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Rizalyn P.


BECEd 4-1

Cluster C (The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles) PROF ED

 Growth and development of the child does not only their physical that change and
increase their size throughout their infancy to adolescent stages but rather it also develops
their cognitive, behavior, emotions, vocabulary, sensory motor, and psychomotor
capacity. These areas are linked and depends and influences the others.
 The child progress has process and it does not achieve in a single snap for it requires a lot
of time to monitor during their infancy stages, their toddler years, middle childhood and
through their adolescent,
 Finally, the child development and growth has factor that affects it and these are: genetic,
and socio-economic. The child would not have progress on all of their own without these
factors that simply contribute to their growth.

CLUSTER B.2 (The Teacher and the School Curriculum) PROF ED

 A key element that contributes to the development of the learner’s knowledge and skills
in numerous areas is the teaching method and strategies.
 The efficiency and effectiveness of the teaching approach can be greatly improved by a
range of facilitation strategies utilized in a classroom teaching-learning setting.
 Using a distinct strategy that corresponds with the learner’s interests and preferred
learning methods demonstrates the teacher’s enthusiasm for imparting knowledge and for
fostering the abilities of each learner.


 Education is a tool which ensures every children, youth and adult a life-long learning in
terms of academics and real-to-real situation.
 Being an educator is a tough and hard as rock responsibility. Every professional teachers
need to show what a true role model is, and by doing so, they need to set aside his/her
personal problems when they are in field of teaching. Also, they must have a more in-
depth understanding of their responsibility and role to help the learners achieve skills and
to learn.
 Giving the quality education to the children and enhancing the learner’s ability is in every
educator’s hand, commitment, willingness and dedication.


 Communication is the imparting and relaying of information from one person to another
whether it is child to child, parents to child, child to parents, parents to teachers, or
teachers to learners. It is a give and take scenario of passing messages which is done
through using verbal and non-verbal mode. Also, communication is not only done by
talking, it is also through a form of writing, reading and listening.
 To communicate with others, us, individuals need to know speak thoroughly with honesty
and politeness, letting the other person finish talking up until it is your time to speak, and
listen carefully, this simple doing is showing respect to the person we are interacting
with. Additionally, we must know the use of figures of speech for it conveys the
information more enthusiastic and clear. In education, having a good communication can
cross out the barrier, and unwanted situation in a classroom setting.
 The importance of communication is visible in our daily lives like a crystal clear as it is
our way of expressing who and what we are, helps us to connect with others as well as
giving and sharing ideas we have in ourselves about every little things in this world.
Also, the right choice of words and language use when we are talking to anyone is a
must, by doing so, both parties would not have a barrier and misunderstand each other
rather it will make the giving and receiving of information smoothly as it should be.
When all these reminders will be done, a smooth communication will achieve and
building a greater relationship between individuals will follow. Lastly, effective
communication can help foster the child motivation and eagerness to learn.


 Educational research is fundamental given that it enables us to assess problems,

determine their causes, potential outcomes and appropriate solutions. Also, research can
help instructors too in modifying the problems in the child’s learning or behavior, using
this research, it can aid them to change their approach to teaching and learning once the
problem has determined and the solutions to make.
 To guarantee that all the data acquired and the results are accurate and not biased,
research needs to be reliable and valid.
 Research can be done by an individual, or pair and a large group. It allows you to seek
answers on the things that you found interesting. This prepares you to be a hands-on,
committed and to work collaboratively. It can help foster problem-solving and critical
thinking skills as well as analytical. Doing research varies great experience that will help
you learn valuable and life skill.


 Assessment is a tool that refers to the techniques and approaches of the educators use in
evaluating how much the child learns, their performances and their skills, learning
progress, academic abilities and needs. Through this, the teacher will know who among
the learners are much needed to keep an eye in terms of their learning.
 Classroom assessment aims to enhance the teachers learning strategies, styles and
teaching approach as well as to foster the students learning progress. It’s to make the
quality of learning in the classroom setting more significant, valuable and better. This
assessment is both beneficial to both the teacher and the learners for it helps the teacher
to think more of innovative ideas that can hone learner’s skills, what he/she can give and
provide more so that the number of learners who is quite a slow learner or behind in the
class could not foster and grow rather the teaching-learning process would be enthusiastic
that everyone will actively participate and engage in the class.
 In assessing the learners, the teacher should make a strategy that can assess the
knowledge and skills of the child, attitudes, values and their self-awareness.


 Geometry is a study of lines, shapes, size, angles, positions, and dimensions of things.
Meanwhile, calculus deals with numbers, functions, limits, differentiation, integration
and other mathematical formulas that help people in calculation. It solves problems that
involve complicated equations and turns into a more comprehensive formula. Calculus
has a very big impact in our daily lives, it is involve in engineering, architecture, physics,
science, and even in statistics.
 The theories in calculus are applied in these fields. Calculating for the electric field
involve, calculus. Building infrastructure needs integration, differential calculus is
important in calculating the rate growth in a bacterial culture with the involvement of
different variables. Thus, calculus is the foundation of higher and more complicated
problems that we face every time.
 Both geometry and calculus plays a vital role in honing the students’ mathematical
abilities and foster problem-solving skills.


 Philippine is a beautiful country with so many natural resources and places to visit, calm
beaches, mountains, sea, and lots of tourist spot that can enlighten everyone’s heart.
 What made the Philippine more beautiful is because of its tradition and culture and also
its people with warm hearts, genuine smiles, and attitude as being the most hospitable and
kind. Filipinos will welcome visitors with open arms and shows respect.
 Asia has regional divisions, the south, southeast, east and west, and it is known as the
biggest continent in the world. It has so many natural resources wherein it contributes to
the economical. The countries belong here in Asia are very competent and has a never
forgetful history.


 The use of correct forms of verbs, nouns and pronouns in writing a sentence is significant
in order to convey the thought of the sentence clearly.
 In making or writing a sentence, having an in-depth understanding towards the usage of
singular, and plural, past, present, and future tense is kind of difficult to learn as it gives a
little confusions but it is fun to learn.
 Literature is a tool wherein a person use to express his/her ideas, views and opinions on a
certain issue, topic or mere subject, and their interest, those are done and voice out
through poetry, songs, novel and so on. It is so powerful that the words being used and
put into are more alive than it ever was.


 Art is an expression of one’s feeling through the use of imaginative, creative minds, heart
and hands. Art keeps us alive and feel authentic as everything we are seeing everywhere
is definitely an art, and so are we. We, humans are art as well who was beautifully
created by the creator.
 A person may determine what is right and wrong based on the values he upholds. In life,
values facilitate decision making and a person who has good values are most likely to
have a better decisions than other. With values in our mind, it gives us clear direction to
only choose right over wrong action as it instruct us on how we should act upon situation
and behave in any circumstances.
 A personhood is an individual whether it is a man, woman or a child. It is a human-being
who has certain rights. It is simply being a person that includes a development of
conscience, ability for moral reasoning of right and wrong. It is develop and influenced
by both genetic and environmental factors.


 Utilizing ICT integration in the classroom setting helps the learners engage in the
teaching-learning process as well as it cultivates higher interaction between the learners
and the teacher, by that, it helps unleash the child’s creativeness, skills and intellectual
 Using both traditional and digital as mode of instructions and strategies in teaching and
learning is a great combination in order to make the lesson more clear, convenient and
effective in enhancing ways of presenting information about the subject taught.
 The educational technology are both beneficial to the teachers and the learners as it


 Biology studies the living organisms existing in the world. It deals with the fundamental
units of life. Biology focuses on the specific types of organisms such as plants, animals,
viruses and species that has a power to live.
 All living organisms have in common in terms of chemical, biological, and physical
characteristic, and in means of reproduction and cell division. Thus all of them are
composed of the basic units- the cell.
 Studying biology helps us to understand how a certain phenomena exist and how it


 A curriculum is a central guide for teachers to know what is essential for teaching and
learning, and implementation is the execution of the curriculum plan, design and policy.
 The goal of curriculum is to make the teaching and learning authentic in order to foster a
positive learning environment in the classroom so that the learners can develop more
effectively and grow in more productive ways.
 Curriculum is significant as it helps both the teacher and the learners to work together in
achieving teaching-learning efficacy. It is clear as water as it is provides precise planning,
implementation and program that focuses on the child’s holistic development and as a


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