Term 1 Project International MM Edu - Rev

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Petra Christian University

School of Business and Management

Magister Management – International MM Edu

Term 1 Project: Contemporary Issues in Education

Project Description

The project expects the students to be able to identify and to respond to the contemporary
educational issues in Indonesia. This project is part of the environmental analytical capability as one
of the three-interrelated competencies of students taking International MM Edu program. The
output of this project will be a group report and presentation which should answer these questions:

1. What does it mean by Emancipated Learning (Merdeka Belajar)?

2. In the light of Emancipated Learning, how should private schools in Indonesia formulate their
educational value?
3. How will the value proposition of a private school affect its operation management?
4. How will the value proposition of a private school affect its financial management?

This project will be a joint project for five courses, namely: Philosophy and Policy of Education,
Contemporary Issues in Education, Marketing, Finance and Operation. The Emancipated Learning
could be accessed in this link: http://merdekabelajar.kemdikbud.go.id/en/

Format of the Report

Number of Name of the Section Explanation

the Section
1 Introduction Explain the background of emancipated learning and
why it is importance and how it will affect the
management of private schools in Indonesia.
2 Emancipated Learning Describe what is emancipated learning and the
challenges faced by private schools in dealing with it.
3 Value Proposition Explain what a value proposition is, and how should
every private school by its understanding on its
stakeholders, proposed its value.
4 Operation Management Explain how the value proposition of a school will
influence its operation. Explain the operation
management by tracking the students learning
experience from their first until their final or graduation
5 Financial Management Explain how private schools should manage their
finance by balancing their value proposition and their
operational needs.
6 Conclusion Summarise your report by highlighting your conceptual
and practical recommendations for the private schools.
7 References Include the references of your report.


Every group will present its report with the maximum limitation of 15 minutes in front of the other
group and the lecturers. They will then handle a Question-and-Answer session for a maximum 10
minutes. The presentation and discussion will be moderated by one of the lecturers.

Rubric of the Report

The grading elements consist of completeness, coherence, and compliance. The details and grading
indicators could be seen in the following table.

No Element C C+ B B+ A
1 Completeness The content of the The content of the The content of the
(35%) report weakly reflects report moderately report reflects the
the perfect blend of reflects the perfect perfect blend of
theory or concept and blend of theory or theory or concept and
data. concept and data. data.
2 Coherence The contents of the The contents of the The contents of the
(35%) sections are weakly sections are sections are
connected and moderately connected connected and
consistent. and consistent. consistent.
3 Compliance The writer weakly The writer moderately The writer complies
(30%) complies with the complies with the with the writing
writing format and the writing format and the format and the
writing standards writing standards writing standards
including English and including English and including English and
Academic standard. Academic standard. Academic standard.

The report should comply to the Pedoman Tata Tulis Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa UK Petra 2021 as the
writing standard and words should not exceed 4,000 words. The writing guidance is available from:

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