Engineering Applications in Sustainable Design and Development 1st Edition Striebig Solutions Manual

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Engineering Applications in

Sustainable Design and Development

1st Edition Striebig Solutions Manual
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Chapter 8: Energy Conservation and Development

8-1. List three different kinds of energy services, and identify at least two ways
that each of these energy needs can be met.


Answers will vary. Below are two examples.

Energy service: Lighting: candles, electric lights, kerosene lamp.

Energy service: Space heating: woodstove, natural gas furnace, electric heat pump.

8-2. Explain how the technologies that we design to satisfy energy needs affect
the type and amount of energy resources that we use.


The technologies that we design determine first and foremost the type of fuel used,
if it is an energy consuming technology. The primary design will determine whether
electricity, a fossil fuel, or solar energy will power the device, for example. Second,
the relative efficiency of the device will affect how much of the fuel is consumed.

8-3. What is the energy ladder?


The energy ladder is a conceptual framework that illustrates how the energy
intensity of households, the diversity of their energy services, and the diversity of
the fuels that they consume increases as household income increases. It is a way of
better understanding energy poverty, and also how economic development
contributes to the overall energy intensification of a society.

8-4. Calculate per capita energy use and energy intensity for the following
a. China
b. Australia
c. Mexico
d. Kenya
e. Germany


Note that a common error for this problem is that students confuse total energy use
and total electricity, often thinking that electricity is total energy. The relevant data
from Table 8.1 are:

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Chapter 8: Energy Conservation and Development

Total Energy Use, kiloton

Country Total Population 2011 GDP $US 2009
oil equivalent (ktoe) 2007
China 1,344,130,000 4,991,256,406,735 2,014,822
Australia 22,620,600 921,971,672,011 119,755
Mexico 114,793,341 879,703,353,505 175,937
Kenya 41,609,728 30,580,367,979 17,178
Germany 81,726,000 3,298,635,952,562 331,169

Country Per capita energy use, in ton of oil Energy intensity in ton of oil equivalent
equivalent (not ktoe, as in Table 8.1) per $GDP (not ktoe, as in Table 8.1)
a) China 1.5 0.00040
b) Australia 5.3 0.00013
c) Mexico 1.5 0.00020
d) Kenya 0.4 0.00056
e) Germany 4.1 0.00010

8-5. Plot per capita energy use for the five countries in Problem 8-4 on the y-axis,
and energy intensity on the x-axis. Does the position of the country data points make
sense? Explain why or why not.



Per capita energy use, toe equivalent


4.0 Germany


Mexico China

0.00000 0.00010 0.00020 0.00030 0.00040 0.00050 0.00060
Energy intensity, toe per $GDP

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Chapter 8: Energy Conservation and Development

Yes, this makes sense. Per capita energy use generally reflects the level of average
wealth and income in a nation, which is also a reflection of its overall level of
economic development. Energy intensity will reflect its level of industrialization,
economic development, structure of the economy, and level of economic efficiency.
Australia and Germany are highly industrialized, wealthy nations. Kenya is the
poorest, and Mexico and China continue to industrialize. Mexico probably has a
lower energy intensity than China because its industrial mix is different, and it is
more energy efficient.

8-6. What is energy poverty, and why is it a problem?


Energy poverty has no standardized definition. But it is broadly understood as the

lack of access to clean cooking fuels as well as an inability to afford (or have access
to) the formal energy sector, such as electric power, diesel, or other fuels. It is a
problem because it constrains economic development, and there is a high social cost
associated with it. Women spend many hours gathering fuelwood, the inability to
light dwellings after dark prevents children from studying and working on
homework in the evening, men work hard physical labor without power-assisted
equipment. See Box 8.7 on The Power of Microhydro on how the alleviation of
energy deprivation can help communities.

8-7. True or false: Petroleum is the fastest growing form of energy worldwide.


False. Electricity is the fastest growing form of energy use worldwide.

8-8. Calculate aggregate per capita electricity use for the least developed nations
as well as low-income, middle-income, and OECD nations (see Table 8.1). What do
these variations suggest about the capacity of these nations for economic

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Chapter 8: Energy Conservation and Development


There is nothing to calculate for this problem, as aggregate per capita electricity use
is already provided in Table 8.1 for these groups of countries. The relevant data
from the table are:

Per Capita Electricity Use, kilowatt hour (KWh)

Country 2010
Least developed countries: UN classification 180
Low income 242
Middle income 1,823
OECD members 8,281

Because electricity is the fastest growing form of energy use world-wide and is
instrumental to economic development of all kinds, we see that the least developed
and low income nations probably do not have the infrastructure needed for their
economic progress.

8-9. What is the average annual rate of depletion of global reserves for liquid
fuels, natural gas, and coal assuming no new reserves and no increase in annual
production/consumption levels?


From Example 8.2 and Table 8.4. Note that technically Qn (our ending quantity)
should be 0; however, if we use 0 in the numerator for this formula, we get an
illogical CAGR of 100%. By using a Qn of 1 (a minute quantity in this context), we can
arrive at a more meaningful number.
𝑄𝑛 (𝑡𝑛−𝑡0 )
CAGR = ( ) −1

Qn Q0 Qn/Q0 Δt 1/Δt (Qn/Q0)1/Δt CAGR

Liquid fuels (in barrels) 1 1.5E+12 6.8E-13 47 0.0213 0.551 0.449
Natural gas (in cubic
meters) 1 1.9E+14 5.26E-15 60 0.0167 0.578 0.422
coal (in metric tons) 1 8.6E+11 1.16E-12 126 0.0079 0.804 0.196

Liquid fuel reserves deplete at an average annual rate of 44.9%.

Natural gas reserves deplete at an average annual rate of 42.2%
Coal reserves deplete at an average annual rate of 19.6%.

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Chapter 8: Energy Conservation and Development

8-10. What are the three basic strategies that high-income nations can use to
improve their energy security?


1. Reduce their dependence on fossil fuels.

2. Decentralize electric power production into a system that includes more
distributed energy.
3. Develop larger (and/or more diversified) domestic supplies of energy fuels.

8-11. What are the differences between the residential, commercial, and industrial
end-use sectors?

Residential: private households.

Commercial: Business, government, and non-profit enterprises engaged primarily in


Industrial: The sector of the economy involved in the production of natural

resources and finished goods, such as mining, construction, manufacturing,
agriculture, and electric power production.

8-12. What is the distinction between source energy and site energy?


Site energy is the amount of energy actually consumed at a physical location,

building, or facility. Source energy is energy produced at a central location that is
then distributed for use at a site. For example, electricity produced at a power plant
is source energy. The electricity consumed by an office building is site energy. The
distinction between source and site energy is most important for electrical power
and district heating systems.

8-13. Consider the data presented in Figure 8.9.

a. Which end-use sectors do you think are most vulnerable to an energy
shock? Why?
b. Which fuel has the most diversified applications? Why?


Sectors that are vulnerable to energy shocks rely heavily on one or two major fuels,
and cannot readily switch to a substitute or alternative fuel. A shock could be in the
form of an abrupt price increase, a sudden lack of supply or both. From Figure 8.9,
we see the following vulnerable sectors:

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Chapter 8: Energy Conservation and Development

Transportation, because 94% of its energy comes from petroleum.

Residential, because 76% of its primary energy (energy produced and consumed on
site) is from natural gas.

Industrial, because it relies evenly (at~ 40% each) on natural gas and petroleum.

8-14. Consider the energy content of the different fossil fuels and their EROI.
Discuss why it will be difficult to shift the global energy system away from these


Very simply, the high energy content of fossil fuels, as well as the infrastructure that
has evolved over time to process and extract them, creates a very high energy
returned on energy invested. We get much more energy from our time and effort
from fossil fuels than from renewables.

8-15. Calculate the energy content of the following in both MJ and Btu:

a. 10 tons of coal
b. 2 barrels of oil
c. 4000 KWh
d. A quad of natural gas


The purpose of this question is to help students conceptualize the energy content of
different forms of fuel in their most commonly discussed units (e.g., ton of coal,
barrel of oil, and so on).

a. A ton of coal contains 25 million Btu (MMBtu) and 1 MJ = 948 Btu (as given in
Table 8.3).

10 x 25 MMbtu = 250 MMBtu

250 MMBtu ÷ 948 Btu = 263,713.1 MJ

b. A barrel of crude oil contains 5.1 MMbtu and 1 MJ = 948 Btu (as given in
Table 8.3).

2 x 5.1 MMbtu = 10.2 MMbtu

10.2 MMBtu ÷ 948 Btu = 10,759.5 MJ

c. One kilowatt hour contains 3412 Btu and 1 MJ = 948 Btu (as given in Table

4000 kWh x 3412 Btu = 13.6 MMBtu

13.6 MMBtu ÷ 948 Btu = 14,346 MJ
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Chapter 8: Energy Conservation and Development

d. A quad of natural gas contains 1015 Btu and 1 MJ = 948 Btu (as given in Table 8.3).

1015 Btu ÷ 948 Btu = 105.5 x 1010 MJ

8-16. Which has more energy in MJ: 1 toe or 1 bbl?


From Table 8.3, 1 toe=41.868 GJ and 1 bbl=5.1 MMBtu. Converting 1 bbl to

gigajoules, we get:
5,100,000 𝐵𝑡𝑢 × × = 5.4 𝐺𝐽
948 𝐵𝑡𝑢 1000 𝑀𝐽
Therefore, 1 ton of oil equivalent has more energy content than a barrel of oil.

8-17. Why does a gallon of gasoline have slightly more energy than a gallon of
crude oil?


Because gasoline is refined, the impurities in crude oil have been removed.
Consequently gasoline as a little more energy content than crude oil.

8-18. Consider an electric power plant that generates 5,256,000 MWh of electricity
per year. How much of the following resources are required to provide this much
power? Report your results in metric tons.

a Fuel oil #6
b. Natural gas
c. A coal blend composed of 60% bituminous coal and 40% anthracite coal.


Converting megawatt hours to megajoules:

5,256,000MWh x 1,000kWh/MWh x 3412Btu/kWh x 1MJ/948Btu=1.89 x 1010 MJ

Remember that an electric power plant is only 33% efficient, so we need to multiply
the output energy by 3 to account for losses.

a. (1.89 x 1010 MJ) x 1 kg/42.5MJ x 1 metric ton/1000kg x 3 = 1,334,118 metric

tons of fuel oil #6.

b. (1.89 x 1010 MJ) x 1 kg/53MJ x 1 metric ton/1000kg x 3 = 1,069,812 metric

tons of natural gas.

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Chapter 8: Energy Conservation and Development

c. The weighted energy content of this coal mixture is .6(28.5MJ/kg) +


(1.89 x 1010 MJ) x 1 kg/27.4MJ x 1 metric ton/1000kg x 3 = 2,069,343 metric tons of


8-19. What is the distinction between a reserve and a resource?


A natural resources is a substance (or living organism) that society benefits from
and uses. A reserve estimates the physical quantity of an abiotic substance that is
can be economically extracted with known technologies.

8-20. Refer to the data in Table 8.4 to answer the following questions:

a. Calculate the amount of liquid fuels, natural gas, and coal consumed globally
in the base year given.

b. Assume that coal consumption is not flat, but growing at a rate of 4% a year.
What would the reserve-to-production ratio be for this growth rate?

c. What would the annual rate of increase in natural gas reserves need to be in
order to have a reserve-to-production ratio of 125 years? (Assuming
consumption does not increase)

d. Assume that liquid fuels consumption is increasing by 6.3% a year. What

would the annual rate of increase in reserves need to be in order to have a
reserve-to-production ratio of 75 years?

a. 1,471.2 billion bbl/47 years = 31.3 billion bbl/yr
190 trillion m3/60.2 years = 3.2 m3/yr
860 billion tonnes/126.3 years = 6.8 tonnes/yr

b. 860 billion tonnes = 6.8 billion tonnes/yr (1.04)n, solving for n, n = between
123 and 124 years.

c. x = 3.2 trillion m3/yr x 125 years = 400 trillion m3

CAGR = (400 trillion m3/190 trillion m3)1/125 -1 = 0.6%

d. x = 31.3 billion bbl/yr (1.063)75 = 3,059 billion bbl

CAGR = (3059 billion bbl/1471 bbl)1/75 -1 = 0.98%

8-21. Why is the Hubbert Curve for peak oil not a model of the rate of oil depletion?

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Chapter 8: Energy Conservation and Development


The Hubbert Curve is a not an estimate or model of the rate of oil depletion. It is a
model of the point in time at which the rate of production of oil is no longer growing
at the same rate as the demand for oil. Peak Oil models the rate of oil production,
not the volume of reserves relative to the rate of depletion.

8-22. Make the argument that uranium is (a) a finite resource, (b) a renewable
resource, and (c) and an infinitely renewable resource.


a. Uranium is a finite resource because it is a metallic element that does not

have the ability to regenerate itself.
b. Uranium is a renewable resource because we can recover and “recycle” it, or
at least reprocess it as a nuclear fuel.

c. Uranium is an infinitely renewable resource because, as an elemental metal,

it is theoretically infinitely recoverable and resuable.

8-23. Below is a table that lists major U.S. cities and their available sun-hours.
City Sun- City Sun-hours
Fairbanks, Alaska 3.99 Portland, Oregon 4.51
Phoenix, Arizona 6.58 Chicago, Illinois 3.14
Los Angeles, California 5.62 Miami, Florida 5.62
New York City 4.08 San Antonio, Texas 5.30

a. How much electricity does a 4-KW solar PV system in Chicago generate in a

b. How large would a PV system need to be in Fairbanks, New York City, and
Miami to generate the same amount of electricity in a year as a 2-KW system
in Phoenix?
c. Miami is further south than Phoenix, so in principle it should have more sun-
hours per year than Phoenix. What are some reasons why it does not?


a. 4kW x 3.14 sun-hours x 365 days = 4,584.4 kWh per year

b. Using the same equation as in (a), the Phoenix system generates 4,803.4 kWh/yr.
Using the same equation as in (a) and solving for X, where X represents the size of
the system:

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Chapter 8: Energy Conservation and Development

 The PV system in Fairbanks should be 3.3 kW

 The PV system in New York City should be 3.2 kW
 The PV system in Miami should be 2.3 kW

c. The basic reason is weather and climate. Southern Florida gets more rain than
Phoenix (a semi-arid climate) because it is a coastal climate and also experiences
seasonal hurricanes.

8-24. Countries in certain kinds of climates do not have the four seasons of winter,
spring, summer and fall. Instead, they have relatively little temperature variation,
but “wet seasons” and “dry seasons” that can last for several weeks each. What are
the implications of this climate pattern if you wanted to design and install:

a. A solar hot water heating system

b. A solar PV system that is independent of the electric power grid (e.g.,
it stores all of its excess electricity in batteries).


a. The output of a solar hot water system may be significantly diminished on days
during the rainy season depending on how long it rains during the day and how
frequently it rains. A back up, or alternative, hot water supply would be needed
during this time.

b. For a PV system, the battery bank would have to store electricity for more days
than would be needed during the dry season. Battery storage would need to be sized
based on days of back-up supply needed during the rainy season.

8-25. Rank-order the following sectors in terms of the amount of greenhouse

gasses they generate, from highest to lowest: waste, industrial process, agriculture,
international transport, and primary energy production.


This answer requires an interpretation of both Figures 8.17 and 8.19. The order is:
1. Primary energy production (energy supply). 2. Industrial process. 3. Agriculture.
4/5. Waste or road transport depending on interpretation of the graphs.

8-26. True or false: In the United States, the transportation sector generates more
greenhouse gas than the electric power sector.


False. (From Figure 8.18)

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Chapter 8: Energy Conservation and Development

8-27. True or false: globally, deforestation contributes more to net greenhouse gas
emissions than do the residential and commercial building sectors.


False (from Figure 8.19)

8-28. What is EROI, and why is it a helpful energy metric?


Energy return on energy invested. It helps us understand the cost of obtaining

energy more from a life cycle perspective, as it includes the energy involved with
raw materials extraction and processing. It allows us to avoid developing and
exploiting energy resources that may require more energy to obtain that we get
from using them.

8-29. What are the energy conservation gains from the following:

a. Switching from a single 60-watt incandescent bulb that burns for 6 hours per
day to a 13-watt CFL.

b. Using pure biodiesel instead of motor gasoline for an automobile that travels
60,000 miles per year with a fuel economy of 28 mpg.

c. Replacing a heat pump with a COP of 3.2 with a heat pump with a COP of 2.6,
if the heating load is 43.3 million Btu per year.

d. Replacing an air conditioner with an EER of 11 with a unit that has an EER of
14, if the cooling load is 22 million Btu per year.

e. Upgrading a natural gas furnace from one with 88% efficiency to one with
92% efficiency, if the heating load is 55 million Btu per year.


a. (60w – 13w) x 6 hrs/day x 365 days/yr ÷ 1000 watts = 103 kWh/yr energy

b. 60,000 miles per year ÷ 28 mpg = 2,143 gallons per year energy savings

c. From Example 8.9:

Annual heating load in kWh = 12690.5 kWh/yr

Power required for COP 3.2 = 12690.5 kWh/yr ÷ 3.2 = 3,965.8 kWh/yr
Power required for COP 2.6 = 12690.5 kWh/yr ÷ 2.6 = 4,881 kWh/yr

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Chapter 8: Energy Conservation and Development

We have replaced a more efficient system with a less efficient one, resulting
in an increased energy use of 915.2 kWh per year.

d. From Example 8.9:

𝐵𝑡𝑢 𝑐𝑜𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡
𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑡 − ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑐 𝑖𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡

So, a SEER 11 means that a system produces 11 Btu of cooling output for every watt-
hour of electric input.

22 𝑀𝑀𝐵𝑡𝑢
𝑆𝐸𝐸𝑅 14 𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = = 1,571,429 𝑊ℎ = 1,571 𝑘𝑊ℎ
14 𝐵𝑡𝑢

22 𝑀𝑀𝐵𝑡𝑢
𝑆𝐸𝐸𝑅 11 𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = = 2,000,000 𝑊ℎ = 2,000 𝑘𝑊ℎ
11 𝐵𝑡𝑢

2,000 𝑘𝑊ℎ − 1,571 𝑘𝑊ℎ = 429 𝑘𝑊ℎ 𝑖𝑛 𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝑠𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟

e. 55 MMbtu/.92 = 60 MMBtu
55 MMBtu/.88 = 63 MMBtu
The more efficient system creates 3 MMBtu of energy savings per year.

8-30. Estimate the avoided yearly CO2 emissions from the following:

a. Switching from a single 60-watt incandescent bulb that burns for 6 hours per
day to a 13-watt CFL.

b. Using pure biodiesel instead of motor gasoline for an automobile that travels
60,000 miles per year with a fuel economy of 28 mpg.

c. Replacing an air conditioner with an EER of 11 with a unit that has an EER of
14, if the cooling load is 22 million Btu per year.

d. Upgrading a natural gas furnace from one with 88% efficiency to one with
92% efficiency, if the heating load is 55 million Btu per year.


From Table 8.5:

a. 103 kWh/yr in site energy x 3 = 309 kWh/yr in source energy

309 kWh x 3412 Btu/kWh x 1MMBtu/106 Btu = .351 MMBtu
.351 MMBtu x 94.38 kg CO2/MMBtu = 33.2 kg CO2

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Chapter 8: Energy Conservation and Development

b. 2,143 gallons x 0.125 MMBtu/gal x 70.22 kg CO2/MMBtu = 18,810 kg CO2

c. 429 𝑘𝑊ℎ in site energy x 3 = 1,287 kWh/yr in source energy

Solving same as (a) above, 414 kg CO2

d. 3 MMBtu x 53.02 kg CO2/MMBtu = 159 kg CO2

8-31. What are the two different kinds of CHP systems?


Topping cycle CHP systems use waste heat and steam for steam or hot water

Bottoming cycle CHP systems use waste heat for electric power production; this is
less commonly done, as it requires high intensity waste heat from such operations
as industrial furnaces and high temperature industrial processes.

8-32. Define and discuss the features of distributed energy.


Distributed energy is located on or near the sites in which it will be used, and it
generally produces energy at much smaller scales and intensities that conventional
energy systems. Distributed energy can be a stand alone system at a single site, or
may also be connected into a system. Distributed energy systems allow us to use
intermittent renewable energy more effectively that a large centralized power
system might be able to, and they help to diversify energy resources.

8-33. What conditions need to be met in order for an appropriate technology to be

successful and sustainable over the long run?


Appropriate technology is discussed more in Chapter 12 as well. Based on the

information provided here, especially from Box 8.8, Why Wasn’t the Play Pump a
Success?, the most critical factors are that: the materials to make the technology as
well as fuels should be locally sourced, there should be a local capacity to repair the
system, and spare parts must be available. The technology should also have been
appropriately field-tested to avoid failures, which can cause suspicion and a lack of
trust by the community.

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Chapter 8: Energy Conservation and Development

8-34. Which aspects of the water–energy nexus are most important where you

Answers will vary.

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