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SSP Pumps

in the
Pulp and Paper
Inside View
This document has been produced to support pump users at all levels, providing an invaluable
reference tool. It includes information on the Pulp and Paper processes and provides guidelines as to
the correct selection and successful application of SSP Rotary Lobe Pumps.

Main sections are as follows:

1. Introduction

2. General Applications Guide

3. Pulp and Paper Process Overview

4. Pulp Process

5. SSP in the Pulp Process

6. Paper Process

7. SSP in the Paper Process

8. Pump Selection and Application Summary

9. Pump Reference List

The information provided in this document is given

in good faith, but Alfa Laval Ltd is not able to accept any
responsibility for the accuracy of its content, or any
consequences that may arise from the use of the
information supplied or materials described.
Section 1.0: Introduction 3
Introduction of SSP Pumps in the Pulp and Paper Industry

Section 2.0: General Applications Guide 5

Overview of the pump ranges currently available from SSP Pumps
and which particular pumps to apply within various application areas

Section 3.0: Pulp and Paper Process Overview 7

Overview of Pulp and Paper Manufacturing

Section 4.0: Pulp Process 9

Description of the Pulp Process
4.1 Chemical Pulping 10
4.2 Mechanical Pulping 11

Section 5.0: SSP in the Pulp Process 13

Description of pumped media generally found in the Pulp Process
for SSP Pumps.

Section 6.0: Paper Process 15

Description of the Paper Process with information on pumped media
generally found.
6.1 Sizing 19
6.2 Coating 22
6.3 Stock Additives 26

Section 7.0: SSP in the Paper Process 29

Information as to where SSP Pump ranges can be located in the
Paper Process. SSP Pump features and comparison with other
pump technologies.
7.1 Paper Industry Structure for SSP Pumps 31
7.2 The SSP Advantage 32
7.3 Pump Specification Options 34

Section 8.0: Pump Selection and Application Summary 37

SSP Pump selection guidelines summary for the different pumped
media found in the Pulp and Paper Industry.

Section 9.0: Pump Reference List 39

SSP Pump reference list for the different applications found in the
Pulp and Paper Industry.
1.0 Introduction
Little can happen in modern life without paper or board. We depend on this paradoxical
material. It is permanent or transient; delicate or strong; cheap or expensive; in abundance or
scarce. It can be preserved in a museum or thrown away. It can decompose in water, yet boat
hulls have been made from it. It is made and used by the millions of tonnes or may be so rare
that only a few tonnes of hand-made paper are produced in a year.

Paper may be impregnated, enamelled, metallised, made to look like parchment, creped,
water-proofed, waxed, glazed, sensitised, bent, turned, folded, twisted, crumpled, cut, torn,
dissolved, macerated, moulded, embossed. It may be coloured, coated, printed, marked and
the mark erased. It can be laminated with itself and with fabric, plastic and metal. It may be
opaque, translucent or transparent. It may be made to burn or made to be fireproof. It may be
a carrier or a barrier or a filter or may be made tough enough to withstand acid or soft enough
for a baby’s skin. It may disintegrate or it may be re-used.

The range of possible uses of paper seems almost limitless. New ways of using it are being
devised daily. This evolution will continue because paper is an expression of everyday living.

As a recognised market leader in pumping technology SSP Pumps has been at the forefront of
supplying rotary lobe pumps to the pulp and paper industry for over 40 years. SSP rotary lobe
pumps are to be found in many stages of the pulp and paper making process, including the
Coating Kitchen, at the Size Press and on the Coating Section, where their reliable low shear
flow characteristics offer gentle handling of shear sensitive media and provide long trouble free

2.0 General Applications Guide
This section gives an overview of the pump ranges currently available from SSP Pumps and which
particular pumps to apply within various application areas in the Pulp and Paper Industry.

Within the various pulp and paper industry processes many opportunities exist for utilising SSP rotary
lobe pumps, not only for the final product but other processes such as by-products, sampling and

Walk the Process

By-Products Sampling Waste

Raw Material The Process Final Product



By-Products Sampling Waste

The Process

Raw Material Final Product

Within the pulp and paper industry typical application areas for SSP Pumps are to be found in:

• Chemical Dosing
• Coating Feed
• Coating Recovery
• Sizing
• Transfer

The table below indicates the typical pumped media found and which pump series can be generally

Pump Series
Media Handled
Alum * *
Anti-Foaming Agents *
Black Liquor * *
Black Liquor Soap * *
Calcium Carbonate * *
Casein * *
Cellulose Derivatives * *
China Clay Slurries * *
Dyes *
Latex *
Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) *
Rosin * *
Starch * *
Synthetic Adhesives * *
Tall Oil * *
Titanium Dioxide *
Waste Sludge * *

3.0 Pulp and Paper Process Overview
The making of paper can be divided into two major processes:

1. Conversion of the raw material (trees) to pulp.

2. Conversion of the pulp into a finished sheet of paper.


Kraft (Sulphate) Pulping

Chemical Pulping
Sulphite Pulping

Groundwood Pulp
Mechanical Pulping
Refiner Pulp


Stock Additives




4.0 Pulp Process
93% of all paper being produced today use cellulose fibres as the raw material. Other
materials that are used include hemp, cotton and jute.

The primary source of cellulose is

trees, particularly spruce, pine, birch
and eucalyptus. Modern papermaking
uses both virgin fibres (not recycled)
and recycled fibres, depending on the
requirements of the final product and
also very much depending on national

The purpose of pulping is to separate the fibres so that they may be reformed into a sheet of
paper. The production of pulp from virgin fibres is divided into two main categories: chemical
pulping and mechanical pulping.

4.1 Chemical Pulping
Chemical pulping is the process by which the lignin in the wood is dissolved to create a pulp,
and is the most commonly used pulping process. Chemical pulping creates higher sheet
strength than mechanical pulping, but yields 40-50% pulp where mechanical pulping yields
95%. There are two main types of chemical pulping, the more common sulphate pulping
(otherwise known as Kraft pulping) and sulphite pulping. Kraft pulping accommodates a variety
of tree species, recovers and reuses all pulping chemicals and creates a paper with a higher
sheet strength. Sulphite pulp, how ever, is easier to bleach, yields more bleached pulp, and is
easier to refine for papermaking. The major difference between the two types of chemical
pulping is the types of chemicals used to dissolve the lignin.

Kraft (Sulphate) Pulping

The makeup chemical for sulphate pulping is essentially sodium sulphate. The three main
steps involved in Kraft pulping are:
1. Digestion:
- where the wood chips are cooked.
2. Washing:
- where the black liquor is separated from the pulp.
3. Chemical recovery:
- where chemicals are recovered from the black liquor for reuse. Turpentine and
tall oil may also be recovered at this stage.

Kraft pulping creates dark brown paper, which is used for boxes, paper bags, and wrapping
paper. Kraft pulp can also be used for writing paper and paperboard when bleached.

Sulphite Pulping
Sulphite pulping follows many of the same steps as Kraft pulping. The major difference in
sulphite pulping is that the digester ‘cooks’ with a mixture of sulfurous acid and bisulphite ion in
the form of calcium, magnesium, sodium, or ammonium bisulphate. The chemicals separated
from the pulp in the washers may or may not go into a recovery process. Chemical recovery in
sulphite pulping is practiced only if it is economical to do so. If chemical recovery does occur
the liquor goes through an evaporator and then to a recovery furnace. Here, smelt is not
formed, but ash and sulphur dioxide (SO2) are formed.

The pulp produced is of lower physical strength and bulk to Kraft pulp, but exhibits better sheet
formation properties. Sulphite pulps are blended with ground wood for newsprint and are used
in printing, bond papers, and tissue.

4.2 Mechanical Pulping
Mechanical pulp yields over 90% of the wood as fibre. The two principal methods in
mechanical pulping are grinding (groundwood pulp) and refining (refiner pulp).

Groundwood Pulp
With this method the logs are pressed against a large rotating stone with a hardened surface
layer. The wood is compressed and thereby also softened. Shear forces between the grinding
stone and the wood surface pull the fibres out of the wood. Grinding at atmospheric pressure
is called stone groundwood pulping (SGW), whereas grinding at elevated pressure is called
pressure groundwood pulping (PGW). The pressurized process is m ore beneficial to the fibres,
giving a much stronger and better pulp.

Refiner Pulp
In the manufacture of refiner pulp, wood chips are used rather than whole logs. Here the wood
chips and hot water are fed between enormous rotating steel discs with teeth that literally tear
the wood apart.

Trees contain up to 30% lignin, a material that is sensitive to light and degrades, and turns
brown in sunlight, which explains why papers made from mechanical pulp will discolour. An
example of this is newsprint. Newsprint is designed to have a short life span, and if left for a
long period of time will lose its whiteness and strength. The special advantages of mechanical
pulp are that it makes the paper opaque and bulky.

6.0 Paper Process
In order to understand the papermaking process it is only necessary to understand the principal of the
paper making machine and not all the individual parts. A papermaking machine is a complex machine
consisting of many sections each with different functions. Most of the machine appears to be a series
of rollers and belts.

To put this into context, it should not be imagined that the installation of a new papermaking machine
is like the supply of a filter, a centrifuge or even a machine tool. The investment is much higher. In
most cases a complete new papermaking machine will cost in the range of €70 - 150 million. The
scope of a paper machine is therefore of the same order as an Oil Refinery or Petrochemical Plant.

The paper mill can be either integrated with the pulp mill or a stand-alone unit. Integrated mills are
usually the case with the large mills found in North America and Scandinavia. In the UK and other
countries with a very small amount of pulp production, bales of pulp are imported. Some mills also use
recycled paper. If the mill is integrated then the pulp is pumped from the pulp mill at a concentration of
2 to 4%. It is dewatered to 10-12% and stored in a tank (stock chest). If the paper mill is not integrated
then the dry, baled pulp is dissolved in water in a so-called pulper. After the pulper a number of
operations follow, such as screening and centrifugal cleaning, after which the pulp slurry is pumped to
the stock chests.

A considerable number of chemicals are used which include defoaming agents, dispersants, fillers,
filler retention aids, sizing agents and dyes. Although there are alternative points of addition for
chemicals, most are added to the stock before it reaches the paper machine, but some can be added
right up to the wire.

The wet end of a paper machine is shown below:

The wet end of the machine consists essentially of a flow box and slice, a wire part and press part.

The flowbox is sometimes referred to as the ‘head box’ or ‘breast box’. The combined flow and slice,
and sometimes the slice itself, are often referred to as the ‘stock inlet’. The main functions of the open
flow box are to provide the necessary gravity head of stock to give the correct discharge velocity
through the slice opening onto the wire, and to even out the flow of stock across the width of the box,
thereby giving a uniform consistency of stock on the wire, avoiding any channeling from inlets that
would result in an uneven grammage across the width of the web.

For every tonne of paper produced on a paper machine, the slice requires 100 to 500 tonnes of water.
The basic function of the paper machine is to remove this water and up to 97% of it has to be
extracted on the wire part. The removal of this large quantity of water has to be carefully controlled,
for it is on the wire part that the web of paper is first formed and many of its characteristics

The process of water removal on a paper machine is accomplished (1) by free drainage, (2) by
suction on the wire part, (3) by pressing on the press part and (4) by evaporation in the dry part. Of
the total water removed on the machine, up to 97% is taken out on the wire part, up to 2% on the
press part and 1% on the dry part. At each successive stage in the process it takes more equipment
to remove water and thereby adding cost.

In the wet end and press section of the paper machine, water is removed from the sheet by natural
drainage, by forced drainage over the vacuum boxes and by squeezing in the presses. The main
characteristics of the sheet formation are produced in these sections but the paper still contains up to
70% water as it enters the dryer section. The manner in which the sheet is dried is very critical and
good characteristics built into the sheet at the wet end of the machine can be severely impaired
through bad drying.

Conventional dryer sections consist of double rows of steam heated drying cylinders, which are
normally 1.5m in diameter. The total number of drying cylinders can exceed 80 with from 6 to 14
dryers in a group driven together. The grouping and number of cylinders in a dryer section depend on
the grade of paper being made and the speed of the machine; for the same grade of paper the faster
the machine the more the cylinders will be required. It is the length of time the paper is in contact with
the drying cylinder, which determines its effect on water removal.

Typical paper rolling

6.1 Sizing
Cellulosic fibres are naturally absorbent and paper made from untreated fibre will possess a degree of
absorbency dependent on the origin of the fibre and the amount of beating. Absorbent papers are
clearly unsuitable for water-based writing inks, which will spread, or ‘feather’ from the point of contact.
Chemicals can be added to prevent this and make such paper suitable as a writing substrate. This
process is known as ‘sizing’.

In the early days of papermaking, sizing was carried out as an after-treatment. The technique, known
as ‘tub-sizing’, consisted of passing the paper through a solution of gelatine. It has been superseded,
except for speciality papers, by ‘engine-sizing’ or ‘beater-sizing’, which as the latter name implies,
consists of adding sizing agents to the beater. Rosin, together with aluminium sulphate, known as
‘alum’ to the papermaker, were the original sizing materials added to the beater and this combination
is still the most widely used. The 1960’s saw the introduction of synthetic sizing agents for this
purpose, with further developments continually ongoing. Today’s sizing agent’s need no longer for the
beater to be their only point of addition. Solutions of rosin and alum are now added batchwise, or
continuously, at most points in the wet-end section, in order to accommodate other chemicals and to
achieve optimum effect.

Rosin is a brown, brittle substance, originating from wood through a number of processes,
‘gum rosin’ being a residue from the stream distillation of pine tree gums. The most important
modern sources provide ‘wood rosin’ and ‘tall oil rosin’. The ‘wood rosin’ is obtained from tree
stumps, which are chipped, steam distilled to drive off turpentine and finally extracted. ‘Tall oil
rosin’ is a by-product of the kraft (sulphate) pulping process. It is recovered from the liquors,
which also contain lignin.

Rosin reacts with alkali to form a soap and saponification (neutralisation) with sodium
hydroxide or carbonate will yield true solutions or a water-soluble powder. The powder is ‘dry
size’, whilst the normal selling strength for the saponified rosin solution is 70%. In use, this is
diluted to a convenient strength for either batch addition to the beater, hydrapulper, etc, or
continuous addition. The rosin solution may be added before or after the alum (since the
reaction between the two is rapid) to produce a finely dispersed hydrophobic precipitate on the
cellulose fibres.

Alum to the papermaker is aluminium sulphate and not the double salt so-named by chemists.
It is available in different qualities, the best grade having minimum iron content in order to
maintain a low colour level for high quality and white paper.

Alum is added to precipitate the rosin, but other cationic active chemicals can, of course, react
with rosin. None appears to have as great a sizing-effect as alum, but they can, nevertheless,
interfere with the rosin-alum interaction. The presence of cationic chemicals must therefore be
taken into account when considering their points of addition. Some alum is usually added
before the rosin when other cationic chemicals, including hard water, are present. Alum and
rosin should never be mixed before addition to the stock and in the case where these are
added at the same point, e.g. the beater or hydrapulper, it is best to allow the first addition to
mix thoroughly with the pulp before making the second. Both can be added continuously at the
same point provided that thorough mixing is possible at that point.

The alum/rosin ratio is dependent upon the requ ired degree of sizing and the individual
machine conditions, but is usually in the range of 1.5/1.0 to 3.0/1.0 with saponified rosin.
Emulsion sizes, in theory need no alum, but some is usually added to assist the breaking of
the emulsion. Solutions of alum are acidic due to partial hydrolysis, which yields sulphuric acid.
The acidity remains after the reaction with rosin and regulation of pH is one method of
controlling paper properties including, of course, sizing. At common alum levels, the pH of the
system is 4-5, but this does not always give the desired properties, so adjustments are
sometimes made. Lower pH values are produced by simply adding more alum, whilst for
higher pH values sodium aluminate is often used. As might be expected higher pH values can
reduce sizing, and hence sodium aluminate is best added to the beater or hydrapulper in order
to raise the pH of the returning backwater temporarily to a level which will aid the efficiency of
other additives, before the pH is later reduced to its working level.

Alum fulfils other functions besides sizing and pH control. These include fixation of acid, direct
and pigment colours, assistance in filler retention and foam control, acid catalysis of wet-
strength resins, pitch and slime control, and water and effluent treatment.

Synthetic Sizes
Almost without exception synthetic sizes are designed for use in neutral/alkaline sizing
systems. Neutral sizing with synthetic sizes started in the early 1960’s and although still used
this is relatively minor compared to the use of rosin/alum under acid conditions. The number of
suitable ‘wet end’ sizes, which operate with pH at 7, is fairly limited, and future development
work has been directed towards size press chemicals due to effluent controls.

Hydrolysis is a potential problem area, but is overcome by making emulsions of the sizing
agent with a cationic starch and using the mixture quickly after its preparation. Such chemicals
can also be used in the presence of alum, thereby adding a degree of flexibility to the system.
Maleic anhydride co-polymers and cationic acrylic co-polymers are also suitable for use at pH
7 and without external fixation. These types of sizing agents are also designed for size press

Another proven neutral sizing system is based on ‘free’ rosin, which has a low alum
requirement. Even a small alum addition will give an acidic pH, but chalk may be added to
counteract this. Unfortunately, chalk and alum interact and sizing is lost. However to remedy
this, the chalk can be protec ted; the alum can be added later in the system; a cationic
chemical can replace most of the alum. A combination of all three techniques can be applied
simply and with high efficiency.

Whichever neutral sizing system is used, it can create problems with dye retention, especially
with direct dyes, which are most widely used in good quality papers. Although some dyes have
a high natural affinity for cellulose, others require alum, and all show improved retention and
fastness with alum or a cationic fixing agent. The absence of alum and the neutral pH in
synthetic sizing systems give a similar effect to that produced in tissues which have not been
sized and the same remedy can be applied i.e. the use of a cationic dye-fixing agent.

Auxiliary Sizing Materials

The materials described briefly below have little or no true sizing effect, but are added to the
beater hydrapulper to provide other properties on final paper, such as dry strength.

Starch has the widest application as a stock additive in this field. Unmodified qualities require
cooking (heating in water at about 90°C) before use, but pre-gelatinised grades are already

cooked and are therefore water-soluble. Only about 50% of such starch is retained by the
pulp, i.e. a 2% addition on the weight of the pulp will lose 1% to the backwater. Cationic
starches give almost 100% retention and, although it is not normally expected, they offer the
possibility of acting as retention aids. Starches are used to improve sheet strength (burst and
tensile), pick resistance, handle, rattle and physical characteristics in general. It is therefore
possible to use lower quality pulps to achieve a given effect or to improve the performance of
better pulps. They also allow a reduction in beating or refining, thereby providing energy

Sodium Carboxymethycellulose (SCMC) is a more expensive alternative to starch although it

is more efficient in providing the same properties. It is available in a wide range of viscosity
grades, depending upon the chain length. The medium to high viscosity grades are those
recommended for stock addition to the pulp.

Alginates and mannoglacaton gums give similar effects to those imparted by starch but are
generally more expensive. However, alginates give better creping properties to tissues and
galactomannose gums are used for dry strength.

6.2 Coating
Coating pigment on to the paper is a process that produces a printing surface that will reproduce the
fine detail of a plate, and also give a considerably enhanced image. For example, illustrations in a
magazine printed on a high quality paper use a wood-free coated paper, a Sunday paper colour
supplement uses a mechanical coated paper and a newspaper uses uncoated paper.

Pigment coating produces a surface which is receptive to ink, and will give a ‘lift’ to an ink image,
besides being both even and flat. It will also improve print definition by reducing the lateral spread of
ink and give a better-printed result that can be obtained by printing on uncoated paper. Coating can
also be used to produce special effects, to give protection against chemicals or moisture, as for
example, in packaging papers that have low moisture vapour permeability, or in the manufacture of
imitation tablecloths. In some of these applications pigments may be replaced by other materials.
Coatings are also used in the production of speciality papers, such as, pressure sensitive carbonless
papers, photographic papers and silicone release papers. Here again the pigments may be replaced
by other materials such as dye capsules, silver halides, or silicone.

The coating process can be performed either ‘on-machine’ or ‘off-machine’, i.e. the coating unit is
located on the paper machine or the paper reel is taken from the papermaking machine and run
through a completely independent off-machine coater.

Coating Process
The steps in the coating process are:
1. Preparation of the mix
2. Application
3. Metering
4. Smoothing
5. Drying
6. Calendering or Supercalendering
1. Preparation of the mix
In the coating kitchen, accurately weighed amounts of coating materials are dissolved, or
cooked, or dispersed before being blended together, screened and led to the coating head.
2. Application
Application is the presentation to the base paper of a film of coating material, so that transfer is
readily effected. This is usually accomplished by a roll (an applicator roll) rotating in a bath of
coating mix, or rotating against another roll that is rotating in a bath of coating mix; or it may be
accomplished by direct application of mix to paper as in a fountain coater.
3. Metering
This ensures that the correct amount of coating is applied to the base paper, or it ensures
careful removal of excess coating to leave the correct amount.
4. Smoothing
Originally on brush coaters, the coating was smoothed by a series of brushes graded from
coarse to fine, driven across the paper by a reciprocating mechanism. Today smoothing is
achieved by high-speed rotation of a stainless steel roll in contact with the coated surface.
5. Drying
Coating is usually applied with a solids content of 12 - 70% and must be followed by drying.
This is achieved by evaporation on drying cylinders or via tunnel driers whereby the paper is
transported over rolls or on a felt through the drier, having air blown on to the paper at high
temperature and velocity, until the excess moisture or solvent is evaporated.

6. Calendering and Supercalendering
Calendering of a coating surface will develop gloss and smoothness by the polishing action of
the steel rolls.

In a pigment coating system there are basically three raw material constituents:
a) Base material or substrate (usually paper)
b) Adhesive or binder
c) Pigment

Base Paper
The base paper must have the following important properties:
1. The degree of sizing
This regulates the receptivity of paper to a particular method of coating mix.
2. Finish and porosity
These factors control the pick-up of ink and the bond of coating base, and finish may obscure
a defect otherwise visible through the coating. For example, a wire mark can often be covered
up with a coating. Thus, within these constraints the paper needs to be not too porous, and
reasonably smooth. A soft bulky sheet will have an advantage over a hard sheet since it will
have fewer tendencies to curl after coating, and it is also a better paper for subsequent
printing. Brightness and opacity are also important. Nevertheless these two properties should
be near to those of the coating, or the use of excessive coating weight may be demanded, to
overcome low brightness or transparency of the base.
3. Runnability
This is of the greatest importance. It was originally looked upon as requiring paper strength
and clearly the base must be strong enough to be pulled through a machine when wet, but
what is more important, it must also be uniform and free from defects. This is particularly
significant on a high-speed off-machine coater, which must run for reel after reel, using a flying
splice arrangement without stopping to be economical.

Adhesive or Binder
This is used as a vehicle for the pigment suspension in binding the particles together and to
the base, and to a limited extent also fill in the voids between the pigment particles, thus
reducing ink receptivity. The amount of binder used can vary between 10 - 30% of the dry
weight of the coating, and is a function of a particular paper. This amount must clearly be
optimised in each mix, since if too little is used, picking or dusting of the coating will arise on
printing. If too much is used, it will cover the pigment in the coating mix, leading to too high an
ink resistance and too low an ink gloss. The distribution of the binder through the coating
determines its effectiveness. Binders fall primarily into the following groups:

This is a protein obtained from the acidification of milk. It has good film-forming
properties and sizing effect, and with formaldehyde can produce a waterproofing effect.
Animal Glue
This was one of the original binders used but has been mainly superseded by cheaper
adhesives, although it still has specialised uses where high gloss and water repellence
are required.
This is the most important adhesive used. It is relatively inexpensive although its
binding strength is lower than that of casein, thus allowing a higher proportion to be
used in a mix. Starch is easy to work with and is capable of producing high-solids
content mixes due to its low viscosity and is therefore commonly used for on-machine

coating. It can be made water resistant, and is compatible with latex, with which it is
Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA)
This is a water soluble resin produced by hydrolysis of Polyvinyl Acetate. It has very
high bonding strength and can be made water resistant, and is best for producing
solvent resistance.
Cellulose Derivatives
These are highly viscous water-soluble materials, with high oil resistance, such as
Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (CMC). They are therefore used when resistance to ink,
varnish or lacquer is required.
Synthetic Adhesives
Typically these are styrene butadiene or acrylics, which when applied impart good
gloss characteristics and reduce curl on one-side coatings. They are low in viscosity
and have excellent binding properties. Also they are available with high solids content
and can therefore be used to make a high solids-content mix, which requires less
evaporative capacity to dry. Until recently, synthetic adhesives were used in
combination with starch or casein. However, there is now a growing tendency to use
synthetics by themselves, as ‘sole binders’, which eliminates the cooking equipment
and energy required in the preparation of natural adhesives.

Many attributes of coating pigments are similar to those of papermaking loadings i.e.
• They need to have good brightness, gloss, and opacity, and therefore a high refractive
• Be insoluble in the suspending medium, which is usually water.
• Upon coating provide a uniform, smooth surface of good appearance by filling in the
irregular spaces in the surface of the base material.
Additionally for coating purposes special properties are required i.e.
• Have a suitable particle size range and distribution, thus controlling light scattering and
• Be absorbent and thus accept printing ink.
• Have a low adhesive demand.
• Be inert to other components of the mix or materials.
Commonly used coating pigments are as follows:
China Clay
This constitutes approx. 90% of all pigments used in paper coating. The particle-size
distribution in coating clay is carefully controlled by the manufacturer, a typical sample
being 80% of particles < 2mm diameter. A decrease in average particle size causes an
increase in gloss and opacity, but also an increase in demand. In preparation for
coating, the clay in water suspension, must be mechanically agitated by stirring, and
chemically treated by a dispersant, to prevent flocculation. Typical dispersants are
Sodium Hexametaphosphate (Calgon) and Sodium Polyacrylate (Dispex).
Calcium Carbonate
This is another widely used pigment often used in conjunction with clay. It produces a
wide range of properties, particularly brightness, opacity, smoothness and ink
receptively, but has a high adhesive demand. Particle size is usually between 2 - 3mm,
but can extend to 7 - 8mm, and it readily disperses in water with Calgon.

Satin White
This once popular material of co-precipitated calcium sulphate and alumina is now
being used much less, as it is very expensive. It will produce a high gloss and bright
colour but has a high adhesive demand. It is used in conjunction with other pigments.
Titanium Dioxide
This material has a high refractive index of 2.7, and is used to increase opacity and
brightness, but is very expensive. It is used in small quantities on lightweight papers,
because without its application they would be low in opacity.
Special Materials
Special materials in coating mixes produce special effects i.e.
• For carbonless copying papers dye capsules are incorporated in the coating, which
break under pressure therefore producing an image.
• Incorporation of light-sensitive silver halides in the manufacture of photographic
• Zinc oxide coating in the manufacture of electrostatic copying papers.
It must be emphasised that although the term speciality coatings gives the impression
of coatings of insignificant importance, this is not the case. These technologically
sophisticated, high-priced papers represent a substantial tonnage of papers, and
represent an important part of the market.

Typical paper rolling

6.3 Stock Additives
Many chemical additives are made to the stock at different points before the pap er machine. All or
most of these additions were made in the beater, hence the commonly used term ‘beater additives’. In
many mills beaters have been replaced by Hydrapulpers or similar disintegrators and refiners. The
chemical additions are made at points right up to the wire, known as ‘stock additives’ or ‘wet end
additives’. For the majority of these additives, there are alternative points of addition, but some are
much more effective if added at the right place. Thus, starches and pitch control agents are best
added at the beater or Hydrapulper, and filler retention aids should be added as near to the paper
machine as possible. Where contact between the fibres and the additive is particularly desirable, the
beater or Hydrapulper is a very convenient point of addition - where such contact is less important or
detrimental, many benefits are gained by later addition. In all cases the retention of the additive by the
web is important, as poor retention results in inefficiency due to the use of expensive materials and
contamination of the backwater.

Routine additions at the beater or paper machine wet-end stage include sizing agents, mineral fillers,
starch and associated products and dyes. Chemicals to give special effects, e.g. wet-strength, and to
control such machine problems as foam, slime and pitch, are added as required and are described
below. Although optimum total retention is a basic requirement, interaction at the wrong time can
reduce efficiency.

Other Additives
Bacterial contamination of the stock from the air, fresh water, virgin pulps and waste papers, is
unavoidable. The wet end also provides ideal growth conditions for these bacteria. The result
is a build up of slime, which, if not controlled, can cause breaks on the machine and dirt in the
paper. The addition of a slimicide chemical, such as Methylene Bisthiocyanate, helps to avoid
any slime build up.
Anti-Foaming Agents
Foam is another problem, where aeration of the stock is a common cause since it often has
naturally foaming constituents, such as saponified rosin. Foam can occur anywhere in the wet
end section, but in the early stages rarely causes problems. The main problem area is if foam
reaches the wire, where it can cause ‘pin-holes’, ‘fish-eyes’ and breaks in the sheet, as well as
overflowing from the backwater pit. To prevent foam formation, anti-foaming agents are added
such as, emulsified mineral oils, self-emulsifying fatty acid derivatives, colloidal silica and
Filler Retention Aids
Pigment fillers also require retention aids to prevent loss in the backwater, and cationic
polymers are usually added, although some anionic and even non-ionic chemicals can achieve
a similar effect. The polymers are completely different from dye retention aids, and are
generally based on polyamides, polyacrylamide, or polyethylene imine.
Wet-Strength Agents
Various chemicals are available to improve the wet-strength of paper and these are used in
such grades as wrappings, tissues, paper sacks, etc. Urea-formaldehyde and Melamine-
formaldehyde resins are commonly used and have a range of qualities, most of which require
curing on the machine and running under acid conditions. Other chemical types can operate
under neutral conditions, e.g. in tissues, such as, polymide resins, modified starches,
emulsified elastomers, etc. It is important that the correct agent is used for particular papers.
Pitch Control Agents
Pitch (wood resin) is present in some pulps e.g. unbleached sulphite and mechanical wood,
and at the start of the papermaking process. To prevent agglomeration, which leads to

blocking of felts and wires and, in extreme cases, to breaks on the machine, the pitch must be
either precipitated on to the fibre at an early stage, or held in a dispersed form until it is
incorporated into the web at a later stage. Remedial action must take place in the beater or
hydrapulper. Alum or other cationic chemicals will precipitate the pitch, whilst anionic
dispersing agents are available to keep it in a dispersed form. Talc is also used to absorb
pitch, whilst also acting as a filler.

Fillers are essentially water-insoluble, white inorganic materials, which may be added to the
stock. They were originally used in paper mainly to reduce the cost, and with the cheaper
fillers e.g. china clay and chalk, this can still be of considerable importance. However, they
also impart specific properties to the paper, such as improved printability, brightness, opacity,
smoothness, soft handling and dimensional stability. By filling the interstices of the sheet, they
provide for a smoother surface than fibre alone, and improve print definition as ink is absorbed
more readily.

Their interference with fibre bonding leads to a softer sheet and improved dimensional
stability, but does tend to reduce strength and the degree of sizing. They also increase the
number of air-cellulose interfaces, which by scattering light, improves opacity. Those with high
refractive indices promote opacity in their own right.

Commonly used fillers are as follows:

China Clay
China clay has the benefit of being chemically inert and therefore can be used in its
natural state with any type of sizing agent, acidic or alkaline. Commercial quantities are
available in a wide range of particle sizes and brightness levels, the finer and brighter
grades being used in high quality papers. The use of china clay provides a smooth
receptive surface that easily accepts printing ink, and although not as opaque as some
more expensive fillers, it is satisfactory for many types of paper.
Naturally occurring chalk tends to be of coarser particle size than china clay, hence it
increases matt surface to the paper. However, as it reacts with the acidic alum used in
conventional sizing, its use as a filler is restricted.

Commercially Calcium Carbonate is available to the papermaker as ground, naturally

occurring calcium carbonate or as synthetically prepared ‘precipitated calcium
carbonate’. The precipitated calcium carbonate is produced in various ways, most
common being the passing of Carbon Dioxide through milk of lime (Calcium Hydroxide)
or by the reaction of soda ash (Sodium Carbonate) with milk of lime. Another source of
calcium carbonate is from the alkali recovery stage in the Sulphate process. These so-
called ‘protected chalks’ are coated with starch and a polymer. As chalk is inexpensive
compared to china clay, and with the introduction of ‘neutral’ or ‘alkaline’ sizing, this
has led to an increased use of chalk as a filler.
Titanium Dioxide
Titanium Dioxide with its high refractive index provides excellent opacity and brightness
to paper, especially useful for thin bible papers, laminate base papers and waxed
papers. Titanium Dioxide is also used in combination with other fillers, such as China
Clay, whereby in order to reduce costs the proportion of Titanium Dioxide is kept to a
minimum. Thus a typical addition to a white lining for box boards is 10% China Clay,
3% Titanium Dioxide. The use of fillers in such liners is to make the brown shade of
inner piles of waste paper from which the board is formed.

The comparatively high cost of Titanium Dioxide has led to the use of synthetically
prepared fillers e.g. Sodium Aluminium Trihydrate. These can be used to replace a
proportion of the Titanium Dioxide with virtually no loss of opacity, thereby reducing
costs. They are however, not suitable for such partial substitution of Titanium Dioxide
in waxed papers.

Titanium Dioxide absorbs ultra-violet radiation to a much greater extent than other
fillers. It is therefore not economical to use fluorescent brightening agents in papers in
which Titanium Dioxide is the only filler. The synthetically prepared fillers referred to
above are often incorporated with Titanium Dioxide in such cases, since by reducing
the absorption of the ultra-violet radiation they enhance the effect of the brightening

7.0 SSP in the Paper Process
The major interest of SSP rotary lobe pumps is in paper mills with coating systems. Typically a
mill using mainly recycled paper and with no coating system may only use 5 -10 positive
displacement pumps. A mill producing good quality uncoated paper, particularly if it uses fillers
may have 20 - 30 positive displacement pumps. But a mill producing coated paper may have
as many as 50 or 70 positive displacement pumps for each coating line - between 200 and
300 pumps on the largest mills with four coating lines.

SSP rotary lobe pumps can be used in most applications where either progressing cavity or
gear pumps are used. The major potential is in coating systems with large numbers of small
pumps in the ‘kitchen’ [usually up to 100mm (4”) pump sizes] and a smaller number of larger
pumps [usually up to 200mm (8”) pump sizes] on the coaters and coating clay cycle.

The following diagram shows where typically SSP rotary lobe pumps can be found in the
paper process.

Location Application
1 Coatings
2 Chemicals
3 China Clay Slurry
4 Starch
5 Size
6 Latex
7 Chemicals
8 Calcium Carbonate
9 Potassium Silicate
10 TiO2

SSP Pump Application
7.1 Paper Industry Structure for SSP Pumps

For SSP Pumps there are four target groups of companies:

1. Raw Material Manufacturers
2. System Builders
3. Engineering Companies
4. End Users (Paper Factories)

1. It is important that contact is made with all above target groups of companies in
order to sell the lifecycle cost (LCC) benefits at end user level and identify the
specifying party.
2. Raw material manufacturers may be located on the same site as the paper


Raw System End Users Eng. Co’s

Material Builders (Paper
Manuf. Factories)

Calcium Carbonate Batch Systems

Casein Clay Sieves

China Clay Slurries Coating Kitchens

Latex Continuous Systems

Polyvinyl Alcohol Filtration Systems

Starch Starch Cookers

Synthetic Adhesives Starch Preparation

Titanium Dioxide

7.2 The SSP Advantage
SSP Rotary Lobe Pumps offers significant advantages over other pump technologies such as,
Progressing Cavity pumps traditionally used for pumping coating mixtures, as follows:

• Cost effective easy maintenance

Low running and maintenance costs and easy access to the pumphead minimising
downtime, results in a reduced lifecycle cost (LCC).

• Low shear pumping

Minimal damage to extremely shear sensitive pumped media, such as latex and starch
based coatings.

• Indefinite dry running capability

Avoiding pump components shedding into pumped media.

• Easy re-start
Low breakout torque following machine stoppages.

• Ability to pump abrasive media

Non-contacting design of the pumphead ensures that abrasive particles do not cause
excessive wear.

• Compact design
Occupies considerably less floor space than other pump technologies.

Series S pump on clay recovery

in a major UK paper plant

Gear type pumps can be found on some applications but generally there presence is low,
existing by default having migrated from the Chemical industry.

A comparison of Rotary Lobe, Progressing Cavity and Gear pump technologies strengths and
weaknesses is given below:

Progressing Cavity
Lobe - elastomeric
Lobe - traditional
Pump Technology

Ability to pump abrasive media ü ü ü
Compact size ü ü ü
Easy maintenance ü
Easy re-start ü ü
Low capital investment ü ü ü
Low energy consumption ü ü
Low shear pumping ü
Reduced lifecycle cost (versus others compared) ü
Reduced lifecycle cost (versus Progessing Cavity) ü ü
Single seal required ü ü
Growing presence and acceptance ü ü
High efficiency ü ü
Large global presence ü
Robust construction ü ü
Suction capability ü ü
Traditional concept ü
Wide current acceptance ü
Wide range of displacements ü ü

Ability to pump abrasive media ü
Capital cost ü
Dry running capability ü ü
High spares cost ü
Large size (versus others compared) ü
Material compatibility ü ü
Pulsation ü ü
Pumped media contamination ü ü
Two seals required ü ü
Whole life cost ü ü
Limited presence ü ü
Limited range of displacements ü
Still gaining acceptance ü ü
Suction capability ü

Bold typeface shows attributes that are considered relevent in this industry.
Grey typeface shows attributes that are considered not relevent in this industry.
7.3 Pump Specification Options
Proprietary Mechanical Seals
As an alternative to our ‘standard’ offering of single and double flushed mechanical seals, SSP
rotary lobe pumps can be supplied with proprietary mechanical seals selected to suit the
pumped media and duty conditions. Application of these seals may also be specified by
customer experience. In many cases pumps are supplied with customers free-issuing the
seals to us, or alternatively pumps are supplied without seals for customers to fit themselves.

Typical proprietary mechanical seals supplied are John Crane Safematic, Sealol 680,
Burgmann, Chesterton and Durametallic.

John Crane Safematic seal

The John Crane Safematic mechanical
seal is a double acting, balanced, heavy-
duty design cartridge seal specifically
engineered for use in the Pulp and Paper

The cartridge design provides easy

installation and the double balanced
design allows operation with pressurised or
non-pressurised seal water. The SAF
double acting balanced seal ensures
reliable performance and long lifetime
under demanding conditions.

Sealol 680 seal

The Sealol 680 mechanical seal is a low

temperature, general duty Alloy-20 metal
bellows shaft seal used on many applications in
the Pulp and Paper industry.

The self-cleaning design of the bellows ensures

that as the seal rotates any suspended
particles in the pumped media are thrown off,
unlike spring-type seals that may clog up.

Bearing Isolators
To reduce maintenance SSP rotary lobe pumps should be supplied fitted with bearing isolators
as ‘standard’ in the Pulp and Paper industry. The bearing isolator is a mechanical device that
isolates the bearings from its environment ensuring that the bearings are kept properly
lubricated and uncontaminated throughout its projected design life. The bearing isolator is
designed to outlast the life of the pump bearings, thereby reducing maintenance costs.

Bearing isolators can be fitted to all pump drive ends, but due to gland area space limitations
can only be fitted to the gland end of pumps fitted with particular mechanical seal types –
please consult our Customer Services for further advice.

3 off Series A pumps on paper

coating in a major UK paper plant

8.0 Pump Selection and Application Summary
This section gives information as to pump selection for different pumped media found in the Pulp and
Paper Industry.

It should be noted that the information given in this section is for guidance purposes only -
actual pump selection should be verified by our Customer Services after the provision of full
pumped media and duty details.

Pulp and Paper Applications Summary
Viscosity applicable in pump Pump Speed
low = <50 cP low = <100 rpm
med = 50 - 1000 cP med = 100 - 350 rpm
high = >1000 cP high = >350 - max rpm pump speed

Media Viscous Behaviour Type Viscosity Speed Pump Series Sealing Elastomer Compatiblity Comments

ALUMINIUM SULPHATE Pseudoplastic low high S, A Single Flush NBR, EPDM, FPM, PTFE
BLACK LIQUOR Newtonian med med S, A, G, D Single Flush FPM, PTFE
BLACK LIQUOR SOAP Pseudoplastic med med S, A, G, D Single Flush FPM, PTFE
CALCIUM CARBONATE SLURRY Pseudoplastic high med S, A Single NBR, EPDM, FPM, PTFE
CELLULOSE ACETATE DOPE Pseudoplastic high low S, A Single Flush PTFE
CELLULOSE SUSPENSION Pseudoplastic low med S, A Single Flush NBR, EPDM, FPM, PTFE
CHINA CLAY SLURRY Pseudoplastic med low S, A Double NBR, EPDM, FPM, PTFE Fluid can be become dilatant at high concentration and shear rate
DYE Newtonian low high S, A, G, D Single EPDM, FPM, PTFE
LATEX Pseudoplastic high low S, A Single Flush EPDM, PTFE
PAPER COATING - CLAY Pseudoplastic med med S, A Single Flush EPDM, PTFE Fluid can be become dilatant at high concentration and shear rate
PAPER COATING - PIGMENT Pseudoplastic med med S, A Single Flush NBR, EPDM, FPM, PTFE Fluid can be become dilatant at high concentration and shear rate
PAPER COATING - STARCH Pseudoplastic med med S, A Single Flush NBR, EPDM, FPM, PTFE
POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE Newtonian low med S, A see comment EPDM, PTFE Seal selection dependent upon temperature and concentration
RESIN Newtonian high med S, A, G, D Double FPM, PTFE
SODIUM HYDROXIDE Newtonian low med S, A Single Flush EPDM, PTFE
STARCH Pseudoplastic med med S, A see comment EPDM, FPM, PTFE Seal selection dependent upon temperature and concentration
TALL OIL Newtonian med med S, A Single Flush FPM, PTFE
TITANIUM DIOXIDE Pseudoplastic low med S, A Double NBR, EPDM, FPM, PTFE Fluid can be become dilatant at high concentration and shear rate
9.0 Pump Reference List
This section gives a pump reference list for different applications found in the Pulp and Paper

It should be noted that the pumps shown on this reference list have been supplied over a
number of years under either the SSP Pumps brand or Alfa Laval brand. We have therefore
noted the Alfa Laval generic pump model with today’s SSP brand pump model, being identical
in performance and specification.

Should you require any further information on pumps from this list please advise our
Customer Services.

Pulp and Paper Reference List

Alfa Laval
SSP Brand
Application Details Qty Generic Pump Customer Location Country
Pump Model
1 SR6 S6
5 SR3 S3 Jylharaisio Oy Oulu Finland
Additives 1 SR5 S5
1 SR3 S3
Tervakoski Oy Tervakoski Finland
2 SR2 S2
Adhesive 1 SR3 S3 Hokuetesu Paper Japan
1 AP601 A8-0745 Joutseno Pulp Joutseno Finland
Black Liquor Soap 2 DRI5 D5 Stone Savannah River Augusta, Georgia
2 SR5 S5 Union Camp Savannah, Georgia
1 AP550 A7-0550 Kruger Quebec Canada
Calcium Carbonate 1 SR6 S6 Kyro Oy Kyroskoski
2 SR6 S6 Jylharaisio Oy Oulu
Calcium Carbonate Unloading 2 SR5 S5 Appleton Paper Appleton, Wisconsin USA
1 SR4 S4 Kruger Quebec Canada
1 SR2 S2 Blandin Paper Grand Rapids, Minnesota
Calcium Stearate
2 SR5 S5 Repap Kimberly, Wisconsin USA
1 SR5 S5 Niagara Paper Niagara, Wisconsin
Carboxy Methyl Cellulose 1 SR5 S5 Kruger Quebec Canada
Caustic Transfer 1 SR2 S2 Niagara Paper Niagara, Wisconsin USA
9 DRI4 D4
Caustic Unloading ITT Rayonier Jessup, Georgia USA
4 DRI5 D5
13 DRI4 D4
Caustic Unloading 50% Gillman Paper St.Marys, Georgia USA
2 DRI5 D5
Clay Filler 2 SR4 S4 Kruger Quebec Canada
2 AP550 A7-0550 Kruger Quebec Canada
3 SR3 S3 Hokuetesu Paper Japan
1 SR4 S4 Brittains (TR) Hanley
Clay Slurry UK
5 SR5 S5 Townsend Hook Snodland, Kent
2 SR5 S5 Wausau Paper Brokaw, Wisconsin
4 DRM6 D6 J.M.Huber Wrens, Georgia
2 SR6 S6 Kaukas Oy Lappeenranta Finland
4 SR5 S5 Appleton Paper Appleton, Wisconsin
Clay Transfer 2 SR4 S4
Potlatch Corporation Cloquet, Minnesota USA
3 SR5 S5
5 SR4 S4 Waldorf Paper St.Pauls, Minnesota
Clay Unloading 2 SR6 S6 Niagara Paper Niagara, Wisconsin USA
1 SR6 S6 Tembeck Paper
2 AP550 A7-0550
Quebec Canada
3 SR5 S5 Kruger
4 AP550 A7-0550
6 SR4 S4
Donside Paper Aberdeen
4 SR5 S5
6 AP601 A8-0745
Sittingbourne Paper Sittingbourne, Kent
1 SR5 S5
3 AP601 A8-0745
Coating Feed Blandin Paper Grand Rapids, Minnesota USA
3 AP801 A8-1149
1 AP550 A7-0550 Kruger Quebec Canada
2 SR6 S6 Jylharaisio Oy Oulu
Coating Pigment
1 SR5 S5 Enzo-Gutzeit Oy Imatra Finland
1 SR5 S5 Jylharaisio Oy Jylharaisio
Pulp and Paper Reference List

Alfa Laval
SSP Brand
Application Details Qty Generic Pump Customer Location Country
Pump Model
6 SR5 S5
Coating Reclaim Consolidated Paper Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin USA
5 SR1 S1
Coating Slurry 1 SR6 S6 Metsa-Seria Oy Tampere Finland
1 SR6 S6 Yhtyneet Paperitehtaat Oy Simpele
1 SR6 S6 Tervakoski Oy Tervakoski
1 SR6 S6 3M Nekoosa, Wisconsin
2 SR4 S4 Blandin Paper Grand Rapids, Minnesota
4 AP550 A7-0550 Bois Cascade International Falls, Minnesota
10 AP601 A8-0745 Biron Division
6 AP601 A8-0745 River Division, Whiting, Wisconsin
6 AP601 A8-0745
Consolidated Paper Stevens Point, Wisconsin
5 SR5 S5
12 AP601 A8-0745
Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
5 AP801 A8-1149
Coating Supply
1 DRI5 D5
Gulf States Paper Demopilis, Alabama USA
2 SR5 S5
3 AP601 A8-0745 International Paper Texarcana, Texas
6 AP801 A8-1149 Mead Paper Escanaba, Michigan
10 SR5 S5
Niagara Paper Niagara, Wisconsin
1 SR6 S6
2 AP550 A7-0550 Nicolet Paper Depere, Wisconsin
4 AP550 A7-0550 Potlatch Corporation Cloquet, Minnesota
1 DRM6 D6 Pasedena, Texas
Simpson Paper
3 SR6 S6 West Lynn, Oregon
1 AP801 A8-1149 Weyerhauser Columbus, Mississippi
2 SR5 S5 Blandin Paper Grand Rapids, Minnesota
1 SR3 S3 Niagara Paper Niagara, Wisconsin
Coating Transfer USA
2 SR3 S3 Champion Paper Sartell, Minnesota
10 SR5 S5 Consolidated Paper Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
4 SR6 S6 Consolidated Paper Kraft Plant
Concentrated Black Liquor USA
4 SR6 S6 Inland Rome Rome, Georgia
1 SR6 S6
Kruger Quebec Canada
2 SR4 S4
2 SR3 S3 Mead Paper Escanaba, Michigan
3 SR4 S4 Blandin Paper Grand Rapids, Minnesota
1 SR3 S3 Otis Speciality Paper Jay, Maine
2 SR5 S5 Repap Kimberly, Wisconsin
Cooked Starch
4 SR5 S5
Niagara Paper Niagara, Wisconsin USA
2 SR6 S6
4 SR5 S5 Rhinelander Paper Rhinelander, Wisconsin
3 SR5 S5 S.D.Warren Skowhegan, Maine
4 SR2 S2 Waldorf Paper St.Pauls, Minnesota
2 SR5 S5 Consolidated Paper Stevens Point, Wisconsin
Dye 4 SR2 S2 Flambeau Paper Park Falls, Wisconsin USA
Pulp and Paper Reference List

Alfa Laval
SSP Brand
Application Details Qty Generic Pump Customer Location Country
Pump Model
Hardener 1 SR4 S4 Kruger Quebec Canada
1 SR4 S4 Kruger Quebec Canada
Insolubilizer 1 SR2 S2 Blandin Paper Grand Rapids, Minnesota
1 SR3 S3 Niagara Paper Niagara, Wisconsin
2 SR6 S6 Kruger Quebec Canada
1 SR6 S6 Jylharaisio Oy Oulu Finland
1 SR3 S3 Hokuetesu Paper Japan
1 SR4 S4 Brittains (TR) Hanley UK
4 SR4 S4 Blandin Paper Grand Rapids, Minnesota
3 SR4 S4 Niagara Paper Niagara, Wisconsin
1 SR4 S4 Kruger Quebec Canada
Optical Brightener 1 SR1 S1 UK Paper Sittingbourne, Kent UK
1 SR2 S2 Niagara Paper Niagara, Wisconsin USA
1 SR5 S5
Jylharaisio Oy Oulu Finland
3 SR2 S2
4 SR5 S5 Appleton Paper Appleton, Wisconsin
5 SR1 S1 Mead Paper Escanaba, Michigan
Retention Aid
3 SR3 S3
Union Camp Franklin, Virginia USA
2 SR4 S4
4 SR2 S2 Flambeau Paper Park Falls, Wisconsin
2 SR3 S3 Consolidated Paper Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
8 SR4 S4
Size Consolidated Paper Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin USA
3 AP801 A8-1149
3 SR4 S4 UK Paper Sittingbourne, Kent
Starch 3 SR3 S3 Townsend Hook Snodland, Kent
3 SR4 S4 Consolidated Paper Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin USA
Starch Glue 1 SR5 S5 Jylharaisio Oy Oulu Finland
3 SR4 S4
Kruger Quebec
1 SR5 S5
2 SR6 S6 Canada
2 SR2 S2 Howe Sound Vancouver
Starch Slurry
3 SR4 S4
2 SR3 S3 Mead Paper Escanaba, Michigan
5 SR4 S4 Riverwood International Macon, Georgia USA
2 SR4 S4 Niagara Paper Niagara, Wisconsin
Starch Transfer 2 SR5 S5 Blandin Paper Grand Rapids, Minnesota USA
Thickener 1 SR2 S2 Blandin Paper Grand Rapids, Minnesota USA
1 SR6 S6
Kruger Quebec Canada
1 AP550 A7-0550
1 SR4 S4 Blandin Paper Grand Rapids, Minnesota
1 SR4 S4 International Paper Jay, Maine
4 SR5 S5 Niagara Paper Niagara, Wisconsin
1 SR4 S4 Bois Cascade Rumford, Maine
Alfa Laval Ltd
SSP Pumps
Birch Road, Eastbourne
East Sussex BN23 6PQ
Tel: +44 (0) 1323 414600
Fax: +44 (0) 1323 412515 B/302/0409
SSP Pumps
Birch Road, Eastbourne
East Sussex BN23 6PQ
Tel: +44 (0) 1323 414600
Fax: +44 (0) 1323 412515 B/302/0404

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