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"When there is no accountability, there is no responsibility"

Good Afternoon Officers of PD888,

There have been rampant cases of pilferages and theft these past few months not
only in PD888 but also in other Distributors and in other business establishments.

As officers of PD888, we cannot just say :

1. Hindi man ako nag Hire sa salesman.
2. Kahit ano ang gawin Ko may rotten, bad people and bad elements talaga
3. Si I.M. Ang Hindi nag inventory count ng maayos
4. Si CCD Hindi nag check, Hindi tumawag sa mga may AR and Past dues
5. Nakalimutan ni Legal mag action.
6. Hindi yan part ng Duties and responsibilities na na signan ko with HR.

These are all excuses, finger pointing, not finding solutions to the problems, etc

In 2019, we did salary leveling adjustments and tenure benefits in order to improve
our salary and benefits in PD888.
While salary will always be never enough and we always want more ... How can we
give what we do not have ? How can we continue to raise salaries if we incur heavy
losses? If we allow theft and pilferages some of which the amount is so big already.
PD has always given back Kung Meron e give after we pay our BIR, other taxes,
loans, always has and always will give to the People of PD.

As Officers, we have to recognize that we including me are all accountable and

responsible for PD because every department is connected to each other.

That is why I have been telling each and everyone of you that it is necessary that we
continue to:
1. Improve our processes and systems. Once it is in place, we need to know it and
teach it to our teams. And we have to follow it.
2. Improvement and Changes are constant. Including our Hiring processes.
3. Training and Fieldwork of OMs and Supervisors and Auditors. When you visit your
accounts and check you salesmen, it not only helps them improve their performance
but it's a preventive measures for the theft and pilferages.
4. Inventory Count and Collection Matrix can also be improve.
5. Adapting to Culture, improving habits, leveling up, becoming disciplined never
6. PD has grown, PD has improved and we acknowledge everyone's contribution. But
to be successful in business and in life is not just a one month or a one year success,
continuous improvement and adapting to changes is a constant process.
7. We are only as good as our last performance is true. Because if we want to be a
successful company great performance must be continuous and Forever improving.
8. As officers, we lead, we manage our teams, we teach. Let's not close our eyes,
our ears and ourselves from what we see around us. Let's do actions to make our
company Better, survive this pandemic and continue to give us livelihood.
Keep Safe, Stay Healthy but most of all Prayers Up Always.

Deonyson Dy
PD888 And PD8 Bravehearts

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