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Subject : Mathematics
Class/Semester : IV/1
Time Allocation : 2 x 35 minutes (12th Meeting)
Based Competence : 4.1 Understanding and Measuring Angles

Indicator : 1. Angles

I. Objectives
1. Pupils will be able to state that an angle is formed when two straight lines meet at
a point (or vertex).
2. Pupils will be able to use two ways in naming angles (for example, <ABC and

II. Learning Material

Angles can be seen and measured when two lines meet at a point.

III. Learning Model and Method

- Model : Problem Based Learning
- Methode : Observation video, tasking and discussion (questions and answer)

IV. Learning Procedure

1. Pre Teaching (± 5 minutes)
a. Greeting
b. Checking attendance list of students
c. Give an impression and motivation to the students
d. To tell the objectives

2. While Teaching (± 50 minutes)

a. Give videos about angles.
link: and
b. Give a chance to students for giving their opinios about video
c. Give some example about the lesson from quizizz (
gc=812969 )
d. Give the task to students (PB pg: 87 and 90)
e. Give guidance to students who got difficulty when do the task
f. When the students finished with their task, teacher and students correct the task

3. Post Teaching (± 15 minutes)

a. Reviewing
b. Giving the chance to the students to asking about the lesson
c. Giving information about lesson on next meeting.
d. Closing

V. Material, Media and Source Learning

Material : Videos
Media : Quizizz
Source : Book My Pals Are Here (Pupil’s Book page : 86-90)

VI. Evaluation
Technique : Written
Form : Essay

Pekanbaru, September
Known by,
Principal Of Witama Nasional PlusPrimary Mathematics Teacher

Martha Mutiara Lestari, S.Pd Intan Tirta Sari, S.Pd

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