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1. INTIMATE- it is a style among intimate members of

a family or friends that do not a clear language with
a clear articulation.
2. CASUAL- it is the most common speech style used
among friends and coworkers. Jargon, slang, or the
vernacular language are used.
3. CONSULTATIVE- it is the standard one. It is best
used for business or professional relationships.
4. FORMAL- this style is used in formal settings.
Unlike the consultative style, this is one way.
5. FROZEN- it is the most formal speech style that is
usually used in formal contexts such as speech for
state ceremonies, court proceedings, and religious
Receiving -it refers to the response caused by sound
3. Writing- Writing is not just a simple task that can be done
waves stimulating the sensory receptors of the ear.
in a few minutes. It is a complex and challenging process that
Understanding-it is the stage at which you learn what the requires a lot of effort, patience, and dedication. Writing is a
speaker means - the thoughts and emotional tone way of expressing your thoughts and ideas in words, and it
can be done in many different forms, such as essays, articles,
Remembering- his is retaining messages for at least
stories, poems, and more.
some period of time. What you remember is actually not
what was said but what you think was said. Structures of Letters and Documents
Evaluating- it consists of judging the messages in some FORMAL LETTER STRUCTURE
way. At times, you may try to evaluate the speaker’s
underlying intentions or motives.
-effective listeners should deliberately reduce the
influence of their own viewpoint until they have first
understood the speaker’s ideas
2. Speaking- it is done through vocalizing and
interpreting all the information of a person.
According to purpose:
Informative Speech- Simply put, this is about
members acquiring information.
Persuasive Speech- When we speak to
persuade, we attempt to get listeners to embrace
a point of view or to adopt a behavior that they
would have not done otherwise.
Entertainment Speech- The fundamental goal of
an entertainment speech is for audience
enjoyment, which can come in a variety of forms.
According to situation or occasion:
Ceremonnial Speech- are speeches or a ritual
marked by observance of formality or etiquette.
Inspirational Speech- The goal of an inspirational
speech is to elicit or arouse an emotional state
within an audience.
According to delivery:
Impromptu Speaking-is the presentation of a
short message without avance preparation.
Extemporaneous Speaking- is the presentation
of a carefully planned and rehearsed speech,
spoken in a conversational manner using brief
Manuscript Speaking-is the word-for-word
iteration of a written message.
Memorized Speaking- is the rote recitation of a
written message that the speaker has commited to
SPEECH STYLE- is the distinctive way of
communicating. It consists a particular pattern of
linguistic, vocal, and non-verbal behavios. Speech
style refers primarily to the manner one
communicates than the meaning of 4
communication. 3
Characteristics of an effective letter 8. Proper Salutation
1. Clarity -As an essential feature of a letter, salutation
- This means that when writing a letter, the plays a significant role in ensuring that the letter is well
writer’s intentions would always be clear to him, received, regarding the mental and emotional state of
which would be noticed in his writing. As the reading them.
thoughts flow from his mind to his words and
9. Proper Address
then to the letter, there is a need to ensure that
the clarity in his mind continues to sail to the -When writing an address, it is vital to be
paper. descriptive about the location of the writer or the
2. Concise receiver, as the case may be. By being descriptive, write
-This is where you have to understand that in writing the house address, street, district, province/state, or
a letter, you have to ensure that your intentions are even country, as the case may be.
passed while your words are brief enough so that it
does not become a lengthy letter. 10. Date

3. Complete -A date serves the purpose of the record; It does not

matter whether or not the letter is formal or informal. A
-A formal letter starts with the address. The address date in a letter helps the writer or receiver to keep track
of both the writer and receiver is to be present. In the case of when it was sent for possible future purposes.
of a letter headed paper, then the address of the receiver is
the only one.

The salutation has to be present, and the title of the

letter should convey, at first glance, the reason or intention
of the writer. The title should be brief and concise to ensure
the receiver can take action without reading the entire letter.

Then the body of the letter should be brief. The

letter’s tone should be formal and official and would not
require the usual casual style of an informal letter.

Then, it must be signed by the writer, and it must

also be dated—these features, when present, ensure that
the formal letter is complete and is not lacking anywhere.

An informal letter lacks formalities and hinges more

on a casual and less formal tone. It does not need the title,
receiver’s address, and signature. So these things, when
visible, make the letter complete, which is one of the
characteristics of a letter.

4. Attractive

-This talks about the aesthetics and one of the

characteristics of a letter, and that is the beautiful
appearance of the letter. Like it or not, much
emphasis lies on appearance; if the appearance is
less attractive, it affects the appetite or willingness
to read the letter.

5. Good Quality of Understanding

-One of the purposes of a letter is to convey

information or emotions which could not be actively
expressed in person. Without understanding, one may find
it challenging to comprehend the intention of the

6. Creativity
-While writing a letter, it is demanded that a letter be
7. Purpose
-Purpose is one of the characteristics of a letter, as it
must be effective in what it hopes to achieve or wants the
reader to feel or do.
Hearing- refers to the sounds that enter your ears. It is

WHAT IS MACRO- a physical process that provided you that you do not
have any 1. 2. 3. hearing problems. It happens
automaticaly or naturaly. It is passive. It is more of

SKILLS - physiological.
Listening- is done by choice. It is interpretative action

Introduction of taken by someone in order to understand and

potentialy make meaning 1. 2. of something they hear.
It is a physical and mental process; active; learned

Macro Skills In process; a skil It is more of psychological.

Types of Listening

learning, there are  Appreciative Listening

-listening for pleasure and enjoyment, as when
we listen to music, to a comedy routine, or to an

four macro skills entertaining speech.

-describes how well speakers choose and use
words, use humor, ask questions, tell stories,

that we must deal 

and argue persuasively.
Emphatic Listening
--listening to provide emotional support for the

within order to speaker as when a psychiatrist listens to a

patient or when we lend a sympathetic ear to a

communicate -focuses on understanding and identifying with a

person’s situation, feelings, or motives.
-there is an attempt to understand what the

effectively. Macro 
other person is feeling.
Comprehensive/Active Listening
-listening to understand the message of a

skills refer to the speaker, as when we attend a classroom lecture

or listen to directions for finding a friend’s

primary, -focuses on accurately understanding the

meaning of the speaker’s words while
simultaneously interpreting non-verbal

key, main, and cues such as facial expressions, gestures,

posture, and vocal quality.
-it is a particular communication technique that

largest skill set requires the listener to provide feedback on

what he or she hears to the speaker.

relative to a LISTENING:
-requires perceiving, paying attention, and

particular context. It remembering.

-repeating the messages involves using exactly
the same words used by the speaker.

is commonly Paraphrasing
-requires thinking and reasoning. It involves
rendering the message using similar phrase

referred to in arrangement to the ones used by the speaker.

-involves rendering the message using your

English language.
own words and sentence structure.
 Critical/Analytical Thinking
-listening to evaluate a message for purposes of

The four macro accepting or rejecting it, as when we listen to

the sales pitch of a used-car dealer or the
campaign speech of a political candidate

skills are reading,

-focuses on evaluating whether a message is
logical and reasonable
-asks you to make judgements based on your

listening, writing,
evaluation of the speaker’s arguments
challenges the speaker’s message by
evaluating its accuracy and meaningfulness,

and speaking. Each

and utility
- uses critical thinking skills 2

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