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(6) Code No. : B-210(B) Roll No...................... Total No. of Section : 03
Total No. of Printed Pages : 06

Find the equation of cylinder with generator parallel to Code No. : B-210(B)
Annual Examination - 2017
and guiding curve x 2 + 2 y 2 = 1, z = 3 .
ZàÎÂà-5. ÀÎààê¢uç â§ý ytmv qÊwvuk §ýàç ÐqÎàê
§ýÊmà Ñè ¡àèÊ ÐqÎàê ârÂÀä Öààm §ýLâk¥ ñ MATHEMATICS
Show that the plane x + 2 y − 2 z = 4 touches the paraboloid Paper - III

. Also find the point of contact. VECTOR ANALYSIS AND GEOMETRY

OR Max.Marks : 50
Time : 3 Hrs. Min Marks : 17
ytã§ýʽà 2 x 2 + 2 y 2 + z 2 + 2 yz − 2 zx − 4 xy + x + y = 0 §ýàç Zàtàâ½à§ý Úq ¹þãq ß h½»þ '¡' tçÞ Ày ¡âmviåÙàÊã ZàÎÂà ÑèA, âkÂÑçÞ Ñv §ýÊÂàà ¡âÂàwàuê Ñè ñ h½»þ 'r' tçÞ viåÙàÊã
tçÞ ytàÂàuÂà §ýLâk¥ mnà ¢y§çý Îàãxê §ýà âÂàÀFÎààÞ§ý ¥wÞ ¡ÕààçÞ §çý ytã§ýʽà Öààm ZàÎÂà h½»þ 'y' tçÞ Àãiê £ÙàÊãu ZàÎÂà ÑèÞ ñ h½»þ '¡' §ýàç yryç qÑvç Ñv §ýÊçÞ ñ
§ýLâk¥ ñ Note: Section 'A' , containing 10 very short answer type questions, is
Reduce the equation to compulsory. Section 'B' consists of short answer type questions and
the standard form and find the coordinates of its vertex and equation of Section 'C' consists of long answer type questions. Section 'A' has to be
axes. solved first.
32xxx+= 2−
+y4y2−y 2=z+
= =z24
z 2 yz − 2 zx − 4 xyh½»þ
+ x +-y'¡'
= (Section-'A')
2 3
----x---- âÂàÈÂààÞ â §ým ¡âm viä £ ÙàÊãu ZàÎÂààç Þ §ç ý £ÙàÊ ¥§ý uà Ààç qÞ â Qýuàç Þ tç Þ Àç Þ ñ
(Answer the following very short-answer-type questions in one
or two lines.)) (1 10=10)
ZàÎÂà-1. yâÀÎà âØà§ý ªàä½àÂà §ýà yåØà âvâh¥ ñ
Write formula of vector triple product.
ZàÎÂà-2. yâÀÎà âky§ýL âÀÎàà ¡jÊ Ñàç §ýà ¨uà ZàâmrÂo Ñè ?
Write the condition for a vector to be in constant direction.
ZàÎÂà-3. йþàç¨y Zàtçu âvâh¥ ñ
Write Stoke's theorem.
ZàÎÂà-4. ytmv tçÞ ªàíãÂà Zàtçu §ýàç âvâh¥ ñ
Write Green's theorem in the plane.
ZàÎÂà-5. âõiàmãu Íuàq§ý ytã§ýÊ½à §ýr ¥§ý wæÙà §ýàç âÂàÚâqm §ýÊçªàà ?
When will general equation of second degree represents a circle?
ZàÎÂà-6. £y ÎààÞ§ýw §ýà oíäwãu ytã§ýʽà âvâh¥ âky§ýL Âààâs oíäw Ñè mnà ¢y§ýà ¡Õà ZààÊÞâs§ý
Êçhà yç α §ýàç½à rÂààmà Ñè ñ
(2) Code No. : B-210(B) (5) Code No. : B-210(B)
Write polar equation of conic with focus at pole and axis making an angle
ZàÎÂà-2. йþàç¨y Zàtçu §ýà y¾uàqÂà §ýLâk¥, kr mnà qæ™þ S ªààçvç
with initial line.
ZàÎÂà-7. ytmv §ýà ytã§ýʽà âvâh¥ kàç ¡ÕààçÞ yç ¡Þmß hÞ»þ 2, 3, -4 §ýà¹þmà Ñè ñ §ýà ytmv §çý ¤ýqÊ §ýà sàªà Ñè ñ
Write equation of a plane with intercepts 2, 3, -4 on axes.
Verify Stoke's theorem for and surface S is upper part
ZàÎÂà-8. rçvÂà §ýàç ytlࢥ ñ
Explain the cylinder. of plane of the sphere .
ZàÎÂà-9. ÀãiêwæÙàãu qÊwvuk §ýà ytã§ýʽà âvâh¥ ñ OR
Write the equation of Elliptic paraboloid.
tå Ì uàÞ § ýÂà §ýLâk¥ kÑàÝ F = 4 zxi − y 2 j + yzk mnà
ZàÎÂà-10.¥§ý ÀãiêwæÙàk §çý yÞÂààâs ÎààÞ§ýwk §ýà yåØà âvâh¥ ñ
Write formula of confocal conicoids of a ellipsoid. S , x = 0, x = a , y = a , y = 0, z = 0, z = a yç qáÊr÷ iÂà §ýà qæ™þ Ñè ñ
h½»þ-'r' (Section-'B') Evaluate where F = 4 zxi − y 2 j + yzk and S is a cube
âÂàÈÂààÞâ§ým ZàÎÂààçÞ §çý £ÙàÊ Àãâk¥ñ ( Answer the following questions.
(3 5=15)
(3x5=15) bounded by x = a , x = 0, y = a , y = 0, z = 0, z = a .
ZàÎÂà-3. â§ýyã ÎààÞ§ýw tçÞ ây÷ §ýLâk¥ â§ý vÈrÚq Âààâsªàm kãwà¡àçÞ §çý Íu侧íýtàçÞ §ýà uàçªà ¡jÊ
ZàÎÂà-1. uâÀ mãÂà ¡ytmvãu yâÀÎà Ñè A màç ÀÎààê ¢ uç â§ý
Ñàçmà Ñè ñ
In a conic, prove that the sum of reciprocal of perpendicular focal chord
xy +
x,==x− ,)yf4
+ .−.cyd21 ,)bzj
x6iry+ z=+2S
is constant.
+36yzx 2−−ka10 yc−+151
22 x +=20y + 26 z − 17 = 0
∫∫∫ + +
22 2 2 22ɵ 2 2 2 2 2
a xxyf1,
F 4,
a x4FF

b n
, din
xyx xy
c ,29
x =
yz ,58bzx OR
For three non-coplanar vectors show that  C S 2 3   
ÎààÞ§ýw §ýà ¡ÂàäÊçh½à §ýLâk¥ ñ
Trace the conic .
ZàÎÂà-4. ây÷ §ýLâk¥ â§ý ytã§ýʽà
uâÀ mr ârÂÀä (1, − 1, 1) qÊ Öààm §ýLâk¥ ñ
¥§ý ÎàÞ§äý §ýàç
i) div f ii) âÂàÚâqm §ýÊmà Ñè ñ ¢y§çý Îàãxê §ýà âÂàÀFÎààÞ§ý rmࢥ ñ
If then find i) div f ii) on point Prove that the equation

represents a cone. Find co-ordinate of its vertex.
ZàÎÂà-2. ∫ C
F.d r §ýà tå Ì uàÞ § ýÂà §ýLâk¥, kÑàÝ F = x y i + y j
2 2
¡àèÊ OR

£y rçvÂà §ýà ytã§ýʽà Öààm §ýLâk¥ âky§çý kÂà§ý yÊv Êçhà §çý
C , y 2 = 4 x , xy ytmv tçÞ ( 0, 0 ) yç m§ý Ñè ñ
Evaluate where F = x 2 y 2 i + y j and C is ytàÂààÂmÊ Ñè mnà âÂàÀFÎà§ý w§íý ÀãiêwæÙà x 2 + 2 y 2 = 1, z = 3 Ñè ñ

plane from ( 0, 0 ) to . P.T.O.
(3) Code No. : B-210(B) (3) Code No. : B-210(B)

ÀÎààê¢uç â§ý ∫∫ ( axi + byj + czk ) . ndS
π ( a + b + c ) kÑàÝ S ªààçvç ÀÎààê¢uç â§ý kÑàÝ S ªààçvç

§ýà yÈqå½àê qæ™þ Ñè ñ §ýà yÈqå½àê qæ™þ Ñè ñ

Show that , where S is Show that , where S is

whole surface of sphere of x 2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1 . whole surface of sphere of x 2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1 .

l l
ZàÎÂà-3. ây÷ §ýLâk¥ â§ý ytã§ýʽà mnà = − 1 − e cos θ ¥§ý Ñã ÎààÞ§ýw ZàÎÂà-3. ây÷ §ýLâk¥ â§ý ytã§ýʽà mnà = − 1 − e cos θ ¥§ý Ñã ÎààÞ§ýw
r r
§ýàç âÂàÚâqm §ýÊmç ÑèA ñ §ýàç âÂàÚâqm §ýÊmç ÑèA ñ
l l l l
Prove that equations = 1 − e cos θ and = − 1 − e cos θ represent the Prove that equations = 1 − e cos θ and = − 1 − e cos θ represent the
r r r r
same conic. same conic.
y=, 2γyey2+)+
2− −=z 222= 1az 2− 3 2
byjθ=+ czk ) . ndS
x + =2 y 2 π= (2a yç c ) ÎààÞ§ýw §ýà ytã§ýʽà Öààm §ýLâk¥ kàç ârÂÀä (1,1)
ÎààÞ§ýw x 2 + 2 y 2 = 2 yç yÞÂààâs ÎààÞ§ýw §ýà ytã§ýʽà Öààm §ýLâk¥ kàç ârÂÀä (1,1) ∫∫r 2
S 1 2
cos ÎààÞ§ýw
+ byÞ+
yç Ñàç§ýÊ kàmà Ñè ñ yç Ñàç§ýÊ kàmà Ñè ñ
Find equation of confocal conic of conic passes through Find equation of confocal conic of conic passes through
(1, 1). (1, 1).
ZàÎÂà-4. ªààçvç §çý ârÂÀä qÊ ÐqÎàê mv §ýà ytã§ýʽà ZàÎÂà-4. ªààçvç §çý ârÂÀä qÊ ÐqÎàê mv §ýà ytã§ýʽà
âÂà§ýàâv¥ ñ âÂà§ýàâv¥ ñ
Find tangent plane of sphere at . Find tangent plane of sphere at .
vÈr wæÙàãu rçvÂà §ýà ytã§ýʽà Öààm §ýLâk¥ âky§ýL âØà³uà 2 mnà ¡Õà Êçhà vÈr wæÙàãu rçvÂà §ýà ytã§ýʽà Öààm §ýLâk¥ âky§ýL âØà³uà 2 mnà ¡Õà Êçhà

Ñè ñ Ñè ñ
Find equation of right circular cylinder with radius 2 and axis on straight Find equation of right circular cylinder with radius 2 and axis on straight
x −1 y − 2 z − 3 x −1 y − 2 z − 3
line = = . line = = .
2 1 2 2 1 2
P.T.O. P.T.O.
(4) Code No. : B-210(B) (4) Code No. : B-210(B)

x2 y2 z2
ZàÎÂà-5. ¡âmqÊwvuk + − = 1 §çý ârÂÀä yç kàÂàç wàvç kÂà§ýàçÞ §çý ZàÎÂà-5. ¡âmqÊwvuk §çý ârÂÀä yç kàÂàç wàvç kÂà§ýàçÞ §çý
4 9 16
ytã§ýʽà Öààm §ýLâk¥ ñ ytã§ýʽà Öààm §ýLâk¥ ñ

Find equation of generators of hyperboloid which Find equation of generators of hyperboloid which

passes through . passes through .

ây÷ §ýLâk¥ â§ý ÎààÞ § ýwk §ýà ÎàÞ § ä ý ây÷ §ýLâk¥ â§ý ÎààÞ § ýwk §ýà ÎàÞ § ä ý

§ç ý ÐqÎàê m v õàÊà Zàâm°²ç þ À ¥§ý yt§ýàç â ½à§ý §ç ý ÐqÎàê m v õàÊà Zàâm°²ç þ À ¥§ý yt§ýàç â ½à§ý
¡âmqÊwvu Ñè ñ ¡âmqÊwvu Ñè ñ
Prove that the intersection of tangent plane of cone Prove that the intersection of tangent plane of cone
x2 y2 z2 x2 y2 z2
+ + = 0 with conicoid ax 2 + by 2 + c z 2 = 1 is a + + = 0 with conicoid ax 2 + by 2 + c z 2 = 1 is a
b+c c+a a+b ( )
x +
3, y−
by 4 )

ra 'b+br c'+c '−

2 2 22 2
yz c z =
=+ 1
z 2
c + a a + b
rectangular hyperbola. b4+ c 9 c +16a rectangular a+b hyperbola.
h½»þ-'y' (Section-'C') h½»þ-'y' (Section-'C')
âÂàÈÂààÞâ§ým ZàÎÂààçÞ §çý £ÙàÊ Àãâk¥ ñ ( Answer the following âÂàÈÂààÞâ§ým ZàÎÂààçÞ §çý £ÙàÊ Àãâk¥ ñ ( Answer the following
questions)) (5 5=25)
(5x5=25) questions)) (5 5=25)
ZàÎÂà-1. uâÀ â§ýyã ârÂÀä §ýà OÐnâm yâÀÎà Ñè mnà £y§ýà tàqàÞ§ý Ñè màç §ýà tàÂà Öààm ZàÎÂà-1. uâÀ â§ýyã ârÂÀä §ýà OÐnâm yâÀÎà Ñè mnà £y§ýà tàqàÞ§ý Ñè màç §ýà tàÂà Öààm
§ýLâk¥ kr qáÊÂààv§ýLu Ñè ñ §ýLâk¥ kr qáÊÂààv§ýLu Ñè ñ
If is position vector of any point with modulus then find the value of If is position vector of any point with modulus then find the value of

when is solenoidal. when is solenoidal.

ây÷ §ýLâk¥ â§ý §ýà Íu侧íýt Ñè ñ ây÷ §ýLâk¥ â§ý §ýà Íu侧íýt Ñè ñ

Prove that reciprocal of is . Prove that reciprocal of is .
(4) Code No. : B-209(B) Roll No...................... Total No. of Section : 03
Total No. of Printed Pages : 06

In the curve , prove that the co-ordinates of the centre Code No. : B-209(B)
Annual Examination - 2017

of curvature are given by . B.Sc.-I


ZàÎÂà-3. ∫  tan x + cot x  dx §ýà tàÂà Öààm §ýLâk¥ ñ Paper - II

Find the value of ∫  tan x + cot x  dx . Max.Marks : 50
OR Time : 3 Hrs. Min Marks : 17

qÊwvuàçÞ y 2 = 4ax ¡àèÊ x 2 = 4ay §çý rãj £suâÂà™þ ÕàçØàÄýv §ýàç Öààm §ýLâk¥ ñ ¹þãq ß h½»þ '¡' tçÞ Ày ¡âmviåÙàÊã ZàÎÂà ÑèA, âkÂÑçÞ Ñv §ýÊÂàà ¡âÂàwàuê Ñè ñ h½»þ 'r' tçÞ viåÙàÊã
ZàÎÂà h½»þ 'y' tçÞ Àãiê £ÙàÊãu ZàÎÂà ÑèÞ ñ h½»þ '¡' §ýàç yryç qÑvç Ñv §ýÊçÞ ñ
Find the area enclosed by the parabolas y 2 = 4ax and x 2 = 4ay . Note: Section 'A' , containing 10 very short answer type questions, is
compulsory. Section 'B' consists of short answer type questions and
ZàÎÂà-4. Ñv §ýLâk¥ (Solve) ß
Section 'C' consists of long answer type questions. Section 'A' has to be
( D 2 − 4 D + 4) y = e x + x2 + cos 2 x dx
tan −1 x
yf =x=e x=
(= cx)cos
y 2x,solved
−x y−xh2sin
 = 5first.
 1 , βx += 32yy
αydt  2 xdt−
c c  
OR   h½»þ-'¡' (Section-'A')
Ñv §ýLâk¥ (Solve) ß âÂàÈÂààÞ â §ým ¡âm viä £ ÙàÊãu ZàÎÂààç Þ §ç ý £ÙàÊ Àãâk¥ ñ ( Answer the
following very short-answer-type questions)) (1 10=10)
xdy − ydx = x 2 + y 2 dx
§çý âv¥ f ( 0 + 0) Öààm §ýLâk¥ ñ
ZàÎÂà-5. Zààjv âwjÊ½à §ýL âwâo §ýà Zàuàçªà §ýʧçý Ñv §ýLâk¥ ß ZàÎÂà-1. ÄývÂà f ( x ) = x sin
Apply the method of variation of parameters to solve :

( D 2 + 1) y = x For the function , find f ( 0 + 0 )

ZàÎÂà-2. ÄývÂà §ýà ZàyàÊ âvâh¥ ñ
âÂàÈÂà uäªàqm ytã§ýʽààçÞ §ýàç Ñv §ýLâk¥ ß
Write the expansion of function tan −1 x .
Solve the following simultaneous differential equations :
ZàÎÂà-3. ÀÎààê¢uç â§ý w§íý y = e x ywêØà £qáÊtähã ¡wmv Ñè ñ
Show that the curve is concave upwards every where.


(2) Code No. : B-209(B) (5) Code No. : B-209(B)

ZàÎÂà-4. oíäwàÂmÊ Êçhà qÊ vÈr w§íýmà kãwà §ýà yåØà âvâh¥ ñ OR
Write the formula of chord of curvature perpendicular to the radius
vector. Ñv §ýLâk¥ (Solve) ß
ZàÎÂà-5. §ýà tàÂà Öààm §ýLâk¥ ñ
h½»þ-'y' (Section-'C')
Find the value of .
âÂàÈÂààÞâ§ým Àãiê £ÙàÊãu ZàÎÂààçÞ §çý £ÙàÊ Àãâk¥ ñ ( Answer the
following long-answer type questions)) (5 5=25)
ZàÎÂà-6. §ýà tàÂà Öààm §ýLâk¥ ñ
ZàÎÂà-1. ¹çþvÊ §çý Zàtçu yç log e sin x §ýà §ýL iàmàçÞ tçÞ ZàyàÊ §ýLâk¥ ñ
∫ sin 4 x cos 2 xdx .
Find the value of Expand in powers of by Taylor's theorem.

d x2   dx   2

ZàÎÂà-7. ¡w§ýv ytã§ýʽà

dy 2
+ 1 +    = 0 §ýL §ýàçâ¹þ ¡àèÊ iàm Öààm §ýLâk¥ ñ
  dy   uâÀ , màç ây÷ §ýLâk¥ â§ý (1 − x 2 ) y2 − xy1 = 2 mnà

−)−y 2nhx=+xcos
Find the order and degree of the differential equation (log
3π, Q ,2y)dy
−−d2xe=x22sin yR34y−xh+1 xdx x22−22(y2−nxy
x) 2 +xdx
2y2dz 1)+x xy
y −− y +n 21 y= 0= 0
∫yz0 =dx 2zx  ( xy
− 1 ) , β = (2 y )
α sin
cos x + xn +21+ 2 x + 2n y = 0
2c   dx
d x   dx  2 
+ 1 +    = 0 .
c If , then prove that (1 − x2 ) y2 − xy1 = 2 and
dy 2   dy  
dy − cos y ZàÎÂà-2. w§í ý §ýL ¡ÂàÞ m ÐqâÎàê u àÞ Öààm
ZàÎÂà-8. ¡w§ýv ytã§ýʽà dx = y 2 − x sin y §çý unàwm ÑàçÂàç §ýà qÊãÕà½à §ýLâk¥ ñ
§ýLâk¥ ñ
dy − cos y Find the asymptotes of the curve
Examine the differential equation = 2 for exactness.
dx y − x sin y

d2y OR
− 2 ( x2 + x ) + ( x 2 + 2 x + 2 ) y = 0 §çý âv¥
ZàÎÂà-9. ¡w§ýv ytã§ýʽà x 2 2
dx dx
§ýà tàÂà Öààm §ýLâk¥ ñ ây÷ §ýLâk¥ â§ý w§íý §çý âv¥ w§íýmà §çýÂô §çý âÂàÀFÎààÞ§ý

Find the value of of the differential equation

Ñè ñ
. P.T.O.

(3) Code No. : B-209(B) (3) Code No. : B-209(B)

dx dy dz
ZàÎÂà-10.ytã§ýÊ½à §ýL ³uàâtmãu Íuà©uà âvâh¥ ñ ZàÎÂà-10. ytã§ýʽà = = §ýL ³uàâtmãu Íuà©uà âvâh¥ ñ
Write geometrical interpretation of the differential equation Write geometrical interpretation of the differential equation
dx dy dz . dx dy dz .
= = = =

h½»þ-'r' (Section-'B') h½»þ-'r'(Section-'B')

âÂàÈÂààÞâ§ým viä £ÙàÊãu ZàÎÂààçÞ §çý £ÙàÊ Àãâk¥ ñ ( Answer the âÂàÈÂààÞâ§ým viä £ÙàÊãu ZàÎÂààçÞ §çý £ÙàÊ Àãâk¥ ñ ( Answer the
following short-answer type questions ) (3 5=15)
(3x5=15) following short-answer type questions ) (3 5=15)

ZàÎÂà-1. ∈ −δ m§ýÂàã§ý §çý Zàuàçªà yç y¾uàâqm §ýLâk¥ : ZàÎÂà-1. ∈ −δ m§ýÂàã§ý §çý Zàuàçªà yç y¾uàâqm §ýLâk¥ :

Using technique, verify that . Using technique, verify that .

∈ r2=−(,(θδx=
a2)(a(2=dy =)7=+)θx=2)9x + 1
dz 3
ây÷ §ýLâk¥ â§ý qÊ ÄývÂà ymmî Ñè ñ P Q R ây÷ §ýLâk¥ â§ý qÊ ÄývÂà ymmî Ñè ñ
Prove that the following function is continuous at , Prove that the following function is continuous at ,

ZàÎÂà-2. úÀuàs §çý â§ýyã ârÂÀä ( r ,θ ) qÊ w§íýmà âØà³uà Öààm §ýLâk¥ ñ ZàÎÂà-2. úÀuàs §çý â§ýyã ârÂÀä ( r ,θ ) qÊ w§íýmà âØà³uà Öààm §ýLâk¥ ñ

Find the radius of curvature at any point of the cardioid Find the radius of curvature at any point of the cardioid

. .

w§íý y 2 ( 2a − x ) = x3 §ýà ¡ÂàäÊçh½à §ýLâk¥ ñ w§íý y 2 ( 2a − x ) = x3 §ýà ¡ÂàäÊçh½à §ýLâk¥ ñ

Trace the curve . Trace the curve .

P.T.O. P.T.O.

(4) Code No. : B-209(B) (4) Code No. : B-209(B)

ZàÎÂà-3. §ýà tàÂà Öààm §ýLâk¥ ñ ZàÎÂà-3. ∫ 4 + 5 cos x §ýà tàÂà Öààm §ýLâk¥ ñ

dx dx
∫ 4 + 5 cos x . Evaluate
∫ 4 + 5 cos x .

π π
∫ 0 x (1 − x ) ∫ 0 x (1 − x )
1 3 1 3
ây÷ §ýLâk¥ â§ý
2 2 2
dx = ây÷ §ýLâk¥ â§ý
2 2 2
dx =
32 32

π π
∫0 ( ) ∫0 ( )
1 3 1 3
Prove that x2 1 − x2 2
dx = . Prove that x2 1 − x2 2
dx = .
32 32
ZàÎÂà-4. w§íý §äýv r n sin n θ = a n §ýà vÞr§ýàç½àãu yÞ²çþÀã Öààm §ýLâk¥, kÑàÝ w§íý §äýv §ýà ZàÎÂà-4. w§íý §äýv r n sin n θ = a n §ýà vÞr§ýàç½àãu yÞ²çþÀã Öààm §ýLâk¥, kÑàÝ w§íý §äýv §ýà
Zààjv Ñè ñ Zààjv Ñè ñ
Find the orthogonal trajectories of given family of curves Find the orthogonal trajectories of given family of curves
ar n sin dxθ = dy
d 2 yn a n a, being parameter of family of curve.
x∫ 2 2 − x + y = 2 log x
a, being parameter of family of curve.
OR + 5 cos dx
4dx x OR

¡w§ýv ytã§ýÊ½à §ýàç Ñv §ýLâk¥ ñ ¡w§ýv ytã§ýÊ½à §ýàç Ñv §ýLâk¥ ñ

d2y dy d2y dy
Solve the differential equation x 2 2
− x + y = 2 log x . Solve the differential equation x 2 2
− x + y = 2 log x .
dx dx dx dx

d2y d2y
ZàÎÂà-5. ¡w§ýv ytã§ýʽà
dx 2
− 4 x
+ 4 x 2
− 3 y = e x2
( )
§ýà qåʧý ÄývÂà Öààm ZàÎÂà-5. ¡w§ýv ytã§ýʽà
dx 2
− 4 x
+ 4 x 2
− 3 y = e x2
( )
§ýà qåʧý ÄývÂà Öààm
§ýLâk¥ ñ §ýLâk¥ ñ
Find the complimentary function of the differential equation Find the complimentary function of the differential equation
d2y d2y
( ) dy
( )
2 2
− 4x + 4x2 − 3 y = ex . 2
− 4x + 4x2 − 3 y = ex .
dx dx dx dx

(6) Code No. : S-159 Roll No...................... Total No. of Sections : 03

Total No. of Printed Pages : 06
ç'u 5- Lora= pj dks ifjHkkf"kr djds fuEukafdr vody lehdj.k dks gy dhft, % Code No. : S-159
Annual Examination - 2018
B.Sc. Part - I
Solve the following differential equation by changing the independent
variable : . Paper - II
OR Max.Marks : 50
Time : 3 Hrs. Min.Marks : 17
fuEu ;qxir lehdj.kksa dks gy dhft;s %
Vhi % [k.M ^v* esa nl vfry?kwŸkjh iz'u gSa] ftUgsa gy djuk vfuok;Z gSA [k.M
^c* esa y?kwŸkjh ç'u ,oa [k.M ^l* esa nh?kZ mŸkjh ç'u gSaA [k.M ^v* dks
lcls igys gy djsaA
Note : Section 'A', containing 10 very short-answer-type questions, is compulsory.
Solve the simultaneous equations : Section 'B' consists of short-answer-type questions and Section 'C'
n y−( ax
ds2=, ψ )+7 x2++dy
th 4 a sin ψ
nsdx by) = a0 2, dy − 2 x − 5 y = 0
consists of long-answer-type questions. Section 'A' has to be solved first.
. dx 2 x dx x 4 dt
dt Section - 'A'

fuEukafdr vfry?kwŸkjh ç'uksa ds mŸkj ,d ;k nks okD;ksa esa nsaA

Answer the following very short-answer-type questions in one or two
sentences. (1x10=10)

ç'u 1- limx→0+ ( x log x ) dk eku Kkr dhft;sA

Find the value of limx→0+ ( x log x ) .

ç'u 2- log ( ax + b ) dk osa

vody xq.kkad dks fyf[k;sA
Write the differential coefficient of .

ç'u 3- pØt ds fcUnq ij oØrk f=T;k Kkr dhft;sA

Find the radius of curvature of the points of the cycloid

(2) Code No. : S-159 (5) Code No. : S-159

ç'u 4- oØ ds ufr ifjorZu fcUnq Kkr dhft;sA

Find the points of inflexion of the curve . ç'u 2- fl) dhft;s fd ds fy, oØrk dsUnz ds funsZ'kkad
ç'u 5- dk eku Kkr dhft;sA  y2 
 x − c2 −1 , 2 y  gSA
π  
Find the value of sin 4 x cos 2 x dx .

3 cos ( log x ) In the curve , show that the co-ordinates of the centre of
ç'u 6- ∫1 x
dx dk eku Kkr dhft;sA
 y2 
3 cos ( log x ) curvature are given by  x − c2 −1 , 2 y  .
Find the value of ∫1 x
dx .  
d2y dy
ç'u 7- gy dhft;s / Solve : 2 − 3 − 4 y = 0 .
dx dx oØ dh vuUrLif'kZ;k¡ Kkr dhft;sA

33(xdy )=x=+cos
∈ yy312−=2δx
∫dxx00 =2+2y=xsin
4 yx−2dx
=hcos4++y22xxy−dx 15y +asymptotes
ç'u 8- gy dhft;s / Solve : . xddx
lim c3→
3 2
xdy x 2 3Find
dz the 3=0 of the curve .
−cos 3x
(1 −y2dxx c)z 1 − x
2 2

ç'u 9- lehdj.k 2
− 4 y = e x + sin 2 x dk fo'ks"k lekdy Kkr dhft;sA ç'u 3- ewY;kadu dhft;s / Evaluate .

d2y OR
Find the particular integral of the equation 2
− 4 y = e x + sin 2 x .
π π 1
ç'u 10-nks pjksa dk jkalfd;u lkjf.kd fyf[k;sA fl) dhft;s fd / Prove that : ∫0 2 log sin x dx = 2 log 2 .
Write the Wronskian determinant of two variables.
Section - 'B' iz'u 4- gy dhft;s / Solve : ( y 2 − x ) dx + 2 y dy = 0
fuEukafdr ç'uksa ds mŸkj nsaA
Answer the following questions : (3x5=15)
ç'u 1- ∈ −δ rduhd ds iz;ksx ls lR;kfir dhft;s %
gy dhft;s / Solve : .
By using technique, verify that :
(3) Code No. : S-159 (3) Code No. : S-159

eSDYkkWfju ize;
s ls dk izlkj dhft;sA s ls sin x dk izlkj dhft;sA
eSDYkkWfju ize;
Expand the by Maclaurin's Theorem. Expand the by Maclaurin's Theorem.

ç'u 2- fl) dhft;s fd pØt ds fdlh fcUnq ç'u 2- fl) dhft;s fd pØt ds fdlh fcUnq

' t ' ij oØrk f=T;k gksrh gSAa ' t ' ij oØrk f=T;k gksrh gSAa

Prove that the radius of curvature at any point ' ' of the cycloid Prove that the radius of curvature at any point ' ' of the cycloid
t  t 
is ρ = 4a cos   . is ρ = 4a cos   .
 2  2
oØ ij ewy-fcUnq dh izÑfr Kkr dhft;sA oØ ij ewy-fcUnq dh izÑfr Kkr dhft;sA
Find the nature of the origin on the curve x + y = 3axy . Find the nature of the origin on the curve x + y = 3axy .
3 3 3 3

2= xA
4+a cosB = 0)
π xdyy3=
vρ +dv
sint , y = a (1 − cos t )
3taxy π
sin x π sin x π
ç'u 3- fl) dhft;s fd / Prove that ∫0 2 sin x + cos x
dx = .
22 r
r 
dr2 
3- fl) dhft;s fd / Prove that ∫0 2 sin x + cos x dx = 4 .
ijoy; y = x 2 vkSj ljyjs[kk ds e?; f?kjs {ks=Qy dk eku Kkr ijoy; y = x 2 vkSj ljyjs[kk ds e?; f?kjs {ks=Qy dk eku Kkr
dhft;sA dhft;sA
Find the area included between the curve and the straight line Find the area included between the curve and the straight line
. .

ç'u 4- n'kkZb;s fd vody lehdj.k dk ,d gy gSA ç'u 4- n'kkZb;s fd vody lehdj.k dk ,d gy gSA

Show that is a solution of differential equation Show that is a solution of differential equation

. .
P.T.O. P.T.O.

(4) Code No. : S-159 (4) Code No. : S-159

dy y
gy dhft;s / Solve : + = y2 . gy dhft;s / Solve : .
dx x

ç'u 5- gy dhft;s / Solve : . ç'u 5- gy dhft;s / Solve : .


gy dhft;s : gy dhft;s :

dx dy dz dx dy dz
Solve : = = . Solve : = = .
mz − ny nx − lz ly − mx mz − ny nx − lz ly − mx

Section - 'C' Section - 'C'

fuEukafdr ç'uksa ds mŸkj nsaA fuEukafdr ç'uksa ds mŸkj nsaA
Answer the following questions : (5x5=25) sin
dy dx x+ 22)()D
3xπ2y 2
dy +22 D
=ny+sin ()x2yn) ==+e12)xdz
−Answer xy
− (xn 2 − mquestions
) yn = 0 : (5x5=25)
dx − ny
mz x nx − lz
ly − mx
ç'u 1- ;fn y = sin ( m sin −1 x ) ] rks fl) dhft;s fd ç'u 1- ;fn y = sin ( m sin −1 x ) ] rks fl) dhft;s fd

(1 − x 2 ) y2 − xy1 + m2 y = 0 vkSj blls fuxeu dhft;s fd (1 − x 2 ) y2 − xy1 + m2 y = 0 vkSj blls fuxeu dhft;s fd
. .

If ] then show that (1 − x 2 ) y2 − xy1 + m 2 y = 0 and If ] then show that (1 − x 2 ) y2 − xy1 + m 2 y = 0 and
deduce from it that . deduce from it that .
s dk mi;ksx djrs gq, dks dh ?kkrksa esa izlkj Vsyj-ize;
s dk mi;ksx djrs gq, dks dh ?kkrksa esa izlkj
dhft;sA dhft;sA
Expand sin x in powers of by Taylor's theorem. Expand sin x in powers of by Taylor's theorem.

(6) Code No. : S-160 Roll No...................... Total No. of Sections : 03

Total No. of Printed Pages : 06
,d 'kadq dks fu:fir djrk gS ;fn % Code No. : S-160
Represents a cone if :
Annual Examination - 2018
B.Sc. Part-I
ç'u 5- n'kkZb;s fd i``"B dk lery }kjk
Paper - III
izfrPNsn ,d ijoy; gksxk] ;fn
Show that the section of surface by the plane Max.Marks : 50
will be a parabola, if . Time : 3 Hrs. Min.Marks : 17

Vhi % [k.M ^v* esa nl vfry?kwŸkjh iz'u gSa] ftUgsa gy djuk vfuok;Z gSA [k.M
^c* esa y?kwŸkjh ç'u ,oa [k.M ^l* esa nh?kZ mŸkjh ç'u gSaA [k.M ^v* dks
lcls igys gy djsaA
vfrijoy;t % ds ml tud js[kk dk lehdj.k Kkr Note : Section 'A', containing 10 very short-answer-type questions, is compulsory.
Section 'B' consists of short-answer-type questions and Section 'C'
dhft,] tks fcUnq ls gksdj tkrk gSA
→ 2+ →−22 4)nz 22 consists of long-answer-type questions. Section 'A' has to be solved first.
Find the equations of the generating lines of the hyperboloid : (2,
ux l +
+ υ
y m+ +xy
z =
n p=2 0
a, b, + c, +− = 1d
a4 b9 16 c Section - 'A'
which passes through the point
fuEukafdr vfry?kwŸkjh ç'uksa ds mŸkj ,d ;k nks okD;ksa esa nsaA
Answer the following very short-answer-type questions in one or two
sentences. (1x10=10)
→ → →
ç'u 1- lfn'k a, b, c, ds izfrykse lfn'k fyf[k,A

Write Reciprocal system of vector .

ç'u 2- Li'kZ lery dh ifjHkk"kk fyf[k,A
Define Tangent plane.
ç'u 3- vk?kw.kZ lfn'k dh ifjHkk"kk fyf[k,A
Write the definition of Irrotational vector.
ç'u 4- i``"B ds vkj&ikj ¶yDl dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft,A
Define Flux across a surface.


(2) Code No. : S-160 (5) Code No. : S-160

ç'u 5- nks o``Ùkksa ds; izfrPNsnu dk izfrcU/k fyf[k,A
Write the condition of orthogonality of two circles. s dk lR;kiu F = ( x 2 + y 2 )i − 2 xyj ds fy, dhft,] tcfd
LVksDl ize;
ç'u 6- fu;ked o``Ùk dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft;sA lekdy dks x = ± a, y = 0, y = b ls cus vk;ru ds ifjr% fy;k x;k gSA
Define Director circle. Verify Stoke's theorem for taken round the
ç'u 7- yEc iz{ksi dh ifjHkk"kk fyf[k,A
rectangle bounded by x = ± a , y = 0, y = b .
Write the definition of Perpendicular projection.
ç'u 8- yEc o``Ùkh; 'kadq dh ifjHkk"kk fyf[k,A ç'u 3- og izfrcU/k Kkr dhft, fd nks o``Ùk ,d nwljs dks yEcor~~ izfrPNsfnr djrs
Define Right circular cone.
Find the condition that the two circles intersect each other orthogonally.
ç'u 9- izfrcU/k fyf[k, tc lery
ladUs nz 'kkadot dk Li'kZry gksA
Write the condition when plane touch the concentric fl) dhft, fd 'kkado ij fLFkr nks fcUnq ftuds nsSf'kd
conicoid .
ç'u 10-dsUnzh; lery izfrPNsnksa dk {ks=Qy D;k gksrk gS\ dks.k α ,oa gS]a ,d O;kl ds fljs gksx
a s ;fn %
What is the area of central plane sections?
→ ∧2→ 2+

∧2∧2=2p ∧1 ∧
x3=−+ j++z22υ
+1, e+
z+ j++θ+=)32sin
F 2)
x.tan2 nz
itpe+ −21ntyy−
3xyj +z10
0 +d =0
∫ctan F 1tcos r+ tycz k
Section - 'B' r 2 2 e −1 Prove that two points on the conic whose vectorial angles

fuEukafdr ç'uksa ds mŸkj nsa % are α and respectively, will be the extremities of a diameter if :
Answer the following questions : (3x5=15)

d2 r →

ç'u 1- ;fn rks fl) dhft;s fd % 2

= − n2 r ç'u 4- xksys dk lehdj.k Kkr dhft, tks xksyksa ]
→ ] ds lek{k gS vkSj fcUnq ls
→ ∧ ∧ d2 r →

If r = cos nt t + sin nt j then prove that : 2 = − n r

gksdj tkrk gSA
Find the equation of the sphere which is coaxial with the sphere
, ]

fl) dhft,@Prove that : div (curl F ) = 0 and passes through the point .
∧ ∧ ∧ OR
ç'u 2- dk ewY;kadu dhft,] tgk¡ F = xy i + yz j + zx k rFkk C
fl) dhft, fd lehdj.k@Prove that the equation %

oØ gS tgk¡ t, -1 ls 1 rd cnyrk gSA P.T.O.

(3) Code No. : S-160 (3) Code No. : S-160

→ ∧ ∧ ∧ → ∧ ∧ ∧
Evaluate where F = xy i + yz j + zx k and C is the curve Evaluate where F = xy i + yz j + zx k and C is the curve

∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
r = t i + t 2 j + t 3 k , t varying from -1 to 1. r = t i + t 2 j + t 3 k , t varying from -1 to 1.
→ ∧ ∧ ∧ → ∧ ∧ ∧
dk eku fudkfy,] tgk¡ F = 4 xz i − y 2 j + yz k rFkk S ?ku dk eku fudkfy,] tgk¡ F = 4 xz i − y 2 j + yz k rFkk S ?ku
dk i``"B gS tks fd leryksa x = 0, x = 1, y = 0, y = 1, z = 0, z = 1 ls dk i``"B gS tks fd leryksa x = 0, x = 1, y = 0, y = 1, z = 0, z = 1 ls
f?kjk gqvk gSA f?kjk gqvk gSA
Evaluate , where S is the surface of the cube bounded by planes Evaluate , where S is the surface of the cube bounded by planes

x = 0, x = 1, y = 0, y = 1, z = 0, z = 1 and x = 0, x = 1, y = 0, y = 1, z = 0, z = 1 and

ç'u 3- ,d o``Ùk] ,d vk;rkdkj vfrijoy; xy = 1 dks ( ç'u 3- ,d o``Ùk] ,d vk;rkdkj vfrijoy; xy = 1 dks (
→2=→ =y→1,x1)2,2→2 ∧ ∧yy yy ∧= 1
ij dkVrk gS rks fl) dhft, fd F1Sr=F+2Fr.42y.d3xz 4i==
− y =22j0+33 yz
((1, xx1)
rxxy yndS 3,4,42yy1z1y2yij dkVrk
44 k gS rks fl) dhft, fd
A circle cuts the rectangular hyperbola in the points , A circle cuts the rectangular hyperbola in the points ,

then prove that then prove that

'kkado ls laukfHk 'kkado dk lehdj.k Kkr dhft, tks fcUnq 'kkado ls laukfHk 'kkado dk lehdj.k Kkr dhft, tks fcUnq
ls gksdj tkrk gSA ls gksdj tkrk gSA
Find the conic confocal with the conic which passes through Find the conic confocal with the conic which passes through
the point . the point .
ç'u 4- ml 'kadq dk lehdj.k Kkr dhft, ftldk 'kh"kZ ¼0] 0] 3½ vkSj vk/kkj oØ] ç'u 4- ml 'kadq dk lehdj.k Kkr dhft, ftldk 'kh"kZ ¼0] 0] 3½ vkSj vk/kkj oØ]
o`Ùk gSA o`Ùk gSA
Find the equation of the cone whose vertex is (0, 0, 3) and base is the Find the equation of the cone whose vertex is (0, 0, 3) and base is the
circle . circle .

P.T.O. P.T.O.

(4) Code No. : S-160 (4) Code No. : S-160

xksys ds vUokyksih csyu] ftlds tud js[kk xksys ds vUokyksih csyu] ftlds tud js[kk
ds lekUrj gS] dk lehdj.k Kkr dhft,A ds lekUrj gS] dk lehdj.k Kkr dhft,A
Find the equation of the enveloping cylinder of the sphere Find the equation of the enveloping cylinder of the sphere
having its generators parallel to the line having its generators parallel to the line

ç'u 5- n'kkZb;s fd izR;sd fudk; dk ,d tud vfr ijoy;t ds izR;sd fcUnq ls ç'u 5- n'kkZb;s fd izR;sd fudk; dk ,d tud vfr ijoy;t ds izR;sd fcUnq ls
tkrk gSA tkrk gSA
Show that one generator of each system passes through every point of the Show that one generator of each system passes through every point of the
hyperboloid. hyperboloid.
lehdj.k dk leku;u izekf.kd :i esa dhft, % lehdj.k dk leku;u izekf.kd :i esa dhft, %
Reduce the equation to the standard form : Reduce the equation to the standard form :

(∇2∫∫xzxux==2.+∇(1fy−xi(y)r7=r+)y+=z=yjzu++f 2−''zz(2rkx)−)++.10
2 2 2 22
ndS yf='−(1r8)zx − 10 xy + 6 x + 12 y − 6 z + 5 = 0
ɵ 42yz
Section - 'C' r Section - 'C'
fuEukafdr ç'uksa ds mŸkj nsa % fuEukafdr ç'uksa ds mŸkj nsa %
+Answer the following questions : (5x5=25) +Answer the following questions : (5x5=25)
ç'u 1- n'kkZb;s fd@Show that : ç'u 1- n'kkZb;s fd@Show that :

fl) djks fd@Show that : fl) djks fd@Show that :

∫∫ ( xi + yj + z k ) .ndS
ɵ tgk¡ S 'kadq x 2 + y 2 = z 2 vkSj ∫∫ ( xi + yj + z k ) .ndS
ɵ tgk¡ S 'kadq x 2 + y 2 = z 2 vkSj
2 2
ç'u 2- ewY;kadu dhft,] S
ç'u 2- ewY;kadu dhft,] S

lery ls ifjc) lao`r i``"B gSA lery ls ifjc) lao`r i``"B gSA
Evaluate where S is the closed surface bounded Evaluate where S is the closed surface bounded

by the curve x 2 + y 2 = z 2 and the plane . by the curve x 2 + y 2 = z 2 and the plane .

(6) Code No. : S-158 Roll No...................... Total No. of Sections : 03

Total No. of Printed Pages : 06
Code No. : S-158
;fn f lewg G dk lewg esa ,d vUr{ksZih lekdkfjrk gS rks dk dusy
Z K,
G dk ,d izlkekU; milewg gksrk gSA Annual Examination - 2019
If is on to homomorphism of a group G in to group . Then kernel
B.Sc. Part - I
of i.e. K is a normal subgroup of group G . MATHEMATICS
Paper - I
ç'u 5- ;fn vkSj rks fl) dhft,
Max.Marks : 50
dk eku 2cos ( mθ + n φ ) gSA Time : 3 Hrs. Min.Marks : 17
Vhi % [k.M ^v* esa nl vfry?kwŸkjh iz'u gSa] ftUgsa gy djuk vfuok;Z gSA [k.M
If 2cosθ = x + and ^c* esa y?kwŸkjh ç'u ,oa [k.M ^l* esa nh?kZ mŸkjh ç'u gSaA [k.M ^v* dks
x lcls igys gy djsaA
Note : Section 'A', containing 10 very short-answer-type questions, is compulsory.
then prove that the value of is 2cos ( mθ + n φ ) . Section 'B' consists of short-answer-type questions and Section 'C'
f m' n 1 1 consists of long-answer-type questions. Section 'A' has to be solved first.
x y θ += yxm+ n
OR x y xy
Section - 'A'
fl) dhft, fd ¼Prove that½ :
fuEukafdr vfry?kwŸkjh ç'uksa ds mŸkj ,d ;k nks okD;ksa esa nsaA
 π ix 
log tan  +  = i tan ( sin h x )
Answer the following very short-answer-type questions in one or two
4 2 sentences. (1x10=10)
---x--- ç'u 1- rqY; vkO;wg dh ifjHkk"kk nhft,A
Define Equivalence matrices.
ç'u 2- vkO;wg dk vfHkyk{kf.kd lehdj.k D;k gksrk gS\
What is characteristic equation of matrix?
ç'u 3- O;qRØe lehdj.k dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft,A
Define Reciprocal Equation.
ç'u 4- ndkrsZ dk fpUg fu;e fyf[k,A
Write Descarte's Rule of sign.
ç'u 5- rqY;rk oxZ dh ifjHkk"kk nhft,A
Define Equivalence Class.
(2) Code No. : S-158 (5) Code No. : S-158

ç'u 6- lewg dh dksfV dks ikfjHkkf"kr djksA
Define Order of a Group.
s dk lR;kiu dj A-1 Kkr dhft,A
fuEu vkO;wg dk dSfy gSfeYVu ize;
ç'u 7- lewgkas dh rqY;kdkfjrk dks ikfjHkkf"kr dhft,A Verify Cayley-Hamilton's theorem of the following matrix & find A-1
Define Isomorphism of groups.
ç'u 8- ykxzkt
a ize;
s dk dFku fyf[k,A where
Write the statement of Lagrange's Theorem.
ç'u 9- ( cos θ + i sin θ ) q esa fdrus ewy gksrs gS\ ç'u 2- lehdj.k esa k dk eku Kkr dhft, tcfd ewy
How many roots are there in ( cos θ + i sin θ )
q ? lekUrj esa gS vkSj laxr ewyksa dks Kkr dhft,A
Find the value of k of the equation if their roots
ç'u 10-n&ek;oj ize;
s dk dFku fyf[k,A
are in A.P. find their roots.
Write the statement of De-Moivre's Theorem.
Section - 'B' lehdj.k dks dkMZu fof/k ls gy dhft,A
Solve the equation by Cardan's method.
fuEukafdr ç'uksa ds mŸkj nsaA 2ax x*+−b+15 x −2+1262x 1=+ 20k = dhft,
*Q 2
xab fl) 0 fd lHkh /ku ifjes; la[;kvksa dk leqPp; lafØ;k ds
Solve the following questions : (3x5=15) A = −  0 2 1 3 −lkis
2  
1−1{k ,d vkcsyh lewg cukrk gSA tcfd lafØ;k fuEu izdkj ls
ç'u 1- vkO;wg A dh tkfr Kkr dhft, %  32 −1−1 1ifjHkkf"kr3  gS %
Find the rank of matrix A :
Prove that the set of all positive rational numbers is an abelian group
1 2 3 of the operation , where is defined as follows :
A = 1 4 2
V a, b ∈ Q+
 2 6 5 
fuEufyf[kr vkO;wg 'A' ds vkbxsu ekuksa dks Kkr dj laxr vkbxsu lfn'kksa eku yks H rFkk K ,d lewg G ds nks milewg gS rc %
dks Kkr dhft,A Let H and K be two subgroups of the group G. then prove that :
Find Eigen values & corresponding Eigen vectors of the following O ( H ).O( K )
O ( HK ) =
matrix A : O( H ∩ K )
ç'u 4- ,d Øefofues; oy; dk izR;sd lekdkjh izfrfcEc Hkh Øefofues; oy;
gksrk gSA
Every Homomorphic Image of a commutative ring is also a commutative
ring. P.T.O.

(3) Code No. : S-158 (3) Code No. : S-158

ç'u 2- ;fn lehdj.k ds ewy gks rks fuEu ç'u 2- ;fn lehdj.k x 3 + ax 2 + bx + c = 0 ds ewy gks rks fuEu
lefer Qyuksa dks Kkr dhft,A lefer Qyuksa dks Kkr dhft,A
If are the roots of the equation , then If are the roots of the equation , then
find the following symmetric functions: find the following symmetric functions:

1- 2- 3- 1- 2- 3-
Qsjkjh fof/k }kjk prq?kkZr lehdj.k dks gy dhft, % Qsjkjh fof/k }kjk prq?kkZr lehdj.k dks gy dhft, %

Solve bi-quadratic equation by Ferrari's Method : Solve bi-quadratic equation by Ferrari's Method :

ç'u 3- n'kkZ b ;s fd lHkh iw . kkZ a d ks a ds leq P p; I es a la c a / k ç'u 3- n'kkZ b ;s fd lHkh iw . kkZ a d ks a ds leq P p; I es a la c a / k
ls foHkkT; gS } ,d rqY;rk lEcU/k gSA 1{,ax
ls foHkkT; gS } ,d rqY;rk lEcU/k gSA
xf 34,::=β

R α

RR (
42→βxa23 R
bR = Ix20x,2xa+++−
24 0 divisor by 3}
Show that in the set of all integers I, the Relation ∑α Show that in the set of all integers I, the Relation
is an equivalence is an equivalence
relation. relation.
;fn iz f rfp=.k f : R → R, f ( x) = 2 x + 3 }kjk rFkk iz f rfp=.k ;fn iz f rfp=.k f : R → R, f ( x) = 2 x + 3 }kjk rFkk iz f rfp=.k
}kjk ifjHkkf"kr gks rks (gof)(x) rFkk(fog) (x) }kjk ifjHkkf"kr gks rks (gof)(x) rFkk(fog) (x)
dk eku Kkr dhft,A dk eku Kkr dhft,A
If a mapping and a mapping If a mapping and a mapping
is defined, then find the values of (fog) (x) is defined, then find the values of (fog) (x)
and (gof)(x). and (gof)(x).
ç'u 4- fl) dhft, fd izR;sd pØh; lewg ,d vkcsyh lewg gksrk gSA ç'u 4- fl) dhft, fd izR;sd pØh; lewg ,d vkcsyh lewg gksrk gSA
Prove that every cyclic group is an Abelian group. Prove that every cyclic group is an Abelian group.
;fn dksbZ lewg lekdkfjrk gS rks f ,dSd gksxk ;fn vkSj ;fn dksbZ lewg lekdkfjrk gS rks f ,dSd gksxk ;fn vkSj
(4) Code No. : S-158 (4) Code No. : S-158

dsoy ;fn kerf = tgka kerf, f dh vf"V gS rFkk lewg G dk dsoy ;fn kerf = tgka kerf, f dh vf"V gS rFkk lewg G dk
RkRled vo;o gSA RkRled vo;o gSA
If is any group homomorphism, then f is one-one if and If is any group homomorphism, then f is one-one if and
only if kerf = , where kerf is the kernel of is an identity of only if kerf = , where kerf is the kernel of is an identity of
a group G . a group G .
ç'u 5- ;fn m, n /ku iw.kkZd
a gks]a rks fl) dhft, fd % ç'u 5- ;fn m, n /ku iw.kkZd
a gks]a rks fl) dhft, fd %
If m, n are positive integers, then prove that : If m, n are positive integers, then prove that :

C+iS fof/k ls fuEu dk ;ksxQy Kkr dhft, % C+iS fof/k ls fuEu dk ;ksxQy Kkr dhft, %
Find summation of following series by C+iS method : Find summation of following series by C+iS method :

{e(cos G2n' 2θ3  cosm3θn
,Ge1→mcos m b
( + b2 )
m 2n
a +θib−) + ( a+− ib ) −= −2 − a−2 ∞ cos  tan −1 
3 2 1 2 3 n a
Section - 'C' 1 3 2 Section - 'C'
 
 2 1 3
fuEukafdr ç'uksa ds mŸkj nsaA fuEukafdr ç'uksa ds mŸkj nsaA
Solve the following questions : (5x5=25) Solve the following questions : (5x5=25)
ç'u 1- O;qRØ; vkO;wgksa P rFkk Q dks Kkr dhft, tks bl izdkj gS fd PAQ ç'u 1- O;qRØ; vkO;wgksa P rFkk Q dks Kkr dhft, tks bl izdkj gS fd PAQ
izlkekU; :i esa gS tgka % izlkekU; :i esa gS tgka %
Find Non-singular matrices P and Q is such that PAQ is in the Normal Find Non-singular matrices P and Q is such that PAQ is in the Normal
form of the matrix : form of the matrix :

(6) Code No. : S-159 Roll No...................... Total No. of Sections : 03

Total No. of Printed Pages : 06
ç'u 3- fl) dhft, fd : Code No. : S-159
Show that :
Annual Examination - 2019

dx B.Sc. Part - I
0 3 + 2sin x + cos x 4
tc ] rks fuEu xq.kuQy dh lhek Kkr dhft,% Paper - II
Find the limit of the following product, when : CALCULUS
Max.Marks : 50
Time : 3 Hrs. Min.Marks : 17
Vhi % [k.M ^v* esa nl vfry?kwŸkjh iz'u gSa] ftUgsa gy djuk vfuok;Z gSA [k.M
^c* esa y?kwŸkjh ç'u ,oa [k.M ^l* esa nh?kZ mŸkjh ç'u gSaA [k.M ^v* dks
ç'u 4- oØ&dqy ds; laNfs n;ksa dk lehdj.k Kkr dhft,A lcls igys gy djsaA
Note : Section 'A', containing 10 very short-answer-type questions, is compulsory.
Find out the equation of orthogonal trajectories of the family of curves
Section 'B' consists of short-answer-type questions and Section 'C'
r=ye−∞a15θ dy
nd 2→ consists of long-answer-type 1 questions. Section 'A' has to be solved first.
OR 2+  + 62y = sin 3 x  n  n
 1  dx
 1 +  1 +  − − −  1 + Section
 - 'A'
gy dhft, %  n   n   n   n 
Solve : fuEukafdr vfry?kwŸkjh ç'uksa ds mŸkj ,d ;k nks okD;ksa esa nsaA
Answer the following very short-answer-type questions in one or two
sentences. (1x10=10)
ç'u 5- izkpy fopj.k ls gy dhft,% tan x
Solve by variation of parameters: ç'u 1- xlim
dk eku Kkr dhft,A
d2y tan x
+ y = cosec x Find the value of lim .
dx 2 x →0 x
OR ç'u 2- eSDykWfju ize;
s dk dFku fyf[k,A
gy dhft, % Write the statement of Maclaurin's theorem.
Solve : ç'u 3- oØrk f=T;k Kkr djus ds fy, /kzqoh; lw= fyf[k,A
dx dy dz Write the polar formula to find the radius of curvature.
= =
x y −z
2 2
) (
y z −x
2 2
) z(x 2
−y 2
) ç'u 4- ufr ifjorZu fcUnq Kkr djus ds fy, ijh{k.k fyf[k,A
---x--- Write the test for the point of inflexion. P.T.O.

(2) Code No. : S-159 (5) Code No. : S-159

π OR
ç'u 5- ∫0
sin 4 2θ dθ dk eku Kkr dhft,A
gy dhft, %
π Solve :
Find the value of ∫0
sin 4 2θ dθ .

ç'u 6- oØ y = x 2 rFkk js[kk ds chp {ks= dk {ks=Qy Kkr dhft,A

Find the area included between the curves and the straight
Section - 'C'
line .
ç'u 7- vody lehdj.k dh ?kkr vkSj dksfV D;k gksrk gS\ fuEukafdr ç'uksa dks gy dhft,%
What is the order and degree of differential equation? Solve the following questions : (5x5=25)
ç'u 1- fl) dhft, fd ij larr rks gS ijUrq vodyuh;
ç'u 8- vody lehdj.k dk fo'ks"k gy D;k gksxk\
ugh gSA
What is the particular integral of the differential equation ? Show that the function is continuous at , but not
1(xdy y322=(=−−
dyyf3+ (ydPx)52xx)22−+ax2yy=y23P+Q
+ =−)2xy
0( 2x2(, x32differentiable.
1=+5x+ x2 − y5)dy
x=− y+)y+( yx (−x1)−+11)=+01 = 0
dx dxx dx
( 2 ) −
( xyQy + = x=
x )
0 + x2 + 2x + 2 y = 0
dx OR
ç'u 9- vody lehdj.k dk iwjd Qyu D;k gksxk\
What is the complementary function of differential equation ;fn ] rks Kkr dhft,A

? If then find .

ç'u 10-vody lehdj.k ds fy, ;fn gS ç'u 2- oØ dh vuUrLi'khZ Kkr

rks iwjd Qyu dk ,d lekdy fyf[k,A Find the asymptotes of the curve
Write a integral of complementary function of the differential equation
, if OR
oØ dk vuqj[s k.k dhft,A
Trace the curve .

(3) Code No. : S-159 (3) Code No. : S-159

Section - 'B' Section - 'B'

fuEukafdr ç'uksa dks gy dhft,% fuEukafdr ç'uksa dks gy dhft,%

Solve the following questions : (3x5=15) Solve the following questions : (3x5=15)

ç'u 1- dk ewY;kadu dhft,] ;fn ;g fo|eku gSA ç'u 1- dk ewY;kadu dhft,] ;fn ;g fo|eku gSA

Evaluate , if it exists. Evaluate , if it exists.


;fn rks fl) dhft, fd ;fn rks fl) dhft, fd

If then prove that . (xdyyyx2==, yylog

A sin y x+ B cos mx,
e 2xmx
y = 0If then prove that .
lim2  1e    m 
c→0  e x +x1 c
 

ç'u 2- fl) dhft, fd dSVujh ds fcUnq ij oØrk f=T;k ç'u 2- fl) dhft, fd dSVujh ds fcUnq ij oØrk f=T;k


Prove that the radius of curvature at the point of the catenary Prove that the radius of curvature at the point of the catenary

is . is .


oØ ij ufr ifjorZu fcUnq Kkr dhft,A oØ ij ufr ifjorZu fcUnq Kkr dhft,A

Find the points of inflexion on the curve . Find the points of inflexion on the curve .
P.T.O. P.T.O.

(4) Code No. : S-159 (4) Code No. : S-159

ç'u 3- eku Kkr dhft,% ç'u 3- eku Kkr dhft,%

Evaluate : Evaluate :


fl) dhft, fd oØ y = log e sec x ds x = 0 ls rd ds pki fl) dhft, fd oØ y = log e sec x ds x = 0 ls rd ds pki

dh yEckbZ gSA dh yEckbZ gSA

Prove that the arc length of the curve y = log e sec x from x = 0 Prove that the arc length of the curve y = log e sec x from x = 0

to is . to is .

ç'u 4- gy dhft, % log (

a2 π
∫xd0=x2ye3−25ç'u )
a 2 −3+4-x62 gy
4 +dy dhft, %
ydx= e 4 x
Solve : dx dx Solve :
x 2 p 2 + xyp − 6 y 2 = 0 x 2 p 2 + xyp − 6 y 2 = 0
gy dhft, % gy dhft, %
Solve : Solve :

ç'u 5- gy dhft, % ç'u 5- gy dhft, %

Solve : Solve :
dx dy dz dx dy dz
= ny − mz ; = lz − nx ; = mx − ly = ny − mz ; = lz − nx ; = mx − ly
dt dt dt dt dt dt

(6) Code No. : S-158 Roll No...................... Total No. of Sections : 03

Total No. of Printed Pages : 06
ç'u 4- ;fn f : G → G ' lewg ls lewg ij ,d lekdkfjrk gS rc
Code No. : S-158
,dSdh gksxk ;fn vkSj dsoy ;fn
Annual Examination - 2018
If f : G → G ' is a homomorphism of a group G to group G', then f is B.Sc. Part - I
one one if and only if . MATHEMATICS
OR Paper - I
fl) dhft, fd izR;sd QhYM vfuok;Zr% ,d iw.kkZdh; Mkseus gksrk gS] ijUrq ALGEBRA AND TRIGONOMETRY
foykse lnSo lR; ugha gS A Max.Marks : 50
Prove that every field is a compulsory Integral domain but converse is not Time : 3 Hrs. Min.Marks : 17
true always. Vhi % [k.M ^v* esa nl vfry?kwŸkjh iz'u gSa] ftUgsa gy djuk vfuok;Z gSA [k.M
1 ^c* esa y?kwŸkjh ç'u ,oa [k.M ^l* esa nh?kZ mŸkjh ç'u gSaA [k.M ^v* dks
ç'u 5- ;fn x + = 2cos θ ] rks fl) dhft, fd rFkk lcls igys gy djsaA
Note : Section 'A', containing 10 very short-answer-type questions, is com-
pulsory. Section 'B' consists of short-answer-type questions and
' +(1fαy21=α− =2)xyi{sin
2 + y cot
+k=iβ22cos }Section
1 = consists of long-answer-type questions. Section 'A'
− =nn+2cos =cot
xf 2cot
x n++ = θecot iy
has to be solved first.
If , then prove that and
Section - 'A'

. fuEukafdr vfry?kwŸkjh ç'uksa ds mŸkj ,d ;k nks okD;ksa esa nsaA

Answer the following very short-answer-type questions in one or two
OR sentences. (1x10=10)
;fn rks fl) dhft, fd % ç'u 1- gfeZVh; vkSj fo"ke gfeZVh; vkO;wg dh ifjHkk"kk nhft;s A
If then prove that : Define Hermitian and Skew Hermitian matrix.
ç'u 2- ,s'ksyku vkO;wg dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, A
Define Echelon matrix.
ii) ç'u 3- dSyh&gSfeYVu ize;
s dk dFku crkb;s A
iii) What is the statement of Cayley-Hamilton theorem.
ç'u 4- cgqin lehdj.k ds ewy vkSj buds xq.kkadksa ds chp lac/a k dks fyf[k, A
---x--- Write the relation between roots and coefficients of a polynomial equation.
(2) Code No. : S-158 (5) Code No. : S-158

ç'u 5- lehdj.k ds ewyksa dh izÑfr Kkr dhft, %

Find the nature of the roots of an equation :

ç'u 6- rqY;rk lac/a k dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, A ç'u 2- fuEu lehdj.kksa dks vkO;wg fof/k ls gy dhft, %
Define an Equivalence Relation. Solve the following equations by matrix method :
ç'u 7- lewg ds izR;sd vo;o dh dksfV Kkr dhft, tcfd
la;kstu ;ksx eksM 6 ( + 6 ) gS A
Find the order of every element of a group with
operation is addition modulo 6 ( + 6 ) . dkMZu fof/k ls f=?kkr dks gy dhft, A
ç'u 8- ykxzkt
a t
s ize;
s dk dFku fyf[k, A Solve the cubic equation by Cardan's method.
Write the statement of Lagrange's theorem. ç'u 3- ,d lewg ds ,d vfjDr mileqPp; ds ,d milewg gksus ds fy,
ç'u 9- 'kwU; Hkktd jfgr oy; dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, A (a2gof
bG 3∈

H 4X :{+
−,H →
b18 ,83−+x1b→
∈ x1,
H f2=

3YZ −21
Z= 35
H ⇒=9−
6x3, g =−51}0∈ H,oa i;kZIr izfrca/k ;g gS fd
4, −1
] tgk¡
Define without zero divisor in a Ring. Ax=+y−2+6 z =376 −14 dk izfrykse gS A
ç'u 10-xzx
s ksjh Js.s kh dks fyf[k, A x −y2+ z = −142 33 
The necessary and sufficient condition for a non-empty subset H of a
Write the Gregories series.
group G is a subgroup of G if , is the
Section - 'B' inverse of .
fuEukafdr y?kq mŸkjh; ç'uksa ds mŸkj nhft, A OR
Answer the following short-answer-type questions. (3x5=15) ;fn rFkk nks ,dSdh vkPNknd izfrfp=.k gS] rc
fl) dhft, fd ,dSdh vkPNknd izfrfp=.k gS rFkk
ç'u 1- vkO;wg ds vkbxsu ekuksa dks Kkr dhft, A
If f : X → Y and are two one-one onto mappings. Then
prove that is also a one-one onto mapping and also prove

Find the Eigen-Values of the Matrix . that .

(3) Code No. : S-158 (3) Code No. : S-158

fuEu vkO;wg dk O;qRØe dSy&
s gSfeYVu ize;
s dh lgk;rk ls Kkr dhft, % fuEu vkO;wg dk O;qRØe dSy&
s gSfeYVu ize;
s dh lgk;rk ls Kkr dhft, %
Find inverse of following matrix by Cayley-Hamilton theorem : Find inverse of following matrix by Cayley-Hamilton theorem :

2 0 1
 0 2 −3
 
 −1 1 1 

ç'u 2- ;fn lehdj.k ds ewy xq.kksÙkj esa gks rks fl) ç'u 2- ;fn lehdj.k ds ewy xq.kksÙkj esa gks rks fl)
dhft, fd dhft, fd
If the roots of the equation are in G.P. Then prove If the roots of the equation are in G.P. Then prove
that . that .
lehdj.k dks #ikUrfjr dhft, ftlesa f}rh; in lehdj.k dks #ikUrfjr dhft, ftlesa f}rh; in
ugha gS A ugha gS A
Transform the equation whose second term is G r+∩{=381,H
H 0xpx +
q−332 1,
+1xi 3,−−qx }=+ 0r = 0 the equation
5iTransform whose second term is
diminished (missing).  0 2 −3 diminished (missing).
 
ç'u 3- ;fn vkSj ,d lewg ds nks milewg gSa rc Hkh G  −1 1ç'u1 3- ;fn vkSj ,d lewg ds nks milewg gSa rc Hkh G
dk ,d milewg gksrk gS A dk ,d milewg gksrk gS A
If and are two subgroups of a group G. Then is also a If and are two subgroups of a group G. Then is also a
subgroup of Group G. subgroup of Group G.
fl) dhft, fd fdlh lewg ds nks izlkekU; milewgksa dk loZfu"B ,d fl) dhft, fd fdlh lewg ds nks izlkekU; milewgksa dk loZfu"B ,d
izlkekU; milewg gksrk gS A izlkekU; milewg gksrk gS A
Prove that the intersection of any two Normal subgroups of a group is Prove that the intersection of any two Normal subgroups of a group is
also a subgroup of that group. also a subgroup of that group.
ç'u 4- xq.kkRed lewg G = {1, − 1, i , − i} ls rqY;kdkjh fu;fer Øep; lewg Kkr ç'u 4- xq.kkRed lewg G = {1, − 1, i , − i} ls rqY;kdkjh fu;fer Øep; lewg Kkr
dhft, A dhft, A
Find the Isomorphic Regular Group Permutation of the multiplicative group Find the Isomorphic Regular Group Permutation of the multiplicative group
. .
P.T.O. P.T.O.
(4) Code No. : S-158 (4) Code No. : S-158
fl) dhft, fd nks mioy;ksa dk loZfu"B ,d mioy; gksrk gS A fl) dhft, fd nks mioy;ksa dk loZfu"B ,d mioy; gksrk gS A
Prove that the intersection of any two subrings of any ring is also a subring Prove that the intersection of any two subrings of any ring is also a subring
of that ring. of that ring.
ç'u 5- ;fn dksbZ /kuiw.kkZd
a gSa rks fl) dhft, fd ç'u 5- ;fn dksbZ /kuiw.kkZd
a gSa rks fl) dhft, fd

If n is any positive integer. Then prove that If n is any positive integer. Then prove that

. .

fl) dhft, / Prove that : fl) dhft, / Prove that :
sin 6 θ = 6 cos5 θ sin θ − 20 cos3 θ sin 3 θ + 6 cos θ sin 5 θ sin 6 θ = 6cos5 θ sin θ − 20 cos3 θ sin 3 θ + 6 cos θ sin 5 θ
Section - 'C' Section - 'C'
fuEukafdr nh?kZ mŸkjh; ç'uksa ds mŸkj nhft, A fuEukafdr nh?kZ mŸkjh; ç'uksa ds mŸkj nhft, A
nA 06n 1 −2−3 n2 −1n +1 nπ
Answer the following long-answer-type questions. (5x5=25) (1 + i ) + (1 − i )Answer
= 22 the
cos following long-answer-type questions. (5x5=25)
ç'u 1- vkO;wg dks izlkekU; #i esa ifjofrZr dj vkO;wg dh tkfr Kkr dhft, % A =  −2ç'u 31- vkO;w
1 0 1 −1 g dks izlkekU; #i esa ifjofrZr dj vkO;wg dh tkfr Kkr dhft, %
1 4
Transform the following Matrix A into Normal form & find their rank : 32 1 −10 Transform
3 2  the following Matrix A into Normal form & find their rank
 
 1 1 −2 0 


vkO;wg ds vkbxsu ekuksa dks Kkr dhft, rFkk laxr vkO;wg ds vkbxsu ekuksa dks Kkr dhft, rFkk laxr

vkbxsu lfn'kksa dk fu/kkZj.k Hkh dhft, A vkbxsu lfn'kksa dk fu/kkZj.k Hkh dhft, A
Find the the Eigen Values & their corresponding Eigen Vectors of the Find the the Eigen Values & their corresponding Eigen Vectors of the
Matrix. Matrix.

(6) Code No. : S-160 Roll No...................... Total No. of Sections : 03

Total No. of Printed Pages : 06
l1 l2
Prove that two conics = 1 + e1cosθ and = 1+ e2cos(θ − α ) touch each Code No. : S-160
r r
Annual Examination - 2019
other if .
B.Sc. Part - I
ç'u 4- ml yEco`Ÿkh; csyu dk lehdj.k Kkr dhft;s ftldk funsZ'kkad o`Ÿk
x 2 + y 2 + z 2 = 9, x − y + z = 3 gSA
Find the equation of right circular cylinder with guiding circle Paper - III
OR Max.Marks : 50
Time : 3 Hrs. Min.Marks : 17
lery funsZ'kka{kksa ls A,B, C ij feyrk gSA fl) Vhi % [k.M ^v* esa nl vfry?kwŸkjh iz'u gSa] ftUgsa gy djuk vfuok;Z gSA [k.M
^c* esa y?kwŸkjh ç'u ,oa [k.M ^l* esa nh?kZ mŸkjh ç'u gSaA [k.M ^v* dks
dhft;s fd 0 ls o` Ÿ k ABC ij [kha p h x;h js [ kk,¡ 'ka d q lcls igys gy djsaA
Note : Section 'A', containing 10 very short-answer-type questions, is compulsory.
dks tfur djrh gSA Section 'B' consists of short-answer-type questions and Section 'C'
−22 + consists of long-answer-type questions. Section 'A' has to be solved first.
1 +
2 my
(1 − e2zx2+c)2z+2nz
y2yby =
xy +
l229, a α )b 
x y z
+ + = 1 meets co-ordinate axes at A,B, C. Prove that yz  +  +1zx  +  + xy 1
 + =0
The plane a  cb bc  a c  b a Section - 'A'
a b c
the lines from 0 to the circle ABC generates the cone
fuEukafdr vfry?kwŸkjh ç'uksa ds mŸkj ,d ;k nks okD;ksa esa nsaA
Answer the following very short-answer-type questions in one or two
sentences. (1x10=10)
ç'u 5- vfr ijoy;t yz + 2 zx + 3 xy + 6 = 0 ds fcUnq ls tkus okys ç'u 1- fdlh lfn'k Qyu dh fn'kk fLFkj gksus ds fy;s vko';d ,oa i;kZIr
tudksa ds lehdj.k Kkr dhft;sA izfrcU/k nhft;sA
Find equation of generators passing through point of hyperboloid Give the necessary and sufficient condition of a vector to have constant
ç'u 2- O;qRØe lfn'kksa dh i)fr fyf[k;sA
Write reciprocal system of vectors.
og izfrcU/k Kkr dhft;s tc lery ldsUæ 'kadot
ç'u 3- xkml dk ize;
s fyf[k;sA
dk Li'kZ ryZZ gksA State Gauss's Theorem.
Find the condition that the plane is tangent plane of the ç'u 4- LVksDl ize;
s dk dkrhZ; fu:i.k fyf[k;sA
Write cartesian representation of Stoke's theorem.
central conicoid .

(2) Code No. : S-160 (5) Code No. : S-160

ç'u 5- 'kkadoks dk lehdj.k fyf[k;s tks nh?kZo`Ÿk ls laukfHk gSA →
;fn rks div F rFkk curl Kkr
Write equation of conics which are confocal with the ellipse . →
If then find div F and curl .
ç'u 6- O;kid f}?kkrh; lehdj.k dc nks ljy js[kkvksa dks iznf'kZr djsxk\
When does general equation of second degree represent a pair of straight
ç'u 2- xy-lery eas lekdy ds fy;s xzhu
lines? ize;s lR;kfir dhft;s] tgk¡ C ijoy;ksa y = x vkSj y = x 2 ls ifjc)
ç'u 7- fdlh lery dk vUr% [k.M :i dk lehdj.k fyf[k;sA
{ks= dh ifjlhek gSA
Write equation of the intercept form of any plane.
Verify Green's theorem in xy plane of
ç'u 8- ml yEc o`Ÿkh; csyu dk lehdj.k fyf[k;s ftldk v{k y v{k gSA
Write the equation of a right circular cylinder with axis as y-axis. where C is the area surrounded
ç'u 9- ,d i`"Bh vfrijoy;t dk fp= cukb;sA by the parabolas y = x and y = x 2 -
Draw hyperboloid of one sheet. OR
∧ ∧
ç'u 10-lery rFkk laukfHk 'kkadot ∫F
21 (
x11a, x(1 2
−) +22)−
ey226 2 2=2∧
xy y p∧2LVks
+y+,2ylc229 =ya22D+z+ll
2∧ 2ize;
z x −−−sb258

2 lR;kiu

cos α
 ) = 0dhft;s tc − yz 2 j − y 2 z k gS
a c(2
rc22 +( x++x+e2−
, b × =yy)1θ)i i++xy
c 2 ×dx =
 j + (=y1= 1−22 xy )2 k , 2
1 y
a, 2 dy
a ++λλb bb2 2++λλtgk¡ c2c+2S+ λxksλys x + y + z = 1 dk Åijh v)Zi`"B gS rFkk C mldh ifjlhek
ds Lif'kZrk dh D;k 'krZ gS\
What is the condition that the plane lx + my + nz = p and confocal conic
∧ ∧
Verify Stoke's theorem for − yz 2 j − y 2 z k , where S is
touch each other?
upper half surface of the sphere x 2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1 and C is its boundary
Section - 'B' ç'u 3- 'kkado dk vuqj[s k.k dhft;s@Trace the conic :

fuEukafdr y?kq mŸkjh; ç'uksa dks gy dhft;s %

Solve the following short-answer-type questions : (3x5=15) OR
ç'u 1- ;fn a, b, c rhu vleryh; lfn'k gS] rks n'kkZb;s fd l2
fl) dhft, fd nks 'kkado rFkk = 1+ e2cos(θ −α ) ,d
If are three non coplaner vectors, then show that r
nwljs dks Li'kZ djrs gSa ;fn


(3) Code No. : S-160 (3) Code No. : S-160

∧ ∧ ∧
;fn gks rks dk eku Kkr dhft;sA ;fn r = log(1 + t 2 ) i + sin t j − t 2 k gks rks dk eku Kkr dhft;sA

If then evaluate . If then evaluate .

ç'u 2- fn;k x;k gS tc ç'u 2- fn;k x;k gS tc

tc tc

n'kkZb;s fd n'kkZb;s fd

Given that when Given that when

when when

2 y∧= x20=∧∧ y0+

rrxyd(=,== 2x→rɵiɵj=+
4trF− k+)+ ,−show 215 = 0

32 →
then show that t=
C )ɵ3 =
i2dr −++aɵytɵj3j,2+ 8kɵkɵxbsin
∫dt c r . log(1
dt = 10 + t j − that
t k
∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
dk ew Y ;ka d u dhft;s ] tgk¡ F = ( x 2 + y 2 ) i − 2 xy j rFkk dk ew Y ;ka d u dhft;s ] tgk¡ F = ( x 2 + y 2 ) i − 2 xy j rFkk
lery esa ,d vk;r gS tks ls f?kjk gSA lery esa ,d vk;r gS tks ls f?kjk gSA
∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
Evaluate where F = ( x 2 + y 2 ) i − 2 xy j and is a rectangle Evaluate where F = ( x 2 + y 2 ) i − 2 xy j and is a rectangle
on plane surrounded by on plane surrounded by
ç'u 3- n'kkZb;s fd dsUnz ls nks fn;s x;s laukfHk 'kkadoksa ij dksbZ nks lekUrj Li'kZ ç'u 3- n'kkZb;s fd dsUnz ls nks fn;s x;s laukfHk 'kkadoksa ij dksbZ nks lekUrj Li'kZ
js[kkvksa ij Mkys x;s yEcksa ds oxkaZs dk vUrj vpj gksrk gSA js[kkvksa ij Mkys x;s yEcksa ds oxkaZs dk vUrj vpj gksrk gSA
Show that the difference of the squares of the perpendiculars drawn from Show that the difference of the squares of the perpendiculars drawn from
the centre of two confocal conics to the two parallel tangents, is constant. the centre of two confocal conics to the two parallel tangents, is constant.
lehdj.k dkSu ls 'kkado dks fu:fir lehdj.k dkSu ls 'kkado dks fu:fir
djrk gS\ djrk gS\
P.T.O. P.T.O.

(4) Code No. : S-160 (4) Code No. : S-160

Which conic is represented by the equation Which conic is represented by the equation
? ?
ç'u 4- o`Ÿk ls gksdj tkus okys vkSj lery ç'u 4- o`Ÿk ls gksdj tkus okys vkSj lery
dks Li'kZ djus okys xksyksa ds lehdj.k Kkr dhft;sA dks Li'kZ djus okys xksyksa ds lehdj.k Kkr dhft;sA
Find equation of spheres passing through circle Find equation of spheres passing through circle
and touching the plane . and touching the plane .
n'kkZb;s fd funsZ'kk{kksa ls gksdj tkus okys 'kadq dk O;kid lehdj.k n'kkZb;s fd funsZ'kk{kksa ls gksdj tkus okys 'kadq dk O;kid lehdj.k
ls O;Dr gksrk gSA ls O;Dr gksrk gSA
Show that the general equation represents the cone Show that the general equation represents the cone
passing through the axes. passing through the axes.
ç'u 5- fl) dhft;s fd 'kka d ot dk 'ka d q ç'u 5- fl) dhft;s fd 'kka d ot dk 'ka d q

ds Li'kZry }kjk izfrPNsn ,d ledksf.kd x2xx+ +2(+2+r(+537yrngzx

x22− ynr+2r)+−+ =n02cz
z+3=2+y2(zhxy 20= 20n
ds Li'kZry }kjk izfrPNsn ,d ledksf.kd
div y2by
xy 3)2y=15 rx1−+
10 −20 yy++10
22zx zxy=+304x −12y − 4z +1 = 0
+ + =0
vfrijoy; gSA b + c c + a vfrijoy; a+b gSA
Prove that the intersection of conic a x 2 + by 2 + cz 2 = 1 with tangent plane Prove that the intersection of conic a x 2 + by 2 + cz 2 = 1 with tangent plane

of cone is rectangular hyperboloid. of cone is rectangular hyperboloid.

lehdj.k 3 x 2 + 7 y 2 + 3z 2 + 10 yz − 2 zx + 10 xy + 4 x − 12 y − 4 z + 1 = 0 lehdj.k 3 x 2 + 7 y 2 + 3z 2 + 10 yz − 2 zx + 10 xy + 4 x − 12 y − 4 z + 1 = 0
dk leku;u izekf.kd :i esa dhft;sA dk leku;u izekf.kd :i esa dhft;sA
Reduce the equation Reduce the equation
to the standard form. to the standard form.
Section - 'C' Section - 'C'
fuEukafdr nh?kZ mŸkjh; ç'uksa dks gy dhft;s % fuEukafdr nh?kZ mŸkjh; ç'uksa dks gy dhft;s %
Solve the following long-answer-type questions : (5x5=25) Solve the following long-answer-type questions : (5x5=25)
ç'u 1- fl) dhft;s @ Prove that : ç'u 1- fl) dhft;s @ Prove that :
(i) (ii) (i) (ii)
Roll No. ...................................

B. A./B. Sc./B. Sc. B. Ed. (Part I)
Paper Third
(Vector Analysis and Geometry)
Time : Three Hours
Maximum Marks : 50

uksV % izR;sd iz’u ds dksbZ nks Hkkx gy dhft,A lHkh iz’uksa d¢ vad
leku gSaA
Attempt any two parts of each questions. All questions
carry equal marks.


1- ¼v½ ;fn a , b , c ,oa a , b , c O;qRØe i)fr ds lfn’k gks]

rks fl) dhft, fd %

a a b b c c 0

P. T. O.
[2] ED–2560

If a , b , c and a , b , c are vectors of reciprocal

system, then prove that :

a a b b c c 0

¼c½ ,d d.k x 2t 2 , y t 2 4t, z 3t 5 ij py jgk

gS] tgk¡ t le; gSA le; t 1 ij osx ,oa Roj.k ds
?kVd lfn’k iˆ 3 ˆj 2kˆ dh fn’kk esa Kkr dhft,A
A particle is moving on
x 2t 2 ,
y t 2 4t , z 3t 5 where t is time At
t 1 , find component of velocity and acceleration
towards the direction of the vector iˆ 3 ˆj 2kˆ .
¼l½ fl) dhft, fd %
2 1
Prove that :
2 1

2- ¼v½ n’kkZb, fd %
A. B C dt 0

tgk¡ A t iˆ 3 ˆj 2tkˆ

B iˆ 2 ˆj 2kˆ

C 3iˆ tjˆ kˆ
[3] ED–2660

Show that :

A. B C dt 0

where A t iˆ 3 ˆj 2tkˆ

B iˆ 2 ˆj 2kˆ

C 3iˆ tjˆ kˆ

¼c½ ;fn S xksys x2 y2 z 2 9 dk i`”B gS rks xkWl

MkbotsZUl izes; ls fl) dhft, fd %

r. nˆ ds 108

If S is surface of the sphere x2 y2 z2 9 , then

by Gouss divergence theorem, prove that :

r. nˆ ds 108

¼l½ LVksDl izes; dk lR;kiu dhft, tc

F x 2iˆ xyjˆ

tgk¡ C, xy lery esa oxZ dh ifjeki gS ftldh Hkqtk,¡

x 0, y 0, x a, y a ds vuqfn’k gSA

Verify Stokes’ theorem which F x 2iˆ xyjˆ where

C, is perimeter of a square in xy-plane whose sides
are along x 0, y 0, x a, y a .

P. T. O.
[4] ED–2560


3- ¼v½ ,d o`Ÿk] ,d vk;rkdkj vfrijoy; xy 1 dks

xr, yr : r 1, 2, 3, 4 ij dkVrk gS] rks fl) dhft,
fd %
x1 x2 x3 x4 y1 y2 y3 y4 1

A circle cuts a rectangular hyperboloid xy 1 at

xr, yr : r 1, 2, 3, 4 . Prove that :

x1 x2 x3 x4 y1 y2 y3 y4 1

¼c½ ‘kkado dk vuqjs[k.k dhft, %

x3 3xy y2 10x 10 y 21 0

Trace the conic :

x3 3xy y2 10x 10 y 21 0

¼l½ og ‘krZ Kkr dhft,] tcfd ljy js[kk

l l
A cos Bsin A ‘kkado 1 e cos
r r
dks Li’kZ djrh gSA
Find the condition, when straight line
A cos Bsin touches the conic
1 e cos .
[5] ED–2660

4- ¼v½ fl) dhft, fd lery

2x 2y z 12 0,

x2 y2 z2 2x 4y 2z 3 0

dks Li’kZ djrk gSA Li’kZ fcUnq Kkr dhft,A

Prove that the plane

2x 2y z 12 0,

touches the sphere

x2 y2 z2 2x 4y 2z 3 0.

Find the contact point.

¼c½ fl) dhft, fd ml oxZ ‘kadq dk O;kid lehdj.k

tks v{kksa ls gksdj tkrk gSA
fyz gzx hxy 0

Prove that the general equation of a quadratic cone

through the coordinate axes is :

fyz gzx hxy 0

¼l½ mld csyu dk lehdj.k Kkr dhft,] ftlds tud

y mx, z nx ds lekarj gS rFkk nh?kZo`Ÿk

x2 y2
1, z 0
a2 b2
dks izfrPNsn djrk gSA

P. T. O.
[6] ED–2560

Find the equation of cylinder whose generators

are parallel to y mx, z nx and intersect to the
x2 y2
1, z 0
a2 b2


5- ¼v½ og izfrca/k Kkr dhft, tc lery lx my nz p

x2 y2 z2
nh?kZo`Ÿk 1 dks Li’kZ djrh gSA
a2 b2 c2
Find the condition that the plane lx my nz p
touches the ellipsoid :

x2 y2 z2
a2 b2 c2
¼c½ nh?kZo`Ÿkt %
x2 y2 z2
a2 b2 c2
dk lery %
x y z
a b c
}kjk izfrPNsn dk {ks=Qy Kkr dhft, %
Determine the area of intersection of the ellipsoid

x2 y2 z2
a2 b2 c2
[7] ED–2660

by the plane :
x y z
a b c
¼l½ vfrijoy; %
x2 y2 z2
4 9 16
ds fcUnq 2, 3, 4 ls tkus okys tudksa ds lehdj.k
Kkr dhft,A
Find the equation of generators of the hyperboloid
x2 y2 z2
4 9 16
passing through the points 2, 3, 4 .


P. T. O.
B. A./B. Sc./B. Sc. B. Ed. (Part I)
Paper First
(Algebra and Trigonometry)
Time : Three Hours
Maximum Marks : 50

uksV % lHkh iz’u vfuok;Z gSaA izR;sd iz’u ls dksbZ nks Hkkx gy
dhft,A lHkh iz’uksa ds vad leku gSaA
All questions are compulsory. Attempt any two parts
from each question. All questions carry equal marks.


1- ¼v½ izkjfEHkd :ikUrj.k dh lgk;rk ls A dk O;qRØe Kkr

dhft, %
1 2 1
A 3 2 3
1 1 2

P. T. O.
[2] ED–2648

Find the inverse of A with elementary

transformation :

1 2 1
A 3 2 3
1 1 2

¼c½ vkO;wg %
1 0 2
A 0 2 1
2 0 3

dk vfHkyk{kf.kd lehdj.k Kkr dhft, vkSj lR;kfir

dhft, fd ;g A }kjk lUrq”V gksrk gS vkSj bldk
izfrykse Hkh Kkr dhft,A
Find the characteristics equation of the matrix :

1 0 2
A 0 2 1
2 0 3

and verify that it is satisfied by A and hence find

A 1.

¼l½ fuEufyf[kr vkO;wg dks izlkekU; :i esa cnfy, ,oa

bldh tkfr Kkr dhft, %
0 1 3 1
1 0 1 1
3 1 0 2
1 1 2 0
[3] ED–2648

Reduce the following matrix into normal form and

find its rank :

0 1 3 1
1 0 1 1
3 1 0 2
1 1 2 0


2- ¼v½ vkO;wg fof/k ls gy dhft, %

2 x1 3x2 x3 9

x1 2 x2 2 x3 6

3x1 x2 2 x3 8

Solve by matrix method :

2 x1 3x2 x3 9

x1 2 x2 2 x3 6

3x1 x2 2 x3 8

¼c½ lehdj.k %
x3 15x 126 0

dks dkMZu fof/k ls gy dhft,A

Solve the equation :

x3 15x 126 0

by Cardon’s method.

P. T. O.
[4] ED–2648

¼l½ fuEufyf[kr lehdj.k ds ewyksa dks Kkr dhft, ;fn os

lekUrj (A. P.) eas gS %
x4 2 x3 21x2 22 x 40 0

Find the roots o the equation :

x4 2 x3 21x2 22 x 40 0

if they are in A. P.


3- ¼v½ ;fn N izkd`frd la[;kvksa dk leqPp; gks rFkk izfrfp=.k

f :N N tgk¡ f ( x) x2 ; x N rks fl) dhft,
fd f ,dSdh gS] ysfdu vkPNknd ugha gSA
If N be the set of natural numbers and a mapping
f :N N is defined by f ( x) x2 ; x N then
prove that f is one-one, but not onto.

¼c½ fl) dhft, fd lewg G ds nks vo;oksa ds xq.kuQy dk

izfrykse muds izfrykseksa dk mYVs Øe esa xq.kuQy ds
cjkcj gksrk gS] vFkkZr~ %
(ab) 1 b 1a 1 a, b G

The inverse of the product of two elements of a

group is the product of the inverse taken in the
reverse order i.e. :

(ab) 1 b 1a 1 a, b G
[5] ED–2648

¼l½ xq.kkRed lewg G = (1, –1, i, –i) ds izR;sd vo;o dh

dksfV Kkr dhft,A
Find the orders of each element of the multiplicative
group G = (1, –1, i, –i).
4- ¼v½ fl) dhft, fd ,d pØh; lewg dk izR;sd rqY;kdkjh
izfrfp=.k iqu%pØh; lewg gksrk gSA
Prove that every isomorphic image of a cyclic group
is cyclic.
¼c½ fl) dhft, ;fn R ,dd vo;o lfgr ,d oy; gS]
rc %
(i) (–1) a = – a a R
(ii) (–1) (–1) = 1
Prove that if R is a ring with unity, then :
(i) (–1) a = – a a R
(ii) (–1) (–1) = 1
¼l½ fl) dhft, fd ,d fo”ke {ks= (skew field) ‘kwU;
Hkktd jfgr gksrk gSA
Prove that a skew field (division ring) has no zero
5- ¼v½ ;fn m, n /ku iw.kk±d gks] rks fl) dhft, fd %
m m m
(a ib) n (a ib) n 2 (a 2 b2 ) n
m 1 b
cos tan
n a

P. T. O.
[6] ED–2648

If m, n are positive integers, then prove that :

m m m
(a ib) n (a ib) n 2 (a 2 b2 ) n
m 1 b
cos tan
n a
¼c½ fl) dhft, fd bdkbZ ds n, nosa ewy ,d xq.kksŸkj
(G.P.) fufeZr djrs gSaA
Prove that n nth roots of unity form a series in G. P.
¼l½ fl) dhft, fd %
32 cos6 cos 6 6 cos 4 15 cos 2 10
Prove that :
32 cos6 cos 6 6 cos 4 15 cos 2 10

Roll No. ...................................

B. A./B. Sc./B. Sc. B. Ed. (Part I)
Paper Second
Time : Three Hours
Maximum Marks : 50

uksV % lHkh iz’u vfuok;Z gSaA izR;sd iz’u ls dksbZ nks Hkkx gy
dhft,A lHkh iz’uksa d¢ vad leku gSaA
All questions are compulsory. Attempt any two parts
from each question. All questions carry equal marks.
1- ¼v½ eSDykWfju izes; ls e a sin x dk izlkj dhft, rFkk O;kid
in Kkr dhft,A
Expand e a sin x by Maclaurin theorem and find the
general term.
¼c½ ;fn %

{ }
y =  log x + 1 + x 2  ,
 

(A-31) P. T. O.
[2] DD–2649 [3] DD–2649

rks fl) dhft, % ¼l½ oØ

(1 + x2 ) yn + 2 + ( 2n + 1) x yn +1 + n2 yn = 0. ay 2 = x 2 ( a − x )
If :
dk vuqjs[k.k dhft,A
{ }
y =  log x + 1 + x 2  , Trace the curve :
 
then prove that : ay 2 = x 2 ( a − x ) .

(1 + x2 ) yn + 2 + ( 2n + 1) x yn +1 + n2 yn = 0. bdkbZ&3
¼l½ ∈ − δ fof/k ds iz;ksx ls fl) dhft, fd % (UNIT—3)

x →1
lim x 2 + 4 x = 5 ) π x sin x
3- ¼v½ ∫ 0 dx dk eku Kkr dhft,A
Using ∈ − δ method, prove that : 1 + cos 2 x

lim x 2 + 4 x = 5
x →1
) Find the value of :
π x sin x
bdkbZ&2 ∫ 0 1 + cos2 x dx .
¼c½ ijoy;ksa y 2 = 4ax rFkk x 2 = 4by }kjk ifjc) {ks=
2- ¼v½ vuUrLif’kZ;k¡ Kkr dhft, %
y3 − x 2 y + 2 y 2 − 4 y + x = 0
dk {ks=Qy Kkr dhft,A
Find the asymptotes : Find the area enclosed by the parabolas y 2 = 4ax
y3 − x 2 y + 2 y 2 − 4 y + x = 0
and x 2 = 4by .
¼c½ oØ %
y = x3 + 2 x 2 + x + 1 ¼l½ o`Ÿk x2 + y2 = a2 dks x &v{k ds ifjr% ?kqekus ls tfur
ds fcUnq ( 0,1) ij oØrk&o`Ÿk dk lehdj.k Kkr dhft,A Bksl dk vk;ru Kkr dhft,A
For the curve :
Find the volume of the solid generated by the
y = x3 + 2 x 2 + x + 1 ,
revolution of the circle x2 + y2 = a2 about
find the equation of the circle of curvature at the
point (0, 1). x-axis.

(A-31) (A-31) P. T. O.
[4] DD–2649 [5] DD–2649

bdkbZ&4 ¼c½ gy dhft, %

(UNIT—4) d2y
x2 2 (
− x2 + 2 x
)+ ( x + 2 ) y = x3e x .
4- ¼v½ gy dhft, % dx dx

( D3 + 2D2 + D ) y = e2 x + x2 + x . Solve :

Solve : x2
dx 2 (
− x2 + 2 x
)+ ( x + 2 ) y = x3e x .

( D3 + 2D2 + D ) y = e2 x + x2 + x . ¼l½ gy dhft, %

¼c½ gy dhft, % dx dy
+ + 2x + y = 0
( x2 y − 2 xy 2 ) dx − ( x3 − 3x2 y ) dy = 0 . dt dt
Solve : + 5 x + 3 y = 0.
( x2 y − 2 xy 2 ) dx − ( x3 − 3x2 y ) dy = 0 . Solve :
¼l½ gy dhft, % dx dy
+ + 2x + y = 0
y = xp 2 + p . dt dt
Solve : + 5 x + 3 y = 0.
y = xp 2 + p.

5- ¼v½ gy dhft, %
dx dy dz
= = .
x y2 − z2 ) (
y z 2 − x2 ) (
z x2 − y 2 )
Solve :
dx dy dz
= = .
x ( y2 − z2 ) y ( z2 − x2 ) z ( x2 − y2 ) DD–2649 5,300

(A-31) (A-31) P. T. O.
[2] DD–2648

Roll No. ................................... Find the inverse of A with elementary

transformation :
 1 2 −2 
A =  −1 3 0 
 0 −2 1
DD–2648 ¼c½ dSys&gSfeYVu izes; dks fyf[k, ,oa fl) dhft,A
State and prove Cayley-Hamilton theorem.
B. A./B. Sc./B. Sc. B. Ed. (Part I)
EXAMINATION, 2020 ¼l½ fuEufyf[kr vkO;wg dks izlkekU; :i esa cnfy, ,oa
bldh tkfr rFkk ‘kwU;rk Kkr dhft, %
 1 2 −1 3
Paper First 4 1 2
 1
(Algebra and Trigonometry)  3 −1 1 2
Time : Three Hours  
1 2 0 1
Maximum Marks : 50
Reduce the following matrix into normal form and
uksV % lHkh iz’u vfuok;Z gSaA izR;sd iz’u ls dksbZ nks Hkkx gy find its rank and nullity :

dhft,A lHkh iz’uksa ds vad leku gSaA  1 2 −1 3

4 1 2 1
All questions are compulsory. Attempt any two parts 
 3 −1 1 2
from each question. All questions carry equal marks.  
1 2 0 1
(UNIT—1) (UNIT—2)
1- ¼v½ izkjfEHkd :ikUrj.k dh lgk;rk ls A dk O;qRØe Kkr 2- ¼v½ fuEufyf[kr lehdj.kksa dks vkO;wg fof/k dh izkjfEHkd
dhft, % lafØ;kvksa }kjk gy dhft, %
x+ y+z=6
 1 2 −2 
A =  −1 3 0  x−y+z=2
 0 −2 1 2x + y − z = 1

(A-8) P. T. O. (A-8)
[3] DD–2648 [4] DD–2648

Solve the following equations with the help of ¼l½ fl) dhft, fd ,d lewg G ds vfjDr mileqPp; H
elementary operations of matrix method : ds ,d milewg gksus ds fy, vko’;d ,oa i;kZIr izfrca/k
x+ y+z=6 ;g gS fd %
a ∈ H, b ∈ H → ab−1 ∈ H
2x + y − z = 1
tgk¡ b−1 , b dk izfrykse gSA
¼c½ Qsjkjh fof/k ls prq?kkZr dks gy dhft, %
Prove that necessary and sufficient condition for a
x 4 − 4 x 3 − x 2 + 16 x − 12 = 0 non-empty subset H of a group G to be a subgroup is
Solve the biquadratic by Ferrari’s method : that :

x 4 − 4 x 3 − x 2 + 16 x − 12 = 0 a ∈ H, b ∈ H → ab−1 ∈ H

¼l½ ;fn lehdj.k x3 − px2 + qx − r = 0 ds ewy gjkRed where b −1 is an inverse of b. (H. P.) esa gks]a rks fl) dhft, fd % bdkbZ&4
27r 2 − 9 pqr + 2q3 = 0 (UNIT—4)

If roots of the equation x3 − px2 + qx − r = 0 are in 4- ¼v½ fn[kkb;s fd ,d pØh; lewg] ftldh dksfV n gS] bdkbZ
H. P., then prove that : ds n osa ewy ds lewg ls rqY;kdkjh gksrk gSA
27r 2 − 9 pqr + 2q3 = 0 Show that a cyclic group with finite order n is
isomorphic to the multiplicative group of nth roots
of unity.
¼c½ fl) dhft, fd nks mioy;ksa dk loZfu”B ,d mioy;
3- ¼v½ ;fn f :A→B ,dSdh vkPNknd gks] rks n’kkZb;s fd gksrk gSA
f −1 : B → A Hkh ,dSdh vkPNknd gksxkA
Prove that intersection of two subrings is a subring.
If f : A → B is one-one onto, then show that
¼l½ fn[kkb;s fd izR;sd {ks= vfuok;Zr% ,d iw.kk±dh; izkUr
f −1 : B → A is also one-one onto. gksrk gSA
¼c½ ySxzkat ds izes; dks fy[kdj fl) dhft,A Show that each field is necessarily an integral
State and prove Lagrange’s theorem. domain.

(A-8) P. T. O. (A-8)
[5] DD–2648 [6] DD–2648

bdkbZ&5 If :
(UNIT—5) sin ( A + iB ) = x + iy
5- ¼v½ ;fn % then prove that :
x+ = 2 cos θ , x2 y2
x + =1
cosh 2 B sinh 2 B
rks fl) dhft, fd %
x2 y2
1 and − = 1.
(i) x n + n = 2 cos n θ sin 2 A cos 2 A
¼l½ dk ;ksx Kkr dhft, %
(ii) xn − n = 2i sin n θ 1 1
x sin α + sin 2 α + 2 sin 3α + ........
2 2
If :
Find the sum of the series :
x+ = 2 cos θ ,
x 1 1
sin α + sin 2 α + 2 sin 3α + ........
then prove that : 2 2

(i) xn + = 2 cos n θ
(ii) xn − = 2i sin n θ
¼c½ ;fn %
sin ( A + iB ) = x + iy ,

rks fl) dhft, fd %

x2 y2
+ =1
cosh 2 B sinh 2 B
x2 y2
rFkk − = 1.
sin 2 A cos 2 A DD–2648 5,300

(A-8) P. T. O. (A-8)

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