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International Journal of Fracture 48 : R5 7-R61, 1991 .

© 1991 Kluwer Academic Publishers . Printed in the Netherlands.



Wen Pi-hua
Department of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Central-South University of Technology
Changsha, Hunan Province, 410083
People's Republic of China

By means of the Fourier integral transform method, we can find the accurate
solution of mode I discontinuous displacement which is perpendicular to the
interface of two different media as shown in Fig . 1 . Considering the symmetry
about the x axis, the boundary conditions of this problem may be written as :

6x1(O,Y) = 6x2(01Y)
(x,0) = 0 0 < x <
xy1(O , Y) = C,2(O,Y)
O<y<co V1 (x,0)=0 0<x <d-old+X <x <~
U1(01y) = U2(01Y) (1)
1 (x,0)=h d-X<x <d+X

V1(O,Y) = U2(O,Y )

the normal stress on the x axis can be arranged as :

E1? h _ 2E1X 1 1_3 1

71 (x-d)2-?2 1t Htl44 aJ(X+d)z _, z

2ax L3d (x + - az (4x + 3d )l
(Ty1(x,0)=F(, = + .h x?0 (2)
L(x +d)- a z]

E 1h 3 1 al 2X 1 - 1+al 4?,x(d -x)

C H1 4 4 (d-x)2- X2+ H1 C 2 [(d-x)2-x,2]2


H2 = (3-µ)+(l+µ .)(3
H1= (l+µ1)+(3-µ2)R a = [(1i.L)-(1+µ2)13]/H2

Int Journ of Fracture 48 (1991)


E,µ are elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio respectively . In the same way, the
mode II displacement discontinuity solution can also be deduced . The conditon
on the x axis in (1) should be changed

ay I(x,0)=0 0<x<00

U,(x,0)=0 0<x<d=A, d+X<x<oo (3)

U, (x,0) = h d - X, - x E- d + A,

The shear stress distribution on the x axis is as follows

E12 h 2E1? 1 1 3 1
71 (x -d) 2 -?,2 It H, 4 4a (x +d) 2 -?2

2ax [3d (x + d)2 - V(4x + 3d)] (4)

ti,,(x,0) = F, _ + •h x >_ 0
[x+d) z -A2]

2E,Aj( 3 1 + (1 +a - 2 2x(d-x)
+3oc- 1 -?2 h x <0
71 4 4 H, (d-x)2-?,2 , 2 H, 1(d-x)2 12 1

Comparing (2) and (4), we find Fa(x,d,X)=FT(x,d,A,) for x ;0. Secondly, we can
use (2) to calculate the SIFs at the crack tips in Fig . 2. There the line crack is
perpendicular to the interface (i.e. y axis) and the stress boundary condition on the
upper and lower surfaces is known as f(x) (b-a < x < b+a) . To determine the
value of displacement V(x) on the crack surface, we divide the crack into many
equidistant line segments called elements (the number is n) . The middle point and
half length of the element are [1] [2]

2i - 1 a
xi =b -a + a i = 1,2, . . .,n
n n

Suppose the displacement V(x) on one element is constant, the normal stress at
element x by (2) can be written as
n n

ay(x,) F,,(xj,xj,? j )vj Fa;i ' vi j = 1,2, . . .,n (5)

If x < 0, the parameters E I,E2 and µI,µ2 in (2) should be exchanged. Let the
normal stess satisfy the boundary condition
=((x (6)
E Faj; - v;
~ .1

Int Journ of Fracture 48 (1991)


and solve this system of linear algebraic equations . We can obtain the value of
normal displacement at many points V(x) = (v1,v2, . ..,vn} . In regard to the SIFs at
points A and B, this complex problem is entirely equivalent to that of only one
medium finite plane containing one crack on the which the displacement V(x) is
given. The equivalent stress on the crack surface is

• E l &i . vi n
6yk Aki • vi k = 1,2, . . .,n (7)
i =11L[(xk -xi) 2 - X2] i

from the SW formula under the uniform normal stress on a segment [3]
• _ n n
K,(-+a) _ Bk . (Tyk = A kiBkvi (8)
k=1 i=1k=1
1ca +X l xk -X-b
B - [sin-ri1 xk -b-siri
k n a a

+ 1- xk+X-b Zl
Z+ JN1[- xk-X-b
It is worthwhile to point out if the crack tips A and B are on the left semi-plane,
the elastic modulus E l in (7) must be changed to E 2.

From this calculation process, we can find one important conclusion ; when
the normal and shear concentrated forces P and Q act on upper and lower surfaces
at the same point (the crack does not cross the interface), the SIFs K I and K 11 have
the simplest relationship

K„=QKI (9)

To observe that the numerical results vary with the number of elements, n,
we have calculated the SIFs K I for half-plane ((3 = o) . Compared with Isida's
results [4], the error

a K1 -K14' I IK141)max < 0.5% as n = 100.

Two examples are numerically calculated (n=100) in addition .

Example 1 . The bonded half-planes with a crack going through the interface (Fig .
2) .

The crack faces are subjected to equal and opposite uniform stresses 61 and
62, such that for the plane stress condtion a2 61/(3. The SIFs are

Int Journ of Fracture 48 (1991)


KA = kL na 62 KA = kL na61

KB =kR na 61 KB = kR na 6 1

The coefficients kL, kR are shown in Table 1 .

Example 2. Splitting of a body by a semi-infinite wedge (Fig . 3).

From (2), the stress boundary condition on the surface is

_ E1h 2E1 h 1 1 3 1 ax (2x +b)

f(x) 2n(b -x) n ftp,4 4 2(b +x) + 4(b +x) 3

But if b<0, the f'(x) for x<0 is more complex . The SIFs KA and KB are given in
Table 2. It is evident that the SIF on the right point B is less than zero and
lim kAB = ± 1 [5] .


[1] P .H. Wen, The Advances of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol . 3
(1989) .
[2] P .H. Wen, Shanghai Journal of Mechanics 11,1 (1990) in Chinese .

[3] G.C. Sih, Handbook of Stress Intensity Factors, Lehigh University, Bethle-
hem, PA (1973) .

[4] Isida, in Methods of Analysis and Solutions of Crack Problems, G .C. Sih (ed .)
Noordhoff, The Netherlands (1973) .
[5] G.B . Barenblatt, Advances in Applied Mechanics, Vol . 3, Academic Press,
New York (1962) .

2 January 1991 .

Int Journ of Fracture 48 (1991)


Table 1 KA kL d (r Kg- -0' '

kR [V

=O ..I j$=0 .5 =1 .5 0=4.0 10=20

kL kR k,, kR kL kR kL kR k 4, 'k*

1 .270 ---- 1 .067 1 .756 ,0 .968 0 .7 335 0 .915 0 .398 0 .878 0 .234
0 .8 1 .287 2 .432 1 .072 1 .301 0 .966 0 .873 0 .909 0 .674 0 .867 U . 541
0. 6 1 .250 1 .837 1 .063 1 .189 0 .971 0 .920 0 .925 0 ."802 0 .894 0 .729
-0 .4 1 .199 1 .512 1 .048 1 .118 0 .981 ( .952 0 .958 0 .892 0 .954 0 .870
0 .2 1 • t3h 1 . 296 1 .027 1 .065 0 .994 0 .977 1 .007 0 .963 1 .048 0 .985
ii . 0 I . 062 1 . 143 1 .001 1 .025 1 .012 0 .996 1 .074 1 .022 1 .185 1 .085
1) . 0 . 97(, 1 . 0 3 ;1, 0 .969 0 .994 I . I:)`,4 1 .012.. 1 .161 1 .071 1 .377 1 .172
0 . 4. 0 . 874 (1 . u53 0 .979 0 .970 1 .06 .024
J 1 .281 1 .111 1 .654 1 .249
.6 11 .749 0 .902
0 0 . 877 0 .9 54 1 . 102 I . 0 34 1 . 45U 1 .141 2 .088 1 .315
00 .8 0 .579 0 .878 0 .801 0 .945 1 . 162 1 .039 1 .733 1 .160 2 .929 1 .366
1 .0 0 . 2 7" 0 .888 0 .601 0 .949 1 .385 1 .036 3 .134 1 .148 9 .248 1 .361
1 .5 0 .879 0 .911 0 .950 0 .975 1 .031 1 .014 1 .105 1 .049 1 .178 1 .083
2 . 0 0 .941_ 0 .964 0 .976 0 .985 1 .015 1 . 001 1 .048 1 .027 1 .082 1 .046
4 .0 0 .987 0 .989 0 .994 0 .995 1 .0613 1 .001 1 .010 1 .006 1 .016 1 .011
.0 0 .994 0 .994
f, 0 .997 0 .996 1 .001 1 .000 1 .004 1 .002 1 .006 1 .005
* jh= A,- I/-,,
Tab 1 i 2 K Y = E h .•( 2 1{'a ) k(.b,•a ,13 (E .-III for b'/O, Ez f ur b<0)
Is s f 0 0. 6 5» 0 I ti t 4
kL k a kL kR kL k,. k L kR

--10 .0 0_974.2 -1 .0141 0 .9922 -0 .9961 1 .0155 -0 . .740 1 .0267 -0 .9640

- 5. 0 00; . 9525 -1 . 0394 0 .9869 -1 .00500 1 . 0315 -0 .9610 1 .0531 -0 .9400
1 .0 0 .8273 -1 .1668 0 .9576 -1 .0364 1 .1176 -0 .8646 1 .1935 -0 .7804
61 .0 (1 .0001 ---- 0 .8659 ----- 1 .3222 ---- 1 .4973 ----
0. 4 0 .0001 -2- 1 3659 0 .8188 -1 .2105 1 .5135 -0 .4268 1 . 9192 - 0 .0025
(1 .8 0 .0004 -1 .6748 0 .7668 -1 .1510 1 .9234 -0 .4985 3 .2831 -0 .0018
1 .2 0 .5143 -1 .3850 0 .8898 -1 .03668 1 .2912 -0 .7547 1 .4357 -0 .6011
1. 6 0 .6977 --1 .26606 0 .9345 -1 .0561 1 .1558 -0 .8141 1 .2433 -0 .7625
2 .0 0 .7801 -1 .19660 0 .9523 -1 .0414 1 .1096 -0 .8907 1 .1702 -0 .8290
5. 0 0 .9267 --1 . 0678 0 .9827 1 . 0138 1 . 0335 -0 .9636 1 .0529 -0 .9439
10 .0 0 .9641 1 .0323 0 .9904 -1 .0064 1 .0143 -0 .9826 1 .0236 --0 .9733
.xs x,- Aa- 1 / .


2 .

Figurel Figure 2 Figure 3

Int Journ of Fracture 48 (1991)

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