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1. Philosophy could applied to which of the following arms of education. a. Educational

management b. Childhood education c. Business education d. All of d above.

2. The socratic method of teaching is also known as.......... a. Socrates b. Dialetics c.

Project method d. Problem method.

3. The problem method was instituted by.......... a. Dewey b. Froebel c. Pestalzzi d.


4. Which of the following school of thought lays much stress on functionality of ideas? a.
Existensialism b. Realism c. Idealism d. Pragmatism.

5. ............... is fondly regarded as the originator of kindergaten. a. Dewey b. Froebel c.

Pestalzzi d. Montessori.

6. What is the philosophy underpinning the present policy on education in Nigeria? a.

Idealism b. Realism c. Existensialism d. Eclecticism.

7. Values are either intrinsic or........... a. Exclusive b. Extrinsic c. Trinsic d. Inclusive.

8. Kindergarten is a german word for....... a. Kids &garten b. Garden egg c. Children's

Garden d. Who is in the garden?

9. A Curriculum which focuses on the interest of the learner is......... a. Subject-centred b.

Teacher - centred c. Child centred d. Curriculum - centred.

10. The teacher who believes that his major duty in the class is to help a child deliver his / her
intellect pregnancy is most likely to be.......... a. An Idealist b.A realist c.An Existentialist
d.A perrenialist.

11. Which of the following schools of thought in education is an offshoot of pragmatism? a.

Existentialism b. Progressivism c. Naturalism d. Essentialiam.

12. Which of the following philosophers is associated with Naturalism in Education? a. J P

Satre b. J JRosseau c. M Montessori d. R S Peters.

13. Rote learning is synonymous to............. a. Memorization b. Intelligent-quotient c.

Group study d. Demonstration.

14. One of the following names is strange in philosophy of Education.......... a. John Dewey
b. Maria Montessori c. Albert Einstein d. Frederick Froebel.

15. Which of the following schools of thought in education explains existence in terms of
working of the mind? a. Idealism b. Pragmatism c. Realism d. Progressivism.
16. Problem solving ability of learners is........... a. Pragmatic b. Rationalistic c. Scholastic
d. None.

17. J JRosseau's Curriculum is divided into how many? a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four.

18. Which of the following philosophers laid much emphasis on the synergy between home
education and school education? a. Pestalozzi b. Montessori c. Froebel d. Aristotle.

19. Froebel was highly influenced by which of these philosophers? a. Pestalozzi b.

Montessori c. Plato d. Aristotle.

20. ........................... Is an advocate of realism in the classroom. a. Aristotle b. God c.

Goodluck d. Plato.

21. Which of the following is not a preoccupation of philosophy? a. Pursuit of wisdom b.

Analysis of terms c. Critique of ideologies d. Dogmatisation

22. Methods of philosophy include.......... a. Socratic & speculative b. Deductive &

inductive c. Analytic & existential d. All of d above
23. Speculation in philosophy means.............. a. To project b. To adumbrate c.To
hypothesise d. All of the above
24. "Axios" in education means........... a. Concept b. Theory c. Principle d. Value

25. The schools of thought in philosophy are......... a. Five b. Fifty c. Ten d. Many

26. The grand theorist in education include.......... a. Dewey & Comenius b. Pestalozzi &
Froebel c. Socrates & Plato d. All of the above.

27. Empirical knowledge is acquired through.......... a. Experience b. Observation c.

Experiment d. All of the above.
28. In order to deal with educational problems properly, there is need to apply......... a.
Educational fators b. Rationality principle c. Irrational principle d. Theoretocal principle.

29. If you as an educator sees your learner as "matter", then you are likened to be
a/an............... a. Cosmologist b. Idealist c. Realist d. Vegetarian
30. Which of the following is not a core branch in philosophy? a. Metaphysics b.
Epistemology c. Axiology d. Philosophy of Education.

31. Philosophy of Education as an academic discipline is.......... a. Formal b. Intuitive c.

Inductive d. Speculative.

32. "Sophia" in the process of child training means.......... a. Achievement b. Knowledge c.

Experiment d. Wisdom.

33........................ Is the process of life-long learning. a. Education b. Indoctrination c.

Instruction d. Teaching.
34. "Episteme" in Epistemology means.................... a. After b. Knowledge c. Study d.

35. "Meta" in Metaphysics means........... a. Beyond b. Before c. Below d. Under.

36. Metaphysics concerns itself with which of the following a. Being as being b. Essence c.
Supersensible d. All of the above.

37. "Logos" in Epistemology means a. After b. Knowledge c. Study d. Value.

38. Moral philosophy is synonymous with a. Aesthetics b. Gnoseology c. Ethics d.


39. Epistemology is also called......... a. Aesthetics b. Gnoseology c. Ethics d. Ontology.

40. Which of the following is not an applied branch of philosophy? a. Philosophy of science
b. Philosophy of Education c. Philosophy of Religion d. Moral philosophy.

41. "Tabula rasa" is an expression for...... a. Raised table b. Empty slate c. Table & rose d.
Table & erase.
42. Axiology is divided into .............ethnics .....................asthestic...................

43. The montessori method of teaching is traceable to a medical doctor based in.......... a.
Swiss b. Rome c. America d. Britain.
1,D. 6.C. 11.B. 16.
2,B. 7,B. 12.B.. 17.B OR C.
3,A. 8.C. 13.A.. 18.A.
4,C. 9.C. 14.C.19.A.
5,B. 10.A.15.A. 20.A.


24.D. 25.D. 26.C. 27.ALL OF D ABOVE.
28.A. 29.C 30.D. 31.A
32.D. 33.D. 34.B. 35.A.
36.ALL OF D ABOVE. 37.C. 38.C.
39.B. 40.D. 41.B. 42.ETHNICS/ASTHESTIC.

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