If you simply try to force others to achieve what you want them to do without considering their own needs and values, you will end up with temporary motivation — if they are motivated are all. Eventually you would face turnover, job shirking, and poor attitudes. What is important to the people you want to motivate In order for you to motivate others, you need to understand what will drive them to take appropriate action. This requires that you take the time to understand what is important to the people you want to motivate. Then you must use that knowledge to create motivating system in the workplace. In some cases you might not be able to motivate every person on your team the same way. You may need to get creative and think in non — traditional terms as to how to get people revved up about what they need to accomplish. ‘Start making it a lasting experience (SMILE) Listed below are several benefits that accrue to an organization when employees are trained in customer service skills: Employees, who are properly trained and demonstrate professional customer service skills, can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. This help the business retain customers and improve profit. It costs less to retain loyal customers than to acquire new ones. In addition satisfied customers are more open to additional sales messages and are likely to refer thers to that business. Good listening skills and questioning techniques can shorten the interaction time with customers. This allows an organization to serve more customers in less time, possibly with fewer staff. However, customers are intelligent and do not want to feel rushed, when they have questions. So be proactive and make sure every customer feels they are being heard and not just ‘listened’ to. Being able to clearly explain the next step in a process and confirming that the customer is satisfied, will decrease the number of callbacks and return customers. Improving * first contact’ resolution is one of the primary drivers of customer satisfaction. 74| Page ‘raining all employees using consistent customer service skil, allows them to have a Common Process and language when assisting customers, which adds value to the business. Investing in employee training gives employees a feeling of value and improves morale. In addition, when employees fee! valued, they value their customers, This could be a result of effective customer service skills training, which not only benefits ‘he employee, but will enhance the relationship with the customers. These important factors can help to increase employee loyalty, reduce employee tumover, and lower productivity costs, ing Pivot Table (Microsoft Office Excel) Elements of this syllabus are subject to change. This one — day instructor — led course provides students with the knowledge and skills to examine and manipulate raw data through the use of Maximizing Pivot Table and Pivot Charts METHODOLOGY This program will be conducted with interactive lectures, Power Point presentation, discussion and practical exercise. COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this Program, participants should be able to 1. Understand the benefits of Pivot Table Reports Convert raw data in an Excel worksheet into meaningful Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts Manipulate the Pivot Table layout Use grouping Create custom calculations Use formulas and create formulas outside of a report Create a Pivot Chart and publish it to a Web site XS 3 4. 5. 6. i 7lPage How to sell a comb to a monk Self - motivation is complex. It's linked to your level of initiative in setting challenging goals for yourself; your belief that you have the skills and abilities needed to achieve those goals; and your expectation that if you put in enough hard work, you will succeed ( or at least be in the running, if it's a competitive situation ). Four factors are necessary to build the strongest levels of self — motivation Self — confidence and self - efficacy Positive thinking and positive thinking about the future Focus and strong goals Res ‘A motivating environment By working on all of these together, you should quickly improve your self — motivation. Let's look at each of these factors individually 1, Self — Confidence and Self — Efficacy Part of being self — motivated is having good levels of self — assurance, self — confidence, and self — efficacy. More on these below Being highly self — assured means you will set challenging goals for yourself, and it's also resiliency factor for when you encounter setbacks. If you don't believe in yourself you'll be much more likely to think * | knew I couldn't do this ‘instead of. This one failure isn't going to stop me’. Albert Bandura, a psychologist from Stanford University, defined self — efficacy as a belief in our own ability to succeed, and our ability to achieve the goals we set for ourselves. This belief has a huge impact on your approach to goal setting and your behavioral choices as you work towards those goals. 76 [Page ‘According to Bandura’s research, high self — efficacy results in an ability to view difficult goals as a challenge, whereas people with low self — efficacy would likely view the same goals as being beyond their abilities, and might not even attempt to achieve them. It also contributes to how much effort a person puts into a goal in the first place, and how much he or she perseveres despite setbacks. By developing a general level of self - confidence in yourself, you will not only believe you can succeed, but you'll also recognize and enjoy the successes you've already had. That, in turn, will inspire you to build on those successes. The momentum created by self — confidence is hard to beat. Take these steps: 1. Think about the achievements in your life. 2. Examine your strengths to understand what you can build on 3. Set achievable goals for yourself, work to achieve them, and enjoy that achievement. 4. Seek out mentors and other people who model the competencies, skills, and attributes you desire. ‘As you begin to recognize how much you've already achieved — and understand how much potential you have — you will have the confidence to set goals and achieve the things you desire. The more you look for reasons to believe in yourself, the easier it will be to find ways to motivate yourself. Our article on Building Self — Confidence teaches you how to develop this self - confidence, and gives you steps you can use to start feeling great about yourself. It will also put you firmly on the path to self — efficacy. | Page Positive Thinking, and Positive Thinking About the Future Your life today is the result of your attitudes and choices in the past. Your life tomorrow will be the result of your attitudes and the choices you make today. Positive thinking is closely related to self - confidence as a factor in self — motivation. Its important to look things positively, especially when things aren't going as planned and you'te ready to give up. If you think that things are going to go wrong or that you won't succeed, this may influence things in such a way that your predictions will come true. This is particularly the case if you need to work hard to achieve succeed, or if you need to persuade others to support you in order to succeed. Your thoughts can have a major influence on whether you succeed or fail, so make sure those thoughts are “on your side.’ Positive thinking also helps you think about an attractive future that you want to realize. When you expect positives results, your choices will be more positives, and you'll be less likely to leave outcomes to fate or change. Having a vivid picture of success, combined with positive thinking, helps you bridge the gap between wanting something and going out to get it. To apply * the power of positive thinking ', do the followings: |. Become aware of your thoughts. Write down these down throughout the day. . Challenge your negative thoughts, and replace them with positives ones. . Create a strong and vivid picture of what it will be like to achieve your goals. Rene . Develop affirmations or statements that you can repeat to yourself throughout the day. These statements should remind you of what you want to achieve, and why you will achieve it. 5. Practice positive thinking until you automatically think about yourself and the world in a positive way, every day. 7a|Page Focus and Strong Goals ‘As we've said above, a key part of building self — motivation is to start setting strong goals. These give you focus, a clear sense of direction, and the self — confidence that comes from recognizing your own achievement. First, determine your direction through effective goal setting. When you set a goal, you make a promise to yourself. Part of the strength of this is that it gives you a clear direction, Part is that you've made this promise to yourself, and you'll want to keep this promise. And part is that i's a challenge, and it’s fun to try to meet that challenge But don't set just any goal. According to Locke's goal — setting theory, your goal should have the following characteristics: 4. Clarity - Effective goals are clear, measurable, specific, and based on behavior, not outcomes. 2. Challenge — Goals should be difficult enough to be interesting, but not so difficult that you can't reach them. 3. Commitment - Goals should be attainable, and should be relevant — that is, they should contribute in a significant way to the major objectives you're trying to achieve. 4, Regularity of Feedback — Monitor your progress towards your goals regularly to maintain your sense of momentum end enthusiasm, and enjoy your progress towards those goals. 5. Sufficient Respect For Complexity — If the goal involves complex work, make sure that you don't over — commit yourself. Complex work can take an unpredictably long time to complete (particularly if you have to learn how to do the task “on the job’) 79|Page When you have a variety of goals, be sure to schedule your time and resources effectively. You can achieve the “focus” part of self — motivation by prioritizing and establishing a schedule that will help you succeed. It's doesn't make sense to work until you're exhausted or give up on goal to achieve another. Interpersonal Communication Skills Communication and interpersonal skills form an integrated competence with two distinct parts. Communication skills are the performance of specific tasks and behaviors such as obtaining a medical history, explaining a diagnosis and prognosis, giving therapeutic instructions, and counseling. Interpersonal skills are inherently relational and process oriented; they are the effect communication has on another person such as relieving anxiety or establishing a trusting relationship. This report reviews three month methods for assessment of communication and interpersonal skills: 1. Checklist of observed behaviors during interactions with real or simulated patients. 2. Surveys of patients experience in clinical interactions 3. Examinations using oral, essay, or multiple — choice response questions. These methods are incorporated into educational programs to assess learning needs, create learning, opportunities, or guide feedback for learning. The same assessment tools, when administered in a standardized way, rated by an evaluator other than the teacher, and using a predetermined passing score, become a summative evaluation. The report summarizes the experience of using these methods in a variety of educational and evaluation programs and presents an extensive bibliography of literature on the topic. 80|Page Professional conversation between patients and doctors shapes diagnosis, initiates therapy, and establishes a caring relationship. The degree to which these activities ate successful depends, in large part, on the communication and interpersonal skills of the physician. This report focuses on how the physician's competence in professional conversation with patients might be measured. Valid, reliable, and practical measures can guide professional formation, determine readiness for independent practice, and deepen understanding of the communication itself. Bl | Page CHAPTER 4 FINANCIAL 4.1 PROJECT BUDGET : COSTING Financial Implication (Training) The below table show the budget and costing if the management agree to implement the project plans. Implementation of Training and Motivation at RM500 per month per person: lz Executive | Supervisor | Driver |G. Worker | Total Headcount 45 55 35 2,165 2300 | Training 22,500 | 27,500 17,500 1,082,500 _| 1,150,00 Budgets These are the estimated project budget for the duration of one year. In view of the above, we would like to give recommendation to pay training cost at RMS500 per month per employee. 821 Page Financial Implementation (Attendance Incentive) Implementation of Attendance Incentive at RM150 per person Executive | Supervisor | Driver G. Worker | Total Headcount 45 55 35 2,165 2,300 Incentive (RM ) | 6,750 8,250 5,250 324,750 345,000 These are the estimated project budget for the duration of one year. In view of the above, we would like to give recommendation to pay Incentive at RM150 per month per employee in order to achieve the objective of 95% attendance. Financial Implementation (Sick leave Incentive) Paid Sick Leave (current) Sick Leave | Manning Man Days Paid Sick Leave Entitlement : (RM) 14 364 5,096 135,951.31 18 169 3,042 103,191.92 25 2043, $1,075, 2,741,033.65 Total 2567 59,213, 2,980,176.88 83|Page Incentive to Sick Leave (Proposed) Sick Leave | Manning Man Days. Paid Sick Leave Entitlement (RMS500 ) 14 364 5,096 182,000.00 18 169 3,042 84,500.00 25 2043 51,075 1,021,500.00 Total 2567 59,213 7,288,000.00 Based on the above cost comparison, it is understood that by providing the incentive scheme, employees who is less compared to cost of loss man — days. ga| Page are not utilizing their sick leave cost is less compared to cost CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION 5.1 Conclusion From the employees perspectives it can be concluded that employee turnover is not a natural phenomenon. There are seasons which lead to increase in attrition. It is observed that both the external and intemal factors are responsible for employee tumover. Among the external factors opportunity for growth and promotion outside, location and work life space are the important. And among the internal factors compensation, work timing / shifts, working conditions, relations, with supervisor / manager, opportunity to use skills, work load are important respectively. From the perspective of managers, it can be concluded that the factors that lead to increase in employee turnover are majorly internal to the organization. Although the extemal factors also influence, but as the management of the company does not have any control over the external factors it can focus on modifying the internal factors to ‘enhance the retention of the employees in the organization. It can be concluded that opportunity for growth and promotion outside, compensation, working conditions, work timings / shifts, relationship with manager, location of the organization, opportunity to use skills and work load are the major reasons for employee tumover. A fair and transparent performance appraisal could be a major factor that influences the employees’ decision to either continue or quit the organization. Thus employee tumover is a controllable factor and the management can make efforts to retain employees. ‘According to managers and employers, employees leave the organization more because of internal reasons, It can also be inferred that as majority of the reasons of a5|Page employee turnover are from within the organization, they are controllable. If the organization or management makes effort by changing or modifying HR policies of the company then they may be able to control employee turnover to a large extent. Further, managers perceive that employees are comfortable when the workload is reasonable and increase in it may influence their decision to discontinue the work. Equally important is the work shift timing in the organization. As it is evident from this research that work life balance is also important impacting the employee decision to continue or quit. Further conclusions include: managers consider salary as the major reason behind employee tumover, Managers also opine that ambience at the work place influences heavily on the employee turnover in the organization. Majority of the managers opine that employees leave due to the style of operation of the manager. They need to maintain good rapport and good relationship with the employees to decrease the employee turnover. From the responses recorded and the analysis done in the research it can be concluded that the satisfaction level of the employees influences to a large extent on their decision to continue to work in the organization or quit. If the employees are satisfied regarding the salary they get, the work shift options they have, the health and hygiene they experience in the company, the convenience in reaching office, leave options, the recognition they get for their work, the fringe benefits they get, the level of challenges they experience on work, the promotion opportunities in the company. And above all the meeting of the expectations by the company, they continue in the organization. As all of the factors mentioned above are in the hands of the management, the management can make efforts to provide all these facilities to the employees to motivate them to continue in the organization, however the exceptions are cafeteria facility and dormitory facility. Management can control the rate of employee turnover by introducing various employee retention techniques related to above areas, such as bringing faimess in 86|Page selection procedure, by making the orientation program adequate, by making the working hours flexible, by making easier for the employees to reach the supervisors or the management, by giving recognition to employees on their, performance, providing them training often, by giving them promotion opportunities, by making their job challenging, by making the leave options more flexible, in short it can be stated that the management shall provide a QWL to the employees and make the employee feel privileged working in the organization. Employees leave their companies more because of internal reasons, than because of extemal reasons. Further, we can also conclude, in support of the first hypothesis that, if the 20 major factors contributing to the employee turnover are internal to the organization, then management of the organization can introduce employee retention techniques in the organization to reduce the rate of attrition. The type of social atmosphere or the interpersonal relationships the employees experience within the organization has an impact on employee retention. The management can to take appropriate measures to maintain positive social relationship in the company to increase the employee retention. 87|Page 5.2 Recommendations Reducing employee tumover is dependent on the total work environment you offer for employees. Employees thrive when the work environment supports them in attaining their goals and dreams. The best employees for your organization share your vision and values about what they want to experience at work. These recommendations about reducing employee tumover are also common — sense, basic and incredibly hard to find in organizations today. 1. Select the right people in the first place through behavior — based testing and competency screening. Sure, an onsite interview gives you a feel for whether the person can fit within your culture, but your key to selecting the best employees is to determine how well they can do the job. The right person, in the right seat, on the right bus is the starting point. 2. Atthe same time, don't neglect to hire people with the innate talent, ability, and ‘smarts to work in almost any position even if you don't currently have the best match available. Hire the Smartest people you can find to reduce employee tumover. 3. Offer an attractive, competitive, comprehensive benefits package with components such as life insurance, disability insurance and flexible hours. 4. Provide opportunities for people to share their knowledge on — the — job via training sessions, presentations, mentoring others and team assignment. Employee's own leaming. ag|Page a . Demonstrate respect for employees at all times. Listen to them deeply; use their ideas; never ridicule or shame them. Via your communication, share that you value them. 2 . Offer performance feedback and praise good efforts and results. to reduce ‘employee turnover. N . People want to enjoy their. Make work fun. Engage and employ the special talents of each individual. ~ . Enable employees to balance work and life. Allow flexible starting times, core business hour and flexible ending times. (Yes, his son's soccer game is as important as work). 9. Involve employees in decisions that affect their job and the overall direction of the company whenever possible. Involved them in in the discussion about company vision, mission, values, and goals. This strategic framework will never live for them or become owned by them if they merely read it in email or hanging on the wall 10. Recognize excellent perfarmance, and especially, link pay to performance to reduce employee tumover. Your key employees are motivated when their above — average efforts are recognized and rewarded. 11. Base the upside of bonus potential on the success of both the employee and the company and make it limitless within company parameters. (As an example, pay 10% of corporate profits employees). 12, Recognize and celebrate success. Mark their passage as important goals are achieved. Bring in pizza or breakfast to celebrate reaching milestone and turn the occasion into a brief ceremony while you celebrate success a9|Page 13. Staff adequately so overtime is minimized for those who don't want it and people don't wear themselves out. You will discover that salaried employees who are engaged and excited will work the hours necessary to get their jobs done. : 14, Nurture and celebrate organization traditions. Run a food collection drive every November. Pick a monthly charity to help. Have an annual company dinner at a fancy hotel. 15. Provide opportunities within the company for cross — training and career progression. People like to know that they have room for career movement. This is a serious deterrent to employee turnover. 16.Provide the opportunity for career and personal growth through training and education, challenging assignments and more responsibility. 17.Communicate goals, roles, and responsibilities so that people know what is expected and they feel like part of the in — crowd. 18.According to research by the Gallup organizations, encourage employees to have good, even best, friends, at work. Now that you have the list that will reduce employee turnover, why not work to make your organization one of the few, the best, that truly honors and appreciates employees. If you treat your employees wonderfully, you will seriously reduce employee turnover and employee complaints. 90| Page

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