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Submitted to: Nikki G. Corales-Bajas


Name of student: EL DONNE L. NICASIO Course and Year: BSHM, 3RD YEAR
Section: MH12

What are the key principles of Disney’s Service Model that focus on creating exceptional guest

-Disney is known for its exceptional customer service, which is the result of their rigorous
training program. The program is designed to instill in their employees the importance of
customer experience, organization, purpose, happiness, safety, courtesy, show, and efficiency.
In this section, we’ll look at the seven service guidelines that Disney uses to enhance customer
experience and how they apply to the role of happiness, safety, courtesy, show, and efficiency.
The Disney Institute is a key player in the world of customer service training. Its approach to
customer service is based on the belief that every interaction with a customer is an opportunity
to create a memorable experience. The Institute’s training programs are designed to help
organizations create a culture of service excellence that is focused on meeting the needs of

How does Disney prioritize guest satisfaction and exceed customer expectations in its theme
parks and resorts? Give examples.

-When you think of Disney, you likely think of the magical experiences, the thrilling rides, and
the beloved characters. However, one of the most important aspects of the Disney experience is
their exceptional customer service. From the moment you enter the park to the moment you
leave, you are treated like a valued guest, and this is no accident. Disney places a high value on
customer service and has developed a comprehensive approach to training their employees to
deliver exceptional service.

What are the “ Seven Deadly Sins of Service”, as identified in the context of customer service
and hospitality?

-The “Seven Deadly Sins of Service” represents a common issue and a problem in customer
service and hospitality. These sins include inhospitality (being unwelcoming), inflexibility
(refusing reasonable customer requests), inaccessibility (making it difficult for customers to
reach assistance), invisibility (failing to engage with customers), inconsistency (providing varying
service levels), inaccuracy (giving incorrect information), and inefficiency (making customers
wait unnecessarily).
Submitted to: Nikki G. Corales-Bajas
What are the consequences of committing these sins in terms of customer satisfaction,
reputation and business success?

-Committing any of these sins can lead to a decreased customer satisfaction, damaged
reputation and reduced business success, emphasizing the impotence of avoiding these issues in
service-oriented industries. Reputation takes a hit as dissatisfied customers spread negative
reactions and reviews, potentially deterring new business. These sins can result in customer
attrition, revenue loss, and increased operational costs due to complaints and refunds.
Businesses that consistently commit these sins risk damaging their long term success, as they
struggle to retain customers, attract new ones and maintain a positive brand image in a
competitive marketplace.

How can businesses and service providers avoid or rectify these sins to improve their service
quality and customer relationships?

-Businesses and service providers can avoid or rectify “Seven Deadly Sins of Service” by investing
in comprehensive training programs that emphasize hospitality, flexibility and accessibility and
accuracy for their employees. Actively soliciting and acting upon customers feedback is crucial to
identify areas needing improvement and ensuring consistency and efficiency in service delivery.
Leveraging technology, such as user-friendly websites and responsive support channels, can
enhance accessibility and visibility. Additionally, empowering frontline employees with the
authority to resolve issues and make decisions within reasonable limits fosters flexibility and
responsiveness. By addressing these sins, organizations can enhance their commitment to
customer satisfaction and loyalty, leading to improved service quality and stronger customer

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