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Jonna C.

Balinas BEED2-A
Direction: Explain the following:
1. Teacher B is in inclusive education. She has a students who
have impairment in speaking however her topic is on
speaking. How would he handle this diversity? (10)
 If I were Teacher B, I would emphasize the importance
of effective communication in the classroom. Children's
communication abilities enable them to comprehend
and explain the world around them, as well as share
their thoughts and feelings and create friends. A child's
ability to reason and learn is aided by good language
abilities. They also aid in the development of self-
awareness and a sense of belonging to a group or
community. If I discover that one of my student had
speech and language issue, we can help them through
using clear, plain language, and turn to face the class
so students can see your reactions and, if necessary,
read your lips. And you can also use card games that
require the student to match related sounds can be
quite effective. However to help them grasp using
visuals objects, and photos. In addition you can also
make a customized vocabulary box containing key
terms on image cards to encourage students to use
their visual memory.
2. Compare and contrast the treatment of persons with special
needs in middle age and contemporary world using the
Venn diagram. (10)

Middle Age Contemporary World

Care for sick and

disabled people was
There are
based on the Church's
teachings. The monks groups of
and nuns would follow Most of campaign that
the seven 'comfortable them are promotes and
works' which still
protect the rights
involved feeding, deprived
clothing and housing of every children
of freedom
the poor, visiting them with special
when in prison or sick, needs.
offering drink to the
thirsty, and burial.
3. How does Gestalt Theory impacts teaching in persons with
disabilities? (10)
 Gestalt theory is its ability to help individuals
understand concepts better. By understanding
concepts, you will gain insight into your surroundings
and therefore become aware of things around you. You
will notice patterns and relationships that exist among
objects and events. And also helped introduce the idea
that human perception is not just about seeing what is
actually present in the world around us. It is also
heavily influenced by our motivations and expectations.
In addition Gestalt theory should encourage their
students to discover the relationship of the elements
that make up a problem. Incongruities, gaps, or
disturbances are essential stimuli in the learning
process. Educational instruction should be based on
the Laws of Organization.

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