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Boxford Laser Cutter/Engraver

Quick Start Guide – MetalCut – The Basics

Metal Cutting
1. The machine is prepared for metal cutting by completing the following steps:-
a. Ensuring the FOLLOW button on the touch screen on the top of the machine is ON

b. Ensuring the Oxygen supply is attached to the inlet at the back of the machine.
c. Ensuring the pressure gauge on the front of the machine is set to 5.5 Bar. Adjusting the
regulator on the front of the machine as required.
d. Ensuring the copper coloured cutting nozzle, shown below, is fitted to the cutting head.

2. Launching the MetalCut application brings up the main software window as shown below.

W: E: T: +44 (0)1422 324810

3. Let’s consider the simple Gasket, as shown below, which is to be cut from 1.0mm Steel.
Note:- The Gasket could be designed using the drawing and manipulation tools within the MetalCUT
software or alternatively it could be imported from other packages in a variety of formats using

either the File – Import menu option or the toolbar button

4. In the top RH corner of the Window, ensure the Work tab is selected as shown below.

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5. Double clicking on the Red colour brings up the dialogue shown below.

Select the Load Parameters from Library button.

6. A list of standard settings for various materials and types of Laser processing is displayed as shown in
the example below.
Note:- If this list is empty, then ensure you have copied the file Param.lib from the memory stick to
the application folder as detailed in the ‘MetalCut Software Installation Quick Start Guide’

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For the Red colour the requirement in the example is to Cut 1.0mm Steel.
The option is selected from the list which ends Cut 1.0mm Steel followed by Load

7. Next, ALL the geometry is selected and then the Auto button on the menu bar.
This automatically defines which is the waste part of the material and which is the component on the
basis that the outermost path is outside (waste on the outside) and is the parent and all paths within
it are children and therefore set to inside.

8. With all the geometry still selected, the Cut In/Out button is next selected bringing up the dialogue
shown below.
Here the Cut-in, which is also often referred to as Lead-in is defined. This is required because when
the material is initially pierced, the diameter of the hole created is far greater in diameter to the cut
width and would therefore mark the profile been cut.
The settings shown below are used, with a cut-out not been required. The Length could be reduced
for intricate smaller components.

OK is selected.

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9. The cut-Ins are added to each path of the component geometry as shown below left.

10. Sometimes these Cut-Ins are not placed in an ideal position as shown in the two slots at 3 O’clock
and 9’Oclock on the gasket.
With all the geometry still selected, the Draw button is next selected, putting the mouse into Edit
mode. Selecting a point on the currently selected geometry moves the Cut-In to that point.
The example above right shows how the gasket example can be modified.

11. The Enable link near option is selected to allow a small retaining ‘tab’ (or series of retaining tabs) to
be placed on any selected geometry.
IMORTANT – If small cut profiles are not retained during cutting, then they can potentially ‘tip
over’ but not fall through the cutting bed which subsequently causes the cutting head capacitive
height control to fail.
On the gasket example, all the inner profiles are retained by first selecting the required geometry,
then checking the Enable link near option followed by the By Count radio button and entering a
value of 1 in the adjacent edit field.
The length of the retaining tab is set by selecting the Output tab on the RH side of the screen and
entering a value of 1.000 mm in both the Link near edit fields as shown below.

Blue X marks appear on the tabbed profiles as shown below.

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12. The configuration is now complete. The file can be saved at this stage in the MetalCut native file
format (*.rld) with all its associated settings if required.

13. A useful feature within MetalCut is the ability to simulate the processing cycle. This allows the user
to check that the cycle is as expected.
Select Edit(E) – Preview from the menu, or the toolbar button
The window below is shown. The buttons and sliders control the simulation.

14. To download the file to the machine, we now need to concentrate on the bottom RH corner of the
screen as shown below.

Ensure the Path Optimize option is checked.

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Select the Download button. The window below is shown.

Select OK.

15. Select YES to the prompt shown below.

16. The prompt below indicates a successful download.

Select OK.

17. Place the material on the saw tooth metal cutting bed and then using the Z+ and Z- buttons, located
on the front panel, move the table until the material is approximately 20mm from the copper
coloured cutting nozzle.

18. Using the X and Y arrow buttons on the machine keypad, position the centre of the cutting nozzle to
where the drawing anchor is required to be positioned.
Remember, the anchor point is the green square handle which in this example is in the top RH
corner of the drawing geometry extents.

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19. When in the desired position, the Origin button on the keypad is selected.

20. It is now good practice the check that the extents of the laser processing a, fit on the work piece and
b, are in the desired position. This is done by selecting the Frame button on the keypad.
The machine moves to the job extents. Note the guard must be shut to complete this action.

21. If the position is incorrect, then step 18, 19 and 20 can be repeated.

22. On the touch screen, on the top of the machine, the FUNCTION button is selected.

23. The screen below is shown.

24. The CAPACITANCE CALIBRATION button is selected.

The screen below is shown.

The START button is selected.

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25. The message shown below is displayed.

26. The cutting head will move down very slowly, touch the top of the metal and then retract to its start
position. A graph as shown below is displayed.

The ENTER key is selected.

27. Next complete the following checks:-

a. Ensure the Laser Key switch is set to the on position.

b. Ensure the extraction system is operational.

28. Select the Start-Pause key to initiate the laser processing automatic cycle.
File details, colour settings and cycle progress are displayed on the machine LCD.

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Non-Metal Cutting
1. The machine is prepared for non-metal cutting by completing the following steps:-
a. Ensuring the FOLLOW button on the touch screen on the top of the machine is OFF

b. Ensuring the oxygen bottle supply is turned off.

c. Ensuring the silver coloured cutting nozzle, shown below, is fitted to the cutting head.

2. Launching the MetalCut application brings up the main software window as shown below.
Important:- Select the Config(S) menu item and ensure the Graph Hatch option is checked.

3. Let’s consider a simple key fob with 3 distinctly different types of work, distinguished by been drawn
in different colours as shown below.
Note:- The key fob could be designed using the drawing and manipulation tools within the MetalCut
software or alternatively it could be imported from other packages in a variety of formats using

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either the File – Import menu option or the toolbar button

The requirement is to perform the following operations on 3mm Acrylic.

a. Black - Vector Cutting
b. Red - Vector Engraving
c. Blue - Scan Engraving

4. In the top RH corner of the Window, ensure the Work tab is selected as shown below.

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5. Double clicking on the Black colour brings up the dialogue shown below.

Select the Parameter Library button.

6. A list of standard settings for various materials and types of Laser processing is displayed as shown in
the example below.
Note:- If this list is empty, then ensure you have copied the file Param.lib from the memory stick to
the application folder as detailed in the ‘MetalCut Software Installation Quick Start Guide’

For the black colour the requirement in the example is to Vector Cut
Select the option from the list which ends Cut 3mm Acrylic followed by Load

W: E: T: +44 (0)1422 324810

7. Now select the Red colour block at the LH side of the currently open window. The Layer colour will
change to red as shown below.

Once again, select the Parameter Library button.

For the Red colour the requirement in the example is to Vector Engrave.
Select the option from the list which ends Vector Engrave Acrylic followed by Load

8. Now select the Blue colour block at the LH side of the currently open window. The Layer colour will
change to blue as shown below.

Once again, select the Parameter Library button.

For the Blue colour the requirement in the example is to Scan Engrave.
Select the option from the list which ends Scan Engrave Acrylic followed by Load

9. The blue item will now be filled as shown below.

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10. The configuration is now complete. The file can be saved at this stage in the MetalCut native file
format (*.rld) with all its associated colour settings if required.

11. A useful feature within MetalCut is the ability to simulate the processing cycle. This allows the user
to check that the cycle is as expected.
Select Edit(E) – Preview from the menu, or the toolbar button
The window below is shown. The buttons and sliders control the simulation.

12. To download the file to the machine, we now need to concentrate on the bottom RH corner of the
screen as shown below.

Ensure the Path Optimize option is checked.

13. Select the Download button. The window below is shown.

Select OK.

14. Select YES to the prompt shown below.

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15. The prompt below indicates a successful download.

Select OK.

16. Place the material on the honeycombed bed and focus the machine as follows:-
a. Using a combination of the and the keypad Z+ / Z- keys and the touch screen up/down
buttons, the table and head can be moved.

b. Table and head are moved until the supplied 5mm focus spacer is a light sliding fit between
the silver coloured cutting nozzle and the top surface of the material as shown below.

NOTE:- The Z axis should ideally be approximately in the centre of its travel.

17. Using the X and Y arrow buttons on the machine keypad, position the centre of the cutting to where
the drawing anchor is required to be positioned.
Remember, the anchor point is the green square handle which in this example is in the top RH
corner of the drawing geometry extents.

18. When in the desired position, the Origin button on the keypad is selected.

19. It is now good practice the check that the extents of the laser processing a, fit on the workpiece and
b, are in the desired position. This is done by selecting the Frame button on the keypad.
The machine moves to the job extents. Please note the machine guard will need to be closed to
complete this operation.

20. If the position is incorrect, then steps 17, 18 and 19 can be repeated.

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21. Next complete the following checks:-
a. Ensure the Laser Key switch is set to the on position.

b. Ensure the extraction system is operational.

22. Select the Start-Pause key to initiate the laser processing automatic cycle.
File details, colour settings and cycle progress are displayed on the machine LCD.

23. Final outcome shows Scan engraved letters, vector engraved border line and vector cut hole and
outer profile.

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Other Effects

1. A variety of other outcomes can be created by adding additional settings.

In the example shown below, an additional outline (green) has been put around the letters to allow
for a vector engrave process to be added.

The effect with and without the letter outline vector engrave can be seen below.

Bitmap Engraving

1. Simple Black and white bitmaps can be engraved as follows:-

a. Import the bitmap into MetalCut using either the File – Import menu option or the toolbar


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b. The file is imported as shown in the example below.

c. In the Work tab in the top RH corner, the layer is assigned a BMP type.
d. Double click on the layer colour and select the desired ‘BMP Engrave’ material setting.
The example below shows the outcome on wood.

e. In a darker material like an engraving laminate of anodised aluminium, it may be desirable to

engrave the white area and not the black.
To achieve this, simply double click on the BMP layer in the Work tab and select the
Negative Engrave Check box.
The example below show the outcome on anodised aluminium.

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Greyscale / Photograph Engraving
1. Import the greyscale / photograph bitmap into MetalCut using either the File – Import menu option

or the toolbar button

a. The file is imported as shown in the example below.

b. Select the Bitmap and the menu item Handle(W) – Bitmap Handle or the toolbar item

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c. The window below is shown

d. Select the Dither check box and then the Dot Graphic radio button.
e. Enter a value of 300 in the Resolution (pixels/inch): edit field.
f. Select the Apply to View button.
g. The bitmap is converted to a dot graphic as shown below, the denser the dots, the darker
the shade.

h. Select OK to apply the settings to the main drawing view graphic.

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The example below shows the outcome on plywood.

Card Score / Fold Lines

1. One additional option is to produce a dotted or perforated line which is particularly useful for
producing card based developments or nets.
a. In the example below, the red and green layers have been set to Vector Cut and Scan
Engrave as detailed earlier in this guide.

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b. For the black ‘fold lines’, select the material ending DOT card from the parameter library.
c. The example below shows the outcome on a coloured card.

This guide has given a brief introduction to the MetalCut software application. For a
comprehensive manual detailing ALL the software features, see the PDF document titled
RDCAM V8.0 User Manual which can be found on the USB memory stick shipped with your

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