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• Introduction Hair Rebonding is a popular hair treatment that transforms

naturally wavy or curly hair into straight, shiny, and sleek strands. It’s a great

way to achieve a new look and increase manageability. Hair rebonding is a

way of straightening your hair using powerful chemicals. The process

takes several hours. Basically, water breaks the hydrogen bonds of

the keratin molecules in your hair. A chemical, usually formaldehyde,

then crosslinks the new design of your hair structure in a pin-straight


• Definition of Hair Rebonding is a chemical treatment that relaxes your

hair follicles, making them straight and sleek. The process involves the use

of a cream or relaxant softener to break down the natural hair structure,

followed by a neutralizer to re-bond the structure a chemical process

done in salons wherein your hair's natural structure is altered with

chemicals and heat to give you straight hair. This technique is all

about breaking your hair's natural bonds and rearranging them to

make up a new hair texture – straight, sleek, and shiny.

• Types of Hair Rebonding There are mainly two types of hair rebounding:

cream relaxant rebounding and thermal reconditioning (also known as

Japanese straightening). The former is more common and less expensive,

while the latter is considered more advanced and results in a smoother


• Material used in Rebonding The materials used in hair rebounding

include a cream relaxant or straightening lotion, a neutralizer, a hair serum,

a mild shampoo, a conditioner, a wide-toothed comb, and a straightening

iron. using powerful chemicals. The process takes several hours.

Basically, water breaks the hydrogen bonds of the keratin molecules

in your hair. A chemical, usually formaldehyde, then crosslinks the

new design of your hair structure in a pin-straight alignment.

• Chemical Used in Hair Rebonding The main chemicals used in hair

rebounding are a relaxant and a neutralizer. The relaxant, often a strong

alkaline chemical, helps to break the disulfide bonds in the hair, making it

straight. The neutralizer, typically hydrogen peroxide, helps to re-bond the

hair structure
• Procedure of Hair Rebonding The process begins with washing the hair

with a mild shampoo, followed by drying and application of the relaxant.

The hair is then straightened using a straightening iron, and the neutralizer

is applied to set the hair in its new straight form. The process is completed

with the application of serum and conditioner.

• Effects of Hair Rebonding While hair rebounding can give you the sleek,

straight hair you desire, it can also have some negative effects. The

chemicals used can cause hair damage, making it dry, brittle, and prone to

breakage. It can also lead to scalp problems and hair loss if not done


• Conclusion Hair Rebonding is a popular way to achieve straight, great

way to completely get rid of frizz and make your unruly hair look

tamed and gorgeous permanently, but it's hard to maintain and can

damage your hair.manageable hair. However, it’s important to be aware of

the potential damage it can cause and to take proper care of your hair

post-treatment. Always opt for a professional stylist to ensure the process is

done correctly and safely.

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