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Updated: September 18, 2023

Leadership Courses
Anchored in research and experience, DDI’s leadership courses build skills, deliver aha! moments, and
drive measurable change. Our subscriptions give you flexible, ongoing development with engaging courses
in multiple formats, plus microcourses, online tools, and a DDI team by your side.

Build a Strong Leadership Foundation

A Foundation Subscription includes development content to build core skills and define your leadership culture.

Courses for Emerging Leaders • Influence Your Career

Prepare informal or aspiring leaders for success. • Leaders as Allies
• Communicating with Impact* • Leading in a Hybrid Workplace 90

• Embracing Change • Leading Self: Turn Awareness into Impact 90

• High-Impact Feedback and Listening • Leading Virtually 90

• Leading Meetings: Use Time Effectively • Maximizing the Power Skills

• Leading Teams: Achieve More Together • Radiate Confidence
• Making High-Quality Decisions • Reinforcing Leadership Development (for managers)
• Navigating Beyond Conflict • Resolving Workplace Conflict 90

• Networking for Enhanced Collaboration 90 • Setting Goals and Reviewing Results

• Steps for Great Service • Strategies for Influencing Others 90

• Strengthening Your Partnerships • Super-Power Your Network

• Valuing Differences • Your Leadership Journey 90

Courses for Leaders Targeted Selection® Courses

Build essential and inclusive leadership skills proven Select the best with better interviews.
to drive personal, team, and organizational success. • The Art of Behavioral Interviewing
• Addressing Poor Performance • The Science of Behavioral Interviewing
• Building and Sustaining Trust 90
• Coaching: Move People Forward 90
Dive into a single topic or skill in 10 minutes or less;
• Communication: Connect Through only available with a Foundation Subscription.
Conversations* 90
• Addressing Poor Work Habits
• Communication: Connect Through Conversations
• Authenticity and Transparency
(Industrial Version)
• Being Business Savvy
• Conversations to Inspire Performance
• Being Prepared to Take the HEAT
• Creating an Inclusive Environment
• Boost Your Resilience
• Declare Your Brand
• Building an Inclusive Culture
• Delegation: Engage and Empower People 90
• Building Partnerships Inside and Outside
• Developing Yourself and Others
Your Organization
• Driving Change 90
• Building Rapport Virtually
• Engaging and Retaining Talent
• Building Trust in Your Work Environment
• Executing Strategy at the Front Line 90
• Building Uplifting Partnerships
• Fail Forward
• Career Coaching Conversations
• Fostering Innovation
• Coaching Challenges: Tips from a Coach
• Inclusion: Build Empathy (with Virtual Reality)
• Coaching the Whole Person
• Inclusion: Coaching for Individual Growth
• Communicating Effectively to Improve Your
• Inclusion: Delegating Equitably
Leadership Brand
• Inclusion: Foster Psychological Safety in Meetings
• Communicating Virtually
• Inclusion: Take Action
• Contributing to an Inclusive Culture
More titles on next page

Classroom Virtual Classroom 90 Under90 (90-Minute Virtual Classroom) Online Course * Recommended Prerequisite Course
A Personalized Path to Core Leadership Skills Develop Leaders at All Levels
A Foundation Subscription includes My Pathway: Leadership A MultiLevel Subscription includes all content
Core, a personalized, self-paced development experience. from the Foundation Subscription, plus high-impact,
After a self-assessment of their styles, strengths, and gaps,
business-focused courses for mid-level leaders.
leaders get hyper-relevant recommended content that helps
them develop and practice essential leadership skills. Group Impact Sessions – NEW!
data can be used to guide live or blended learning sessions. Develop leaders of leaders with focused skills, deep insights,
and peer learning—in 2 hours or less.
• Accelerating Change **
Continued from first page
• Coaching for Growth **
More Microcourses • Connecting Talent to Strategy
Exclusively available with a Foundation Subscription. • Determining Strategic Priorities
• Creating a Coaching Culture on Your Team • Driving Transformation Through Culture
• Data-Driven Decision Making • EQ: Mastering Interactions with Others **
• Developing Individual Team Members • EQ: Mastering Self **
• Discover Your Unique Coach Qualities • Influencing from Stakeholder Perspectives **
• Driving Career Development • Leading in a Digital Era
• Driving for Results • Leading Through Vision
• Embracing Change: Yourself & Others • Peer Coaching for Success
• Engaging Quiet Quitters • Solving Conflict at the Source **
• Ensuring Your Team Avoids Burnout • Understanding Decision-Making Tendencies **
• Everyday Engagers
**These Impact Sessions are personalized with Leadership
• Finding Control During Change Personality Insights; only available with a MultiLevel Subscription.
• Gaining Momentum as a New Leader
• Giving Feedback for Improvement
Courses for Leaders of Leaders
Enhance development with deeper dives and online options.
• Giving Positive Feedback
• Coaching for High Performance
• Handling Emotion and Upset
• Cultivating Networks and Partnerships
• Human-Centered Leadership
• Developing Organizational Talent
• Influencing Others to Make Things Happen
• Influencing for Organizational Impact
• Interaction Skills Challenge
• Leading Self in Times of Crisis
• Leading a High-Performing Team
• Making Change Happen
• Leading Hybrid Teams
• Mastering Decision Dynamics
• Leading Teams Virtually
• Mastering Emotional Intelligence
• Leading Virtual Meetings
• Mastering Executive Interactions
• Letting Go and Delegating More
• Six Steps to Strategic Leadership
• Leveraging Diversity
• Translating Strategy into Results
• Making Accelerated Decisions
• Managing a Multigenerational Team Microcourses
• Managing the People Side of Risk Dive into a single topic or skill in 10 minutes or less;
• On to the Next Adventure: Seeking a New Position or Role only available with a MultiLevel Subscription.
• Overcoming Your Workplace Burnout • Career Connection Points
• Panel Interviewing • Conversations with Courage and Candor
• Preparing for Difficult Conversations • Driving Culture with Intent
• Prioritizing and Productivity • Finding Balance Within a Multicultural Team
• Resolving a Conflict You’re Involved In • Managing Workplace Bullying
• Retention Drivers • Peer Coaching Essentials
• Setting SMART Goals to Manage Performance • Purposeful Networking
• Stand and Huddle: Short Meetings that Address • Sparking a Culture of Innovation
Team Challenges • Storytelling with Data
• Starting Strong • The Power of Seeking
• Unconscious Bias: Awareness into Action • What’s on Your Radar?
• Wellbeing at Work

Classroom Virtual Classroom 90 Under90 (90-Minute Virtual Classroom) Online Course * Recommended Prerequisite Course
© Development Dimensions International, Inc., 2017-2023. All rights reserved. MKT79900-9/2023

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