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1. Feed Forward Control

-also called as preliminary control, are accomplished before a work activity begins.

2. Concurrent Controls

- focus on what happens during the work process. Sometimes called steering controls, they
monitor ongoing operations and activities to make sure things are better than according to plan.

3. Feedback Controls

- also called post action controls. Take place after work is completed.

Pre-action (feedforward control) deals with the collection of information about the lack of performance
as it occurs . The goal is to avoid problems or deficiencies before they occur .

Steering control ( concurrent control ) is to gather information about the lack of performance as it
occurs .

Screening control, also known as yes/no control, focuses on meeting standards for product or service
quality or quantity during the transformation process

Post action control, also known as feedback control, focuses on the outputs of the organization after the
transformation process is complet

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