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When Steve Jobs left Apple, many of the company's top employees followed him out

the door. Without this talented team, Apple struggled to keep up with its rivals and
lost some of its creativity.

Also, Apple tried to make too many different products and lost focus on what they
were really good at.

As a result, their products started to look old-fashioned, boring, and unappealing to


This led to a drop in sales and a decline in the company's reputation. If Apple hadn't
addressed these issues, their business could have gone bankrupt, which would have
hurt the people who owned stock in the company, the employees, and the people
who bought their products.

Impact: Why Solve ?

● Resign of Steve Jobs resulted in departure of several key employees (around
3000). As a result, Apple lost its innovative edge and struggled to keep up with
its competitors.
● Apple was trying to cater to too many markets and as a result ended up losing
focus on its core products.
● Apple’s products were becoming outdated, boring, ugly, bulky and unattractive
and as a consumer response to this, were unable to compete in the market.
● These Problems were needed to be solved because Apple was loosing its
market share and its Brand Identity. Company’s Revenue was declining and its
stock prices were dropping. If problem continued Apple would have eventually
gone Bankrupt, which would have adversely affected its shareholders,
employees and customers.

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