Grade 1 - Experiments Log

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Experiment Transparency

Log EX 1

Observe and ask a question.
1. What question can you ask about what
seeds need to grow?

Form a hypothesis.
2. What is something you think is true about
what seeds need to grow?

Plan a fair test.

3. What things will you keep the same in
your test? Write or draw them here.

Science © Harcourt
Experiment Transparency
Log EX 2

4. What one thing will you change

in your test?

5. What things will you need to do your

test? Write or draw them here.

6. What steps will you take to do your test?

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 3

Do the test.
7. Record your data in the chart.
Did Seeds Grow?

Moist Seeds Dry Seeds

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Draw Conclusions. Communicate results.

8. What are your results? How can you
communicate your results to others?

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 1

Observe and ask a question.
1. What question can you ask about what
seeds need to grow?

Do seeds need water to grow?

Form a hypothesis.
2. What is something you think is true about
what seeds need to grow?

Seeds need water to grow.

Plan a fair test.

3. What things will you keep the same in
your test? Write or draw them here.

I will put cotton and a paper towel in each plastic cup. I

will put both cups in the same place. I will use the same
number of seeds in each cup. I will use the same type of

seeds in each cup.

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 2

4. What one thing will you change

in your test?
I will add water to the cotton and paper towel in one of
the cups.

5. What things will you need to do your

test? Write or draw them here.
I will use two plastic cups, cotton, paper towels, radish
seeds, and water.
6. What steps will you take to do your test?

a. Use a marker to label one cup WET and one cup DRY.

b. Fill the center of each cup with cotton.

c. Place ten seeds between the paper towel and the

sides of each cup.

d. Add water to moisten the cotton and paper towel in

the WET cup.

e. Each day, check to see if any seeds have grown.

f. Add water as needed to keep the seeds moist in

the WET cup.
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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 3

Do the test.
7. Record your data in the chart.
Did Seeds Grow?

Moist Seeds Dry Seeds

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Draw Conclusions. Communicate results.

8. What are your results? How can you
communicate your results to others?

Accept all reasonable answers.

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 4

Animal Coverings
Observe and ask a question.
1. What can you ask about how body
coverings help animals live where they do?

Form a hypothesis.
2. What is something you think is true about
how body coverings help animals?

Plan a fair test.

3. What things will you keep the same in
the test? Write or draw them here.

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 5

4. What one thing will you change

in the test?

5. What objects will you need to do the

test? Write or draw them here.

6. What steps will you take to do the test?

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 6

Do the test.
7. Record your data in the chart.
How Did the Covered Hand Feel?

Body Covering Observation

Draw conclusions. Communicate results.

8. What are your results? How can you
communicate your results to others?

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 4

Animal Coverings
Observe and ask a question.
1. What can you ask about how body
coverings help animals live where they do?
Do body coverings keep animals warm? Do body coverings
help hide animals?

Form a hypothesis.
2. What is something you think is true about
how body coverings help animals?

Body coverings keep animals warm.

Plan a fair test.

3. What things will you keep the same in
the test? Write or draw them here.

I will compare body coverings in the same environment.

I will make my observations the same way.

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 5

4. What one thing will you change

in the test?

I will change the kind of body covering observed.

5. What objects will you need to do the

test? Write or draw them here.
ice cubes, cold water, large container, wool sock, plastic
bag, newspaper

6. What steps will you take to do the test?

a. Put ice cubes and cold water in the container.

b. Put the bag on one hand and place the hand in the
container. Observe.

c. Wrap newspaper around the hand. Put the bag over the
newspaper. Place the hand in the container. Observe.

d. Put the hand in the sock. Put the bag over the sock.
Place the hand in the container. Observe.

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 6

Do the test.
7. Record your data in the chart.
How Did the Covered Hand Feel?

Body Covering Observation

Draw conclusions. Communicate results.

8. What are your results? How can you
communicate your results to others?

Accept all reasonable answers.

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 7

Plants and Soil

Observe and ask a question.
1. What can you ask about the way plants
might change how soil is washed away?

Form a hypothesis.
2. What is something you think is true about
plants and how soil is washed away?

Plan a fair test.

3. What things will you keep the same in
the test?

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 8

4. What one thing will you change

in the test?

5. What things will you need to do your

test? List or draw them here.

6. What steps will you take to do the test?

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 9

Do the test.
7. Draw pictures to show what happened to
each sample of soil.

Draw conclusions. Communicate results.

8. What are your results? How can you
communicate your results to others?

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 7

Plants and Soil

Observe and ask a question.
1. What can you ask about the way plants
might change how soil is washed away?
Do plants change the amount of soil that is washed away
by water?

Form a hypothesis.
2. What is something you think is true about
plants and how soil is washed away?

Plants help keep soil from being washed away by water.

Plan a fair test.

3. What things will you keep the same in
the test?
I will keep the amount of soil, the size and shape of the
pans, and the amount and temperature of water the
same. I will add the water from the same height each
time. I will keep the slope of the pans the same.

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 8

4. What one thing will you change

in the test?

One pan of soil will have plants (grass) growing in it.

5. What things will you need to do your

test? List or draw them here.
2 pans, soil, measuring cup, watering can, room-temperature
water, centimeter ruler, piece of sod or grass seeds

6. What steps will you take to do the test?

a. Place the soil into one end of one pan. Prop up the
end of the pan that has the soil.

b. Fill the watering can with 2 cups of water.

c. Hold the watering can about 20 cm above the pan.

Make it “rain” on the soil.

d. Observe how much soil is washed away to the other

end of the pan.

e. Put the piece of sod in one end of the other pan. Prop
up the end of the pan that has the sod.

f. Repeat Steps b–d.

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 9

Do the test.
7. Draw pictures to show what happened to
each sample of soil.

Draw conclusions. Communicate results.

8. What are your results? How can you
communicate your results to others?

Accept all reasonable answers.

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 10

Starry, Starry Night

Observe and ask a question.
1. What can you ask about the stars you
see in the nighttime sky?

Form a hypothesis.
2. What could be true about the difference
between the stars you see in the nighttime
sky and those you see in the daytime sky?

Plan a fair test.

3. What things will you keep the same in
the test? Write or draw them here.

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 11

4. What is one thing you will change in the test?

5. What objects will you need to do the test?

6. What steps will you take to do the test?

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 12

Do the test.
7. Draw pictures to show what you saw
on the ceiling in the dark classroom and
what you saw on the ceiling in the light

Draw conclusions. Communicate the results.

8. What are your results? How can you
communicate your results to others?

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 10

Starry, Starry Night

Observe and ask a question.
1. What can you ask about the stars you
see in the nighttime sky?
How is what I see in the nighttime sky different from
what I see in the daytime sky?

Form a hypothesis.
2. What could be true about the difference
between the stars you see in the nighttime
sky and those you see in the daytime sky?
What I see in the nighttime sky will be different from
what I see in the daytime sky.

Plan a fair test.

3. What things will you keep the same in
the test? Write or draw them here.
I will keep the model of the star pattern I am looking at
the same.

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 11

4. What is one thing you will change in the test?

I will change the amount of light in the room.

5. What objects will you need to do the test?

model of star pattern, flashlight

6. What steps will you take to do the test?

a. Cover the flashlight with the model of the star pattern.

b. The teacher will make the classroom dark.

c. Turn on the flashlight.

d. Shine the light on the ceiling.

e. Observe the ceiling.

f. The teacher will make the classroom light.

g. Observe the ceiling again.

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 12

Do the test.
7. Draw pictures to show what you saw
on the ceiling in the dark classroom and
what you saw on the ceiling in the light

Draw conclusions. Communicate the results.

8. What are your results? How can you
communicate your results to others?

Accept all reasonable answers.

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 13

Water Solutions
Observe and ask a question.
1. What can you ask about the way that solids
dissolve in warm water and in cold water?

Form a hypothesis.
2. What could be true about how warm
water and cold water change the way
salt dissolves?

Plan a fair test.

3. What things will you keep the same in
the test? Write or draw them here.

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 14

4. What is one thing you will change

in the test?

5. What objects will you need to do the

test? Write or draw them here.

6. What steps will you take to do the test?

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 15

Do the test.
7. Record your data in the chart.
How Do Warm Water and Cold Water
Change the Way a Solid Dissolves?

Name of Solid Cold Water Warm Water

Dissolving time: Dissolving time:

seconds seconds

Draw conclusions. Communicate results.

8. What are your results? How can you
communicate your results to others?

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 13

Water Solutions
Observe and ask a question.
1. What can you ask about the way that solids
dissolve in warm water and in cold water?
Does a solid dissolve more easily in warm water or in
cold water?

Form a hypothesis.
2. What could be true about how warm
water and cold water change the way
salt dissolves?

Salt dissolves the same in warm water and in cold water.

Plan a fair test.

3. What things will you keep the same in
the test? Write or draw them here.
I will use the same amount of water and salt each time.
I will stir at about the same speed each time.

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 14

4. What is one thing you will change

in the test?

I will change only how warm or how cold the water is.

5. What objects will you need to do the

test? Write or draw them here.
plastic cups, spoons, measuring cups, marker, warm
water, cold water, salt, timer, thermometer

6. What steps will you take to do the test?

a. Label 2 containers: “COLD WATER,” “WARM WATER.”

b. Measure warm tap water into one of the containers.

c. Measure cold tap water into the other container.

d. Stir a spoonful of salt into the “WARM WATER” container.

Time how long it takes the salt to dissolve completely.

Write what happens.

e. Do the same thing for “COLD WATER.”

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 15

Do the test.
7. Record your data in the chart.
How Do Warm Water and Cold Water
Change the Way a Solid Dissolves?

Name of Solid Cold Water Warm Water

Dissolving time: Dissolving time:

seconds seconds

Draw conclusions. Communicate results.

8. What are your results? How can you
communicate your results to others?

Accept all reasonable answers.

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 16

Observe and ask a question.
1. What can you ask about the way height
affects distance?

Form a Hypothesis.
2. What could be true about the way a
change in height changes the distance a
toy truck will go?

Plan a fair test.

3. What things will you keep the same in
the test? Write or draw them here.

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 17

4. What is one thing you will change in

the test?

5. What objects will you need to do the

test? Write or draw them here.

6. What steps will you take to do the test?

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 18

Do the test.
7. Record your data in the chart.
How Does the Height of a Ramp Change How
Far a Toy Truck Will Go?

Height of Ramp (Board) Distance the Truck Rolls

Draw conclusions. Communicate results.

8. What are your results? How can you
communicate your results to others?

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 16

Observe and ask a question.
1. What can you ask about the way height
affects distance?
How does the height of a ramp change how far a toy
truck will go?

Form a Hypothesis.
2. What could be true about the way a
change in height changes the distance a
toy truck will go?
Making one end of a ramp higher will make a toy truck
go farther.

Plan a fair test.

3. What things will you keep the same in
the test? Write or draw them here.
I will use the same toy truck, the same board, and the
same rolling surface each time. I will start the truck at

the same place each time.

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 17

4. What is one thing you will change in

the test?

I will change the height of the ramp.

5. What objects will you need to do the

test? Write or draw them here.
I will use a toy truck, board, books, and meterstick.

6. What steps will you take to do the test?

a. Put one end of a board on one or two books. Measure
the height of the ramp.

b. Put a toy truck at the top. Let it roll down the ramp.

c. Use the meterstick to measure how far the toy truck

rolled after leaving the ramp.

d. Repeat these steps three times. Raise the ramp each

time by adding more books.

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Experiment Transparency
Log EX 18

Do the test.
7. Record your data in the chart.
How Does the Height of a Ramp Change How
Far a Toy Truck Will Go?

Height of Ramp (Board) Distance the Truck Rolls

Draw conclusions. Communicate results.

8. What are your results? How can you
communicate your results to others?

Accept all reasonable answers.

Science © Harcourt
Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS I-1

Imagine you are not using your sense of sight. Which
sense would you most likely use to observe each object?
Use the words in the box.

smell hearing touch taste

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS I-1

Imagine you are not using your sense of sight. Which
sense would you most likely use to observe each object?
Use the words in the box.

smell hearing touch taste

smell touch hearing

hearing smell taste

touch taste smell

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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS I-1

Main Idea and Details

Use a main idea and details to complete each sentence.

1. You have five .

2. Your eyes let you use your sense of .
3. Your hand lets you use your sense of .
4. Your nose lets you use your sense of .
5. Your ears let you use your sense of .
6. Your mouth lets you use your sense of .

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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS I-1

Main Idea and Details

Use a main idea and details to complete each sentence.

1. You have five

senses .
2. Your eyes let you use your sense of
sight .
3. Your hand lets you use your sense of
touch .
4. Your nose lets you use your sense of
smell .
5. Your ears let you use your sense of
hearing .
6. Your mouth lets you use your sense of
taste .

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Graphic Transparency
Organizer GO I-1

The Five Senses

Main Idea
You have five senses.

detail detail detail detail detail

sight A B C touch

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Organizer GO I-1

The Five Senses

Main Idea
You have five senses.

detail detail detail detail detail

sight A hearing B smell C taste touch

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS I-2

Draw Conclusions
Observe these nuts. Then observe the cracked nuts.

Tell what you observe. Then draw conclusions about why

nuts have shells.

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS I-2

Draw Conclusions
Observe these nuts. Then observe the cracked nuts.

Tell what you observe. Then draw conclusions about why

nuts have shells.

Nuts have many kinds of shells.

They can be smooth, ridged, or covered with long fibers.
The shells can be thick or thin.
Nuts have shells in order to protect the seed inside the shell.

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Graphic Transparency
Organizer GO I-2

Main Idea
Inquiry skills help people find out information.

detail detail detail

measure A B

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Graphic Transparency
Organizer GO I-2

Main Idea
Inquiry skills help people find out information.

detail detail detail

measure A compare B sequence

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS I-3

Observe each balance.
Compare the objects.
Which object has more mass?
Which one has less mass?
Tell how you know.

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS I-3

Observe each balance.
Compare the objects.
Which object has more mass?
Which one has less mass?
Tell how you know.

The apple has more mass. The potato has more mass.
The balloon has less mass. The carrot has less mass.

The boot has more mass. The cat has more mass.
The slipper has less mass. The dog has less mass.

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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS I-3

Use Context Clues

Match each picture to the sentence that tells about it.

A balance lets you measure

an object’s mass.

A dropper lets you place

small amounts of liquids.

Forceps let you separate

small objects.

A measuring tape lets you

measure around an object.

A hand lens lets you observe

small objects.

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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS I-3

Use Context Clues

Match each picture to the sentence that tells about it.

A balance lets you measure

an object’s mass.

A dropper lets you place

small amounts of liquids.

Forceps let you separate

small objects.

A measuring tape lets you

measure around an object.

A hand lens lets you observe

small objects.

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Graphic Transparency
Organizer GO I-3

Science Tools
Main Idea
You can use science tools.

detail detail detail

You can use a A You can use a balance to You can use a
and a magnifying box to help measure the C to
you see small objects. B of an object. measure how hot or cold
something is.

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Graphic Transparency
Organizer GO I-3

Science Tools
Main Idea
You can use science tools.

detail detail detail

You can use a A hand lens You can use a balance to You can use a
and a magnifying box to help measure the C thermometer to
you see small objects. B mass of an object. measure how hot or cold
something is.

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS
IS 1-1


Which things are living?

Which things are nonliving?

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS
IS 1-1


Which things are living? the mealworm, the bee, and the frog
Which things are nonliving? the water, the crayon, and the rock

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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS
RS 1-1

Using Charts and Graphs

things clouds water

things flower opossum

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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS
RS 1-1

Using Charts and Graphs

things clouds water rock

things flower tree opossum

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Graphic Transparency
Organizer GO 1-1

Living Things Nonliving Things

They need A . They do not need food.

They need water. They do not need B .

They need C . They do not need D .

They grow and E . They do not F and change.

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Organizer GO 1-1

Living Things Nonliving Things

They need A food . They do not need food.

They need water. They do not need B water .

They need C air . They do not need D air .

They grow and E change . They do not F grow and change.

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS
IS 1-3


Ways Animals in Group One Ways Animals in Group Two

Are Alike Are Alike

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS
IS 1-3


Ways Animals in Group One Ways Animals in Group Two

Are Alike Are Alike
_____________________________ wings
_____________________________ feathers
_____________________________ beaks
four legs
_____________________________ two legs

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS
IS 1-4


Compare an Adult Pig with a Young Pig

Ways They Are Alike Ways They Are Different

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS
IS 1-4


Compare an Adult Pig with a Young Pig

Ways They Are Alike Ways They Are Different
hair or fur
_____________________________ different markings
long noses
_____________________________ one big, one small
_____________________________ _____________________________
four legs
_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS
RS 1-4

First, ___________

Next, ___________

Then, ___________

Last, ___________

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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS
RS 1-4

a tadpole
First, ___________
comes out of an

it gets
Next, ___________
bigger. It grows
legs and its tail
gets smaller.

it starts to
Then, ___________
use lungs to

it becomes
Last, ___________
an adult frog that
can live on land.

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS
IS 2-1

Look at each plant.
Predict what you think will happen.
Tell why you think this.

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS
IS 2-1

Look at each plant.
Predict what you think will happen.
Tell why you think this.

I predict that the plant placed in the closet will not be healthy
because it will not get the sun it needs. I predict that the plant
placed in the window will be healthy because it is getting the
sun it needs.

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Graphic Transparency
Organizer GO 2-1

Needs of Plants

A plant gets light, A , B , and nutrients.

The plant grows and stays C .

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Graphic Transparency
Organizer GO 2-1

Needs of Plants

A plant gets light, A air , B water , and nutrients.

The plant grows and stays C healthy .

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS
IS 2-2

Read each item.
How would you communicate this information? Why?

1. You are given two plants to compare. How would you

communicate how the plant roots look?
A by writing B by speaking C by drawing

2. You are going on a trip. How would you communicate

how to take care of your plants?
A by writing B by speaking C by drawing

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS
IS 2-2

Read each item.
How would you communicate this information? Why?

1. You are given two plants to compare. How would you

communicate how the plant roots look?
A by writing B by speaking C by drawing
Possible response: I would communicate this by drawing because
this would be the clearest way to show how the roots were the
same and different.

2. You are going on a trip. How would you communicate

how to take care of your plants?
A by writing B by speaking C by drawing

Possible response: I would communicate this by speaking to

the person who was going to care for the plants. I could also
communicate by writing out instructions to leave with the person.

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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS
RS 2-2

Main Idea and Details

Record the lesson main ideas and details in the chart. Use
the headings to help you find the main ideas.

Main Ideas Details

Plant Part What the Part Does

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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS
RS 2-2

Main Idea and Details

Record the lesson main ideas and details in the chart. Use
the headings to help you find the main ideas.

Main Ideas Details

Plant Part What the Part Does

roots Roots hold the plant in the soil.

Roots take in water and nutrients.

stem The stem holds up the plant. The

stem lets food and water move
through the plant.
leaves Leaves take in air and light,
which they use to make food for
the plant.

flowers Flowers make fruits that hold


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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS
IS 2-3

Look at each picture.
Use the words in the box to put the pictures in the correct

first next then last

__________________ __________________

__________________ __________________

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS
IS 2-3

Look at each picture.
Use the words in the box to put the pictures in the correct

first next then last

__________________ first

__________________ next

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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS
RS 2-4

Using Picture Clues

Read each sentence. Then look at each picture.
What clues does it give you about the meaning of the
underlined word?

1. The tree has long, narrow leaves.

A wide B round C thin

2. The tree has jagged leaves.

A smooth B pointed C curving

3. The tree has compound leaves.

A many parts B one part C broad

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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS
RS 2-4

Using Picture Clues

Read each sentence. Then look at each picture.
What clues does it give you about the meaning of the
underlined word?

1. The tree has long, narrow leaves.

A wide B round C thin

2. The tree has jagged leaves.

A smooth B pointed C curving

3. The tree has compound leaves.

A many parts B one part C broad

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS
IS 3-2

Draw Conclusions
Draw conclusions about how body markings help this

1. How do the tiger’s markings help it hide?

2. How might this help the tiger get what it needs?

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS
IS 3-2

Draw Conclusions
Draw conclusions about how body markings help this

1. How do the tiger’s markings help it hide?

The stripes help the tiger hide in the tall grass so that it is hard to

2. How might this help the tiger get what it needs?

The markings may help the tiger get close to a zebra before it runs

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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS
RS 3-2

Compare and Contrast

Compare the plant and animal.
Record how they are alike and different in the chart.

Alike Different

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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS
RS 3-2

Compare and Contrast

Compare the plant and animal.
Record how they are alike and different in the chart.

Alike Different

The animal and the plant are The animal and plant are
alike because they both have different because the animal’s
adaptations that let them live adaptation lets it move from
in places with water. The bird’s place to place. The plant’s
long legs keep the bird’s body adaptation does not let it
dry. The plant’s long stem keeps move from place to place. It
the tops of the plant dry. does let it bend in the wind.

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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS 3-3

Using Titles and Headings

Read the heading and write a question to ask yourself
while reading. Then read the paragraph and answer the

People Carry Seeds

Have you ever walked in a field? Seeds may stick to your
socks or pants. You may carry the seeds far from the plant.
When the seeds fall off, they may grow into new plants.

What question could you ask?


How would you answer this question?


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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS 3-3

Using Titles and Headings

Read the heading and write a question to ask yourself
while reading. Then read the paragraph and answer the

People Carry Seeds

Have you ever walked in a field? Seeds may stick to your
socks or pants. You may carry the seeds far from the plant.
When the seeds fall off, they may grow into new plants.

What question could you ask?

Possible responses: How do people carry seeds? What happens

when people carry seeds?

How would you answer this question?

Possible responses: People can carry seeds on their clothing. When
seeds are carried far from the plant, they may grow into new plants.

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 4-1

Compare each pair of leaves.
Tell how these leaves are alike and different.

1. A. B.


2. A. B.


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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 4-1

Compare each pair of leaves.
Tell how these leaves are alike and different.

1. A. B.

Alike: Both A and B are long and thin with smooth edges.
Different: Leaf A is bigger than leaf B.

2. A. B.

Alike: Both A and B are shaped like a heart.

Leaf A is bigger than leaf B.

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS
IS 4-2

Draw Conclusions
Look at Plant A and Plant B on Day 15. Circle the plant that
gets water.

Day 1 Day 15
Plant A Plant A

Day 1 Day 15
Plant B Plant B

Draw conclusions about what water does for plants.

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS
IS 4-2

Draw Conclusions
Look at Plant A and Plant B on Day 15. Circle the plant that
gets water.

Day 1 Day 15
Plant A Plant A

Day 1 Day 15
Plant B Plant B

Draw conclusions about what water does for plants.

Water helps plants live and grow.

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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS 4-2

Main Idea and Details

Use details about deserts to complete this concept web.


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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS 4-2

Main Idea and Details

Use details about deserts to complete this concept web.


dry land with little plants need little

rain water

animals need
shade and water

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS
IS 5-1

Classify these kinds of land into groups.
Color the land that is high, red. Color the land that is low,

Color the land that is near water, blue. Color the land that
is not near water, green.

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS
IS 5-1

Classify these kinds of land into groups.
Color the land that is high, red. Color the land that is low,

Children should color the mountain and hill red and the valley and
beach yellow.

Color the land that is near water, blue. Color the land that
is not near water, green.

Children should color the valley and beach blue and the mountain
and hill green.

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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS
RS 5-1

Compare and Contrast

Look at each pair of mountains.
Tell how they are alike and different.

These mountains are alike because

These mountains are different because

These mountains are alike because

These mountains are different because

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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS
RS 5-1

Compare and Contrast

Look at each pair of mountains.
Tell how they are alike and different.

These mountains are alike because

they both are high and have steep sides.

These mountains are different because

one mountain has a rounded top and one has a very pointed top.

These mountains are alike because

they both are high.

These mountains are different because

one mountain is steeper and taller, and has snow on top. The other is
less steep and shorter, and has trees growing on top.

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS
IS 5-2

1. Infer which body of water would be better for

Why does this inference make sense?

2. Infer which body of water would be better for boating.

Why does this inference make sense?

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Mini-Lesson IS
IS 5-2

1. Infer which body of water would be better for

Why does this inference make sense?

The ocean is a better place to swim because the water is calmer.

2. Infer which body of water would be better for boating.

Why does this inference make sense?

The lake is a better place to go boating because the water is
deeper and a boat could float.

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS
IS 5-3

Make a Model
Label the parts of this model.
Use the words in the box.
river rain mountain

What the Model Shows

1. The ____________ falls on the ____________.
2. Water from mountain streams flows into the __________.
3. What conclusions can you draw from this model?

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS
IS 5-3

Make a Model
Label the parts of this model.
Use the words in the box.
river rain mountain

river rain


What the Model Shows

1. The ____________ mountain
falls on the ____________.
2. Water from mountain streams flows into the __________.
3. What conclusions can you draw from this model?
Over time, rain changes the shape of mountains and can form
streams and rivers.

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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS 5-3

Use Context Clues

What do the words in dark type mean?
Use other words to figure out each meaning.
Hot dry weather can change the land. Sometimes rain does not
fall for weeks or months. A long dry time without rain is called a
During a drought, dust storms may happen. In a dust storm,
wind picks up dry soil. Then it blows the soil away.
What is a drought?
What words help you figure this out?
What is a dust storm?
What words help you figure this out?

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© Harcourt
Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS 5-3

Use Context Clues

What do the words in dark type mean?
Use other words to figure out each meaning.
Hot dry weather can change the land. Sometimes rain does not
fall for weeks or months. A long dry time without rain is called a
During a drought, dust storms may happen. In a dust storm,
wind picks up dry soil. Then it blows the soil away.
What is a drought?
a long dry time without rain
What words help you figure this out?
A long dry time without rain is called a drought.
What is a dust storm?
a storm where wind blows dry soil away
What words help you figure this out?
In a dust storm, wind picks up dry soil. Then it blows the soil away.

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© Harcourt
Graphic Transparency
Organizer GO 5-3

Earth Changes

cause ef fec t

Heav y rain falls. There may be a A .

No rain falls. There may be a B .

Water moves over It carries away C and D

land. to new places.

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Graphic Transparency
Organizer GO 5-3

Earth Changes

cause e f f ec t

Heav y rain falls. There may be a A flood .

No rain falls. There may be a B drought .

Water moves over It carries away C rocks and D soil

land. to new places.

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 6-1


What do you observe in this picture?

animals plants

water land

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 6-1


What do you observe in this picture?

animals plants
birds, fish, crabs, seals trees, bushes

water land
the ocean the sandy beach, rocks

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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS 6-1

Main Idea and Details

Natural Resource How it is Used

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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS 6-1

Main Idea and Details

Natural Resource How it is Used

water People use water to drink,

to clean, to cook, and to go
places. Plants, animals, and
people use water to live.

air People and animals breathe

air. People use air to fill things
and to make things move.

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Organizer GO 6-1

Main Idea
A A is anything from nature that people can use.

detail detail detail

People use B People and many Plants, animals,
for drinking, animals breathe rocks, and soil are
cleaning, and C . some other natural
cooking. resources.

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Organizer GO 6-1

Main Idea
A A natural resource is anything from nature that people can use.

detail detail detail

People use B water People and many Plants, animals,
for drinking, animals breathe rocks, and soil are
cleaning, and C air . some other natural
cooking. resources.

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 6-2

Use size and the way things feel
to classify these rocks.

How else could you classify the rocks?

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 6-2

Use size and the way things feel
to classify these rocks.

large small small

rough smooth rough

small large large

smooth smooth rough

How else could you classify the rocks?

by color, by mass, by where they were found, by whether they are
shiny or dull

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 6-3

Draw Conclusions
Draw a conclusion.
How do these campers feel about natural resources?

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 6-3

Draw Conclusions
Draw a conclusion.
How do these campers feel about natural resources?

The first family probably cares about natural resources because they
are getting rid of trash in the trash bin and keeping things neat. The
second family probably does not care about natural resources. They
are dumping their trash in the woods, picking flowers, and harming

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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS 6-3

Using Word Structure






repack _______________________________________________________

retie ________________________________________________________

redial ________________________________________________________

resend _______________________________________________________

redo ________________________________________________________

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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS 6-3

Using Word Structure

match with picture 4

match with picture 1

match with picture 2

match with picture 5

match with picture 3

to pack again
repack _______________________________________________________
to tie again
retie ________________________________________________________
to dial again
redial ________________________________________________________
to send again
resend _______________________________________________________
to do again
redo ________________________________________________________

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 7-1


Compare Weather for Two Days

Day 1 Day 2
both days

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 7-1


Compare Weather for Two Days

Day 1 Day 2
both days

rain, wind clouds sun, no wind

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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS 7-1

Compare and Contrast

Alike Different

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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS 7-1

Compare and Contrast

Title: Weather
Alike Different

You can feel the air outside. The air outside can be warm or
Weather can change. cool.
Weather may be sunny, windy,
cloudy, rainy, or snowy.

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Organizer GO 7-1


alike different

All weather is what the hot, warm, cool, B

A outside is like.

You can see and C sunny, D , rainy,

all weather. snowy, windy

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Organizer GO 7-1


alike different

All weather is what the hot, warm, cool, B cold

A air outside is like.

You can see and C feel sunny, D cloudy , rainy,

all weather. snowy, windy

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 7-2


60 °F





50 °F



Which day was warmer?

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 7-2


60 °F


50 °F


50 °F

40 °F


Which day was warmer? Monday

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 7-3

Cloud 1 Cloud 2

Cloud 1 Cloud 2
I observe: I observe:

I infer:

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 7-3

Cloud 1 Cloud 2

Cloud 1 Cloud 2
I observe: I observe:
big, dark, gray smaller, white

I infer:
Guide children to infer that Cloud 1 will bring rain.

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Graphic Transparency
Organizer GO 7-2

Measuring Weather

Main Idea
You can measure weather in many ways.

detail detail detail

You can measure You can measure You can measure
how much
A , the C
which is how hot or B and
cold it is. has fallen.
of the wind.

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Graphic Transparency
Organizer GO 7-2

Measuring Weather

Main Idea
You can measure weather in many ways.

detail detail detail

You can measure You can measure You can measure
temperature , how much
A the C speed
which is how hot or B
rain and
cold it is. has fallen. direction
of the wind.

HSP Science © Harcourt

Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS 7-3

Cause and Effect

Cause Effect

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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS 7-3

Cause and Effect

Cause Effect
The sun warms water. Water evaporates.
The water vapor meets cool Water drops form and
air. become clouds.
Water drops get big and The drops fall as rain or
heavy. snow.
Some rain or snow ends up The cycle continues.
in rivers and oceans.

HSP Science © Harcourt

Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS
IS 8-1

Hypothesize what will happen to this plant. Use what you
know about what plants need.

What do you know about what plants need to grow?

What will happen to this plant? Why?

Check your hypothesis.

Was your hypothesis correct?

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS
IS 8-1

Hypothesize what will happen to this plant. Use what you
know about what plants need.

What do you know about what plants need to grow?

Plants need light and warmth to grow.

What will happen to this plant? Why?

This plant will not grow because a refrigerator is cold and dark.

Check your hypothesis.

Was your hypothesis correct?

Responses will vary depending upon hypotheses.

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Graphic Transparency
Organizer GO 8-1


Main Idea
Spring is one of the four seasons.

detail detail detail detail

The weather There are more Many plants Many animals
gets A hours of begin to have their
in spring. B . C . D .

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Organizer GO 8-1


Main Idea
Spring is one of the four seasons.

detail detail detail detail

The weather There are more Many plants Many animals
gets A warmer hours of begin to have their
in spring. B daylight . C grow . D young .

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS
IS 8-2

Use the weather to help you infer what to wear. Then
explain each choice.

What will you wear? Why?

What will you wear? Why?

What will you wear? Why?

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS
IS 8-2

Use the weather to help you infer what to wear. Then
explain each choice.

What will you wear? Why?

the shirt and shorts because the weather in the park is warm

What will you wear? Why?

the raincoat and hat because the weather is rainy

What will you wear? Why? the bathing suit and sunhat because
the weather at the beach is very hot

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Graphic Transparency
Organizer GO 8-2


Main Idea
Summer is the season after spring.

detail detail detail

The weather can Some plants grow Animals have ways
be 6 . 7 . to stay 8 .

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Organizer GO 8-2


Main Idea
Summer is the season after spring.

detail detail detail

The weather can Some plants grow Animals have ways
be 6 hot . 7 fruits . to stay 8 cool .

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS
IS 8-3

Observe these fruits and seeds.
Are the seeds rough or smooth?
Are there many seeds or one seed?

pepper avocado peach

__________________ __________________ ________________
__________________ __________________ ________________

walnut cherry melon

__________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________

How else could you compare these seeds?


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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS
IS 8-3

Observe these fruits and seeds.
Are the seeds rough or smooth?
Are there many seeds or one seed?

pepper avocado peach

smooth; many
__________________ smooth; one
__________________ rough; one
__________________ __________________ ________________

walnut cherry melon

rough; one
__________________ smooth; one
__________________ smooth; many
__________________ __________________ __________________

How else could you compare these seeds?

by size, shape, and color

HSP Science © Harcourt

Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS
RS 8-3

Cause and Effect

Observe each pair of pictures. What changed from summer
to fall? What caused the change?

summer fall

What changed?

What caused the change?

summer fall

What changed?

What caused the change?

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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS
RS 8-3

Cause and Effect

Observe each pair of pictures. What changed from summer
to fall? What caused the change?

summer fall

What changed?
The horse has a light coat in summer and a heavier coat in the fall.

What caused the change?

In fall, the weather gets cool so the horse needs a heavier coat to
stay warm.

summer fall

What changed?
The family eats outdoors in summer and indoors in fall.

What caused the change?

In fall, the weather gets cool so people want to be inside where it
is warmer.

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Organizer GO 8-3

cause effect
Weather gets A in fall. People wear B clothes.

There is not as much Some trees lose their D .

C .

There is not as much food Some animals F

food for later.
for E .

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Organizer GO 8-3

cause effect
Weather gets A cooler in fall. People wear B heavier clothes.

There is not as much Some trees lose their D leaves .

C daylight .

There is not as much food Some animals F store

food for later.
for E animals .

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS
IS 8-4

Draw Conclusions
Observe this vacuum flask.
Use what you observed to draw conclusions to answer the

Is the soup hot or cold?

How do you know?

Will the soup be hot or cold at lunchtime?

How do you know?

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS
IS 8-4

Draw Conclusions
Observe this vacuum flask.
Use what you observed to draw conclusions to answer the

Is the soup hot or cold?

How do you know?
hot; As steam from the soup cools, you can see a cloud of tiny water
droplets in the air.
Will the soup be hot or cold at lunchtime?
How do you know?
hot; A vacuum flask keeps hot things hot and cold things cold for a
long time.

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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS
RS 8-4

Using Text Patterns

Look at the headings in Lessons 1, 2, and 3. What pattern
do you observe?
Tell what comes first, next, and last.
First: ________________________________________________________

Next: _______________________________________________________

Last: ________________________________________________________

Use this pattern in Lesson 4.

Tell what you think will come first, next, and last.
First: ________________________________________________________

Next: _______________________________________________________

Last: ________________________________________________________

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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS
RS 8-4

Using Text Patterns

Look at the headings in Lessons 1, 2, and 3. What pattern
do you observe?
Tell what comes first, next, and last.
The lesson names the season and tells when it comes. It talks
First: ________________________________________________________
about weather and what people wear.
The lesson tells how the season affects plants.
Next: _______________________________________________________

The lesson tells how the season affects animals.

Last: ________________________________________________________

Use this pattern in Lesson 4.

Tell what you think will come first, next, and last.
The lesson will name winter and tell when it comes. It will talk
First: ________________________________________________________
about winter weather and what people wear.
The lesson will tell how winter affects plants.
Next: _______________________________________________________

The lesson will tell how winter affects animals.

Last: ________________________________________________________

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Graphic Transparency
Organizer GO 8-4


Main Idea
Winter is the season after fall.

detail detail detail detail

The weather In some places, Plants may rest Some animals
may get B or C . grow thick
A . falls. D
to stay warm.

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Organizer GO 8-4


Main Idea
Winter is the season after fall.

detail detail detail detail

The weather In some places, Plants may rest Some animals
may get B snow or C die . grow thick
A cold . falls. D coats
to stay warm.

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 9-1

Look at each daytime sky.
Communicate what you observe.


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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 9-1

Look at each daytime sky.
Communicate what you observe.

The sky is filled with many dark clouds. The clouds cover the sun.
Rain falls from the clouds.

There are a few fluffy clouds in the sky. The sun is big and bright.
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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS 9-1

Compare and Contrast

daytime sky nighttime sky

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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS 9-1

Compare and Contrast

daytime sky nighttime sky

sun clouds, moon stars, planets

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Graphic Transparency
Organizer GO 9-1

Daytime and Nighttime Sky

alike different
In the daytime and nighttime sky, In the daytime sky, you may see
you can sometimes see clouds and A and the sun.
the moon.
In the nighttime sky, you may
see B , planets, and
the moon.

In the daytime, the C

gives off light.

In the nighttime, the stars give

off light, but the D
does not.

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Organizer GO 9-1

Daytime and Nighttime Sky

alike different
In the daytime and nighttime sky, In the daytime sky, you may see
you can sometimes see clouds and A clouds and the sun.
the moon.
In the nighttime sky, you may
see B stars , planets, and
the moon.

In the daytime, the C sun

gives off light.

In the nighttime, the stars give

off light, but the D moon
does not.

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 9-2

Make a Model
Label the parts of this model.
Use the words in the box.

sun Earth night day

What the Model Shows

1. The light side of Earth has

2. The dark side of Earth has

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 9-2

Make a Model
Label the parts of this model.
Use the words in the box.

Earth day



sun Earth night day

What the Model Shows

1. The light side of Earth has day.

2. The dark side of Earth has night.

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Organizer GO 9-2

Day and Night

cause effect
As Earth A , the side The B lights the sky,
we live on turns toward the sun. and we have C .

The side we live on turns away We have E .

from the D .

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Organizer GO 9-2

Day and Night

cause effect
As Earth A rotates , the side The B sun lights the sky,
we live on turns toward the sun. and we have C day .

The side we live on turns away We have E night .

from the D sun .

HSP Science © Harcourt

Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 9-3

Observe these pictures showing the moon’s surface. Infer
why its craters are different sizes.

What I observe:

What I infer:

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Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 9-3

Observe these pictures showing the moon’s surface. Infer
why its craters are different sizes.

What I observe:
Rocks of different sizes hit the moon’s surface.

What I infer:
When small rocks hit the moon, they cause small craters. When big
rocks hit the moon, they cause big craters.

HSP Science © Harcourt

Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS 9-3

Use Signal Words

Read this paragraph. It tells what happened when
astronauts landed on the moon in 1969. Look for
signal words.

First, astronaut Neil Armstrong put on his spacesuit.

Next, he opened the rocket door. Then, he slowly
climbed down the ladder. Last, he stepped onto the
moon’s surface.

1. What did Neil Armstrong do before opening the door?

2. What did he do next after putting on his spacesuit?

3. What did he do after climbing down the ladder?

HSP Science © Harcourt

Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS 9-3

Use Signal Words

Read this paragraph. It tells what happened when
astronauts landed on the moon in 1969. Look for
signal words.

First, astronaut Neil Armstrong put on his spacesuit.

Next, he opened the rocket door. Then, he slowly
climbed down the ladder. Last, he stepped onto the
moon’s surface.

1. What did Neil Armstrong do before opening the door?

He put on his spacesuit.

2. What did he do next after putting on his spacesuit?

He opened the door.

3. What did he do after climbing down the ladder?

He stepped onto the moon’s surface.

HSP Science © Harcourt

Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 10-1


_______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________

_______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________

Small Soft Square

HSP Science © Harcourt

Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 10-1


_______________________ large
_______________________ square
_______________________ soft

_______________________ small
_______________________ square
_______________________ hard

Small Soft Square

block, book pillow, blanket pillow, blanket,
block, book

HSP Science © Harcourt

Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS 10-1

Compare and Contrast

Alike Different

___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________

HSP Science © Harcourt

Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS 10-1

Compare and Contrast

Title: Matter
Alike Different

All matter can be observed

___________________________ can be different colors
and classified.
___________________________ can be different shapes
___________________________ can be different sizes
___________________________ can be hard or soft
___________________________ can be new or old

HSP Science © Harcourt

Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 10-2


1. How are the objects alike?

How is the mass of the objects different?

2. How are the objects alike?

How is the mass of the objects different?

3. Which object has the most mass?

Of the two pictures which object has the least mass?

HSP Science © Harcourt

Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 10-2


1. How are the objects alike? Sample

response: They are both toys.

How is the mass of the objects different? The bear has more
mass than the car.

2. How are the objects alike?


response: They are both toys.

How is the mass of the objects different? The plane has

more mass than the bear.

3. Which object has the most mass? The plane has the
most mass.

Of the two pictures which object has the least mass?

The car has the least mass.

HSP Science © Harcourt

Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 10-3


How much water is there? ___________ ounces


How much water is there? ___________ ounces


How much water is there? ___________ ounces


How much water is there? ___________ ounces

Which cup has the most water? ______________________
Which cup has the least? ______________________

HSP Science © Harcourt

Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 10-3


How much water is there? ___________ ounces


How much water is there? ___________ ounces


How much water is there? ___________ ounces


How much water is there? ___________ ounces
the second cup
Which cup has the most water? ______________________
the first cup
Which cup has the least? ______________________

HSP Science © Harcourt

Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 10-4


What We Observe

What We Infer

HSP Science © Harcourt

Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 10-4


What We Observe The fan blows the air. The air pushes the

What We Infer Air can move and blow. Air can push things.

HSP Science © Harcourt

Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS 10-4

Cause and Effect

Cause Effect

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Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS 10-4

Cause and Effect

Cause Effect
The child blows air on the Parts of the flower fly away.

HSP Science © Harcourt

Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 11-1

Plan an Investigation

How would you plan this investigation?

How would you report on this investigation?

HSP Science © Harcourt

Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 11-1

Plan an Investigation

How would you plan this investigation?

Put a thermometer in a cup of soil.
Put a thermometer in a cup of water.
Check to see that the water and soil are the same temperature.
Put the cups in a sunny place and let them sit.
Read the thermometers and compare the temperatures.

How would you report on this investigation?

Possible response: Draw pictures and label the findings.

HSP Science © Harcourt

Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 11-2

Draw Conclusions

Draw a conclusion about why the shadow has disappeared.

HSP Science © Harcourt

Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 11-2

Draw Conclusions

Draw a conclusion about why the shadow has disappeared.

The shadow has disappeared because the sun is now covered by a
cloud. Because there is no light to block, the tree can not make a

HSP Science © Harcourt

Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS 11-2

Main Idea and Details

Main Idea

Detail Detail


HSP Science © Harcourt

Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS 11-2

Main Idea and Details

Main Idea

Light lets us see.

Detail Detail

The sun gives off light. Lamps give off light.


Fire gives off light.

HSP Science © Harcourt

Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 11-3


Make a hypothesis. Tell what you think will happen when

the boy holds the clock next to the bag of water.

Tell how you could test your hypothesis.

HSP Science © Harcourt

Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 11-3


Make a hypothesis. Tell what you think will happen when

the boy holds the clock next to the bag of water.
The girl probably will be able to hear the sound of the ticking clock
because sound can travel through the water.

Tell how you could test your hypothesis.

You could test your hypothesis by filling a plastic bag with water and
holding it up to one ear. Next you could ask a partner to hold a clock
next to the bag. Then you could observe if you could hear the clock

HSP Science © Harcourt

Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS 11-3

Relating Pictures to Text

What can you learn about this musical instrument by

looking at the picture?

HSP Science © Harcourt

Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS 11-3

Relating Pictures to Text

What can you learn about this musical instrument by

looking at the picture? A xylophone has bars of different lengths.
The bars are made of metal. They are attached to a frame so they can
vibrate. Mallets look like drumsticks with balls on the ends.
They are used to hit the metal bars.

HSP Science © Harcourt

Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 12-1


weather vane windmill windsock

pinwheel flag kite

Think about how each object moves.

Does it spin?
Does it flap?
Does it spin and flap?
How would you classify each object?
spin and flap

spin flap

HSP Science © Harcourt

Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 12-1


weather vane windmill windsock

pinwheel flag kite

Think about how each object moves.

Does it spin?
Does it flap?
Does it spin and flap?
How would you classify each object?
spin and flap

spin flap
weather vane,
windmill, flag

HSP Science © Harcourt

Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS 12-1

Compare and Contrast

Alike Different

Alike Different

HSP Science © Harcourt

Reading Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson RS 12-1

Compare and Contrast

Alike Different

same speed slower speed

faster speed

Alike Different

same motion straight path

curved path

HSP Science © Harcourt

Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 12-2

Plan an Investigation

How could you investigate how to make the block swing?

What Happens

HSP Science © Harcourt

Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 12-2

Plan an Investigation

How could you investigate how to make the block swing?

Pull the block backward and let it go.
Push the block forward and let it go.

What Happens

You can push and pull the block to make it move.

HSP Science © Harcourt

Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 12-3


Hill 1 Hill 2

Will the sled travel farther down Hill 1 or Hill 2?

Make a prediction.
Tell why you think so.

HSP Science © Harcourt

Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 12-3


Hill 1 Hill 2

Will the sled travel farther down Hill 1 or Hill 2?

Make a prediction.
Tell why you think so.
The sled will travel farther down Hill 1. Hill 1 is much steeper than
Hill 2. When an object moves down a steeper slope, it travels farther.

HSP Science © Harcourt

Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 12-4

What Metal Objects Can a Small Magnet Lift?
Objects Hypothesize Test
Yes No Yes No

HSP Science © Harcourt

Inquiry Skill Transparency
Mini-Lesson IS 12-4

What Metal Objects Can a Small Magnet Lift?
Objects Hypothesize Test
Yes No Yes No

✔ ✔

✔ ✔

✔ ✔

✔ ✔

HSP Science © Harcourt

Graphic Transparency
Organizer GO 12-4


Main Idea
A magnet is an object that attracts things made of A .

detail detail detail

A B does A magnet’s pull is A magnet’s pull is
not pull all metals. called strongest at its
C . D .

HSP Science © Harcourt

Graphic Transparency
Organizer GO 12-4


Main Idea
A magnet is an object that attracts things made of A iron .

detail detail detail

A B magnet does A magnet’s pull is A magnet’s pull is
not pull all metals. called strongest at its
C magnetic force . D poles .

HSP Science © Harcourt

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