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MICROBIOLOGICAL REVIEWS. Sept. 1987, p. 341-350 Vol. 51, No.

Copyright C 1987, American Society for Microbiology

Mechanism of Bactericidal Action of Aminoglycosides

Bacterial Physiology Uniit, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115

INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 341

PROTEIN SYNTHESIS AND MEMBRANE DAMAGE ................................................................ 342

THE RIBOSOME AS THE SITE OF ACTION .......................................................................... 343

MISREADING IN TRANSLATION ...........................................................................343

CONNECTION BETWEEN RIBOSOMES AND MEMBRANE DAMAGE ........................................ 344

EFFECT OF Str ON PROTEIN EXPORT .......................................................................... 344

UPTAKE OF AMINOGLYCOSIDES .......................................................................... 345

Lag and InitialEntry .......................................................................... 345

Kinetics of Uptake through Nonspecific Channels ...................................................................... 345

Proton Motive Force and Irreversible Uptake .......................................................................... 345
Anaerobiosis .......................................................................... 346

Puromycin and Str Uptake .......................................................................... 346

PUROMYCIN ALSO CAUSES MEMBRANE DAMAGE .............................................................. 346


MECHANISTIC CHALLENGES .......................................................................... 347


ACKNOWLEDGMENT .......................................................................... 348

LITERATURE CITED .......................................................................... 348

INTRODUCTION that this incorporation of misread protein in the membrane

impairs its integrity, derived its support from its ability to
Since the discovery of the first aminoglycoside antibiotic, explain a large number of already known features of amino-
streptomycin (Str), in 1944, the mechanism of action of this glycoside action. This review will now examine, in greater
group has been studied more extensively, and in more detail than was appropriate in the preceding experimental
laboratories, than that of any other. The results have re- paper, the ability of the proposed model to accommodate all
vealed a remarkably pleiotropic set of effects (reviewed in major features of aminoglycoside action.
references 20, 27, 70, and 74), of which four appear to be The path to this model was exceptionally tortuous, and it
especially important: ribosomal blockade, misreading in involved a feedback to a set of findings that had been
translation, membrane damage, and irreversible uptake of virtually buried 25 years earlier. It therefore seems of
the antibiotic. In contrast to our understanding of the action historical and philosophical interest to review the discovery

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of the 3-lactams and many other antibiotics, investigators of of various aspects of aminoglycoside action and the resulting
the aminoglycosides have struggled with a succession of hypotheses and their problems, and also to discuss possible
hypotheses that could each account for some observations reasons for the delay in recognizing that membrane damage
but were contradicted by others. In particular, the link is central and is related to misreading. I will also review
between action on the ribosome and membrane damage was evidence for a surprising additional conclusion that emerged
obscure. from the model: the release of incomplete proteins by
About 10 years ago this problem became accessible to puromycin, though not lethal, affects membrane integrity in
study, with the demonstration that bacteria, like eucaryotic the same way as random misreading induced by Str. Finally,
cells, possess membrane-bound ribosomes which are in- I will consider further possible tests for the model and will
volved in protein translocation into or across the membrane discuss its implications for the structural requirements of
(19, 60, 65). Nevertheless, the relation of this process to normal membrane proteins.
membrane damage by aminoglycosides was ignored until The voluminous literature describes many additional ef-
very recently, when it was proposed that incorporation of fects of aminoglycosides, including alterations in the synthe-
misread protein in the membrane would make it leaky to sis of deoxyribonucleic acid, ribonucleic acid (RNA), and
small molecules (18). This simple explanation suggested an polyamines and in the levels of cyclic adenosine monophos-
obvious multistep mechanism for the bactericidal action of phate and guanosine tetraphosphate. However, such
the aminoglycosides, in which each of the four pleiotropic changes might be expected as secondary consequences of
effects listed above plays an equally essential role. the several major metabolic perturbations caused by Str:
The paper that proposed this explanation (18) also pre- inhibition of protein synthesis (and consequent accumulation
sented supporting experimental evidence. However, its of ribosomal RNA), accumulation of misread protein, al-
finding, that Str causes protein destined for the periplasm to tered membrane composition and permeability, and resulting
accumulatte in the membrane, confirms only one novel alterations in ionic composition. Since there does not appear
component in the multistep model: the prediction that Str- to be evidence that any of the observed additional effects are
induced misreading will interfere with secretion of proteins primary responses to the antibiotics, I will not review this
across the membrane. The other component, the hypothesis literature. However, it should be noted that a recent review






800 -
600 -




200 -AM



SM + CE + Toluene




(S. 1. Uptanke of [i4ClStr



However, the explanation is now clear. Amino acid deprival
CE + Toluenestimulates
protein breakdown, which provides a trickle of
acimino acids. The misreading induced by Str contributes to
continuing protein synthesis even more, by allowing incor-
rect aminoacyl-transfer RNAs to replace the missing correct
one. The first of these theoretically predictable effects has
been demo nstrated in cells in which polysomes continued to
_ turn over during armino acid starvation (15, 61). For the
second, in vitro studies have shown a large effect of Str in
' vitro:

when protein synthesis wvas halted by supplying only

_ ,

15 of the 20 required amino acids (20). or by using extracts

7_ _a_temperature-sensitive aminoacyl-transfer RNA syn-
thetrase at the nonpermissive temperature (71), Str restored
chain elongation almost to normal. The failure of amino acid
40 50

(SM). La beledl Str (4()


di to ain exponentially growing shalking cultuire innginmal)

phen icol (20 fig/nfl) had been added 2 mmin earler. At the time
be reconciledto with

indic ted by the arrow, one CE culture receicd ().(' nil of toluene
per nnl of culture. From reference 4 with permission.

of a minoglycoside action (J. E. Davies. ASM News 52:

medi urin aind to two similar cultures (labeled CT) to wvhi(ch chloram-
against the lethal action of Str can that
a requirement of protein synthesis for thus

In 1960 Anand et al. (4) discovered a second, very

different effect of Str: membrane damage. They observed
that uptake ot [14C]Str by growing cells of Es,/(hric-hia (coli,
measured alfter washing the filtered cells with water, was
biphasic (Fig. 1). The primary uptake, which was very rapid,
evidently consisted of molecules adsorbed to the cell sur-
tace, since it could be largely washed away with salt solu-
tion. It was followed, after a lag of some minutes, by a
rapidly increalsing, larger secondary uptake, which could not
be washed OUt. Further work showed that the quantities
observed in the two phases depend on the technique used for
620- -624, 1986) differs markedly from this one in its selection recovering and washing the cells (58). (In this paper I will use
of kt ey effects. the term uptake to refer to the secondary uptake, into the
Silnce the present review covers such a long history, the cell.)
refei rences are largely restricted to those paper-s that initially 'I'reatment with toluene cLaused an immediate increase in
repo)rted each phenomenon or clarified it substantially. Such cell-associated Str (Fig. 1), which suggested that Str might
a sellection is inevitably somewhat subjective, and it has no not enter the cell readily until the membrane was damaged.
doutbt omitted a number of significant contributions. In A variety of further observations then showed that Str itself
addi tion, there is a growing literature on the molecular caused membrane damage. which could evidently account
inter'actions of' aminoglycosides with ribosomes and even for its delayed uptake. Thus, Str-treated cells leaked out
mort e on aminoglycoside uptake (which is comprehensively nucleotides (63) and K (23). In addition, they exhibited
ewed elsewhere [32, 33] and in H. W. Taber. manuscript
revi( hydrolysis of a ~-galactoside (in a strain that lacked the
subnnitted), but these topics will not be reviewed, except corresponding transport system), utilization of citrate (which

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insoi far as they contribute to understanding the membrane E. (oli normally excludes), leakage of amino acids, and
dam age and the bactericidal process. impaired Cability to concentrate [t4CIvaline (2). (Because
TI he various aminoglycosides will not be treated sepa- these multiple effects all pointed to the same conclusion,
ratelly because all appear to have the same fundamental they were reported without detailed documentation, though
mec]hanism of action, though they vary in certain respects in retrospect a fuller- description would have been in order.)
(the number of molecules bound per ribosome, specificity of The increased permeability to small molecules was clearly
ribow somal resistance mutations, and susceptibility to inacti- nonspecific, since it was exhibited by cations. anions, and
vatic n by various resistance enzymes). Moreover, though uncharged molecules and in both directions. It evidently did
the aiminoglycoside antibiotics are also classified chemically not allow release of macromolecules, since the turbidity of
as aiminocyclitols, it is not useful to include in the amino- the cultures did not decrease significantly, and the cells
glyct oside family of antibiotics those aminocyclitols (e.g., retained those enzymes that were tested.
spec tinomycin) that do not cause misreading and are not Chloramphenicol. known to prevent killing by Str, also
bact ericidal. prevented its uptake (Fig. 1) and the small molecule leakage
(3). This important finding led to the conclusion that Str does
ROTEIN SYNTHESIS AND MEMBRANE DAI\IAGE not damage existing membrane but affects some component
in the "growing membrane' (4). Moreover, a high-level
Thie earliest studies on Str showed that it is bactericidal, resistant mutant (Str'; later designated strA) exhibited only
like Ipenicillin, but instead of causing cell lysis it halts protein the initial adsorption and no uptake: hence, the mutation
syntihesis rapidly and irreversibly and leaves the cell grossly prevented both the irreversible inhibition of protein synthe-
intac:t. Paradoxically, this irreversible action was found to sis and the membrane damage by Str.
requ ire protein synthesis, since it was prevented by a Among the effects of Str on sensitive cells the leakage of
revelrsible inhibitor, chloramphenicol (41). K could be detected just as carly as the inhibition of protein
Suirprisingly, deprival of various required amino acids, in synthesis (2). The membrane damage therefore appeared to
auxo)trophic mutants, failed to afford the same protection be part of the bactericidal mechanism and not simply a
(B. ). Davis, unpublished data; see also references 64 and secondary change in a killed cell; these kinetics led to the
69), though it does prevent the lcthal action of O-lictams. incorrect conclusioni that the action on the membrane was

direct. Whether the bactericidal action resulted directly from c-atalytic activity but also its specificity; this variation in
this damage or from the subsequent penetration of Str into accuracy encouraged attention to the problem of fidelity of
the cytoplasm was left open (4). The latter mechanism was information transfer, in translation as well as in replication
favored by the report, by Erdos and Ullmann (25), that Str and transcription (29). In addition, since misreading implied
partly inhibited protein synthesis in extracts from sensitive a distortion of codon-anticodon interaction on the ribosome,
Mv,cobacteriuni tuberculosis, but not in those from a resis- the puzzle of Str dependence could be explained as a
tant mutant. compensatory balance between two opposing distortions, by
the antibiotic and by the dependence mutation. (However, a
THE RIBOSOME AS TIIE SITE OF ACTION later finding, that growing cells can incorporate several
molecules of Str into each ribosome [371, suggested that the
In 1961 Spotts and Stanier- (69) approached the problem of corrective action ot Str on dependent ribosomes also in-
identifying the site of action of Str indirectly on the basis of cludes effects on their aissembly.)
the known allelism of Str dependence with sensitivity and Nevertheless, it was uncertalin whether the misr-eading had
resistance in E. coli. They found that dependent cells de- any relation to the chemotherapeutic action of the drug.
prived of Str accumulated RNA in excess over protein (as Moreover, the mechatnism by which diflerent concentrations
had been observed with sensitive cells treated with Str [2 of Str could exert two incompatible effects on the ribosome,
31). and, believing that the additional RNA was located in misreading and blockade, presented a problem. Gorini and
ribosomal particles, they inferred that Str acts on the ribo- colleagues reported that free ribosomes in vitro bind two
some. However-, in light of culrrent knowledge of the regu- molecules of Str (8, 28), and the double etfect could be easily
lation of ribosome synthesis. this conclusion was an inspired explained if Str bound to two sites, with diflerent affinities
guess. This RNA clearly was located in what were later- and differ-ent etfects. However, a more thorough examina-
called chloramphenicol particles (ribosomal RNA synthe- tion (14) showed that ribosomes bind only one molecule
sized without ribosomal proteins and hence nonspecifically tightly, with K(, of 10(- 7; the affinity of the nonspecific
associated with other proteins [441), and interference with binding of additional molecules wats too low (K,. >1( 4) to
other components of the protein-synthesizing system could be significant.
also have caused its acccumulaition.
Nevertheless, the inferr-ed action ot Str on ribosomes was DIFFERENT ACTIONS ON INITIATING AND ON
soon directly confirmed. Severail laboratories, studying poly- CHAIN-ELONGATING RIBOSOMES
peptide synthesis with polyuridylic acid, found that Str
caused partial inhibition with extr-acts of sensitive cells of k. T he paradox of misreading versus blockade was resolved
coli but not with extracts of resistant mutants, confirming the when Tai et al. (72) developed a method for sharply distin-
earlier finding with endogenouS synthesis in extracts of M. guishing effects of antibiotics on ribosomes in two different
tuberculosis; in addition, the resistance was localized in the states: engaged in initiating protein synthesis (washed ribo-
ribosomes (26. 47, 67). The site of this resistance was later somes. translating viral RNA as messenger) or engaged only
traced to the S12 protein in the 30S subunit. in chain elongation (purified polysomes. free of initiation
Althouigh Str might well act on both the ribosome and the factors). Several antibiotics (spectinomycin. erythromycin,
membrane, it was very unlikely that a single mutation to and kasugLamycin) were found to have no effect on chain
resistance, known to alter the ribosome, would also directly elongation but to block initiating ribosomes completely (20),
alter the membrane. Accordingly, the membrane daimage allowing initiation complexes to torm but then preventing
was evidently not a direct effect ot' Str but instead reSulted their continuation into chain elongation and caLusing their

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trom its action on sensitive ribosomes. At that time there brecakdown cafter cl few minutes (20, 70). Str (and other
was no bcasis, either conceptufal or experimental, tfor explor- aminoglycosides) similarly blocks the initiation complex (5,
ing the nature of the connection between ribosomes fand 20. 70) and not chcalin-elongating ribosomes, but it does act on
membrane. Moreover, the elegant and influential Spotts and the latter, decr-easing both the rate (75) and the accuracy (20,
Stanier- paper (68) emphasized an attr-active philosophical 70, 71) of translation. Since either system exhibits its char-
theme: the importance of distinguishing the key action of an acteristic response over al wide range of concentrations, the
antibiotic from the 'epiphenomena."' Since the ribosome difference clearly airises from the state of the ribosome and
was obviously directly involved, all investigators in the field not directly from the concentration of the antibiotic.
soon dismissed the membriane damage. despite its early TIhe alternative effects of high oi- low Str concentrations on
appearance, as an incidental change, and this effect received cells could now be explained. At low concentrations Str
no tfurther attention for about two decades. encouLnters mostly the predominating polysomal ribosomes,
Iand so it causes misr-eading, while at higher concentrations it
MISREADING IN TRANSLATION reaches all of the ribosomes. including those engaged in
initiation, and so it stops protein synthesis (20, 73). In
A few years later Gorini and Kataja discovered an addi- addition, the initiation complexes blocked by Str are not
tional important effect of Str: at sublethal levels it can cause stably bound to the messenger but fall off, with a half-life of
phenotypic suppression ot auxotrophic mutations in cells about 5 min (46. 50). This finding explained the dominance of
(30), and study with polyuridylic acid in extracts soon Str- over Str' in heterozygotes (45), which contain both
confirmed the inference that the effect was due to increased sensitive and resistant ribosomes (66): the blocked sensitive
misreaiding (17). Moreover, this phenotypic alteration led to ribosomes not only exclude the resistant ribosomes from the
the isolation of rumlii (ribosomal ambiguity) mutations, in existing messenger (which is meainwhile decaying), but by
which genotypic alteration of the ribosome hCas a similar slowly recycling ar-e also able to block the initiation sites on
effect (62). any newly formed messenger- (73).
Misreading was of great scientific interest: it showed that The mechanism of the two alternative effects on the
alteration of the shape ot' the ribosome, by interaction with a ribosome is not known in moleculalr- detail. Since a single
small molecule or by mutation, can affect not only its mutaltion in protein S12 elimincates both responses, they

seem likely to involve a common or an overlapping binding nious hypothesis was proposed: that it results from some
site. The free ribosome is more flexible, because it lacks the kind of physical interaction of the active antibiotic-ribosome
conformational restrictions imposed by attached ligands, complex with the membrane (10). But while this hypothesis
and so its binding site would be more fully exposed. More- was logically consistent with the observations, no concrete
over, since Str binds to the initiating 30S subunit, it may well mechanism for such a persistent effect could be specified.
be locked in by the subsequent addition of the 50S subunit. What finally led to a more siatisfactory explanation was the
These differences could explain the more drastic effect of Str reinterpretation of another influence on aminoglycoside up-
on initiation than on chain elongation (70). In addition, they take. obser-ved earlier: r'tum mutations shorten the lag (62). It
suggested, along with the observed inhibitory activity of the was initially assumed that they do so by adding their
recycled Str-ribosome complexes released from blocked misreading to that induced by Str, resulting in a lethal
initiation complexes, that the binding of Str to the initiating accumulation of garbled protein, but we have seen several
ribosome might be irreversible (73). However, the irrevers- reasons to consider this mechanism of lethality unlikely. An
ibility of the uptake of Str (55) can also explain why its action alternative suggestion was that raum mutations, which alter
on the cell is irreversible. the ribosome, exert their potentiating effect by increasing its
The possibility was then still open that the accumulation of affinity for Str (9). but the observed increase was very small.
garbled protein in the cell might be responsible for the Finally, a more credible possibility emerged from coupling
bactericidal action of Str, though the limited evidence had the misreading effect of the ram mutation with the renewed
not favored this mechanism. Thus. r(1um1 mutants are viable, evidence that membrcane damage is important and depends
despite their misreading, and in Str' cells high concentra- on active protein synthesis by sensitive ribosomes. In this
tions ot Str block protein synthesis so rapidly that there proposal the stimulation of Str uptake by ruam, and the
would he little time for accumulation of misread proteins. autocatalytic effect of Str on its own uptake, can both be
However, the demonstration of an effectively irreversible explained by assuming that the membrane is damaged by the
inhibition of initiating ribosomes made the hypothesis of incorporation of misread proteins (18).
lethal misreading seemed superfluous. Misreading therefore This proposal led to a multistep model for the bactericidal
seemed to be an interesting effect quite separate from the action of arminoglycosides in which the increasing uptake
bactericidal action. leads first to membrane damage and then to ribosomal
Though killing by ribosomal blockade thus seemed to be a blockade. Tl he sequence of events would be as follows:
key mechanism, it still left hanging some major problems: (i) A small amount of antibiotic penetrates, by an unknown
the mechanism of membrane damage, its possible role in mechanism, into the cell, where its contact with chain-
uptake and in killing, and the reason that membrane damage, elongating ribosomes causes misreading.
and killing, require protein synthesis. (ii) Some of the misread protein is incorporated into the
membrane. creating ch'annels that permit influx of antibiotic
CONNECTION BETWEEN RIBOSOMES AND and thus initiating an autocatalytic process of increasing
MEMBRANE DAMAGE influx, misreading, and channel formation.
(iii) The intracellular antibiotic eventually reaches a con-
The uptake of Str is prevented not only by chloramphen- centration that blocks all initiating ribosomes, thus prevent-
icol and mutations to ribosomal resistance, as we have ing further protein synthesis.
noted, but also by plasmid-coded resistance (21), in which an (iv) Leth'ality results from the irreversibility of this block-
enzyme (believed to reside in the membrane) inactivates the ade, due to irreversible uptake and possibly also to irrevers-
drug as it enters. It is thus clear that the phase of detectable ible binding to initiating ribosomes.

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uptake requires preceding interaction of active antibiotic Let us now examine the ability of this model to explain
with sensitive ribosomes engaged in protein synthesis. other features of aminoglycoside action.
Nevertheless, it was not obvious what kind of interaction
could promote aminoglycoside uptake. The discovery of EFFECT OF Str ON PROTEIN EXPORT
membrane-bound ribosomes in bacteria led to an ingenious
and logical suggestion (if one ignores the earlier evidence for The proposed mechanism has two new elements: misread
membrane damage): that membrane-bound Str-sensitive ri- protein is incorporated into membrane, and its poor fit there
bosomes engaged in protein synthesis play a direct role in would make the membrane leaky to small molecules.
uptake, accepting the antibiotic at the membrane surface and The first point, arising as a virtually self-evident predic-
transferring it to the cytoplasm (11, 12'). However, apart tion, is supported by the experimental demonstration that
from the lack of any obvious mechanistic basis, two impor- aminoglycosides grossly distort membrane composition.
tant findings decisively eliminated this hypothesis. First, This evidence had in fact been obtained several years earlier,
when cells with Str-resistant ribosomes are treated with in tests of a rather different hypothesis: that misreading
another aminoglycoside, to which they are sensitive, they might be the cause of killing by aminoglycosides, after all, as
can then take up Str (35, 36). Second, when addition of a result of the incorporation of garbled protein in the
chloramphenicol to sensitive cells is delayed until after membrane. This idea arose when Beckwith and co-workers
secondary uptake of Str has begun, it does not block (7) observed that certain genetic fusions of 3-galactosidase
continuation of the uptake (6, 35, 36, 53). Clearly, the with a periplasmic protein become stuck in the membrane
ribosomes actively synthesizing protein in the presence of an and block the secretion of other proteins, resulting in cell
aminoglycoside do not promote uptake by a direct peartici- death.
pation in the process of entry: they must have an effect on To test for a similar possibility with misread proteins, we
the membrane during the lag: this effect then persists even used pulse-labeling with [35S]methionine to examine the
when the ribosomal activity has ceased. distribution of the protein that is newly formed after partial
This persistent etfect on the membrane was obviously the inhibition of protein synthesis by Str. The results showed
damage that had been described many years earlier. To try that the pretreatment with Str decreased by 40 to 50% the
to explain why it requires ribosomal activitv. tnother inge- proportion of the labeled protein reaching the periplasm (18).

Moreover, it increased the proportion present in a "resid- Kinetics of Uptake through Nonspecific Channels
ual," particulate fraction of low solubility in nonionic deter-
gent; and this residual fraction included an insoluble form of Like the rate of overcoming the lag, the rate of uptake of
a normally periplasmic protein, alkaline phosphatase (de- Str in the secondary phase, after the lag, is also roughly
tected by its serological reactivity and its Mr). While this proportional to its concentration over a wide range (53). This
insoluble enzyme might have been present in aggregates, is the pattern that would be expected of diffusion (or
which have been seen with other kinds of abnormal proteins electrophoresis) through nonspecific aqueous channels cre-
in the cytoplasm (59), it was evidently present in the mem- ated by membrane damage. The role of nonspecific channels
brane, since it had been processed to the size of the mature is further demonstrated by the asymmetric synergism be-
alkaline phosphatase, and this processing takes place on the tween aminoglycosides and 3-lactams: nonlethal pretreat-
periplasmic surface of the membrane. (We have not tested ment with the latter, causing damage to the cell envelope,
for an altered distribution of integral membrane proteins, but accelerated the lethal action (56) and the uptake (51) of
since E. coli contains a larger amount of these than of aminoglycosides. while exposure in the reverse order was
periplasmic proteins, their misreading may contribute even not synergistic.
more to the membrane damage.) Addition of chloramphenicol to cultures at different stages
Though these findings clearly demonstrated that misread- of killing by Str provided further evidence, briefly noted
ing has an effect on the structure of the membrane, this effect above, on the kinetics of channel formation. At each stage
was not sufficiently extensive or progressive to seem likely the uptake of Str continues (6, 35, 36, 53), but the viable cell
to be the direct cause of cell death, and so the results were count is immediately stabilized (57). It therefore appears that
not then published. Several years later, however, it became without further protein synthesis the killed cells continue to
clear that they fitted very well an alternative hypothesis: that take up the antibiotic in amounts far larger than those
the alterations in the membrane might contribute to cell responsible for killing, but those cells that are still viable
death indirectly by making the membrane permeable to Str have not yet made enough channels for visible uptake.
(18). This pattern suggests that at a lethal concentration of Str
Nevertheless, the main evidence for the second feature of the autocatalytic process of entry, misreading, and increased
the model, a role of altered membrane proteins in the entry results in a rapid transition between virtual imperme-
leakiness, remains the ability of this model to explain all ability and a lethal uptake. The uptake required for killing is
major features of Str action. Having described above certain small, relative to what can be measured: approximately 1%
of these features, which suggested the model, I will now of the maximal uptake matches the number of ribosomes.
review the others. However, there is evidently a lag between a lethal uptake
and its complete blockade of protein synthesis, since studies
(summarized above) on the effect of Str on the distribution of
UPTAKE OF AMINOGLYCOSIDES newly synthesized protein (18) showed significant synthesis
of abnormal protein during the period when Str was causing
Lag and Initial Entry progressive cell death. The stabilization of the viability
count by chloramphenicol suggests that this synthesis is
Ever since the first studies on Str uptake, it has been occurring largely in cells already condemned to death.
widely observed that the duration of the lag before the
secondary uptake in E. coli decreases with increasing Str
concentration over a wide range. This pattern suggests that Proton Motive Force and Irreversible Uptake
the initial, nondetectable entry of the antibiotic during the

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Studies with various mutants and inhibitors have shown
lag occurs by diffusion through an aqueous channel or by low that the proton motive force has a strong influence on uptake
affinity for a transport system (i.e., use of the early, linear and is probably required (1, 6, 11-13, 54). Moreover, its A1
portion of its concentration-rate curve). The outer mem- component is more important than the ApH (16, 24, 48, 49),
brane may also contribute to the lag, but it cannot be the perhaps producing an electrophoresis of the drug through
major barrier altered by Str, since the leakiness that has been aqueous channels. In further studies along these lines it will
demonstrated after Str treatment (2, 23, 63) involves metab- be important to determine whether the initial entry through
olites that cannot normally pass the cytoplasmic membrane the normal membrane and the later entry through the dam-
(except by specific transport). In Bacillus megaterium the aged membrane differ in their dependence on membrane
uptake of Str is reported to lack a significant lag (31), potential.
suggesting that this organism is more permeable to Str than It is not clear why the entry of Str, clearly through
E. coli. nonspecific channels, is irreversible (53, 55). The attainment
Though this laboratory had initially reported a plateau of of a huge excess over the number of ribosomes excludes
adsorption during the lag before secondary uptake in E. coli irreversible attachment to ribosomes as the reason. While
(Fig. 1), Bryan and Van den Elzen (11, 12) have described a the importance of the membrane potential suggests entry of
slow linear uptake, called energy-dependent phase I, during the antibiotic by electrophoresis (rather than a free diffusion)
that lag (and also in resistant cells, which do not develop through the channels, it is not washed out in buffer (which
secondary uptake). The subsequent rapid uptake in sensitive would not sustain a potential), even though a nonspecific
cells was called energy-dependent phase II. However, be- aqueous channel should be equally permeable to Str in either
cause the large background of adsorption on the outer direction. This difference between entry and exit could be
surface of the cell (Fig. 1) would obscure even enough entry explained if the channel is not fixed but is gated in response
(1% of the total) to equal the number of ribosomes, the to the presence or absence of a potential. The large uptake
apparently linear phase I uptake may well be simply an after permeabilization of the cell by toluene (Fig. 1) suggests
expansion of the adsorption, proportionate to the continued a simple explanation: loose, ionic binding of the polycationic
growth of the cells. How large the initial entry must be to antibiotic to anionic macromolecules and surfaces within the
trigger the autocatalytic uptake is not known. cell, like the extensive absorption to the exterior.

puromycin would allow many chains to become long enough

b SENSITIVE to enter, and so misreading could affect membrane integrity.
(Why modest concentrations even stimulate Str uptake is
discussed below.) Moreover, this predicted difference in
average chain length has been experimentally confirmed by
measurement of the rate of polysome decay at these different
puromycin concentrations (38).
Since the paradoxical interactions with puromycin have
been a particularly refractory obstacle to all previous theo-
ries of aminoglycoside action, the ability to provide a simple,
clear explanation is probably the strongest single argument
for the proposed mechanism, relating misreading to mem-
brane damage.


As a by-product of this explanation for the paradoxical
action of puromycin, it now appears that membrane damage
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 by incorporation of abnormal proteins is not confined to the
MINUTES MINUTES aminoglycosides. This conclusion was suggested by a sur-
FIG. 2. Uptake of dihydrostreptomycin (DHSM) by sensitive prising observation encountered during the study of the
and by resistant E. coli B cells as a function of concentration of interaction of puromycin and Str just described (38): in the
puromycin. The cells growing at about 2 x 1O) per ml in nutrient presence of appropriate concentrations of puromycin, not
broth were exposed to 2 p.g of [3H]dihydrostreptomycin per ml and only Str-sensitive cells but also Str-resistant cells took up Str
the concentrations of puromycin, in micrograms per milliliter. (Fig. 2). This uptake, which has been confirmed (10), must
indicated on the graphs. From reference 38. with permission. require membrane damage: yet it is difficult to ascribe the
damage to the Str, since at the concentration used it would
not ordinarily act on resistant ribosomes. An alternative
Anaerobiosis possibility, that puromycin might cause resistant ribosomes
Anaerobiosis has long been known to increase the minimal to respond to Str, is very unlikely, since the site of action of
inhibitory concentration of Str at least 10-fold. This effect puromycin, at the aminoacyl terminus of transfer RNA, is
was traced to an inhibition of uptake (42), which is now
far from the codon-anticodon site. Moreover, polyamines,
readily explained by the depression of At by anaerobiosis. which have multiple cationic groups like the aminoglyco-
However, the effect is not permanent: studies with the sides, do not cause misreading; yet puromycin similarly
chemostat showed that anaerobiosis causes a very long lag accelerated their uptake in both Str-sensitive and Str-
(ca. 2 h), which is then followed by a normal phase of resistant cells (38).
secondary uptake, as rapid as in an aerobic culture growing The proposed explanation for membrane damage by Str
at the same rate (52). This result suggests that AO is
suggested a similar explanation for this facilitating action of
especially important for the initial uptake during the lag (24). puromycin in resistant cells (18): polypeptide chains prema-
turely released by puromycin, without other alteration of

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A number of features of aminoglycoside uptake remain a
challenge (reviewed in greater detail in Taber, submitted). sequences, can evidently create membrane channels, like
These include its irreversibility, the apparent role of mem- the misread chains formed in the presence of Str. Indeed, the
brane potential, and its occurrence under anaerobic condi- extent of the uptake of Str in puromycin-treated resistant
tions despite a low potential. However, these are clearly
cells (Fig. 2a) suggests that puromycin can make the mem-
challenges to a detailed understanding. rather than to the brane fully as leaky as Str does. This finding raises the
existence, of the nonspecific channels postulated in the question of how much of the effect of Str-induced damage to
multistep model of aminoglycoside action. the membrane is due to misreading within a sequence and
how much is due to the premature termination that is also
part of Str-induced misreading.
Puromycin and Str Uptake This explanation for the action of puromycin is now
A particularly puzzling feature of Str action, which long supported by direct evidence for damage to the membrane
defied explanation, is the paradoxical influence of puromycin (P. C. Tai and E. O'Leary, personal communication). At 50
(which interferes with protein synthesis reversibly by releas- pg/ml, puromycin caused leakage of nucleotides from grow-
ing the growing chains). When added simultaneously with ing E. (coli cells, like that observed earlier with Str (63), while
Str it slightly accelerates, instead of inhibiting, killing (76, high concentrations had no such effect.
77), yet when added an hour earlier it prevents killing (76). We can now readily understand why moderate concentra-
Hurwitz et al. (38) recently showed that this paradox is due tions of puromycin not only permitted but accelerated Str
to contrary effects of puromycin on Str uptake: 50 pLg/ml, uptake and killing in sensitive cells, as noted in the preceding
added simultaneously with Str, increased the uptake, but 500 section: the puromycin itself was contributing to membrane
,ug/ml blocked it (Fig. 2b). damage and hence to the entry of Str. In an additional
The proposed mechanism of aminoglycoside action now possible effect, premature release of nascent chains should
provides an explanation (18). A high concentration of puro- accelerate ribosomal reinitiation and hence might increase
mycin, releasing the growing chains early, would prevent the number of chains available to enter the membrane,
them from becoming long enough to enter the membrane; including those misread in the presence of Str.
hence, the misreading induced by Str could not cause Since puromycin causes membrane damage without the
membrane damage. In contrast, modest conccnitration of
a complicating secondary consequences associated with kill-

ing, and since it can be used in eucaryotic as well as note, however, that in principle this model could have been
procaryotic cells, it may be a more useful experimental tool formulated as soon as we had recognized, in 1973, the basis
than aminoglycosides for studying the physiological conse- for the double effect of Str on ribosomes: misreading and
quences of increased permeability to small molecules. In blockade. The model could then have led to many predic-
addition, as has been noted (18), in the widespread use of tions, including the several puzzling aspects of the uptake of
this antibiotic to inhibit protein synthesis, its indirect action Str, discovered later, that are presented above as the basis
on the membrane might well be responsible for some of the for inferring the model. In particular, the paradoxical effect
effects that have been observed. of puromycin on Str uptake (shown in 1981) could also have
The effect of Str plus puromycin on resistant cells rigor- been predicted.
ously confirms two features of the mechanism of amino- Today we can make a further prediction that would
glycoside action. First, since sensitive and resistant cells directly test for the inferred effect of misread or truncated
differ only in their ribosomes, the failure of Str to kill the proteins on membrane integrity: appropriate genetic alter-
latter, after puromycin has facilitated its entry (38), rigor- ations in major proteins of the membrane should have the
ously proves that its lethal action must result from its same effect. Their further utility, in detailed exploration of
interaction with the ribosomes and not with other compo- the mechanism of membrane damage, is discussed below.
nents that are accessible after entry. Second, that treatment
with puromycin alone is not lethal provides particularly MECHANISTIC CHALLENGES
strong evidence that the membrane damage from Str does
not contribute directly to cell death. Among the several steps in aminoglycoside action, the
misreading and the blocking effects on the ribosome are
METHODOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS AND THE quite well understood in principle, and we can expect studies
ROLE OF PREDICTION on ribosomal conformation to clarify the molecular mecha-
nisms. This paper raises another challenge: the molecular
Since the integration of the pleiotropic actions of ami- structure of the channels created by misread or truncated
noglycosides into a coherent, multistep mechanism now proteins in the membrane.
seems quite obvious, it may be of interest to speculate about At present we can only speculate about this problem.
possible reasons for the long inattention to membrane dam- Altered folding might make these abnormal proteins porous,
age and for the later delay in recognizing misreading as a i.e., create transmembrane aqueous channels within them.
possible source of that damage. This possibility is supported by the loose folding observed
One probable reason for the abandonment of interest in with synthetic polypeptides of arbitrary sequence, in con-
membrane damage was technical: the large background of trast to evolved natural proteins. Alternatively, channels
adsorption of Str on the bacterial surface, and its variation might arise along a series of polar residues on the predomi-
with experimental conditions (58), concealed the very low nantly hydrophobic embedded surface of transmembrane
level of uptake occurring during the lag and hence prevented proteins. In a third possibility, transmembrane proteins that
analysis of the autocatalytic transition to the secondary normally contain gated channels might have lost the ability
uptake. (We should recall that 1% of the maximal uptake to close the gates. This alternative seems less likely, because
would be sufficient to saturate the ribosomes.) Probably a the known gated channels in bacteria are not open to
more important factor was philosophical: the persistent molecules as large as Str (581 daltons).
effort to identify a single key mechanism, uncluttered by In further study of the nature of the channels, observa-
epiphenomena, as advocated in the early paper of Spotts and tions on their electrical properties, perhaps most conve-

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Stanier (68). This approach has usefully sharpened the focus niently with puromycin-treated eucaryotic cells, may be
of much research, but in this case it can be seen to have been informative. For detailed molecular insights, specific genetic
misleading. alterations will no doubt be more useful than the random
The order of appearance of the discoveries probably also changes induced by antibiotics, and prematurely released
contributed to establishing a persistent and limiting concep- chains should be easier to simulate than those altered by
tual framework. Thus, a reaction to the incorrect theory of misreading.
direct action of Str on the membrane discouraged further Indeed, studies on specific altered proteins in the mem-
attention to the correct finding of a reproducible and early brane are already under way, though they have not focused
effect. Moreover, the subsequently discovered effects on the on membrane integrity. A short C-terminal deletion has been
ribosome were more accessible to investigation, and by the reported to shift the E. coli 13-lactamase from the periplasm
time the translocation of proteins into the membrane became to the membrane (43). While similar findings with the malt-
accessible to experimental study, the unexplained ancient ose-binding protein were thought to reflect attachment of
observations on membrane damage were essentially buried aggregated protein to the membrane, rather than retention in
(even though our laboratory became engaged in study of the membrane (40), a truncated glycerophosphate phospho-
protein translocation). If, on the other hand, membrane diesterase seems definitely to be shifted from periplasm to
damage had been discovered after misreading (and even membrane, since it interferes with the secretion of other
more, after protein export became an active field of investi- periplasmic proteins (34). In such studies, it would be of
gation), its connection to the ribosome might have been interest to test for effects not only on protein export, but also
recognized much more easily. on the integrity of the osmotic barrier.
The methodological assumptions of this review also de- In addition to not knowing how abnormal proteins create
serve comment. I have presented the proposed multistep channels, we do not know how the first molecules of
mechanism not as a tentative hypothesis, but as an explana- antibiotic enter the cell, before they have begun to induce
tion that is firmly established by its consistency with all the autocatalytic process of increasing misreading and chan-
known features of aminoglycoside action. One might object nel formation. This initial entry might depend on channels
that this conclusion is too strong, since the proposal has not created by the low level of intrinsic misreading. Alterna-
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