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e-ISSN: 2582-5208

International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:07/July-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
Pankaj Keshari*1, Priya Maurya*2, Dr. Gururama Senthilvel.P*3
*1,2School Of Computer Science And Engineering, Galgotias University, Greater Noida,
Uttar Pradesh, India.
*3Associate Professor, School Of Computer Science And Engineering, Galgotias University,
Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.
E-Library Management System is a web application which manage the information present in the books. It is
very tough task to manage the library manually, because it takes lots of time. Maintenance of all the information
manually is very complex task. E-Library Management Systems is an online platform through which we can
read books easily and it is generally used in educational area. E library is an open source means it is available
for all easily. E-Library Management System is designed to overcome the problems of students that the students
face while carrying the books. E-Library helps students to improve their performance and also, now a days
E-Library becomes more popular and useful in different sectors. It reduced the workload of librarian to
manages all the record manually in the library e library reduce the human effort. In the E-Library user can
easily read and download books in the form of pdf. All the thing is done when the user is login without login,
they do not read any kinds of books. In this system user can manage their account like they can view books,
update their record, and admin can also modify user’s details. Now a days there are following open-source
software package which provide e-content of books. Each and all phases of Waterfall model become very
helpful in developing E-Library Website.
Keyword: E-Library, E-Read, E-Contents.
E-Library is the online platform place where multiples books are available user can read books online and also,
they can download from the site, nowadays it very helps full for all the people to read books without carrying it.
And there are so many features available such as users can read a book, add books to their dashboard, and also
download it.
In achieving the global education for all, E-Library is the best way to read the book from any place without
carry book. User can access books any time it might be free of cost or might be free depends upon the books. In
modern era we need to enhanced our traditional library to modern library that is E-Library.
An E-Library, information is provided by means of digital technologies which allow to read, update as well as
delete books facilities in users provided section.
There are the following benefits of the E-library Management System:
a) The E-Library services give online and offline storehouse of documents.
b) It provides access of books at any time.
c) E-library are also used in school, colleges, and industries.
d) We can access unlimited number of books simultaneously.
e) E-Library upgrade the performance of the students.
f) E-Library provide fast, reliable and secure services.
1.1 The objective of the project
The objective of E-Library Management System is:
• Book reads from E-Library.
• A search feature to search the availability of number of books.
• To provide download books in the form of pdf.
• To provide pre-recorded video lectures.
• And admin can add books. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:07/July-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
• Open links for Learning Websites
1.2Problem statement and exploration
The problem that passed before having a Digital library system includes:
•Books may be lost when computerized system is not implemented because of human error.
•In traditional approach there is more ways of damage books like, water bending, floods, page burst.
•It is very complex to search books in case of huge library.
•It requires physical space to be store the books in the library and very difficult to keep it safe.
•Sometime cost of book is very high as compare to modern library.
Publications about open-source E-Library software programmes are widely available. Even so, these
publications emphasise user happiness while providing a general overview of the distinctions between
software products that are open-source and those that are customised, as well as information on frequent
problems and strategies connected to the integrated library system field. The report also provides an overview
of E-library software packages for operating systems. An excellent account of library automation. Cargile [3], an
HTML programmer and librarian, explained to her guests how to download, install, configure, and test
MyPhpLibrary, one of the open-source software programmes. The essay's conclusion, which is implied,
suggests that independent system implementation by librarians in smaller libraries would be dangerous.
Numerous tactics, like intensive lectures, hands-on workshops, or hiring more computer staff, could be
successful.Multiple open-source integrated library operating systems software were taken into consideration
by Chalon et al. [4] for this particular collection of libraries. The authors' method for selecting, evaluating, and
employing the software was described in the study. The study also includes helpful discussions on how they
went about seeking assistance or the difficulties they encountered.
For managing personal collections, there are a number of intriguing open-source software programmers
available, like Tellico [5] and GCstar [6]. But this kind of software package is not included in this research.
For Developing software, we need to understand the generality of the working process of software by making a
document of all combined important phases. Every phase of software is truly important that clarify the goods
involved in software product timber. We just need to make a document through which the innovator can
understand “what does he or she make?”.
In this methodology we need to focus on requirements>Analysis>Design>Coding>Test>and Maintenance. We
use the Waterfall Model in this paper to develop good quality software.
3.1 Waterfall Model
We use waterfall methodology for its simplest nature and ease of to access its property. In waterfall
methodology, we can easily produce a complete software product on every step that is
requirements>analysis>design>coding>testing>deployment>and maintenance. Each and every step needs to
be followed for making a software product. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:07/July-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752

The waterfall methodology was the first Sequential life cycle model. Whenever the first phase is completed then
only a new phase will start. It is used to ensure the completion of the project. Product Definition should always
be stable while making software.
The main advantage of the Waterfall methodology is that it is used to manage the complexity of the software
due to the rigidity of the methodology.
So, for making the E-library management system we use the waterfall methodology.
3.2 Front-End, Back-End, Server side and Database
E-library website was designed by using the language PHP, HTML, CSS, and JAVASCRIPT. We choose these
languages because of their simplicity. These Languages are acronyms for the programming language used for
displaying web pages on the internet. Each has Different functionality and still, they come together to produce
Dynamic websites. For the Database we use MySQL to store the information of the E-Library Management
System. It is easy to port from device to device and therefore it can run on different websites etc. Linux,
Windows Operating System. It is easily available, security features that are very important for storing details
gained by the websites.
4.1 Analysis
We need to analyse the software at every phase. The Unified Modelling Language [7] technique is commonly
used for requirement specification. It is basically a use case diagram used for object-oriented analysis.
Use Case Diagram
It is made to capture the requirement of the system. it is used for high-level requirement analysis of a system.
whenever the requirement of the system is analysed, the functionalities are captured in the use cases diagram.
For drawing a use case diagram, we need to remember some points:
➢ Actors
➢ Functionalities of the system are represented by the use case.
➢ Relationships between the use cases and actors of the system
The specific purpose of the Use case diagram is to gather system requirements and actors. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:07/July-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752


4.2 Designing
Designing of the software is very important for making it clearer and more understandable. Since the user
interface is required for storing data input, editing, and manipulating the data.
The developer makes sure to develop an interface that attracts users so that they spend their time reading the
books. Designing the user interfaces requires skills and techniques.
Firstly, we need to design the home page in which users search, login, and surf the book. If the user wants to
read the book, he/she needs to log in first and add the book to his/her dashboard and start reading.
Here Admin uploads the detail of the books and manages the detail of the user.
5.1 Development Techniques
E-Library Management System involves five phases:
1) Implementation
In the implementation phase source code written for registration, login, validation, searching, updating and
2) Testing
Testing is done before launched the product in the market, at each and every phases testing is done to check
performance and output of the system. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:07/July-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
3) Security
E-Library Management System also provide a feature to restore the records which is deleted by mistake and
provide encryption to the users. The user who has no authorized then they do not access the book. Any user
cannot access the records of another users.
4) Deployment
Once all the process is done then the product is deliver to the customer or launched in the market
5) Maintenance
It is needed for some modification or updating according the customer need.
5.2 Future Research
In the future it might be a chance there should may be online lecture video added by teachers as well as task
and assignment activity, features of group discussion where students can discuss all the issues, all E-Library
services would be free and allow to download all the books in the form of pdf.
In E-Library project we can manage the library services in organizations, universities, & Schools. E-Library
Management is a great achievement through which we can easily read books without carrying multiple books.
It makes all the processes online, users can search for books, and download books, and librarians can upload
books, delete books, and manage user details. The Prototype design manage the following task:
a) Allow register to new user.
b) Allow to manage books and user details by self.
c) Allow users to download books in the form of pdf.
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e-ISSN: 2582-5208
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( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:07/July-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
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