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Concept Map Template: Mental Health Nursing

Using evidence-based research, fill in the boxes of the concept map for the assigned mental health Shadow Health
Simulation or HESI Patient Review/Case Study. All the boxes must have data from the case study or the textbook if there
is no data in the case study to get credit for this assignment. Thank you.

Nursing Assessment of the List your nursing interventions (at

Risk for injury related illness with the case study. least 3 with a rationale as to why
to excessive energy and you pick the interventions. Write
Subjective and Objective
restlessness, paranoid them here:
Assessment Data
thoughts, poor impulse
1. Provide the patient with
control, self-destructive -Patient was found by the
structured, solitary
behavior and sleeping 3 policemen with his erratic
activities that do not
hours or fewer in the behavior. Patient stated that he
present a risk for injury
past few days. currently feels euphoric and
such as playing calm
extremely energetic. He has not
music, reading magazines,
slept for few days and not used
drawing, and coloring to
any substance drugs in four
List the psychosocial factors of keep the patient
the illness: days. Patient reports frequently
having extremely high energy
-History of suicide attempt 2. Remove anything that
and mood changes. Patient has
-Substance drug use could cause injury such as
history of depression and was
patient’s belongings,
-Mood changes taking antidepressant but
sharp objects, and
stopped and has history of
-lack of social support hazardous material for
suicide attempt.
safety and to avoid
anything that can harm
Drug Treatment: the patient.
Based on your data, what is the 3. Move the patient to a
-antidepressant (patient problem statement?
can’t recall the name) private room that close to
- Patient is risk for injury the nurse station to easily
due to lack of sleep, self- monitor the patient and
destructiveness ensuring safety of the
behavior, poor impulse other patient.
List Therapy associated control, excessive
with this diagnosis: energy, and restlessness.
Evaluate how the
-cognitive behavioral interventions are working.
therapy What is your goal for this -The goal was met; patient
-family-focused therapy client? remain injury free during
focused physical exam and
-group or individual - Patient will not
while waiting to be evaluated
psychoeducational present with new
by the psychiatric provider.
therapy injuries when a
The interventions helped
focused physical exam
reduce the patient’s risk of
is performed.

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