Ice Cream Research 2020

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The study aims to utilize bamboo shoot as an ice cream

flavor. The study employed experimental-quantitative method in

determining the insights and perception of the respondents.

Availability Sampling Technique was used in this study in

selecting the appropriate respondents. A total of 30 netizens

from the Brgy. Of Telapayong in Arayat served as the researchers

respondents. The researchers used two questionnaires to achieve

the objective of the study. The data were analysed using the

tallied score of the respondents. Furthermore, the tallied scores

and their equivalent percentage became the basis for determining

the awareness of the respondents about the common benefits of

bamboo shoot and how acceptable is the bamboo shoot ice cream as

a product. Based on analysis of data, results showed that the

respondents (32%) are fairly aware about on the common benefits

of the bamboo shoot. While on the overall acceptability of the

bamboo shoot ice cream, results showed that in terms of the taste

and aroma, the bamboo shoot ice cream was (37%) acceptable, the

texture was (47%) acceptable, the appearance was (43%) very

acceptable, and the overall acceptable was (40%) very acceptable

and acceptable at the same time. And the null hypothesis of the

study was accepted. And lastly the total of the overall

acceptability of the bamboo shoot ice cream, results showed that

the product was (40%) acceptable according to the respondents.


Importance of the Study

Nowadays, people love to eat ice cream when they

want something sweet and refreshing especially during

sunny season. Though ice cream is seasonal, there are

still some people who love eating ice cream even if it

is rainy season. Ice cream is a sweet treat for all

ages and helps you to satisfy yourself after a meal.

And due to people’s different tastes and innovations,

ice cream became more famous because of its different

flavors. Because of the increasing choice of people for

ice cream, the researchers come up with the idea of

making bamboo shoot as an ice cream flavor.

Although the nutritional content of ice cream

varies among brands and types, in general it is an

excellent source of energy. Ice cream is rich in

carbohydrate, with about 15 grams in a one-half-cup

serving. A serving also contains about 7 grams of fat

and 2 grams of protein, making it an energy-dense food.

Ice cream is a good choice when you need energy or if

you are pursuing a program to gain weight (Marie,


On the other hand, ice cream may cause problems

for certain people because it is dairy-based and

contains lactose, a milk sugar. These individuals,

referred to as lactose-intolerant, are deficient in

lactase, the enzyme needed to digest lactose, and may

experience digestive upset if they consume ice cream

(Marie, 2018).

Bamboo shoots are considered as one of the useful

health foods because of their rich contents of

proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, fibres and minerals

and very low fat. Though bamboo shoots provide lots of

health benefits, their consumption is confined mostly

to Southeast Asian and East Asian countries. The

acceptability of bamboo shoots as popular vegetable

crop is very less due to their high pungent smell and

bitter acidic taste (Nongdam & Tikendra, 2014).

Modern research has revealed that bamboo shoots

have a number of health benefits, from cancer

prevention and weight loss to lowering cholesterol

level, improving appetite and digestion (Chongtham et.

Al, 2011).

Thus, making the bamboo shoot into ice cream is

one of the best choices to maintain its health values

and beneficial properties. It is like a supplement for

individual’s body health for it help the people who has

low tolerance in lactose to freely eat ice cream

flavored with bamboo shoot that improves appetite and

digestion of the body. And also help the people who

fear weight gain in eating ordinary ice cream because

the bamboo shoot helps the body to weight loss and to

lower cholesterol level.

Conceptual Framework

This research aims to utilize bamboo shoots as a

flavor for ice cream and to determine the awareness of

the respondents on the benefits of bamboo shoot. The

product will be evaluated via questionnaire to identify

the level of acceptability of Ice Cream made from

bamboo shoot in terms of: 1. Taste; 2. Aroma; 3.

Texture; and 4. Appearance. The result of the study

will determine the level of acceptability of the


Paradigm of the Study


Evaluation of Bamboo
Level of Shoot Ice Cream in
awareness of the terms of Property
respondents on Perception:
the common a) Taste
benefits of b) Aroma
bamboo shoot. c) Texture
d) Appearance

Acceptability of Bamboo Shoot as

an Ice Cream Flavor

The objectives of the study are the following:

 to determine the level of awareness of the respondents

on the common benefits of bamboo shoot.

 to evaluate the respondents satisfactory ratings

towards the acceptability of a bamboo shoot ice cream

in terms of:

a) Taste,

b) Aroma,

c) Texture, and

d) Appearance

 to determine if there is a significant relationship

between the acceptability of the product and level of

awareness of the respondents on the common benefits of

bamboo shoots.

 to determine the overall acceptability of the bamboo

shoot ice cream as a product.


There is no significant relationship between the

acceptability of the product and level of awareness of

the respondents on the common benefits of bamboo

Scope and Delimitation

The study involves the 30 respondents from the

Brgy. of Telapayong in Arayat selected through

availability sampling technique. In this research, the

respondents will be aware of utilizing bamboo shoot as

an ice cream flavour. This study covers the perception

of the respondents in terms of the taste, aroma,

texture, and appearance of the bamboo shoot ice cream.

Time and Place

The researchers conducted the study within the

month of November of the year 2019, 10:00am-12:00pm.

The experimentation was held in the Brgy. of

Telapayong, Arayat, Pampanga.

Significance of the Study

This study will provide brief description to the

various significance of the study given the three

categories of people:

To the Readers: this research will provide a further

knowledge about how bamboo shoot can be as an ice cream

and how acceptable it is.

To the Students: this research will engaged the

students to eat bamboo shoot through ice cream and

provide them a healthy body; and

To the Future Researchers: this research will benefit

and help the future researchers as a guide or basis for

their research in making improvement or continuation of

this research.
Definition of Terms

Bambusa Blumeana- also known as Spiny Bamboo or

Thorny Bamboo, is a tropical clumping bamboo native to

Indonesia and Malaysia. Shoots from this bamboo species

are edible and consumed as a vegetable.

Bambusa Merriliana and Bambusa Philippinensis -

“Bayog” (Bambusa Merriliana) and “Laak” (Bambusa

Philippinensis) are two endemic bamboo species in the


Bambusa Vulgaris- common bamboo, is an open-clump

type bamboo species.

Bambusoideae- taxonomic subfamily within the

family Poaceae-the bamboos.

Carbohydrates- any of a large group of organic

compounds occurring in foods and living tissues and

including sugars, starch, and cellulose.

Carcinogens- a substance capable of causing cancer

in living tissue.

Dendrocalamus Asper- also known as giant bamboo,

or dragon bamboo (in China), is a giant tropical,

dense-clumping species native to Southeast Asia.

Evokes- bring or recall to the conscious mind.

Gigantochloa Atter- also known as Giant Atter or

Sweet Bamboo, is a dense tropical clumping bamboo

native of Malaysia.

Gigantochloa Levis- a green culmed bamboo with

good timber and edible shoots. The timber is usually

nice and straight-reasonably thick walled.

Influx- an arrival or entry of large numbers of

people or things.

Proteins- components of body tissues such as

muscle, hair, collagen etc., and as enzymes antibodies,

proteins collectively, especially as a dietary


Pungent- having a sharply strong taste or smell.

Sorbetes- (in the Philippines) ice cream of a type

that is typically made from coconut milk, sold from

handcarts by street vendors.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Ice cream was introduced in the Philippines during

the time of the American colonial period

when refrigerators and other cooling devices were

introduced. While American ice cream was made with

cow's milk, using the milk of the carabao, a kind of

water buffalo, resulted in a cheaper product which

became known as "sorbetes." Both kinds of milk are

widely used today. Coconut milk and cassava flour are

two other ingredients used that make sorbetes unique

from ice cream made in other countries. Flavors also

varied from the usual natural fruits such as

mango, avocado, melon, jackfruit, and coconut to

flavors imitating commercial ice cream such

as chocolate, cookies and cream, cheese, mocha, ube,

among many others. Sorbetes is peddled by sorbeteros

using colorfully painted wooden carts which usually can

accommodate three flavors, each in a large metal

canister. Peddlers get their carts from makers

scattered around the cities of the Philippines in the

morning and walk the streets the whole day, calling

consumers from their houses by ringing a small

handheld bell (Mack, 2015).

Ice cream was first tasted by Filipinos during the

1920’s, and due to the inherent innovative minds of

Filipinos, many variations were added to what was then

a regular ice cream. One of the first was the use of

coconut milk rather than cow’s milk, giving it an

interesting and unique sweetness and creaminess to it.

Another addition to it was the creation and adaptation

of local flavors like Ube (Purple Yam), Mango,

Jackfruit, Avocado, Coconut and even Halo-Halo, just to

name a few. Nowadays, you can buy a serving of sorbetes

for as low as 5 Php, you can mix and pick the flavors

you want as well. You can get it in sugar cones, wafer

cones and even in a traditional pan de sal (Pinoy

bread). Today it still remains to be loved and enjoyed

by Filipinos even with the influx of international ice

cream brands because for us Filipinos, eating sorbetes

evokes childhood memories as it is the ice cream that

we grew up eating. Imagine how we get excited when we

hear those bells ringing! It is reflective of what the

Filipino Culture is, happy, colorful and innovative

(Blanco, 2015).

Ice cream is enjoyed all around the world with

practically every region having its own version of the

frozen creamy dessert. Sorbetes is the Philippine’s

very own and has made its mark in our culture and

history. The history of sorbetes or what is commonly

known as “dirty ice cream” starts with the importation

of ice to the Philippines. Sorbetes is still made in

the Philippines today thanks to the sorbeteros who

peddle the ice cream in the streets. The sorbetero’s

carts are distinctly decorated like a Philippine

jeepney, while three ice cream flavors are stored

inside three metal canisters. Blocks of ice keep

the sorbetes frozen. Popular flavors of the dirty ice

cream include avocado, melon, strawberry, cookies and

cream, chocolate and cheese. Now coconut milk is also

used to give the sorbetes its creaminess. Sorbetes is

scooped and served in sugar cones or in between bread

buns (Ylaya, 2016).

Bamboo shoots are the sprouts that spring out

beside the bamboo plant. These sprouts (or shoots) are

edible and they belong to the Bambusoideae subfamily of

grass, according to research from Northern Illinois

University (Nagdeve, 2019).

Of the 1575 known bamboo species worldwide, 110

species are recorded to have edible shoots. Edible

meaning a satisfactory to delicious taste, because even

though some bamboo shoots are classified as edible,

they must be carefully prepared and boiled before

consuming (Schroder, 2012).

The common species found in the Philippines are

all used as vegetable shoots. These were Bambusa

blumeana, Bambusa vulgaris, Gigantochloa levis,

Gigantochloa atter, Dendrocalamus asper, Bambusa

merriliana and Bambusa philippinensis. Bamboo shoots

are called by many local names and the common names

across the country are 'Labong', 'dabong', 'rakong',

'tambo', 'uvug', etc. 'Kawayan tinik' or B. blumeana

was the most predominant species in most regions and

also the most popular edible species. 'Kawayang kiling'

or Bambusa vulgaris was the second most but only third

in rank as edible species (Caasi et al., 2010).

Bamboo shoots are usually crisp and sensitive,

similar to asparagus. In Japan, the bamboo shoot is

called the King of Forest Vegetables. Japanese

scientists also discovered that bamboo shoots contain

anti-cancer agents and suggest including it as part of

your regular diet to effectively reduce the free

radicals that can produce dangerous carcinogens in the

body. Here are the 7 medicinal benefits of including

bamboo shoots in your diet: Protects you against heart

diseases, Low in calories, Helps in threating stomach

disorders, Treats ulcers, Wound cleanser, Possible cure

for poisoning, and Fights cancer (Bhalla, 2016).

According to archaic Chinese medicinal books,

bamboo shoot were proclaimed to be beneficial to human

health, by promoting motion and peristalsis of the

intestine, helping digestion, and preventing and curing

cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and cancers. Because of

its high content of K, bamboo helps to maintain normal

blood pressure and is labeled as a heart‐protective

vegetable. Its relatively high content of up to 4%

cellulose increases the peristaltic movement of the

intestines and helps digestion. It also prevents

constipation and decreases body fat (Chongtham et. Al,


Research Design

The study employed experimental-quantitative

method. Experimental research is any research conducted

with a scientific approach, where a set of variables

are kept constant while the other set of variables are

being measured as the subject of experiment.

Experimental research is one of the founding

quantitative research methods. (Adi Bhat). Quantitative

Research involves measurement of data. Thus, it

presents research findings referring to the number or

frequency of something in numerical forms. To identify

the perception of the respondents in terms of the

taste, aroma, texture, and appearance of the bamboo

shoot ice cream.

Procedure, Ingredients and Preparation


The researchers will present a letter of

permission to the Brgy. Captain in Telapayong, Arayat,

before distributing the questionnaires to the

respondents. Floating of questionnaires will took place

in gathering data on this research. After the

researchers presented a letter of permission to the

Brgy. Captain, then, the questionnaires will be given

to the respondents. The researchers will gather the

data that will be collected from the questionnaires and

correlated them. Afterwards, the data will be analyzed

and interpreted by the researchers. The quantitative

measures utilized to identify the acceptability of the

bamboo shoot ice cream as a product.


300grams of bamboo shoot

2 all-purpose cream(nestle cream 250ml)

1 condensed

Bamboo Shoot Ice Cream Nutrition Facts

300grams of bamboo shoot 8 Calories per serving

2 all-purpose cream(nestle cream 250ml) 203 Calories

per serving

1 can condensed milk 101 Calories per serving

A single serving of bamboo shoot ice cream has 312


Read through the nutrition label for a snapshot of this

recipe’s nutritional profile. If the label lists less

than 5 percent daily value for a nutrient it is

considered low, while 20 percent or more is high. In

general, you want to limit saturated fat, cholesterol,

and sodium, and get enough fiber, vitamins, and


Nutrition Facts
Serving size: 1 cup
Servings: 10
Amount per serving
Calories 312
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 22.9g 29%
Saturated Fat 15.2g 76%
Cholesterol 80mg 27%
Sodium 60mg 3%
Total Carbohydrate 19.3g 7%
Dietary Fiber 0.7g 2%
Total Sugars 18.7g
Protein 3.3g
Vitamin D 0mcg 0%
Calcium 88mg 7%
Iron 0mg 1%
Potassium 160mg 3%
*The % Daily Value (DV) tells you how much a nutrient in a food serving
contributes to a daily diet. 2,000 calorie a day is used for general
nutrition advice.
Recipe analyzed by: Analyn Canlas Delgado/ Wellness Coach/Fitness Instructor

Preparation of Bamboo Shoot Ice Cream

While the preparation in making the product,

first, all utensils and equipment that were used in the

experiment were thoroughly sanitized and the

ingredients to be used were prepared. 300 grams of

bamboo shoots were put in a casserole with water, in

preparation for boiling that will take 30-45 minutes.

Then, the bamboo shoots were put in a blender to blend

it and make it pure. Afterwards, the ingredients for

ice cream such as the all-purpose milk (2 packs of

nestle cream) and 1 can of condensed milk will be added

into blender. After blending, the researchers put the

mixture in a container to ready it for freezing. Then

the last part of the preparation, the researchers put

the container in the freezer for 8 hours so that the

ice cream will be frozen and to ready it for serving.


Adapted questionnaire will be utilized in this

research from the study of Chanjongco et. al 2019 which



also Self-made questionnaire will be utilized in this

research in test 1. In doing this research, the

researchers will find a questionnaire that will be

answered by the respondents. The 2 questionnaires will

be used as the major instrument in the collection of

desired information. The questionnaire consists of the

perception of the respondents in terms of taste, aroma,

texture, and appearance of the bamboo shoot ice cream.

Statistical Method

The present study was treated with the used of

percentage distribution.

Data to answer specific problems were treated as:

1. Percentage distribution

Percentage (%) was used to describe the relationships

of the group with the whole population.


P= x 100


P= percentage

F= frequency

N= total frequency (population)


Table 1.0: Level of Awareness

Statements Percentag Interpretatio

e n
1. Treat ulcer is one of the 37% Aware
benefits of bamboo shoot.
2. It helps you to lose weight. 47% Fair
3. Bamboo shoot fights cancer. 33% Slightly Aware
4. Low in calories is also one of 40% Aware
the benefits of bamboo shoot.
5. Bamboo shoot can also be used as 33% Slightly Aware
wound cleanser.
6. Bamboo shoot decrease body fat. 43% Aware

7. It also improves appetite. 50% Fair

8. Bamboo shoot also improves 50% Fair

9. Bamboo shoot is possible cure for 47% Slightly Aware
10. Bamboo shoot also protects 30% Slightly Aware
you against heart diseases.

Table 1 presents the level of awareness on the benefits

of bamboo shoot. There were 37% (11) of the respondents

answered aware on statement 1; 47% (14) of the

respondents answered fair on statement 2; 33% (10) of

the respondents answered slightly aware on statement 3;

40% (12) of the respondents answered aware on statement

4; 33% (10) of the respondents answered slightly aware

on statement 5; 43% (13) of the respondents answered

aware on statement 6; 50% (15) of the respondents

answered aware on statement 7 and 8; 47% (14) of the

respondents answered slightly aware on statement 9; and

lastly 30% (9) of the respondents answered slightly

aware on statement 10. Based on the interpretation

above, this indicates that the respondents are slightly

aware on the benefits of the bamboo shoot like bamboo

shoot fights cancer, used as wound cleanser, possible

cure for poisoning, and also protects a person against

heart diseases; the respondents are aware on the

benefits of bamboo shoot like bamboo shoot treat ulcer,

it is low in calories and it decrease body fat; while

fairly aware that bamboo shoot helps a person to lose

weight, improves appetite, and also improves digestion.

Table 1.1: Total Level of Awareness


Very much Aware Fair Slightly Not aware
aware aware
Series1 10 82 97 83 28

Table 1.1 presents the total level of awareness of the

respondents on the common benefits of bamboo shoot.

Among the respondents, there were 10 (3.33%) that are very

much aware on the selected benefits of bamboo shoot; 82

(27.33%) are aware; 97 (32.33%) are fair; 83 (27.67%) are

slightly aware; and lastly 28 (9.33%) are not aware. This

indicates that majority of the respondents are fairly

aware of the benefits of bamboo shoot Ice Cream.

Table 2.0: Acceptability in Terms of Taste

15% 30%
1 2 3

Table 2.0 presents the acceptability in terms of taste.

It shows on the table that 30% (9/30) of the

respondents, answered that the taste of the bamboo

shoot ice cream is extremely acceptable, and 33%

(10/30) of the respondents, answered very acceptable.

While there were 37% (11/30) of the respondents

answered acceptable. This implies that in terms of the

taste, the bamboo shoot ice cream was acceptable to the

taste of the respondents.

Table 2.1: Acceptability in Terms Of Aroma

15% 30%
10% 20%
1 2 3 4

Table 2.1 presents the acceptability in terms of aroma.

As the table shows there were 13% (4/30) of the

respondents answered that the aroma of the bamboo shoot

ice cream is extremely acceptable, 30% (9/30) of the

respondents answered very acceptable, and 37% (11/30)

answered acceptable. While there were also 20% (6/30)

of the respondents answered it is slightly acceptable.

The table implies that in terms of the aroma, the

product was acceptable in aroma according to the


Table 2.2: Acceptability in Terms of Texture

25% 47%
15% 27%
5% 13% 13%
1 2 3 4

Table 2.2 presents the acceptability in terms of

texture. It shows that 13% (4/30) of the respondents

answered extremely acceptable, 27% (8/30) answered

very acceptable, 47% (14/30) answered

acceptable, and lastly 13% (4/30) answered slightly

acceptable. This implies that in terms of the texture,

the bamboo shoot ice cream was acceptable according to

the respondents.
Table 2.3: Acceptability in Terms of Appearance

20% 43%
10% 17%
0% 3%
1 2 3 4

Table 2.3 presents the acceptability in appearance. It

shows that 3% (1/30) of the respondents answered

extremely acceptable, 43% (13/30) answered very

acceptable, and 37% (11/30) answered acceptable. While

there were also 17% (5/30) answered slightly

acceptable. This implies that in terms of the

appearance, the product was very acceptable.

Table 2.4: Overall Acceptability

Overall Acceptability
20% 40% 40%
5% 13%
1 2 3 4

Table 2.4 presents the overall acceptability of the

bamboo shoot ice cream. As the table shows there were

13% (4/30) of the respondents answered extremely

acceptable, 40% (12/30) answered very acceptable and

acceptable, and lastly 7% (2/30) answered slightly

acceptable. This implies that in terms of the overall

acceptability, the bamboo shoot ice cream was very

acceptable and acceptable.

Table 3: Overall Acceptability of the Product and the

Level of Awareness of the Respondents

Overall acceptability Frequency Level of Freque

of the product awareness ncy
Extremely Acceptable 22 V.M.A 10

Very acceptable 52 Aware 82

Acceptable 59 Fair 97
Slightly Acceptable 17 S.aware 83
Not Acceptable 0 N.aware 28

T-test 0.037224615

Legend: > 0.05 - No significant difference

< 0.05 – Significant difference

Table 3 presents the result of the Overall

acceptability of the bamboo shoot ice cream and the

level of awareness of the respondents. We obtained P –

value of 0.037224615 that is less than to the p/Alpha

value of 0.05. This means that we will accept the null

hypothesis saying that there is no significant

relationship between the acceptability of the product

and level of awareness of the respondents on the common

benefits of bamboo shoots.

Table 4: Total Overall Acceptability


TOTAL 22 52 59 17 0

Table 4 presents the total of overall acceptability of

the bamboo shoot ice cream. The table shows that mostly

of the respondents answered acceptable which implies

that in terms of the overall acceptability of the

bamboo shoot ice cream was acceptable. Because the

result shows that there are 14% for extremely

acceptable, 35% for very acceptable, 40% for acceptable

and lastly 11% for slightly acceptable.


This study, property perception of bamboo shoot

ice cream as a basis for product development was

conducted at Telapayong, Arayat, Pampanga within the

month of November of the year 2019, 10:00 am to 12:00


The general purpose of this study was to utilize

bamboo shoot as an ice cream flavor. Specifically, this

study aims to (1) to determine the level of awareness

of the respondents on the common benefits of bamboo

shoot; (2) to evaluate the respondents satisfactory

ratings towards the acceptability of a bamboo shoot ice

cream in terms of: taste, aroma, texture, and

appearance; (3) to determine if there is a significant

relationship between the acceptability of the product

and level of awareness of the respondents on the common

benefits of bamboo shoots; and (4) to determine the

overall acceptability of the bamboo shoot ice cream as

a product.

The product of this study was evaluated by thirty

(30) citizens of Telapayong, Arayat, Pampanga. The

evaluation involved the perception of the respondents

in terms of taste, aroma, texture, and appearance of

the bamboo shoot ice cream.

Data gathered were subjected to percentage


Findings showed that the bamboo shoot ice cream

was acceptable in terms of overall acceptability.

Mainly, because of its texture that liked by most of

the respondents.


Based from the findings of the study, it can be

concluded that:

1. The level of awareness of the respondents on the common

benefits of the bamboo shoot obtained a descriptive

rating of fairly aware.

2. The satisfactory ratings of the respondents towards the

acceptability of a bamboo shoot ice cream in terms of

appearance and over all acceptability obtain a

descriptive rating of very much acceptable; and in

terms of taste, aroma and texture obtain a descriptive

rating of acceptable.

3. There is no significant relationship between the

acceptability of the product and level of awareness of

the respondents on the common benefits of bamboo shoots

as it shows on the result of having a p/Alpha value of

0.03, which is less than to the p/Alpha - value of

0.05. Thus, the null hypothesis will be rejected and an

alternative hypothesis will be accepted.

4. The overall acceptability of the bamboo shoot ice

cream as a product obtains a descriptive rating of



In light of the findings and conclusions of this

study, the researchers have made the following


1. It is recommended to add a different flavor on the

bamboo shoot ice cream.

2. A vanilla extract must be added to slightly eliminate

the smell of bamboo shoot.

3. Correspondingly, the researchers recommend testing

another possible product concerning bamboo shoots to

maximize its benefits.

Appendix G. Documentation

Figure 1.Boiling of Bamboo Shoot

Figure 2.Draining of Bamboo Shoot

Figure 3.Blending Bamboo Shoot with Milk

Figure 4.Freezing of Bamboo Shoot Ice Cream

The researchers give back the highest praise and glory to

Almighty God for the strength, wisdom, and guidance given in

order to fulfill this study.

The researchers also want to thank the following people for

sharing their time and their undying support for this research

output to be remarkable and successful:

To the admin of Far East College of Information and

Technology Corp., for giving us an opportunity to improved our

knowledge on research.

To the researchers’ families, for the inspiration given and

for the constant reminder to finish this research;

To Mr. Rolando Sunga, for allowing the researchers to

conduct the study at Telapayong, Arayat, Pampanga;

To Ms. Angelica Calma and Mr. Jomari Quiambao for the effort

in teaching and guiding the researchers in their task from the

first day of doing the research up to the completion day.

To the respondents of this study, for actively answering the

questions and giving time in participating throughout the

research; and
Lastly, to the researchers’ classmates and friends, for the

happiness shared during exhausting days and for filling the

researchers’ heart with glee.

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